Azumi smiled. "Well your father sounds like a wonderful man."
------------ 2 months later ---------------
Azumi was catching her breath. She looked around, the forest was dead silent. She readied her sword. Wes could come out from anywhere, he was quick and could strike from anywhere.
"Come on out Wes! Fight me head on!" She cries out.
Wes never backed down from a challenge and she knew it. Azumi was so proud of her pupil, he had become such a good sword man and she enjoyed having him as a student. Their training sessions had become her favorite time of the day.
Nana ate cookies while Anakin read the battle using their auras.
Azumi listened closely to the silent forest. Because of their training session, any Pokemon nearby had ran away, so there was nothing around making noise, besides Wes and Azumi. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to listen better.
Samantha stood in front of the mages. Rolan, Leo and Leo's master, Freppo, looked through the details of the spell. She was nervous, unding such a powerful spell like the one on her tongue was dangerous and she could die. But, she had decided to risk it anyways, she had learned to love the guild, thanks to Maira and Azumi, and would do anything for them.
"Okay.... So, Rolan and Master, do the inweiving while I provide the mana power." Leo said as he looked at their notes one more time.
"Sounds good." Freppo said quietly, his gray long hair over his eyes. "Two great mages like you two, will do this with no doubt."
Samantha opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. There was a circle with a black X on it. She had no expression on her face, but was nervous. She had spent the entire day before with Maira, afraid she might not see her again and slept with Azumi. The last month she had slept with Maira, but she cared deeply for Azumi also.
Azumi tapped her sword against her boot. She was nervous about what would happen with Sam. She cared deeply for her, but what was about to happen was out of her reach. She preferd to be with Wes, who she was now fond of.
The war between Creel and Parral had carried on. Since Kelan refused several times to join either side, war was declared by both kingdoms on Kelan. Now, it was three kingdoms in war, all fighting for themselves. Elven had managed to stay neutral. By the order of the Grand Court, along with the royal army, the guilds ranked A were sent to war first. Kelan had only one ranked A guild left and the discussion to send rank B guilds was strong.
Organization X had not been heard off since the attack of Diablo.
Annette had moved to the guild house and loved her new job. She was there everyday and the people who visited loved her service, along with Fifi.