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Rolen shrugged as he stood up and walked over to his bag, which was laid at the foot of the chair.

“No, I don’t have a sword. Too heavy for me to carry around all the time when I’m on the road, even if I knew how to use one.”

He looked in his pack for a moment, and then set it back down after pulling out his spellbooks. They were sprinkled with sand, which upset Rolen slightly, and so were the rest of the contents of the bag. He brushed them off and put them down, too tired to prepare any spells.
Amra left the room for Rolen to sleep. She walked to the stairs. She took the ones up to the roof. She wanted some time to reflect on everything. She sit with her leg indian style and held her hands out to her sides. Breathing in and out she waited for that perfect moment for her mind to clear and go into a trance. Her eyes closed her mind clear she thought about all that had happened. There she sat in the light of the moon, as her mind worked to clear up the mess that was Amra's first guild mission. She hoped tomorrow would be better.
Emma's face was already a bit pudgy, so it looked fairly funny with her face smashed the way it was. She quickly answered all of her questions like so, so that she calmed down more.

"Things are fine, no, no, god no, noon-ish, probably in the dining hall is my guess, yes, LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG-"

That last part was an improvisation, but I'm sure that it got the point across. She held up her leg and... yeah it was clear she needed to see a doctor at that point.
- - -
Ponpa Porra put Maira up on its shoulder, and they both faded away from the playroom. They flickered back into the guild, main hall. It put Maira down, and pulled the rocking horse from before out, placing it in front of her. ".NiaGa tEem lLiw eW .eYbdOOg .eM hTiw gNIyaLp rOf drAWer a" and it faded away once again, who knows when it would appear again.
Once Amra had left, Rolen’s eyes immediately began to shut. He went through the motions of pulling off his wizard robe, pulling back the covers and getting into bed half asleep, and was soon dozing. Faze stayed awake for a while, however, every now and then teleporting around the guild.


Maira found herself somewhere she had never been before. The strange figure spoke to her and disappeared. Not knowing what else to do, she shouted.

Azumi realized what Emma was saying. "Oh no! Poor sweet Emma! I'm so sorry I forgot." She said, feeling ashamed. She laid Emma down on next to her and sat next to her leg. She began healing her. "I'm really sorry Emma. We got doble de members now, it's been crazy. Then tomorrow I have to show them teamwork and with Sam's arrival, I hope she gets along with everyone..." Azumi stopped talking to focus on the leg.

Samantha saw Amra go to the roof. Should she follow? Maybe she needs company. Samantha went up to the roof, when she saw Amra really concentrated she decided to leave her alone. She sat down and placed her scythe before her. She knew what meditation was and would never interrupt one.
“Thanks but I already have a fighting partner that makes me pass out.” Wes smiled as he gestured to the Joltik on his shoulder. “Plus I think I’ll be able to handle myself in a fight.” He confidently stated to the ghost. Soon after he got a little lost in the commotion set off by the girl with the scythe, but one thing was clear: this girl was a jerk. He went and found Samantha sitting down and confronted her angrily. “What the hell was that?!” He ruthlessly berated her; after all Wes had a soft spot for kind albeit weaker people since he probably would’ve been one himself had his life not taken such a horrible turn. “You call that a prank?! You just completely emasculated the guy. What kind of sick freak does that for entertainment?!” Wes’s face showed the slightest signs of turning red as he raged at the new girl. “You better go apologize to Rolen. Honestly what is wrong with you?” He ordered in a quieter yet more serious tone.
Tyler nodded at Wes’s response. “Wes, Rolen is asleep now. I think it would be unwise to wake him up and make him more upset.” Tyler looked at Nana and Sam. “Don’t do that again.”

Tyler floated around, and when he got to the main hall, he saw Maria crying out. “Holy bejezzuz!” Tyler cried. He then yelled out to the whole guild. “Maria is back!”

“Hey, are you ok? That weird thing with the mask, what was that?” Tyler asked.
Maira’s eyes widened in horror. First that strange thing, Popnaporra, and now... a ghost!? The girl gave a small scream and turned to run, but tripped over the rocker on the rocking horse Popnaporra had set down behind her. She fell to the ground, and began struggling to her feet, panicky in her eyes.

“Somebody, help me!”

