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"Thanks. You to. That mage hand was great. With our combined force we almost had her." Amra smiled and was about to enter the room when Azumi showed up.

Sarah had a plate with a few cookies on them. "Here I had made these and thought you might enjoy them. They were freshly made. If you want you can eat them on the tour I promised you. I had to set up a little puzzle for the new raindrops." Sarah held the plate out for her to take.
Rolen was about to respond to Amra when he heard Azumi. The door was still partway open, so she could come in if she wanted to. However, the wizard froze as he still hadn’t finished thinking things out. He wasn’t ready to talk to Azumi, but here she was and he would have to cope.


His voice sounded slightly off, but it was somewhat hard to notice unless you had known him a while.


Maira was absolutely thrilled with the cookies. She took one and took a large bite, and her eyes began to sparkle.

“These. Are. DELICIOUS!!! What’s in these? And— wait, what? Puzzles for new raindrops? Are you a weather Mage? Do you teach the weather to do tricks?!”

Maira was getting excited. And the sugars in the cookie probably were not helping.
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Azumi walked in and bowed. ¨I am really sorry about what Nana did. Sam told me and there is no excuse to such behavior. She is spoiled and sometimes does things without thinking her consequences. I truly apologize.¨ She remained bowed until Rolan responded.

Samantha walked back to the dinning room and looked at Wes. ¨You... brought your girlfriend?¨ She said, pointing at his sister.
“Ah- er... I-it’s, fine...”

Rolen hadn’t expected this subject to come up, and he was already uncomfortable in that situation without recollecting what had happened the night before. He turned slightly redder, and gave a quick glance to Amra before turning his look on Faze, who was on the pillow.


“Oooh, that sounds great! I can’t wait to see!”

Maira picked up her bag, ready to follow Sarah.
Azumi stood up straight, looking a little relieved. She stepped away to allow Amra in. ¨Now... regarding everything that has been happening around here. This is not normal, I´m really sorry you are all having a bad experience with us. Me and Sarah will find a way to make things better. If anything happens, please let me know. Part of my job is to make sure you are all comfortable and hopefully consider this place your home, just like I do.¨ She looked around at the two raindrops.¨Now, before I go, is there anything that you two need? Any doubts?¨
"Well if you follow me I will show you around. If you want to you can. Leave your bag here. We can return back for it later. I am sure Azumi would want you to talk to her before you leave." Sarah walked around the guild house. She stopped in the dining hall. "This is the dining hall. There is a hole in the roof because someone who is now apart of the guild until they pay their debt. Their idea by the way."

"Well I was wanting to know your opinion on what had happened earlier. You had said that was supposed to be a training exorcise in teamwork. Well the other team did not really work together at all. Not to be rude, but Wes did trap Rolen when he was not even doing anything yet. I am sorry if this is out of line, but I wanted my opinion known. I mean I would not mind cleaning seeing as we lost. We done our best without trying to hurt anyone. Yet Wes was out to get not only you but anyone who tried to talk some sense into him." Amra had leaned on the doorway and crossed her arms. She had one foot on the ground the other was flat against the door frame. She looked out into the hall as she spoke.
Esa giggled at the question but Wes blushed and had a bit of a harder time answering. “No... she’s my sister.” He told Sam, slightly flustered. Wes quickly tried to change the subject, hoping to avoid awkwardness. “Anyways, great job out there. You really carried the team. Sorry I doubted you at first.” He complimented the strange girl, slightly embarrassed by having to confess his need for a teammate. “I really screwed up. Given your strength our team had the clear advantage in fighting ability, but my stubbornness caused the competition to be far too close. Sorry.” He looked down a little, feeling bad about how the practice went and still not over the fact that he couldn’t defeat Crossblade.
Maira has followed Sarah. She had kept her bag, more as a comfort thing than a symbol of readiness to leave. She was extremely happy throughout the tour, and looked curiously at the hole in the roof where the rain was pouring in.

“This place is awesome!”


Rolen nodded in agreement with Amra. He still held back his opinions on the pact, however, and continued to stare at Faze. Eventually this made the Abra uncomfortable and he teleported away.
"I see what you mean, things didn't go exactly as planned... But I think we did great for it being the first time we do something like this. You worked great together and the only reason you lost was because Sam got me with a lucky shot after a distraction. I'm sure in the future you two will make an awesome combination. Don't forget that if it was an actual combat, Wes would've been in trouble since the beginning of the battle." She smiled at both of them. "Besides the guild house is not THAT dirty." She laughed a little, which somehow made her feel better. "Any more questions?"

