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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft!

Rolen was knocked back by Michi, and a good thing too. If he had hit Wrecker with his staff while the girl was shocking him... he didn't want to think what might've happened. He was relieved to see that Amra was doing all right, having been broken out of the ice Fluff. He wasnted to help her deal with the water user, but he couldn't do any more to the water user than he could to Wrecker. And speaking of Wrecker, they were still fighting him, and he needed to keep focused.... while he was stumbling backwards and was off balance, Rolen made another flash of light, though it was much weaker than the previous flash and would probably not do much, but Rolen hoped it would be enough to keep the man off-balance.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene noticed Rolan using flash to keep Wrecker blinded. This gave her an idea.
"Michi! Help the mage with those flashes!" She told her electric companion. "You! Mage! Use Michi's flash to amplify yours! If you can distract him for two minutes, I can finish the spell I began before and finish him off!"

Michi nodded. "Pi-ka!" She ran over to Rolan's side and waited for instructions.

Rene began moving her arms and hand in big circular motions, the electricity in the air became to follow her finger tips, getting stronger every second.
"Kato, protect the girl and Windchime!" Ashley yelled out to her only active Pokemon at the moment.

Kato nodded, meaning he understood. He started throwing water Shurikens in random directions.

Ashley started humming a song, and all of a sudden, an Excadrill appeared, and started digging holes in the ground, randomly around Ashley. When it was done, it left.

"Thanks." Ashley whispered, "Good thing Master's Excadrill recognized me."

She jumped in one of the holes, and popped out in another to see an army of Pokemon forming, all looking pissed. Ashley then hummed the first song, encasing her rapier in wind, as she went to strike Diablo.

In the north, a Hypno appeared.
"So I was right. You do know about him then. Well how about this. You tell me what you know and I will give you antidote." Sarah was still a few feet away, but she had one eyebrow raised.

"We have time you know. That poison will slowly kill you. It will cause unimaginable pain for whoever cam in contact with it. Trust me I know. Best part of it all. It is virtually untraceable. Well unless you know what was used. I say you have about 30 miniutes before you are completely dead. In about five your organs will slowly start to cease working. Oh and I would say if the being comes back before I give you the antidote, lets just say you will not be needing it where it takes you."

Amra knew she needed to change directions if they were to win this fight. It will take a lot to do it. Starting with that damn Tyranitar. Amra gave a subtle nod to Fluff. Noding back, Fluff took off. She was small but fast. When she got five feet away from the pseudo dragon, she used her powerfull ears to launch herself forward. In the air she landed on the side of the tree that the Tyranitar was hiding and sent a jump kick to it making sure to aim high.

Meanwhile Amra was busy dealing with this ice and water user. She really needed to take this guy out, but how? Taking one of the arrows out of the quiver, she placed it on her bow string. On the tip of the arrow was a smqll device. Phoenix had made it for her seeing as she needed a new toy. Sending the arrow flying, it impaxted the shield and exploded. Sending ice shards everywhere, Amra would not let up and kept them coming. She would keep this guy focused on her.

The pokemon saw that the fire was not working and started sending their attacks at the mage. The types ranged from normal to fairy to water and many more. They made sure to keep the rain dance going.

Phoenix was not happy that his device did not work like it should have. Well time for plan B. Pulling out the magical water device that he used last time, he threw it up in the air causing it explode in a rain of water over everything. The water was able to extinguish some of the fire. He was able to improve this from last time. He was able to fix the friend and foe tracer to work right. It will only target hostile persons. It would not effect pokemon. He did not want to harm a pokemon because of what their friend made them do.
Razan was thrown back into a tree, and weakly stood up. “Damn, she’s stronger in this state..” he said to himself.

Tyler nodded. “Technically Incant accept you into the guild, but you are welcome to stay.” He said. He examined the Chakram, and saw that there was a minor chip in it.
“I’m gonna be working, you two do whatever you want.”
He walked up to his workshop, and continued trying to prefect his Chakrams.
Ariel was annoyed by the explosions, but he kept using his water and ice as shields. "You are... really making me mad!" He called out. "I am ending this!" A big vortex of snow appeared around Amra, the vortex slowly began to fill with cold water, while the snow spun fast and kept the rouge princess from getting out.

The Tyranitar took the hit, barley receiving any damage and replied with Assurance.


