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Annette sighed. "Sorry Phoenix. It won't happen again. Do you have clothes for the dance?"
She turned her attention to the Pokemon trying to communicate with her. "I'm sorry I have no idea what you're saying. I study Latin, not Pokemon."

Azumi sighed and finished her drink. "You should ask her, but let her rest. Without Maira here, she won't be waking up early. Once she gets attached to someone, its hard for her to detached herself. Besides she got really hurt on the mission and last night also." She stood up and took a deep breath. "I should go get ready for the ceremony, are you going?"


Previously The Pikachan
Rene caught up to Ashley. "I'm really sorry! I'm ready to go. We should start by downtown, they have really cute dresses there. By the way, do you have a date already?" She placed her arm around Ashley's and walked her out of the guild house.

Michi stretched on the bed, happy to have it all to herself. "Pik-ah!"
"As a matter of fact I just asked Razan, and he said yes!" Ashley exclaimed excitedly, slightly blushing, "I wonder where Windchime and Kato went, otherwise, I have to tell you something, my sister was in a guild that was attacked, it was called Stone Rose, she and two others survived, so I somewhat understand your pain of losing a guild."

Over to Kato and Windchime, Kato signed someone reading, then playing a Lute.
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"Yeah I have some things I can wear to the dance. Maybe you can ask Amra to go shopping with you. She seemed a little out of it since Rolen left yesterday." Phoenix stopped to watch the pokemon and what they would want. Figuring it out, phoenix walked over to a shelf he had in his workshop and opened it. He took out a couple of books on bardic magic, and a book of songs for advanced bards. "Here you go. Give this note to Ashley as well."

"Dear Ashley, these are some books from my personal collection. Feel free to read them. I am not a bard, but I love to perform and have learned to play a few different instruments as well. Let me know if you have any questions."

Sarah thought about what was said, and thought she would ask later when Sam felt better. "I will defently be going. I had a few friends who were in the A guilds. They are some of the ones who gave me some of my bounties. Now I have to go and get them the hard way."
Ashley followed and was looking for something either silvery-gray or a light blue that would work for her when Windchime burst in, handed Ashley a note and left.

"Dear Ashley, These are some books from my personal collection. Feel free to read them. I am not a Bard, but I love to perform and have learned to play a few instruments as well. Let me know if you have any questions."

Ashley put the note in her pocket and continued looking, when she found something, it was a silvery-gray, with some small pearls on the chest area, a sash to secure it to her waist, and it would reach her ankles.

"I think I found something!" Ashley called out to Rene.
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Tyler has traveled at least a mile now. “Hey, how much longer is this?” He asked.
Haxorus didn't answer.
He sighed, and continued.

Razan didn’t know what to wear. He knew he had to look nice, but he didn’t really have anything. Or at least, not anything nice enough to wear to something as fancy as what they were going to. He sighed. Razan would make it himself. This way he could make the perfect fit and make it his style. He exited his room and began looking through the guilds storages for fabric.
Annette shook her head. "No I'm fine! Just wondering if you were ready..." Annette figured she should probably let Phoenix continue his work. "Well I'm going to get ready for the ceremony. See you later!" She left carefully, not wanting to drop anything else, and went to her room to change.

Azumi put her hands on her hips and sighed. "We lost so many good people. All so that stupid Organization can create their philosophers stones. Well, I better go get ready, I'll see you over there. I have to arrive early to meet my father there." Azumi ran upstairs and saw Razan going into the storage. "Good morning Razan!" She called out to him before going into her room.

Azumi changed into a golden armor. It had a golden chest plate, golden gloves up to her elbows, golden knee high boots and a white under suit. She put on Leo's golden necklace and Tyler's also. She braided her bangs and used them as a crown to hold the rest of her hair.
Azumi then walked over to Leo's room. She remembered him saying he would return to get his things. She closed her eyes to calm herself down and walked in. The room smelled like him. It was a bit messy and plenty of sunlight came in through the window. Just like Leo. She saw his training staff, it was a copper staff with a white gem on top, simple but effective. She grabbed the staff, placed it on her back, and left.

Samantha gently sat up, she looked around and walked over to the kitchen, eating any fruit she saw.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene waved at her. "Okay! I'm going to pay for this one!" She went back, changed into her normal clothes and took the dress carefully to the cashier. "Hello! I would like to have this charged to the Stormbreakers please. My name is Rene, I am a new member."

The cashier wrote down the information. "We also have shoes that go great with that dress and accessories." She told Rene.

Rene looked around. She hoped Azumi wouldn't mind if she got more things. If she did, then she would work to pay them.

"Okay! I will go look through them!" Rene walked quickly to the shoes section. She wasn't sure if she should wear black, blue ir white shoes. "Hey Ashley! What color shoes go with me dress?"
"Try Blue shoes, and I'm going to pay for the dress," Ashley explained.

Ashley changed and walked the dress up to the counter, pulling out a medium sized coin purse.