Samantha looked at Esa. "Cool... Crossblade... He annoys me..." She turned around and left, her Rattata skipping happily behind her. She made her way to her room, looking up at Amra as she passed by and then went into her room at the end of the hall.
Rolen was still for a few moments and then shook his head in the negative. He couldn’t bring himself to talk. Azumi seemed normal now, but what he had seen earlier... he no longer had Faze to stare at, so he shifted his gaze to his bag.

“Uh-..oh, one last thing, is there a way I can clean the sand out of my clothes?”
Tyler held his head in the coin. The stupid side was trying to fight back. A voice in Tyler’s head echoed, “Don’t you care about your friend?....”

“NO I DONT. LEAVE ME ALONE!!” And Tyler slammed his head on the wall, and the voice vanished. Tyler sighed. He couldn’t let THAT side get control. The darkness needed this........
"Now why don't I take you to the lounge room until Azumi can get time to talk to you. I know she would love to thank you for what you have done. Even ig you were not successful you still tried to save one of our own. I am glad he had felt the caring touch before he past. I am sure he appreciates it. Now would you like a cup of tea or if you prefer I also have some coffee down here." Sarah lead the way to the louge room off to the side of the meeting room.

Amra sighed. She felt that they did not really deserve the win, but she would concede on this for now. Maybe she could talk to Rolen about it. It was not the fact that they lost more that she felt that they deserved at least something for actually working together to try to and win the challenge. "I guess you are right, but I can tell you right now I am not touching the dining hall until Wes fixes the roof." She would not clean up something that caused a major problem for the guild.
Azumi looked at Rolan with an odd look. She did not really understand the question. "Well... Have you tried washing them? If you don't know how, I can teach you." She smiled, hoping that answer was helpful. She then responded to Amra. "Don't worry, the hole was there before the training session, he needs to cover it up or maybe I will later. I love the rain, but not on my food." She clapped her hands together. "Well I'll let you two continue your conversation, Rolan if you need help washing your clothes let me know. Now if you would both excuse me, I have to go give Nana a good talking to." She smiled and left the room.

Azumi went to her room, where she explained to Nana as best as she could, that looking into people's minds without permission is wrong. At the same time Azumi cut her hair, to even it out. It went from long to having it two centimeters above her shoulders. Nana loved it, but Azumi felt she looked like a 10 year old girl.
Azumi headed down to the lounge, where she saw Sarah and Maire. She was happy to see the healer. "Hello. My name is Azumi Towers, leader of the Stormbreakers, it is very nice to meet you formally." She stretched her hand out. "I am really grateful for what you did. If there is anything I can do for your, I am at your service." She smiled, even though the image of Tyler's death was playing in her head.
Rolen suddenly realized that he could just bring his clothes outside and let the rain do most of the work. He felt stupid for not thinking of that sooner. He nodded to Azumi as she left, and then looked back to Amra, his expression filled with different emotions, predominantly confusion or worry.


Maira stood up and offered her hand.

"Hi, I'm Maira Arvich, it's nice to meet you too!"

The girl was grinning broadly, bouncing slightly on her heels.

"This place is awesome!"
Amra walked in and closed the door. The was like her's in a way. She sat down on the chair that was in the room. She placed her arms on her legs and leaned over. "Man this sucks. You know I had big dreams for this guild. I had heard good things about the members they had. Now I do not know what to believe."
Azumi loved the way Maira expressed herself of the guild. "Well I'm glad to hear you like it. You can stay as long as you need to. After seeing your skills, if you ever want to join us, we will welcome you anytime. By the way, did you eat already? There is still breakfast available in the dinning room."

A Swanna landed outside the guild, with an envelope on it's beak.
Rolen sat down on the bed and sighed.

"Yes. And I believe that Azumi, Sarah and Emma are very good. But... Azumi...”

He trailed off. He relived the scene from before, as Azumi had cut her hand and shadows enveloped her, binding the coin to her with blood and dark magic, and he was once again filled with horror. He began to tear up slightly.

“Wh-why... why would she do that? S-surely there... there must have been another way...”


“No I haven’t eaten, bu-“

Maira cut herself off when she noticed the angle of one of Azumi’s legs.

“Is one of your legs hurt? Want me to take a look?”

