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"Okay..." Samantha responded to Sarah's comment. "Azumi was just arrested because..." She looked around. "I'm not sure... Something about Organization X and Tyler's uncle."

Leo stepped in. "They connected Diablo's attack and Crossblade to Tyler and therefore they are accusing her of keeping information from Organization X from the court. Which in a more simple way, traitor to the kingdom."


Victoria walked in front of Wes before he reached Azumi. "If you are loyal to your leader, I suggest you would do what is best to protect her instead of making the case against her stronger. You think we don't know who you are? Azumi trusts you so we can't touch you, but the fact that your standing against the King's orders just makes things worst for her. So, if your plan is to ensure the King punishes her, then go ahead and continue." She turned around and grabbed Azumi's hand and pulled her away.
The two guards bumped into Wes as they passed by.


Annette smiled as Rolan began to help. "Thank you Rolan!" She called out along with Fifi who let out a loud meow. When Annette saw the construction of the new library she squealed out of excitement.
"It is so big! AND a basement?! This is so exciting!" She ran to Amra and shook her hand various times. "You're the best Amra, and Rolan and Phoenix and Azumi and the ghost! I love this place already!"
Fifi began chasing her tail out of excitement.
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“Tell me exactly what rule I’m breaking, as of now I am just a civilian, I have not threatened harm to anyone and am simply traveling to the capital to witness the trial of a friend. If you wish to arrest me for my other crimes you are welcome to try, though those are unrelated to Azumi. Tell me when I violate anything more than my basic rights.” He knew they had no case. He hadn’t done anything illegal (at least as a member of the guild) so his presence, while unwelcome, was not in violation of any law. He just wanted to follow mainly to understand the charges and to be there in case they tried to pull any tricks on Azumi.
Tyler awoke from the necklace with a jolt. He held himself as he shivered violently. What had he done? No, it wasn’t him. It was the creature. The monster. The demon. What had he done? From the moment he- no, IT, took over, he was gone. He had no clue as to what had happened. But he was sure that it would return sometime. It couldn’t be gotten rid of THAT easily. The darkness is what kept him here. That means the creature was here too.
Razan walked out of his room, happy that his leg had healed some. He was unsure of what had happened outside,(he had gone in after making the cloud for Annette) but it didn’t seem good. He went out and saw that Rolen and Annette were moving crates. He didn’t think he was physically able to do that, but he did see Rolen fidget with a cloud. “Oh ho ho! You wanna see a cloud eh? Watch this!” He exclaimed. He drew moisture from the already wet air, and shaped it into a bust. He began sculpting it, and when he was done, he showed it to the both of them. It was a bust if Annette, laughing. Her eyes closed and her mouth in an opened smile. Razan smiled along with it.
Sighing Sarah put two fingers to her head. She had a major headache and could not think as straight as she normally did. Thinking of what to do for a moment, she then had it. "Sam will you tell the others when they get back to the guild to come to the meetinf room. I want to have a word with them. I want to get everyones take on this. We can not under any circumstances challenge this if it is a direct order from the king." Turning towards Leo, she asked. "Leo do you think you can come to the meeting. I want to get your take on this as well. Besides you know more about what might happen to her in the mean time." Walking off, Sarah had her head in between her two hands trying to get rid of the headache she had. She knew she could not rest like she normally did when it got this bad, because she knew she had to stay and guide the others until their leader returned.

Amra nearly dropped the box of books she had been carrying when Annette started shaking her hand. Though she had to smile at the girl energy and enthusiasm. It was quite refreshing to see someone so innocent and childlike. "You are welcome. I am glad you are enjoying what is being done so far. Though it will get a lot bigger seeing as there is going to be a second floor."
"Ok, 'Civilian', how do you plan on going into the castle?" Victoria asked Wes.

"He is my personal body guard." Azumi answered quickly.

Victoria glared at her. "You do understand bringing a wanted criminal with you might displease the king even more, right?"

"That sounds like... My personal problem." Azumi answered with a straight face.

Victoria sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing. Even I don't want this to turn out bad for you." She turned around and began to walk.

Azumi waited for Wes and began walking with him. "Please don't do anything reckless, I am already on very thin ice."


Samantha nodded, she was too sleepy to take orders, but seeing that Sarah was even in a worst shape, she figured she could help. She flew to the back side where the group moving the crates was.
"Meeting room." She told Amra and Rolan. She then did the same with Razan and Annette.
Samantha saw the crates and used her magic to move them quickly into safety.

Annette looked around amazed. "She moved them without touching them!" She looked at Rolan. "Um.... Meeting room?"


