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Azumi finished her last cookie and was sipping tea when Rene approached her. "We are almost done. If you are ready to go, help out with the cart and wait there for the rest. We will be leaving soon."

Nana teleported on the cart, she was ready to go, but was not going to walk. Anakin places all of Azumi's belongings on the cart and began to help out the others as well.

As soon as everyone was ready, they all got together and rode to the guild house.

The first team to arrive was the northern team.

Azumi wanted to speak with Wes the entire trip, but noticed he was in a bad mood and decided not to. As they began unloading, the pain of her body didn't allowed for her to hold on to a crate and she dropped it, spilling all the items. She sighed and began picking them up.
"Everyone welcome home!" She said as she picked up some armor.

Annette ran outside. "Welcome!" She looked at Rene and Sol. "Who are you two?"
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"Baaaa!" The Mareep cried, having ran from the barn it decided to nap in last night.

In the north, Jake was checking over some of the work that the Pokemon did, along with some other Solarflare guild members.

In the south, Kato was called back as Razan returned, by Ashley as she worked on getting her stuff in one spot.
Azumi picked the things up back into the crate and continued to move it on her own. At the same time, Anakin and Nana entered the guild house, they were tired from the trip and needed to rest.

Annette wanted to get information on everyone, but seeing their faces, decided against it. Instead she ran to Tyler's room and knocked loudly. "They're back!"


Samantha's team approached the guild house, it had been a long journey and she was tired. As they approached the front, she used her wind to float herself and Maira quickly to the entrance.
"Let's make... Fruit salad." She told her friend.

------------------- meanwhile at the castle ----------

The King sat alone in the room where he had his meetings with the Grand Court. "It's too late now, but tomorrow I will host a ceremony for all of the fallen. Including you my friends." He said deeply as he looked around the empty room. "The invitations have been sent."
Ashley walked up to the woman who seemed to be the guild leader, but was interrupted by a Mareep. She looked at the Mareep and then it hit her, her father must have sent a letter to the Guild.

"Hi, I'm looking for the guild leader, I'm Ashley Silver, the girl who worked with Sarah and Phoenix's group, I was wondering if I could join the guild?" Ashley asked with confidence.
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Wes had been grumpy the entire way back to the guild, not talking to anyone. Rage burned inside him when he saw Sam walking into the guild house. He had equipped all of his armor durning the walk to prepare for this moment. He drew one of his daggers and charged his body with electricity, instantly dashing and throwing Sam against a wall with the knife pressed to her throat. "Is it true?" He muttered, trembling with anger and sadness, "Did you kill my family?" Wes was hoping she would say no so he wouldn't have to do what he had planned on doing next.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene looked around the guild house. "Wow! Look Michi this is our new home!"

Michi got on Rene´s head and smelled the air. She then let out a happy cry. "Pika Pi!"

Rene began to cry softly. "This is so beautiful, I´m going to make the Royal heroes proud by becoming the best Stormbreaker I can be!" She wiped her tears and continued to admire the guild house.
Samantha sensed Wes' approach and pushed Maira away with her wind. She gritted her teeth as Wes slammed her against the wall. She was still very weak from fighting against the Orc and it was Wes, she would never attack him.
"I... Don't know... I killed many."

Azumi watched as Wes went after Samantha. She grabbed her helmet and twin blades and rushed after him, when she got there she understood now what Vlad had told him.
"Wes! Samantha was not aware of her actions back then, if she did or not, it wasn't her fault. Please, let's talk about this."
Tyler practically sprang up with joy, and rushed out of his room, apologizing to Annette on the way for the surprise. He came out, and saw that......
A fight? Yeesh. They just got home. He walked behind them, and patted Azumis helmet as he passed. “Missed you.” He quickly said, and then continued to other parts of the guild. Tyler saw Jerry.
Both of them ran towards each other, and then chest bumped, and did a little handshake.

Razan was worn out from the trip. He sighed as he made his way into the guild and then realized that he could have just ride on Flygon. He was thinking about other things though. Razan trudged his way through the people, quickly scaled the stairs, and made his way to his room, where he slowly opened the door. He set his things down, and sat on his bed. There was a scroll on his desk.
“Stay back!” He scowled at Azumi before turning back to Sam, drawing his of knife with his free hand an pressing it into her stomach. “A small village about five days northeast of here by foot. There was a horsea fountain in the middle. There would’ve been a small house in the southern corner that had three kids, two girls and a boy. They also had a pet Rockruff and a Houndoom. Did you kill them?” His eyes were tearing up as he remembered his lost family.
"Wes! Don't do this! You're not like this!" Azumi cried out.

