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Rolen finally made it down the stairs and back into the yard. He saw that Azumi looked a bit distracted by something else, and sprinted forward to take advantage of this. He muttered something as he reached out his uninjured left hand. A spectral Hand appeared behind Azumi’s head and grabbed her by the hair, and tried to tug her over backwards. Where the head goes, the body goes.
CrossBlade smirked at Wes. “You underestimate me child.” He said to Wes. He let go of Doublade, and the first one took the pinmissles, and the other took the upward slashes. “You see, my Doublade are loyal to me, and they will stop you from getting to me. And while you are fighting them off.....” Haxorus came behind and used dragon tail on Joltik.

“He takes you apart....” He said pointing at Haxorus.
Wes flew forwards as a result from the dragon tail, luckily Joltik had managed to stay on. “We’re not so different.” Wes smirked as he slowly picked himself up from the ground. “I mean we both have tanks.” On cue Aerodactyl came bursting in, drilling Haxorus with a dragon pulse and prepared itself to fight the grounded dragon. “You may be stronger and more experienced, but you lack originality.” Wes grabbed berries from his pouch, he knew octo-bug was a foodie and Crossblade was not his original owner so their bond would not be that strong. “Now then, magnet rise.” Joltik’s move sent the doublade shooting high into the sky, leaving crossblade exposed. Wes threw the berries past the galvantula, hoping the Pokémon would get distracted and abandon the man he was charging. Joltik shot more pin missiles as Wes dashed forwards, getting behind Crossblade to jab his sword into the back of the man’s thigh.
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CrossBlade liked this guy. Full of spirit. “Gavantula, fetch.” Gavantula rushes as fast as he would go, and came back with Tyler’s coin in his mouth, and flicked it towards CrossBlade. CrossBlade caught it, and the wind began sweeping around him, throwing the pinmissles of target. CrossBlade grinned and his eyes turned red. Tyler appeared in front of him. “I can’t let you hurt him.” Tyler said to Wes. Tyler jumped, landed on Wes’s shoulder, jumped with extreme force, and flew into the air. Tyler caught the Doublade, and threw them down, landing beside CrossBlade. The Doublade came back up into CrossBlades hands and Tyler stood in front of him.

Haxorus was hit by the dragon pulse, and hit him badly. Haxorus also used dragon pulse on the Aerodactyl, hoping to hit him.
Azumi cried in pain as something pulled her hair, at the same time she felt her feet being swept. As she was following backwards, she managed to put her hands above her head and landed on a hand stand. She then jumped back on her feet. She rubbed the back of her head with teary eyes. "Why my hair?!" She cried out. She then noticed Crossblade using the coin. "Seriously..."
Just then, a scythe came flying at her, the handle first, and smashed against Azumi's forehead. Azumi's eyed went blank as she stumbled backwards, ready to fall.
Rolen thought that his stratagem had worked, and was glad that Amra had come in with a sweep. And then Azumi managed to fall with it and go into a handstand! He was about to try pulling again before she could get completely on balance when the Scythe hit her in the face. He was too far away to help, but the Mage Hand tried to help soften her fall as much as possible. Rolen hurried over to see what had happened, kneeling next to the leader of the guild. He looked over to Amra, hoping she had seen better than him.

“What happened? Did we do it, or did the Scythe do it?”
"I think it might have been a combo of all three." Amra sighed. She really wanted to win. Poor Azumi she had been hurt and had her haor chopped off as well. This is not how this was supposed to go. She kelt down next to Azumi. "Are you alright? I am sorry if we hurt you. That was not our intention, though I can not say the same for Wes and that reaper girl."
The surge of energy caused by Tyler’s summoning was too much for an already exhausted Wes and he began to pass out. As he laid on the ground, Wes was pleased, however to see Azumi being knocked backwards by the scythe. “Yay.” He weakly muttered as he drifted into unconscious. Aerodactyl was enraged by the sight of his unconscious friend. He dodged the dragon pulse and attacked Haxorus with a brave bird without the consequence of recoil thanks to his ability. Then he fired a full powered hyper beam at crossblade, even if Tyler tried to defend it, the normal type move would go straight through him. Aerodactyl grabbed Wes at flew back to the guild, hopefully someone would see him and be able to help.
It knew that it wasn't doing much to her, but it wanted to make sure that these people weren't weak. It kicked her in the stomach, its shoes having many small rock spikes across the bottom of them. ".detSeT eB tsum yTiLIbaPAc" is all that was said, and they continued kicking Sarah until, well, she cried uncle. Fun seems to be an interchanging word in this world, all that seemed to matter is that they must enjoy themselves. Of course, the tradeoff was essentially mental limitation of what they could think about.
Azumi woke up and sat up with a groan. She rubbed her forehead. "Nana what were you doing that you didn't see that coming." She said.