She said in a very small voice, unable to scream. She started backing up, her muscles unwilling to react.
Sarah was just coming in to see a girl fall and struggle to her feet. She looked up to see what the problem was. The only thing she saw was Tyler. She sighed. "Tyler you really should be more subtle when you deal with new people." With that she knelt down ans held out her hand. "It is ok. That is just Tyler. He won't do anything to harm you." On that note she gace Tyler an death glare. "I am sure you have had a long day. Why don't I take you to a room so you can relax and get some sleep. In the morning I can explain everything, just come find me."
The girl looked at this new person cautiously, fear still in her eyes.

“W-where am I?”

She looked around to see where she had been brought by the strange being. She noticed that her bag had come off when she tripped, and that some of her herbs and things were spilling out. She looked at them for a moment and then began to put them back in her bag, never taking her eyes off either the ghost or the woman. Her muscles still seemed to be resisting as she stowed packages of medicinal herbs into her bag.
Sarah started to pick and hand the girl her herbs. "I see you are a healer. My name is Sarah. You are in the Storm Breakers guild. I am sorry if Tyler frightened you. Were you the one who tried to heal him before he passed? If you are then thank you. Everyone has been looking for you. We were worried when Rolen told us you disappeared."
“Sorry bout that.....” Tyler started to say and then looked at Sarah. “You know you don’t have o give me the death glare. I’m already dead.”

Tyler felt a little embarrassed and went out to Azumi and Emma, who was apparently healing Emma’s leg. “Found the healer.” He said the them. “Scared the bujezzuz out of her. My fault.” Tyler said to them.

Tyler vanishes and went back to his coin. He felt it was best. Didn’t want to freak her out more, he thought.
The girl perked up. Taking a closer look at the ghost, she realized that this ethereal figure looked like the man she had tried to heal earlier that evening.

“Yes, that’s me. Wait, Rolen? This is that guild, then? Well... sorry it took so long to get here. We were almost back, and then BOOM! I was in a wierd play-room and there was a creepy guy with a mask, and it duplicated and hid and I found it and it told me it was called Popnaporra, and...”

At this point she ran out of breath. Her natural bubbliness was contrasting with her fear and the other emotions. She gave Sarah a greatful look for the help picking up the herbs, and put the bag back on.

“And then it brought me here.”
"Well it seems like you have had an eventful day. Why don't I take you to a room you can sleep in and we can all discuss what had happened in the morning. If you want I can come and get you for breakfast tomorrow. I could also show you around the place and tell you about how th guild was formed." Sarah stood up and held out a hand for the girl.
Maira took her had with a smile.

"That would be great!"

She dug into her bag for a moment and seemed to look for something. When she was done she had pulled out some sweet-smelling herbs, and handed a few to the other girl.

"Here, take a few of these. It's an herb that helps bring peaceful sleep, if you put it inside your pillow."
Tyler sat in his coin, wondering if something was going to happen. He had NOTHING to do. He could go look for CrossBlade, but that would take too long. He could train, but he needed someone’s energy to do that.

He summoned himself, and strolled around the guild. He went into the training ground, and sat down. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting for action. He was good at recon now, because he can move through any solid objects. But still, he needed something to do.
The girls short empathetic-less response infuriated Wes, but he was at a complete loss of words. He could not even process how someone could be so cold. Wes angrily turned and left, walking straight passed the commotion in the hall and outside to where Aerodactyl was. He had felt bad for leaving Aerodactyl alone all day and wasn’t about to make him spend the night alone in a new place. Wes sat down and leaned against the fossil Pokémon while Joltik curdled up in Wes’s lap and the three of them drifted to sleep.
Emma relaxed more as her wound began healing, less pain the better. She took another drink from her new flask and held it out to Azumi. It sounded like after all of this stress, she needed to take a load off. She did kinda burst into her room, wake her up, and make her fix her leg.

"Great... more drops for me to train... I'm so happy that I get to go straight back to work after busting my back in the forest. Well, Amra was really adamant about sparring with and beating me, so... I guess it'll be fine..."
Tyler decided because it was dark out, he should go to sleep. He made it back to Azumi’s room where Azumi and Emma were. Tyler picked up the held flask and poured a tiny bit into his mouth. He forgot that I would go straight through him. “Oops” Tyler said and handed it back.

“Azumi, in case I roam around in the middle of the night, I would move my coin somewhere else, cause I might wake you up. Just sayin.”