"I'd like to buy this dress!" Ashley exclaimed to the cashier, "Put it under the Stormbreakers guild, Ashley Silver is the name."

"Silver, as in Jake Silver?" The cashier asked.

"Yes, he's my older brother," Ashley explained.

"He just came through with a girl, said her name was Iris?" The cashier explained.

"That's him alright!" Ashley explained.

"He also is the Hornblower for Solarflare." The cashier explained, "Also there are great shoes for this dress!"

Ashley went over to the Shoes where Rene was and started looking until she found a pair, a silver pair that had less heels.

"How would these look with the dress?" Ashley asked.
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"Well how about this. If I can not find a dress that can fit you and you like, then I will make yours as I make my own. Come lets go see what I have." Sarah led Sam to her room. She opened the closets and said. "Here try anything that you like on. If you do not like anything I have I can make anything that you would like."

Amra walked into the dress shop. She was feeling a little down without Rolen around. Knowing that he was around the guild helped her with knowing that she can go off an work on somethings. That he was safe, well hopefully, he comes back in on piece. She will miss him.

Looking around, Amra spoted the new Raindrops. "Hey Ashley and Rene. Nice seeing you two here."


Previously The Pikachan
Rene shook her head. "You don't always want to wear the same color unless it's exactly the same. Try black or red! It will make the shoes stand out and same for the dress. I'm getting white heels. So all the attention is on the dress."

Rene grabbed the shoes and heard Amra calling her. She instantly bowed. "Princess Amra!" She came back up with a smile, she loved her princess dearly. "What an honor to have you here with us. Are you shopping also?"
Amra looked at the dress and shoes in question. She thought for a moment then aswered. "They might though they would not be what I would pick." Turning to Rene, she said. "Shhhh around here I am just Amra. No one knows I am a princess at the moment. I do not want them treating any different then everyone else."

Turning back to the dresses, her gaze landed on a black glittery dress. Upon closer inspection, it looked to have three quarter sleeves and would come to about her knees and was form fitting. This would the first time she would be able to pick her own dress. She hated all of the puffy and frilly dresses that she had to wear all the time to dances. "I am going to try this one on."

Going in the changing room, Amra put the dress on and walked out to show the others. "What do you guys think of this? I know I will probably not be dancing much, seeing as Rolen would not be there, but I do want to get something new."
A while later, Razan could be found sewing in his room, making the perfect the big to wear. Or at least, in his mind. He had never attended one of these, mainly because when he was home he was too young, and had been with the Organization for the rest. He was going to wear a very cape-like jacket, open on the outside to wear something else beneath it. It had long sleeves and the back of it came down to his knees. It was a pitch black color, lined with white around the edges to compliment his white hair. He continued to sew.

Tyler was walking with his Pokémon until he ran into something. “Ow.” He quickly said, and searched for the thing that hit him. It was nothing. The barrier, he thought. The barrier is still in place. “Damn...Okay, you guys are gonna have to bring the funeral to me. Is that ok?”
Both Pokémon nodded, and continued down the path, and left Tyler alone in the woods.
Samantha smiled at Sarah. "Okay... I like that idea...you can use... My old dress... The Orc ruined it." She loved her dress, but maybe it was time to get a new one. "Maybe... Green like Maira's."

Azumi read Tyler's note as she walked through the streets. "Aw Tyler, please don't get in trouble" She reached the castle walls. Once inside, instead of going to the castle, she turned to the right and kept walking until arriving at a fancy big house. The gates were opened by two guards, who bowed to her. Azumi walked up to the front steps and knocked. "Father! I'm home!"
Tyler began to fiddle with his Chakrams that he had brought with him. He didn’t know if it was going to be a trap or not, but he knew that it wasn’t because Jerry was in on this too. He began thinking about the future dance, and about Azumi.

Razan decided to take a brake of sewing for a while, and do something else. The problem was, he didn’t know what to do. So he walked around the guild searching for things to do, and soon came to the library. Well, may as well use my resources while I’m here, he thought. He began looking for books, specifically different types of spell oils so that he could try to practice some other type of magic than his own.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene didn't feel comfortable calling her Princess by her first name. "Sorry, Ms. Amra. It's just, back in the Elven Kingdom I would get yelled at if I used your first name." She turned her attention to Ashley. "Red is great!"

Rene chose the black heels and a blue ribbon for her hair. She went to cashier and paid.

"I'm going to run ahead! I want to get to the ceremony on time!" She grabbed her things and ran down the street to the guild house, where she left her new items and picked up Michi. They both ran towards downtown as to not miss the ceremony.
Ashley went and bought the shoes, and ran to the guild hall, dropped her stuff off at the room, called Windchime and Kato, and ran towards downtown in an effort to get to the ceremony on time, a Pidgeot flew overhead and dropped a package, which Kato caught, handed it to Ashley, she opened it and put it on, it was a cloak, and a long one.