Leo did as he was told and had gone to the meeting room. Where he sat patiently.
“Walking, most likely through the front doors.” He sarcastically replied to Victoria. After Azumi stood up for him he was a grateful, but felt a bit guilty that she had to stick her neck out for him. “Don’t worry, I’m just here in case they try to hurt you. Otherwise I’ll be good, I promise.” Wes smiled and gave a thumbs up, attempting to lighten the mood.
Razans face lost his smile. Didn’t even look eh? Fine. He walked over to the meeting room and plopped down on a chair. While he was waiting for everyone else, he cast a handheld cloud, and began to make it have different weather effects as fast as he could. He sighed, realizing that it was pointless to practice and stopped. Castform nuzzled him on his shoulder.

Tyler was still shaking violently, throwing off his movements. He could hear laughter. Evil laughter coming from inside of him. It was, uncontrollable.......
Tyler summoned himself in Azumis room, but immediately crashed into the floor. He winced in pain. His shaking hand trying pushing himself up, but they just fell down again. He found himself rapidly floating through the floor, and before he knew it, he had landed back first in the middle of the meeting room. Tyler gritted his teeth. He got up again, but then fell down. He began to limp crawl through the wall. A few moments afterwards, he was outside the guild, laying on the grass outside in pain.
"If you follow me I will take you there. It is in the basement in the main house." Amra led the way to the basment meeting room. She took her usual spot and sat down. She waited for Sarah to show up.

After ordering the meeting, Sarah had walked to the kitchen. She need something that would help ease her head up some. Thinking that tea would do the trick, she made some for the whole group. If they were as bad off as her then they might need some as well. Taking the kettle down the stairs, Sarah sat the tea down and poured a cup for herself adding a little suger to cut the bitterness of the strong tea. "Help yourself to some tea. I will tell everyone why we are here when everyone gets comfortable. We have some things to discuss. I will also be explainging a few things to you about Azumi."

Phoenix had followed Amra down and took a seat close to Leo. He had a pencil in hand and was adjusting the layout of the medical bay in the new library. Taking the time to make sure storage was set up for anything that needed to be kept. He was also working on a blueprint for a herb garden for Maria and anyone who needs fresh herbs for things.
"Ok, but I doubt the king would want to discuss things with you." Azumi told Wes as they reached the castle. "But I really do appreciate your concern, it does make me feel more at ease."

The giant castle doors began to open and inside there were many big house, in perfect and beautiful conditions. The people inside were dressed more elegantly and many of them waved at Azumi and Victoria. The two waved back is if everything was okay.

"Azumi dear! Are you back to marry my son?" One old lady called out.

"No Mrs. Conway!" Azumi replied and smiled.

The group kept walking until the reached the bridge to the castle. There Victoria dismissed the guards. The doors were opened and they continued to walk. There was a great hall, decorate with gold and marble. There was a shiny red carpet that led up to the throne of the king. The King himself sat there, his great crown shining brighter than everything else.

The guards checked the new arrivals as they entered and then guided them to the steps of the throne. When they got there, Victoria kneeled on one knee. Azumi did the same but pulled down Wes with her.


Samantha walked in the meeting room and sat next to Leo.
Leo looked at her and smiled. "Wow you look full of energy today!"
Samantha just glared back at him and then focused on Sarah.


Annette walked in nervously into the meeting room and then got excited when she saw the other members. She sat next to Razan. "This is so exciting! My first meeting! Hi!" She smiled at him.
“Trust me I want even less do to with him.” Wes grumbled, everything about this situation just pissed him off. His skin crawled as he walked through the outer area so this is the 1% that gets to live lavishly while there are people who can’t afford basic medicine, ridiculous. Wes shot evil looks at everyone they passed, there was nowhere he hated more than this place. When they reached the castle and approached the king Wes was filled with anger. He would enjoy nothing more than punching the king in his pompous face and giving him a good piece of his mind. Still, this was for Azumi so he would play along, even if it meant kneeling to the king. Wes did not resist as he was pulled down onto one knee, though he did not arch his back or bow his head, instead he kept his head up and glared right into the King’s eyes, full of hate.
Razan perked up when Annette sat by him. “Yeah, first meetings always interesting. You get to see how the guild works and all, but this might be different because Azumis not leading......” Razan started off for a second. “But I’m sure that Sa- I mean, Red Rose will do a good job....”
He smiled.

“The guild will be better with you. There are not many of you from where I came, or not many who followed that path....” Razan stared off into space again, this time longer, thinking about......the attack.........
He shook his head. “I...I don’t want to revisit those memories......” He quietly said.
Rolen sighed internally as Razan began showing off. He felt belittled, but continued to work without showing it. He was still impressed, of course, but he felt it was unnecessary to show off just now, the guy could be helping too. Rolen wasn’t very strong, but he was still able to help decently well, so he did his best. He had a bit of trouble focusing, as his thoughts continued to wander away from the work at hand, but he managed to keep up a decent pace.

