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“Alright. Since you’re injured Aerodactyl and I can stall, you just work on evacuating people.” Wes suggested, hoping his hurt leader wouldn’t over exert herself. “Wait.” Wes had a sudden realization. “Why don’t you work on finding the mage and killing him. If killing the Minotaurs doesn’t do any good he must be creating them not far from here. Also, if he’s making beings this powerful he must be in a vulnerable state.” Wes hoped his theory was correct, otherwise the situation was hopeless. “I’ll leave you with Aerodactyl, whether you decide to look for the source or help evacuate is up to you, he’ll listen to you. For now I’ll stall this new guy.”

Wes jumped off the back of Aerodactyl and landed in front of the Minotaur, his and Joltik’s eyes were both shining white as his entire body crackled with currents of white lightning. Joltik attached an electric thread to the bottom of each of Wes’s curved daggers before he through them in an X pattern, flying through the Minotaurs legs then curving high up diagonally, each flying over an different shoulder and landing back in Wes’s hands. He yanked his daggers downwards, pulling the strings tight. He hoped they would be enough to stun the Minotaur and pull it to the ground.
Tyler had gotten everybody out of the burning building, and he could tell it was going to collapse any moment. The problem was, there were people in the streets, and they could die if the building fell on their direction. He flew outside, not noticing that he was smoking and yelled,” GET OUT OF THE WAY! THIS THINGS GONNA GO DOWN HARD!!!”
But right as he said it, the building started to collapse, and was falling rapidly. Tyler had no choice but to hold it up, in straight contact with the fire. With all his might he pushed it over.

CrossBlade was furious. Diablo was stepping out of line! He wasn’t supposed to be going out and fighting! And also, he didn’t free him. That just made it worse.

Razan would not give up. He used Castforms rain dance again, and he would hold it until this whole things was over with. Razan started to sweat holding the spell, but it would be worth it. Hey, maybe he could be recognized in the guild as someone useful.
Azumi rolled her eyes, she did not like being treated that way. It made her feel useless. His theory was an interesting one though, maybe there was someone behind all of this. She looked at the castle in the distance, the giant Minotaur was being slowed down by the work of many, but it was evident that many had fallen fighting it. She thought about the possibility of going there herself, but she could not do much in her current state. Unless, she used the helmet again. It was too dangerous to use it, she might even lose her arm trying it. As Azumi processed this possibility, she searched the areas inflicted with fire.

A shot of beam was sent to the sky again, bringing back the sun. The Diablo Wes was facing, fell to one knee and then broke free with one giant roar. He glared at Wes and shot immense flames at him.
“Uh oh.” Wes dashed to the side, narrowly avoiding the flame but the back of his left leg still got singed. “Ahh” he groaned in pain as he moved his hand to his leg. Wes pulled out some aloe leaves, broke them, and applied the substance to the burn. It would not heal the damage, he’d need to get formally treated later, but it would ease the pain for now. He wasn’t exactly sure what to do against this guy, the flames made it impossible to stay in close with his sword, and the Minotaur clearly had the advantage at a ranged distance. Still he knew his duty was to stall in order to allow others to evacuate so he would do whatever he good. Wes sheathed his daggers and drew his sword, dashing as fast as he could towards the Minotaurs leg, hoping he would be able to slice a tendon and greatly limit its mobility.
Tyler flew around and saw that there were multiple Diablos. He tried wrapping his head around it, and then got a (Tyler) Bolt of Brilliance. What if the reason there were multiple of them was because he was like the tale of the Immortal Hydregon. If you cut off a head it grew two more in its place. They were killing them all. That means.....

Oh no........

The only place he could think of to tell this to was the king, that’s what the Diablo looked like they were going after. He would pay his respects, and THEN tell him. The people would listen to the king. Tyler zipped over to the castle and quickly roamed through to find him. Once he did, Tyler knew down, and then got back up, hovering a little off the ground.
“ I am Tyler, the ghost of the Stormbreakers. My lord, as you know, there is a powerful fire mage who only gets more stronger. My theory is that if you kill him two more come back in his place, spreading the fire, as he calls it. A lot of warriors have perished, but the royal council has strong warriors that might help. They will listen to you.”

