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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft!

“Sure, I’ll be out in just a minute.”

Rolen sighed and got out of bed. It took a moment or two, but he appeared at the door, opening it. He stood a short way back so she could come in if she wanted to, but he was ready to follow her if she wanted to talk elsewhere.

It was at that moment that Maira’s door opened and the girl stepped into the hallway, in a much lighter green dress than she had been in the day before, and followed by a medium sized white Pokémon which floated behind her in the air. Upon seeing them, the girl waved and the white Pokémon ducked behind the girl.
Realizing that being rained on didn’t help him think, it help him him in general, he changed the cloud above him to be sunny, and sooner or later, he was dry. He sighed and stood up, limping from his leg and in pain from his arm. He made his way back to the entrance, stopping to gaze at Wes, blindfolded by the handkerchief, and moved on. However, Amra was there, the elf. He didn’t really know about her that much, and he wondered about her sometimes. He slicked back his white hair. “Hey, you need me or something?” He asked Amra.
Tyler was having a blast. Who knew cooking could be so much fun? Jerry was basically doing the limbo, breathing fire, and Tyler hovered above him, holding the pan, and cooking the eggs. “Woo! Good job!” Tyler exclaimed. Jerry stood up from his limbo position and held his arms in the air in accomplishment. They high fives each other, and looked down in the omelets they had made. A lot is what it was. A lot. Tyler came out to the fro t where Azumi and some others were, and yelled, “Yeah! It’s breakfast time!” He patted Wes on the back. “But evidently not for you!” He added.
Tyler then went back in the kitchen where Herry was fiddling with a chefs hat, and finally got it on. Tyler gave him a thumbs up.
Sarah smiled as Rolen opened the door and motioned for her to come inside. Sighing she took a breathe before she asked what she came here to do. "Rolen I know you have been here awhile, but you have never really received any training. I know you are a mage, but I thought it might be best for you to learn how to use a staff. It would be a good idea for you to know how to at least use some form of weapon to defend yourself. I thought it might be better for you to learn how to use a staff then daggers or a sword. If you run out of magical energy or prepared spells, it might be good to have a back up so you are not totally defenseless. If you want I can also teach you hand to hand combat so you will be able to handle your own in unarmed combat as well. I do not want anything to happen to anyone in this guild, so I want to work you and the others to make sure they know how to use at least something to fight with. Even if it is there fist. So what do you say, you want to go outside and train with me a bit? You can also get some practice in the war mages robes, so you can get used to wearing them."

Amra turned towards the voice of Razan. He must have been outside when she knocked on his door. "Hey I was just wondering if you would like to train in daggers. I thought it might be a good idea for the members of the guild who are not physically inclined know how to use some form of weapon. Plus I can teach you hand to hand combat so you can better defend self as well. I also plan to ask Rolen and Maria to join if they would like."
Samantha dragged herself out of bed. The sun was barley going to rise and she could sense people walking around already. She then smelled breakfast. She walked slowly out of bed, bare foot, and went to the dining room she yawned loudly as she sat down, her face looking tired, like always.

Leo stepped out of his room, his Lycanroc running out and going outside. He was about to go do some training, when he smelled breakfast. He walked over to the dinning room and saw Samantha.
"Good morning sunshine! You are looking mighty active today!" He said playfully.

Samantha just glared at him. He was always so bright and loud.


Azumi smiled at Tyler. "Thank you, but not now. I can't leave my student just yet." She turned her attention to Phoenix. "I would love a tour! How about after breakfast? You should go get some. Once Wes is donde here, I can send him to breakfast and then I can go see it."
“Umm...okay.” Wes wasn’t sure how this would help him in anyway but he knew better than to question Azumi. He picked up a brush and began painting. His artistic abilities were by no means great but he did the best he could. Looking out at the view he was to paint he couldn’t help but look in awe at the beauty of everything. He tried to replicate the glorious sight, noting each individual tree and the relative heights of the mountains, hoping his painting would do nature justice. Unfortunately, his painting did not capture the beauty of the scenic view. What he had envisioned as a masterpiece turned out to resemble more of a child’s doodle. In a bit of time he was finished. “Azumi, I’m done!” He called out. “But I have to warn you, it’s not that great.”
Rolen stood still for a moment, thinking over the proposal. He was reluctant, but had to admit she was right.

“Alright, I suppose it’s a good idea...”


