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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft!

Amra followed Rolen down and listen to what he had to say. "How about this. I can help you find a spot in the woods where you can hide and cast the spell. I will not be firing arrows to hit her. I will be firing to miss but distract her. If I can get an arrow between her legs with the rope I can run from the woods and pull the rope to trip her. That is why I need the rope."
Tyler looked forgivingly at Samantha. “I’m not the cook. I’m just the ghost, and I thought it would be nice to cook for everyone cause I got nothin to do and it’s nice.”

He wandered around till he found Azumi. “Need me to do anything? I made breakfast if your hungry. I think that means that be a good job for me.” He shrugged. “Cookings not my best profession. Not a lot that I know to cook.” Tyler said to her.
Azumi looked at Tyler, she still had an upset look on him. ¨Your profession was being a blacksmith, best one I´ve ever seen. You traded that so you can go through walls. If you want to help, how about finding a way back to your body before it´s too late?¨ Azumi didn´t mean to be like that with Tyler, but she had never been hurt like that before, so she just spoke her mind.

Samantha finished her pancakes. ¨Time... to train.¨ She said as she got up from the chair, grabbed her scythe and dragged it as she slowly walked through the guild house towards the back.
Rolen was silent for a moment. He was pretty sure that the plan would not work.

“The spell has a range of about 30 feet. If I’m close enough to cast it, she will see me hiding, or out in the open. I could try another spell, but it would take much too long to prepare.”

He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he tried to think of a way to make the plan work, but there were just too many variables that could easily cause failure. He groaned internally and then stopped rubbing his nose.

“I... don’t think this will work...”
It looked down at Sarah, and its mask shook in response to her question. It kept staring before it came to a conclusion of how to respond to her question. "?eMAg eHT gNIyaLP eB Lliw oHw .nUF yLLaer sDnUOs taHt" was its response as the smile on the mask grew wider.
- - -
Emma walked... er, crawled to the dining room so she could eat her daily dose of meats. She began ripping apart the large bone-in-cut in front of her with her teeth and bare hands. She pat her stomach contently when done, and went out to the backyard.
"Well what do you suggest then. We need to think of something." Amra was not mad just wanted a little action.

Sarah smiled. She then spoke to the it. "Ok so here is the idea. You can travel to different places with others right? Well I want to set up clues for them to follow to find me. With you being the guide you can have the pleasure of telling them where to find the next clue. I plan to hide them different spots around the place to find me. This is a test to see how well they will work together to find me. They need to think quick on their feet so I plan to set up a few traps for them. Nothing that could hurt them."
Rolen bit his lip. He just couldn’t seem to think of any alternate plan.

“I... I don’t think I have a better plan at the moment. We might get our butts handed to us, but let’s try. We need to go before the others do.”

He grimaced, trying to think of any other plan, but failing. He felt defeated already, and they hadn’t even walked outside yet.
Azumi listened to Wes. "Immunity means they can't arrest you, doesn't mean your crimes disappeared. I'm sorry but I can't have a member without reporting him. But you shouldn't have to worry about that, as long as you're with us, they can't touch you." She then listened to his opinion about training. "The point of this is to learn to work in a team with your guild mates. I don't care if you have the power of gods, a person that cannot work side by side with their guild mates, isn't worth having in a guild. Kinda of kills the point of a guild if you think about it."
Its smile turned to a frown at the sound of the obligation. It shook its head toward her, then proceeding to grab her arm, its grip like shackles. ".sNAem Nuf TAhW uOY woHs eM tEL .sUoreGNad yleMerTXe sI taHt .lLa ta NUF tOn s'tahT" it muttered as its chuckle rang through the air, and its body began to fade, taking Sarah with it. When they appeared once again, it was not the peaceful playroom that Maira was brought to. The room was full of small wisps of flame, and Sarah was chained in midair by a strange mechanism similar to a drawbridge. Several of the being created a circle around her, one walking towards her as its smile grew bigger as it walked to her slowly.
"Well the only thing we can do is try. We can build on the plan if we fall. I think I might have some rope in my room. I do not remember all that is in my things I brought with me." Amra went to her room and returned with the rope she had found some in her bag that she brought with her on Flare.