Tyler also decided to add, “And they are going after you, my lord. Organization X destroys civilizations, and they want to start at the heart. I think it would be best for me to stay here, cause I can’t be hit by physical attacks your grace.”
Sarah had been dreaming again which was something that has only brought her pain time and time again. In the dream Sarah could see the capitol and how it was being ravaged by the very same fire mage that had attacked the guild on numerous occasions. Seeing this has caused a reaction in her. The black tenderals have started to come back. Slowly sitting up, her eyes opened with a giggle. Standing up in one fluid motion with the large axe appearing out of darkness, she looked towards Sam as she seemed to fade away into the darkness that surrounds her.

In another part of the city where the most destruction was happening, Sarah reappeared in a shroud of darkness. Spinning the axe with one hand. It would pass one part of her body and slowly move to another part very gracefully. Walking slowly towards her target a large fire mage who seemed to be causing all of the trouble. Tilting her head to the side, large black hands sprouted from the ground and grabbed ahold of the cow man. With one big toss of her axe it went flying towards the bull head. If her aim was true then it would cut along the nose and pierce the right ear.

Amra thought for a moment and answered as best as she could. "Last I seen of them they were still at the guild. I am not sure where they are now though. I have no clue, but Azumi had to have been close because Tyler can not go one mile from her at all times. Yeah we better get the last of these crates out of here." Picking up two of the crates she got ready to leave and lead the way back to where the kids and Rolen was.
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Henry, the king, stood up from his golden throne. He glared at Tyler. "You have some nerve coming here like this. I have no need to be informed of what I already know." The king walked slowly over to him and looked down at him. "Stormbreakers? I will remember that." He looked up. "Elizabeth! Victoria and Arthur have taken out many of the fire monsters. Get ready to go into combat."

Behind Tyler there was a young woman that had long white hair and silver eyes. She wore a light blue dress similar to Samantha's and had a necklace with 12 different golden animals hanging from it. She smiled sweetly as the King approached her, she looked tiny next to him.
"Yes my Lord." She answered as she bowed and followed him.

The king stepped into the balcony, where the giant Diablo could be seen. He raised his hand and the attacks stopped. The giant Diablo noticed the king and roared. He shot a powerful flamethrower at the castle.
A magic barrier stopped the attack. The king then raised another hand and a giant stone hand emerged from behind Diablo. The stone hand wrapped around Diablo and began to crush him. Diablo began to glow.

"My Lord! He plans on exploding!" Elizabeth told her king.

The king didn't acknowledge what Elizabeth said. He raised his hands and clapped them together. The hand then turned into a tomb that covered Diablo completely. A loud explosion was heard inside and smoke came out of the stone tomb. The king signaled for the stone tomb to lower and it disappeared underground.

The king walked away as everyone looked at him in surprise. He was not a mage and yet managed such a powerful spell.

Azumi and Aerodactyl helped carry an elderly couple to safety.

The Diablo Wes was fighting cried in pain and began to shrink.

Leo watched amazed as Amra carried the crates. "Woa! I have to start working out!" He laughed sarcastically.

Annette saw Rolan up ahead in the forest. "Hey! Come help us out!" She yelled at him.

Samantha saw what was happening to Sarah. She walked slowly to her and grabbed her hand. She felt the need to stay by her no matter what.
Tyler jerked back when he said something about the Stormbreakers. “Look, don’t take your rage out on the guild just cause I came here. I came on my own will, and if you wanna punish anyone it’s gonna be me.” Tyler said pointing to himself. “Besides there’s a lot you can do to a soul.”

Tyler then watched as he crushed the giant Diablo. “See? There’s a lot you can do to someone. Just don’t hurt any of our-“ He was cut off by the radius moving, which was Azumi riding atop Aredactyl. “Oh Shi-“ He said in realization as Tyler was flung back from the large building and into the burning slums. He went back into the necklace.

Razan kept fighting the sun, but when he brought rain, the sun came back. Every. Single. Time. It was very unusual. He is a very good weather mage, hence why Organization X kept him. CrossBlade was the one who convinced Wreaker to keep him.

