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Tyler woke up on the ground. He stood up, confused as to what was happening, and tried to remember what had happened in the first place. For some reason, he couldn't. Tyler remembered working on another Chakram...and that was it. He continued to work on the weapon again.
A while later, the blade was finished, and he could tell all ready that it was better than the other. Perfected. It was lighter and more durable than the previous one. Tyler eventually found Annette an the rain drop, and stood in front of them examining his new weapon.
¨So, what are you guys up to?¨

Razan looked over and saw that Sarah was talking to the stranger that had wandered in during the mission. He sighed. He had barely got to know the people in the guild when he joined. Well, technically, he didn't join yet. They just acted like he was a part of it? Nobody had really given him a welcome greeting of sorts, but he had been traveling with them for a while. Sometimes life was confusing. Actually, it always was.

Angeislash watched the whole thing go down secretly by following Wes to the hot springs. Hey, its what CrossBlade said to do. The Pokemon made his way back to the tent as the conversation neared. It planted itself in the ground, and then saw Lucario come and give Wes a blanket.
Wanting to be with other Pokemon, Angeislash followed them.
"Understood," Ashley responded to Sarah.

She then went to the tent with her bag, and pulled out a set of Secondary clothes, she got changed, now wearing a light blue nightgown, with her overcoat. It was short, reaching mid thigh. There were eight scars on her legs, along with one on her chest, from the burns received earlier in the day when Windchime learned Heal Bell. She then walked up to Razan, smiling cutely.

"Hi, I'm Ashley Silver, I am a Bard." Ashley greeted, a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice, "Thanks for the assist on Diablo towards the end."

In the North, Jake suddenly felt tired. Apparently the horn blast had taken almost all of his magical energy in one shot. He then just sat there keeping warm, since he climbed the mountain before everyone else.
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Rolen looked away from the fire at Azumi’s question. He hadn’t thought about food. Between the various fights, Amra, and this news of Leo’s death, he hadn’t had time for any other thoughts. Now that he thought about it, he felt that he could eat, but decided against it.

“No, thanks, I’ll be fine for the time being... I just need some time.”

He also realized that it would be a good idea to try to fix his magical shieldings, but he didn’t feel up to it. He knew it was a good quality in a Wizard to suffer through all sorts of things to create a good spell, but he didn’t care anymore. He just wanted to rest, and talk to Amra, and to try to forget about Leo’s death for the time being.


Maira began gently checking over Sam’s wounds. She pulled out a few herbs, crushed them, and set to work applying them to the cuts. She then spread out her hands and began sending healing energy into Sam, much stronger than she had done on previous occasions in the guild. Occasionally the flow of energy became shaky, but the bruises were already beggining to dissapear and the open cuts were closing.
Annette looked at Tyler. "Nice sword, I was just watching Crimson train. Hey, what were you telling me about Tyler before?"


"I see..." Azumi looked at the fire. "You two should go get some sleep. We are leaving early tomorrow."


Samantha stood still as Maira worked on her. When she felt better, she sat up and looked at her friend. "Thank you... I'm sorry he... Grabbed you... I couldn't... Stop him."
Razan looked up to see just the person he was thinking bout greet him. He listened to her, and was slightly confused. She sounded like.....no.
On him? Why him out of all people? He thought about this for a split second, and then though,
Well, I am one of the only guys here...
He had to admit that she was pretty, its just that, Razan didn't know where to start. No girl had almost ever came up and talked to him, or even remotely complimented him on anything. And as far as he was concerned, he didn't fight at all.
"Th-Thanks...I just provided a distraction...that's all..." He said to her.
"Besides...you did a lot of the fight.....I just provide backup....kinda hard to do that when the guy your trying to fight immediately evaporates everything you do..."
Razan then realized that he didn't even introduce himself to her.
"Ah, oh yeah...My names Razan..."

Tyler looked at Annette with a confused face. He then decided to have a little fun with it teasing her.
"Annette?" Tyler said, "You see this?" he said, gesturing to the Chakram, "This is a circle. You see? Ciiiirrrrrccclllleeee." He ran his fingers along the edges of the blade. "This is not a sword."
Tyler smiled.
Rolen paused for a moment, staring into the fire, before standing up and taking her hand.


