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Rolen was silent for over a minute, first trying to calm himself down enough to think properly and then puzzling over her question. While he was thinking, Maira began her examination of Azumi’s leg. She felt carefully along, making sure not to cause any more pain than she could help. The girl touched one particular spot with two fingers, applying slight pressure while she pulled out a few herbs. She placed these over the wound for a moment, and then twined her hands together and placed them on the wound. There was a pulse of healing energy, much weaker than the ones she had used the night before but still giving a good amount of relief. As the healing pulsed, the herb laid over the wound began to dissolve into liquid, which gave off a minty scent and gave an extra boost of healing, tingling at first but then causing a cool sensation. Maira wrapped up the healing, and then Rolen spoke.

“It... would be possible, but... it would take a while to find the correct spell, longer to master the basics of the spell and a while longer to modify it to deal with the magic imbued in the item... and unless I’m much mistaken Tyler could attack me while the transformation is taking place...”

Rolen trailed off, a slightly pained expression on his face. He still hadn’t moved from his spot just inside the room.
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Azumi flinched a little when Maira applied pressure, but it soon turned into relief. "Wow you're amazing Maira. It takes me days to reach such a wonderful result." She smiled at the healer. She then paid attention to what Rolan said.
"I see... It sounds truly complicated. Then, forget about it. Maybe in the future, for now I'll find something else to carry it with. Regarding Tyler, I have to ask him to attack, so he can't attack whenever he wants to... If that is what worries you." She had noticed his expression. "But I really appreciate the information and Maira's healing. If you two need anything please let me know." She looked at Rolan while she spoke. "I really mean it. It doesn't matter what it is, I will do my best to help however I can." She got up and tested her leg. "Wow Maira, once again, beautiful work. I'm a little jealous of your skill."
Maira grinned broadly at the praise.

“It’s actually mostly the herbs, I used a bit of magic to activate their healing properties. And it would be a lot more effective if we were outside rather than on the second story of a building. My healing magic comes from contact with the earth.”

She pulled out a few more of the sleep-well herbs and put them under Azumi’s pillow, then walked out of the room.

“See you guys in a bit, gotta make sure I have everything packed!”

Rolen stepped slightly to the side so Maira could exit, but didn’t leave.

“I meant, if I tried to change the shape of the coin... it’s really complicated, but he could attack me on his own accord while I tried to...”

He gave a sigh, unable to come up with the correct words to explain what he was saying. He found his eyes drawn to the coin, and winced a bit before running out of the room.
"Bye Bye!" Azumi smiled and waved as Maira left. She then looked at her leg with joy. She stopped when Rolan began to talk and listened carefully until he left. She didn't say anything when he ran out, she just looked worried. She didn't know if going after him would be a good idea, maybe he needed space, after all that is going on, he needed a break. She walked out of her room and looked around to see if he was still around, but she only saw Samantha slowly walking towards her.

"The mage...he hated you too?" Samantha said.

Azumi looked stunned. "He does not. He doesn't hate. He is just having some troubles. He probably feels bad about Tyler." She shook her head. "Anyways, I see you're ready to go. Want to wait with me? I still have to pack."

Samantha shrugged. "Sure... Let's watch you pack."

After three hours, Azumi, Nana, Anakin, Samantha and Bob were standing in the front yard, discussing if it was going to rain again since the sky was still cloudy.

"I hope it rains in the desert. I'm weak in a place like that." Azumi said.

"I have wind... Anywhere." Samantha responded.

"Well... Let's get ready to go, everyone should be here soon." Azumi turned back to the guild house and smiled at it.
Tyler summoned himself next to Azumi. ¨Heh heh heh, looks like I scare him off even when i´m not out....¨ He looked to Azumi. ¨You want to turn my living space into a necklace? I mean, to summon me from the coin you have to flick and catch and I am not sure how that would work for a necklace....¨ Tyler then realized that Samantha was next to Azumi. ¨YOU.¨ Tyler said and pointed at Sam. ¨You will sometime pay for what you have done to me.¨
Rolen had gone to his room. He finally had some time to think things through, while he made sure he had everything. When he re-emerged he was wearing the black outfit Sarah had given him, even though it was not quite his style. His bag was slung over his shoulder, partially emptied of sand but otherwise containing the same things from the day before.