CrossBlade smiled as he heard the loud and audible crash. Mmm, how do you like that Diablo? Nice and comfortable down there in hell? Good. Fires your thing anyway.
But on the back of his mind he knew that Diablo always had the possibility of coming back. He had before.
Sarah looked towards Sammanta, her eyes seem to be radiating darkness. Her mouth was not moving at all, but Sam can hear Sarah laughing in her head. It did not sound like Sarah's laughter though. It seemed to be mixed with another voice. One that sounded very sinister and maniacal. Slowly the axe came back from being tossed and slid very smoothly into her hand. Where it limply lay to be used again at a moment's notice.

"I don't think you really need to. I think you look good without all of the effert. Besides I climb trees everyday. Carrying a couple of boxes is not that hard to do." Amra walked out with the others and led the way to Rolen. Miss. Bramble smiled at the new comers and greeted them respectively. "It is nice to meet you two. My name is Miss. Bramble and I am the caretaker of these kids. Once I heard about the fire, I rushed the kids out to make sure to stay out of the fire."
“Well that was easier than expected.” He shrugged as he and Joltik disengaged the empowered stage. Wes instantly felt fatigue after the energy left his body, being in that high powered state took a toll on his body equal to what he would experience had he done those actions normally, he was just able to delay the pain a bit. He walked around the ruined town, looking for any injured survivors and treated them when he found one.
In the dungeon were Crossblade was being kept, a woman appeared from the shadows. She had a white mask that covered her face completely and only two holes to see. She was wearing some sort of ninja suit, which was black and had bright red hair. She walked quietly up behind Crossblade and with a quick sword movement, released him.
"The boss is not happy that we had to do this to get you out." Shadows began to envelope the two. "Next time, I will be send to cut your head." The two disappeared, leaving no trace behind.


Samantha looked at Sarah in the eyes. She knew Sarah was not aware of her actions and she needed to stop the process. She bit her thumb and used the blood threw a circle with a star on the hand she was using to hold on to Sarah. If this didn´t snap her out of it, then she would not know what to do, but if it did, it would give her time to ask Leo for help. "I trade you... one day for her peace...¨ Samantha said as a dark aura covered her and Sarah. Samantha just watched and waited for results, while Bob ran to a corner and watched in fear.

"Great job!" Leo told the kid´s caretaker. ¨We have to protect the future of our country." He looked around. "I´m heading back to town to check on things. Amra and Rolan, you two should stay here. Take care of things."

"What about me?" Annette said with bright eyes, while looking at Leo.

"You stay here also of course! You are the book guard, person, warrior." Leo said uncertainly. He waved good bye and took off running with Lycanroc at his side.

Annette looked at Amra proudly. "See that? I got assigned to a mission. My first guild mission. Defend the books!"


Azumi asked Aerodactyl to go downwards towards Wes. When they landed she walked over to him. "Thank you for coming back, I was worried of what happened to you. But, you do not look well, everything okay?"


The Diablos around the city disappeared, the rain returned and people began to rush back into town. Guild members guided people to safety and made sure the area was clear before approaching. The hospitals were full of burnt victims. The king prepared to give a public speech.
A voice could be heard in Sam's head. "Child I am not benevolent spirit. I can not transfer my being into you for a day. I am bonded with this one. She has accepted my deal and we are now one. Do not worry. I may look evil, but I only have Sarah's best interests at heart. What I can do is give you peace of mind of what I am. I am going to show you a part of Sarah's past where I have come into contact with Red Rose." The being waited for Sam's response before they done said anything more.
Razan cried from the sky. “Yes! Yes! We won! Hahaha!” He laughed to himself. He couldn’t be happier to see rain. He flew with his Pokémon back to the guild and landed right next to Annette, his hair wet from the rain. “Woo! Mission complete am I right?!” He exclaimed.

Tyler popped out next to Azumi flying with them. “Wes?! Ah great to have ya back man! Oh, yeah, about the battle at the mine, ya know that Weather mage? Well he turned out to be enslaved by X and now he’s with us!” Tyler gestures to the rain. “See? This was his doing.”