Sarah smiled. This was just what she wanted to happen. "Really this all you got. I have faced furfru scarier then this guy."
“Alright, then. You lead the way, once you are ready hoot with your hands. Assuming you can do that.”

This was one skill that Rolen had been able to pick up that could be useful sometimes. He stood, ready to follow the elf. He was still underconfident about the plan, but he was determined now to at least try. He felt magic ripple around his fingers as he began to focus.
Amra led the way to where Azumi was. She decided to find a spot for Rolen to have a vantage point while still in range. She led it him quietly around behind her and behind a large boulder. It was like the ones that Emma had crushed yesterday. She then stealthily moved to the forest. She climbed a tree to give her a good vantage point. Then when she was in position she fired and arrow right before Azumi's feet.
Azumi looked down at the arrow and then looked up at Wes. "Sorry Wes, we can talk after this if you like." Azumi saw the angle where the arrow came from and looked over to the forest. "Should probably avoid the forest then."
Azumi looked around, but she couldn't see Rolan. "Go after the one with combat experience in a place where she has advantage or find the mage who is probably going to use those light arrows thing." Azumi told herself as she walked away from Wes.
She got her sword and looked around, she figured it wasn't time to start moving yet.
It had done something in this strange place, all of Sarah's belongings had disappeared from her possession apart from some basic clothes on her person. It looked her in the eye, still smiling, as it put a hand on her shoulder. When it did this, an electric shock surged through her body. ".TsAL nAc uOy gNol wOH eEs s'TeL .eLcnu eMAg siHT sLLAC i" it said, placing its other hand on her forehead, a burning feeling where it was placed. It seemed it controlled at least fire... who knows what else it could do for this "game".
Wes saw Sam coming his way. “Alright I know we didn’t get off to the best start but I’m not about to get stuck cleaning for a week so just do what I say for now and we’ll win.” He ordered. “Now I don’t know exactly what you’re capable of but you seem pretty strong. Those two attacked from the forest so if you can hold them off for a bit I should be able to at least knock Azumi down.” Wes was not going to go easy, he was irritated that he was being treated like a newbie. “Alright Joltik lets go.” The tiny spider sent an electric current throughout Wes’s body and the rogue took off with blinding speed. He appeared in an instant in front of Azumi with his electrically charged sword and began swinging it. Wes was not holding back, even if she blocked the wooden sword would be sliced in two.
Rolen peeked around the corner of the boulder. He saw that Azumi was ready for an attack, so he would have to time this right. Just as he was preparing to cast his spell, there was a blur as Wes darted into the fray. Another Variable... Rolen knew that if he did anything now, it would only help Wes to knock Azumi over faster. And now he had no way of contacting Amra... he hadn’t mastered the Message spell, so they would just have to wing it.
Samantha didn't respond to Wes, she just slowly kept walking towards the battlefield. She eventually reached Rolan, who was peeking out from the boulder.
"Hi..." She told Rolan and kept walking forward.

Azumi raised the copper protection of her forearm to stop the sword attack and then kicked Wes away. She then jumped backwards to gain some distance. "I really admire your speed, you move really fast." Azumi told Wes. She was now closer to the forest which was not good, but Wes was in front of her.
"Did you know that I am a water element?" Azumi asked Wes. "We water elements have this thing where we can sense the moisture in the air. I chose to practice with all of you today, because there was one advantage I wanted to have..." As Azumi said this, big thundering clouds were looming over the forest and heading to the direction of the guild house.
Rolen was thinking fast. Wes and Sam were already closing in, and with their current plan he had no way of attacking without helping the other team... unless... if he could time it right, he could get in the final push, but only Azumi would know that it was his spell and not one of the others’ attacks... he gazed at the brewing storm, wondering how he could incorporate that into his plan.
Tyler nodded at response. It was either never be seen, or be seen. He chose the one where he could help. Then a flash went in Tyler’s mind. She had said she lost one of the best blacksmiths. But Tyler knew who was a better blacksmith.