Maira continued down the hallway and on to the kitchen. Once there she waved to Sam and Leo, then took a seat. The Pokémon still followed her, and looked curiously at the others.

“Hey guys! When I woke up this morning, I found this Pokémon in my room! Do either of you know what it is? It’s been following me around, and I think it’s a Fairy type because it was hanging around the Pixie Toadstool we found yesterday.”
Azumi looked at the drawing and smiled. "Not bad, you're almost as good as Nana." She said playfully. "You got some of the details and that is good. But you missed a lot and pressed to hard on the brush. Whenever you are to go in battle, you need to be able to absorb the battlefield in your mind with one simple look. It means as soon as you step in, you are aware of the weather, nearby objects, obstacles, the terrain, the direction the wind blows, your enemy's height, weight, weapon, any scars? Any weak points? Slow? Heavy?" She gently poke his forehead with her finger. "You need to be away always of what's around you while maintaining your eyes on the opponent." She handed him a wooden sword. "Here, have it with you all day. Get used to it's form, color, smell, texture. I want you to memorize every single detail of it. Go eat breakfast, we will continued afterwards. We will work on your reflexes and then stands." She smiled. "You won't have any free time today."

Azumi noticed the mail Pidgeotto arriving. It chirped as it dropped a letter to Azumi's hand. She noticed the royal seal. "I'll meet you inside, okay?" She told Wes.


Samantha smiled at Maira.
Leo looked at the Pokemon. "Never seen one around here. Ask Nana? She is a fairy type also. Maybe she can give you some information. Try looking in the books, there was one that specializes in fairy types."

Samantha nodded. "How is... The mushroom?"
Razans face went pale. “No no no no, no way. There is no way I can fight in this....” he tried to find something to add on, but couldn’t. “Look I just can’t ok? I’m in no shape to do so. I’m sorry.” Razan said to her. As if on command, someone’s else’s command, his injured arm started throbbing. He winced in pain, and slicked back his hair again with the arm threat wasn’t injured:his left arm.
Razan knew it would be difficult to do daily functions like this, and there was no way he could fight with his left arm, or fight at all.

Tyler smiled as brought plates with omelets on them to all the tables in the dining room, starting with Samantha. “Here you go, chow down ya know?” Tyler said, and continued to set out the food. “There we go.” Tyler said, and began to start cleaning up the kitchen.
Sarah smiled as he agreed to work with her on learning hoe to use a staff. Thinking for a moment, she knew where one was that he could practice with. "Why don't we go eat breakfast, and then we can get out the practice staffs to work with. It will be a lot better to train on full stomach."

Amra was off put by Razan's response. It seemed as if he was hurting or something. "I will be back in a moment. Why don't you go into your room and take a nap or something." Amra decided to go find someone to help with Razan. He looked to be in pain and needed help.
Razan way he din horror as Amra walked away. She noticed. She knew. Darn CrossBlade. A form of anger swept over him, and before he knew it, he had charged past Amra, and out of the building, still running. Flygon saw as he came outside from his perch in a tree, and came to him, running in front of him. Razan created the strongest gust of wind he ever had, and propelled himself into Flygon, and into the sky. They flew higher, and higher, and higher. “I don’t need help, I don’t need help.” He said to himself in the sky. He made some signals to Flygon, and the dragon started to turn to the forest, and soon landed deep with in it. Little did he know that it was the same place he fought with CrossBlade, or at least he wouldn’t remember yet. He looked over at how stupid he was, and then again, looked at how he was only-
He was only.....what was he really? A tool? An item? An item to use? That’s what he was with the Organization. But then again, that’s what he was to his family. Doing everything because he was the one with this gift. A gift that almost no one had.
Weather control. Oh Razan, water the plants, oh Razan make a cloud, oh Razan change the weather. Just over and over and over again. He kept thinking to himself of how he was such a mess. A jumble of scars. That’s what he was. A jumble of scars with talent. Talent with use. A talent that could be used like an item, or a force.

He took off his cloak and his shirt, and revealed to the forest his final scar. On his back, there was a Organization X symbol, except it was a scar, a jagged scar of an X that stretched all the way from his shoulders to his torso. That was his first scar, done by CrossBlade.
He was silent, only listening to the forest and the nature. He didn’t care if people saw him anymore.
Maira nodded to the others, thanked Tyler and began on breakfast. The Pokémon looked curiously at Leo and flew over to him briefly before returning to Maira.

