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Ashley went to her room, her Greninja, Chimecho and the Mareep, after being petted, all followed, Ashley took the bed, Windchime floated over and landed on a chair, Kato hopped on the roof and watched the stars, and Mareep hopped on the bed next to Ashley's feet. Ashley then tried to go to sleep, but between the insomnia and the thoughts of Razan in her head, she wasn't getting any sleep any time soon.
Azumi sat down and looked at the snacks. "I don't know. Should I go look for him? He might do something stupid while angry." Azumi took a candy bar and bit it hard. "No wait, should I wait for him to apologise? No, his pride won't let him. How do you deal with this stuff?"

Samantha began to shed tears. "No... It's not fair... I shouldn't... Be alive."
"Practice. Trust me. I have had to deal with a lot. Yeah I may be a princess, yeah I may be a bit entitled, but I have worked for my skills I trained every spar moment I could find. You know it hurt when he told me that my parents could cut me loose. They have a kingdom to watch out for. It is not like they can just let do what I want all the time. I do what I can for the betterment of my people, sure I may have come here against my mother's wishes, but Father was fully supportive of my decisions regarding joining Stormbreakers. Yeah he sends his Talonflame to look out after me, but that is just him being a great father." Amra talked as she led Azumi to her room, which she hardly ever used except for storage. Laying down the snacks on the bed, Amra climbed up mentioned for Azumi to do the same.

"That is not going to happen. I do not want you to even think about killing yourself either. If you do, I will personally find you and bring you back and kick your ass. Sarah would also gladly do it as well. Now sit still the healing is almost done." The being'd hands started to dim as the healing was near completion.
While Razan had been thinking, he had overheard many conversations, especially the one with Wes, because they were screaming at the top of their lungs. Razan was saddened by his leave; he was the only one that had experienced the same as Razan.
Both of their villages had been wiped out. Both of their families had died. Both of them were taken into evil groups or whatnot. He was the only one who really understood. If he was gone......
He wouldn’t have anyone else to talk to about his family with.....
At least, he didn’t think anyone else had gone through the same. He had no one. Only those who could interpret his feelings.

From the sound of wind and flapping of wings, it was obvious that he took off on Aerodactyl, his only flying type. By now he was farther away. It was dark now, and was still deciding if the right thing to do is go after him. There were many risks at this.
1:Wes might fight back even though he won’t
2: He won’t find him.
3: He will have traveled to far, and his Pokémon would be too fast.

He knew there were many more. He decided against it, and went off to bed.

Tyler stood up, and walked away. He still had no idea as to what happened, but hopefully tomorrow he could find out.
He fell asleep quickly.
"Try an arranged marriage that I refused. The guy was a self centered jerk. All he cared about was how he looked, what people thought of him, and how to get into some girls pants. He was shocked that I did not want to be with him. You know I tried talking with the guy, but the more I knew about him, the more I wanted nothing to do with him." Amra picked up a package of cookies and opened them. Taking a couple and eating them, she looked to Azumi. She hoped that the girl seen her for who she really is. Did she really come off as self centered?

"Well I can help keep your demon in check, but it will take a little while for me to prepare, though I would also have to do this twice, once for you and another time for the blacksmith." When the being's hands started to slowly stop glowing, Sam looked to be fully healed. She would have a scar for her troubles, but it would not harm her in anyway. Sarah seemed to slump over. Though she was still conscious, she used a lot of her strength to heal Sam.
Azumi looked confused and waited for Amra to finish before asking her question. "Get inside a girl's pants? Well it is very odd to date you just to get your pants. But, why didn't he just ask for them? I would've given him my pants and buy new ones." Azumi took some of the cookies Amra opened.

Samantha grabbed on to Sarah to pull herself up, she was dizzy and in pain, but it wasn't something new. "I still... Need to talk to Wes."
Amra had to chuckle a little. "What I meant was that he wanted to do the two sleeping snorlax with me in his bed. He only cared about one thing and that was himself."