Nana was in the dinning room eating cookies with milk, smiling happily.

Azumi looked at Rolan and Amra. "I'm fine, it's just that..." She remembered Crossblade. She stood up, clenching her fist. She looked at the roof and saw Wes knocked out. "How dare you?!" She cried out. "Nana! Helmet and swords now!"
Nana appeared next to Azumi, with her mouth full of cookie crumbs, and gave Azumi the silver helmet that had the blue gemstone in the middle. She also gave her the two daggers Tyler had made for her.
Azumi put the helmet on and rushed forward, using the ice steps to run up on to the roof. She stood in front of Crossblade. "Give me back that coin." She said coldly.

Nana smiled and offered a cookie to Rolan, it was bitten already. She did the same with Amra. Meanwhile the scythe began to float again, a Banette appeared holding it, it snickered and floated to Samantha.
Sarah smiled as it gave up on the burn. Then smiled even bigger as the thing started to kick her. With the flames being the only thing that let up the place there were shadows everywhere. That is where she resided. She used her element to melt into the shadows. She appeared behind the thing seeming to float on top of the shadow she appeared from. "I am over here now. How about we play a little game of find the assassin." With that she started to dart from one shadow to the next. It would be near impossible to see her. She was in her element. She dodge the light as she moved around.
CrossBlade blocked the hyper beam with Doublade. Then Azumi came up to her and, she asked for the coin. CrossBlade laughed. “You want me to give to this? This is mine. I forged this. Myself. You know what that means? If you take this from me you stealing.” CrossBlade said to her.

Haxorus limped over to CrossBlade. CrossBlade threw him a berry, and Haxorus ate it. He immediately became better.

CrossBlade put the coin in his mouth. “I wanted to join here, but it doesn’t seem like anybody else here is a good fighter. I’m going off to FlashFire.” CrossBlade said, Tyler followed close behind, back turned to Azumi Incase she tried to pull something on him or CrossBlade.
Azumi become angry. "You come into our guild house, you attack my comrades, and you steal my friend from me."
The thunder in the sky boomed across the area and the rain became heavier.
"You're the reason Tyler suffered and ended with his life. You can't take him." Azumi said. She covered her daggers in ice and ran forward, straight towards Crossblade.
“Yes...” Tyler said blankly. He grabbed Azumis arms, and held her. “At what point was I your friend? At what point did I suffer? At what point did you care about me?” He looked straight into her eyes. “I won’t let you hurt him....” Tyler said. “He isn’t the reason I ended my life. He gave me life.”

CrossBlade continued to walk forward, ignoring Azumi. “I killed myself for you. You were to blind to see it. You mourned me even though I am right here. You don’t understand.” Tyler said to her. “CrossBlade understands. He actually used my gift. He did something you wouldn’t. That’s why I’m going away with him. He can take me anywhere he wants, because he actually cares. He understands.”

