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Previously pokeyman
"Butterfree! Butterfree!" The Butterfree nodded. Elijah wasn't his trainer, but he couldn't tell. The Butterfree, turned around to look at Eve better. "Butter! Free!". Butter free flew up and landed on Eve. "Butterfree." Butterfree then flew down in front of the Charmander. "Free free, butterfree!"
Ignis smiled and examined the Butterfree. It looked very skinny and ill. What kind of trainer would do this? He was very lucky to have Eve as his. “ Charmander, Char!” He noticed a small berry tree nearby and rushed over to it to get Butterfree something to eat.

Eve crossed her arms and glared at the green haired boy. She was usually a quiet girl, but when it came to Pokemon she was passionate. They were her friends. “ How dare you leave Butterfree out here alone like this...it was crying!”


Previously Swirled
Elijah looked confused, " I'm not this Butterfree's trainer, but I can help this Butterfree look for him." Elijah then took out his Pokemon as a friendly offer, Burstflame then came out of his pokeball and looked at the Charmander with distaste as he thought the Charmander was ready to hurt his friends.


Previously pokeyman
(Sorry for not posting, I was at school. It's the weekend now!)
The butterfree heard "I'm not this Butterfree's trainer." and started to cry again. He realized that he didn't find his trainer. He flew down, and landed on the ground crying. "Butterfree..." The butterfree looked around, and kept crying. He wanted to look for his former trainer, even though his former trainer was abusive, and didn't even love the Butterfree.
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Previously Swirled
Elijah then realized what his words ment to this Butterfree, and felt empathy, "I'm sorry, I'm not the guy you were looking for, but I can help you find him." He hoped that the Butterfree's suffering would end once they found his trainer, but then something dawned upon him, someone must have abandoned this Pokemon. He then felt the need to avenge this Butterfree, "I'll help you," Elijah resolved, "And that's a promise I won't break."


Previously pokeyman
The Butterfree looked over to Elijah, smiling now. "Butterfree! Butterfree!". Butterfree really wanted it's trainer back, even though he would be much better without his former trainer. The Butterfree flew up into the air, his torn little scarf blowing in the wind. He circled around Elijah, and landed on Elijah's shoulder, smiling.


Previously Swirled
Elijah looked at the Butterfree smiling and hopeful, they were going to find his original trainer, and they were going to make him pay, he then turned over to the trainer with a Charmander, "Hi, I'm Elijah, sorry for the confusion I've caused, anyway, what's your name." Burstflame still looked at the Charmander, as if he were about to burn a hole through his head, Webb was just staring off into space without a care in the world.


Previously pokeyman
The butterfree looked over at the Torchic, and the Charmander, but didn't care about them much, as he thought about what he used to do with his trainer. He never really like Pokeballs, but he went in his just because he wanted to please his trainer. He couldn't wait to see his trainer, all though he never knew of Elijah's plans to teach the Butterfree's trainer a lesson. The butterfree wore itself out by getting really happy, and then sad, and then happy again. He started to doze off on Elijah's shoulder. "Butter.... free...".
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(Whoa, a whole bunch of new people! Really just three or four, but, yeah)

Joy was still busy petting Rowlet, and didn’t really hear what Tommy was saying. She was so caught up in the field trip, that she couldn’t help the hiperness boiling inside her blood


Previously pokeyman
The Butterfree looked around flew up onto Elijah's head, before collapsing down, and falling asleep, in a very cute way. Inside the Butterfree's mind, thoughts spiraled about what was to come.
“ Eve…” Eve muttered quietly introducing herself. She hated being social with other people. “ Look, now that this situation is sorted out, I’m taking my leave…” She opened up her parasol and began walking back to the bus.

Ignis returned with some berries and looked up at Elijah wanting to give them to him. “ Char!”


Previously Swirled
"Thanks." Elijah said as he put them in his bag for later. He then took away his Pokemon and walked around to see what other kids were doing. He then heard that they were going to a place called Verdant Cavern. So before this field trip began, he had to put Butterfree somewhere, stuffing him in his bag was out, the sleeping Pokemon didn't like Pokeballs. So in the end, he could just rest on Elijah's head for now.