Samantha felt the knife in her stomach. She thought silently. "I don't know." She replied softly.

"Samantha! Don't say anything! There's no need for this!" Azumi called out to both of them.

Samantha's eyes glowed red. "I do. Samantha killed them, I fed on their souls." The demon inside Samantha replied.
Wes dropped the knife from her throat, looking down and overflowing with both rage and sadness. “Why? They weren’t rich, they weren’t threats, they were just nice people. And you killed them.” He whispered while trembling and sheathing his knives. “Azumi, I’m sorry. But I can’t just forget this. You don’t get to decide if the victims of her crime forgive her.” He drew Windslasher and sliced diagonally through Sam’s torso, just as he had done to Crossblade.
"NO!" Azumi cried out as she rushed and kicked Wes with all her might. "You have no right! You don't get to pass judgement on people!" She drew her swords, she was angry. Everything that had been happening until now was exploding through her in blinding rage against Wes. "She didn't even defend herself! Stand up and face someone who isn't afraid to hurt you!"

Samantha laid on the ground bleeding, tears going down her face.
Wes smirked as he picked himself off of the ground. “Really? I don’t get to pass judgement on people? Not even when they murder my family? You’re angry at me for hurting someone who didn’t fight back, but how many defenseless people did she kill?” Aegislash came off of his back and was prepared to fight as Wes went straight to engaging his six blade style. “I warn you Azumi, I’m not stopping until she or I dies. If you’re willing to kill me to save a mass murderer that’s your decision.” Wes bolted towards Sam, his four knives and Aegislash were flying beside him, ready to intercept any attack from Azumi.
Tyler’s eyes suddenly turned red. “No thus can’t be! Another demon here? There is fear...she’s in danger!” The demon then sprinted with superhuman speed into the hallway where they were fighting. He immediately assessed the situation, and began the rescue. He ran towards Wes from behind, jumped up, and used Angeislash as a platform to run on. He jumped of the Pokémon and scooped up Sam without missing a beat, and continued down the hallway. This hallway was a dead end, so before he made impact, he turned his back to the wooden wall, and smashed through it. He fell backwards, making sure that she fell on top of him, and hit the ground. The demon gritted his teeth in pain, but then rolled around to stand up. Once up, he created two Katars out of his own energy and stood in front of Sams demon. “Don’t worry, I won’t let him near you.” The demon said reassuringly.
Sarah had just gotten back from town as she had gotten a few things. Seeing how Tyler came crashing out of the guild, she rusher inside to see what had happened. Feeling something amiss, the being took over. She rushed to were Azumi and Sam was. Knelling down, Sarah drew a symbal into the palm of her hand.

In an ancient language, Sarah performed a spell that would trap the deamon in the spiritual plane. The being then held their hands over Sam and others could see them begin to glow. If someone were to look at Sam, her wounds would appear to be healing slowly.

Phoenix took the time to try and figure out what happened to the bath bombs that made him turn himself purple. Shrugging he went on his way. He needed to sort out the shop where his inventions were.
"Killing her doesn't make you any different! You would just be another murder!"
Azumi rushed ahead at Wes with confidence. Anakin appeared in front of her and smash Aegislash with bone rush, while Azumi went up to Wes, ignoring the many possibilities of being injured and went for his chest, with the intention of hitting him with the sword handle, not wanting to hurt him.

Samantha passed out because of the blood loss, unaware of what her friends were doing for her.
Wes knew Azumi wouldn’t go in for the kill. He took the hit to the chest with minimal damage thanks to his armor, then quickly grabbed her wrist, sending shockwaves through her body and stunning her. While maintaining his grip Wes manipulated the four floating daggers so they were all pointed at her head, the slightest movement would kill her. “I can’t believe you would say I’m the same. I was praised for killing Crossblade, Sam is no better than him.”
Azumi glared at Wes. "Sam was not in control of her actions back then. She has to live the rest of her life knowing she killed many innocent people against her will. She suffers nightmares and is afraid to get close to people because of that. Even now she thought about your life before her own. If you're going to kill her, you will have to kill me first."
Nana appeared behind Wes and knocked his Joltik off with her Psyshock. Taking advantage of the situation, Azumi tackled Wes down, sat on his stomach and held his arms down with her hands.
"Now I'm begging you, stop this now."
Now that Razan noticed, there were two scrolls side by side. He read the first one...