Tyler saw the Lucario and Gardivoir daggers. He looked back to Azumi “Don’t make me do this.”
Azumi looked at Tyler. "I can't believe you. I put my entire trust in you, I accepted you like if you were family. I would've died for you. I know why you did all this and I tried many times to tell you that you were already perfect and there was no need for more. I morn you because the Tyler I knew died the moment his heart stop beating and I got a ghost who insist on being powerful. I want the happy, silly, jokester blacksmith that brightened my days back." She lowered her weapons and wiped away a tear. "Why can't you see that? Out of all of use, you were the most powerful and important member in your way."
Nana's eyes glowed as she stood next to Samantha. Samantha sighed. "Ok then..." She closed her eyes. Nana's eyes stopped glowing and looked at Samantha with a worried look.
“I was weak!” He yelled at her. He threw her to the ground. “And weaklings get no respect! You say that I was the most important person. That’s a lie! I now am the most important person! The old me is gone. He died. His corpse is in his room. I am the better Tyler. I am the only Tyler.” He yelled.
Enough time had passed for Wes to come back to consciousness. He laid on the ground near the guild trying to find the strength to move, both Joltik and Aerodactyl were watching over him, Wes smiled, he was happy to see his friends. As his vision focused he noticed a girl standing over him, she looked oddly familiar. Wes groaned and tried to stand up but was told by the girl to sit down and rest, she would take care of things. Wes reluctantly closed his eyes and laid back down, for some reason he trusted her.


Esa was thrilled, she had finally found her brother. She ran over cheering her greetings only for his body to remain unstirred. As she neared Wes am Aerodactyl growled at her, as if threatening that she better leave Wes alone or he would attack. She still fearlessly approached and as Aerodactyl opened his mouth for a hyper beam, Bulbasaur’s vines quickly clamped it shut. “Relax, I’m his sister.” She stated matter of factly to the large fossil Pokémon. Upon approaching him she realized why the Pokémon was so defensive, Wes looked hurt. She balled her first and swelled up with rage. She had finally found her brother, only for him to be in this condition. As he stirred awake, Esa told him to go back to sleep and he grumbled about a man with a doublade or something as he drifted off. Esa resolved that that must’ve been the man who did this, and set out to find him, ready to kill him.

Esa found the man not far away, and jumped in without speaking, preparing to land a powered up punch on his face.
The being was upset by this situation, and decided one thing: this wasn't fun anymore. It disappeared from where it stood and grabbed Sarah. They faded away from this strange dimension, and appeared again in the guild house. She was set down and it disappeared.
- - -
Emma returned to her room and packed up everything she owned, writing a letter to Azumi.
"Yo, I know you kinda need me for this team, but I need to do something for myself. I'm going on a journey, but a really long one. Don't know when I'll be back, but I hope I'll find what I'm looking for. Don't die. -Emma"
She slipped the letter under Azumi's door, and Pack and Brian followed suit as Emma left the guild house for a good long while.
Tyler sensed a presence of a new person. He watched as she lunged at CrossBlade. Not if I can help it, Tyler thought. Right as she was about to pound him, Tyler jumped in front of her, arms crossed, and rushed into her, deflecting her attack. How many of these people were gonna try to stop him?
Rolen had watched all this from a distance... until Tyler threw Azumi to the ground. He knew he didn’t have any spells prepared, but he began to draw in energy for a Magic Missile... but that would take too long. Seeing Tyler move after someone else, he ran forward to check on Azumi.

“Are you okay?”
Esa was stopped by a ghost, fortunately due to her training in life force magic she would be able to actually make contact with it. But she didn’t have time for that, she threw a ring up into the air, it began hovering in place and something resembling a black hole appeared around it. Like the coin, this ring was capable of holding a spirit, but this one had the power to steal one from someone else. The hole began sucking at Tyler’s spirit “Either retreat or become mine.” She threatened the ghost before turning back to crossblade. “You must be the man who hurt my brother.... How would you like to die?” She asked cheerfully as her eyes began to glow and she was shrouded with a sinister dark purple color.
Amra was mad but she also had a level head. She walked over to where Tyler and Crossbade were. She had her hands to her side. "Tyler, we are not trying to hurt you. I know I was not happy with your decision to kill yourself. Some of us have connections to people that could have helped you. You did not have to take this route but you did. We were not happy about it, because we miss our friend who made us smile and laugh. I know I did not know you that long, but I enjoyed watching you interact with the people around you. You brought a joy to this place. Not many could do that. I know that we can't turn back time, but we do want you to know that we cared." She then turned to Crossblade. "We did not say that you had no rights to the coin. We just want to talk with Tyler. He has become very close to us. Azumi, Emma, and Sarah could not have built the guild they have without him. Besides you are saying that there are not any good fighters here, well you have only seen us doing a teamwork exorcise. This was not to be a sparring session. This was a task to perform as a team. Azumi was mad at you for jumping in because she wanted us the raindrops to do it on our own. You said you wanted to join then please do not take this as how we are. We have had a lot of emotional things happen to us over the past couple of days, and this was supposed to be a cool off day." Amra looked to the girl who had attacked him. "He is not the one who hurt your bother. He passed out from the electric shocks that were caused by his Joltik. His body gave out as he used all of energy to protect himself from being hit."
Tyler looks at Amra. Then to the lady who was trying to take him. Then back to Amra.

