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Ask to Join Pokémon Highschool

He shrugs "I mean all I ask is for you to have a friendly fight with her,she would make you spill a lil but of blood as well,all I ask is just one drop,that's it! Just one tiny drop,I'm not asking for you to severely hurt her,you could even just prick her leg and that would be enough,unless so I'm afraid to say your trainer I can't find her and by the way I do know who that is"he smirks evilly "I can tell you EXACTLY where she is without the machine if you just get that small drop,unless you don't ever want to see her again"he raises one eyebrow smirking darkly
Meanwhile with kyu and the others
She giggles as she blushes a light pink and smiles "awe thanks ken,your cool in your own ways as well and don't worry" she winks at him "I won't be reading ALL of your thoughts so now your free to think whatever you'd like" she chuckles as she heard a distant crash somewhere and could have sworn she heard that yell In a movie somewhere but she chose to ignore it
"Aanyways... Can you lead me to the berry farm? I still don't know where it is. Besides, I need some food." Ken says awkwardly. Good Arceus I could use some food. Wait... Meh.
"I am not going to hurt my friend for one of your fucked up purposes, and I never will spill another drop of blood from anyone Adrian so you better not touch her unless if you want to be put into the hospital alright?" The darkness slowly gathered inside of him again. "Oh and it is also mean to portray a humans or Pokémon's life as less than your own."
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He shrugged "ah well ok I guess I'll need a bit more.....motivation for you..."he smirks as he had a sudden really evil thought to him "I know what to do.....I bid you farewell I'll see you again soon...real soon.....and don't bother telling anyone I can erase certain parts of my memories temporarily so that kyu can't find anything in my mind and anyone who can read auras or tension won't be able to sense me,I'll just keep letting my disgustingly good side out every time I see someone and no one will know so I suggest you keep quiet....actually I know something better"he slowly chuckles a bit slowly then gos to a full on dark,evil and deep evil laugh and suddenly he used his zero point energy to teleport hydri to his school and his memory of his meeting with Adrian quickly faded away
Meanwhile with Kyu
"Oh umm sure but school is starting so we can't exactly leave yet" she rubs the back of her head "we have gym first"
Sun let out a small grunt as he held his side. That waterfall attack came closer than he thought. Shrugging off the pain, he picked up his jacket and put it on. Then, slinging his backpack onto his shoulders, he made his way to join Kyu and Ken. "Hey." he simply said. "I heard we have a new student."
Ken sensed the darkness in Hydri. "Yeah, but she isn't talking." But she is kinda cut-NO. GET OUT OF MY MIND KYU. Ken started walking to Gym. "Hopefully I can boost my speed." Ken said.
He held his head up in pain. And stumbled through the entrance of the school, trying to remember how he had gotten there and what had happened. He walked over to Kyu. "G-Good morning Kyu."
She's confused onto how he got there that fast but she's ok with it
"Ooooook?" She whispers to ken "by the way you can't just call two girls cute and not pick one,that's basic highschool logic,just sayin"she giggled "oh and hey sun! Morning and wow the whole gang is here except jack eh?"she smiles proudly "let's go to the gym!! I wonder what the coach has for us today"
"So you're saying that you're slightly into me? (;))" Ken whispers back. "I mean, I'd be fine with that, but it would be a...DARK romance." Ken says, laughing at his terrible pun.
"To be honest, I-I think I will just sit out for gym today guys. It feels as if I had been hit in the head by an Onyx." He slowly walked to the gym.
"Gooooooood morning class!" Coach Machamp greeted with a large grin on his face. "Have I got an activity for you all today!" Lining the center of the gym were several rubber balls, each about the size of a basket ball. "Today we're going to be playing dodgeball, but with a special little twist I came up with. Instead of using our hands, we're going to apply our move sets." he set up a target dummy to demonstrate. Then he tossed a ball upward and hit it with a dynamic punch. The dodgeball flew at the dummy like a cannon ball and crashed into it with tremendous force. The dummy was heavily dented, but the ball was perfectly intact. "So if you just throw it, you're out. You have to use a move to apply force to the projectile. And these dodgeballs are made of really durable rubber. Shout out to Corona Industries for providing them for us." he chuckled. "Now, let's see...For team captains, let's have Kyu and...how about Zoroark?" A zoroark with a wild look in his eye chuckled darkly as he passed sun, giving him a poisonous look as he made his way to the coach.
"Yeah but at least watch us hydro"she smiles"its better than being alone
She chuckled as she looked at ken "who knows maybe I am maybe I'm not,the world may never know or will know soon who knows" as she heard the coaches speech she remembered she heard about this from her dad
She smirked as she knew her team could beat there team "we pick our teams right coach? Also good punch there"she gave him a thumbs up
Coach Machamp nodded. "That's right." he said. "Better choose wisely, Kyu-tie. Otherwise, all the best will be taken." Zoroark snickered. "Now let's see...Electrivire." he said, choosing his first teammate.
"I fire a good dark pulse. Also, Kyu, would you...erm...care to go out sometime..." Ken said awkwardly. Idiot! Can't even be confident.... Uuuugh....
He went to the side of the wall and sat down, hiding the wound on his back as he watched Kyu carefully for some reason, holding the darkness deep within himself. His mind was clear which was very unusual, even for him. "H-Hey coach? Do you mind if I sit out today?"
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"Go ahead and pick a teammate, Kyu." Machamp said. He then turned to Hydri. "Something bothering you, buddy?" he asked. The rest of the class waited to be divided into teams, some looking unsure, others eager to start.
She sighed "did you just call me kyutie zoarark?......can't wait to completely decimate you"she smiles too innocently "ok obviously my first pick is sun"she smirked knowing her team just already won and the others don't even know it
"M-My head hurts like crap sir and it feels as if I am forgetting something important today." He held his head again trying to remember. "Every time I try it hurts."
Sun leaped down the bleachers and landed behind Kyu. He began warming up as Zoroark looked over the others. "Hmmmm...Staraptor." he selected. The avian Pokémon flew down and landed behind him.