Diablo took the hits that were sent at him, vapor began to spread across the jungle, creating a thick fog. The fires that Diablo had began began to disappear. The giant fire figure returned to his normal human form. Diablo stood there, in the middle of the fog without moving, just looking ahead of him.

Samantha flew in circles above the Orc, hitting him with her wind slashes. The Orc feel to one knee, the cuts he had received all over his body were beginning to get to him. Samantha raised her hand, creating a tornado above her. Everything around her was getting sucked into the tornado, but she did not care, she wanted the Orc, but he was too heavy.


Akali crossed her arms. "Then I die. A ninja takes death with honor." She showed no intention of attacking or trying to find a cure for herself. "Besides, I can be easily replaced, the information I contain, cannot. You win the fight Red Rose, congratulations."


Annette looked at Crimson. "Sorry about that, he gets really into work, say, why don´t I show you around?" She smiled as she waited for his answer.


Azumi looked at the war that could be seen far in the distance. "If you are going to kill me, do it."

Vlad continued to pass his fingers through her hair. "I will, but first I want to make you suffer for all the times you and your guild got in my way. I wonder how long it will take for Crossblade to kill your pupil."

Azumi smiled. "There is no way he will lose to such a poor sword user."
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Blood trickled down Wes’s head as he was slammed back from the impact of the shield, breaking multiple trees as launched through them with great force. “Ugh, sorry I forgot about the electricity.” He joked to Joltik, trying to stay positive. He tied a piece of cloth around his head to stop the bleeding and slowly stood up, holding a sword in each hand. He looked at his right arm that had also suffered some injuries, panic overtook him when he saw the Stormbreakers scarf Azumi had given him. Wes had been so caught up in his battle he had forgotten that she was taken prisoner on the mountain. “We gotta finish this quick buddy, do it. Six Sword Style.” The tiny spider chirped in agreement and then let out a comically high pitched battle cry as he completely unloaded the spirits energy into Wes. Electric tendrils attach to the ends of her curved daggers and the elven long knives Amra had given him, all four now floating in the air above him being controlled from a point on the center of his back.

So you’ve finally decided to fully utilize me, let’s do this weakling. The spirit spoke to Wes in his head. Wes charged at Crossblade, covering the distance he had been launched back in mere instants. The spirit controlled the 4 daggers, ready to attack and defend when necessary, Joltik launched pin missiles and electric webs, not allowing the Aegislash wielded any break from the onslaught of attacks. Wes charged the man, utilizing all six blades to attack wherever there was an opening.
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"Well follow me!" Annette said as she guided Crimson through the guild house. She showed him the Kitchen, dinner, guild meeting room, guild hall, library and the backyard. When they arrived to the raindrops dormitories she stopped.
"Here is where you will be staying. We call the newbies raindrops and when you are more experienced you will go to the Stormbreakers dormitories upstairs. Meanwhile choose a room from here." She pointed at the right side, which was for males.
Rolen saw that Wrecker was off balance, but he didn't have a way to press his advantage. However, the girl commanded her Pokemon to help him, so just maybe...

"Hey, do you have any good physical attacks? We need to take him out while he's still off bala-"

He stopped as he saw Amra trapped in another Vortex, which seemed to be filling with cold water. He didn't know what he could possibly do to help, but he knew he had to. He knew that cold water could be deadly. He began frantically trying to pull together something, anything, he could do to help, but there was no time. All he could do was watch helplessly.
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Ashley stood ready to fight Diablo, at that moment, Windchime woke up, and flew to Ashley.

"CHIME!" Windchime cried.

"Windchime!" Ashley exclaimed, then yelled out to Kato, "Keep protecting the girl!"

Kato understood the command and Contino firing Water Shurikens at Diablo.

Ashley started meditating, humming a song until she suddenly opened her eyes, much calmer than before and now having a small gust around her.

"CHIME!" Windchime cried, "CHIME!"

"I'm going to be ok, I'm in a weaker version of my Healing Wind." Ashley explained to her Pokemon.

She then looked for an opening to strike Diablo, when she found it, she started moving at a slightly faster than normal speed, aiming for his legs.
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Amra knew she would not be able to get herself out of this trap. She hated that feeling. Really what can she do. It is not like she had something that would make the fire go away. Looking towards where Rolen was, Amra smiled at him. She had done it to show that she woulr be ok. If she died at this moment, then she would have died happy that he shared his heart with her. As long as he lived, she could stop living and go in peace.