"I know you want to talk to Wes, but I think he has already left. Why don't you go get some sleep it will help you get back on your feet." The being slowly stood up. They knew if they released their hold on Sarah, she would have a major headache. They needed to get her to a bed. "Come on lets go you are coming with me and Sarah. You need sleep." With that the being guided Sam to Sarah's room and pulled Sam down with them.
Azumi nodded pretending what she meant. She thought Snorlax was a cute Pokemon and could see nothing wrong with two of them sleeping. "Well someone so selfish shouldn't be in a relationship with you. You're an incredible example of a human being." Azumi yawned loudly. "I should go to bed, in case Sam sneaks in, she is hurt and Maira isn't here tonight. Thank you for the talk, there's a lot to do tomorrow, and this helped me clear my head." She hugged Amra and left to her room, where she fell asleep quickly with Nana and Anakin.

Samantha curled up with Sarah and fell asleep.

--------- The Next Day -----------

Azumi woke up to a tapping on her window. There was a Pidgeotto holding a small bag with mail in it. Anakin took the bag and set in down next to Azumi. She gently pushed the sleeping Nana, who was drooling on her face, to the side and sat up. She also noticed an envelope under her door, with a note from Annette that said : arrived while you were gone.

Azumi looked through the mail, there was a letter from the Castle, from the King and from her father. She opened the letter from the Castle first.

Dear Kalian,
You're invited to a ceremony for our fallen heroes. Downtown, at midday.

Azumi sighed, she just woke up and everything from the last couple of days came rushing back. She opened the letter from the King.

Dear Stormbreakers,
Your work for your Kingdom during the war was incredible. We would like to show you our gratitude by inviting you all to a formal dance in the Royal Hall.

"Great, now I have to hear people asking 'Azumi are you married yet? Azumi, want to date my son? Azumi at your age I had to choose between 3 boyfriends. Azumi think about your future, you're not young forever.' Stupid people." Azumi spoke to herself as she looked through the letter. Anakin chuckled at her imitations. Azumi laughed also, causing Nana to groan annoyed and turn around in bed. "Now, father's letter." She opened the letter.

Dear Azumi,
I hope to see you at the dance tonight and hear about everything you have been going through. I miss you terribly. If you do not have a date, I call in some favors. Love you.

"Call in favors? Why does that offend me?" She asked Anakin, who just shrugged. Azumi went into deep thought, she needed a date, not really because she wanted to, but she needed someone to protect her from all the annoying questions from political people. The first person that came to her mind was Wes, but that wasn't possible. She got up, fixed her hair, washed her face and walked over to Tyler's room. She knocked softly.
"Tyler, are you awake?"
Tyler has been awake for a while. The day before he had set up a circular wooden target in his room, and practiced throwing his Chakrams over, and over, and over again. He was pretty bad at first, and was getting better over practice. He didn’t expect Azumi to call for him. He threw the last one in his hand, close to hitting the bullseyes, and then responded. “Yep! I’m up! Give a second.” He took the Chakrams out of the target, and put them on his bed gently. Tyler opened the door. “Morning! Ya need me for something?” He said.
"Yes." Azumi said with a smile. "We have been invited to a dance at the Royal Hall and I need a companion. I was wondering if you would like to go as my companion."

Nana woke up, looking grumpy. "Guild meeting!" She sent the message to everyone through telepathy. She new it was going to happen, might as well get it over with.

Azumi rolled her eyes, she could tell Nana was grumpy. "Sorry." She told Tyler. "I would really like it if we went together."


Previously The Pikachan
Rene woke up to a voice saying something about a meeting. "Come on Michi. We need to go to this so called meeting."

Rene got up and quickly changed into casual clothes. She wore a black shirt and pants with white sandals. She left Michi in the room, since she did not know if Pokemon were allowed in the meeting. She walked outside and saw Ashley standing around.