To Razan of the guild Stormbreakers,
"So from What I have heard, it seems like Ashley has taken an interest in you, one thing, don't hurt her, or there may or may not be an enraged, partial Earth Elemental 19 year old girl at your guild, she'd do this from her own free will, besides, you seem like a good person, from what Moose said, otherwise, it's going to be an interesting time for you."
His Lordship,
Darryl Silver.

Razan sighed. He continued on to the next one.

Dear Razan,
I know that you may not be that fond of me at all, but that is okay. I have written this letter before I was sent to counter the Stormbreaker team at the mountains. I know that I will die. That’s why I am writing this, and not telling you in person. There is more to your story than meets the eye. From where you were taken. Your village. You need to know the truth, and I cannot bear no one telling you for much longer. I cannot risk the information spilling out from somewhere else, so I wrote this. I am sorry for all that I have done to you, and I am grateful that you made it out. Please take my advise.
A deceased member,

Razan sat there for a long time, not moving. He knew that he shouldn’t, that it was the possibility of a trap, but his curiosity for whatever CrossBlade was talking about ringed in his head. He rolled up CrossBlades scroll, and headed out to the kitchen, and got himself some water, and sat in a chair....
Thinking of what he should do......
“That was a mistake, you don’t hurt the family baby.” Wes nodded towards the hurt Joltik before sliding away from Azumi moments before an enraged Aerodactyl launched a hyper beam directly at her and Nana. Wes got up and brushed himself off, “Whatever, if Sam’s that important to you, fine. I don’t wanna work for a guild that protects murderers.” He took off the armor and boots Azumi and given him and threw them on the ground. Then he dropped the sheath holding the knives he got from Amra. In a final act of disrespect Wes took of his stormbreaker armband and stabbed it into the ground with Windslasher, leaving both. “We’re done here.” He muttered as Aerodactyl picked up Joltik and followed Wes as he walked away.
Amra could not stand by watching what Wes and Azumi were doing to one another. She had just gotten back in from saying goodbye to Rolen, who was going with Maria to heal his mother. She was pissed to find out that her gift wad thrown on the ground, and even more pissed that he would do something like slash Sam. Picking up the dagger, she twirled it in her hand and sent it flying. Hitting him with the handle to get his attention. The dagger clamored to the ground. Running up to Wes she pusher up against the wall. She had her arm across is shouldere to keep him in place as she spoke. "Listen to what you are saying. You could have killed someone that had no control over anything. What about your old rogue guild. When they took you and forced you into working for them. That is the same thing that happened to Sam. Yeah she may have went in thinking she was doing the right thing, but you know what? They tricked her, then bound her to their evil group. Something she had no say in. Did you not hear what she said they did to her. They basically took her free will away. At least she was able to get out of there alive only to be betrayed by someone she thought she could trust." With that last sentence Amra punched Wes in the face.

"You know sometimes the best way to get revenge is proving to be better then they are. Because if you stoop to their level you are not really fighting anything." Amra spoke in a calmer tone after the punch. She knew that Wes had a good heart, but he was misguided. "Wouldn't you rather take out the son ot a bitch who made her do all of that shit to inocent people. Place the blame where it lies, not where you want it to go." With that she let go of Wes. She did not want to hear what he had to say. She was done. Amra had grown to like the guy, but after this, all of the respect she had for him was gone.

"Wes slashed you acrose your chest. I bound the demon to be able to heal you. That one will not be able to possess you for awhile." The being spoke through Sarah. It was still holding it's glowing hands over Sam's wound. It would take a little bit, but it would heal.
The demon within Tyler disappeared, leaving Tyler confused. He looked at his surroundings and at Sam. “What the....” He said, “what did I do?”
He turned his attention to Sam. “Oh my god! Sam! Are you okay?! I need to get-Uh-I need to....” he breathed in and out, trying not to panic since he didn’t know w what was goin on at all. “Are...are you okay?” He asked her.
“What do you know? You’re a princess who’s biggest problem was her family loved her too much to let her leave. My family was killed by Sam. And yeah, I’ve killed people, but that was me getting my hands dirty so I could help the good people of this country who aren’t as privileged as you. I don’t give a damn about her misguided motives, I only care about the crime. And the fact that you think you have a say in this just shows what an ignorant and self entitled brat you are.” Wes had no intention of sparing her feelings as he criticized her in a harsh voice.