Previously pokeyman
The Butterfree wondered what would come, what would happen. He slept peacefully on top of Elijah's head. The Butterfree liked the heat that came from Elijah's head. It was soothing, and despite the fact that Elijah was moving around, the butterfree remained asleep.


Previously Swirled
Elijah then started to look around for when the field trip would start while trying not to awaken Butterfree. When he couldn't find anything he decided to just wait until someone told them to begin. He looked around for people to battle, if he where to find someone, he would have to wake up Butterfree and disturb his pleasant sleep.


Previously pokeyman
The butterfree slowly started to wake up from his little nap. He opened his little eyes. "Butterfree..." He stood up, and flew around Elijah smiling. "Butterfree!".


Previously Swirled
Elijah was pleased that Butterfree was awake and that he woke up by his own choice. Elijah then gave Butterfree and his other Pokemon a couple of berries, he picked most of them from Hoenn berry trees but one of them was from Eve's Charmander. While Burstflame and Webb were eating, he turned to Butterfree and waited for him to finish his meal. Once done, he planed on asking him why his trainer left him, even if he didn't answer he still needed to know.


Previously pokeyman
The Butterfree took the berry. He ate it slowly, but he still finished it quickly. Butterfree didn't know why his former trainer left him. "Butter... free, free." Butterfree took a couple more berries, and ate them, slowly. He felt energized, he wanted to go on an adventure, but for what reason, he couldn't tell.


Previously Swirled
Elijah could see the adventurous spark in Butterfree's eyes, he liked it and thought that whoever abandoned Butterfree was missing out. Then a thought came to him, he never caught the abandoned Pokemon, he then offered, "I never caught you, but if you want I can." He did it so that no Pokemon theives took him.


Previously pokeyman
"Butterfree." Butterfree wanted to go back to it's trainer, but he was fine with being with Elijah. Butterfree nodded, and then flew around Elijah, wondering what was to come.
Eve was sitting in at the back of the bus and she couldn’t stand how loud some people were being. “ Ugh… I should've brought my earphones with me.” She then looked out the window and sighed. Why on earth did she have to be here? Her parents knew how much she hates interacting with others. Ignis joined Eve after he gave the berries to Elijah and he sure didn’t look happy with her.” Ignis...I know what your thinking. You wanted me to become friends with that boy...it’s not going to happen. You never know, he might betray us.”

“Charmander…” Ignis sighed. He wondered if his trainer would ever break out of her shell and make friends that were not just Pokemon.
Matt had been unintentionally eavesdropping on Tommy. Turning around, he looked at Tommy. "What are you guys talking about that involves Metagross and Master Colress?
“Hmm…?” Eve heard something that caught her interest. Colress? That name seemed familiar to her somehow but where has she heard it before? Ignis then glanced curiously at his trainer. “ Char?”

Eve shook her head and sighed. “ It’s nothing…”She gave Ignis a small pat on the top of his head. “ Let’s talk about the trial, okay? I want us to give it our all out there, I have no doubt that we will win against the Totem Pokemon."

"Char, Charmander!" Ignis exclaimed jumping up and down on the bus seat in agreement. Suddenly he used Ember making the seat in front of him catch on fire, luckily there was no one sitting there. Eve quickly jumped out of her seat, not knowing what to do. If only there was some type of water Pokemon on board the bus.
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(Even if I was getting notifications, there isn't much for me to say)

Joy just sat there, playing with Rowlet as the bus filled up with more people. She wanted to talk to Tommy more. But she wasn't sure what to talk about.


Previously Swirled
Elijah then saw a bus fill up with people and decided to get on the bus. He looked around and saw Eve, the only person he knew at this school. There was a seat that was on fire in front of Eve, so he sent out Webb to put it out, he then sat in the extingushed seat, even if it was wet. "So, what kind of place are we going to anyway." He asked the girl, expecting an answer.
Zack dozed off but suddenly woke up to Banette pulling his ear " Hey!, Stop that! " He crossed his arms, feeling sleepy again he was about doze off again when he heard a familiar sound " Froakie! "( Changing my starter for the final time to Froakie if it's okay)
“ Thank you...I-I suppose…” Eve muttered to Elijah while sitting back down in her seat. Once she heard that the boy wasn’t familiar with Verdant Cavern, she knew that he was probably some transfer student. “ It’s a trial site...you fight a Totem Pokemon, and if you win against it, you get something called a Z- Crystal. It's completely useless if you don't have a Z-Ring though... ” Ignis jumped into Eve’s arms and hugged her. “ Char!” He was pleased that she was talking to Elijah and hoped that they will become friends.