Fluff was not able to dodge the dark move, but that would not stop her. She needed to take this thing down, but how. She was thinking about what to do as she hopped around to avoid another hit. Being a small but fast pokemon had aome advantages to it.

"Well is that is your wish I will let you pass. Though I must say that you were a worthy opponent. You Actually have not really done anything to me, but you have done so to countless others. Why? Why would you hurt so many? What is there gain? I just really would like to know what it is like for you." Sarah had to admit that if she could she would free the members. Maybe by doing that whoever was in charge would not be able to control them. Sam was freed, but that took three mages, and two were there for magical support. The girl seemed almost at peace with the dying.

Phoenix know now was the time to make sure the guy was not able to move again. Walking over to the fire mage, Phoenix wrenched the guys hands behind his back, and cuffed him. He had some of the water pokemon spray him everythime he looked to be getting a second wind. He did not want any surprises out of the guy.
CrossBlade grinned as Wes neared. Angeslash didn’t dodge the electroweb.
CrossBlade ran into it on purpose. “You think you can stop me by yourself?! Weak! You can’t win a fight without someone behind you!” He laughed heartily for a while.
This was his chance. This was the moment he was the most unprepared.
Just when Wes was right in front of him, about to strike, Haxorus jumped in the way, his armor absorbing multiple blows, and taking in some others. Angeislash fenced with some of them.
He kicked Wes in the chest, not hard, but enough to push him away.
“You know what? Let’s do the a different way, yes? How about this, we call of our Pokémon, throw down our swords, and settle this the old fashion way.” He said grinning. “Unless...you think you can’t do it by yourself that is...” He added, mocking him.

Tyler hammered away at his Chakram he was making. He stopped to the sound of chains. Chains, metal chain. He knew that sound, they were, breaking? Chains breaking, that’s what he heard.
A feeling came over Tyler, an uneasy feeling. A terrible feeling. He still didn’t know what was going on.
“Keh heh heh...the foolish man thought he could keep me locked up! A fool he was not to have killed me!”
Tyler’s eyes grew wide. He knew that voice. It was Skyler. Skyler was breaking free. Leo must have done the magic to bind him away. He died.....that means the magic weakened.
Tyler held his head as another chain snapped.
“I told them. I warned them! I warned them that this day would come!”
He fell to his knees and silently begged the demon to go away. The flames spread to his arms. Another chain was gone.
“And now with a body, I can accomplish more than I ever dreamed of! Humanity shall fear me!”
The last one broke.
“You can’t keep me out! Your mind is weak! You cannot defy me!”
Tyler’s flames spread all over his body, and seem to consume him. All of him was on fire. It slowly turned dark purple. Wind whipped around him like a hurricane, and through the purple flames, the red eyes gleamed.
Then everything stopped. Tyler fell to the ground unconscious. The demon had found its host.

Razan looked around. He wasn’t contributing at all. He felt useless, but he most he could do was to try to take on Diablo. Razan now knew that it would take a lot more than water to stop him, so while the new girl went for the legs, Razan distracted him by going for his head with his dagger.
“You’re right, I don’t think I could. I can’t win a fight without someone behind me, but I’m okay with that. Joltik is always there for me so I don’t have to fight alone. That’s why I’m gonna win this, I’m fighting with a team to save my friends. You’re just fighting for yourself. You’re a waste of power and that pisses me off.” Wes spoke between breaths as he wiped blood off of his face. “Let’s end this.” He stated in a stern voice. Though it appeared he was talking to Crossblade, he was actually speaking to Joltik and the spirit, mustering his strength for one last attack.

His eyes glowed white and the lightning beneath his skin began to crack away at the surface, once again Wes was intentionally over exerting his body to obtain more power, just like the last time the two fought. Unknown to Wes, the reason this surge of power was so great was because his strong desire to win and his finally pure motives had activated the gem in the sword Azumi gave him. He held Stormbringer to the sky as a lightning bolt crashed into it, then redirected the attack at Haxorus to stun the dragon. From his calculations that would buy him three seconds max that’s more than enough time he thought to himself. With a thunderous boom he appeared in front of Crossblade, swinging his rapier to push away the shield while the four daggers worked to block the sword. Wes rotated his body to bring Stormbringer down in a diagonal slash, aiming for Crossblade’s neck.
CrossBlade just stood there as Wes came down. “There is something g you should know...” he said to Wes. “No one lives against me without one of these.”
He pulled out two swords from his sheaths, and with the last of his strength, sliced at his right arm, and created a scar of an X on it.
He didn’t stop Wes’s blade.