Tyler began to think where he would be. He was probably in a guild. A high rank guild for that, he was one of the best of the best of the best there was. Tyler carefully wandered out of the guild house, aware that he could only go within one mile of the coin. The only Rank A guild that was near them was the FlashFire guild. Tyler shrugged. May as well.

Soon after he found CrossBlade, and had a private conversation with him. After that, Tyler brought him to the Stormbreaker guild.

Tyler and CrossBlade watched the fight go on. CrossBlades Duoblade came out to watch, intrigued by the sword fight going on. “I’m sorry.” CrossBlade said. “If it weren’t for me, you would have lived a normal life...”

“It’s ok.” Tyler said in response. “I’m fine the way I am. Plus Azumi would be very happy that we got you from a Rank A guild AND on if the best blacksmiths on the planet.”

CrossBlades Haxorus came behind CrossBlade, calmly watching the fight.
“I guess a thunder storm wouldn’t be too bad for us either.” He said quietly to Joltik. “Thanks.” Wes replied to the guild leader, “But I’m only just getting started, we’ll see what’s faster: you’re detection or my speed.” He had previously only had the spider charge him up with thunderwave but ordered a discharge, sending a much stronger current and boosting his power and speed even more. The electricity visibly crackled throughout his body, if he was touched or kicked again it would shock Azumi. He saw Sam walk right by Rolen, clearly she wasn’t going to listen to his plan. But he figured as long as she stayed out of his way this would be no different from fighting alone.

“Aerodactyl!” He shouted and the Pokémon flew over to him. “Could you take care of the wizard for me?” He kindly asked. Aerodactyl nodded with response and flew over to where Rolen was located. It used rock tomb, creating boulders that dropped down in a circle around Rolen, trapping him. Then Aerodactyl used stealth rock, pointed stones filled the area above and around Rolen’s new rock prison, so any attempt to get him out would not come without a cost. Aerodactyl returned to Wes’s side. “Great job buddy.” Wes complimented his friend while he grinned, “Now let’s go.”

Wes took off again, somehow faster than before, with Aerodactyl flying close behind. He replicated his technique from before, jumping up in front of her and swinging his sword; however, that was only one part of this new attack. Joltik was also involved now, he fired a sticky web at Azumi’s feet while she was distracted, even if she escaped it she would remain slowed down for awhile.
When Rolen found himself trapped, he began shouting.

“Hey! We’re supposed to be trying to knock down Azumi, not trap members of the opposition!”

With that he began to try to climb the boulders, not noticing the Stealth Rocks laid around the top. He fell down a few times, but eventually was able to jump and get a grip. He wasn’t strong enough to pull up with just his arms, so he kicked around to find a foothold. Once he got one, he reached a hand up to the top of the boulders, only to get his hand severely cut by sharp rocks. He winced in pain and fell about seven feet onto his back, clutching his wounded hand. He cursed internally as he saw the semitransparent floating rocks around the top. He was trapped, and his team was down a member.
Azumi smiled, he had involved his Pokemon. She used her wooden sword to remove the electrical webbing from her feet and jumped away from Wes. She took a deep breath. "You're not the only one using your Pokemon, she smiled."