Previously Swirled
"The heck's a Z crystal and also the heck's a trial site and the the heck's a totem Pokemon?" Elijah was so confused as Hoenn had no trial, no Z crystal and definitely no totem Pokemon. Alola was certainly different that' for sure aside form different Pokemon. "Please tell me you have gyms." Elijah always thought that there was a gym in every region but maybe the trials took the gyms' place.
Eve rolled her eyes. Did her classmate really come to Alola without knowing the basics?"Judging by your Torchic, you must be from the Hoenn Region. “ She then looked through her bag and pulled out a blue book with a Alolan Exeggutor on the cover. “ Here, it’s a guide book of Alola...y-you can have it...since it seems like you need it more then me.” She quickly handed the book to Elijah. “ No, we don’t have gyms, we have Trial Captains and Island Kahunas. My goal is to complete all the trials on every island.” Eve was somewhat surprised that she was actually talking this long with somebody. Usually she pushed others away when they tried having a conversation with her.

Ignis was now observing all of the other Pokemon on the bus curiously. So far the only ones that caught his interest was a Froakie, Rowlet, and Litten. He wanted to challenge them to a battle sometime soon. The flame on his tail then wavered in excitment.
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Previously Swirled
"Thanks, that was really nice of you." Elijah said as he opened the book Eve gave to him, he saw that aside from the trials, Z crystals, and captains there were also different forms of existing Pokemon. The Alolan form, as they called it, that caught his attention the most was an Alolan Vulpix, he found it adorable and sought to have one right away. He hoped tphat he could easily defeat the totem Pokemon as Burstflame was near the level of evolution.
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" Hey, try and stay away from a group called Team Skull, they're bad news and being associated with them will only cause you trouble ." Eve added on while looking back outside the window. She wondered when the bus will leave? Hopefully soon, she's getting a headache from all of this. The pale girl closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat. She thought about Ignis and how close he was to evolving. Good, soon both of them will reach their goal.

“Charmander...” Ignis was getting bored with just waiting around. He wanted to stir up some trouble. The Charmander leapt out of his seat and begin to look for his victims. Eve, of course, didn’t noticed this because she somehow ended up falling asleep in all this ruckus the other students were causing.
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Previously Swirled
Elijah was captivated by the guide book that Eve gave him, so he never noticed that Burstflame popped out of his Pokeball and went over to Ignis. While the Charmander was looking for victims, the Torchic pulled a sucker punch(the word meaning surprise attack not the move) with a peck attack. He then followed it up with a scratch knowing that Ignis wasn't going to cause any mischeif while Burstflame was watching.
The Charmander glared intensely at the Torchic as if he was saying “What’s your problem?!” Ignis growled, he was not afraid to fight back. “Char Charmander Char!” Oh great...this could end up badly. The whole bus will probably be emerged in flames in a couple minutes at this rate. Ever since Ignis hatched from his egg, he always had some trouble controlling his moves, especially when he’s angry. Eve is the only one that can calm him down once this happens, which sometimes results in her getting burned or scratched in the process.

Of course, some of the students started to notice what was happening. One in particular stood out from the rest, a girl with dark purple hair tied up in pigtails and dark brown eyes. The outfit that she was wearing almost seemed like she was some type of Pokémon Coordinator. You can immediately tell that someone like her had an abrasive personality. She huffed loudly upon seeing Ignis and Burstflame. “ Doesn't anyone here know how to control their Pokemon?!” The question seemed to be directed at everyone on the bus. “ This is absolutely ridiculous. When I attended school in Sinnoh, none of the Trainers or Pokemon acted like complete brutes!"