Tyler then remembered that Wes had fought with CrossBlade. “Don’t you worry bout CrossBlade. He’s all locked up.”
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“Yeah I’m fine, just a bit tired.” Wes didn’t feel like going into the full details of his change right now, luckily Tyler’s appearance proved to be a nice distraction. He had briefly forgotten that the ghost could be a bit annoying and was taken aback by his onslaught of phrases/questions, not sure exactly how or what to answer. “Wow... that’s great.” He tried to sound enthused as he responded in a way that seemed to be a suitable answer to everything from before. Wes turned back towards his chief, “What do you need me to do?”
Samantha wiped the blood mark from her hand but didn't let go of Sarah. "I understand... I'm ready..."


Annette hissed at Razan. "Turn off the rain! My books!" She spread herself over a crate. "The rain could ruin them!"


Azumi let out a big sigh. "When something like this happens, guilds are called to assist in clean up. However, I am terribly tired." She coughed. "I also inhaled too much smoke. Could you take me home?" She looked at Tyler. "I got a new idea for the capes." She smiled.


The King put on his red cape that went along with his golden armor and crown. "What information do you have?"

Victoria was standing behind him wearing golden clothes similar to Azumi's armor. "Crossblade, the reason all of this happened, is related to a member of the guild Stormbreakers. The ghost that you met earlier today."

The King turned to Victoria and glared at her. "Bring the leader. I will talk to her myself."

Victoria looked sad. "Yes sir, I should inform you that their leader would never do anything to harm this nation."

The King scratched his long beard. "That's for me to decide."
The disembodied voice started to speak. "It all started when Red Rose was a small child. She had a wonderful childhood. Her parents were kind and loving people. She and her brother were skilled in their craft. Her brother was an amazing mage. He was slotted to become a mage of the grand court. They were going to train him because his potential to become more powerful then the mage who had accompanied the guild home. Jason was a powerful life mage. He had the potential to bring things to life and to drain the life out of others.

Sarah was very happy for her bother. Glad to see that he would be taken care of and get the training that he deserved. Well there were others who wanted Jason for themselves. They were willing to do whatever they could to get to him. A man with a large X was sent to take him.

Sarah and her family were in the forest when the man showed up. The man was very large and imposing. He looked very deadly and proved it when he killed both of her parents with one fireball. Everyone was badly injured, except Jason who was taken.

I came upon Red Rose who was laying on the ground in a lot of pain. She had burns all over her. Most of her body was damaged. I could not help the parents as they had already past on.

Since there was only one way to save Sarah from coming to the same fate as her parents, I bonded myself with her. Helping her heal her burns, but the memory would never leave her. She will always lose control after a burn. This is why I have taken control over her for now. I do not want her to on a rampage. This is more of saving her from hurting the wrong people. I am able to help her sort through who is friend and who is foe."

As the being spoke, the story unfolded before Sam. She could see everything in vivid detail, and could even feel the emotions going through Sarah at the time of the momory.
Razan jumped. “Eek! I forgot!” He screeched. He waved his hands and placed them over the books. A cloud of sunlight appeared over the books, but everywhere else there was rain. “Fires need to be put out across town.” He said.
Tyler smiled. “Of course we need to get back! The question is, by ghost or Pokémon?” He let the question hang in the air for a little bit, and then looked up grinning at Azumi. “Ghost it is!” He scooped Azumi up, carrying her in his arms.
“This is Tyler Bolt flight system. Hold on tight if you can cause we are goin for a ride. Yeeeeee haaaawwwww!!!” He cried, and then flew around, making sure he went easy, and held her in a comfortable way. The wind ripples through is now transparent hair. As he neared the guild house, he slowed to a stop, and then set her down on her feet so that she was standing up.
“If ya need me, just holler!” He said to her.
Tyler then disappeared.
“Yeah let’s go.” He gently spoke to her as he hopped on Aerodactyl, about to help her up when’s Tyler grabbed her. “Not sure that’s the best way to transport an injured Pokémon but whatever.” He muttered to himself before instructing the fossil Pokémon to fly them back to the guild, though it did not take long at all. As Aerodactyl descended to let the his friend off, Wes made note of the strange scene happening outside the guild. Jeez I’m gone for like 3 days and this happens he rolled his eyes, not having the energy to even be surprised. “Oh I forgot to ask you what Leo was doing here.” He spoke to the guild leader as he ignored the scene and approached her.
Samantha was an expert hiding feelings, but a small tear did fall down her face as she saw Sarah's story.
"I see. Please keep her safe... She is important for my friend. If you or she requires my assistance, do not hesitate to ask." She looked up at Sarah.