However, Sam arrived and told them to head to the meeting room, so he put down the stuff he was working on and headed inside. When he arrived Maira was already there, looking groggy. He nodded to the others already assembled and then sat down in his seat.
"Ok everyone seeing as all of you guys are here. I see we have a new face here so I am going to introduce myself. My name is Sarah Blackwell. Though when we are outside of the guild everyone calls me Red Rose. It is to keep some of the missions I do from being tanked. I am second in command here at Stormbreakers. If you want to stay after so I can get to know you a bit." Sarah paused to take a sip of her tea. It did ease her head a little bit.

"Now on to the real reason we are here. Azumi was taken to the capital to be questioned by the king. Now I am going to hand it over to Leo as he knows more about the situation then I do. He can better answer your questions."
Leo was surprised he was the one to explain things. He cleared his throat and stood up.
"Right...um..." He scratched his head thinking of a simple way to say things.

"Shush Leo is going to talk!" Annette said excitedly as she shook Razan's arm.

"Well to keep it simple..." Leo began. "The King connected Diablo's attack to this guild and since Azumi is the leader the King requested to speak to her." He looked around, not sure if information was needed. "Basically she might be tried for treason or she just needs to explain what happened. Worst case scenario, she will be executed, but that's in the worst case." He smiled, trying to lighten the mood.


The King bowed back to the people in front of him. "Victoria you can leave. I wish to speak to... These Stormbreakers... Alone."

Victoria rose and quickly left. Azumi stood back up and looked at the King with worried eyes.

"How's your father?" The King asked Azumi.

"Um..." She was not expecting the question. "Bored. He doesn't like retirement."

The King chuckled softly. "I'm not surprised. What happened to your arm?"

"I used the blue gemstone to cut off Diablo's head." She responded.

"That didn't work well, did it? He came knocking at my door and took many victims with him." The King said coldly.

Azumi looked down ashamed. "I swear his head rolled to the side. I don't understand how he came back "

"Well... Next time grab his head and bring it to me." The King replied and then looked at Wes. "Is he your future husband?"

"Oh no, he is a member of my guild and wished to accompany me to make sure I was okay." Azumi responded.

"I figured you would be mad by now, though your father always said you are too stubborn on that subject." The King chuckled again. "Maybe I should choose someone for your."

Azumi shook her head. "I really appreciate your concern your majesty, but right now the only relationship I want is with my guild."

The King scratched his head. "Good, honesty and loyalty. Two important traits in a leader, don't you think?" His eyes began to glare at Azumi.

"Yes, very." Azumi replied, she began to look nervous as the King's stare locked on her.

"Then why didn't you show those traits when you reported information to us? Some lives could've been saved if we knew the connection between your guild and the Organization." The king's voice began to sound harsh.

"I..." Azumi took a big breath. "I wanted to protect my guild."

"Your guild protects the Kingdom, they give their lives for this Kingdom. Not the other way around. Do you understand? The people who died today, the destruction caused, is on your hands." The king's voice was getting louder.

Azumi didn't replied, she just lowered her head, she felt fear for the first time.

"Well Ms. Towers? What do you think is going to happen now? A guild who cannot be trusted is useless to me or the people." The king passed his fingers through his beard.

"Article 256 sir." Azumi replied.

"What was that?" The king asked.

"Article 256 sir!!" Azumi replied louder. "Article 256 states that you cannot punish an entire guild for a mistake made by their leader. The Stormbreakers are good and wonderful people who are part of this community." Azumi's confidence came back and she looked up at the king. "Unlike other guilds, we help everyone equally and have earned the people's trust. If you need to punish someone, then it would be me, but getting rid of the guild would just leave a sour taste on the people's tongue when they say your name."

The king's expression softened. "You're just like your father. That is why I was so surprised when I found out you kept information from us." He stood up. "I want a full explanation, now."

Azumi nodded. "Yes your majesty. The connection is Tyler. He is one of the first members of the guild. He is a very skilled blacksmith and a wonderful human being. But, we were unaware, as well as him, that his uncle was Crossblade. We knew less that he was with Organization X. Crossblade attacked my guild and this created a chain of events that lead to Tyler's suicide. Although, he lives a ghost, he is still wanted by his uncle. We discovered the connection on our last mission, where I removed Diablo's head. When Crossblade attacked the city, it was to get to Tyler, again." She took a deep breath. "Diablo I believe was a distraction to free him."

The King nodded. "Yes, Crossblade got away. What about the other connection?" He gave Azumi a suspicious look.