He stepped outside, avoiding eye contact. He had also had time to prepare a Magic Missile during the three hours alotted for preparation, and he began to fine tune the spell as he stood outdoors.
Wes and Esa emerged from the guild together, bickering about some unknown quarrel from their childhood, just like old times. While Esa headed over to the group of people beginning to form, Wes walked over to Aerodactyl. "You ready for our first guild mission?" He asked the large flying Pokemon. Aerodactyl nodded his head happily in response, he was always excited for an adventure. Wes hoped on the Pokemon's back and it walked over to reconvene with the guild. "Hey guys." Wes said while atop his Pokemon. "We might have room for one or two more, if anyone doesn't feel like walking." He offered as Aerodactyl stood tall and roared, showing off his incredible strength.
Azumi smiled at Tyler, he didn´t yell at her and that felt good. She just kept quiet.

Samantha looked at Tyler. ¨What could you possibly do to me?¨ She smiled with confidence.

Azumi noticed Rolan outside now also. She figured maybe she could talk to him before they left. She walked closer to him until she though she was close enough for him to notice her. ¨Hey, nice look. Although I think white suits you better. Are you ready to go? Do you need anything?¨ She thought for a second. ¨I noticed your reactions towards me lately, is there something we need to talk about?¨

Samantha looked at the Aerodactyl. ¨Won´t... our enemies spot us faster... if you are flying around like this?¨ As she spoke though, she got closer and raised her hand, asking for help to get up, she was too short and lazy to user her wind.
Rolen jumped as Aerodactyl roared, causing a loud FIZZ as his spell crackled. It was fully formed, so it didn’t dissipate, but the tip of one of the projectiles bent. Rolen grumbled and set to work fixing it. Because of this he didn’t notice Azumi until she spoke to him.

“... I... euh...”

He looked away, trying to focus on his spell instead of Azumi.


Maira marched out of the guild house, her bag held ready and head held high.

“I’m ready to go!”

The healer shouted excitedly. She took a quick skip around, over to Amra and her Rapidash.

“Oh, WOW!!! A Rapidash! May I pet it?”
"Yes you may. She loves to petted. She will not be coming with us. She still needs a little more rest before she can go out and about. Her name is Flare." Amra smiled as the excited healer came running up to her. She loved it when others came to her happy. It put her into a better mood.

Sarah stood behind Azumi. She had walked out when everyone was in a big group. She tapped Azumi on the shoulder.
¨Right, you´re busy, sorry about that.¨ Azumi bowed to apologize and then left.
She walked over to Esa. ¨Sorry I couldn´t have you go with your brother, but you can stay as long as you want when we get back. So, you´re a fighter right? You remind me of my friend Emma. She was a brawler. One time she broke my arm with a punch by accident. Never felt anything like it.¨
Azumi felt Sarah tap her shoulder and turned around to face her. ¨Oh hi Sarah, ready to go?¨

Nana walked out of the guild with her pillow while Anakin carried the backpack for all three of them.
"If you fly high enough nobody can see you." Wes cheerfully replied as he lowered his hand to help Sam and raise her up. "Trust me I've been thieving for years and nobody ever sees us coming." Wes gave a reassuring thumbs up, "Besides even if they did what difference does it make, I can't think of anyone who could stand up to the combined forces of you and Aerodactyl." Wes leaned a little closer to Sam "You're gonna have to teach me how you got so strong, I want to learn. And don't tell me you're not, you're the only person here who Aerodactyl respects the power of, so that means you're at least as strong as he is and that's way tougher than most people."


Esa grinned, she was happy to see her brother had loosened up and was making friends. Growing up he had always seemed too serious, taking responsibility for everyone's well being. Esa laughed after hearing Azumi talk about her old friend "Yeah I suppose but I'm not naturally strong I just channel my energy to one area. Anyways, thanks for taking in my brother, I worry about him sometimes." She laughed as she realized how over protective she sounded. Esa then pulled Azumi away, lowered her voice, and leaned forward and whispered into her ear so only she could hear, "Let me know when you think Wes is mature enough to handle a lot more power, when I was at the temple I learned something that would make him much stronger but I don't know if he can handle it yet."
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Even once Azumi moved away, Rolen continued to stay tense. He needed to get this off of him, but he couldn’t. It helped to know that Amra didn’t like the pact either, but it was still getting very stressful. However, he determined that he wouldn’t say anything if he could help it. It won’t do any good to talk to her about it. It’s done.


