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Open Pokemon and Pokeballs l A Pokemon RP

Kaisa heard the sound of a Pokemon being released, and spun round to see a Zoruark holding an ultra ball, and Dusk standing next to it. "Oh Arceus, I think I dropped it!" He said, shocked, and ran over. "You okay? God, I don't know how that happened, I'm so sorry. Thank you" Kaisa said, looking at the Zoruark.
Dusk popped out of the Ultra Ball, not too confused. He must've dropped it some point, she thought. "I'm alright," she replied before turning to the Zoroark and said, "Thank you"
(OOC: Oh no. I have to go for a bit.)
Iz cool, cya. I'll probably be asleep by the time you get here.
"Thank Shaymin you're okay. Again, whatever your name is, thank you."
(I want to join! Unless it's too late?)
Pokémon: Yes
Name: Karnik
Gender: Female
Age: --
Appearance: Her eyes are a dark purple, her fur a darker gray, and the large scruff of fur is a light gray. She doesn't look menacing at all.
Personality: Extremely kind, but hostile towards humans, even though looking like a pushover.
Likes: Pokémon, living in the wild, etc
Dislikes: Trainers, Pokeballs, seeing other Pokémon in battle against their will
Other: She was raised by a Linoone until her foster parent was caught.
Karnik wandered the forest aimlessly.. it hadn't been to long since she watched the trainer catch Maze, the Linoone that raised her, in a Dusk Ball. The forest was filled with life, but Karnik saw it as a boring, dull, and empty place. She decided that it was no use sulking about and decided to train herself, by battling against a tree. That got boring fast. She ran back and forth, and then heard the sound of a Pokeball release. Curious, she decided to look for what was going on but kept a distance. She spotted a trainer and began to run back to the forest, not wanting to be spotted.
Iz never too late to join. The thread would be ask to join or closed if it was.
Kaisa felt one of the pokeballs he kept in his bag vibrate, and open, sending out a Lioone he'd caught a little while ago. Frowning, and a bit confused, he recalled it to it's Dusk ball.
Pseudo nodded, before replying. "My name is Pseudo," he said. "I would be more careful, were I you. It's likely that-" He started, then stopped as he heard the rustling of foliage, and turned just in time to see a grey tail retreating back. He then turned back to Kaisa. "It's likely that the Raging Inferno still have scouts in the forest. I will keep watch from above. Act like I am not there." Pseudo finished. Afterwards, he took the shape of a Weavile, and jumped back into the foliage of the trees.
It doesn't like me, Kaisa though to himself. I mean, I don't blame it, with me doing something as stupid as that. Kaisa put the ultra ball in his bag, leaving Dusk out. "Hey, I'm going back to the house now. Come with me, if you want." He then turned, and started to head towards his house, Aegislash floating beside him.
"Rowlet Rowlet Rowlet" Rowl said inside his poke'ball shaking it around on his trainers waist trying to let him know he wants out again to get his fresh air. "Rowlet" he says as he pops out of his poke'ball and flies around happily and decides to fly and land on his trainers head and take a nap. "Rowlet" he says as he falls asleep.
Arcynn noticed the Aegislash humming to a Rowlet. Arcynn walked over. "Hello, little one. I'm Arcynn."
Nature turned around and saw a Typhlosion,He said his name was Arcynn,So she went to greet him,"Hi Arcynn!I'm Nature-"Before she got to finish her sentence,she tripped falling head first,"I'm Ok!Just a bit Clumsy..."She said holding a wing up.
Arcynn chuckled and helped her up. "You have a childlike attitude. Not much of a care in the world." Arcynn felt a flash of pain from childhood memories. He looked away. "If only I could have been like you all those years ago."
Back at Kaisa's house, his PC started to flicker, with the screen flashing white, and a Porygon2 flew out. "Ggg-uys, we ggot out!" The Porygon2 then looked at Arcynn. "Hhelo. Whhoare you? Hhey, Dalicja, there's a ttyphlogeon out here!" A Quillava hesitantly put his head out of the PC, and spotted Arcynn. "Arcynn! Jeez, I haven't seen you for a long time. I used to belong to the Raging Inferno, before being caught by this guy. Hey, don't worry, I had nothing to do with the thing they did with your parents."
"Hmm. Well, turns out that now my brother Therax is part of the Raging Inferno and led the attack to destroy me. After the battle, the Raging Inferno fled, and your trainer here and someone else helped me recover."
She looked at the three Pokemon curiously,she didn't know what was happening at all,"What now?"She said tilting her head with curiosity and confusion.
"Rowlet Rowlet Rowlet" Rowl said as he told Aegislash what his name was "My name is Rowl , Will you please repeat that to Kaisa" said Rowl to the Aegislash. "Thank you Aegislash" said Rowl as he starts to pop out of his poke'ball and look around and sees a bunch of poke'mon in the Pokemon Center. "What's going on in here" he said in confusion scratching his head.
Keeping an eye on Kaisa and his team as they went back to their house, Pseudo finally followed them back inside. He looked over and saw a Rowlet with whom he wasn't familiar with. "Who are you?" Pseudo asked, approaching the newcomer. He leaped up for a second, and changed from a Weavile into his normal Zoroark form.
Dusk dashed back to the cabin. Hearing some talk about the Raging Inferno made her nervous, but being inside the cabin made her feel more secure. She looked outside, at the forest. There were no signs of fire-type Pokémon out there, well, not yet, at least. Dusk then heard the sounds of a Rowlet. She looked around to see it talking with the Aegislash.
Karnik watched Maze escape from their Pokeball, only to be sent back in. Then, she spotted a Zoura, a shiny one, and a Zoroak. She began to walk off, only to see the Zorua walk to the cabin. More curiosity flooded her. "I have to follow them.. they have Maze.." she thought to herself, and began to look around the cabin. There was a window, and the Eevee easily was able to see through it. There was a Rowlet and a Zorua.
"Dusk, you good?" Kaisa asked. Aegislash let out a hum, and he said "So your name is Rowl? Ok." Kaisa then noticed his PC, or more importantly, the Pokemon. His Porygon2 was hovering next to it, with his Quilladin speaking to Arcynn. "Debug, did you let them out again? Urgh. Well, apparently Pyro knows Arcynn, so I'll leave them for now"
"Rowl Rowlet Rowlet" Rowl says as he shows Kaisa his everstone he cherrishes very much and then tells her he wants to battle "Rowlet Rowlet" he says as he accidentally uses leafage.
Aegislash jumped in front of Kaisa before the leafage hit, his resistance meaning it did nearly no damage at all. Aegislash then said "So, do you want to battle me?"
Dusk nodded. She looked over at Rowl and quickly dodged a Leafage attack that was accidentally sent her way. Looking over at the Everstone's glint, she was tempted to ask the Rowlet what is was and what it did. Instead, she remained silent.
"Whoops sorry" he said to Aegislash and then he repeated it to Kaisa. "But um yeah I want to gain exp to get to level 100 soon that way I can be a great pokemon.
"Because this everstone I got from my old trainer when I was much younger and I got released one day and I decided to keep this with me ever since then, so that's why I have this" he said and Aegislash repeated it to Kaisa and then Rowl sighed.
"But I really don't want to evolve anyway because I want to show my parents and sibling I can be strong even if I don't evolve because I am better than them." Rowl says as he starts to sink down. "So can I battle and help you get to the league" Rowl asks Aegislash to repeat it to Kaisa for him.
Kaisa was, again, very confused when his Dusk ball glowed and the Lioone shot out of the house. "Eh, I'll pick it up later" he said to himself.