Maira nodded. She knew none of this was her friend’s fault. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned around to see Togetic holding up the knife she had dropped during the fight. After a moment’s hesitation, she took the knife and put it away.
"Hey stop it! You said something about Leo and looked worried. Is he hurt?" Annette was getting annoyed. Fifi barked angrily.


Azumi smiled at Rolan and Amra. "Take care of each other. We can talk more tomorrow." She got up, still feeling pain all over her body. "I will stay guard tonight. My mind will be restless so it will do me good."


Samantha hugged Maira. "Let's... Go to sleep."
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"Thank you, because if you hadn't, I could have been hurt much worse, or even dead," Ashley responded, blushing slightly, "Don't worry about me, but is Castform ok, I have been trying to heal him for the last bit, I can handle myself, especially when you have five siblings who vary in power from above-average to literally being the incarnation of a Greater Earth Elemental in human form."

Ashley sat down next to Razan, Kato appeared behind them, as Windchime landed in between the two, she just sat really close to him, and whispered in his ear, "My birthday's in a week."

Moose had watched the whole interaction between his sister-in-law and the weather mage, thinking "Holy Miltank, I never thought this day would come."
At that moment, a pendant on the chain of his cloak suddenly disintegrated.

In the north, Jake had met with the Pokemon, and it was time to deactivate the Horn's effect, he played the horn one more time and a huge rumble left the mountain.

At the Stormbreakers Guild building, a Mareep could be seen headbutting the door, making this sound, "Baaaa! Baaaa!" As if it was trying to get the resident's attention.
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Rolen got out his own blanket, and was about to place it a few feet away, but seeing Amra pat the ground next to her he moved a bit closer, feeling nervous and awkward. He spread out his blanket and laid down. At least they had tents, he knew it had to be a lot colder in the open air.


Maira found a patch of soft moss nearby and laid down, within arm’s reach of where Sam had laid during the treatment. She stretched and looked up into the roof of the jungle. There were faint lights moving in the distance, probably a group of Morelull shifting quarters. She couldn’t see the stars, but the sounds of the forest calmed her aand she slowly began falling asleep.
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Rolen blushed in the darkness, unsure how to react. He had been taught when he was young that sleeping next to a girl was wrong, unless you were married to that girl. However, he did find himself somehow enjoying the weight of her head on his chest. He hesitated, then put an arm around her, and sighed. He felt a vauge sense of contentment, although it was disturbed occasionally as thoughts of the battle and the news of Leo’s death flirted through his mind. It took time for him to calm his thoughts enough to drift off into sleep, but he managed it at last.
"Oh thank you! The guild leader is not here, but I will make sure she gets it." She took the letter and petted the Mareep. "There's stalls in the back of you want to rest for the night. Thank you!"
Annette closed the doors gently. She left the letter in Azumi's room and went to her own, finally going to sleep.


Azumi stood up all night, going over her head what she could've done to avoid Leo's death, remembering the past, imagining things that could've happen if she had made different decisions in her life and how to defeat Vlad. Anakin had made her company most of the night. There were other guild members from Solarflare who were talking and laughing, but Azumi paid no attention to them. She had lost a friend and the opportunity to avenge him. She was depressed for the first time in her life and she had no idea.

The sun rose, reflecting it's sun rays on the snow. Azumi sat on a log, in front of what was left of a campfire. She looked at the ashes, unaware that it was morning already.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene walked out of her tent with Michi on her shoulder. She had fallen asleep pretty early and therefore woke up early. She noticed Azumi was already awake. She saw the symbol on her cloak, which meant she was a Stormbreaker. Maybe she was the leader she needed to talk to.

"Excuse me, good morning." She bowed, causing Michi to fall on the snow. "Are you the leader of the Stormbreakers?"


Previously The Pikachan
Rene smiled as she picked up Michi and placed her on her shoulder again.

