[19:58] * @Lyni wakes up to the warmth of the morning~ Ah yes, summer is finally around the corner, and... wait. The girl rushes over to her closet and groans, finding only long sleeved outfits fit for chillier weather. She throws together a lighter outfit consisting of a long-sleeved shirt and jeans that's still too warm for this season and heads out. Realizing it would probably be a good idea to grab some other people, Lyni runs down the hallways, knocking on every door she sees to wake people up~
[19:58] <@Lyni> (I am not sorry)
[20:00] * Michael stirs a little at the sound of knocking at his door, but returns to sleep. It isn't until the sudden poke of a familiar broom knocks him to the floor that he groggily gets up.
[20:00] * ~Karu is in the midst of a cycle, not yet requiring sleep and as such has been preparing materials all night. Answering the door, he agrees to come along acknowledging the needs for fabrics and such, as well as the need for a few household items.
[20:01] * @Talon_Reid is not in his room at the arena
[20:01] * Zachary raises his head up from his stupor. The infamous man was resting against a tree outside in the warm summer morning air. He spins Gunnlogi in its sheath around his body and attaches it to his back. The man stands up and exhales a small jet of fire for no reason.
[20:01] * Michael opens the door and puts on as bright an expression as he can muster in this tired state at the sight of who it is, agreeing to come along, especially after realizing the terrible condition of his clothing
[20:02] * @Lyni drags everyone she can and looks around, confused
[20:03] * dwayna|Food is now known as Dwayna
[20:03] <@Lyni> Where's Talon? I thought he would be in his room~
[20:03] <@Lyni> (Dway~ ♥)
[20:03] <Dwayna> (hello)
[20:03] <Michael> You know how he is...he's probably training somewhere or eating his weight in food
[20:03] <@Talon_Reid> (at least 4 times his weight)
[20:04] * ~Karu shrugs uncertainly. "You seem to have better grasp than I."
[20:04] * @Lyni rolls her eyes and makes a small ice plane, sending it to Talon's nose based on his signature temperature
[20:04] * Zachary enters the arena, looking for a bathroom.
[20:05] * @Talon_Reid orders a new coffee because his just got a chunk of ice in it.
[20:06] <@Lyni> Eh, we'll find him when we can~ Anyways, is there a place where we can go shopping around here, brother?
[20:07] * Zachary perks his ear to the sound of voices and walks down the hallway to find it.
[20:07] <~Karu> The commercial district, to the east.
[20:07] <~Karu> The bazaar is only open on saturdays but all the regular shops will be open.
[20:08] <Zachary> Well, ani't this a surprise.
[20:08] * Zachary walks up to Karu and Lyni.
[20:08] <~Karu> ...Ira, I never...
[20:08] * @Lyni turns to the new figure and raises an eyebrow in surprise
[20:09] <Zachary> Never what?
[20:09] * @Lyni whispers "never used your underwear" while giggling
[20:09] <~Karu> Expected to see you, of course.
[20:10] * Dwayna stirs slightly, moaning a little bit at the light shining on her face. She fades in and out of consciousness for a little bit before finally waking up and stretching her limbs. There had been a slight tapping noise, she thought, so she got up and peered out her door.
[20:10] * ~Karu offers a slight smile at the quip.
[20:10] * Michael blinks at the sight of this newcomer, having never seen him before...at least, as far as he can recall
[20:10] * Zachary ignores the girl and holds his hand out to Karu.
[20:10] <Zachary> It's been a while, old friend.
[20:10] <@Lyni> (Dway's joining ussss ♥)
[20:10] <@Lyni> Hey, I still exist!
[20:10] * ~Karu offers a firm shake. "Indeed, would you care to join a shopping trip?"
[20:11] <Dwayna> (yes, I have some time)
[20:11] <@Lyni> (yayyy
![Laugh :D :D](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Laugh.png)
[20:11] * Zachary adjusts his scarf with his free hand, "Of course. It'll give me something to do while waiting for orders."
[20:11] <@Talon_Reid> (give me something to do Talon is in a small coffee shop near the main commercial street)
[20:11] <Dwayna> Did someone come knocking?
[20:11] <Zachary> (giant butt ninja's start to attack main commerical street, Tailon, gogogogogogogo)
[20:12] * @Lyni sends another barrage of planes at Talon shaped as letters spelling "SHOPPING", hoping he gets the message
[20:12] <Michael> I'm surprised I haven't, uh...met you after hanging around here all this time, sir...If you're a friend of Karus though, then it's a pleasure to meet you
[20:12] <~Karu> Then let's grab some coffee, as you folk are so prone.
[20:12] <@Talon_Reid> (butt ninjas are a non agressive people how dare you o:<)
[20:12] <@Lyni> (XD)
[20:12] * @Lyni waves at Dwayna and hugs her~
[20:12] * Zachary takes out a flask and takes a swig out of it.
[20:12] <@Lyni> Yes, we were just going to get coffee and go shopping~
[20:13] * Zachary offers some to Karu.
[20:13] * Dwayna hugs Lyn back, nodding in understanding
[20:13] * ~Karu waves it off.
[20:13] <Michael> Sounds like the sorta thing my classmates would always talk about doing on the weekends...It's kinda weird to be doing something like this myself...
[20:13] <~Karu> None for me, thnks.
[20:13] * Zachary shrugs, he turns to Michael and holds his hand out.
[20:13] <Zachary> Major Zachary Odin Socrates Ira.
[20:14] <Dwayna> I will be happy to come, as long as there is also tea.
[20:14] * Michael gladly shakes Zachary's hand, blinking at the long name, but smiling all the same
[20:14] <@Lyni> I'm not too familiar with the place, but hopefully yes~
[20:15] <Michael> So...Zachary then? I believe my robot mentioned something about you once. Name's Michael Tourniquet. Nice to meet you
[20:15] <~Karu> Ah, then perhaps I shall lead.
[20:15] <Dwayna> then i will get properly dressed.
[20:15] <Zachary> Likewise, I remember the robot. He was a fierce opponent.
[20:15] <@Lyni> Alrighty~
[20:15] * Zachary sinisterly grins, "But nothing I couldn't handle."
[20:16] <@Lyni> and Brother, might be best, yes
[20:16] <Michael> Well, I'd hope he was at least a reasonable challenge. He's the only thing keeping my skin intact these days
[20:17] * ~Karu dusts himself off, smiling in mid note of the interactions occuring whilst waiting for the last piece of their party to don garb.
[20:17] * Dwayna lightly closes the door, retrieving some clothing and quickly changing into them, not one to care for make-up, taking about five minutes before returning to open the door, wearing some simple jeans and a black t-shirt with an intricate dragon design on it
[20:18] <Dwayna> (are we human, or...?)
[20:18] <@Lyni> (we're all a mix)
[20:19] <Dwayna> (alright then)
[20:19] <Michael> Two new people then? Probably should'a expected I haven't met all of you crazy folk yet I guess...
[20:19] <@Talon_Reid> (chat RP canon)
[20:19] <@Talon_Reid> (anything goes)
[20:19] <@Lyni> (what Tai said)
[20:19] <@Lyni> (iirc most of us are human or at least appear human, but anything goes)
[20:19] <~Karu> (GOJIRA)
[20:19] <~Karu> (OMFG)
[20:19] <~Karu> (TAILON)
[20:19] <~Karu> (Query =,D)
[20:19] <~Karu> (Anyway)
[20:20] * @Lyni blinks when she realizes something is missing. She draws a few arbitrary symbols in the air and something in the air shimmers a bit...
[20:20] <@Talon_Reid> (although dragon forme may be impractical)
[20:20] * Aegislash (
limnoria@h-D7D05AFA.public.utexas.edu) has joined #CharmsRP
[20:20] <@Lyni> (there)
[20:20] * ~Karu blinks, sniffing the air.
