I'd be willing to get back into this but, could I use this OC and not my old one.
Name: Alexander Lightwood
Nickname: Alec
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Loyal, determined and kind. He likes making friends but he becomes slightly awkward around crushes. One noticeable change would be with his singing, he will happily sing in front of everyone, but becomes quiet and choked when those he likes.
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 170lbs
Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes and a muscular build. He wears a black suit with a black short, Umbreon cuff-links, black loafers, black belt and a black fedora. He also carries a dark blue and gold acoustic guitar.
Other: Wants to be a performer more than a battler, tends to sing a lot.
Crush: None..yet
Species: Eevee
Nickname: Ginger
Moves: Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Attract and Protect
Ability: Adaptability
Gender: Female
Species: Litten
Nickname: Ash
Moves: Protect, Flamethrower, Double Kick and Scratch
Ability: Blaze
Gender: Female
Species: Mudkip
Nickname: Puddle
Moves: Hydro Pump, Protect, Mud Slap and Tackle
Ability: Damp
Gender: Female