The girl began digging into her bag, moving around packages of herbs and causing an even stronger scent in the room.
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Nana teleported to the entrance, she opened the door slowly and peeked outside. The Swanna handed her the envelope and flew away. Nana teleported to Azumi. She flinched when she saw the stranger and hid behind Azumi.
"Relax Nana, she is the one that was helping Tyler." Azumi explained and then answered Maira's question. "Yes if you could please, it slowed me down during training earlier." She sat down and took the envelope. She read through it for a few minutes. "This is too soon, but of course Victoria assigned it. That woman makes me so mad..." She said quietly. "Nana, be a dear and inform the others to meet me down here."

Nana nodded and sent the message to everyone. "Guild meeting room please! Bring cookies for Nana!"
Once Wes finished eating he decided the least he could to was patch the roof for now, and by that he meant having Joltik patch it. “Hey buddy, wanna help me out with that.” He looked at the tiny spider while gesturing to the hole. Joltik nodded and jumped up to the hole, quickly filling it with webbing so rain would no longer leak through. “Thanks, you’re the best.” Wes complimented his Pokémon friend. He headed to the lounge area where he saw Azumi. “I’m gonna go train for a bit, I need to get stronger if I want to be of any use. I won’t lose again.” He told Azumi, with slight anger in his voice and turned to head outside.


Esa was taking her time eating and made sure to also feed her Pokémon. I guess this place isn’t so bad she thought, perhaps I’ll stay here as long as Wes does.
"I know what you mean. I know I am not magically inclined, but there had to be a better way then what she had done. I know of a few people who could have helped out ans gotten her the coin even if that guy had taken it with him." Amra sighed as she heard the mesaage from Nana. How she so wished she could not deal with it right now. She would much rather be doing something else. "I guess we better go before we get into trouble." Amra stood but was reluctant to leave.
Rolen stood as well, wiping his face quickly and taking on the blankest expression he could muster. He walked out the door, holding it open for Amra and heading down to the meeting room. Once there he took a seat in his normal spot and began to stare at the table.


Maira rummaged through her bag. She pulled out a package of herbs, and began tossing it slightly.

“Would you like me to check it out now, or does the meeting come first? You will need to either lay down or sit while I work.”
"Wes, it's a meeting, you meet with everyone. Stay." Azumi told Wes before he left. She then looked at the healer. "After, I'm sorry I have to attend to this first."

Azumi went over to the meeting room and stood before everyone. She waited for everyone to join and be seated. "Things have not been well..." She began. "We lost Tyler, we failed a mission and passed it at the same time, we were attacked in our own guild house and Emma has left." She took a deep breath and continued. "But, we have new members and a new rank. This is going to be complicated, I know, I can see it in the faces of some of you. You're all worried, scared, sad. I am too. But none of you are alone, we are making something great here, a brotherhood, a family, a guild. As the days pass and the missions pile on, we will grow stronger, we will learn to trust each other and protect each other." She stopped for a second and then continued. "Having said that, we just received our next mission. Our first rank B mission. It is towards the Eastern desert. Miners have sent in for a rescue, their mine caved in. I know this is too much right now and I understand if any of you want to stay behind. So, who ever does not want to be part of the mission. You may step out before I go into details." She looked down, so who ever decided to leave wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
Wes wasn’t sure he was cut out for life in a guild, traveling on his own certainly granted him more freedom. He rolled his eyes and sat down to listen. He heard her talking about everything going on and how people were stressed, Wes seemed pretty unaffected. He had already dealt with more than enough loss for a lifetime and had become unfazed by it at this point, plus it didn’t hurt that he wasn’t very close to Emma or Tyler. He sat and waited for her to get into more details as he pondered what some of his previous missions would’ve been ranked if they had been through a guild.
Rolen shifted uncomfortably. It had been a shock to hear that Emma left as well, but his face, though he tried to remain calm, was betraying him. He didn’t want to back out of the mission, however, even if he didn’t see how he could be useful. He was surprised when he heard a farmiliar voice speak from near Azumi’s chair.

“OOH! Can I go? I can help!”

Rolen was surprised to see Maira there, and showed it. He did not speak, however.
Tyler sensed conversations going round him. AND he sensed his name being involved somehow. He summoned himself, but things were different about him now.
His hair was spiked, his eyes red, and he was glowing a violent purple.

“It seems like I don’t have a choice.” Tyler said and then looked at Azumi with a scowl. “Because apparently I am an object now. Azumi might decide to leave me behind. In that case, whoever stays behind will be with me.......” He then looked to everybody in the room.

“So who’s gonna stay?” Tyler said with an evil grin.
Esa had been observing from the side of the room. She saw the ghost speaking angrily, luckily, growing up at the temple had exposed her to far more dangerous spirits. “I can babysit the idiot.” She interjected before realizing her sudden introduction could have come off a little strong “I mean if you need I can watch the ghost.” She somewhat mumbled.
Tyler jerked his head to Esa. ¨You can try.¨ Tyler said and grinned. ¨You can try......¨ His eyes flashed red, and he was gone.