Memories flashed through his head in his final moments. All the people he gave the scars to. Himself. Razan. Wes. This wasn’t a symbol of the Organization. It was a symbol of those who had surpassed him. Or escaped. He thought of Tyler and his brother. He thought of why he had joined the Organization. He thought it was a way to avenge him. He had already screwed up once with Tyler, and he would do it again. He did. Once you were in there was no way out. Razan proved him wrong. He got out early, CrossBlade had been a while longer.
He thought of the countless people he killed. Their deaths were all for nothing. All for these stones.
CrossBlade had refused them. He knew that it was wrong. It was the only thing he could do to protect himself of becoming a monster. None of that mattered now. At least he had been beaten. Finally he could stop....
“Ahhh!” Wes screamed as the blades dug into the arm that was holding his rapier, but he continued his attack with his preferred left hand and Stormbringer, finishing the slash to take the man’s life. After it was over, Wes just stood there in awe. The power trickled away from him and the daggers clattered to the ground. He winced in pain again as he looked over where is right arm met the shoulder, the place he would forever bear the mark of Crossblade. He didn’t cover it up, in fact he respected what it stood for. The man could’ve finished him off with his final slash, resulting in both of their deaths, but instead he left a scar to continue his own legacy. Wes figures the man cared about living on, in fact, the cut to give him the markings threw Wes’s slash off track, no longer decapitating the man but leaving a fatal slash diagonally across his torso. Wes picked up the man’s final two swords and stabbed them into the ground, creating an X above where he laid. “You were a great fighter in a bad situation. I’m glad I was able to battle you.” He muttered in a solemn tone while bowing his head to pay his respects.

He turned to the Pokémon and spoke in a stern voice. “You’re friend was a strong man. We had our differences but I respect him. You’re both free to do whatever you like, if either of you would like to travel with me I’d be honored. Otherwise I can take you back to Tyler if you would like. The choice is yours.” On that note he turned away, knowing he didn’t have time to waste resting. Wes activated the electricity in his feet and began to dash up the mountain towards Azumi, making sure the Pokémon knew they were free to follow. As much as it pained him to abandon the others, he knew this was no time to play hero and try to help them, if they lost Azumi they were all hopeless.
CrossBlade was confused. Wes could have ended it by beheading him. Instead he had cut him across. At least there was some time for last words. CrossBlade only knew one kind of magic, and it would take up the last of his strength. The magic to send the message directly to the person of choice. This time, Wes. He quickly prepared the spell and began. He coughed up blood, and then spoke weakly. “Heh...you aren’t bad yourself kid....” he said slowly, wheezing as he drew air in and out. He grinned to the sky because he could grin in the direction at Wes. “Just....do me one....favor....” he started slowly. “Watch....watch Tyler....don’t let....him die.......”
He wheezes again, and coughed again, tears coming to his eyes. This time he directed it to his Pokémon.
“Follow him....okay? He...will take....good....care of you...”
CrossBlade was at his end, the pain and the memories rushed through his mind. The tears openly came. CrossBlade drew his last breath. “Do me proud...Wes....”

The light disappeared from CrossBlades eyes. Angeislash looked down at his fallen trainer, and sunk its blade into the ground. He would do what he had commanded. Follow Wes....
Wes was shocked to hear the voice of Crossblade as he prepared to leave. I guess he just a fighting will he thought to himself, impressed the man was alive. “Don’t worry, I will.” He spoke sternly, allowing the man to pass with dignity. Wes moved the sheath of Stormbringer to his waist, now having the longsword hanging on one side with the rapier and both elven daggers on the other. He called out to Aegislash, emphasizing the now open space on his back. The sword and shield pokemon floated over, sheathing itself and tying both of its sash arms around Wes like a scarf. Wes how light the ghost Pokémon was and dashed up the mountain, with his new gold sword and shield attached to his back.