"Good morning Ashley!" Rene waved at her while smiling. "Do you know where the meeting is?"
Sarah had been up for a bit. She still had a bit of a headache, but it was clearing up. Knowing that Maria was not there to help her with it, she would just have to deal with it for now. Walking over to the bed where Sam was, Sarah gently shook her. "Hey Sam it is time to get up. We have a meeting to get to."

Umbre came out of the lounge room that she had claimed as her own for the time being, to find the two new Raindrops asking about the meeting room. Walking up to them, Umbre used psychic to talk with them. "Why don't you guys follow me and I will take you there." Umbre walked down the hall to some stairs going down.

Amra was in the kitchen, she was making breakfast for everyone. She was still hurt by what Wes had said to her. Was shr really just a selfish bitch like he said she was. Never really being who she aught to be. Yeah her mother sent the guy to bring her back, but that was just how her mom worked. Though she did care for her, she just wanted what was the best for her.

Phoenix was in his workshop. He had just found out how to make the cure for him being purple, when Nana called for the meeting. He dropped the vial on the ground, and jumped. "Well there goes that. Have to make another one after the meeting. I just hope that no one asks why I am purple."
Tyler was took off by the question. Azumi wanted to go....with him? He never thought Azumi would say that. But he was happily surprised. He blushed deeply on the inside, but controlled it on the outside.
“I would love to go with you!” Tyler said enthusiastically.

Razan awoke to the sound of a grumpy sounding Nana, and slowly got up. He quickly got dressed, and trudged down the stairs. He sighed, and went past the two who were being guided by the Umbreon. “Morning,” He groggily said to them, and sat down in a corner. He couldn’t wait for the meeting to start. Obviously that was sarcasm.
Azumi's eyes brightened with Tyler's answer and she smiled brightly. "Thank you! We should go to the meeting that I didn't request but I have to give anyways." She waited for Tyler to be ready and walked with him to the meeting room.

Once there she waited for everyone to arrive, except for Samantha, who she figured was tired, and began explaining the situation.
"Good morning everyone! There is a lot to go through. First, welcome our new members, Rene, Ashley and Sol. Please make them feel welcomed." She paused for a moment. "Now, on to more unfriendly business. Some of you are not aware yet, but our dear Leo has fallen in battle." She paused for a moment, the hurt feelings were trying to come back.

Annette heard the news and her heart sank. She spent months with him and Rolan while they studied and grown found of both mages. Her lip trembled as she held in the tears. Fifi meowed sadly and licked her hand.

Azumi regained compousure and continued. "There will be a ceremony in his name and all the Grand Court and guild who lost their lives in the war. I will be going and could use company from any of you." She took a deep breath. "Also, in better news, we have all been invited to a formal dance in the Grand Hall. It is this evening, we are all expected to attend. If you do not have the clothes for it, the guild will pay for it. Last of all, Ashley, your dad informed me that you will have a birthday next week, I am glad we can be part of such a joyful celebration." She didn't mention the part about Razan, she figured it was something more personal. "Everyone, I know the news I provided today are with mixed feelings. If any of you need to talk, I'm here for you. Everyone is dismissed." She walked over to Sol. "I'm sorry Sol, we will start your training tomorrow."

Annette shot an angry glance at Tyler. He knew what happened to Leo and didn't tell her. She felt betrayed.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene was shocked to hear that the Grand Court had died during the war. They were such powerful people, probably even more powerful then the bad guys they faced. Whatever killed them had to be someone or something really strong. She nodded to everything Azumi said. When the meeting was over she leaned close to Ashley.

"I do not have anything, I lost it all. Do you want to go shopping for a dress?" She whispered to Ashley. "We can go after the ceremony, since I have to go pay my respects to my fallen guild."
"I'd love to go dress shopping with you, since my formal clothes are currently in the southern most town of the kingdom, and I understand about the lost guild, my sister was of another guild that was attacked, called Stone Rose, she and two others survived." Ashley whispered to Rene, "Kato has been sitting on the roof all day, maybe he could get time off the roof."
“Oh.. ok.” Sol was a little disappointed he would have to miss out on training for a dance. He hated dances, not because he had anything against people, but because he didn’t know how to dance and he always got nervous asking girls. He decided he had nothing better to do and ran outside to play with Growlithe.