"Before that..." She turned to Wes. "I need you to promise complete discretion and keep what I am about to say to yourself. I plan on telling everyone else soon, but I cannot at the moment and you will know why."
Wes blushed a little at the suggestion that he was married to Azumi, he certainly didn’t feel old enough to even think about that stuff. But he regained composure when she spoke to him. “Definitely.” He replied in a stern voice, nodding slightly. Wes was a little nervous, not sure what kind of major revelation Azumi was going to drop on him. But he figured he wouldn’t have much of a problem keeping it a secret from the rest of the guild since he wasn’t that close to any of them.
Azumi smiled at Wes. "Thank you." She turned her attention back to the King. "Regarding the other connection, Samantha, she is no longer with the Organization." She sighed softly before she continued. "Samantha is a former member of such Organization, she used to be known as the Grim Reaper of the wind, but she left. She is a person who has a lot of problems that we are working on and her past is one of them. She right now is unable to speak about it, her tongue was sealed, therefore she avoids any subject about her past as much as possible. So, that is the reason I avoided her in my reports. Any questioning donde to her would be in vein and she would be accused without being able to defend herself. So, I risked my life and hers by avoiding her last in any report. I am however looking for a solution for the seal, I managed to find a librarian who posses many ancient books and hope to find a solution there."

The King clapped three times. "That's all you needed to tell me. The truth. I understand your loyalty to your people, that includes your guild. I have no need to punish you, since you did nothing wrong. But, if more information like this comes across, present it to me through Leo, who I believe is someone you trust. I will keep your secrets and the Grand Court off your back. Also, I do intend to use that information against the Organization. If you do not approve this, I have a dungeon ready for you."

Azumi didn't speak. It didn't feel right to report everything about her guild members, they had the right to privacy. She then looked at the King. "Anything that is informed to me, I will inform you."

The King smiled. "Good. Transparency is key to success. I will let you go with a warning, next time, we will extract the information we need and dispose of someone who is not useful to my people." The king sat down. "You're dismissed."

Azumi let out a big sigh of relief and grabbed Wes by the arm and hurried out of the Grand Hall. Once outside and the doors closed she let go of Wes and just looked ahead quietly.
Razan was shook by Annette and quieted. He listened to what Leo said. He shuddered as Leo said worst case scenario, and THEN smiled. Ugh, creepy. Who’s fault was this then? Tyler’s? Azumis? CrossBlades? Himself? He didn’t know. But he did know about treason.
“Just depends if the explanation is what he wants to hear,” Razan said, speaking from experience. “If she said s something that he doesn’t like, it might be game over. But knowing Azumi for a short amount of time, I don’t think that’s likely. She’ll find a way out.”

Tyler regained enough energy to travel to the front of the guild house, and then sat down on a nearby bench. He needed to get back into his body. Otherwise this monster would keep popping out at the wrong moments. He sighed. All he could do was wait. And wait. And wait......
Until something, anything happened getting him closer to his goal. He just-

Wanted be back.............
Looking around Sarah saw the faces of the others as they took in the info that Leo brought to them. "Guys think about what you know about Azumi. What her character is. She is someone who will not let anything get to her. She will speak to the King and be truthful. What she done was to protect us in the guild. Look who Crossblade is. That is Tyler's uncle, Azumi did not know that he was part of Organization X, until we met him after the whole suicide incident, but she kept it to herself until she had more information to present. She wanted to have enough to place into a report of subsational size. Azumi will probably take on the punishment herself and not let it effect the work we do here. She has faith that the example and the standard that she set for the members of this guild will keep up the work taking care of the people. Pride yourself in knowing that Azumi has shown a great example of what a great person should be. Know this even now Azumi is probably standing up for her beliefs and still be glad that we are here to follow that example and continue to do what she would want. This guild will go on. We will be doing what we were taught by her. Now I want Phoenix to work on library and Annette I want you to start orgization of the boxes that were brought in. They can stay in the boxes, but I want the books that were in the basement to be seperated so they can be properly sorted and any magical protections on the books can be broken. Rolen I want you to help her take care of the magical tomes. You guys can rest today, it does need to be done tomorrow. Sam I want you to help Maria with gathering herbs and plants that will help stock the gardens that will be behind the library. Razzen you can help with the books. Rolen will be over yoy and guide which books need to be sortted for guild use and for the shop. Now these are what you can start on tomorrow. Amra I want you to help with some of the herbs around the forests here. You will be able to get them faster and know how to find them again. Maria if you can give her a list of what you might be looking for I am sure she can gather samples to grow and for the medicines you make." Sarah paused for moment and looked around the group. Taking in their expressions she sat back in her chair and rubbed her temple. "Everyone you are dismissed. I want you all to rest. Today has been very tiring and we are all going to need to relax for awhile."
Razan secretly screamed, “YES!” in his mind. He did NOT want to build the library with his healing leg. Might open the open the wound. He stood up. “See You tomorrow Annette,” He said with a smile. He walked out of the meeting room, and made his way to his, but noticed Tyler outside. He slowly walked out, hoping not to disturb him.
“Hey,” Tyler said suddenly. Razan jumped. How did he...... “Hey, are okay?” Razan asked. “Yeah......” Tyler muttered.