[20:20] * Dwayna curls her emerald wings around herself in such a way that they look like a cloak, pushing her brunette locks of hair over her draconic ears to hide them a little bit
[20:21] * ~Karu shrugs, not so finely in tune to quite recognise what changed in the merged realm.
[20:21] <~Karu> All we must do is simply take a right here, then go straight on to...
[20:22] * ~Karu rambles on, directing to a quiet glass fronted cafe a short ten minutes away from the rooms with a pleasant murmur of conversation filtering through.
[20:22] * Michael rubs his eyes as he attempts to follow along, still quite groggy, making efforts to avoid colliding into others
[20:22] <~Karu> (Zacky that cover is pretty damn cool)
[20:22] <Dwayna> Ready when you are, Lyni.
[20:23] * @Talon_Reid is sat at an outside table, sipping his new coffee and reading a novel.
[20:23] * Zachary follows Karu, hanging back from the group of people. He kept fidgting with his gauntlet that had a diamond embedded near the wist.
[20:23] <Zachary> wrist*
[20:23] * @Lyni grabs Dway's hand and follows Karu to the cafe
[20:24] * ~Karu steps eerily in behind Talon with a slightly bemused expression.
[20:24] <~Karu> Fancy running into you here, magister.
[20:24] * @Lyni spots Talon and blinks, before inflating her cheeks in mock anger
[20:24] <@Talon_Reid> 'morning Aquaman.
[20:24] <@Lyni> I thought you got my message!
[20:24] <@Talon_Reid> The ice you dropped in my coffee?
[20:24] * Michael stumbles in behind Karu and Lyni, eventually catching sight of Talon and giving a weak wave in greeting
[20:24] <@Lyni> Yes, that.
[20:25] <Zachary> Still taking your coffee black, I see, Talon.
[20:25] <@Talon_Reid> Which I ws drinking by the way.
[20:25] <@Talon_Reid> Fireman?
[20:25] <@Talon_Reid> I had heard you were dead.
[20:25] * Dwayna is tugged along by Lyn, blushing lightly at the contact. It had been a long time since she was last social with people, so she spent the time composing herself in a presentable manner. When they arrived, her emerald gaze flickers over the people who are already gathered
[20:25] <Zachary> (I am dead, but not yet)
[20:25] * ~Karu chuckles.
[20:25] <~Karu> The flow of time is convoluted as well as space in this realm.
[20:25] <Zachary> (this RP is before Zachary's death, i think)
[20:25] <@Talon_Reid> (Talon hasn't seen Zachary in a long time)
[20:26] <@Talon_Reid> (twas a rumor)
[20:26] <Zachary> I'm not dead, I've been at home.
[20:26] <Michael> Space, time, I don't care, I'm grabbing a coffee
[20:26] <@Talon_Reid> Well obviously you're not dead.
[20:26] <~Karu> Please, allow me to pick up everyone's tabs on behalf of the tournament for running so late. Give them my name at the till.
[20:27] <@Lyni> Okay~
[20:27] * Zachary turns away and takes another swig out of his flask, hiding it from everyone.
[20:27] <Michael> Hey, long as it keeps me away from my home planet, you can delay things as long as you want
[20:27] * @Talon_Reid notes the booze but ignores it.
[20:27] * @Lyni grins and orders about six cups of coffee, because she can~
[20:27] <Zachary> Oh no, missy.
[20:28] <@Lyni> hm?
[20:28] <Zachary> I won't have you bouncing off the walls.
[20:28] * ~Karu takes a seat opposite the mage, conjuring a small swirling torrent of water twixt forefinger and thumb, practising new trick
[20:28] * @Talon_Reid quietly tells the waitress to just bring the one.
[20:28] * @Lyni pouts
[20:28] * Dwayna sighs softly, a slight smirk appearing on her lips.
[20:28] * Zachary gives Lyni a death stare, noting he was serious.
[20:28] <@Lyni> fine
[20:28] * Michael orders a single cup, grabbing a fist-full of sugar and spilling it into the coffee, proceeding to pour a bunch of cream in as well
[20:28] <Dwayna> I would like a tea for myself, thank you.
[20:29] <@Talon_Reid> Not a coffee fan, Michael?
[20:29] * @Lyni takes her coffee with a bit of cream and no sugar, sipping a bit~
[20:29] <Zachary> Bring me a milkshake, toots.
[20:29] <Michael> Not really...just drink it to wake up
[20:29] * Zachary slaps the waitress' ass as she walked by, winking at her.
[20:29] * Dwayna also grabs a couple of sugars and a couple of creams
[20:29] <Michael> Quite the gentleman, aren't you sir?
[20:30] * ~Karu pinches it, the water slowly cooling into a frosted glass with purest water within. A courteous and semi-apologtic smile is dispensed to the red haired waitress who casts him a glare as she brings the drinks and such before skittering away
[20:30] * @Lyni shoots Zacky a death glare and poors the rest of her hot coffee on his back
[20:30] * Zachary laughs as the hot coffee slides down his back, not scalding him one bit.
[20:30] * @Talon_Reid borrows some of Karu's water to splash at Zachary from afar.
[20:31] <@Lyni> right, so, because Talon hasn't heard~
[20:31] * Zachary gets splashed, steam rising off of his brow.
[20:31] <Michael> You fellas are gonna get us thrown out at this rate...
[20:31] <@Lyni> we're going shopping!
[20:31] <~Karu> Shade, refills for my friends if you please... I'll happily double for the inconvenience.
[20:31] * Dwayna sighs softly and quietly enjoys her tea, still just peering at the other people in the group.
[20:31] * Zachary leans back and slurps on his milkshake. He belches loudly and winks at the waitress named Shade.
[20:31] <@Lyni> And I'm putting everyone in pretty prom dresses because you guys totally have the body~
[20:31] <@Lyni> I mean
[20:32] <Michael> Funny, funny...
[20:32] <~Karu> At this, the woman returns with refills.
[20:32] <@Lyni> I need new outfits
[20:32] <@Lyni> thankies~
[20:32] <Zachary> I'd look great in a dress, I'll outskank you guys in a heartbeat.
[20:32] * @Lyni adds a little cream again and sip gingerly
[20:32] * Zachary stands up and does a runway model pose.
[20:32] <Michael> Dresses are Arma's thing, not mine
[20:32] <~Karu> I'm afraid I'm not one for dresses.
[20:32] * @Lyni pouts
[20:32] * @Talon_Reid orders three breakfast platters from the waitress called Shade before she goes.
[20:32] <Michael> Don't mention that to him, but...yeah...
[20:32] <~Karu> ...Often. Cultural exceptions and all that...
[20:32] <Zachary> I'm the prettiest little froggie here, you all know that.
[20:32] <@Lyni> Dwaaaaay, help me out?
[20:33] <Michael> I hardly know you at all
[20:33] <Dwayna> How may I help you, Lyni?
[20:33] <Zachary> Great, I need someone not to know me!
[20:33] <@Lyni> Tell them they'll look great in dresses!
[20:33] * @Lyni pouts slightly at everyone
[20:33] <Michael> Well, you're not doing a very good job keeping yourself unknown
[20:33] * Dwayna scoffs slightly, rolling her eyes and smirking a little bit
[20:33] * Zachary pulls Michael closer to him with a single pull of his chair, he wraps an arm around him and waves his other free hand around the air.
[20:34] <Zachary> Imagine what we can do, Simba!
[20:34] <~Karu> If it is anything to you, the waitress here is an old friend by the name of Sharon who helped me out upon arrival in this realm. I nicknamed her Shade for her deft skills with a dagger as I discovered when a brigand set upon my weary form seeking coin.