Elsewhere, Wes was woken up by a Murkrow pecking his forehead. “Owwww.” He groaned as he grabbed the note the bird was holding. It contained similar letters to the ones Azumi had received. “Well I guess I’d better go.” He unenthusiastically muttered before jumping onto Aerodactyl. “I need you to fly me into town, I have to find a date and something nice to wear.”
Tyler felt Annette’s glare drill into him. He didn’t know what to say to her. So instead of a possibility of making things worse, he didn’t say anything. He made his way to his room, grabbed his Chakrams, and headed outside. He didn’t believe his eyes.
Jerry was communicating with a Haxorus. But not just any Haxorus. CrossBlades Haxorus. Confused, Tyler approached them fearing the worst. “Jerry...what are you talking about?” Tyler said to them quietly.
But he had already knew what had happened in the back of his mind.
Jerry signed him what had happened. It only confirmed his thoughts. Jerry explained more by drawing in the ground.
After a while of communicating, Tyler had figured out what was happening. Haxorus has brought his masters body and was going to have a mock funeral. Tyler came back into the meeting room. “Azumi...” He said quietly so only she could hear. “I’m going to be gone for a little while...I need to do something...”

Razan was relieved that Azumi didn’t mention the part about him. He didn’t need the whole guild to know something like that. He stood up, and walked back to his room, where he read CrossBlades scroll again, and then the other, and sat there...thinking...
Umbre thought for a moment. "He would most likely be in his room. Though I am not sure why he did not show up for the meeting. Also pokemon are allowed in here. Just do not go near Sarah's workshop. She is a bit protective of what's in there. It you are any of the others want a tour just come find me and I will give you one." Umbre had sat down near Sarah seeing as she knew that she was not feeling to great.

Amra was not very happy about the dance. The person she wanted to go with was not there. She hoped he would come back soon, she really did miss him. Though it would give her time to work on her skills with her new sword.

Walking out of the meeting room, Amra went to the training ground. She had on a light leather training gear. Pulling out the gem sword from it's sheath, she took a few practice swings with it. The weight felt really well balanced.

Phoenix went back to his workshop, he had a few things to get working before he could think about the dance. He knew that he would not be taking anyone, seeing as none of the others would be his type. Pulling out herbs he started mashing them into a paste so he could brew them into the water.

Sarah slowly walked to the kitchen, she needed some tea. Her head was throbbing and not really letting her focus on anything.
Annette wanted to cry, but she gulped it down. She decided to distract herself by going to visit Phoenix.
She slowly walked into his lab, afraid of something exploding, and closed the door behind her.
"Hi Phoenix! What you working on? Want to go to the dance with me?" She tried to make it sound casual, she had never asked a boy to a dance. Although, she new he was older, he was really handsome and she figured she would look good arriving with him.
Fifi meowed as she ran in and began sniffing around.

Azumi followed Sarah. "Hi." She grabbed a bottle from Emma's cabinet in the kitchen. "We both need a drink, care to join me?"
Razan had only a split second to decide what he was going to do. Either go, or not go. He quickly thought of the pros and cons, and when he was done, he had his decision. He would go.
Razan stood up and opened the door.
“I too am sorry for pushing you away. I would also like to go with you to the dance. And yes, I did get a letter from a person if that name frankly,” He said with a smile.