Azumi was taken by surprise of her feet and flown to the guild house. She noticed the burnt marks on the ground by the entrance. She then looked at her necklace.
"Tyler... You do not fly a lady into the sky without her permission first!" She then took a deep breath. "But, thank you."
She looked over at Wes. "He will be with us until I'm good to be back in action." She placed her left hand on his shoulder. "Do not worry, he knows about you and he would never do anything. Simply because he can't, as long as I'm breathing. Plus, he is a good guy, he knows when there is evil and you have none of that." She looked at the broken door. "Welcome home Wes, we missed you, even Sam."


Annette smiled at Razan. "Thank you!" Fifi began to clean her kittens. "Not on the books Fifi!" Annette complained. She turned to Amra. "You have to take care of the kids, me and Razan can take the books to the guild house."
The being sent feelings of happiness towards the wind user. "Thank you for giving me a chance to talk. Most run and hide when they see me. Now I will gladly call on you if I ever need of your assistance. You be sure to do the same. If you ever need of me just touch Sarah and talk to me through her. She does not know of me taking control, but she does know of me."

"Really you are going to carry all of the crates by yourself? Are you sure. I can help out." Amra crossed her arms and looked at the pink girl.

One of the orphans walked up to Fifi and her kittens. The girl leaned down and held out her hand for them to sniff. The girl had a very kind look to her. She was wearing a frilly dress, with lace details. Her face held a gentle smile.

Phoenix had been working on the library, and on repairing the door. He had started it after he saw Sarah take down the fire guy. He wanted to get a jump start on the repairs. He had a small fire lit to give him some warmth while working.
“Ummmmm okay...” Wes wasn’t sure how much he liked the idea of Leo knowing who he was. Sure, his name first name had been revealed along the way but he was careful to keep his face and last name hidden from any potential threats. As far as he was concerned the Grand Court was full of pigs who could care less about the poor people of the kingdom, only seeking to help themselves. Wes had seen criminals pillage villages and never be put to justice, he had seen plagues wipe out half of a cities population, he blamed the Grand Court for having to turn to crime in order to help those the court neglected. And in turn for his good deeds he had a bounty placed on him and had to live on the run. “If he’s around you might not see me much.” Wes scoffed as he walked inside.
Samantha nodded at Sarah. "I will... I have a spirit of my own... But he is not friendly to others..." She looked around. "People are returning... You should... Bring her back."


Azumi looked at Wes and laughed. "It's fine, really. He is a good guy, if there is someone to trust in the Grand Court, it's him." She sighed and looked at Phoenix.
"Great job with... Everything, keep it up!" She head to the stairs and looked back.
"If anybody needs me, I'm going to go die in my bed!" She went upstairs and closed the door as she went into her room.


Annette looked at Amra. "It is my mission! I will carry...er... Push them! To safety!" She began to push a crate that barley moved.

The kittens snuggled against the hands of the toddler while Fifi began to wash herself and looked at Annette trying to push the crate.


Leo was walking with and olderly couple, helping them find their home, when he noticed Victoria walking with two guards.
"Hey! Going for a walk with your body guards?" He smiled and waved at her.

Victoria gave him a sad look and approached him. She showed him the arrest warrant.

Leo's smile disseapered as he read it. "Oh no. She is one of the good guys. Probably the best person I ever met."

Victoria nodded. "It even hurts me to do this. I love to make her life miserable, but this is different. I hope she understands." She turned around and continued to walk towards the guild house.

Leo ran ahead, he ran inside and saw Wes and Phoenix. "Hey, any of you seen Azumi? It's urgent."
Wes saw Leo and shot a sinister glare at him. Even if Azumi said he was a good guy the fact was as a member of the Grand Court he was failing his duties to ensure the best for all the people of the kingdom. “Sleeping.” He muttered as he pushed passed the man to head outside, not showing the slightest bit of respect towards someone in his position of power. It sickened Wes to even be near a member of the Grand Court so he put as much distance between them as he could. Unfortunately he saw an all too familiar sight. Another member of the Grand Court walking towards the guild with two guards and a sheet of paper, something he recognized from the many times they came to arrest him. It didn’t take long for Wes to realize they weren’t here for him, but most likely Azumi. That backstabbing piece of crap He instantly pushed the blame onto Leo before walking straight towards the group of three, he couldn’t run this time and would have to make a stand, no matter how hopeless it was. “What do you want?” He interrogated Victoria looking her dead in the eyes, not the least bit intimidated. He despised these people more than organization X.
"I can not really do that at the moment. Her mind is still going over everything. If I scale back my control, she will go off and attack everything. When I mean everything, I mean everything. This place would not be standing if she were in control. Though I can put her in a sleep like state. It will be better to do that then just let her run free." The being waited for a response before they done anything.