"Yes. I'm sorry to bother you. I am a survivor of the Royal Heroes. I fought alongside princess Amra and her boyfriend against the ones who killed my guild." She stopped talking, realizing she was getting out of topic. "Sorry, what I want to ask is, can I join your guild? Me and Michi need a new home and I would love the opportunity to be with princess Amra."
A boy and his Growlithe slowly limped into the camp in the mountains. Both had bad cuts and bruises, the boy’s clothes were tattered and the Growlithe’s fur was dirty. “food...” the boy weakly muttered as he stretched his hand out towards the fire before collapsing face first into the snow. The Growlithe let out a weak yowl and toppled to the ground as well.
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Azumi felt happy to see Rene so cheerful. But her expression changed quickly when she saw a boy collapse near the fire. She quickly rushed to him.
"Are you okay? What happened to you?" She checked for his heartbeat.
A few Solarflare members rushed to help him.
"He looks like he is starving. Put him on my transport, I'll take him home and feed him on the way." Azumi gave out the orders.

The Solarflare members did as they were told.

Azumi stood next to the boy while he rested on the wagon for Stormbreakers. She tried to wake him up, she had prepared bread and tea for him.
Sol slowly woke up, but once he regained consciousness he jolted up with a start. “Growlithe? Where’s Growlithe!?” He desperately asked, looking for his friend before his eyes settled on the puppy Pokémon next to him. “Oh, what a relief. You need to eat!” He gratefully took the bread and tea from Azumi, so lost in his own thoughts of concern for his Pokémon that he forgot to even acknowledge her presence. After feeding Growlithe all of the food he had been generously given, Sol clutched his stomach in pain. “Soooo hungry, but at least you’re okay.” Sol smiled and muttered to Growlithe. Being the foolish boy he was, Sol fully expected he was going to die from not eating and believed he had just sacrificed his life for Growlithe as he did passed out once more with a smile on his face, happy he was able to save his friend.
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Razan was gone from the tree. He had left as soon as Ashley had passed out, or fallen asleep. The important thing was that he had got some time to himself to think.

Several hours earlier.....
Razan quietly stood up, trying not to disturb Ashley, and then carefully walked into the woods. After he was a good distance away, he ran. Razan found himself next to small stream, and sat down by it. He sighed, and vaporized the stream water into a thick mist only surrounding his general area. He then began processing his thoughts.
Obviously she liked him, the why part was still out of question.
She was too pushy, and wanted things to happen between them a little too fast.
What he really needed to do, was to get used to her being in the guild, and warm up to her. He didn’t like the idea that she would straight if try to hit on someone.
He put his face in his hands, and stayed silent, still trying to think of anything he should do, or what to say. When around her, it seemed that he couldn’t. That’s why he went away. His Pokémon found him in the mist too eventually, and fell asleep fast. Razan was up all night, and eventually the sun rose.
Razan didn’t budge.

Tyler thought that he shouldn’t answer the question Annette had asked. It had brought tears to his eyes to read the letter, and he didn’t want to break down in front door f the rain drop. He headed to bed, first stopping at his workshop to set the Chakram down, and then back to his room. He fell asleep fast.
Morning came, and Ashley just woke up, Kato had put the tent away and left her blanket, she got up, grabbed her bag, and put the blanket in it. She noticed Razan was gone, which worried her, and sent Kato to find him. Windchime prepared to leave with Ashley.

In the next town over, Moose was talking to a castle, explaining everything that happened to Ashley since she got in the jungle.

In the North, Jake had started packing his stuff along with his Dragonite and Hypno, he was waiting for orders from the leader of Solarflare.
The man with the iron and bronze armor had helped keep watch during the night. Now that it was morning and the camp was beggining to become active again, he decided it was time to wake up the people who were still sleeping. Most of SolarFlare seemed to be up already, but he was pretty sure some of the Stormbreakers were still asleep. It made sense, too, after the battle yesterday. He got up from his position next to the fire and went to the entrances of the two Stormbreaker tents, calling in at each that it was morning and time to get up. After that he returned to his spot by the fire.

Rolen stirred as he heard the call at the entrance of the tent. He didn't remember where he was at first, but then figured out he was in a tent. The events of the day before were recalled to his mind, and then he realized that Amra was still next to him. He didn't move, because he didn't want to disturb her yet.
Amra was still laying on Rolen's chest, when he awoke. She had been awake for awhile now, but was very content staying with him until he had woken up. "Good morning Rolen. What do you say we go and get something to eat."