Tyler vanished back into his coin, and sat around. He wondered if he could bring stuff in here, but because he basically shrank down. Tyler closed his eyes, and waiting for sleep to wash over.......
Azumi took the drink from Emma and took a big shot from it. She smiled and gave it back. She stopped healing the leg. "There. Tomorrow night one more time and you should be good. By the way, I will train the rain drops tomorrow, you're still not in condition for it."
Just then Tyler came in, Azumi ignored him though, she was still upset with him. She was going to keep the coin no matter what he said.
"Anyways, what do you plan to do tomorrow?" She told Emma, she wanted to keep her talking.
Azumi eventually fell asleep again.
"If you follow me I will take you to where the raindrops sleep since those are the rooms that we have available on such short notice." Sarah walked to where an empty room was. She stopped to explain a few things here and there. Sarah would give the healer a full tower tomorrow. She stopped in front of a door. "Here we are. You can sleep in this room until morning. If you need anything feel free to come find me and I will glady answer all of your questions."
“Thank you! I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning!”

With this the girl entered the room and looked around. She set her bag down and sat on the bed, bouncing a bit to test its springiness and then collapsing back, and falling asleep pretty quickly. She was disturbed at first by pictures of Ponpa Porra and Ghost-Tyler, but soon her mind shut down and she was in a deep sleep.
Tyler woke up in his coin in the middle of the night. He sensed that Azumi was still asleep. Tyler shook his head and quietly summoned himself. He floated down the hallway, and went up on the roof, sat down, and watched the moon. It was beautiful. He now realized more about it, not having to worry about anything else. It’s craters. The soft glow around it. He took it all in. “Someday. Someday I’ll go up there.....” Tyler said.

Tyler sat out there for hours admiring its beauty. He felt he needed to do something productive. But as a ghost, was there anything productive to do? There had to be, but there were no missions yet. No assignments. No, nothing.

I could make breakfast, he thought, but what could he make? He laughed to himself. Pancakes. That was all. It was what his father used to make.....

His father.......

He silently cursed at CrossBlade for doing this to him. He could of at least told him. Tyler began to float off the roof, and was now hovering over it, and looking at the moon. He wanted to see his father. One last time. He couldn’t though. Because he was trapped. Trapped in this coin. It was either this or be invisible to people. But he he be set free? Could he? Was there a way?

Tyler hoped so, and floated above the roof some more, and stared at the moon.
Azumi woke up with Nana drooling on her face. She sat up and cleaned her face with Nana's blanket. She applied some healing magic to her leg before getting up. She changed into a white body suit, brown boots, copper chest plate and copper guards for her forearm. She made her hair into a bundle and then walked out of her room.
"Stormbreakers to the meeting room!" She yelled out. She then made her way to the hallway for the raindrops. "Raindrops! To the guild meeting room!" She turned to walk to the guild hall when she noticed Samantha standing there.
"Oh! Good morning. You're up early, that's odd." Azumi said with a smile.
"I... Didn't sleep..." Samantha said. "I meditated... With the elf... And the ghost."
Azumi thought that was odd, but she walked with her to the meeting room. Once there, Azumi sat at her regular spot while Samantha sat across the table.
Rolen woke up to hear Azumi yelling for them to get to the meeting room. He rubbed his eyes and rolled into a sitting position, then stood up and got his Wizard Robe on. He still needed a bath to get all the sand out of his hair, and his extra clothes, but there was no time. He grabbed his bag and headed for the meeting room, closing the door of his room behind him as he exited. He sat down in his usual place, hair noticably messier than it had been. The wizard glared a bit at Sam, remembering the ‘prank’ yesterday, but not being openly hostile.


Maira was also woken by the yell, but had no idea what was being said. She rolled over and slowly began drifting back to sleep, helped along by the scent of herbs which had filled the room overnight.
Wes yawned as he awoke from his post outside. Thus far he was already not enjoying his first day, he typically liked to sleep in, and he especially despised being ordered around by someone else- something he had not experienced since his days the rogue guild. Nonetheless, he slowly made his way inside, he did owe these people a bit of a debt. Upon seeing Sam his attitude immediately worsened, he had still not forgiven her for the things she had said last night. Hoping to aid in cheering Rolen up he made his way over to the wizard. "Hey, how're you doing?" He asked gently, though he was careful not to come off patronizing in anyway.
Sarah walked out of her potion room in the basement the room's door was left open enough for anyone in the guild meeting to see. She walked around with a tray filled with tea and passed on to everyone and set the others on table in unoccupied spots. "I felt you guys might like a little something to wake you up." She took her normal spot beside Azumi.