Seeing that Azumi ignored him and went off with Sarah, he quickly wrote a note for her instead.
Dear Azumi,
I will not be able to attend the ceremony for the fallen. I have another place to attend to. Don’t worry, I’ll be back for the dance.
Tyler Bolt

He threw this letter into her room, making it onto her bed. He sighed, and came back outside to meet the two Pokémon who were waiting for him. “You guys ready? Tyler asked. They both nodded. “Alright then. Take to the place,” he continued.
Both Pokémon nodded, and began walking into the forest with Tyler following behind.
"Sure we can go to the dance it will be fun. We show everyone else how to dance. I saw you flinch when you walked in. I do not use things that go explode all the time you know." Phoenix said this as he put the herbs in water to steep. He needed them for the antidote for being purple.

Sarah was just getting done with her tea when Azumi asked her is she needed a drink. She would normally want one, but her head was killing her. "Well I do not think I need to be drinking at the moment. My head is killing me. Though if you want to talk we can do that. You know that."
Annette laughed nervously. "Sorry, old habit. Thank you for going to the dance with me. Ever since I started printing the Stormbreakers News, people have been really excited to see us. We are like famous now. So I didn't want to be that one member that didn't have a date." She begun walking around and looking at all the different gadgets. "Wow you make so many things. You should give me reports on them so I can promote them on the news letter."

Azumi served herself a cup. "If you want I can apply some water healing, maybe ease the pain." She drank from the cup. "There's so much to talk about, but I don't know anymore. I don't think it's going to get anything resolved. I just want some peaceful days."
"Chime!" Windchime cried out and decided to try and look for Annette, who is apparently the librarian, from what Ashley explained. She floated her way around the guild hall until she saw a strange looking room, she floated over and slapped her tail on the door, as if she were knocking on it.

Kato was on the roof when he heard some conversations, and was bored. He jumped down from the roof and started looking for his counterpart.
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"Have you not been getting the folder I have left on the back of my door? That is there for you to do just that. I thought I told you I was going to do that. It must have slipped my mind." Phoenix had to smile at the girls exuberance.

Sarah thought for a moment. Then answered Azumi. "Well why don't we take this to the lounge room and just sit down and relax until the next crisis shows itself. The water healing will not work. It took a lot to heal Sam seeing as she was near death. The being is able to heal, but it takes a lot out of us to do so."
Annette flinched when she heard a bang on the door. "Um, I think you got company." She kept looking around, resisting the need to poke something.

Azumi nodded. "Thank you for that by the way. It should have been me to heal Sam. But I was to preocupied with..." She sighed before saying his name. "Wes." She walked with Sarah to the lounge and sat down. "How did the mission for you?" She asked trying to change the subject. She read the report so she knew already.
Phoenix left the water to steep and went to open the door. He let the Chime pokemon in, though he did keep an eye on it to make sure it did not break anything. He would not want to have to fix something else at the moment.

"Yes I know what Wes had done. It was not right for him to do it, but I do knows how he feels." Sarah took a sip of her tea before continuing. "Well it started out with me and Diablo were about to get into it. The being took over, it is just easier for them to take control seeing as I would be over control and strike out at everyone. Then this woman came in and bound the being. It did not really last long, but I knew I could outsmart her. Taking her deaper into the forest, I held her down with my the shadow hands. You know the ones I have been working on for a long time. Well they worked. Taking out one of my daggers I sliced her skin. Then she threatened me with spears made of darkness. Well I told her that she is welcome to fight, but that it would only cause her to die as well, seeing as I had dipped my daggers into a rare poison that I had made. After taking a vial of colored water I called it the antidote. Well she told me about my brother..." With that last sentence Sarah trailed off, and got lost in her own thoughts.
Luckly the item that she dropped was one that only caused a small spark to fly into the air. Though unlucky that spark caused the mixture that Phoenix was working on to go up in flames. Going over quickly to it, Phoenix absorbed the fire into himself. "Well I am just glad you did not break something that would have blown up. Which would have been very bad. That is a bath bomb I have been working on. You put it into the water before you take a bath and changes the water colors."

"Well you see that woman has info on my brother. That means he must still be alive and out of their control to not be with them. Do you think Sam might know something? She was able to get out, maybe they helped each other or something." Sarah's mind was working in overdrive to process everything.