Sarah was up very early compared to the others she was finishing up some breakfast that she had made for everyone. She was also in a very happy mood, thanks to Rowena being there to help.

Rowena was not a morning person. She had spent most of the night with Sarah talking about what had happened after their family was killed. Rowena was glad to know that Sarah was doing so well.

Phoenix was happy to see that the pokemon had gotten their home back ti the way it was before the fire. It took all night, but the pokemon seemed to be greatful for Phoenix and the guild members who helped protect them and their home.
Razan decided that he may as well eat, and woke up his pokemon. He trudged through the forest with them, and eventually came to the campsite. He sighed looking around at the burnt forest, and made it rain it parts of it to cool it off. He smiled a bit.
He made his way over to Sarah and the Solar Flare member. “Morning.” He said blankly.
Azumi rolled her eyes as she saw the weird reaction of the boy. She looked down at the Grlowlithe. "The next one is not for you, okay?"
She took out more bread and went to prepare more tea. When she was done she went back to the boy. She heard the Solarflare leader waking people up, which meant they will soon be leaving. She set the bread and tea down next to the young man. She looked at the Grlowlithe. "Make sure he eats this, okay?"

Azumi walked over to where the King's tent would be, she wanted to give her report. But, he was gone. She walked back to the center of the camo, took some cookies from Nana's not so secret stash, and began to eat with some tea.


Samantha woke up a few feet away from Maira, she had some nightmares of her fight with the Orc and had rolled around around too much. She panicked when she didn't feel her friend close by, but was relieved when she looked around and saw her.


Annette scribbled on the window of the library, "Open", and began sweeping the dust from the front. Fifi was chasing after Pidgeys that had gather to sleep for the night on the library roof.
Wes had reluctantly woken up after being shouted at. He quickly began to pack up his tent and other equipment before remembering he had sent Aerodactyl back to the guild to check on Lycanroc. “Ugh, looks like we’re gonna have to walk.” He groaned for Joltik as he put away the last of his things.


Sol woke, thrilled to see Growlithe looking healthy and scarfed down the food in front of him. His eyes wandered until they settled onto the blonde girl who had woken him up before. Now feeling rejuvenated, Sol skipped over to her, “Thanks for saving me!” His eyes became fixed on the Stormbreaker symbol she wore, and he suddenly connected the dots as to why she looked familiar. “Ms.Azumi!” He exclaimed as bowed before her. “I was actually on my way to join your guild. Please train me!” He pleaded while looking down at his feet, for the young boy this was like meeting his celebrity crush.
“I...I wasn’t following you I swear!” The boy stammered. “I live in a village north of here... and we were attacked.... I wasn’t strong enough to protect anyone but I’m a big fan of the Stormbreakers and was on my way there to get help.” The boy was getting teary eyed as he thought his dreams of joining the guild were coming to an end. “It’s just dumb luck I found you here, I promise!”


Previously The Pikachan
Rene woke up feeling refreshed. She walked out of her tent and looked at the sunrise coming from between the mountains, she bowed her head and sent a prayer for the people she had lost and to give thanks for having found a new guild. She didn't really have anything to pack, she didn't even know who's tent it was where she slept, but she packed it up and left it there just in case.

Rene wanted to speak to Azumi, but she saw her talking to some young man an decided against it. She walked around the camp and noticed Wes. She walked over to him, with Michi on her shoulder, and waved.

"Hello! Good morning! My name is Rene, this is Michi, and I'm a new member of the Stormbreakers. Ms. Azumi allowed me to join last night." She offered him her hand with a big smile.
“Oh thank you so much! I won’t let you down!!!” Sol enthusiastically shook her hand before immediately getting to work helping pack.


Wes looked the girl up and down, trying to get a read on her. He was still in a bad mood due to the revelation about Sam so he was not as friendly as he should have been. “Hey, I’m Wes.” He muttered and shook her hand before continuing his work packing.


Previously The Pikachan
"Cool. Um, well I should also go help people. I heard people talking about how you killed someone from the Organization, I think that is really cool and I am really happy to be in the same team as someone as strong as you. I will let you be, since you look busy." Rene smiled, bowed, and then walked away.

She finally noticed Azumi was alone and decided to go talk to her. "Good morning, Leader. I was wondering if there is something I can do to help."