Previously Swirled
Burstflame looked at Ignis and back at the smug girl. He hoped he could grow hands so he could give her the middle finger. Instead, he went over on to her head and scratched of some of her hair. "Torchic, Torchic!" Which in Pokemon's language, (Whatever they speak) meant "Mind your own business, you brat!" He then turned to Ignis and gave a glare that told him, "I think we are either going to be great friends or good rivals." Burstflame wanted to evolve right now as he was humiliated in Hoenn by the first gym leader and before he could avenge his loss, Elijah's parents moved to Alola, where the Torchic met a potential rival in Ignis. Elijah heard none of this as he was done with the guide and was listening to music at the time.
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Previously Swirled
Burstflame stopped walking for a second and turned around to see a strange yellow eyed boy pointing at him with a Shinx looking in his direction. The Torchic was confused why they were pointing at him but he just rolled with it and cried, "Torchic, torch?" which to the Shinx meant, "Hey who are you two?" Webb popped out of his pokeball and started to stare at Ignis for an uncomfortably long time.
The bratty girl screamed loudly as Burstflame attacked her head. “ GET IT OFF ME!” She swears once she finds the Trainers responsible for these Pokemon, she’ll get them expelled from this school. “ WAIT UNTIL MY MOTHER HEARS ABOUT THIS AND THEN THERE WILL BE TROUBLE!” Man, what Ignis would do to throw this girl off this bus right now...if only he could evolve faster. Suddenly he felt someone lift him up and he knew right away that it was Eve. “ Char.”

“ Ignis...you were trying to cause trouble again, weren't you?” Eve questioned the Charmander while she turned her attention towards the screaming girl. She looked somewhat familiar to her. “ Oi, keep it down. Some people are trying to sleep here and you’re screaming complete nonsense...it’s annoying.”

“ What did you say to me?! I can say and do whatever I want because my mom is-” The purple pigtailed girl looked over Eve giving her a very nasty look. “ Ugh...what’s wrong with your clothes? They look like rags.”

Eve raised her eyebrow. Oh? This girl wants a fight? She’ll get one. “ Rags? At least I don’t look like someone that just came from the circus. I’m afraid that dress or yours makes you look like a clown.”


Previously Swirled
Elijah got out of his seat to see a girl screaming at the top of her lungs and said, "I'm going to agree with Eve but I'm going to add something. No one has time for you and your crap, so A. get off that pedestal you hold yourself on and climb down to the real world and B. so what of your mom is important it doesn't make you as important as her." He was actually kind of happy that Burstflame did that as he never liked that kind of person.(Also @JamesDaFluffyOtter your character, Butterfree is with Elijah on the bus ok, just wanted to clarify.)
Wait, know Eve knew who this annoying girl was. They went to school together at one time. “ Kiera...it’s been five years and I still see that you’re acting like a complete brat just because your mother runs this important company.” She said lazily as she pat Ignis on the head. Kiera really did think that world runs around her and that she could get away with everything. “ Why are you still acting like a small child?”

Kiera’s eyes widened once she remembered who Eve was. The two of them never got along, heck, they both hated each other. “ Evangeline! I should of know. You’re the only person that I met with horrible battling skills and fashion sense.” She then faced Elijah, he must be one of Eve’s friends. “ It’s none of your business.” There was some sudden rustling in her messenger bag and soon a Skitty poked out of the opening of the bag looking confused. It meowed looking up at her trainer.


Previously Swirled
Webb stopped staring at Ignis and looked at the Skitty, waited, and then shot water at Kiera and by extension, the Skitty. The Lotad apologizes to the Skitty and told the now wet Pokemon that it needed a better trainer. "Well I don't care and also Kiera, whatever that name means, if you are looking for the trainer responsible for Burstflame and Webb, that would be me. Still think it's not my business?" He now knew why the two didn't like each other and to be honest, he couldn't blame Eve for not liking the bratty girl known as Kiera.
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Previously Thunderheart
“As you know,my name is Mitnaki,
you can call me Mitzuki.So,what is your name?Oh,nice little Torchic you got there.What’s his name?” Mitnaki said.”Shinx!Shinx!Shinx!”Tobi said everything that Mitnaki had said to Torchic.Mitnaki waited.
(His eyes can be golden.)

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