Amra came in from her run to hear Azumi yell for everyone to get into the meeting room. Walked in, in the clothes she had worked out in. She had on a black tank top, black yoga type pants and the same black boots. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. She sat in the chair across from Rolen. "Good morning Rolen, Wes, did you guys sleep well?"
Tyler heard the call while he was staring at the sun. He made his way to whet he thought was the part of the roof covering the meeting room, and floated down into it. He decided to pick a corner facing Azumi, and hovered there. He saw the tea there in the table, and shook his head. He had been awake all night. He thought he was meditating, but really, he was preparing himself mentally. He was ready for anything that happened. Not many people liked him, except for maybe Wes and that scythe girl. The raindrops.

Tyler hoped they were doing something, he was bored out of his mind. He couldn’t leave within a one mile radius of the coin. He was stuck here. In the guild. With these people. Hooray. So much fun.
Rolen nodded to Wes, but didn’t speak. His eyes were still pretty bleary, but he did manage to respond to Amra.

“Decently well. I’ll get by.”

The wizard thanked Sarah for the tea and began to sip it. He set the cup down and rubbed his eyes again, and waited for the meeting to start. He wanted to know the plan for the day, and he had just remembered that they could recieve a Rank B mission at any time.
Emma fell out of bed again, but it didn't hurt as much as yesterday. She crawled her way out of her room and down the stairs. When she got into the meeting room, she got into her chair and stretched her back. She took out her flask to take a drink and... empty. Emma was not very pleased by this, and turned to Azumi, shaking her head. She put the flask away, crossing her arms as she waited for the announcement.
- - -
It was playtime again, and it came around once more, as it said it would. After flickering around the area more, it reappeared in the main hall, standing there silently as it stared at the stairway.
Samantha drink her tea quietly, she looked ahead as if watching something, but there was nothing really there. She was daydreaming.

Azumi drank from her tea and smiled. "Thank you Sarah." She stood up to address the guild. "Listen everyone. I know the last mission gave us unexpected results and unexpected events. Honestly, I'm still hurting from Tyler's death and I am terribly worried that we are now Rank B. Although we gained some more people, we are still understaffed for rank B." She took a deep breath as she arranged the words in her head. "But, that doesn't mean we are going to just sit and be worried about the past and the future. We are Stormbreakers, when there is a storm, no matter how big, how dangerous, we break through it. Together. Which brings me to my next subject. Today's training is teamwork. Emma, Sarah and myself can work perfectly together fighting side by side without having to even speak or look at each other. The rest of you... Just met. Therefore you need to learn to work together. This is simple, I will divide you in two teams and your goal will be to knock me down. Simple. Of course I will use a wooden sword to avoid hurting anyone. The first team to knock me down will get a reward, the losing team is cleaning the guild house for one week." She placed her hands in her hips and smiled. "Team one is Amra and Rolan, team two is Wes and Samantha. Which reminds me, I need to send the information to the Grand Court that you two have joined. Remember that as long as your part of a guild, you have full immunity from the law." She looked at Samantha. "That doesn't mean I will tolarate crimes."
Samantha just smiled.
"Anyways, Sarah will take care of that. Emma will coach and may the best team win. I will be in the backyard, you guys can attack me anytime." With that Azumi, left the guild meeting room.

She made her way outside, where she picked up a wooden sword with no sharp edges and walked to the middle of the battle field. She stood there waiting with her arms crossed and her sword on her back.

Samantha got up. "No breakfast..." She got up and walked out. She went to the dinning room and grabbed some fruit. She began to eat it and decided to sit down while she did it, setting her scythe against the wall behind her.
As soon as he heard the matchups, he gave a look at Amra and tried to formulate a plan.

“So... we have to work together... I didn’t have time to prepare any spells... but I do have an idea.”

He tried to decide if the plan had a chance to work. They would have to get a move on if they wanted to get to Azumi first. He did NOT want to be on cleaning duty.
“Thanks for including me!” Tyler yelled. He shook his head. What would he do? He knew he can’t be on someone’s team, cause he would drain their energy, but what was he supposed to do? Watch? Boring.