Razan didn’t buy it. He sat down next to him. “Come on, there’s something wrong.”

Tyler sighed. “I want to go back into my body. I messed up so bad so many times, I just need to stop this....”

Razan suddenly felt bad for him. His uncle was a notorious criminal, he was a ghost, he couldn’t do what he loved.....”Look, I’m sorting out books with Annette tomorrow, and if I see anything that might help, I’ll get you to look at it, okay?”

Tyler smirked. “There something going with you two?” Tyler asked curiously.

Razans face immediately turned red. “No no no no no......nothing at all.........but you’re okay with me getting you the books right?”

Tyler smiled. “Yeah. Thanks man. Means a lot. Tyler stood up and floated away. He held a thumbs up. “Good luck.” He said smirking.

“Oh go back to where you came from.” Razan said and shooed him off. Razan went to his room, and fell asleep.
Wes was thoroughly stunned by everything that had just been revealed. How could Sam have been a member of organization X!? Thought that would explain her powers. Wes was so stuck in his head trying to figure things out that he just mindlessly followed Azumi when she pulled to lead him out. Overall he was still thankful that his presence wasn’t required, but he felt guilty that all he had done was force them to allow him to follow and then hear some things he probably shouldn’t have. He decided not to speak to Azumi since she looked a little intense at the moment. Instead, he just followed along silently.
Rolen nodded as he heard his instructions. He knew now that he was capable of dealing with those seals on the books, and he was eager to get to work to the point that he was actually disappointed when Sarah said they wouldn’t start until the next day. He wasn’t sure about how he felt having Razan reporting to him, it would be very annoying if the weather Mage kept bothering him while he was trying to break a spell. But he could manage, he knew that now. He gave a sigh and stood up, going back out to the books and looking at them longingly, just wishing to get to work. The pain in his side and the fear of Diablo were forgotten as he began to work.


Maira smiled excitedly at the thought of working together with her friends to find the herbs. She usually just took what was necessary from the plant, but now she would be bringing whole plants back to plant in a garden... as she thought about it, her face clouded over slightly. She knew that many of the plants would not do well in a garden; the forest was their intended place. And she enjoyed going out into the woods, it was one of her favorite things to do.

She shook herself of these thoughts and began trying to draw up a list of herbs for Amra to go find. It took a moment or two, but she soon walked over to Amra and handed the girl a piece of parchment with names and descriptions scribbled on it. She also handed the elf one or two leaves from her bag, and then walked out of the meeting room.
Annette would not be able to sleep, she was shocked about the news from Azumi and also excited about the library. She decided it would be better if she kept busy. She walked out of the meeting room, walking slowly as she admired the guild house. She kept walking until reaching the crates and noticed Rolan.
"Hi! You can't stay of the books either?" She began going through one crate. "I really excited for this..." She looked up at Rolan. "And it's all thanks to you and Phoenix! Oh but if you need me to be quiet let me know. I know how painful those book seals can be." She continued to look through the gate.


Samantha caught up to Maira and tugged her sleeve. "I'm with you...again. I will watch for you... While you do what you need to." Bob nodded in agreement to what Maira said.


Leo walked over to Sarah. "You look terrible. You should go to sleep. I will see what I can do to help." He patted Sarah gently on the shoulder and smiled.


Azumi looked over at Wes and smiled. She looked like she was about to cry but pretend to be okay. "I thought I wasn't coming out of there. Do you want to go eat something? My treat."
Fire. Fire. Was it fire? No, it was spreading like fire. The heat though made him question. That was his face from running, damp and hot from sweat. There was, what in his hair? Fire? No, it was spreading like fire, he had said it himself. It was....sand. Sand in his hair. Sand spread like fire. Sand put out fire.
He was revisiting an old memory......
He could see a faint sand monster and his town, no-village being wiped out. A red X. Where was that red X? He had seen it before. Where? A man. A man bore a red X. A arm. It grabbed him and pulled him up. A different man. With swords. CrossBlade. The village was wiped out. Except for him and his Pokémon............

Razan woke up panting and covered in sweat, and noticed that almost no time had passed at all, maybe 30 minutes or so. Razan shook his head. It was going to be hard to sleep with this in his mind. He decided to pass the time by helping Tyler.
The books.
He found Annette and Rolen there surprisingly, and half smiled. “Didn’t think you guys were going to be up here to.....” he said to the both of them. “But we may as well start.”
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Rolen smiled at Annette as she came over. He had just successfully broken one of the smaller seals, and was feeling good. He didn’t mind if she was rambling or as silent as the grave, he felt that he could do anything. He got right to work on the next seal, and only half noticed when Razan showed up. He acknowledged his presence with a small nod and continued to work.