Switching to a calmer yet more sinister voice, Wes continued his speech. “You can consider my act of forgiveness not killing you for punching me. Stay in you’re league and out of other people’s business you self righteous bitch. You don’t mean anything to me, none of you do anymore.” Wes glared at Azumi as he spoke the last sentence. He began to walk passed Azumi as he headed towards Aerodactyl, picking up his Pokémon on the way. “You’re right, it wouldn’t have brought them back, but it would’ve made them even. You chose Sam so I’ll respect that, but that means I’m not coming back.” He whispered for only Azumi to hear before he jumped on Aerodactyl’s back and the two took off above the clouds.
Sol had found what appeared to be a vacant raindrop dorm, little did he know it was the scarcely used room of Wes Toru. As he settled in with Growlithe and unpacked his things Sol noticed what appeared to be a sword in a fine silk sheath in the closet. There was a note attached to it. “For Azumi, thanks for the training. This is probably the most valuable treasure I’ve acquired. I “found” this awhile ago in a dungeon, but I think it’s a little above my skill level.” Sol couldn’t help his curiosity and drew the sword. His eyes sparkled as he took in the glory of the blade. The handle had a solid gold pommel and guard, with a silver ribbon wrapping in between. The guard had a perfectly oval opal embedded into both sides, but the blade was the most spectacular part. It seemed to be primarily clear, giving off a slight light blue tint, and creating dazzling rainbow prisms within. On the base of the golden pommel there was a small inscription. “Prism, the diamond sword. May there always be beauty and light.” Sol gasped in awe as he quickly put it back in the blue silk sheath and ran it out to Azumi, handing her the sword and the note. “I found this in my new room! I think it belongs to you!” He exclaimed, excited to see her reaction.
Amra was mad, but she held it in. She had said her peace. If he did not accept that then they were better off without him. Going up to Azumi, Amra hugged her. "Listen, is he can not listen to reason now then he needs to think on it. We are better off without someone like him. Yeah he has his good qualities, but right now he needs to sort through some things. Sarah is outside with Sam now."

"I am sorry I can not do that. I can feel that he has left the guild. Besides I am still working. You lost a lot of blood and it will be longer for before you can move. Please let me save you." The being was still working on healing the girl.
Azumi wiped her tears and spoke to Amra. "He belongs here. I know it. I think, I developed feelings for him. I'm not sure, I just have this need to spend time with him and now I feel alone without him." She shook her head. "This isn't like me at all."
She turned around when Sol arrived. She looked at the sword, took it out and admired its beauty. "This sword is beautiful, where did you get such a thing?" She read the note. "Oh... Thank you Sol."

Samantha grabbed Sarah's sleeve. "Let me die... Tell Wes it's okay... I want to pay for... What I did."
"He's my brother, Jake, he is apparently, last I heard, Hornblower for the guild that helped us." Ashley explained, "You see, I am the youngest of six kids, and my father is a mid rank officer, I have a feeling that he sent a letter to the guild."

Her eyes narrowed and then she blushed, realizing that if he sent a letter, that means he knows about her growing Interest in the weather mage in the guild, which means both oldest brother and Moose know about it.

She yelled at no one in particular, "MOOOOOOOOSSEEE!"

In the last town in the south of Kelan, a large man on an Armored Stantler feared for his life.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene still looked confused. "Okay! I do not really understand what is going on, but I believe you! I should go to sleep now. It was a real pleasure to meet you, maybe we can have breakfast tomorrow." She smiled and petted the Mareep.

Rene walked away and went to her room, where she fell asleep quickly, since they had traveled all day long.
"I know just give him time. He might come aroune eventualy. Though I will have a few choice words for his stupid ass. He has really made me mad at what he had said. He does not know me. Yeah I grew close to him, but a friend would not have said what he did. Now come on you need some sweets and just a girls night." With that Amra took Azumi's elbow and led her to the kitchen. She got out a bunch of snacks and turned to Azumi. "We are going to have a night just for us girls. Come on lets go eat something sinful."

"Not going to happen. Besides it was wrong for him to have blamed you for the demon's actions. Trust me that demon will pay. We will find a way to seperate you do not worry." The being still healed Sam, and made a lot of progress at it. The slash was almost gone, and the blood had stopped flowing out.