“Thanks, I’ll make sure to ask Nana later. And... well, I actually didn’t look at the mushroom too closely, I was too distracted...”


Rolen nodded, ready to put off training in favor of food. What he really wanted to be doing was finding a good book and reading for the rest of the day. However, he headed down towards the dining room to get some breakfast before training.
Azumi walked into the dinning room with a worried look on her face. "Good morning everyone. There is something I need to inform you first." She looked around. "Regarding yesterday, I explained to the King our tie with the Organization X and was let go with a warning." She sat down. "But, that's not the main point today. Creel and Parral have gone into war. It means we no longer have any trade with them. But, the troublesome part is, out of the four nations that exist, half of them are in conflict which means Kelan might be dragged into the war sooner or later."
She took a deep breath and continued.
"Which means, as a guild, we could be sent on scout missions. It's no certain, but it's a possibility. I'm sorry, but if any of you fear the war. You should resign from the guild now."

Samantha turned her attention back to eating, she was not going anywhere.

Leo just looked down at his plate. He wasn't officially part of the guild, but this meant he would be going either way.
Yeah, duh. Wes rolled his eyes after Azumi walked away. He was a thief, he wouldn’t be alive if he hadn’t mastered the ability to be aware of his surroundings. Does she think that little of me? Wes knew his painting could’ve been better, but the few missing details he had weren’t due to ignorance, but rather the limits of his artistic abilities. He groaned as he followed her back to the guild, “What do we need reflex training for? Thanks to you I literally have lightning flew reflexes.” Wes whispered his complaints to Joltik on his shoulder so nobody else could hear. I can’t believe she thinks so little that I need to learn the fundamentals, I was trained in an elite rogue guild where I eventually became a commander, of course I know this stuff! I just need help with sword fighting itself. He spoke again to his Pokémon friend, “I can tell you right now if it continues like this I’m just going to switch back to my daggers, they’re more fun anyways.”

Wes was already in a grumpy mood when he entered the guild and sat to listen far away from the others. He was so caught up complaining in his head that he nearly missed the entire speech; however, he was brought back to reality at the mention of supporting Kelan in war, “Ha, yeah right. I’ll be damned before I help this piece of crap nation in war.” He spoke loudly and rudely, “If aiding in the war effort is part of it I’m out, though I guess I was never technically in.”
Tyler decided to speak up. “Unlike Wes, I would be honored to fight for Kelan.” Tyler said seriously. “There’s no way I’m gonna resign from this guild.” He added. Well, I also can’t, he thought. “If the two nations are at war, that means the only thing we have left is the Elven Kingdom...” Tyler said. He floated there for a while, his mind on Organization X, and then looked to the group of people and he knew something was off. “Is one of you missing?” He asked. The sudden pang of realization came. “Wait, where’s Razan?”
Rolen was halfway through a bit of food when Azumi made her announcement. He paused, uncertainty filling him. He was not happy with this news, and he was conflicted. He didn’t like the sound of this, but he felt he couldn’t leave the guild now.

Maira was startled by the news of war, and was saddened at the thought of all the people that would get hurt. The Pokémon that had been following her had hidden itself behind her as more people flooded into the dining room, but it came out and patted her on the shoulder as it sensed her sadness. She cheered up a bit, and stood up.

“I’ll stay.”
Sarah was not all surprised by the news, she had a few connections that kept her informed about the kingdom as a whole. She continued to eat as the others took in what was happening.

Amra walked in and was getting food, when Azumi made her announcement. She had a thought about going home, but would wait a few days to do so. "Azumi, I can only stay as long as this kingdom does not take any actions against the Elven kingdom. As it is, if they go to war I will be a political target and will have to go home so I am safe from being kidnapped and held for ransom or something."
Azumi looked disappointed when she heard Wes speak. "The moment you stepped in to battle at our side you became one of us." She looked at Tyler. "Could you go look for him?"
She smiled and nodded at everyone else. "It is not a certain thing, its not obligatory. You can rejoing the guild after it's all over, if we are sent into war. Remember, we fight for the people." She took a deep breath. "I will keep you all informed on anything that involves this matter. Thank you all for your attention. Now, we have a building to finish, a ghost to revive and training to do. Let's get to it!"
She remembered she needed to go see Phoenix. She walked out of the dinning room and went to the back of thr guild house. She walked up to the new building and smiled proudly.
"Phoenix are you there?!" She called out.
Phoenix popped his head out of a window of the tope floor. He had a muffin in his mouth. Taking the muffin out of his mouth he answered her question. "I will be down in just a minute." With that he ran down the stairs and outside where Azumi stood. "I thought you might be a bit longer. If you do not mind we can go around to the side and see the greenhouse first as it will take a smaller amount of time to view."