Samantha walked back to Rolan's location. She used her wind element, combined with her scythe and slashed an opening for him. "Careful..." She said quitely and walked away, going to where Wes was located.
Amra was still unseen as she was in the forest she had been waiting for the right moment. That was until Wes trapped Rolen. It was now or never. Amra tied the rope around the arrow she aimed and fired. She shot the arrow right between Azumi's feet. She jumped down from the tree she was in and ran in the opposite direction of the fight. Pulling the rope as she went. This caused the rope to tighten and pull tightly if she done this right she would cause Azumi to fall.
“What is she doing?” Wes muttered upon seeing Sam free Rolen, “She just took away our advantage.” He caught side of the arrow attached the the rope that Amra shot, and quickly threw a dagger at it, severing it, if anyone was going to knock Azumi down it was going to be him. Wes continued his onslaught, everything was now in place, he was sped up and his opponent was slowed down. “Now!” He shouted to Aerodactyl who quickly replicated the previous trap he had made for Rolen, but this time its purpose was to serve as an inescapable arena for Wes and Azumi and prevent interference from outside with the stealth rocks and Aerodactyl both standing guard. Wes instantly reacted, this was a strategy Wes had often used when he needed to fight enemies that favored range or ones who would flee. Wes began bouncing from wall to wall of the cage, resembling a bullet stuck ricocheting, causing confusion and waiting for his chance to strike.
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Amra was extremely mad. She ran and climbed a tree near where Wes and Azumi was. She would not let this cheater when. He has done nothing but cheat this is not supposed to be an actual fight. She ran off the tallest branch of the tree and jumped over the rock tomb she landed with a summersalt right in front of Wes. She unsheethed her daggers and brought them up to distract Wes. She would not let this guy cheat and win. "You know this is supposed to be a team exercise. All you have done is trap my teammate and try and do this by yourself. That is not the whole point of this. This supposed be a learning to work together."

Sarah felt the burn. She would not let this thing get to her. She had been tortured before with worse pain. "That all you got. I have felt babies with more fire power then you."
Azumi looked impressed. "Wow you're really amazing." She watched as Wes bounced around. "Sorry but I can't stay here."
Nana appeared next to Azumi, giggled, grabbed Azumi's hand and teleported away.
They both reappeared on the roof of the guild house. Nana teleported away again. Azumi waved and called out. "Over here raindrops!"

Samantha groaned with annoyance. She was so close to the battle and now it was all the way back to the guild house. She turned around and began walking.
Rolen lay on his back, when there was a slash and a crack. A gap appeared in the rock, with Sam outside. He was confused as to why she was helping him, but didn’t think about it for too long as he struggled to his feet and tried to slip through the opening. It was a little narrow for him, but he managed to get through with only a few scrapes. There was a bump on the back of his head from the fall, and his right hand was lacerated, but at least he was out. Looking around, he saw another Rock Tomb Prison a little ways away, where he had last seen the other combatants, and he also saw that Azumi was now on the roof. He groaned, wondering both where his teammate was and how he could knock down Azumi without risking her falling off the roof and getting seriously hurt.
“Ugh.” Wes groaned, he had forgotten about Nana. He then looked to the girl holding a knife to him and rolled his eyes “You idiot.” He gestured upwards towards the incoming pointed stones ready to impale them. “Come on.” Wes sounded irritated as quickly lifted her up and used his speed to escape just in time. He set her down nearby. “Obviously I’m not gonna let you guys get seriously hurt or killed, but when you pull a boneheaded move like that I’m tempted to.” Wes was very annoyed, he often forgot most people aren’t near his level of intelligence and despised their “stupidity” even if it was something the average person would do. He then vanished from near her, making his way to the roof with incredible speed. He knew he had to beat Azumi fast, his body couldn’t sustain the electric charge much longer, “Don’t be scared, we gotta hurry and get to the roof!” He shouted to Sam. Aerodactyl proceeded to grab the girl’s shoulders, quickly flying up to the roof where Wes and Azumi were.
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CrossBlade grinned at the fight. “You know what? I want a price of this.” He said in his thick Russian accent. Tyler picked up CrossBlade who had Doublade on his back. Tyler made sure that he would drop him down from a great height for maximum drama. Tyler let go.

CrossBlade crashed down in front of Azumi and grinned at Wes. “I’m my world, we don’t accept cheaters.” CrossBlade said to him. He turned around to face Azumi. “Hello, the names CrossBlade, I’m from the FlashFire guild. I’m Tyler’s uncle.” He turned back to Wes. He reached back to his harness and pulled out Duoblades swords. He was now holding two of Duoblades swords in his hands, ready for battle. He charged at Wes, and threw a sword of Duoblade at him, with blinding speed.