Amra walked over and picked up the crates that Annette was pushing. "Here let me carry these. Why don't you carry Fifi and the kittens. I can make sure the books get there safely."
Tyler floated around the coin. He needed to rest, they all did. Especially Azumi, who had been injured and breathed in smoke. Well, when life gives you lemons, cough em up. One thing was still on his mind though.

The king.

He could send in forces any minute now.
Razan blushed when Annette thanked him. “Uh-no problem!” He said to her. But he noticed something. Was that, Ah! The Council! That woman was-
Razans face got red. If the council saw him he might be arrested! He walked away nervously and followed behind Wes, who also was walking away from Leo. Maybe he doesn’t want to get caught? As he followed Wes, the pang if realization came over him. He was going to talk to her? “Ah, no no no no....” he nervously muttered to himself. And then he saw the warrant. “Ah! No no no no!” He cried. He rushed into the guild house and knocked on Azumis door. “Uh, boss? A lady from the Council is here, and she has a warrant.....” He quietly said. He didn’t know if Azumi was really asleep or not.
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Azumi had just changed into her casual clothes when Razan knocked on her door. She sighed and changed quickly into her regular armor. She opened the door and walked downstairs. Leo was standing there.
"What is going on Leo?" She asked him.

Leo scratched his head. "The King wants to talk to you, aperantly you are being accused of treason for keeping information to yourself about Organized X."

Azumi closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "How did he get that information? I was planning on reporting it once everything was complete..." She looked around and walked over to a small table by the stairs. "You're staying here Tyler, I can't risk having them take you away." She took the necklace off and set it on the table.

Leo walked over to Azumi and placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I'm going to be here with the guild to make sure they're safe."

Azumi nodded quietly.

Victoria barley acknowledged Wes. "Step aside, this doesn't concern you." She said quietly as she approached the guild house. She reached the front and waited. She knew Leo was inside and that Azumi would come out on her own. Azumi rarely broke the rules and she wouldn't do it now.
The two guards with Victoria took out their swords. Victoria gave them a mean look. "Put those away, we have no need for that. We aren't arresting a criminal. At least I hope so."

Azumi petted Anakin and Nana. "Stay out of trouble you two, I will return as soon as possible." Anakin nodded softly and Nana just whimpered. Azumi looked at Phoenix, Razan and Leo. "Sarah will be in charge, when she returns inform her please." She bowed and walked up to the door.

She didn't seemed surprised when Victoria was already standing there. The two sword masters looked at each other. Their rivalry was no longer there, instead there was a worried look on both of their faces.


Samantha sensed the arrival of more people. "Something is off.... The air is tense..." She looked at Sarah. "You should stay until... It is safe." She looked around the room. "I will... Give you company meanwhile."


Annette picked up the kittens and Fifi followed behind. They ran behind Amra. "Thank you Miss... Um... I'm sorry what was your name?"
Tyler heart started racing. Taking her away? No. Never. This was his fault. They should take him, not Azumi. “No, Azumi.....”
A wave of anger swept over him, and he flew out of the building. He watched as Victoria shooed away Wes. He floated down and flared at her. “But it does concern me.” He said angrily. “Ignore you want to take someone it should be me. And if this information has to do with my uncle, you’ll need me and Razan.” He closed his eyes.
“You know what? I’ll tell you everything. I killed the Lumberjack. I killed myself because my dark side was greedy for power. CrossBlade came. Azumi sold her soul for the coin that I’m trapped in. I brought down this whole entire guild and then I went to the palace. Take me too.”
During all the bustle Rolen had been almost completely out of it, entirely focused on the weave of the spell. He barely noticed as people came and went, and he was doing his best to shut out everything as he worked. But now he was almost done with the spell, and a cloud was hovering over his head. He looked around, suddenly realizing there were more people there.