Leading the way around the library, Phoenix stopped and pointed out a celler door. "This lead down to the basement and has an enchanted lock that will not be able to be open except by a member of the guild. Now if you follow me you will see the garden that I constructed. I know I am not the only one to use plants in things, so I built this to store plants so they grow all year around."

Opening the large glass door, Phoenix led the way inside. Inside was many diferent planters along the wall and in the middle was a row of dirt cut by a path to seperate the room in two. "I built this to be able to keep plants from dying during the winter. This way we can house plants that are out of season for inventions, medicines, and even food all year long. I thought this might be better for everyone included, so when it looked like I had the materials to do so I made this. It has a sprinkler system that will water plants and I have catered the soil to be able to tell how much moister a plant will need and keep it that way. If you follow me, we can go back to the front and work our way from there."
Azumi was very impressed by everything that Phoenix was showing her. She admired every detail and nodded along with the explanations Phoenix would provide. She was so into it, she forgot about the war. She loved the idea of the guild house getting better and how much it would help the members. She followed Phoenix closely, making sure to catch every detail.
Leading the way to the front of the library, Phoenix opened the large double doors. He waited for Azumi to enter first. "So here we have the shop. It will sell some of the more mundane books and other things that might be of interest to the public. If you follow me I will show you Maria's workshop." Leading the way Phoenix opened a side door that led to a large room off the the side. There was built in locking cabinets along on wall. On the other is a shelfing that held jars to store herbs. He had also found time to make a bed for her patients. "You see this bed in the middle of the room, well I made it so it is adjustable so Maria can have her patients comfy and be at a height that she can stand or sit down to work on the patient. Now you will notice that the floor is natural rock. I done it this way so Maria can access her powers without problems. Now lets show you the basement." Leading the way down, Phoenix pointed out some of the more detailed parts of the build. It was all made of wood and rock. "If you notice the rock here it was made with the help of my element and Flare, who helped me to heat up the raw materials to make it. I wanted the rock in place to make sure the build is as sturdy as it can be."

Once down the stairs, Phoinx showed Azumi where they kept the more magical items. It was off in a room by itself and had the same lock as the celler door. "I wanted to make sure that no one would be able to take any of the more dangerous items the guild acquirers. Over there is going to be were I will do some inventing to sell in the shop. Now if you will follow me upstairs I will show you where the other part of the library is."

Leading the way upstairs, Phoenix showed off all of the custom bookcases along the back wall. These ones were a bit different then the ones down stairs. "If you notice the bookcases up here have a lock to them. I done it so any magical books, are kept sercure. I am probably being overly cautious, but my father always said. 'If you do not want anyone taking your things then they needs to be locked up tighter then a skarmery nest. So what do you think. I know it is a bit more then what you wanted before, but I thought this would help the guild to grow. If need be we can find someone to help out Annette with running the place so she is not here all the time."
Azumi was impressed by everything. She would look at everything closely and would touch what she could to check textures.
She even agreed to the saying he mentioned. When the tour was donde she looked around one more time and then at Phoenix.
"This place is incredible, you're incredible. Congratulations. You did an amazing job. I can't wait till everything starts moving around and people come in. Maybe the orphans can come and read for free." She patted Phoenix on the back. "Great job."
Azumi smiled. "Well your father sounds like a wonderful man."

------------ 2 months later ---------------

Azumi was catching her breath. She looked around, the forest was dead silent. She readied her sword. Wes could come out from anywhere, he was quick and could strike from anywhere.
"Come on out Wes! Fight me head on!" She cries out.
Wes never backed down from a challenge and she knew it. Azumi was so proud of her pupil, he had become such a good sword man and she enjoyed having him as a student. Their training sessions had become her favorite time of the day.
Nana ate cookies while Anakin read the battle using their auras.
Azumi listened closely to the silent forest. Because of their training session, any Pokemon nearby had ran away, so there was nothing around making noise, besides Wes and Azumi. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to listen better.