[20:34] <Dwayna> I'm not much of a dress person myself, Lyni. If there were other forms of nice attire, I might consider it.
[20:34] <Zachary> Tell Sharon that I'm single and ready to mingle!
[20:34] <Michael> Uh, sure, okay then...
[20:34] * Zachary winks at Sharon from afar.
[20:35] * @Lyni considers that
[20:35] <@Lyni> Hm, tuxes?
[20:35] * Michael cautiously backs away
[20:35] * ~Karu sips from his refilling glass, Shade attending to dishes behind the counter.
[20:35] <@Lyni> Bikinis also work
[20:35] <Michael> I might need a suit myself...For reasons...
[20:35] * Zachary perks his ear up at the word, "Bikini."
[20:35] * Dwayna chuckles softly at that comment, curling her wings around her a little bit tighter
[20:36] <~Karu> Summerware, in the city of time...?
[20:36] <~Karu> I suppose stranger things happen.
[20:36] <@Lyni> Summer is fun~
[20:36] <Dwayna> I'm not sure I'd be entirely comfortable with exposing so much of my skin.
[20:36] <Michael> Not like the city of time can't get warm, right?
[20:36] <Zachary> (have I ever told you guys the story about how I got the girls number at a store by crossdressing?)
[20:36] <@Lyni> Not as fun as winter, but still summer~
[20:36] <Zachary> (majestic tale)
[20:36] <@Lyni> (Zacky why)
[20:36] <Zachary> (because I was filming a prank)
[20:37] <@Lyni> (gdi)
[20:37] <Zachary> (and it was epic)
[20:37] * @Lyni sighs and holds up her hands in defeat
[20:37] * Dwayna blushes, her thoughts turning to the emerald scale patches that litter parts of her skin, which she has never exposed
[20:37] <@Lyni> fine, no dresses and bikinis. I still need some shorts and tanks, anyways~
[20:37] <Zachary> I feel ya, Dwayna.
[20:37] <~Karu> Truth is there.
[20:37] <Michael> I hate to pry, but I'm sure you'd look just fine...miss...uh...I believe I've never met you before either
[20:37] <@Talon_Reid> Dwayna...
[20:37] <Zachary> I know how ti feels to bare it all.
[20:37] <@Talon_Reid> The Dragon Lady.
[20:38] * Zachary runs a hand across his chest.
[20:38] <@Talon_Reid> Dean told me about your fight.
[20:38] * @Lyni punches Zacky lightly
[20:38] <Zachary> Covered in scars, no girl wants a guy that ugly.
[20:38] * Dwayna nods slightly in acknowledgement
[20:38] <~Karu> E-erm...
[20:38] <Zachary> So I feel ya when you're not comfy with showing skin.
[20:38] <~Karu> So, how did we all arrive here?
[20:39] <Dwayna> I am Dwayna, yes. Dwayna DragonFire.
[20:39] <Zachary> I was walking, Karu.
[20:39] * ~Karu toys with a length of fabric at his chest.
[20:39] <Michael> Ah, okay then. Nice to meet you as well, Miss DragonFire
[20:39] <~Karu> Of course I do mean this realm, to clarify.
[20:39] * Dwayna bows her head slightly
[20:39] <Dwayna> And you are?
[20:40] <Zachary> (I actually had a chat RP planned out with Toru to merge all of our 'realms' or canon together in a giant chat rp)
[20:40] <Michael> Michael Tourniquet. Basic human with a killer robot maid...err...butler
[20:40] <@Talon_Reid> What's with the scrap, Aquaman?
[20:40] <~Karu> (They are.)
[20:40] <@Lyni> Yes, maid
[20:40] <Michael> He's not around at the moment...probably knew Lyni here was in charge
[20:40] * Dwayna raises eyebrows slightly, but otherwise seems unfazed, as if the concept of robots was not unknown to her
[20:41] <~Karu> Just... Something I keep close at hand lately.
[20:41] <Dwayna> A living construct? Or merely a programmed computer?
[20:42] <@Talon_Reid> (I cast Detect Magic
![Sticking Out Tongue :p :p](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/StickingOutTongue.png)
[20:42] * @Lyni glances at Karu curiously, and at the piece of fabric
[20:42] <Michael> Ehh...Something in between I guess you could say...He's beyond a simple computer, but...well it's complicated
[20:42] <~Karu> (Good call. Shame that wasn't an RP action ; D )
[20:42] * @Talon_Reid 's irises glow slightly, checking the area for traces of magic)
[20:43] <Dwayna> I have heard of plenty of complicated things in my lifespan... Mister Tourniquet.
[20:43] * ~Karu 's piece of supposedly stray fabric has traces of both aquatic and spatial magic upon it.
[20:43] <Zachary> (Talon's radar should go off at Zachary)
[20:43] <Michael> Heh...uh...well, let's just say that...in my current state I wouldn't be able to give you the proper rundown...
[20:43] * Dwayna 's accent tends to extend R and S sounds, as if growling or hissing slightly
[20:44] <@Talon_Reid> (It does but he's expecting that)
[20:44] * Zachary sits back from the coversationa and drinks his milkshake.
[20:44] <@Talon_Reid> Looks like more than just a scrap.
[20:44] <@Lyni> (well almost everyone here save for Michael has traces of magic on them)
[20:44] * Michael fidgets a little as he tries to avoid going too far into the business concerning the other half
[20:45] * ~Karu clenches it ever so slightly tighter, enchanted water soaking it from his hand, fading the spatial magic but not obscuring it entirely.
[20:45] * @Lyni pats Michael and eyes Karu warily
[20:45] * Dwayna tilts head slightly, but gets the feeling that she shouldn't pry and simply looks on curiously
[20:45] <~Karu> Indeed. Very apt of you, magister.
[20:45] <@Talon_Reid> (Yeah he also picked up inherent draconic magic coming from Dwayna, Lyni's ice magic, and something off about Michael, but he's already well aware of those)
[20:46] <~Karu> Though I am afraid I lack information myself about this.
[20:46] <@Lyni> Something you're not telling us~?
[20:46] <Dwayna> (yes, of course)
[20:46] <~Karu> I of course trust you all as combatants and as such with my life...
[20:46] <~Karu> ...But this matter may be less trouble than my paranoia is worth.
[20:47] <Michael> Considering the troubles you've already shown us, I can't say I'm too convinced...
[20:47] * Dwayna studies the man named Micheal somewhat intensely for a few seconds. In the dim light, her eyes seem to glow very slightly for a moment before it fades just as quickly.
[20:48] * @Lyni huffs at Karu's response and Michael's retort, once again rubbing her right wrist slightly
[20:48] <Dwayna> (Alignment of Micheal, if obtained?)
[20:48] <Michael> (I'd say he's neutral good)
[20:48] * @Talon_Reid has at this point eaten 2 and a half of his three breakfast platters.
[20:48] <@Lyni> (speaking of which, what -is- everyone's alignment in CRP?)
[20:48] <@Lyni> (Lyni's is Chaotic Good, mostly)
[20:48] * Dwayna seems to smile slightly, looking back at the man's face
[20:48] <@Talon_Reid> (Neutral Good)
[20:48] <Zachary> (chaotic good)
[20:49] * ~Karu attempts to drag the topic away, tucking it into his coat.
[20:49] <@Talon_Reid> So dragon lady.
[20:49] <Dwayna> (Lawful Good, according to my test)
[20:49] <Michael> (However, his "other half" is chaotic neutral)
[20:49] * Dwayna perks up slightly, turning her head towards Talon
[20:49] <~Karu> (Chaotic Good)
[20:49] <@Talon_Reid> Tell me how a humanoid being ends up with the inherent power of the dragons.