A bit later he arrived at the top of the mountain, horrified to see Azumi on her knees with her hair being stroked by a strange powerful looking guy. Wes gulped and mustered his courage, he assumed this had to be the leader and there was a good chance neither him or Azumi made it out alive. “Let her go you creep.” Wes ordered, not hesitating to fully charge his body once more, again activating six sword style. He dashed at the man as fast as he could with Aegislash following close behind.
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In the north, a young man who stood about 6'3" was on the other side of the mountain, when he pulled out a horn, carved with various type symbols and a purple gem in the center, a Dragonite was behind him, he had silver hair and baby blue eyes.

He then tooted his own horn. A huge rumble came from all directions.

In the south, Windchime felt a chill along with Kato, who was currently with Maira.
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Annette looked around nervously. "Um it's nothing really! We always welcome new people. If you need anything let me know, okay?"


Wrecker noticed his disadvantage and jumped backwards, he was starting to hate Rolan. "Just one opening, and you're mine!" He yelled at him.

Ariel watched his vortex began to drown Amra. But, that's when it happened. A giant arm made of stones emerged from the ground, went through the vortex and pulled Amra out. It gently laid her down next to Rolan.

"What?!" Ariel said as he landed on the ground and his vortex disappeared. "Who did that?!"

"First my Grand Court... Then my precious guilds... I cannot allow you to do any more harm." A big thick voice was heard. He stepped through the woods, with his golden armor, shield and crown. The King of Kelan stood next to the Stormbreakers. "You, mage." He looked down at Rolan with his mighty eyes. "Take the Elven princess to safety. You, electric mage." He looked at Rene. "You continue that spell." The King turned his gaze to Wrecker and Ariel. "You two, your days of hurting people are over."

A loud horn was heard through the mointains as the Solar Flare guild arrived on the scene.


Diablo took the attacks, but his body remained there. Suddenly he began to twitch. Thick vines began to come out of his mouth and ears. They also emerged from the ground around him and began to wrap him up.

"You would think that he could burn himself out, but he doesn't seem to even be fighting it." A young woman spoke as she approached the group. She was tall, with green hair, pale skin, wearing an elegant dress and a crown. She looked around at the group. "You Kelians are so rude, bow down to the Queen of Creel."

Akali looked at Sarah. "Sorry Red Rose. We can talk next time." She threw a smoke bomb and disappeared.


The Orc grabbed Samantha by the ankle and smashed her against the floor multiple times. When he was going for another one, the scythe came flying and slashed his hand. The Orc screamed and let go of Samantha, who slashed the orc multiple times with her wind, until he fell to the floor unconscious.


Vlad heard the horn. He looked around. "They figured it out. The Kings are on the move. No matter, I have what I need. I'm sorry Azumi, this is where you die."

Azumi's body got heavier and she was pressed against the ground by an invisible force, she cried in pain as the pressure increased. Then Wes dashed in, but fell to the same fate. Vlad smashed him down before he could get close enough to hurt him.

"Wes... Is it?" He walked over to the warrior. "You defeated Crossblade? That imbecile. No matter, you earned a gift for your victory. You and Azumi will live and one more thing..." He smiled. "Samantha was the one who destroyed your village." He eased the gravity, not crushing them anymore. "I hope we meet again." He disappeared.

Azumi felt her body back to normal, but the pain remained. She slowly got up. "Wes, are you okay?" She struggled to her feet. "What did he te you?
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Various wild Pokemon responded to the horn, from the smallest Ratatta to the largest Wailord, and started to converge on the mountain, plenty of Pokemon had responded, seems to be about 50,000 from what he saw. The horn was blown again, causing the Pokemon to go and help the Stormbreakers, from what he heard.

Ashley was totally shocked that the Queen of Creel had arrived, and Ashley's Greninja ran over to Ashley's side, noticing the exact person.

"H-h-hi!" Ashley stuttered.
Ashley was standing there shocked when a large man riding an Armored Stantler galloped through to the mess, with a Volcarona behind him, flying.

"Sir Moose Schubert has arrived!" The man, now known as Moose, yelled.

"Moose!" Ashley exclaimed, "is Ariana ok?"

"Yes she is," Moose responded, "What happened to you, Kato and Windchime?"

"We got attacked just as I ran into this group, I'm okay, and Windchime learned a new move, now Windchime, HEAL BELL ON ALL ALLIES IN THE AREA!"

Suddenly bells tolled, sounded like hundreds of them.

