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Open Pokemon and Pokeballs l A Pokemon RP

"Ah," Arcynn said in understanding. "I would prepare for the coming war, if I were you. The Raging Inferno will indeed return, and this time, your Pokemon's very lives will be on the line."
Mason nodded in understanding. However, as a thought crossed his mind, all of the Pokemon from his Pokeballs released themselves. They all gave him a nod of confirmation, a fire in their eyes. It was clear the Pokemon were ready to fight, and didn't plan on backing down. Not anytime soon. "They're a threat to everyone. We're not backing down. Especially now that we've already involved ourselves." Mason said.
"Good. Now, you need to know that the Raging Inferno does not have a code of honor, which means that they will not stop even when you are weak. You will need to fight for your life. If it means killing, then by all means, kill. There are no prisoners of war."
Kaisa watched the Zorua release herself from her pokeball, and go into a corner. He also saw the Typhlogeon wake up, and he seemed to be able to talk fluent English. "Yeah, I do have a PC. Next room to the right," he said. He asked the Zorua "Hey, can you do English? I know a few Zorua who can make an illusion of a human, be able to speak human in that illusion, and then return to your normal form and keep the language. Whu don't you try that, because it's a pain to have Aegislash translate everything all the time." Aegislash translated all this for Dusk
Kaisa then asked the Typhlogeon "Hey, you good? You were seriously hurt after that fight, and I wasn't sure if the Max Revive still worked. And what was that about Raging Inferno? I wasn't there until Lycanrock called me."
Dusk nodded, and even though she didn't completely trust her new trainer, it would be less of a hassle to just speak than have the sword-like Pokémon translate constantly. One of the most common humans she'd seen were a nurse, with pink hair. She tried this, and it worked. She murmured something, just to see if it worked. Once she'd let her illusion fade back to a Zorua, she tried to see if she could still speak, and tried an "..alright." which succeeded, apart from being a bit faster than normal speech.
"Sweet, that works! If we're going to talk, would you mind jumping onto the table? I hate the feeling of looming over someone."
"But who is the Raging Inferno?" Kaisa asked, turning to the Typhlogeon. "And also, what's your name? It makes conversations easier"
At first, Dusk didn't feel like listening to Kaisa, but hearing the words Raging Inferno intrigued her, and she did as she was told, and cocked her head, asking, "Who are these.. Raging Inferno people," she enforced Kaisa's question by repeating it, although wording it differently. She looked at the Typloshion, who was obviously a fire type. Wonder how he knows about "Raging Inferno", she thought to herself.
"My name is Arcynn," Arcynn answered looking at the trainer. "And the Raging Inferno is a clan of Fire-type Pokemon fueled by anger and hate. They are the ones who destroyed my parents. What's more, my brother is a member of that clan."
Mason lifted up three of his Pokeballs. He returned his Feraligatr, Vaporeon, and Golem. He walked over to Kaisa's PC, and transferred the three into it, before taking three more Pokeballs out. He threw them into the air, releasing an Infernape, a shiny Lopunny, and a Zoroark. "Vanilla, Grodd, keep an eye outside, would ya'?" He asked, and the Lopunny and Infernape nodded, walking out. While he was curious about the Typhlosion's past, he didn't want to push for any information. *If the questions begin to make him feel uncomfortable, I'll have them stop asking.* He thought to himself.
Dusk looked at Arcynn for a bit, slightly on edge. "Your brother joined the murderers of your parents?" even though it was a fact, she wanted to be assured, because, to her, it didn't seem likely. Then, she remembered the smell of burning trees, and water being blasted into the air. "Did you guys fight? I was able to see fire from a distance."
Arcynn closed his eyes. "When my parents were murdered, my brother and I were forced to leave the forest. Our cowardice brought dishonor to our family. I guess joining the Raging Inferno was the only way to redeem himself."
Kaisa's eyes narrowed, and Aegislash shifted to Blade Forme and started to hum. "So, your brother watched them kill your parents and then joint the people who killed his own family. I think I'll be having a chat with him involving a pokeball, a Sacred Sword, and a big hole. I don't really care if he did it to redeem himself."
