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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

"You want to know something? I am not a big fan of fire pokemon even if I can get stronger than them. I even learned a special move in order to heal burns. And also it is alright if we go to that farm, I am still pretty hungry."
"Even if they do look cool they could try to be your friend and eventually abandon you, leaving you with worse burns than the ones you already had from trying to protect them." He quickly slipped on his hoodie, hiding the markings on his body.
"Why do you keep on calling me Aqui by the way? My name is Hydri, but I guess you can call me anything you want since we are here." He was full of excitement as his belly rumbled with the desire to finally eat.
She smirked and teleported to the middle of the farm and they both see a man planting some berries and watering them and looks up
"Why hello there kyu! I see you brought a customer for me"he laughs
She smiles "yeah we just want some fresh berries and to hang out"
He smiles "sure what'll it be little fella?"
"My left arm hurts a lot more than anything else but I guess that was from a direct hit." He sat down in the dirt, continuing to wait.
She gets down and starts healing the wounds inside and out fixing the wounds slightly easing the pain "here this will ease the pain a bit the rest will have to heal naturally sorry I'm not that good at healing"
"I-It's alright Kyu, I can handle the rest of the healing. C-Can I show you something very special to me?" He twitled his claws more. "It is an item that I treasure everyday until there is a way to fix it." He reached into a small leg pocket on his hoodie and pulled out a dive ball, the locking mechanism seemed to be destroyed.
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"It was time well spent waiting, but to answer you, yes that is mine. I broke out from the inside of it, it was one of my greatest victories." He watched her movements carefully.
"The thing with pokeballs is that when they break the Pokemon cannot go into a different pokeball, they are permanently attached to it."
"Huh well I didn't know that wow........well this seems really important to you"she hands it back to him and the man came over with a bag full of berries
"Alrighty here's the berries I'll see you teens later come by some time!"
She grabbed the berry bag and handed it to hydri
"Thank you"she said
He put the pokeball back into its pocket and took out one of the berries, handing it to her. "Try one of them Kyu, you will feel happier."
"It makes Pokemon friendlier as the humans say. You can have more of them if you like." He finished his berry off. "So what do you want to do next?"
She eats it feeling weirder then she thinks
"Umm there's one a few miles away but it's getting dark ummm you wanna crash at my place since you don't wanna go to yours"
"I guess that would be better than sleeping on the porch of my house and waiting until morning. Would your trainer allow that though?"
Oh are you really sure about that?" She smirks
"I'm sorry but I'll probably beat you real fast eapivially with you injured so I think it's best if you heal THEN we fight"she winks at him
She smiles and giggles a bit and carries him on her shoulder
"You like being carried a lot huh? Also sure I'd love for you to meet my trainer for a bit it's getting pretty late and he gets mad if I don't get there before 10 pm and it's 9:50 so let's go!"she teleports in front of her house
He felt dizzy from the teleport. "You have to warn me whenever you do that Kyu!" He closed his eyes, trying to recover from it. "What is your trainers name? Also promise me never to teleport while I am with you alright?"
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"Oh umm sorry my bad hehe and his name is Adrian he's ummm.............interesting to say the least he uhh..........let's just say he experiments a lot on technology stuff" she opens the door
"I am definitely not showing him the blades on my arms then. Do I have to meet him?" He seemed very unsure about this entire thing.
She noticed his nervousness and tried to calm him down
"Don't worry he really does care about Pokémon and won't experiment on weird things without their permission! He hasn't even done that before I meant he likes building robots and stuff"
He let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Arceus! I should be able to handle the conversation then but you have to lead me. Do you think you could stay up to help me answer questions for your trainer? I get shy around new people and Pokemon."
He got closer and observed the machine, slightly interested by it. "What is that thing?" He reached his right hand out to try and touch it.
All of a sudden he spoke
"Try not to touch it I don't know how it will react to Pokémon skin so please don't also hi there what's your name?"he sees that Adrian is a 20 year old man who is so far wearing a black Tshirt and black jeans and wearing a jacket
He pulled his hand away from it. "M-My name is Hydri. Adrian, would you mind if I were to sleep over?" He held onto the bag of berries tightly in his left hand.
He smiles weakly and you see he is extremely tired but still working on his thing
"It's ok just umm don't destroy anything like our last guest ok? You two get some sleep school starts tomorrow"
"Yes dad cmon hydri" she leads him to the guest room
"Kyu? What is the point of evolution if it only changes how you look?" He started to take off his hoodie. "Also do you think he could fix my pokeball?"