Samantha stood in front of the mages. Rolan, Leo and Leo's master, Freppo, looked through the details of the spell. She was nervous, unding such a powerful spell like the one on her tongue was dangerous and she could die. But, she had decided to risk it anyways, she had learned to love the guild, thanks to Maira and Azumi, and would do anything for them.

"Okay.... So, Rolan and Master, do the inweiving while I provide the mana power." Leo said as he looked at their notes one more time.

"Sounds good." Freppo said quietly, his gray long hair over his eyes. "Two great mages like you two, will do this with no doubt."

Samantha opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. There was a circle with a black X on it. She had no expression on her face, but was nervous. She had spent the entire day before with Maira, afraid she might not see her again and slept with Azumi. The last month she had slept with Maira, but she cared deeply for Azumi also.

Azumi tapped her sword against her boot. She was nervous about what would happen with Sam. She cared deeply for her, but what was about to happen was out of her reach. She preferd to be with Wes, who she was now fond of.

The war between Creel and Parral had carried on. Since Kelan refused several times to join either side, war was declared by both kingdoms on Kelan. Now, it was three kingdoms in war, all fighting for themselves. Elven had managed to stay neutral. By the order of the Grand Court, along with the royal army, the guilds ranked A were sent to war first. Kelan had only one ranked A guild left and the discussion to send rank B guilds was strong.
Organization X had not been heard off since the attack of Diablo.

Annette had moved to the guild house and loved her new job. She was there everyday and the people who visited loved her service, along with Fifi.
Rolen was nervous. They had been trying to figure out this spell for a while, and while the other two magic users seemed confident, he was very worried. If the spell miscarried there could be dire consequences. According to plan, he began working on the spell, focusing intensely and hardly daring to breath. His magic skills had come a long way in the last couple of months, but this was beyond anything he had ever attempted before.

Maira sat in a chair nearby, worried for her friend. She and Sam had grown very close over the last couple of months, and she wanted to be there for her friend. And of course, if something went wrong she might be able to help with her healing powers. The Togetic she had befriended two months before sat on her lap in an attempt to comfort the girl, making small noises occasionally. As the wizards began to weave, Maira grew tense and leaned forward in her chair.
Sarah had been working a few jobs that would sublet her life in the guild. She did not need the money, but when the missions are slow like they have been, Sarah takes on a few more delicate missions. Taking the time to greet others as she walked into town with a bag thrown over her shoulder, she sauntered into the bar, The Twist Magickarp, and walked up to the bar. She had her hood up and her cloak turned inside out so the logo is not seen by anyone. "I am here to collect my reward for the bounty of Jace Galore." Throwing the bag on the bar a head rolled out of it. "Here is your proof that has been done. I would like my reward." The barkeep reached under the bar and pulled out a coin pouch and placed it on the counter. Sarah took the bag and walked out of the bar without another word.

Walking the streets, Sarah came to the orphanage. Pulling down her hood she knocked on the door and set the bag down on the porch and walked away pulling the hood over her face. Miss. Bramble opened the door and picked up the coin pouch and walked inside. Sarah had been bringing in bounties for awhile now and dropping the money of for the kids. She knew they would not receive the money they needed to continue to run.

"That is a good thing you are doing Sarah. I am very proud of you." A very sultry and melodic voice was heard inside Sarah's mind. In the past two months the being and Sarah have become closer then they were. They now talk to one another and work together. Sarah still loses control sometimes, but has more of a conscious approach to the taking of control.


Amra had taken some time off from the guild. She went back home for a bit, so she could grab a few things. It has taken her about a week for her to get there and back. Though her mother, Queen Cithrel, wanted her to stay home, her father, King Virion, had the idea of her staying with the guild and make sure none of the kingdom make a stand against the Elves. They have stayed neutral in most aspects of the war, and want to keep it that way. The elves will not step in unless they harm the Elven kingdom directly.

While at home, Amra had taken the time to visit with her friends at the orphanage there. She had received a warm welcome from the kids there. It was nice to see them. She was also glad to see they had taken care of Fluff her shiny buneary for her. Glad to have her oldest friend back, Amra made her trip home.