Maira grinned at Sam.

“Hey! Well, Sarah said we aren’t going out today... but....”

Maira looked longingly in the general direction of the forest. It wasn’t exact, since they were still inside the building, but she was still looking about the right way.

“Well, a walk would still be nice... you wanna go?”
Razan nodded to Rolen, he did not want to disturb him while breaking a seal. They could be nasty sometimes. He may as well get on with the task. He flipped through the books, seeing if they had a magical seal or not, and if some did, he set them in a pile separate than the others. So far there were two. He had the right crate. The F crate and some other letters he didn’t bother looking at. He reached his hand in, and got burned. He winced in pain, and then reached back in. The book still burned him when he held it, but he got it to a desk and placed it down. It was titled: Soul Item Techniques.

He didn’t know much on how to undo a seal, but he would do as much as he knew. He started working on it. The book bit back, burning his hands a bit. He tried harder, trying to break the seal.
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Sarah was rubbing her temples, trying to get rid of her headache that seemed to be sticking around. When Leo spoke to her, she had her eyes closed but thought about what he said. It did feel like she had been up for two days with no sleep. "Thank you Leo. I think I will go and rest. Can you do me a favour though. Tell everyone who has assignments that if they feel like can start working on them, just tell them not to run themselves into the ground doing them. Also can you ask Maria if she has anthing that can help with a headache, it would be much appreciated if you do. Also have Maria get with Phoenix. He had some ideas to run by for her garden before she left." Sarah waited for an answer before she walked to her room.

Amra took the list that was given to her. "I will bring samples back with me and the names that I find on here, then if they are the right plants we can take a graft to replant in the garden. This way we don't have to relocate wild plants."

Phoenix was working on the insulation for the basement level and putting up the frame after her used some of his fire creating ability to basically cure the concrete instantly. He had to be careful to not burn any of the materials that they needed to build the place.
"Ok ok!" Leo said as he gently pushed Sarah towards the exit. "I got this, go rest and I'll catch up with some tea or medicine."

Leo walked out of the meeting room and went to look for the others. He ran into Nana, who was sadly eating cookies in the dinning room.
"Hey Nana! Can you do me a favor?" Leo asked with a smile.
Nana looked up and nodded, half a cookie in her mouth.
"Could you connect me with the rest of the guild?" Leo asked nicely.
Nana nodded and her eyes began to glow.

"Listen up everyone! Take it easy on your assignments, do don't force yourself too much. Maira if you could please provide some medicine for Sarah's headache and also meet with Phoenix to go over the garde. If you guys need help with anything, I'm at your service. If you can't find me, Nana is in the dinning room eating cookies. Have a good one!"

Nana's eyes stopped glowing and Leo gave her a high five. "Great job Nana! And don't worry about Azumi, I'm sure she will do great and be back home soon." Leo smiled at Nana and left. "Now what to do?" He asked as he walked through the guild hall. He noticed the necklace on the small table. "Yo! TYLER! You asleep in there? Need help with anything? Me and you don't really have any assignments."


Annette looked over at Razan. "Hey, can you help me carry these books by the wall? These don't have any seals." She pointed at a big pile of several stacks of books. Fifi and her kittens were playing next to them. "Just, be careful with the kittens."


Samantha nodded to Maira's invitation. "Yes, I could use a walk." She didn't really need it and preferred to be in bed, but with Azumi absent, she preferd to be with Maira. Besides, The forest was her favorite outside place. There was usually no sun and it was quiet.
Rolen was too focused to notice that Razan was trying to ‘break’ the spell. If he had know he could have told the weather mage that ‘breaking’ a spell was, at least with most of these spells, more a matter of undoing the weave rather than trying to dispel it through force. He did look around when Leo sent a message through Nana, but got right back to work as soon as the message was over.


Maira smiled and was about to say something when Leo’s message came through. She nodded slowly, digging into her bag for a moment.

“Okay, I gotta go help Sarah... I’ll meet you outside, ‘kay!”

With that she skipped off to go find Sarah.
Azumi smiled at the answer Wes provided. "To the best ramen in Kelan." She began walking alongside him, people who walked down the street would look at them suspiciously and the older ones would greet Azumi and wave at her. One old lady even asked if Wes was single. To which Azumi laughed and told her to send a mission to the guild and she would send him over.

Once outside the castle walls, the mood became even better. Everyone smiled at Azumi and thanked her for the help the guild had provided before. When they went by a local bar, they even asked for Emma. The sun began to set as they continued to walk, it must have been at least 45 minutes until they reached a small stand that had several tables and chairs in front of it and some people were eating.

"Here we are." Azumi said as she reached the area.

The man cooking yelled at the two new arrivals. "Hey Azumi! My cousin said the Red Rose saved his fiance! Thank you for that!" He flipped over some meat. "Table for two?"