“Uh... hi? You guys need any help? I got the spell!”
Sarah had been asleep for awhile. Her body may have been used to do things around the town, but she felt fully rested. Slowly the black tenderals started to recede into her again. "I will speak to you again wind bringer. You have been a big help." The being said as Sarah's eyes started to flutter as she was waking up.

Amra had taken over in leading everyone back to the guild. She turned back towards Rolen and informed him of what was happening. "Well we are all going back to the guild right now. Miss. Bramble I am sure you will be more then welcome to stay here while we go and make sure your orphanage is still in one piece."
Wes clenched his fist, angry to be shoved aside. But he knew there was nothing he could do. If he attacked it would only worsen the situation for Azumi. Still, he wasn’t about to let her go without some protection, even if it meant following her to the most dangerous place in the world for himself. “Tyler don’t be stupid. What’re they going to do to you? You’re a ghost. It’s not like they can kill or imprison you so all of your punishment would fall onto Azumi since she is in possession of you. Just stay here and don’t make things worse.” Wes spoke with a sinister tone, angered by the ghost’s immaturity and lack of thinking, Tyler may have already said enough to get Azumi into more trouble. “I’m going with.” He locked eyes with Victoria, preparing to fight against any objection.
Tyler jerked around to Wes furious, and a flicker of his dark side came to his face, and then stayed. He was now purple, and a purplish aura was emitting around him. His teeth turned sharp and narrow pointed, and his eyes glowing red. The dark side had taken over.
“How DARE you call me and item!” He yelled, Tyler’s voice mixed up with some demonic beings. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! YOU HUMANS SHALL PERISH AT THE HANDS IF ME AND ORGANIZATION X!!! WE SHALL RULE!!!” The being cried. “Keh heh heh!” The being strangely laughed. “Curse my host for choosing such AWFUL people to be around!” He cried again. He grinned creepily, his sharp teeth glinting. “Who should I chose first hmm?” The dark being said to himself, and he looked around at the possible victims. He laid his eyes upon Victoria. “Ah! A grand councilwoman!” He narrowed his eyes. “Oh Azumi?! Even though you aren’t holding the necklace, you are spiritually bonded with it....” He said.

From inside Azumis room, the necklace, flashed, and flashed purple, and glowed. Wind whipped around Azumi like a tornado, and her eyes glowed red. The dark being turned back to Victoria. “Goodbye, human.” The monster said to her grimly. He flew into the sky, hit momentum, and punched her as hard as he could in her chest, and made contact.
Sarah had been about to wake up when a flood of danger brought her into a large fit of rage. Surrounding herself in a shroud of darkness, she appeared right in front of Tyler. The black tenderals were back and the black glowing aura was there as well. The axe was in her right hand as her left came up and grabbed ahold of the fist of the ghost. The being still had control of Sarah and would protect others from harm. "You know I am frankly getting tired of this." Sarah's voice was not her own. It was a mixture of two voices. One was the smooth and melodic sound of Sarah's voice, and the other more sultry and dark sounding. "This is the last time I am putting up with this nonsense." The axe fell to the ground and became shadow as it hit the floor. Bringing up her other hand, Sarah grabbed ahold of the ghost's head. The being started to chant in strange language that had not been heard for thousands of years. The chant would break apart the dark part of the soul and leave only the good. Memories would be retained and know everything that part knew, but the darkness would be destroyed. The darkness would be forever banished. With a push of her hand, Sarah sent Tyler back into his body as she and the being stopped chanting. The spell would also merge the boy back with his body, if it worked correctly.
The evil being smiled. “YOU ARE ONLY DELAYING THE INEVITABLE!!! YOU CAN ONLY DELAY! I WILL ALWAYS BE BACK!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” The ghost said as it was being torn apart, and the horrific screams only got more distorted. Tyler’s soul was split apart, the darkness destroyed. The soul was sent back into the body, but something went wrong. The spell in the necklace had not been broken, the spell that held him in. Tyler’s soul is unconsciously floated back and went back into the necklace.
Azumi placed her hand on Wes' shoulder. "Its okay. It's not a death penalty or anything. I'm going to be okay. Besides, I need you here with the others." Just then Tyler came out and began arguing.
"Tyler, please don't make things wor...." She stopped when Tyler punched Victoria.