They missed the old Tyler?

Tyler grew more angry. “All you want us the old Tyler! You don’t care about the NEW Tyler do you? The old Tyler is dead! He’s not coming back! Stop talking about the old Tyler! I am here now. Yet you talk of a different Tyler as if he were better than me.”

He went straight up to Amra. “I was never your friend.” Tyler said darkly. He floated CrossBlade and went inside of him. A dark aura started to glow around him, and felt enormous strength.
“Stay out of this, I’ll handle it.” Esa coldly ordered Amra. She entered a fighting stance and called her Pokémon to her side, she was prepared to destroy this guy. “Bulbasaur go work on healing Wes we’re gonna need backup, Poochyena I’m gonna need your help.” Esa ordered. Bulbasaur made its way back to the guild and began using moves like aromatherapy and synthesis to try to help Wes quickly recover.
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Azumi got up and looked down. "I'm sorry you feel that way Tyler. But I'm not giving up on you..." She grabbed one of the daggers and cut her hand. "Now Sam!" She yelled out.

Samantha drew a circle with a star in the middle with her scythe on the roof. She stepped over it and closed her eyes. "My dark lord, please accept this deal Azumi Towers is offering." A strange black aura enveloped Samantha and Azumi.
The coin disseapered from Crossblade and on Azumi's hand. She grabbed it with the hand that had blood. The coin glowed as Azumi's blood and the dark aura mixed around her hand with the coin. Then everything stopped and the circle disappeared.
Azumi held the coin and looked at Crossblade. "I sold my soul in exchange for full custody of Tyler's coin. If anyone tries to take it from me, they will die. It will be mine until I die." She looked at the coin. "sorry Tyler your stuck with me for the rest of my life.
Tyler started laughing hysterically from inside the coin so loud that it echoed outside of it. He summoned himself right in-front of Azumi. “You did exactly what I wanted you to do! You are such a fool!”

Tyler grabbed Azumis hand and tried to take the coin away. “I can’t move the coin myself, but I can try to take it....” Tyler said to her, eyes wild. Tyler started laughing some more, his hand on her coin.

Wind started to violently sweep around them. Tyler mad eyes turned red while he was still laughing. Shreds of Tyler’s started to fade away to be eaten by the wind. Tyler’s laugh had hints of evil in it, and was getting louder and louder every second. Only half of Tyler’s body was still here, and he was still trying to take the coin. Like he was being shredded up, more bits of him were fed to the wind.


Only Tyler’s head and hand were left now, and Tyler said his last words to Azumi.

“Have a nice soulless life, you now have blood on your hands.....”

He started breaking up laughing, and Tyler was gone. Vanished out of thin air.
Azumi looked sadly at the coin. "Sorry Tyler, you're mine until I die." Azumi said as she put her coin away. She saw him vanished, but she somehow felt he was still around. She looked at Crossblade. "You can leave now."
Azumi looked up at Samantha. "So... I'm going to be like you when I die?" She said a little worried.
Samantha nodded. She floated down next to Rolan.
Azumi looked at Rolan. "Thank you for caring for me, I should be fine." She made her way to the guild house, she wiped away a tear. She walked into Tyler's room and froze his body. "You might need it one day..." She walked out and headed to the dinning room. "Breakfast time..." She looked up. "Wes needs to fix that roof..."

Samantha looked at Rolan. "Is... Your hand... Are you... Okay?"
Tyler was burning up with rage from inside the coin. He thought that would kill him, or dissolve his soul, but.....