She would be glad to be back at the guild with all of her friend. It was a long ride that taken a bit longer seeing as they had to be careful of any bandits along the way. It took her three days of riding to finally see the guild in the distance. A smile started to form on her face. She hoped to see Rolen, Maria, and Gene her Meowth. Gene was a larger one of the kittens that Fifi had given birth two. Amra was surprised that Gene kept growing after he seemed to reach full height, but that is not everything. She will be glad to see him again.

Coming to a stop on the front lawn, she remembered the first time she met the others here. Her enterance was not the most hospitable as she shot an arrow at one of the members. A large smile grew on her face as she remembered how Azumi reacted to her impulse.

Jumping down off of Flare, Amra pulled down her hood to reveal a small bunny like pokemon in the hood with her. Fluff had decided to come back and work with the guild. She had fun with the childern, but wanted to be with her best friend again. Leading Flare over the stable, Amra took the time she was comfortable, before she took off to meet the others.
Wes smiled as he observed the chief from his hidden perch in a high tree branch. “Hmph she asked for it.” He whispered to the Joltik on his shoulder while smiling. The tiny spider sent electrical currents throughout Wes’s body that crackled little white lightning bolts all around him. Not only did Azumi’s intense training make him much more skilled with a sword, but it also greatly improved his capabilities both physically and mentally. For two months he had exceeded his own limitations each day. He had gained a ridiculous 10 pounds of muscle in the short timespan and, while he was not necessarily smarter, he had mentally reached a peak state and was able to think more clearly along with gaining the ability to openly communicate with the spirit. Wes wished he could credit himself for becoming a “worthy” host for the spirit, allowing him to maintain a more powerful charged form much longer, but the truth was he couldn’t have reached a point a fraction of as powerful as he was now if it wasn’t for Azumi pushing him well beyond what he thought was possible. “Now it’s time to show her what she made.” A sly grin spread across his face as he plotted his attack.

Wes was happy Azumi was letting him train with real weapons, the wooden ones they used at the beginning were a drag. She taught him how to use his old abilities to enhance his swordsmanship to the max. He drew one of his curved daggers and threw it in an arc so it would loop around and strike Azumi from the opposite direction he was in. Not long after he threw the second dagger, this one would curve and strike Azumi from the side. From roughly estimating the speeds at which he threw the daggers he figured it would be about a second before the first one struck, after which he would have about a 5 second window to make his move before the second dagger struck.

Wes anticipated that the first dagger would be easily blocked, Azumi was always aware of her surroundings and such a simple trick would be nowhere near enough to defeat her. Nevertheless he jumped from his post a sped across the ground with blinding speed, dashing in in a low crouched position behind what he assumed to be a mildly distracted Azumi. Wes knew his attack would likely be blocked, even if she was distracted by the first dagger she could choose to duel wield and block him as well. But, Wes was not aiming to defeat her with either attack, instead he simply hoped to distract her enough for the second dagger to catch her off guard. If she made a move to defend he would gain an opening to strike as her only apparent alternative would be to take a dagger to the thigh.
Razans leg was fully healed. Now he didn’t walk with a limp. His arm however, was badly infected. He anticipated how much longer he could hold it off, and it wasn’t much longer before it worked itself up enough to kill him. He had avoided everybody these past months, trying to avoid Amra most of all. She was the one who had saw, but she had never told. He knew that CrossBlade could get inside his head again, but he didn’t know when. His arm hurt with every movement, and thankfully he had taught himself how to be left handed in a short period of time. He didn’t know if anyone noticed. He was always in the dark. Nobody really knew what he was doing all of the time, and he wanted to keep it that way. He walked out of his room, and made his way to the Library. He accidentally used his right hand to open the door, and winced in pain. He walked through the doors, noticing Annette, and began searching for any books related to medical needs.
Tyler was bored. Everyone else was doing some kind of training, He he was left to float around, anticipating when Rolen was going to find the right spell. He sighed and roamed the guild once more. He decided to stay out of everyone’s way.
Azumi heard the dagger whistling through the air. She knew it was probably a distraction and an attack would follow, so she spun to quickly block the incoming dagger and continued to spin to find the direction of Wes' attack. Unfortunately, she didn't expect for him to be crouching. When she noticed him, her natural reaction was to use her sword to block her lower body, which left her unprotected from the top.
Azumi was wearing a black body suit, her copper chest plate and skirt. The new thing about her was that she had her right arm completely covered in silver. It was a mechanic the giant blacksmith had made for her. Her arm was still healing inside the metallic arm, but it allowed her to use it. Of course there were limitations to it. She couldn't use too much force or receive heavy impacts.