Maira reached out and began to pet Flare, careful to avoid the flames which comprised the Pokémon’s mane. She had heard that the flames would not burn a person that a Rapidash trusted, but she doubted that this Pokémon would trust her that much yet.
Sarah was a bit mad that Esa took Azumi away when she was clearly talking to her. That is just rude. Sarah walked over to the middle and stood by Amra and Maria. She waited until it looked like that rude girl was done. She walked over anr told Azumi. "I am ready to go whenever you are."

Amra smiled at the healer. She was such a kind soul. Flare loved the attention that Maria had given her. She nuzzled her head into the hand that stroked her. "She likes you. You should feel proud. Not many have that honor. She must sense that you are a kind soul. I am glad to know that she would react to you this way."
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¨Right, let´s go then. Like always, you go first Sarah. We will follow behind. Be careful okay? If anything, inform Nana right away.¨ She smiled at Sarah.
Before they left Azumi went to the others who were with team Red Rose. She went to Wes and Samantha. ¨You two, remember teamwork! It is key for this missions!¨ She smiled and walked away.
She then went to Rolan. ¨If a fight breaks out, stay in the middle and focus on your spell. I will be there asap.¨ She smiled at him and stepped away to watch them leave.

Samantha just stood quiet while Azumi spoke. She then answered the question Wes made her. ¨To be so strong I... Feed on the souls of others.¨ Bob, her Rattata, began to giggle as she sat on Samantha´s shoulder. ¨Sorry... Nana taught me pranks... I can´t really tell you. It´s complicated... and personal.¨

When everyone else left, Azumi stood next to Esa. ¨In 15 minutes we leave also... we won´t be that behind them. On the way, please protect Maira, she is our healer and therefore the most important member.¨
Rolen looked nervous when he saw Azumi walk towards him again, but she was just giving him some advice. He relaxed a bit, and adjusted his bag a bit as he followed Sarah’s group. He had fixed the Magic Missiles, so he could fire them off at a moment’s notice. He moved a bit faster to try and catch up to Sarah.


Maira waved goodbye to the first group, and then walked over to the others. She had some energy boosting herbs in her bag that she considered doling out, but decided to leave them for emergencies.
"You think I'd let her ride my Pokemon if I didn't know that?" He joked to Azumi. After Sam pulled her "prank" Wes was a little bit off put. "Haha ummm I think Nana could've taught you a bit better." He teased the girl, which, to most, probably would've seemed like a bad idea due to the scythe she was carrying around. Aerodactyl took off with the two on his back. Wes finally felt back in his element, soaring above the clouds with his Pokemon, and for some reason, Sam's presence was a pleasant and welcomed change. "You know," Wes said as he turned around and laid against the crest of Aerodactyl's neck so he could face Sam, "At some point I'm gonna get you to tell me." He smiled as he spoke.


"Sounds good." Esa chimed as she walked over to Maria. "Hi I'm Esa, Wes's sister, I don't believe we've met." She greeted the girl extended a hand. "Apparently its my job to protect you, by the way this is Bulbasaur and Poochyena." Esa gestured to her two small Pokemon. Bulbasaur gave a warm smile and Poochyana happily yipped a hello.
Sarah was not happy that two of her Raindrops took off like they did. Sarah turned to Azumi. "Azumi if he does not learn to leason to anyone but himself, he will find himself in a room with no escape." She then walked over to where she had seen Rolen to see him walking towards her. "You ready to go Rolen?"

Amra walked over to Azumi and Esa. She waited for them. Flare said goodbye to Maria and walked to the guild. Where she stood to watch the guild members leave.
Rolen nodded in response to Sarah’s question. He felt agrivated that Wes and Sam had just taken off, but slightly relieved that he would not have to interact with them yet. He nodded to Sarah once more, ready to follow her lead.


Maira accepted the handshake, but let go very quickly as Esa pointed out her Pokémon.

“Aweee, a Bulbasaur? So cute! Oh, and you’re cute too Poochyena!”

She held out her hands so the Pokémon could sniff them, forgetting that Pokémon with sensitive noses, like Poochyena, might be overwhelmed by the scent of herbs that lingered on her.
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Azumi laughed a little to Sarah's comment. "He is a raindrop for a reason, he will learn that all this small basic things are important one day. Meanwhile we have to teach him. You have Rolan with you, he is the perfect example to follow in behavior, I'm sure it will rub off on Wes." She patted Sarah on the shoulder. "Good luck!".
Azumi gathered with the other girls. "We leave in 15 minutes, did everyone go to the bathroom? Do you all have snacks? Water? Specially water, we are going to a desert."