Mason's Zoroark was slowly taking all this in. He had only just been released from his Pokeball, so he let Fenrir fill him in on what was happening. At the same time, Mason was taking in the new information the Typlosion, Arcynn, was giving them as well. Upon hearing Kaisa's response, the Zoroark, whom Mason named Pseudo, spoke. "Can you truly judge his brother? He lost his parents and was forced to flee from his home. It brought dishonor to him, supposedly. In his eyes, it seemed his honor was the only thing he had left."
Dusk looked over at the Zoroak. "I do agree.. but," she paused for a moment, thinking of what could happen- that wasn't total disaster due to fighting the Raging Inferno- "If his brother comes to his senses, then.. they could be a family again. What he did wasn't completely logical." Silently, she was hoping all this talk wouldn't offend Arcynn.
"Urgh, but to himself the most dishonearable thing he could do is side with the killers. If anyone looked at him in his family, it would be the biggest disgrace possible to him. I never caught your name. Or yours, actually" Kaisa said, turning to the Zorua
I guess it's safe to tell them my name, Dusk thought, not sure if to ignore the question. They don't seem bad. I can trust them, "Dusk." she answered. While sitting on the table, she thought about how so much of the forest was lit on fire. Even though she wasn't very close at that time, the smell of smoke would linger in the air. That must've been a strong move... another fight like that could be more catastrophic, she could tell it was most definitely not some for-fun Pokémon battle.
"Dusk. Suits you. I need to go and check Typhlogeon's status on the PC, so I'll be back in a sec." Kaisa walled out of the room, leaving Aegislash floating there.
Dusk turned her head to the Aegislash, and then looked to the ceiling. She stayed silent, not interested in talking for a bit. Knowing she wasn't the best at battling, she wondered how the fight went down when the Raging Inferno first came. Better not ask. I don't think it was pretty, Dusk held her bag of berries, then put them down. Surely there's a place I can hide them here, she thought to herself.
"If you want to put them somewhere, there's a floorboard that's loose down there" Aegislash hummed, pointing his cloth to a floorboard near there corner of the room
She nodded, and headed to the place, setting the bag there. "..is it always like this?" she then asked. "I mean, just staying at this cabin." she added, trying to clear up anything. Before getting comfortable, she wanted to know more about the current situation and what usually goes on.
"What do you mean? If you mean do we spend our time in this place, yes, this is where we live. If you want to know whether I spend all my time in this room, the answer is no"
Nature looks inside by looking at the window,she saw some pokemon and wanted to greet them but she couldn't get in.She pecked the window softly two times to get their attention,"Hello!",She greeted.
Kaisa walled back into the room to see a rowlett pecking at the window. Looking quite surprised, he opened the window to let it in.
(OOC: Sorry, I was a bit busy! But I'm here now.)
Dusk padded around the cabin, a bit bored. She was able to find a window, and peeked outside. A flock of Wingull flew outside, with a Pelipper up a head, most likely the leader of the bird Pokémon. A Rowlet had found its way into the cabin not so long ago, and had a brief chat with the Aegislash. Dusk turned back around to see what was going on now.
It's cool, just as long as this RP doesn't faint
"Hey, Dusk, return" Kaisa said, pressing the button on her pokeball and putting it in his pocket. "Aegislash, cmon. Let's go see what we can find."
Once in the Pokéball, Dusk wondered what was going on outside. Since she was returned to her Ultra Ball, she decided that Kaisa was looking for other Pokémon, or something to battle. She wasn't sure, since humans weren't really her strong suit.
Suddenly hearing a rustling, Kaisa turned to the grass to see a star disappearing into the grass. "Luxio," he muttered, and suddenly broke into a run. The Luxio, noticing him, dashed towards the treez, and Aegislash sent a Sacred Sword its way. Charging after it, Kaisa didn't notice the ultra ball slip out of his pocket and onto the ground.
Mason looked over as Kaisa left. He nodded to Pseudo, and the Zoroark left, too. He followed Kaisa through the forest, until he came across a Luxio. *This trainer is brash and reckless. I've seen so many like him. Almost all of them have failed in their League competitions.* Pseudo thought to himself. At one point, he noticed the trainer drop an Ultra Ball, and stopped, looking at it. Whether it was empty or had a Pokemon in it, he wasn't sure. He leaped down from the trees, landing in front of the Ultra Ball, and pressed the button, releasing Dusk from it.