The voice came again. ¨Dont hurt them........¨ The voice said in his mind. ¨I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!¨ Tyler screamed and slammed his head into the wall of the coin. The voice vanished. Tyler grunted. ¨Stop trying to take over. I've already killed you....¨ Tyler said weakly.
Azumi looked up at Maira and smiled. "It would be an honor to have you with us."
Then the whole scene with Tyler happened. "Thank you Esa, but I will be taking Tyler with me. I know he is out of control, but he can't attack unless I ask for it and in exchange for my energy. So it won't do harm to take him. Plus he is still part of the guild. But, if you want to join us to help me keep an eye on him, I would really appreciate that." She looked around at everyone in the room. "Now, regarding the mission. For those of you who went last time, we faced a very powerful opponent who got away. For the new ones, he is a tall bald man with a red X on his face and a Tyranitar with the same markings. He uses a giant hammer as a weapon and can summon sand golems. Now, since we are rank B, we have been given more information regarding this." She grabbed the document with the information about the mission and looked at it while she spoke. "Organization X. That is what they are call. Their members are known for having a giant X somewhere on their bodies. The X may vary in color, but the design is the same. This organization has been attacking random objects in the Kingdom of Parral and Creel and have made their first appearance in Kelan. Which is who we faced. They are extremely dangerous and show great power and abilities. It is recommended to avoid facing them. Their attacks always involve taking out a small group of people who are away from civilization. The reason is yet unknown. So far, there have been reports of an earth user, the one we faced, and a wind user. The other attacks are unknown since the guilds who faced them were found dead. We are not 100% sure this miners situation is the same one, but please be careful and escape if a member of the organization X is spotted. Report any updates immediately." Azumi put the document away. "Now, formation. We will travel in two parties. Sarah will lead one and I the other. The desert has very little spots for stealth, so we need to be careful. Team Sarah will be Rolan, Samantha and Wes. My team will be Maira, Amra and Esa if she wishes to join us. Any complaints before we continue? If you want a change, it requires a good reason for it."

Samantha now stood next to Wes. "You.. want to join your...sister?"
Rolen groaned internally. He was glad he was going with Sarah rather than Azumi, since he still needed time to think about things. However, he was not feeling particularly happy with Wes or Sam at the time. However, Azumi had said she needed a good reason for the change and he had none, so he would just have to live with it. He realized he still hadn’t gotten his travel clothes cleaned of sand, and there would probably be no time to do that at this point, so he would just have to wear his Wizard robes.


Maira grinned and moved closer to Azumi.

“Would you like me to take a look at your leg now? Bette to do it before you leave if we’re walking.”
Wes looked at Sam who had just spoken to him. “Yeah, it’s kind of disappointing but it’s Azumi’s call.” He replied as he mentally prepared himself for this expedition. For some reason he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had had an encounter with someone who bore an X marking before...


Esa sighed with disappointment, she had wanted to travel with Wes. “I’d be happy to join you, but I was hoping I could spend some time with my brother. After all, it’s been 10 years since I’ve seen that idiot.” She replied jokingly then switched to a slightly more serious tone but still jolly “But if you want to split us up I understand.” She said, paying her respects to the guild leader. Esa secretly hoped Wes would be switched into her group rather than the other way around, she liked Azumi’s vibe and wanted to spend more time with her.
Sarah walked into her room off to the side and came out with a bundle of black clothing for Rolen. "Here these are something my brother used to wear. I am sure they will fit you seeing as you guys are about the same size and build." Sarah then turned to Wes. "Now you said you were trained in making and using potions right? I have a few that I want you to hold onto for this mission they might come in handy if we run into anyone who needs to be trapped and integrated. I will handle the more explosive potions and poisons." With that she turned to Amra she handed her a quiver of poison arrows. "These are very potent poisonous arrows. They have enough juice to kill a whalelord with one of the puppies. So use them with care." She then turned to Maira. She pulled out a couple vials of healing draft. She set them in front of the healer. "You should be familiar with these in your line of work." Sarah turned last to Esa. "I am sorry I do not have anything for you. I do not know what you are trained for so it would be hard to trust you with the things I supply. In the wrong hands they could be very dangerous. So do not take it the wrong way."