Samantha just looked at Wes with her expressionless face. "Maybe... One day." She put her scythe on her lap and began to clean it.
Tyler was confused. Azumi smiles at him, after everything that the dark side had done? Tyler’s color began to flicker. His color, his eyes........what was happening?

Oh but the dark Tyler knew. The good Tyler was still trying to get out to his friends.


The darkness needed this to stay alive. The darkness from the coin that took over his soul. That weak pathetic soul. The dark Tyler held his head and cried out, violently flickering between the normal soul and the dark soul.
“It’ll happen.” Wes smiled at the girl. “Hey Aerodactyl, just make sure you keep an eye on the wizard and the assassin, we’re supposed to be in their group.” Wes yawned as he drifted off to sleep.


Esa liked this girl. Most people She met that were this nice were fake and overcompensating for something, but Maria seemed like she genuinely just loved life. Poochyena smelt the herbs on Maria’s hands and decided the scent was too strong, she backed away behind Esa’s legs. Meanwhile, Bulbasaur loved the scent and pushed her head into Maria’s hand, hoping to be pet. Esa giggled at her pokemons’ reactions, “Hey one for two, that’s better than most.” She joked to Maria.
The UWU factor on Maira's face maxed out as the adorable grass type asked for pets. Maira gladly obliged. The Bulbasaur seemed to be in very good health, and Maira gained some confidence in Esa because of this.

"Your Bulbasaur is very healthy! You must take very good care of it."
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Azumi smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "Let's go team! The others should be pretty far by now." She began walking forward, Anakin next to her and Nana behind them, eating an oran berry.

Samantha watched as Wes fell asleep. She began petting her Rattata, since now she would be bored the whole trip.
Esa blushed at the compliment, her Pokémon were her pride and joy so she was thrilled when others took notice. “Thanks! I try my best to keep them in good shape.” She had a large grin as she spoke. Esa heard Azumi’s words, “I guess that’s us, I better be ready to protect you.” She chimed to Maria.


Joltik emerged from hidden in Wes’s clothes and jumped onto Sam’s leg. The yellow fuzz ball looked really happy, almost like it was smiling. It raised a front leg and waved to the strange girl.
"So Rolen how are you feeling about everything right now. I know I have not had to sit down and work with you, but I really want to know." Sarah hoped that Rolen would open up to her. She was really protective of the guy. He reminded her of her brother.

Amra followed Azumi and the others. She was ready for anything. She walked silently along side everyone. She would rather not do much talking as of yet.
Maira followed the others, humming happily to herself. Occasionally she would dart to the side of the road and examine a plant, and once or twice stuffed some in her bag.


Rolen didn’t speak at first, but eventually he decided that he needed to let out some of the pressure.

“I... well... I’m worried. There were other ways Azumi could have bound the coin to herself, and...”

With that he broke off. He realized that Sarah had been inside during the morning’s training session, and she probably didn’t know what happened.
Azumi walked ahead of the group, looking back every now and then to make sure everyone was still there. Nana began to follow Maira, she smelled good and had a positive feeling around her.

Samantha just waved at the Joltik and continued to pet her Rattata.


Victoria sat in front of Leo in the Grand Court, looking annoyed. "Yes, I assigned a rank B mission to a rank B guild, what is wrong with that?"

"They are new! Just been rank B for one day! And if you ask me, they got lucky." Leo responded.

"Well, if they die we don't have to worry about them anymore." Victoria said with a devilish smile.

"I really don't understand why you hate Azumi Towers so much. In my opinion she is better..." A dagger was thrown at Leo's side of the table, barely missing his hand.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Victoria growled.

Leo laughed. "Sure okay, I'm going for a walk."
Wes woke up after his brief nap. “Sorry I passed out for a bit, I guess I’m still tired from the training this morning.” He said apologetically to Sam, “It looks like you met Joltik, most people are afraid of him, but I guess you’re not one to be scared by much.”