Victoria took a few steps back as she was punched and signaled the guards to lower their weapons. "I'm not here to fight..." She said with a glare as she placed her hand on her chest.

Both Victoria and Azumi looked with astonishment as Tyler's dark side was separated by an odd version of Sarah. Victoria gave Azumi an upset look. Now there was more to explain.

Samantha quickly caught up to Sarah and grabbed her hand. "Sorry... I was messing with... Spiritual magic."

Azumi knew she was lying, but getting into detail right now was not right. Leo stepped outside and prepared his wand when he saw Sarah, but Samantha standing up for her made him put it away. Azumi walked over to Victoria's side.
"Let's just go, as you can see I need to return as soon as possible. There is a lot to fix here." Azumi told Victoria softly. She then turned to the group. "Red Rose is in charge until I'm gone. Everyone work together to fix the guild house and finish our new library." She smiled, trying to cheer them up. "Then we can work everything else out. Remember to keep Tyler from being reckless and Sam from killing anyone." She said with a playful tone. She took a deep breath. "I really appreciate everyone's concern, I will be back soon, I promise."

Victoria walked Azumi away, the two guards followed behind.
“That doesn’t work for me, every member of the Grand Court is a lying piece of human garbage who abuse their power to help the rich. Plus the guild seems strong enough without me so I’m coming with.” He might’ve listened to her request if it wasn’t for the recent display of power from Sarah, but now he had no doubt that they would manage without him. “Sam please take care of Aerodactyl, I can’t be bringing him into the capital.” He spoke to the only member he truly trusted. He followed behind his leader, not willing to leave.
Rolen nodded and followed Amra. He wouldn’t be any use in moving a heavy load, so he just focused on making the cloud that floated around him move along with him. He was feeling a large boost of self-confidence after successfully forming the cloud in such a short amount of time, for him at least. He began compressing the water as he walked so it changed in shape from a cloud into a dragon-like figure made of water, which flowed through the air beside him. He smiled gleefully as he made what he percived as an achievement.
Azumi walked with Victoria, the two guards constantly looking back at Wes. It continued like this until Victoria sighed frustrated. She walked over to Wes.
"What do you plan to accomplish here? What's your plan? Show your loyalty to the king and he will let Azumi go? You do understand the situation right?"

Azumi gave Wes a worried look, she didn't want him to get in trouble.


Annette walked behind Rolan. "So much for helping with the books..." She said as she looked at him.


Samantha looked at Sarah. "Sarah needs to lead the guild from here, we need her."
The being had been listening to what was going on around them. It would be a good time to let Sarah come out of her induced sleep. The darkness that surrounded Sarah started to recede and her fluttered open. A strong headache had begun from her not being in control. "You are awake now Sarah. I have given you what you have missed." The being imparted what had happened since she almost lost control. "Thank you. You have been a big help."

Looking around and noticing Sam was near her she asked. "So what did I miss. I know that you now know what is going on with me. You do not have to spare the details."

Amra had been thinking about what had happened. It felt to easy that the king could have defeated the fire mage like he did. It would have been too easy. Though it was a great show of power as she could see the explosion from where she was. Turning towards Annette she answered her earlier question. "My name is Amra. I am sorry for not answering you sooner my mind is in a jumbled mess at the moment."
“Oh, oh, sorry Annette.”

Rolen began apologizing. He hesitated a moment, unwilling to dispel his spell, but he gave a sigh and let it go. The water splashed onto the ground a little ways away from the group, and Rolen moved to help. Luckily none of the fire had reached their part of the forest, so his spell hadn’t been necessary... but at least he knew he could do it now. With these thoughts running he moved to help with moving boxes of books.
Wes wasn’t the least bit intimidated when Victoria approached him, his hatred covered any fear he would have of someone with that much power. “I have no loyalty to the king.” He grumbled in response. “I’m just coming with in case you try to do anything stupid.” He pushed passed the girl, bumping into a member of the Grand Court like she was nothing more than another civilian, though he would have treated a normal civilian with much more respect than Victoria.