Amra took the arrows and put them away in a special quiver that would hold the arrows with care. She said thanks as Sarah started to pass out supplies. She then looked to Rolen she would have liked to be paired up with his group, but would not protest against and order.
Azumi thought about the teams to see if it was possible to have Wes and Esa together. But she figured they would be unbalanced. "I'm sorry, I can't find a way to put you two together. But, we will travel together until we reach the desert." Azumi turned to Maira. "Yes, in my room shortly." She then turned to everyone else. "We leave in 3 hours. Do what you must before then." She looked at Rolan. "Could you go with me and Maira to my room? I have a favor to ask."
Azumi excused herself and went to her room, where she looked in the mirror and sighed sadly because of her hair.
Tyler was curious of what was going on. An expedition? The X group? Interesting.........
Tyler sent a message to Azumi, ¨CrossBlade has an X scar on his forehead...I´m sure you'll be happy to run into him again......¨

He laid back, and the voice came to him again. ¨Don´t hurt.......Don´t hurt them.....¨ Tyler clenched his head in his hands. Stupid voice. The Tyler he killed was coming back. He needed to find out how to get rid of this brat. This voice was causing him pain. So much of it too. He cried out and repeatedly struck his head on the wall of the coin, which caused the coin to vibrate in Azumis pocket.
Rolen had nodded his thanks to Sarah, and took a look at the clothes, but he stiffened as he heard the guild leader’s words. He gave a quick glance over to Amra and then left the meeting room, following Azumi, Maira going ahead of him. She seemed enthusiastic about this, or perhaps something else. Or maybe she was always enthused. Maira moved over to a chair and pulled it next to the bed. Rolen stood just inside the doorway, waiting to see what the guild leader wanted.
“I think we have a little bit of a misunderstanding haha.” Wes chuckled, pushing the potions away from himself. “I only use potions for harmless tasks, mostly just medical, but also the occasional smoke bomb for a quick escape. I appreciate the offer but I really can’t accept these.” After all, the apothecary he trained under had made him take an oath that the skills he learned while an apprentice must not be used to harm another person. Of course Wes had taken some liberties with this oath, but the potions was something he viewed as especially taboo. He gave a thanks for the offer and walked away.


“Alright fine...” Esa was clearly saddened by the idea, plus she didn’t trust these people to protect her brother on such a dangerous mission. She walked up to Sarah and pulled her close, looking her dead in the eyes, “You better not let anything happen to him, even if that means sacrificing yourself. I just got him back, I won’t lose him again.” She then turned and walked away.
"Wes these are not harming potions at all. These are more like stun potions. When I meant explosive I meant it would encompass more then on person so make sure you are a far enought distance away. These will not harm anyone at all. You think I would give someone I barely know that dangerous. I only gave the arrows to Amra because she has a license to use them. It is by the Elven kingdom but it is still recognized here as well. If you want you can take a look in my potions lab and see if there is anything there that might help you. Though I must warn you not to touch anything in the black shelf without me there. Trust me you will not like the outcome if you do." Sarah spoke as she gathered things that she would need for her mission. Sarah was fazed by the protectiveness of the girl for her brother. Sarah would have been the same way.

Amra walked out of the guild to where Flare was she was outside in the field grazing. It had stopped raining. She walked up and started to rub the fire horses neck. She really was glad to have her with her. She did miss her Buneary though. Maybe she could have her father to bring her to the guild.
“Still, I appreciate the offer but I won’t use potions for offensive means. Also, no offense, but I don’t trust potions made by anyone else. If that’s not alright with you I don’t need to go on this mission. I understand you might think I need them but I’ve stuck to that condition thus far and I’ve managed to survive.” Wes replied more stern this time, he would not forgive anyone who tried to make him go against his values, not even a fellow guild member. “Besides, if we need somebody to stun or restrain an enemy, we have Joltik.” He winked encouragingly at the little yellow spider who puffed up his chest with pride when mentioned.
Azumi sat down on the bed next to Maira. She looked over at Rolan confused. "You can come in, there's another chair." She took the coin from her pocket. "I'm not an expert in magic, and correct me if I'm wrong, is it possible to give Tyler... A better home? Like not a coin, maybe a necklace? I feel the coin is to hard to keep track off and I would hate to lose it while in a battle." The coin moved and she heard Tyler's words in her mind, but she decided to ignore him for now. She held the coin out. "Of course I know you can't touch it, so the spell must be without physical contact with the coin." She prepared to receive Maira's treatment and waited for Rolan's answer.

Samantha sat at the guild hall stairs. She had a small bag with her and Bob was sleeping on her lap. She still had plenty of time left before they were to leave, but everyone was too busy and she would get bored with them.