Esa broke away from Maria and approached Azumi, once again whispering, “The idea for Wes would be something similar to what you did earlier.” She muttered, referencing the ritual she had witnessed that morning, “Although it wouldn’t be quite as powerful, it would come at much less of a cost. What’re your thoughts, you currently know him better than I do.” Esa was a little saddened by that last realization.
Tyler was practically strobing now. His colors were going from white to purple to white again. It was a fight between the evil in the coin, and the Tyler that was left in him. “Tyler cried out from in the coin, he had fought off most off the darkness. However, he was sure it would come back.

He summoned him self next to Azumi, and immediately dropped to the ground. “I......I......need a.......counter dark.......magic spell........” He said weakly on the ground.

Tyler was now mainly clear white except for his arm, which was slowly turning purple. He saw this and became frantic.

“Do it!....” Tyler yelled. Pain shot across him and his arm hurt the most. Burning, blinding pain. He shut his eyes. That usually helped. “Please......I want......to come........back....................” Tyler muttered.
Azumi listened to Esa. "I'm sorry I just met him not that long ago. But if I had to say what he needs to improve, I would say his attitude. Maybe mature more. He is confident and that is good, but being over confident might get him really hurt one day. Also, terrible at teamwork." She looked at Esa and smiled. "But he is a good person, you should be proud."
Just then Tyler came out. Azumi was confused as to what was going on. "Wait? Counter dark magic? I can't..." Azumi looked around. The only light magic was traveling 15 minutes ahead of them and he would take time to prepare a spell.
"Your purple hand! Touch the coin with the purple hand! Maybe we can get rid of that like when you vanished for touching it!" She held out the coin.

Samantha wiped sweat from her forehead. "It's getting... Awfully hot around here." She used her hand as a fan. "I should've changed into something that's not back." She said looking at her clothes. She pulled out a water bottle and drank from it.
Tyler reaches for the coin. It seemed like such a long distance, just reaching and reaching forever. But finally he touched it.

Tyler gripped it hard, and the purple arm immediately reacted. Wind circled around them at high speeds, the coin started glowing, and Tyler was in pain.

He cried out has the arm was disappearing, the color going away. He gritted his teeth hoping to channel the pain, and shut his eyes right. He cried out one more time, and all purple was removed from his body.

He laid there for a while, too weak to even move. His eyes opened and he flinched. Even something as simple as that caused him pain. His arm reappeared. No more evil was in him. But there was in the coin. The coin had been part of a deal with the dark lord, and he was sealed in there with dark magic. He tried to stand up, but then fell again. He decided to just let himself levitate off the ground.

“I can’t go back in.....there.” Tyler said with pain in his tone.
¨But I cant go into my body.....¨ Tyler weakly said to her. ¨I am still, trapped in the coin, its just that the darkness would affect me more if I went in there....I´ll be fine, I just can´t go back in there.....¨ Tyler winced at the pain. ¨Ow...¨ He said as he gripped his arm. He didn't want them to come out this far already to just turn back.
Sarah looked to Rolen. Did he just say what she thought she heard him say? "What do you mean she made a pact with a coin. You do not mean Tyler's coin and Sam was the one to facilitate that pact do you? Tell me she didn't." Sarah was shocked. She could have helped Azumi find a different way.
Rolen nodded gravely.

“She... she did. This guy came in during the training session and took the coin. I think they said it was Tyler’s uncle... but Azumi got mad and-“

He relived yet again the scene of Azumi cutting her hand, shadows enveloping her and the coin being soaked in blood and dark magic. He shuddered, trying to block out the memory.


Maira looked curiously at the ghost.

“Sorry I couldn’t heal you... and I’m sorry I can’t do anything now, herbs won’t have any effect on you and I don’t think my magic will either.”
As they approached the edge of the desert, Rolen pulled out his flask and took a brief sip of water. The black clothes he wore made it slightly too hot for comfort, even in the comparative shade they had had thus far. There was a dull throb in his chest, maybe from the long walk, but maybe from something else. He felt himself drawn to resume the conversation, even though he didn’t care for it.

“There were other ways to go about it... I’m sure I could have found something, somewhere, better than that.”
Sarah looked to Rolen. "I can understand making pacts but one like she had made was not in the best intentions for everyone. The reason I have not been around much was because I have been working on a way to bring Tyler our Tyler out of the coin safely. I would have needed some help but that does not mean I can not research spells that could help. I would have asked your or someone to help me." Sarah was saddened that her work was all for not.