Tyler floated down to Azumi. “Really sorry bout this, but he really wanted to come in the fight. Plus, he wants to join, and he’s from a Rank A guild. He’s your new blacksmith. If you want him to stop, just call him off.” Tyler said to her apologizing.
Samantha used her wind to float downward when Aerodactyl brought her over to the roof.
Azumi got a serious look on her face. "You know this is practice right?" She asked Samantha.
Samantha just nodded. A strong wind began to blow around her. She slowly began to float as a whirlwind lifted her. Her dress wasn't moved though for some reason. She lifted her scythe with ease now and spun it over her head.
"I said it was practice!" Azumi yelled as she prepared for an attack.
Sam floated swiftly towards Azumi and began attacking her with rapid slices of her powerful weapon. Azumi dodged as best of possible, trying to avoid the pointy end of the weapon. Azumi reached the end of the roof and in a despairated response, created and ice knife and slashed forward towards Samantha.
Samantha dropped her scythe and floated away, with a small smile on her face. The scythe then began to float on its own and began attacking Azumi again.
"Stop it!" Azumi yelled as she ran away from the floating weapon.
Samantha justed giggled softly and floated after her weapon, from far away it was a pretty funny scene. Samantha stopped her attack when Crossblade landed.
Azumi gave an annoyed look to Tyler. "Who is that and why is he interrupting my training session? Nevermind." She didn't want to hear an explanation. According to her, this man attacked her raindrop, nobody messes with her raindrop. Azumi ran across the roof and placed herself between Wes and Crossblade. "Get away from him."
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“Holy crap.” Wes couldn’t help but speaking his thoughts when he witnessed the power of Sam’s wind magic. “Thank god she didn’t fight us last night.” He joked to Joltik. Sam’s incredible power was just what they needed to turn the tables, unfortunately a man with a Doublade appeared and quickly put an end to the momentum. The doublade thrown at Wes caught him off guard and would’ve seriously injured him had he not been luckily knocked over by a remaining gust of wind from Sam’s attack. He was happy when Azumi stepped in to defend him, despite his pride he didn’t think he would be able to handle this guy in a 1v1. With Azumi’s back to him he knew it was an opportunity to trip her but he resisted his instinct and decided to work as a team. “Here.” He called out to Azumi as he tossed her his sword, what may have seemed like a simple enough gesture was actually quite pivotal to Wes, that sword was his prized possession and since he got it nobody else had held it, but he trusted his new leader. “I can’t have you fighting along side me with a wooden sword, but treat that sword well or I’ll never forgive you.” Wes drew his daggers and prepared for a fight, this guy seemed really strong.
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Amra was not happy with being talked to like she was a child. She was 21 not some fresh faced recruit for her mother's army. Well she would show him. She took her bow with the remains of the rope she shot again right between Azumi's feet. She had climbed up a tall tree to get a better advantage. She wanted to trip her up. If this worked how she had planned then they would win this. She pulled the rope tight and yanked. Then sliding down the trunck of the tree she ran to the backside of the building to wrap the rope around Azumi's foot. If she did it right Azumi would fall and they would win. She then had a thought. "Rolen use mage hand to grab the yellow bug off Wes' shoulder. We need to take out his power source."
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“Doublade, back.” CrossBlade said to his Pokémon. The two swords returned to the sheath on his back. He turned to Wes. “What do you mean prevent fish washing?” He said to him. Tyler came over to CrossBlade and said, “He said DISH washing.”

“Oh, that makes sense.” CrossBlade replied.

Tyler and CrossBlade backed up a bit and let the others fight. But he noted that this was getting a little out of hand.

Suddenly, Tyler felt a pang in his head. He sensed something l, off. Was it that weird mask thingy again? He closed his eyes and tried to visualize where it would go.....