Samantha closed her eyes and waited for the spell to be done.
Leo began to glow, he concentrated on keeping Rolan and Froppo with enough mana so they could focus on the unweaving.
Rolen grimaced as he felt the spell beginning to desolve. He knew better than to see this as a definite success. If something went wrong now, they could all be done for. He glanced over at the other two who were helping with the spell, trying to read the expression on their faces and then giving up the attempt as he felt the spell almost slip. He resumed his focus and then his eyes widened as he felt the weave loosen, and with a flash of purplish light and a rumbling of the ground, something happened.

Maira and Togetic watched tensely, and suddenly there was a flash of light, and her chair shook. They had to shield their eyes, and the Togetic made slightly frightened noises. As the light began to clear, Maira stood up, worried for her friend.
Razan quickly found a book how healing, except it was a magic healing. He was looking for manual healing. He sighed and put it up. He began to search again, trying to draw as little attention as possible from Annette, but there was a high chance that it wouldn’t work. He grabbed another, and flipped through it, and was disappointed again. Another magic healing book. He put it back. Three more books and still nothing. His right arm screamed with pain, and he tried to control it, but let out a soft cry of pain. He continued to look through.
Annette noticed Razan's odd behavior. "Um... Are you okay? You dont look so well." She walked over to him and touched his forehead with the back of her hand. "You have fever! We should go to Maira!" She said nervously. "Oh wait she can't at the moment. Um... Let's see..." She looked quickly through the book and pulled one out. "Here..." She flipped quickly through the pages. "We need to lower your temperature! I'll be back." She left the room quickly.
Fifi just looked confused.

Samantha opened her eyes slowly. She saw Leo there with a big smile on his face.
"All done! That was nerve wrecking! But you no longer have the seal!" Leo said loudly. "You can come in now Maira!" He called out
Sam didn't say anything, she looked at a mirror on the wall and stuck her tongue out. The seal was gone.

Froppo looked at Rolan. "Excellent job young man. That was incredible. You have a natural talent for this." He patted Rolan gently on the back.

"I told you he was good!" Leo said proudly.
Razan gritted his teeth. No! He didn’t want help! He was...fine! He was fine!
But his head, oh, his head hurt so much, a pounding in his head, his arm throbbing. Pain. That’s all he felt. Massive amounts of pain. But that wasn’t something he couldn’t break through. He could live with pain. He hoped he could. It would make him seem weak for help. That’s what the Organization thought. But he wasn’t part of the organization anymore. And yet he still had the scar. He shook his head, and exited the building, the running of to the forest to be alone. However, he stumbled into the scene of Azumi and Wes’s training. He quickly ran past them, hoping that they wouldn’t notice between all the violence. He came to the scene of the fight between him and CrossBlade again, not realizing it. It seemed like he was drawn to this place somehow.
Razan sighed and sat down on the grass, closing his eyes and holding his arm, praying for the pain to stop.
Maira rushed forward and hugged Sam. Togetic flew around them, making a happy sound.

“Sam! I was so worried! You’re okay, right?”

Rolen gave a weary smile in response to Froppo. He was feeling very drained, even though Leo had supported them with energy during the spell. However, it had been an honor and a pleasure to work with these two expert spellcasters, and he wanted to thank them... but he would have to do that later. For now he wanted to relax, or maybe take a look at Tyler’s problem. They say change of work is the best rest.

He walked out of the room and into his room to get a book, then walked back downstairs and went into the lounge. He opened the book and began to read.
Wes smirked, his plan had worked. Azumi had thought there were only two attacks to defend, but the third would be striking her soon. Realizing this meant his leader would soon be stabbed by a dagger in her leg, he immediately regretted his decision and acted fast to undo it. Using a technique Azumi taught him he ran the blade of his sword up her’s to gain leverage and plant the edge of her sword into the ground. He the dashed and grabbed the knife by the handle, mere moments before in connected with her leg. Wes stood up and put his weapons back into their sheaths and wiped the sweat from his face. “That was about to hit you so I guess I finally won.” Wes had a huge grin one his face. He was mostly joking, Azumi could easily defeat him if she tried her hardest, but he was still extremely proud that he had the option to land an attack.
Azumi smirked as she saw Wes' reaction. "You had me beat." She flicked him on the forehead. "But you're sword skills weren't the ones that defeated me." She then hugged him tightly. "But you're a great warrior and I'm proud of you." She began to walk away. "Let's go see if Sam is okay. Hard to concentrate when such a dangerous spell is being donde." She looked back at him while she walked away. "Make sure you didn't leave any weapons!"