His hand glowed purple, and with some movements, he created a spell in which he could talk only into Azumis mind. He sent this message to her. “I’m yours until you die? You dare treat me as an object? Well, I know a good candidate for killing you......ME.......” He cackled after this and ended the message. He was not going to stay with her. He would fight her or whoever got in his way until they finally killed his soul. He wanted to die. He so much wanted to die. But not without taking out a few people first.........

CrossBlade stared at Azumi. “You want me to leave?! You just took my nephew!” CrossBlade yelled at her. “I am not leaving until I get that coin back, AND Tyler with it. Tyler is a smart man, and he will find a way to kill you. But for now, I am going to be right here.” CrossBlade said. Doublade came out in front of him, ready to take any attacks from anybody.
Rolen gave a gasp when he heard Azumi’s words. Did she know what she had just done? His heart filled with a chill and he remained silent and still. He was unresponsive after Azumi left, seeming not to hear Sam’s querie. The wizard didn’t see why Azumi was so desparate to have the coin that she would sell her soul to keep it. He staggered away, ignoring everything, just making his way to his room and collapsing on the bed.
Esa wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but she decided she didn’t care. “We’ll see how long that confident attitude lasts.” She said to the man with the doublade. Esa ran at the man focusing her energy to her fists in order to fend off the sword Pokémon


Wes awoke, thanks to Bulbasaur’s proficiency in healing. And immediately dashed over to where the fight had been, he wasn’t going to let Crossblade leave the victor.
CrossBlade was furious at this Azumi. He understood why she would try to take it, but sell her soul for another one? Why? Two oncoming attacks were closing in on him. He was already exhausted from summoning Tyler, and he knew he couldn't win 2 vs . His Doublade slipped under his feet, and rose him in to the air. Haxorus jumped backwards on to CrossBlades shoulders, and used Dragon Pulse to jet them away before any contact.
Azumi sat in the dinning room, slowly eating some fruit salad. Nana showed her the image of Crossblade leaving. She sighed, feeling relieved that man was gone. "Tyler if you're in the coin, you can come out..." She said out loud. She wasn't sure if was still alive, like ghost alive, but she hoped he was.
Nana didn't need instructions, after what happened she knew what was necessary. "Guild dinning room, breakfast time!" She sent the message to everyone."
Tyler summoned himself behind Azumi. His hair was spiked up and his eyes red, the only thing that had color, and the only thing that wasn't transparent. ¨Why would you............¨ He spoke softly, and then shouted, ¨EVEN CONSIDER DOING THAT??!!!!!!!¨ Tyler yelled at her. ¨You just sold your soul for one that was trapped in a coin, and you refer to me AS AN OBJECT!!! I am a weapon. I am no longer your friend. I am your enemy. WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT?!¨ He shouted.

Tyler's red eyes glowed with intensity. He came up to Azumi and looked her straight in her eyes.

¨I killed your friend.Your friend is gone. You cannot get him back. I will eventually kill you. I will eventually kill off all members of this guild.¨

And with that, Tyler vanished back into his coin.
Wes arrived just in time to see crossblade jet away. “Hmph, I’ll be ready next time.” He said to himself. The bulbasaur that had helped him earlier ran over to the girl from before, he assumed she was responsible for healing him. “Thanks for all that.” He said genuinely yet also awkwardly as he approached her. “Do I know you?” He asked the mysterious girl.

Esa turned to Wes “I’m you sister, stupid.” She replied rather bluntly. Wes was flustered as he realized she was speaking the truth and ran in to hug her, “Esa... what?... how?” His brain was still trying to process everything. Esa proceeded to tell him everything, starting with her kidnapping and how she was rescued and her being raised and trained at a temple. Wes then caught her up on his life. “.... so now I’m here until I work off my debt.” As if on cue Wes got the breakfast call. “Oops I guess it’s time for breakfast, you’re welcome to join us.” He offered as they walked back towards the guild. “Hey everyone!” He announced excitedly, “This is my sister, Esa. I hope it’s alright if she joins us for breakfast.”
Azumi sighed sadly as Tyler spoke to her and then disappeared. "I'll find a way to save you." She said as she looked at the coin.
She looked up when Wes and Esa walked. "Oh hello welcome. Of course, we have breakfast for everyone."
Nana teleported next to Azumi with a note. She opened it up, it was Emma's note. "Oh..." She said sadly. She placed the letter away.
Nana began eating of the fruit salad and eyed Wes and Esa, they were still strangers to her.