[20:50] <Dwayna> When a dragon and a human love each other very much...
[20:50] <@Lyni> (I always thought Karu would be Lawful for some reason)
[20:50] <@Talon_Reid> Har Har
[20:50] * @Lyni snorts out a bit of her coffee
[20:50] <~Karu> (Rules are nothing to him given the correct motivation.)
[20:50] <Michael> Well then, that leaves very little to the imagination already...
[20:50] <@Talon_Reid> So daughter of a dragon then.
[20:50] * ~Karu blinks, unfamiliar with the topic.
[20:51] <~Karu> ...How do you figure that out, magister?
[20:51] <@Talon_Reid> Can't say I've ever seen a dragon small enough to achieve that.
[20:51] <Dwayna> Indeed. My father was a dragon. one of the best fighter's I've known.
[20:51] * @Lyni looks at Karu incredulously before shaking her head
[20:51] <~Karu> SMall enough to...?
[20:51] <~Karu> (I have waited so long to play this card xD)
[20:51] <@Lyni> (I can tell)
[20:52] * Zachary stands up and walks around the room, stopping at the counter where Shade is working.
[20:52] <@Lyni> (gosh you know it's bad when even Lyni knows more than Karu)
[20:52] <~Karu> (He's a species of golem made for war, doesn't know a damn thing about reporduction.)
[20:52] <@Talon_Reid> Then again, the smallest dragon I have met was about the size of a cathedral.
[20:52] <Zachary> Hey, how are you?
[20:52] <Dwayna> ah... my kind of dragons also have the ability to polymorph...
[20:52] * Zachary gives Shade the ol' Ira charming smile.
[20:52] <~Karu> Sharon: Busy!
[20:52] <Michael> Well, this whole thing has suddenly become extremely awkward...I'm just gonna stand back and, uh...finish this coffee here...
[20:52] * @Lyni rolls her eyes at Zacky and pats Michael
[20:52] <Dwayna> They can become humanoid, though it tends to be a somewhat painful process
[20:53] <@Lyni> How large is daddy Dragonfire then, usually~?
[20:53] <@Talon_Reid> The transformation or...actually nevermind.
[20:53] * @Talon_Reid has finished eating enough food for three people at this point.
[20:53] * Zachary shoots a small jet of fire from his finger tip at a pot of coffee she was holding, warming it up for her.
[20:54] <Dwayna> He died some time ago. But when I did see him in his dragon form, he was much larger than a house.
[20:54] * ~Karu grumbles something and leans back to finish his 'glass', reabsorbing the item through his palm
[20:55] * @Lyni nods, imagining riding around on a dragon and a childlike look appears in her eyes as she daydreams
[20:55] <Dwayna> He mostly stayed in his humanoid form. Bipedal, covered in scaling, still with the wings, tail and ears... like myself
[20:55] <~Karu> Sharon: I'm glad to see not all fighters Karu drags in are bloody rooks... Though that makes up for the action. What about the insult?
[20:55] * Michael simply watches the...unconventional dining habits of Talon and Karu and casually continues to drink his own beverage, perplexed that he's still not used to all this fantastic socializing
[20:55] <@Talon_Reid> Most dragons I've met were more concerned with their hoards than anything else.
[20:55] <Zachary> What insult, my dear?
[20:56] <@Lyni> (Jasper has just finished making his own cybernetic humanoid, though it's not a robot)
[20:56] <~Karu> Sharon: To my pride as the owner of this establishment.
[20:56] <@Lyni> (I might introduce Rho to Arma sometime :'D)
[20:56] * Dwayna smirks a little bit at that.
[20:56] * Zachary raises an eyebrow.
[20:56] <Michael> (That'd be a fun interaction ^^)
[20:56] <Zachary> What insult, again?
[20:56] <Dwayna> Those would be the more primal dragons... Spirit Dragons may have a liking for shiny things, but they are far more social.
[20:57] <@Lyni> (Beware, Rho's pretty much like Ene, but they can have a semi-physical form)
[20:57] <Dwayna> though I can say that they aren't always good.
[20:57] <@Talon_Reid> actually, the gems in my gauntlets came from a dragon's hoard.
[20:57] <@Lyni> (so yes, they can hack ;D)
[20:57] * Dwayna falls silent after that statement, seemingly lost in memories
[20:57] <Michael> (As if I expected any differently |D)
[20:58] <~Karu> Sharon: Another out of towner, eh? I don't like that kind of treatment, I find it belittling and degrading.
[20:58] <@Lyni> (if Zacky gets us kicked out I s2g)
[20:58] <@Talon_Reid> Big, green one, tried to take up residence in a mountain near my home.
[20:58] <Zachary> (challenge accepted)
[20:58] * Dwayna looks back up at Talon, pursing her lips slightly
[20:58] <Michael> (You knew what would happen if you brought it up <<)
[20:59] <Dwayna> Well I suppose if it was an evil dragon, I have no objection towards his death.
[20:59] <@Talon_Reid> Not an intelligent one, sadly, we had to drive him off.
[20:59] * Zachary leans in and whispers into Sharon's ear, "You liked it."
[20:59] <Michael> You know, Zachary, you're reminding me more and more of my...other creation...and that's not exactly a good thing...
[20:59] * ~Karu looks over to the counter as a snarl forms on Sharon's face, exhaling steadily and rising from his chair by the time she calls across.
[20:59] <@Talon_Reid> Left most of his hoard behind.
[20:59] <~Karu> Sharon: Pay your coin and leave, Karu! Make ure you take this one with you!
[21:00] <Dwayna> When our kind are evil, it is a more passionate affair, I'm afraid.
[21:00] <Zachary> What?! Oh come on!
[21:00] <~Karu> Of course, Shade... Apologies, fair folk. Let us move onwards.
[21:00] * @Lyni cringes at Shade's tone of voice
[21:00] * Zachary throws his hands in the air, exasperated.
[21:00] <Zachary> Damn, can't take a joke.
[21:00] * @Talon_Reid summons his right gauntlet, showing the large emerald inlaid into the back of the palm.
[21:01] <Michael> Way to go...way to go...Not even RawrMA would've gotten us kicked out so quickly
[21:01] * ~Karu approaches and pays double plus 20% tip, offering apologies again and being last to leave.
[21:01] * @Lyni gives Sharon a slight curtsie, or as good of one as she can make with just her jeans, and follows after Karu
[21:01] <@Talon_Reid> We managed to pull two matching ones.
[21:01] * Zachary scuffs the ground with a kick as Karu leads him out.
[21:01] <Zachary> Man, I was just joking around.
[21:01] * Michael follows, giving a sheepish "I'm sorry" towards Sharon before shuffling out towards the others
[21:01] <@Lyni> Nice move there, Zacky
[21:01] * @Talon_Reid continues the line of conversation as he stands to leave.
[21:01] * Dwayna perks up slightly, sighing and rising from her seat, glaring at the troublesome male.
[21:02] <Zachary> Oh stuff it, little miss muffet.
[21:02] <@Lyni> I'll take you on any day
[21:02] <@Lyni> but today~
[21:02] * @Talon_Reid dispells his gauntlet.
[21:02] * Zachary snorts loudly with humor.
[21:02] <~Karu> If it is adeqaute to you, a left here will take us down way of materials such as clothing and cloths.
[21:02] <Michael> Watch who you target, buddy...
[21:02] * @Lyni spins around as she steps outside into the light
[21:02] <@Lyni> Maid outfits for everyone!
[21:02] * ~Karu indicates, waving to Shade as he shuts the door.