"Yes please! Two specials also." Azumi replied as she took her seat. "Oh and two lemonades!" She yelled out again.

Two small boys and a girl ran up to Azumi and Wes. "Hey look at his weapons! Is he a new Stormbreaker?" The small boy with green asked while looking brightly at Wes.
"Obviously! Otherwise he wouldn´t be hanging out with Azumi." The one with red hair said.
The little girl made an upset face. "Azumi! You cut your hair? I was letting mine grow like yours!"

Azumi pretended to be sad. "I am deeply sorry, you see it was cut off in a training session and I had to even it out."

"I want my hair like his!" The boy with green hair said as he pointed at Wes. "What powers do you have? I am earth element but I want to be a fighter!"


Samantha nodded to the instructions given and headed outside. She stood by the entrance, looking up at the darkening sky. "I like nights." She said as she looked up.
Sarah had taken the cups and everything to the kitchen. Needin a refill she made a second kettle. Though this one was smaller then normal, because she was the only one who would need it. Her head was still acting up and she really needed some rest. After the kettle was done Sarah took her tea to the small lounge room where she sat in a large comfy couch. Umbre was by her owner's side. She knew that Sarah was not feeling well so she stayed close by to make sure she was ok.
Tyler awoke to screaming and immediately summoned himself. “What the-oh, it’s you”, he said. He sat down on Azumis bed. “Well, not much. I never get assignment mainly because I have to stay within a mile of that.”, he said, gesturing to the necklace.
He sighed. “I saw people die today. We all did. That’s.......that’s just not right. Right in the biggest city. I saved people from that building. A lot were afraid of me. Because I’m this. A ghost. I just............” He said, trailing off. “I just want people to not be afraid and to appreciate what I am. I need a way to gain their trust.” Tyler floated around the room for a little bit. “You what? What if there was a way for me to go out to town...” he said. “What if.......we split the coin in two. Maybe that would make me able to jump back and forth between places?” He shook his head. “Nah, that won’t work....what if we found out a way for someone else to hold it? No, that wouldn’t work either.....” he floated backwards, and accidentally went outside the guild, and came back in.
Razan slicked his white hair back, and stopped on the book. He was inexperienced at doing that sort of thing, and should probably leave it to Rolen. He picked up one of the crates, and moved it to the designated spot. He made sure to watch out for the cats. “Razan.....”
Razan jerked back, hearing a voice to someone he knew, but couldn’t pinpoint. “Did anyone hear that?” Razan asked.
“Razan.....” the voice said again.
He shook his head and massaged it, and the voice disappeared. He continued, brought another crate to the spot.
It took a minute or two, but eventually Maira found Sarah in the lounge. She had a few dried leaves in her hand, and she began to crumple these as she talked, and a calming, crisp fragrance filled the room.

“Hi! I found you! Well, I have some herbs that should help with the headache, right here... just hold them and the scent should help quite a bit, and if you want I can try and help with the headache with healing magic...”


Rolen was almost finished with his attempt to undo one of the more difficult weaves when Razan asked if anyone had heard... something.

“What? I didn’t hear anything...”
Wes was a bit taken aback by all the fans of Azumi, he was unaware of her near celebrity status. “Haha thanks!” He chuckled as the young boy complimented his hair. “I’m an electric element, though most of my powers come from this guy.” He raised a thumb and pointed to Joltik who revealed himself on Wes’s shoulder, chirping and waving his tiny front leg as a hello. “Please don’t make me go help that old lady.” He joked to Azumi, trying to keep the light mood.
“Come......”The voice said.
Razans eyes went wide. “There it is again.....it said my name.......” Razan quietly said. He shook his head again. “I-it’s probably nothing.” He said reassuringly. But it was there again. A voice in his head? Was he going mad? Razan finished moving the last of the crates, and excused himself to the kitchen, and grabbed a cookie and a cup. He then poured himself his own water from a cloud. The cookie, sadly, was not satisfactory, so he decided to go into town with the little money he had, and rode through the air on Flygon, leaving Castform at the guild to rest. He landed in the middle of some restaurants, and walked into a sushi bar, unaware that the Ramen place that Azumi and Wes were at were facing each other. He stood in the entrance with Flygon, and then went in, taking a seat on the bar table right in front of the doors.
Razan looked up to the big man who was preparing the food. “Hit me up with whatever today’s special is.” He said as he dropped a coin on the bar. The man nodded, and handed him a bowl with a single serving of the special. Razan ate it gladly and ordered a few more.
Annette laughed at Razan, thinking he was joking around and then looked confused when he left.
"Oh well..." She began going through the next crate. She then looked at Rolan and saw his concentration. "I'm going to bring us some food!" She called out happily and left while skipping.