"Hey, Rene, do you have a date yet?" Ashley asked.
Sarah smiled. She went over to her sewing kit and took out a measuring tape. "Here let me take your measurements then we can go get some fabric and I can make a dress for you by the time we have to be at the dance." Sarah started writing down the measurements and notes she had gotten from Sam about what she had wanted.

Amra paid for the things she had picked out. Which was the dress, a pair of black heels, and a few accessories to go with it. Catching up to the other two she answered them. "Well Rolen is someone I care deaply about. We have not really had time to talk about what we are to on another yet, but he is someone I can see myself with for a long time. I do not mind. Now in the Elven kingdom that is different it has to be that way, but here I am just me. Trust me on that. I am much more myself out of all of the refinery that I normally have to wear."
Azumi sat next to her dad, on a table next to the King. They were sited above the castle walls, everyone was gather from the castle doors to downtown, filling every single inch of the streets.
Azumi's father was a big musclar man, with short black hair and a big black beard with white streaks that showed his older age. He wore a golden armor, same tone as Azumi's. They both had the same serious expression, except Azumi looked like a lady and her father like he was going to kill someone.
The King raised his hands to get everyone's attention. "My dear Kelians! The war is over!"
The crowd cheered loudly, some trumpets could be heard.
"We understand now, that the three nations were tricked into fighting one another for the well being of our enemy. But! We have figured out their plans and they will fall!" He paused to let the people cheer. "Now, we are not here to celebrate. We are here to pay our respects. We achieved a victory, but at the cost of many. The ones who came back, are the lucky ones. In Memory of our entire Grand Court and every guild and soldier, please give them a minute of silence."

The entire city grew silent.

"Thank you. Now, I present to you, the mural in memory of our loved ones!" The King raised his hands.
A magical light covered the castle walls. When it was gone, there was a mural. The mural had the face of all the fallen in the war. It started with the members of the Grand Court and continued on with the guilds. After that, soldiers and others followed.

Samantha stood next to Sarah, looking at the mural from within the crowd. She looked at Leo's portrait and pointed. "There he is."

Annette's eyes got watery as she wrote on her notepad.
Tyler here the crunching of feet, and turned to see Jerry and Haxorus carrying the body and flowers. Inside he felt bad for Haxorus, carrying the body of his master was a hard thing to do emotionally. They set the body down, covered by a blanket so that it was not seen, and placed the flowers around it. Tyler controlled his emotions, not letting CrossBlades death get to him, and hoping not to break down.
He said a prayer to the three of them. He lifted the blanket of off the body, and gasped.
It was a beautiful woman in her 40’s, with short curly blond hair, and had a fatal wound to her stomach.
“No...no no no......” he started, and then broke down. Tears streamed down his face freely, and his two Pokémon bowed their heads in sadness. Tyler sat there, hunched over, mourning. He held her hand although he knew that he could t do anything.
There was nothing he could do to help his mother.
He stopped crying, and breathed in shakily. Why? Why did she have to die? Who would have done this to her? Why......?
“Mom....it’s me.....Tyler....I know you can’t hear me...but....take care of dad up there...ok?”

Tyler presses his face into his hands. “I’m sorry I left....” he said once more.

While Tyler was mourning his Mom, Haxorus and Jerry had gathered large stones, and began to place them in a rectangular shape for a fire pit.
A while later they had placed the body in the center.
Tyler set his hands on fire, and threw sparks in.
They began to walk back to the guild.
Ashley placed a reassuring arm around Rene as she cried, while holding back her own tears as she saw about fifteen of Tina's friends, and four of Jake's.

Closer to the mural, a young man, wearing bronze armor, and a silver and gold cloak, was with a Moss green haired girl with silver eyes, both have tears hanging in their eyes.

"Jake, are those..?" Iris asked, quivering.

"Yes, they are..." Jake responded, "Ella, Thurn, Caius, and Augustus, my ex-girlfriend and our three friends."

Iris started shedding tears at the sight of the four close friends whose pictures were on the mural. Jake pulled her close, allowing her to cry on his shoulder.
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Wes stood looking at the memorial from a distance. His face was expressionless in his all black suit as he soaked in the many they had already lost in this war.


Sol had finally found his nice red dress shirt and had headed over to see the memorial. He was about to ask Rene to the dance when he saw her crying at the images of her lost guild members, knowing this wasn’t the appropriate time he decided to comfort her. “I’m sorry for the ones you lost, we’ll make sure they didn’t die in vain.” He gently spoke as he put his hand on her shoulder.
Sarah held in her tears. She could see some of the friends she would never meet again on the mural. It was a very well thought out tribute to the ones who had lost their lives for this kingdom. "Yeah there he is. Leo, he will always be with us in memory. I have never met a more upbeat person besides maybe Annette, but he will still be missed."

Amra was on the edge of the crowd. She did not want to be in the middle of it all. She had grown to enjoy Leo's company, and when she found him she started to shed a few tears.

Phoenix was saddened to see some of the performers that he had worked with were some who had lost their lives. He sent a silent prayer in memory of the ones who had lost their lives. He would never forget them.