[21:02] * @Lyni winks as she skips away, following Karu's directions
[21:03] <Michael> Oh dear god, I should've stayed in bed...
[21:03] <@Talon_Reid> and of course, there's my pride and joy.
[21:03] <Zachary> (i g2g
![Smile :) :)](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Smile.png)
[21:03] <~Karu> COme now, Michael. Every day is an adventure.
[21:03] <@Lyni> (darn it Zacky)
[21:03] <Zachary> (
![Frown :( :(](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Frown.png)
[21:03] <~Karu> (Ah, fuck.)
[21:03] <@Lyni> (fite me someday >
![Gasp :o :o](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Gasp.png)
[21:03] * @Talon_Reid summons Stinger to his hand.
[21:03] <~Karu> (Take care!)
[21:03] <Zachary> (cya guys)
[21:03] <@Talon_Reid> We forged this from one of his scales.
[21:03] <Michael> (Later Zackey)
[21:03] * Zachary (
SolInvictu@h-9818CE45.stny.res.rr.com) Quit (Imploded: )
[21:03] * Dwayna plods along, casting still curious glances towards Micheal every so often, but also paying attention to Talon
[21:04] <Michael> I've been on an adventure for nearly an entire year now, Karu...I'd like to not be on one someday...
[21:04] <~Karu> Ha
[21:04] * @Lyni calls behind her, "Adventures are fun, Miku~"
[21:04] * @Talon_Reid dispells Stinger.
[21:04] <~Karu> Well, I assure you there is time to rest now and then
[21:05] <@Talon_Reid> I must say, it is interesting to find a dragon worth speaking to.
[21:05] <Dwayna> My cousin killed my family whilst I was away on business. I paid her in kind for her treachery.
[21:05] * Michael mutters "fun is hardly the word I would choose"...but smiles at the remark all the same
[21:05] * ~Karu darts into a dealer of fine clothing with high prices to match, presenting something to one of several awaiting tailors and entering into a muttered conversation.
[21:06] * Dwayna tilts her head slightly, and then blushes when she realizes she was complimented
[21:06] <Dwayna> Thank you. You are reasonable company as well.
[21:06] <@Talon_Reid> Like I said, most of the dragons I deal with are big, mean, and mostly concerned with gold.
[21:06] * @Lyni looks at Karu's odd behavior and follows behind, looking at the ribbon section with pretend interest
[21:06] * Michael makes his way over to a store with a number of coats of various materials. Walking in, he spots a bright white labcoat and...perhaps on impulse...makes his way to purchase it
[21:07] <@Talon_Reid> Hmmmm.
[21:07] * Dwayna smiles slightly, pushing her hair absentmindedly to reveal an emerald ear
[21:07] <Dwayna> I am far more friendly, I assure you
[21:07] <Michael> I suppose I can't call myself an inventor without having some form of stereotypical scientific clothing, huh?
[21:07] * @Talon_Reid is suddenly distracted by a small jewelry store, and veers off course.
[21:08] * @Lyni peaks over Karu's shoulder and waves several red and blue ribbons in his face, trying to see what he's doing
[21:08] <~Karu> "...I was told you could." "Forgive me, but this fabric is--" "So you already told me. If you can tell me-- Lyni!"
[21:08] * ~Karu tucks the item back into his coat, turning around with an exhalation to vent his nerves.
[21:09] <@Lyni> Brother, can I have these~?
[21:09] * @Lyni feigns ignorance of what happened and smiles slightly
[21:09] <~Karu> Of course you may, dear sister.
[21:09] * Michael also grabs a pair of black rubber gloves in an adjacent corner of the store, and the spots a...very familiar suit...one that looked almost disturbingly familiar to his robot's...he quietly grabs it and goes to buy it as well
[21:09] <Michael> *then
[21:10] * Dwayna sighs and chuckles softly, thinking to herself about how uneventful her life was without these occasional outings. She was actually quite lonely back at home, though she had her own unique friends
[21:10] <~Karu> (Oh btw, I will gladly provide NPC interaction in shops if requested.)
[21:10] * @Lyni grins and buys the pair, using them to tie up her hair as she leaves the store. She glances back at Karu before going to another, much cheaper clothing store to buy some outfits
[21:10] <Michael> Never know when our similar appearances might...need to come in handy...
[21:10] <@Lyni> (couldn't Michael just steal some of Arma's outfits)
[21:10] <@Lyni> (I mean I would assume they're the same size)
[21:11] <Michael> (I need some kinda foreshadowing device...shush...><
[21:11] * ~Karu pays, leaving with a note in hand before pursuing Lyn.
[21:11] * Karu sets mode: +o Aegislash
[21:11] <Michael> *)
[21:11] * @Lyni examines the dresses before taking several of them, many of them far too large for her to fit in
[21:12] <~Karu> ...Oh dear...
[21:12] * @Talon_Reid exits the jewelry store, wearing a simple green ring on his right middle finger.
[21:12] <@Lyni> Oh, hello again Brother~
[21:12] * Dwayna lightly touches the small, green gem at ther throat, looking around to see if she could find a convincing necklace chain
[21:12] <~Karu> D-dear sister! If I may be so uncouth those clothes seem a touch large...
[21:13] * @Lyni lifts up a sleeveless blue one up to Karu, and pouts when she realizes it doesn't fit his frame before switching to a darker, navy one
[21:13] <@Lyni> Of course they're not, they should be the right size
[21:13] <~Karu> N-navy?!
[21:13] <@Lyni> Would maroon be better?
[21:13] * Michael strays over to another store that conveniently held a number of t-shirts and shorts much like the ones he was already wearing, grabbing a number of them, preferably as many green shirts as possible
[21:13] * ~Karu drops the note in shock, agape.
[21:13] <~Karu> *mouth agape
[21:13] * @Talon_Reid realizes that the dragon lady is missing from the street outside, and turns around to walk back into the store.
[21:14] * @Lyni grins and walks up to the counter, putting the dresses down as she takes out her wallet
[21:14] <@Lyni> I'm sure everyone will love these~
[21:14] * Michael hears in the back of his head "you can't be serious...you just want to wear the same thing over and over?" he shakes off the sudden intrusion from Meical and looks around for the others
[21:15] <@Lyni> Right, promise me you'll wear this in your next fight, brother~! I'm sure it'll look beautiful!
[21:15] <~Karu> F-fight..?
[21:15] <~Karu> I..suppose...
[21:15] * Dwayna perks up, looking at Talon and tilting her head slightly
[21:15] * ~Karu purchases a thread and needle aswell as strips of leather, pacing out before Lyn, shaking his head.
[21:16] <Michael> Karu, you probably don't wanna do that...Just saying...
[21:16] <Dwayna> Sorry... I got curious as to their inventory myself.
[21:16] <~Karu> (He doesn't, I do xD)
[21:16] <Michael> (Oh, I figured as much |D)
[21:16] <@Talon_Reid> No problem.
[21:16] * @Lyni skips off, grinning, and grabs a few tank tops, skirts, shorts, and sandles. She ends up paying way more than she needs to for all the clothes, but notes to herself that the dresses technically aren't for herself either~
[21:17] * Dwayna is slightly tempted to cover her neck back up, but decides to simply relax, since she seems to be in good company
[21:17] <Dwayna> I already have enough things to last me a lifetime anyways. We can go, if you wish.
[21:17] * Michael strays off once more, murmuring to himself "I'm surprised such an...alien land...would hold such familiar items"
[21:18] <@Talon_Reid> I only left the coffee shop because the Fireman got us kicked out, I don't particularly mind how I spend my time.
[21:19] * ~Karu paces into the street, eventually arriving at a carpet store.
[21:20] <Dwayna> I didn't exactly approve of his conduct either, but... these aren't my lands.