He decided to make breakfast for everyone. He started to make pancakes. He laughed to himself as he was doing this. He thought of what this looked like, a ghost making pancakes. After he was done making what looked like twenty, he set them out in the dining room and shouted. “WHO WANTS SOME PAAAAAAANCAAAAAAAAKES?!”
Wes gratefully accepted the tea before responding to Amra “Yeah, I would’ve preferred to get more but the sleep I had was fine.” Trying his best not to seem grumpy. He sat down, bored already and began to listen to Azumi’s speech. He nearly spit out his tea after hearing her part about the law “Wait!” He shouted as he followed her out to the field. “Does that mean all previous crimes are forgiven as well?” He asked, much too excited. “If not, I’d prefer if you didn’t send the grand court my name, we aren’t exactly the best of friends, the only thing keeping me alive might be the fact that they don’t know me.” Wes blatantly stated to the guild leader. He continued with his speech, very unenthused by the idea of working with Sam, “I don’t mean any disrespect but somehow on my own I’ve taken down numerous dangerous people and racked up a bounty much larger than anyone here, so I feel like it’s a little pointless for me to team up with someone to take down a person with a wooden sword.” He said confidently, although it was not hubris. Wes had lots of experience, perhaps unlike the other “raindrops” and he had more than held his own against very formidable fighters. If Azumi insisted that he continue with the practice he was going to get angry, he hated being talked down to, especially by someone of about equal strength as him.
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"What's your idea? I would love to hear it. We need the edge to get ahead. They have two skilled fighters. We are a mage an a ranger. We need to find a better spot to talk since our plans would be over heard. I know just the place come on." Amra stood up and led the way for Rolen to follow. She led him up the stairs to the roof entrance. She opened the door for him to enter first. Once they were both comfy she said. "Ok now we can talk a bit more freely."

Sarah cleaned up the cups in the meeting room. She then went to her potion room to grab a few things. She knew Azumi woulf make her the last test. She would need time to prepare. She walked to were she last seen the masked creature. She had seen it outside in front of the guild. She walked up to it and looked it in the eyes. She had a plan and with this creature she could bring it to life. "Hey Ponpa Porra, do you want to help me set up a game of hide and seek? It will be fun. You can lead the raindrops to me later on when it is time for them to start looking."
Rolen followed Amra, not paying much attention to where they were going as he tried to iron out the plan. He sat down and began to outline his plan.

“Okay, this probably won’t work, because Azumi... is an exceptionally good fighter, and would probably see right through this plan or find a way to adapt to it. But here it is. I can cast a Mage Hand, basically a magical hand that I can control from a distance. The goal is to knock her down, so I will manipulate the hand to either push her or grab her sword or whatever makes the most sense at the time. Then we need to trip her. I think you’re fast enough to do it... but it’s a pretty risky plan, and I’m open to better ideas.”

He had thought through the plan, but as he said it out loud he began to feel like it definitely wouldn’t work unless they had some extreme luck on their side. He looked off the roof, staring at the landscape laid out before his eyes.
Samantha began to eat the pancakes that Tyler had set. ¨So... the ghost is the cook...¨ She said softly as she ate. She placed one next to her for Bob, her Alolan Rattata.

Azumi practiced swinging her sword. She could see Amra and Rolan on the roof. ¨I wonder how they will work together...¨ She said as she swung her sword. ¨I remember Sarah and Emma fighting every time they bumped into each other.¨
"It might work if we distract her from you doing the mage hand spell. What if I sneak around in the forest and hide among the trees abd shot arrows at her. Then you can use the mage hand spell to take the sword. Then I can trip her someway. Hey do you think they have rope here. I have an idea." Amra had a whicked smile on her face.
“Okay, sounds like a semi-plan. Basically, distract, disarm, and trip. I’m not sure shooting at her is the best idea... you could seriously hurt her. And I’m sure we could get some rope. Sarah probably has some, if we ask her. Let’s get a move on before the other team gets going.”

Rolen stood up, careful not to slip on the roof. He went back down the stairs inside, glancing around for Sarah, and re-envisioning their plan of battle. He also made sure he remembered exactly how to cast the Mage Hand. He would need some precise work if he were going to pull off his part. But then he saw a flaw in the plan.

“Umm... Amra... the entire plan assumed that she would stay still... if she comes at me, then I’m done for, and if she moves too far away my spell will fade because she would be out of range!”