Meanwhile, Machamp seemed to understand Hydri's dilemma. "Well, I'm sure it'll come to you naturally if you wait long enough." he said. "We all forget something sometimes." he added with a chuckle.
She smirked "ken I choose you"she chuckles at her small reference
She rubs her chin thinking who to choose next since jack is gone,the new kid is gone and hydro is out
He looked down at his claws and body as their appearance got darker than usual. "C-Coach?" He looked up at the Machamp, an evil look in his eyes.
Zoroark thought long and hard about his next choice. He had a high flyer and muscle, but what he needed was some support. "Roserade." He chose. The bouquet Pokemon made her way down the stairs and stood there with her teammates. Machamp looked over attendance and checked his list. "Anyone seen Jack, Feraligatr, or the new girl?" he asked. He then turned to Hydri. "What's up?" he asked.
She sighed as she had to make her last choice then she remembers a certain person owed her a favor and she chuckles "I chooosssseeeee..........you jolteon" she pointed to a jolteon
The jolteon smiled and hopped down with us "might as well get someone who is extremely fast"
She looked at hydri intently "I'll take you to a poke center right after this ok hydro? Also I got you some more berries "she tossed him a bag of berries "just watch us wreck these guys it'll be pretty fun"she chuckled
Two students were left. Zoroark looked over them. Should he go with the Ferrothorn, or the Druddigon? Deciding to add some defensive bulk to his team, he pointed to the ferrothorn. It made it's way onto the gym floor with it's vines, and Druddigon made his way to the other team.