Samantha walked into the room, dragging her scythe behind her. She sat down quietly and began to eat.
Azumi gave her a mean look. "You sliced my hair."
Samantha smiled.
Azumi took a deep breath and turned back to Wes and Esa. "Well, Wes if she needs a place to stay she can stay as long as she needs to. Maybe help you cover the hole in the roof you made." She pointed upwards. "The whole dinning room is getting wet."
Part of the room had rain from outside falling in.
Wes was scarfing down fruit salad, it had been forever since he had eaten last but paused and nearly chocked on his food at the mention of the hole. “I thought the deal was I didn’t have to fix it if I do missions for you.” Wes answered quite flabbergasted. Esa laughed at her brothers response, he was still just like the little kid she remembered. “Thank you, I may stay for a bit but not long.” She replied congenially.
Sarah had been working on a few things in the kitchen. She had made some cookies. She walked out to where everyone was out. "Here you go guys freshly baked. NANA! COOKIES!" Sarah the turned to Azumi. "Oh I must tell you that the mage who had helped Tyler or try to anyway is in one of the Raindrop rooms. I did not want to send her out at night." With that she walked out of the dining hall and walked the healer's room. She knocked on the door and waited until she opened it.

Amra was not happy with what she had seen. Rolen did not look that happy either. She needed to see if he was ok. Walking up to guild she turned to the hallway that houses the raindrop rooms. She found Rolen's room and knocked on his door. "Hey Rolen it is me Amra. May I come in?"
Rolen sat in his room. He had looked up to Azumi... but she had made a pact. It sounds so simple when you put it that way. But... does she know what...? I... I don’t think I can stay here if she really made that deal. But I can’t leave... Torrena said that the best way for me to continue my studies and improve was to join a guild, and this is the only place that would accept me. And... I don’t think Azumi is a bad person... she just made a VERY, VERY bad decision.

Rolen tried to work through all these conflicting thoughts.


Maira was awake, but unsure what to do. She didn’t know her way around the guild, so she just stayed in her room and waited for Sarah to come back and give that tour she promised. She was wondering whether Sarah had been helped by the sleep-herbs Maira had given her, when she heard the woman at the door.


Maira trotted over and flung open the door, a broad smile on her face. A strong scent of herbs gushed out as soon as the door opened, giving a tang to the air.

“Good morning! Did you sleep well? Did the herbs help?”


Rolen heard Amra calling to him. He was sitting on his bed, but he got up and opened the door.

“Come on in. Nice work out there, by the way. I think we did pretty well.”
¨Well, you broke it.¨ Azumi replied to Wes. ¨But, if you do not know how that is okay, me and Nana love to work on the house, I´m sure we can figure it out.¨

Nana smiled and took cookies from the ones Sarah had set out.
Azumi was feeling down. She lost Emma and Tyler. But, she had need raindrops who shouldn´t see their new leader that way, so she did everything in her power to maintain a positive attitude. Emma would one day return, stronger then ever and Tyler was not completely gone.

¨I do need to talk to that healer.¨ She told Sarah before she left the dinning room. She stood up and excused herself from the table. She was walking through the guild hall when she saw Amra and Sarah going to the raindrops hall. She felt she should apologize to both and to Rolan for everything that has been going on.

¨The light mage hates me.¨ Samantha said.

Azumi jumped as Samantha´s sudden voice startled her. ¨Sheesh! I forgot how silent you are.¨ She straightened herself. ¨You mean Rolan? Why would you think that?¨

¨Nana... read his mind... then we pranked him with that information.¨ Samantha responded.

¨Nana did what?!¨ Azumi covered her mouth with her hands. ¨Oh nonononono... that´s horrible!¨ She ran quickly to Rolan´s room and knocked. ¨Rolan? Amra? Sorry to interrupt...¨