[21:21] * @Lyni creates a small plane of ice with enough strength to hold her items, and sends it off back to her room so she won't have to carry everything as she waltzes into another store. She goes into a snack shop and buys several buckets of ice cream and packs of mochiaisu, which she happily eats as she bumps back into Michael
[21:21] <@Lyni> Want one~?
[21:21] * Dwayna leaves the jewelry shop, pondering slightly over things
[21:21] * ~Karu purchases a fine carpet for his room, obtaining a little more information before seeking out a tupperware store.
[21:21] * @Talon_Reid follows along, having already made his purchase.
[21:21] <~Karu> *tupperware / crockery
[21:22] * Michael gladly takes one with a cheerful "thank you kindly", grinning at Lyni
[21:22] <@Lyni> What did you get?
[21:23] <Dwayna> In my lands, he might be facing a trial.
[21:23] * @Lyni peers over at Michael's items, curiousity getting the better of her
[21:23] * Dwayna looks slightly amused at the thought, walking along the streets and looking out for the remainder of the group
[21:23] <Michael> Just, uh... a few changes of clothes. I couldn't stick around in these old rags forever...and a few other things, nothing too special
[21:23] <@Talon_Reid> wish we were allowed to punish dumbassery that severely.
[21:24] <Michael> U-uh...you seem to have collected quite a haul for yourself there, didn't you?
[21:24] * Dwayna nearly makes a quip about being the ruler where she comes from, but simply nods in agreement, looking at the clothing shops as she passes by
[21:25] <@Lyni> Just snacks for when I'm hungry~
[21:25] * @Lyni catches site of several green t-shirts and shrugs, putting her pack of lemon mochiaisu on Michael's goods before waving and going into a bookstore
[21:25] <Dwayna> This is a very interesting realm. Much different than Terrater.
[21:26] <@Talon_Reid> ...I left my book at the coffee shop.
[21:26] <@Talon_Reid> Then again, it wasn't a very good book.
[21:26] * Michael carefully balances the pack on top of the rest of his pile and watches Lyni run off, shaking his head with a smile at her eagerness to dart from place to place
[21:27] <Dwayna> Hopefully it wasn't a library book or something similar that needs to be returned.
[21:27] * ~Karu (
chatzilla@h-F879C58A.cable.virginm.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 127 seconds)
[21:27] * Karu (
chatzilla@h-F879C58A.cable.virginm.net) has joined #CharmsRP
[21:27] <@Lyni> (hai Karu-nii)
[21:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Karu Karu
[21:27] <@Talon_Reid> Nothing like that.
[21:27] <~Karu> (Did I miss a post?)
[21:28] <@Lyni> (you missed a lot)
[21:28] <@Lyni> (what was the last thing you saw?)
[21:28] <~Karu> (Ffff)
[21:28] <~Karu> Lemon mochiasu)
[21:28] <~Karu> *+i
[21:28] <~Karu> (It's ok.)
[21:28] <@Lyni> (queried)
[21:28] <Michael> (Well, you didn't miss the most important thing at least XD)
[21:29] <~Karu> [Right, 3:30am. Gotta hit the bed! Enjoyed this though, thanks Lyni.)
[21:29] <@Lyni> (np XD I'll put a log when we're done)
[21:29] <@Lyni> (Night, Karu-nii~(
[21:29] <@Lyni> *)
[21:29] <Dwayna> Good. Wouldn't want any unnecessary fees on account of a man without tact.
[21:29] <Michael> ('night!)
[21:29] * ~Karu bids goodbye to everyone still outside and rushes off for one reason or another.
[21:29] <~Karu> (Night all!)
[21:29] * ~Karu (
chatzilla@h-F879C58A.cable.virginm.net) Quit (Imploded: ChatZilla [Firefox 28.0/20140314220517])
[21:29] <@Talon_Reid> ON that note.
[21:29] <@Talon_Reid> I should be heading home.
[21:30] <@Talon_Reid> It was good to meet you, dragon lady.
[21:30] <Dwayna> Dwayna. Nice meeting you too, Talon.
[21:30] * @Talon_Reid taps his foot, and immediately drops into the earth as though it were water.
[21:30] * Talon_Reid is now known as Tailon
[21:31] <@Tailon> (I have been awake since 4 AM ;-
![Wink ;) ;)](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Wink.png)
[21:31] * @Lyni looks around and buys a large piano anthology, pays for it and walks out, still carrying her ice cream)
[21:31] <@Lyni> (GO SLEEP)
[21:31] * Dwayna is still trying to find her other companions
[21:31] * Michael looks around and spots Talon and Dwayna nearby, just as Talon disappears from view. Figuring he might as well make himself appear more friendly to the newcomer, he steadily approaches her with his grin remaining
[21:31] <@Tailon> (But I don't wanna wake up at 4 again ;-
![Wink ;) ;)](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/Wink.png)
[21:32] <@Lyni> (watch a few episodes of Madoka, then sleep)
[21:32] * Dwayna happens to catch the eye of the male known as Micheal, quickly placing her hair back over her ear and giving a small smile in return
[21:32] * @Lyni sees Michael and Dwayna regrouping and joins them, the large book in her arms making her somewhat slower
[21:32] <@Lyni> Hey~ Where're the others?
[21:33] <Michael> Uh, I don't suppose it would mean much to you, but, where I come from, we don't have people of such...fantastic appearance as yourself...hell, we don't even have dragons
[21:33] * Dwayna blushes a bit redder than before at that compliment, looking the man over a little bit
[21:34] <Michael> I saw Talon go off just now...I suppose the rest had to leave as well
[21:34] <Dwayna> Thank you. You're... quite good-looking yourself, Michael.
[21:35] * @Lyni blinks at the flirting and sends off her ice cream back to her dorm on a quickly assembled ice plane again
[21:35] <Michael> Hah, I appreciate the flattery, even if I'm not exactly what one would call the ideal human specimen
[21:36] * Dwayna untucks both of her ears from her hair, giving a slightly brighter smile with fangs slipping out slightly
[21:36] <Dwayna> A lot of humans would think me frightening.. sometimes even unappealing due to my... scaly nature
[21:37] <@Lyni> I like you, though~ You're pretty and majestic and powerful, and a great ally to have, and an even better friend!
[21:37] * @Lyni nudges playfully and offers a mochi ice cream
[21:38] * Dwayna grins slightly at Lyn and takes the ice cream
[21:38] <Dwayna> Thank you, Lyni.
[21:38] <Michael> Yes, as far as I'm concerned it's their loss. Anyone who would think to judge you by the fact that you look different is not worth it anyways
[21:39] <@Lyni> Yep~ Being judged for what you are and not who you are is a terrible, terrible thing indeed.
[21:39] * @Lyni has a distant look for a moment before blinking it away and grinning like she usually does
[21:39] <Dwayna> The same to you, Michael. A person is worth much more than just their parts, and I have seen that you are a good man.
[21:41] <Michael> Well thanks...I mean...I'm glad you think so...at the moment at least. Sometimes one of those parts ends up ruining people's perception of me
[21:41] <Dwayna> Everyone has their demons, Michael. I certainly do.
[21:42] * Dwayna looks somewhat tired, just then, remembering the several fights and battles over her lifespan, including the great war that happened on her homeworld.
[21:43] <Michael> I suppose you're right...To think that I could see the demon in so many people just because of my own though...it's enough to sometimes make me think it was my fault that they acted in such a way to begin with
[21:44] <Dwayna> Even if you were or weren't the influence, people of 'free will' tend to act how they choose.
[21:45] <Dwayna> It's more their fault than yours for not accepting you... or this part of you, for what it is, and what you are.