"Well, would you like to go see the nurse?" Machamp asked. "If you're feeling sick, maybe she can help."
"That sounds perfect Kyu." He coughed loudly and held a hand over his belly. "I'm not hungry right now. But the poke center sounds good."
"Alright, but if you ever need to see the nurse, you can just leave. I'll understand." Machamp said. "Alright, the rest of you, get on your sides. A few more guidelines before we begin: No lasting damage (looking at YOU, Zoroark.), and no stepping out of the white lines. If either of these are broken, the violator will be removed from the game. Teams ready? 3...2...1...BEGIN!" Machamp said, stepping back and blowing his whistle.
Sun and Team Zoroark took off right away, except Staraptor who flew up above. Sun picked up a ball, tossedit up, and punted it with blaze kick, sending it careening at Electrivire's body. But the big electrified lug punched it back with Thunder Punch.
Kyu shot a shadow ball at the electrified ball and pushed it with more power towards zoarark
She got a ball her self and shrugged and used a lot of power in a power up punch toward the electrivire
Ferrothorn stretched out his limbs and anchored them to the walls and floor, moving around and deflecting balls with protect as Staraptor blew them back with Whirlwind. When the protect faded, he unanchored himself as Zoroark zipped by and grabbed two more balls, and used gyro ball to send them flying into the opposing team as Zoroark fed him the ammunition. Sun ducked under a ball, and noticed a trail of strange green powder. Roserade chuckled as Sun held his breath, sending even more sleep powder upward into Staravia's gale. Soon, a cloud of it was heading Team Kyu's way.
Jack watched from the sidelines "god I'm a idiot" he thought as he tried to smile but couldn't "nope my life is crap" his said to himself a tear came down his cheek "why did I have to..." he stopped "no it's not just that it's the fact I'm to wuss to talk to them" he told himself "I'm just such a horrible friend
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"Well, just go up to them and talk. They're just waiting for you to bounce back because they know you can." Machamp said, almost just appearing out of nowhere. "Listen, Jack. We all make mistakes and have weaknesses, but we can always make up for those mistakes by trying again and again until you get it right (ask sun, it took him thousands of tries to beat me), and our weaknesses with hard work and a little help from those who care about you." he gave the torracat a smile. "Trust me, if you believe in yourself, you'll go far." He showed him he had never shown anyone before: A gold medallion for the Poke-Dome Triathelon. "I didn't earn this in a day, after all."
She chuckled "good to know this team isn't weak "she used a shadow ball but made it into a beam and shot it on the floor creating a large dust wind,blowing the sleeping powder back at them and creating a dense smoke in the room
Kyu got a ball and used her psychic senses to sense her opponents since she can barley see and she's standing beside joleteon who is charging up something
"What was the mistake you made?" Machamp asked.

Druddigon got pelted by a freezing Ice punch ball from Electrivire, being eliminated from the game, as Sun evaded two other balls from the air above. A third was sent his way, but a quick Stone Edge sent it flying back at Staraptor and knocking him out of the game. "TAKE THIS, BANANA BREATH!" Zoroark roared, sending a barrage of balls his way with Night Daze. Sun leaped up into the rafters above, catching a ball on the way up and swinging to as close to the center as he can get without going over. he then used Close Combat to send the ball rocketing back, although Zoroark leaped out of the way. He let out a growl of frustration, and decided it was time to cut this fight short. Standing up, he went behind ferrothorn to avoid the sleep powder, but his teammates weren't quick enough. Electrivire quickly became easy picking as he fell asleep, but Roserade was immune, being a grass type.
"i uh screwed up" he said "hard and there's no way she'd forgive me" he said looking at kyu "you know it not jut that but I just can't do anything right" he said with the sadness finally getting to him "and I-i just can't I know the problem but it out of my hand" he said with a frown "it's out of all of our hands" he started crying "I-I just need some space" he told the machchamp
Machamp sighed. "What you need is to keep trying, buddy. But I understand." he began to walk away to continue reffing the dodgeball game, but looked back. "You know, what I said before, about everyone making mistakes...Success isn't just getting things right on the first try. It's the fact that you kept trying until you got your wish that makes you successful." he then turned back to face the game.
Jack walked outside and climbed at tree and sat there and cried his small heart out he thought about what coach said and calmed down he put on a smile and walked back into the gym " hey coach" he shouted "thanks" he smiled and sat down waiting for the match to end
Machamp gave a proud nod and a smile to Jack. "Any time, pal. Any time." he said.

Meanwhile, on the dodgeball battlefield, Zoroark's eyes began to gleam a bright red. "Let's see how tough you all are when your nightmares become a reality." he snickered. Then, he cast his illusion. Druddigon was the first to be enveloped in it, dropping his ball at the terrifying sight of some multi-headed monstrosity emerging from the fox, his body falling apart as it did. He let out a scream as the other opposing players were dragged into the illusion, one by one. Kyu, Jolteon, even Sun. All of them saw their greatest fears come to life before their eyes, alongside several other nightmarish illusions.
Jack watched what happened and then looked a coach "is is that even allowed " he asked that soon he was in the enveloped in the illusion seeing himself being rejected by kyu again and again he ran out of the room quickly
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