"Alright, I'm going to make sure no one else unfriendly shows up." Moose told Ashley and the Queen
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Rolen half sobbed with relief as Amra was rescued. He hugged her, wondering what he should do next until he heard the king’s command. He wasn’t exactly sure where safety would be, but away from the fighting sounded like a good idea. He was surprised to feel an armored hand placed on his shoulder.

“You two, get to cover. We’ll take it from here.”

A man in bronze and iron armor stood behind him, a sword in one hand and a shield strapped to the other. Standing next to him was an armored, bipedal reptilian Pokemon. The man gestured for Rolen and Amra to go down the mountain, and then charged forward towards Wrecker, his Pokémon following. They each went to one side so he had an opponent in either direction. Both of them were ready to strike at the first opening.
“Nothing.” Wes grumbled sternly as the power drained away from his body. He slowly stood up to face Azumi, frustrated that he had been completely at the man’s mercy. Wes couldn’t figure out if the man was simply toying with his feelings or if Sam actually was the one responsible. The more he thought about it the more it made sense. The ruins of his village had looked like a tornado destroyed everything. If it was Sam, Wes was going to have to kill her, something he couldn’t let her know. He switched to a lighter tone in an attempt to seem more normal. “I’m alright, Crossblade is dead. What about you? Anyways let’s start heading back, we both need healing.” He asked in a concerned voice before he put her arm around his shoulders to offer support and began walking down the mountain. Aegislash had returned to his back and was using some of his own levitation to keep Wes standing.
"Alright, Ice types, Rock types and Ground Types, restore the mountain, Dragons, help with protecting the injured, Steel types, normal types, and Fighting types, help with the restoration, and Pokemon that know healing moves, start healing the injured, Psychic Types, start moving the heaviest of objects out of the way, the rest of you, patrol the area and make sure no more hostiles appear!" The man ordered.

In the south, the bells died down, and from what Ashley could tell, anyone who had burns or other complications should be restored.

"Anyone who had burns or other status conditions, should be restored of them, but there may be stress on those areas!" Ashley shouted.

She suddenly collapsed due to exhaustion, still awake.
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Amra coughed up a lot of water. She had just stopped when she was hugged by Rolen. Feeling his arms around her, made her feel safe. Like she belonged. That she was not just a princess, she was more then that to him. Looking up into his eyes, she brought a shaky hand up to his cheek. "Thank you Rolen for caring about me. They are right we need to let them take care of this. Do you think you can help me walk?"

Fluff walked up and had her hands on Rolen. She wanted to make sure that Amra would be alright. She was also checking on the mage. She had grown fond of him since she and Amra got back to the guild.

Sarah was not surprised that the girl left. She would not expect less from someone like sure. She would also be seeing a lot more of the girl later on. She knew it, blending into the shadows, she arrived back to where Diablo was. She found him dead with vines growing out of him. Looking around she noticed the source had to be the Queen.

Walking over Sarah gave a respectful bow. "It is an honor your majesty. Thank you for the help you have given us in our time of need. Is there anything you need from us?"

Phoenix was not phased by the appearence of the queen. He also gave a respectful bow. Though he maybe loyal to the king and Queen of the Elven kingdom, he had always shown respect to the other rulers. Flare bounded over to his side and gave a little bow as well. He then sit beside Phoenix.

Rowena was in the jungle she had been working with some of the wild pokemon to restore the forest. Helping with the stray fire every now and then. Taking a look around, Rowena was impressed with how this guild had taken on so many members of the dreaded Organization X.

Coming to a large clearing she found a group of people. Though she walked over to the mage who seemed to be in shock. Kneeling down beside the woman, Rowena muttered a spell. Grabbing the woman's hands, she let feelings of calmness and serenity flow out of her and into the healer.

"No one here is going to hurt you. You are safe now. I can sense you have great healing magic in you. There are some that are going to need your services, but please come back to us."
Wrecker prepare for a fight, but he and Ariel were dragged into the floor by some shadows and disappeared.

The King laughed and turned to the others. "At ease. Get to the camp, rest." He walked away.


The Queen of Creel sighed as Diablo disappeared also. "They know when they have been defeated. Everyone! To the camp!" She walked away.


