XD Zoroark is too nice XD Angel's niceness rubbed off on the creature, and I'm pretty sure if he did that, she'd be disqualified. Any object on the field of battle will still be there in the illusion and will be changed to something else that's there, not empty space. If a boulder is there, he can make into a tree stump. I'd imagine it's easier to make someone see something as something else rather than make it completely from thin air. That takes a lot of energy, and a Zoroark can't exactly do that in the middle of a battle. He'd have to be sitting there the entire time just to concentrate on that one piece of thin air, which was why he was able to do that in the snack room. It even shows in the games and anime that Zoroark can only make something look like something else, never out of empty space. If one tried to do that, you can see that the area is transparent or see through, or the illusion in that area would disappear.