He saw.....he saw.......Sarah?
Renz was surprised to see his teammate come out of the other trap, climb into a tree, shoot an arrow with rope tied to it and shoot it to the roof, then jump down and run around the building still holding part of the rope. He thought he knew what she was trying to do, but couldn’t see it succeeding. He heard her shout for him to cast Mage Hand, but the figures on the roof were much too far away. He bolted inside and headed for the stairs.
Azumi tossed the sword back at Wes. "Thank you, it's a beautiful sword by the way." She then felt a small breeze behind her and jumped to the side, just in time to dodged the scythe trying to slash her. "Sam! You could've..." She stared in horror as a chunk of her hair was on the ground. "Why is it always my hair!?" She cried out frustrated.
Samantha giggled. "Too slow..." She sent her weapon after Azumi again.
Just then a loud thunder was heard and the rain began to pour. Before the scythe reached Azumi, she jumped of the roof and created small icecle steps from the rain to run down on to the battle field.
Samantha yawned and stopped her attacks. "What a drag..."
Azumi passed her hand through her hair. "Oh no, it probably got lose during the fight..." She looked like she wanted to cry. She then used her right hand to heal her right leg. "The arrow wound still hurts..."
Rolen reached the roof.... to find that the storm had arrived, Azumi had dissapeared and Sam, Wes, Tyler and a stranger there. He rolled his eyes and headed back down the stairs, peeved that all he had done was hurt himself and tire himself out while not actually accomplishing anything.
Amra sighed as she saw Azumi jump from the roof. She would have to try a different approach. Well since everyone else is doing it might as well join them. She rushed forward with her daggers in her hand. She knew she was not as practices with them as she was but she had sneak attack advantage. She hoped Rolen was able to take the joltik off of Wes she would be able to knock Azumi down if her did. It started to rain, but she rushed on. She got really close to Azumi and went to slice her with one. She would not hurt her as she was pulled her attack to take out a lot of the force while still being good to het the sword.
“NO FISH WASHING FOR ME!!” Yelled CrossBlade at the storm. “Doublade!” He yelled. The Duoblade wrapped around his hands and flew to the sky, pulling him with it. He flew directly into the storm, and used Duoblade as a lighting rod. A thunder bolt struck the Duoblade, and charged them up with enormous energy. He then pointed them right in front of where Azumi was and shouted, “Doublade, THUNDERBOLT!!!”

Lightning struck the ground right in front of Azumi, creating a electric terrain around her.

Octo-Bug woke up to a lighting storm. He walked outside and saw, no, could it be? It was CrossBlade! Octo-Bug remembered fighting with him, mainly because his main element was lightning. He scurried out to CrossBlade as he landed near Azumi. Octo-Bug made him a backpack by crawling on to him and latching himself on to him. Octo-Bug used discharge on him, and surged his body.

Tyler floated twoard Wes. “I didn’t know he could do that......” Tyler said to him. “Guess that’s how he fought back then. He looks like he’s going to blow a fuse.....”

Haxorus made it to the roof. And stood next to Wes in the direction that Rolen was, protecting Wes.
Azumi sense the quick motion of Amra in the rain. She turned just in time to jump away. When she landed she touched the grass with her hand and froze the ground around them. Then the thunderbolt hit. Azumi looked up and saw Crossblade. "Again?! Who is this man?!" She looked over at the roof. "Tyler! Fix this now before I consider him an enemy of the guild!" She yelled out. She was upset with Tyler and now some random man he brought was attacking them.
Now Wes was angry, this new guy and his galvantula completely copied Wes and Joltik’s signature combination. “You take care of Azumi.” He said to Sam, now confident in her ability, “I gotta deal with this off-brand version of me, feel free to use Aerodactyl.” Wes took off with great speed and appeared in front of what appeared to be a more buffer up version of him. One sword and a Joltik vs two and a Galvantula. “Cool technique, it looks familiar.” Wes angrily stated. “You’re going down.” Joltik let loose with a barrage of pin missiles while Wes used them as a cover to rush the enemy. He gripped his sword with both hands and began to slash diagonally upwards.