Samantha hugged Maira tightly. She loved the way she always smelled and it made her feel better. "Yes, I feel tired, but good." She smiled at Leo and Froppo. "Thank you."

Leo nodded. "Anything for you Sammy!"

Samantha glared at him, she didn't like that name. She looked up at the Togetic and smiled. "Can...we go eat?"

Annette returned with wet towels and a bucket. "Here this should...." She didn't see Razan. "Where he go?!"
Fifi stretched and ran outside. Annette caught her intentions. They ran past Azumi and Wes, waving at them. Azumi waved back.

Annette went through the forest, chasing Fifi until she saw Razan.
"There you are! This won't help your fever!" She placed a wet towel on his head. "Here hold this. Come on, let's go to your room. I can help you until Maira is available."
Razan started at the ground finally realizing where they were. “This is where we fought.” Razan said blankly. “I fought him...”
He trailed off for a while, staring at the ground replaying the memories flashing through his mind. “There were voices in my head. They told me to come here...”
The memories only came faster. The fight, the blood.
“I don’t need Maria...” He said, his tone coming back. “I can fend for myself, I’m ok.”

He stood up, and walked forwards a little bit, and then the pain came. The blinding pain. It almost made Razan pass out, and he rammed his right shoulder into a tree to stop himself from falling, but that only caused more pain. He slumped down, clutching his arm, his face slick with sweat, and he struggled to get up again. He used the tree, and leaned on it. “I can fend for myself...” he muttered.
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Maira nodded gleefully, not quite wanting to let go. However, she hadn’t eaten yet that day, she had been too worried about Sam, so she let go and pulled her friend by the hand towards the kitchen. The Togetic flew along with them, scattering multicolored dust over them as they went.

“I’m so glad... whaddaya wanna eat, Sam?”
Sarah walked into the guild and set about her normal routine. She took off her cloak, and placed it over her arm. She walked into the kitchen to get some lunch started for the others they will be hungry after the duties for the day. She had been gone for two days on a bounty hunt. She had gotten her target and returned unscathed. She was glad to help when she could. Hopefully the others will come in hungry and eat the different foods she made.

Amra had taken time to make sure Flare was comfortable in her stall. Turning her head to Fluff, she asked. "You ready to meet the others Fluff." The pink bunny pokemon noded her head excitedly. Walking out of the stable, she walked to the guild. Slowly gaining speed, Amra ran to greet her friends. It was like she was returning to a place where she was happy and herself. She would also be glad to be working with her students. They were all going onto the next phase of the training which was almost done. She had brought back a few things for her pupils.

Phoenix had been working on a few things for the guild to sale. Maria had been helping him make things that would be cool to use. Bath bombs were one of the more difficult things he had been shown how to do. Thinking he had a winner with this batch, he even had made a few changes to the formula for different colors as it disolves in the water. He was in his lab down in the basement of the library. He made sure to bring in someone to help reinforce the place incase his inventions made a bit of a mess. Blaze was in his spot in the corner of the workshop sleeping, and Sass was in the library helping stack books. She loved to help out Annette in the shop.
Annette placed her hands on her hips. "Are you serious? Look I don't know what is going with you, but a Stormbreaker never leaves a Stormbreaker behind." She walked over and helped him get up and walk. "Now be quiet and accept my help."
Fifi meowed happily and skipped around the two, trying to show a positive attitude.

Samantha saw that Sarah had prepared food. "We can... Eat that." She told Maira. She walked over with Maira and sat down at the dinning table. She was enjoying the feeling of freedom. She could now talk about anything she wanted without being afraid. Which meant she could talk about her past.
Her face now had a serious look. "Maira... There's something I have... To say."

Leo walked back inside, he had walked his master out since he had to leave. "Yo Tyler!" He called out. "You're next body!" He laughed at his own joke.

Azumi had gone to her room and changed. she was wearing casual clothing, white shirt and blue pants with brown boots. She stepped out of her room and heard Leo's shout out to Tyler. She tapped her necklace gently. "Did you hear that? I can't wait to see you back in your body."