Samantha walked slowly back to Maira's location. She was back to normal. Except, her dress was full of cuts, dirt and parts were torn. Her face also had bruises, there was blood coming down her nose, a purple eye, scratches on her cheeks and her lower lip was swollen. Her eyes had no expression, it was as if she was walking automatically, but there was no one inside. When she was a few feet from Maira, she stopped and stood there, wobbling a little, as if trying to stay awake.


Azumi stopped Wes. "You're a terrible lier." She said. She grabbed his arm and saw the cut Crossblade left. She began healing him, she clearly looked upset. "Where else are you hurt? I need to make sure you don't suffer permanent damage." She was being careful and gentle, but her face looked like she wanted to punch something.


Annette pointed to the back. "We have the backyard. Can I watch? I like to take notes on the members of the guild."
Rolen nodded and positioned himself next to Amra so he could help her walk. He was feeling extremely relieved that she was alright, and that they wouldn’t have to fight anymore. Well, hopefully. He was concerned for Amra still, since she had been in freezing cold water. He had just started to help her when the enemies disappeared, and the king told them they all needed to go back to the camp. He turned them around so they could go uphill to the camp instead of downhill.

“Amra, we need to get you warmed up and dried off...”

He realized that he couldn’t carry firewood and help Amra at the same time. He could make a second trip if he needed to... and then he saw that the warrior and his Pokémon, now that the enemies had dissapeared, were picking up the wood the two had dropped and were carrying it towards the camp. They nodded to Rolen and Amra as they passed.

“We’ll go get a fire started, and then we can come back and help you if you need it. Good work.”


Maira was still curled up, crying, although it was very quiet and it was only noticeable by the shaking of her sides. Togetic flew over to Sam, took her hand, and pulled her towards Maira. Once close enough she took Maira’s hand as well and placed the two girls’ hands together.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene shot her powerful thunder at the sky. "They got away?! And we are not chasing after them?!" Her anger began to rise again. She calmed down when Michi tugged at her leg and smiled. "Okay okay Michi. But next time we HAVE to kill him."

Rene walked over to the new man from Solarflare. "Hello, where are we to go?"
Ashley got up, wobbling her way over to the camp, Kato followed, making sure she didn't fall over, and then Ashley found a spot to sit down, next to Maira.

"Hi I'm Ashley Silver, My Greninja was the one who made sure you stayed alive." Ashley explained.

In the North, Jake had finished his main commands when a Chansey walked over and a Chimecho floated over.

"You two go up the mountain and see if anyone is up there." Jake told them.

The two Pokemon headed away as a young woman appeared behind him, asking a question.

"Are you injured, if so go to Triage camp number three, about twenty paces behind me, there will be hundreds of Dragon types protecting it, and also Pokemon such as Chansey, Miltank, and Chimecho, who can heal your injuries, at the camp." Jake responded, "Also I am Jake Silver, Hornblower for the guild Solarflare, what is your name?"
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Previously The Pikachan
Rene looked around, just noticing the Pokemon and soldiers that had arrived. "Um... Rene from Royal Heroes..." Rene became sad as she said the name of her guild. "I'm the only survivor. I'm fine, I need to go." She ran after Rolan and Amra.

"Princess!" She shouted after them. "Are you okay? I want to apologise for attacking you and your boyfriend before. I was stupid." She bowed to show her apology was true.
"My Leige, what do you want me to do now that the wild Pokemon have their commands?" Jake asked the Kelian King, bowing.

In the South, Moose had finished up his patrol and arrived at the camp. He then jumped off his Stantler and looked around at the number of injured people.

"This guild, Stormbreakers, also seems to be a very interesting guild, and a good fit for Ashley." Moose announced.
"Leave it, that was the trade for taking his life." Wes spoke in a stern voice. When the two Pokemon came he passed Azumi off to him and continued on his way. He was not in the mood to socialize. After making sure Azumi was in good hands, Wes continued on his way. He just wanted to go back to the guild and rest. On his way he passed the King, "Hey." he said all too casually to the king, not even breaking stride.
"Hold on, top ten most wanted Wes just casually said hey to the king." Jake whispered.

Moose started to work on the Forest that was around him, he placed his spear in the ground and imbued it with Earth Element, causing the ground during the battle to revert back to the way it was.

"Volcarona, I want you to send a Message to Jacob Silver," Moose told his Pokemon, and handed him a letter, "Make sure he gets that letter!"

Volcarona then flew off, doing as his person requested.