[21:45] * @Lyni sits on the floor, continuing to eat her ice cream. At the mention of demons, her right hand twitches slightly as she flips to a page in her book. A loud blasting of trumpets suddenly sound that sounds like something from a video game, and she closes it quickly in shock
[21:46] * Dwayna timidly reaches up to put a consoling hand on Michaels shoulder, and then starts at the sudden noise
[21:46] <@Lyni> S-sorry!
[21:46] * Michael turns quickly at the source of the noise, but only chuckles at Lyni's apology
[21:47] <Michael> About time your curiosity started backfiring on you again
[21:47] * @Lyni turns red and sticks her tongue out as she stands back up, dusting herself off
[21:47] <@Lyni> I think I'll look through this back in my room, then. I'll catch you two later~?
[21:48] * Dwayna hides the arm back under her wing, realizing that she had chosen to wear a t-shirt and mentally cursing herself for exposing a bit of scaled forearm
[21:48] <Dwayna> See you later then, Lyni.
[21:48] <Michael> Yes, go make your ruckus somewhere else, you crazy girl!
[21:49] * @Lyni smiles sheepishly and waves, climbing onto a cloud that seemed to appear out of nowhere and zooming away as the sound of trumpets and french horns fill the air
[21:49] <@Lyni> (yes I am making a blatant reference to Hoenn right now)
[21:49] * Lyni is now known as Shiny
[21:50] * Michael manages to quickly catch sight of Dwayna's exposed arm and her anxiousness to hide it
[21:50] <Michael> (THE HORNS! XD)
[21:50] <Dwayna> (giggle)
[21:51] <Michael> You really shouldn't have to worry about showing yourself like that. It's not like there aren't a lot of folks around here with different...complexion
[21:51] * Dwayna calms down and nods slightly, blushing
[21:52] <Dwayna> Then I will let my guard down.
[21:52] <Michael> You're quite the friendly sort you know, very encouraging and all that. You deserve to follow your own advice too
[21:52] <Dwayna> I'm just... nervous. I don't get a lot of people who see me that way.
[21:53] <Michael> Well, for what it's worth, you can be assured there's one standing right in front of you right now at least, who thinks you're just fine the way you are
[21:54] * Dwayna blushes slightly more, and in an attempt to be bold and trusting, moves her wings so they look a bit less like a cloak, revealing the small, round, green gem at her throat and slight green and silver scaling along her arms
[21:56] <Michael> Well there you go, you're quite pretty, nothing worth hiding over!
[21:56] <Dwayna> Flatterer.
[21:57] <Michael> Well, I try I suppose...
[21:57] * Dwayna full-on grins, revealing her slightly sharp teeth, the fangs most promenent
[21:58] <Dwayna> I'm sure that you're not as bad as you think either.
[21:59] <Michael> Well, that makes two people around here who think so I suppose...thanks for being one of 'em
[21:59] <Dwayna> I assure you, Michael. It is my pleasure.
[22:01] * Dwayna purrs out the last word slightly, grinning as she starts to walk back to the place she had been staying
[22:02] <Dwayna> Wait... here. Have this.
[22:03] * Michael blinks in surprise at the apparent offering of something
[22:03] * Dwayna plods back over, a slight shine in her hands before she holds out a small diamond-shaped token. It glows with a somewhat ethereal silver light.
[22:04] <Michael> Wow...for lack of a better choice of words, this is beautiful...
[22:04] <Dwayna> If you ever wish to call upon me... for any reason... you just need to tap this a couple times.
[22:05] <Dwayna> You can wear it as a pin or keep it in your pocket. If you want to, that is.
[22:06] <Michael> You'd really be that willing to help me out if I need it? I have to say that's extremely generous of you. I'll be sure to keep it on hand at all times, definitely. If anything, it'll keep Arma from panicking all the time
[22:06] * Dwayna reveals a matching silver pin placed on her belt, which seems to throb slightly with light
[22:06] <Dwayna> Oops... missed call.
[22:07] <Michael> You probably ought'a see who that's from, huh?
[22:07] * Dwayna tilts head at the mention of Arma
[22:07] <Michael> Oh, Arma's my robot...at least that's what everyone calls him
[22:07] * Dwayna nods and scrutinizes it, her eyes glowing slightly
[22:08] <Dwayna> Ah, another friend of mine. Just checking in with me.
[22:09] * Dwayna taps it a couple of times, saying "I'm fine, Edward, thank you for asking" before tapping it again
[22:09] <Dwayna> A good demonstration, if nothing else, of how it works
[22:10] <Michael> Reminds me of a pho...I mean, a device my planet's people use.
[22:10] * Dwayna grins slightly
[22:10] <Michael> Hardly as pretty looking, but, basically the same thing
[22:10] <@Shiny> (this reminds me of a much nicer version of the interaction Lyni had with Nioyu)
[22:10] <Dwayna> I've heard of phones. My planet gets human visitors from time to time. Though they aren't quite the same, since it's a place full of magic.
[22:10] <@Shiny> (especially the pin)
[22:11] <Michael> (It's like an inverse interaction or something. This could be dramatic for later events)
[22:12] <Dwayna> also, speaking of robots... Edward happens to be one of the living constructs I mentioned. Completely of his own free will, recently obtained an emotional upgrade.,,
[22:12] <Dwayna> (especially with the flirting going on as well
![Sticking Out Tongue :p :p](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/StickingOutTongue.png)
[22:13] <Michael> Ah, so that's what you were implying then...It's good to know I'm not the only one with an...artificially built acquaintance, so to speak
[22:13] <Dwayna> There are many on Terrater, but none quite as... unique as Edward,
[22:13] <@Shiny> (oh gosh the flirting yes XD)
[22:14] <Michael> (Yes...that indeed may become significant later...which I only just started to realize...oh god...suddenly I feel like Mike's a terrible person...<<)
[22:14] <Dwayna> His is a complicated situation as well, so I figured I would be somewhat sympathetic)
[22:14] <Dwayna> (whoops I accidentally a bracket)
[22:15] <Dwayna> (also why would he be terrible)
[22:16] <Michael> (Well, he was all flirty with Lyni a while back, and a part of the Nioyu deal involved a certain...prince...so to speak)
[22:17] <Michael> It'd be interesting to see how Arma would interact with this Edward of yours...I bet they'd get along fairly well
[22:17] <Dwayna> (oh, I see XD)
[22:17] <Dwayna> I could bring him along, next time I'm in this part of the universe.
[22:18] <Michael> That'd be great! Finally he could start getting a few more friends of his own.
[22:19] <Michael> Lyni and Karu are good pals of his as well, but...the former tends to make him perform his...cleaning services...more often than he'd like...heh...
[22:19] <Dwayna> Wonderful. You know how to reach me if you'd like to... make a date, i believe the terminology is.
[22:19] <@Shiny> (Lyni hasn't done that in a while)
[22:20] <Michael> (More often for Arma is anytime at all |D)
[22:20] <@Shiny> XDD
[22:20] * Michael suddenly finds himself blushing quite a bit himself at this...term...
[22:21] <Michael> Uh...y-yes, of course. I'll keep you... informed
[22:21] * Dwayna grins, blushing a little bit herself
[22:21] <Dwayna> Until next time? Unless you'd like to walk with me?