Leo listened to Tyler. "Well I'm glad to help you man. I don't know the condition you are in, but if I am to live up to my name, I can find a cure for you." He smiled with confidence. "So tell me what you know about this magic and it's conditions."


Azumi laughed at Wes' comment. "I can't promise you nothing." She turned to the children. "Now, it is very rude to interrupt a dinner."

"But you aren't eating!" The little girl replied.

"Ok ok you are right. But WE are terribly tired and would like some privacy." Azumi told them.

"Fine!" The red hair kid replied. "But it will cost you!"

"Okay, what's the deal?" Azumi asked suspiciously.

"When we grow up we get to be Stormbreakers and he will train us!" The red hair kid pointed at Wes.

"I want to be trained by Azumi!" The little girl said out loud.

"Okay fine." Azumi said. "But only and after you are done with the academy. You need to be well educated first."

The kids nodded in agreement. "Okay!" They cheered and ran away.

Azumi laughed again. "If they only knew..." Her laughed turned into serious look. "The life of a guild isn't that easy." She turned to Wes. "But that's why we do it! So they can have a future." She smiled.
"Thank you Maria. I will probably rest and I can have these beside my bed as I rest. It should help a lot." Sarah took the leaves and let there fragrance permeate around the room. It was very nice smelling and seemed to ease the ache a bit. Sarah stood up a little uneasy, but found her footing pretty quickly. The being used up a lot of her energy while she was asleep. "If there is anything you need of me I will be in my room. It is the one down stairs near the basement. If you have trouble just have Nana contact Umbre. She will probably be with me through the night.
Rolen smiled in thanks to Annette as she left to find food. He was getting hungry, and food sounded like a good idea... he had to focus on his work to keep his thoughts from drifting off to delicious meats. He set aside the book he had just finished unlocking and sighed. He began rubbing his temple, trying to decide whether he should continue working. After all, he was told that he could work as long as he didn’t tire himself out...

He plunked down on a rock a few yards away, yawned, and stretched. It was evening, and there were a few bird Pokémon flying overhead, likely headed to their nests for the night. He glanced over to the guild building, thinking about the last few action packed days since he had joined. He had made good friends... and probably some enemies. Like Diablo. The one who wanted to kill him, the one who had nearly succeeded in doing so. He felt his peace and self content drain away as he remembered the angry glare of the fire element, and how he had run away from the man like a coward... but what else could he have done? If he had stayed the flame-shooting maniac would have killed him.

He crossed his legs, raised his hands to the sides of his head and popped his neck. He tried to forget these negative thoughts, and to focus on the achievements he had made that day. And on his friends... his friends... Azumi... she was on trial, and she could be in severe trouble...


Maira waved goodbye to Sarah and headed outside, the fact that she was supposed to meet up with Phoenix completely slipping her mind. She was too excited to get back into the woods. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t had a really good forest ramble since Tyler died. She pranced up to where Sam was waiting and waved cheerily.

“C’mon, I’ll lead the way! It’s getting dark, so we might be able to find some of those mushrooms...”

As she entered the forest her green dress seemed to meld with the forest around her, and when she stood still to look at a Deerling a short ways off she was almost invisible in the darkening woodland. She seemed in complete bliss as she ran from place to place, looking at different plants and fungi.
“I’m not sure you want me to train you, she can kick my butt.” Wes laughed and pointed at Azumi as he responded to the child. Her comment about the guild life caught him a bit off guard, seeming to trouble him. He seemed dazed for a moment before he halfheartedly chuckled his answer, “Yeah haha.” The truth was he didn’t know how long he would be around, he had only been at the guild a couple of days and didn’t really think of it as a life long commitment, a fact that didn’t necessarily sadden him but rather made him feel almost guilty. Wes realized he had been in a trance like state for far too long and snapped himself out of it, smiling to show he was still the present. “Speaking of training, I want you to help me with sword fighting. Now that I can’t use electricity as freely as before I need to learn how to fight beyond just relying on speed.”
Annette walked around with a plate of cookies and a gallon of milk while Fifi carries two cups. She walked around until she saw Rolan. "Hi! I got cookies from this lovely Pokemon in the dinning room. I got different flavors because I don't know what you like..." She looked around. "What are you doing here? Are you okay? Want me to bring you something else?" She sat the plate down next to him and sat down. She served milk in a cup and handed it to him with a smile.


Samantha followed Maira around, watching out for any danger that might cause her companion. Samantha looked at the fungi and mushrooms but didn't see what Maira saw in them. She leaned close to one that had purple spots and poked it.


Azumi's eyes brightened when Wes asked to be trained. "I would love to! I thought your sword skills were sloppy, it will be great to polish them." A waiter brought them their food. "But, what happened to your powers? Are you okay?" She looked confused and worried.