[22:22] <@Shiny> (otp)
[22:22] <Dwayna> (shoosh XD)
[22:22] <Michael> I suppose I could do with a bit of a stroll...I could use a bit of exercise, and my place is off in the same direction
[22:22] <Michael> (Oh lord...I don't know how to feel about all this |D)
[22:23] * Dwayna nods slightly, looking him over again, smiling as her eyes meet his face again, and beginning to walk in that direction
[22:23] <@Shiny> (I kid~ ;D)
[22:23] <Michael> (You always kid, and that's what I'm worried about XD)
[22:24] <Dwayna> (It really depends if we want to move our characters in that direction, and it seems to be going that way)
[22:25] <@Shiny> (don't mind me, I'm just sitting here smirking)
[22:26] <Michael> (It would probably really help with Michael's story if he felt himself starting to like another female character. It'd give him some major internal drama for sure)
[22:26] <Dwayna> (oh great, wonderful, drama... XD)
[22:26] <Dwayna> (Dwayna has been lonely for a long time and she has legit reasons)
[22:27] <Dwayna> (so being interested in someone is going to be a big change for her too)
[22:27] * Michael keeps pace with Dwayna, smiling fairly idiotically as he glances over at her every so often
[22:29] <Michael> (Michael already had an issue with the fact that he was liking a girl from another universe, so, having yet /another/ crush on another girl from /another/ universe would just make things all the more tense
[22:29] <Michael> *)
[22:29] * Dwayna tends to glance over at Michael every so often as well, keeping her posture relatively formal despite the blush on her face, her grin also apparent. She seems deep in thought about something as well.
[22:29] <Dwayna> (oh god when he finds out just how important Dwayna is)
[22:29] <Dwayna> (I am laughing so hard)
[22:30] <Michael> (Mike's gonna be completely insane by the time the tournament is over...no question about it XD)
[22:30] <Dwayna> (I'll try to keep him sane ;D)
[22:32] <@Shiny> (I would, but Lyni's point is to drive people crazy sometimes)
[22:32] <Michael> (Also, dangit, safe mode is muting that vid, Shiny...I'ma gonna look for it on my phone, 'cause Voca-piano is nice |D)
[22:32] <@Shiny> (aww :<)
[22:33] <@Tailon> (like the planet he represents, Talon simply is)
[22:33] * Dwayna stays silent for alost the entire time, unless Michael strikes up conversation. The grin has slightly faded in her deep thought, memories of her past floating in and out of her head, especially the last relationship that she had attempted...
[22:33] <@Shiny> (speaking of which, I'm still confused over Michael and Lyni's relationship)
[22:33] <Michael> (Jeez, this is like...the Aragorn situation, except I'm not anything like Viggo Mortensen |D)
[22:33] <@Tailon> (dude loves horses)
[22:33] <@Shiny> (XDD)
[22:34] <@Tailon> (he adopted like three of the ones used on set for LotR)
[22:34] <Dwayna> (my backstory involved a lot of sad, I'm sorry )
[22:35] <Michael> (It's fine, most of our backstorys tend to have quite a bit of melancholy in them, to varying degrees)
[22:35] <@Shiny> (^ this so much)
[22:36] <Michael> (Prejudice, betrayal, death, heartbreak, murder, insanity, just another day in the Charms History Chronicals!)
[22:36] <Dwayna> (do you talk to her or... are we just going along in silence XD)
[22:36] <Michael> (Sorry, I'm thinking about it, just a sec |D)
[22:37] <Dwayna> (take your time
![Sticking Out Tongue :p :p](https://xf-assets.pokecharms.com/data/assets/smilies/StickingOutTongue.png)
[22:38] <Michael> So where you're from is quite magical, yes? If people are so used to stuff like that, why would a dragon, or hybrid dragon, or whatever, be so strange to them?
[22:40] <Dwayna> Dragons can tend to have evil connotations, even amongst many other worlds. The visitors I have aren't always fond of me because I remind them of something that tends to be destructive.
[22:41] <Dwayna> And for those without magical talent, they are often changed by the environment of Terrater so they do. and since everything has changed, in a sense because of my world, they can tend to cast the blame
[22:41] <@Shiny> (people dislike what they are unfamiliar with, as Lyni says)
[22:42] <Michael> I guess that's true...even where I'm from, dragons tend to be rather monstrous, but, humans can be just as antagonizing. I never understood why unfamiliarity would be such a terrible issue for some
[22:42] <Michael> Character, personality, stuff like that, should come first
[22:43] <Dwayna> there are several different Earth-like realms... some more predjudiced than others. and as an... important person on my planet, I can tend to have the blame cast on me a lot more often
[22:43] <Dwayna> (refrains from telling him she's the queen of an entire planet)
[22:44] <Michael> (Eh, not worth mentioning I guess XD)
[22:44] <Dwayna> (plus might just add to the shock factor)
[22:45] <Michael> Okay, so you have some responsibilities...But you can't just affect everything with ease, I'm sure. It's not fair to pin the blame on someone /just/ because they are of some kind of high rank
[22:46] <Michael> Our kind tends to do that all the time.../all/ the time...and it doesn't make matters any better
[22:46] <Dwayna> It's not just human predjudice. I was one of the first of my kind to be a cross-breed.
[22:48] <Michael> Ah, I think I see what you're saying there...You probably have those looking down on you from both sides, huh?
[22:48] <Dwayna> A little bit more on the human side, but there are a few dragons who still do not approve, despite laws being passed to allow such marriages
[22:49] <Dwayna> Being mated to a dragon is a very serious thing.
[22:50] <Michael> I can imagine it's questionable to many...It's an issue I'm unfortunately unable to truly imagine with my experience
[22:51] <Dwayna> It is fine. I do not expect for you to completely ubderstand.
[22:51] <Dwayna> *understand
[22:51] <Michael> Your kind is, to put it frankly, the stuff of pure fairy-tales where I hail from...but I wish I could understand it better
[22:51] <Dwayna> Perhaps you will... if you play your cards right.
[22:52] * Dwayna grins at her coining the human turn of phrase, the blush returning
[22:53] * Michael is unable to refrain from blushing as well, giving off a somewhat embarrassing chuckle as well
[22:53] <Michael> Guess we'll just have to see how things go then, huh?
[22:53] <Dwayna> Indeed.
[22:54] * Dwayna looks up as they reach their destination, sighing softly as they approach the apartment building.
[22:55] <Michael> So...I'm guessing this is your stop, huh?
[22:55] <Dwayna> Indeed. I will be returning to Terrater soon to... put some things in order. Perhaps we will see each other again soon?
[22:56] <Michael> I'm already looking forward to it. Perhaps we can make these walks a common thing someday?
[22:57] * Dwayna grins again
[22:57] <Dwayna> I would like that very much, Michael.
[22:58] * Dwayna respectfully bows her head, winking as she taps the diamond on her belt, and turns to enter the building (unless stopped)
[22:58] <Michael> (Well then...)
[22:59] <Michael> U-uh, Dwayna... one last thing?
[22:59] * Dwayna turns to look at Michael, tilting her head questioningly
[23:00] <Dwayna> Yes?
[23:00] * Michael , unsure what he's about to do, approaches Dwayna and gently gives her a kiss on the cheek, his face bright red by this point
[23:00] <Michael> Uh...take care...
[23:01] <@Shiny> (that's it I'm writing fanfic)
[23:01] <Dwayna> (XDDDDDD)
[23:01] <Michael> (Yeah...what the hell have I done...|D)
[23:01] * Dwayna blushes, touching her cheek lightly, then smiles, leaning in to press a light kiss on Michael's cheek as well
[23:02] <Dwayna> You too.
* Retrieving #CharmsRP modes...
[23:02] * Dwayna smiles and waves, turning to enter the building, lookign back one last time before plodding on back to her room
[23:03] <Dwayna> ( I demand to read this fanfic)
[23:03] * Michael smiles and waves back, waiting for her to disappear through the building before turning around and heading back to his own place...It is then that he finally realizes what just transpired and falls to his knees
[23:03] <Michael> Oh my god...what did I just do...