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Private/Closed Pokemon Warcraft!


Previously The Pikachan
"Iron tail!" Rene shouted and Michi used Iron tail to stop Wrecker's attack.

"That's them!" Rene told Amra and Rolan. "They took out my guild." As she remembered her body began to be charged with electricity. The clouds above them began to thunder. "First my guild and now you come after my princess! I won't forgive you!"

Michi's cheeks let out Sparks as she stood on four and prepared to attack. "Pika pika!"
Ashley received severe burns and was all but dead, causing Windchime to cry until bells could be heard. Kato threw a water shuriken at the attack to prevent Ashley from dying. When the bells died down, Ashley's pain also died down.

"WINDCHIME!!!" Ashley screamed.

"Chime!" Windchime responded.

"I'm alive?" Ashley asked, "but how?"

"CHIME CHIME!" Windchime responded.

"You learned Heal Bell!" Ashley answered as she realized the move in question.

Kato looked eye to eye with the man, but noticed a second one, seemed to be a ninja.

Ashley got up, now with burnt out spots in her armor, and picked up her sword and attempted to slice the person that Kato had disappeared behind, with her wind element.
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Rolen internally groaned as Wrecker attacked. Can’t I just get a break? First the bear, then that girl, now this guy shows up again? Well... at least it’s not that fire guy... He checked the condition of his shields: pitiful. That wouldn’t block very much at all, and if Wrecker was here his Tyranitar was likely nearby as well. Things were not looking bright. And then, as if to make things even better, Amra’s arrow was frozen and another person appeared.

Rolen was angry again. He was looking forward to spending time with his friends by the fire, and talking to Amra... but now that might all be taken away from him. With a growl, he cast his other pre-prepared Magic Missile, aiming two of the three darts at Wrecker and the other at the one who seemed to control water, judging by the vortex on the frozen mountain.


Maira followed Sam’s instructions and got behind her friend. Her heart ached as she saw the forest beggining to blaze, and she was worried for the many Pokémon whose homes and lives were being literally burned to the ground.
Razan woke up from his trance, and found himself in a battle, and immediately recognized Diablo. He stood up, realizing that he was there, and then created rain. “Your the one who kept throwing off my rain last time...” He said to him. Rage built up in him. “Castform! Weather Ball!” He yelled, and the Pokémon shot a giant ball of water at him.

CrossBlade easily blocked the slashes with Angeslash’s Kings Shield. “Is that really all you got? I was actually hoping for a fight!”
Amra was not surprised by the way the mage acted. Well we now know who is behind all of the attacks. With a thought, thr sword changed into her two daggers. She would need to be quick and attack where he least expected it.

Jumping up Amra grabbed ahold of a branch above her and swung herself right at the guy. She had her daggers out and aimed right at the chest. She wanted to hurt him as much as she could.

Sarah was not happy to be out of the state of sleep only to find a girl with a dagger in her hand. She reverted back to herself. The large axe disappeared into shadows. She then turned her gaze to the girl. Grabbing the arm she pulled out the dagger from her chest and sent a kick right to the chest of the girl. .

"You know I have no problem with killing you to get to him. He will pay for what he had done to my family. If I have to go through you I will " with that she drew her daggers and readied for the fight at hand.

Phoenix was not happpy to be hit with the fire. Sure he was not affected by it, but still. Who would want to be hit with flamethrower. The fire did nothing to the fire element. It just seemed to dance around his skin as he moved.

With a fast movement, he took out the large fire from the burning trees absorbing it into him. He had a bit more practice in the two months they had before this to prepare.

From his back he pulled out the staff that he had made with the guidance of Tyler. It was a crystal staff that seemed to have a core of fire on the inside. "Razan control the rain so it only affects him and the forest. Right now if I am weakened then we will not have much of a chance."

Then he turned his voice to the fire mage. "You sir need to be taught a leason, and I am just the one to do it." With that Phoenix rushed in and spun his staff across his body in a large sweeping attack. Aimed right for the mage's legs.
“Nah, that was just me stretching.” Wes smirked, keeping his composure. He had simply launched the attack to buy enough time for Joltik to create an electric terrain. Wes had done all of that detection training precisely for his battle against Crossblade, the currents rushing through the air would allow him to sense the presence of Haxorus. He refused to be caught off guard by a dragon tail again. “Now it’s time for the fight.” Wes drew Stormbringer as well, holding the longsword in his left hand and the rapier in his right. He coated Stormbringer with electricity, if Crossblade was to block with his steel type Pokémon the metal would conduct the electricity and shock the man. He dashed forwards, the sound of thunder emanating from his initial push off as he feet were cloaked with lightning. With blinding speed he appeared behind the man, first creating air slashes with the rapier before closing in with Stormbringer.
“On it.” Razan said, and binded the rain to Diablo. “Good luck,” and shot another Weather Ball at him.

CrossBlade simply stood there, and let Angeslash free from him, and Angeslash fought back free handed with a slash attack. It did get badly shocked, but it had to do what it had to do to protect CrossBlade. After Angeslash blocked, CrossBlade threw a well planned punch at Wes’s face.
Ashley stood shakily, due to the stress of her now non-existent injuries after that attack. Kato kept firing Water Shurikens towards the Ninja, Ashley kept running, with genuine fear in her eyes, her cloak flew in the wind, but still. She suddenly felt a little cold around her chest, her legs, and her stomach.

"There are holes in my clothes, aren't there?" Ashley asked, "My Lute!!"

"Echo!" Windchime spoke up, holding a medium sized musical instrument with at least 12 strings.

"Thank you so much, Windchime!' Ashley exclaimed as she was handed her Lute, "I should probably play some sort of song, so here it goes."

Ashley started playing her Lute, and all of a sudden, wind encased Ashley, allowing her to start healing herself, slowly.
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"Remember guys. Walk in...play it cool."

The young man stood beside a yellow Luxray as well as a Pitch black Greninja with a red tongue. "Gren?" The ninja-like pokemon replies. Luxray scowls at Luxray, questioning his motives. "Now now Sparky. Greninja asked a reasonable question. To answer your question, Shadow...these guys might not know we're coming. So let's try to...impress them."

Crimson knocks on the door lightly. He hums a quiet tune, looking upwards. Luxray and Greninja stayed at their master's side.
The ninja girl jumped back as Sarah kicked her. When she saw she was being targeted, she disappeared into the shadows of the jungle.
She reappeared behind Ashley and threw ninja stars at her. "This isn't your fight either!"

Diablo smirked as a shot of light shot into the sky and brought in strong sunlight. His flames intensified, making the water attacks and weather ball evaporate at the touch of his skin. He looked at Phoenix and shot a flamethrower from his mouth, allowing him to jump high enough to avoid the hit. When Diablo landed he raised his hand. "Heat wave." From somewhere behind him, a heat wave was shot towards the group.

"I have to help." Samantha said as she began to float. She then positioned herself behind Maira. "Another enemy!" She called out.

From the jungle emerged a big green orc. He was muscular, his lower teeth showing and he had long horns on his head. He wore golden armor and a golden shield.
"I don't expect less from the wind reaper." He said in a loud booming voice. He smelled the air and looked at Maira. He licked his lips. "Dinner." He roared and charged at Maira.
Samantha shot her scythe at him, but it was knocked away by the shield. She then charged at him herself, a powerful wind behind her. When Samantha was close enough she shot a small tornado at him. But the orc charged through it, grabbed Samantha by the head and slammed her on the ground. He kept repeating this action.


Azumi was just an inch from slicing the face of her opponent, but suddenly her body was smashed to the ground, she landed before his feet. She tried to get up, but she felt like her body was to heavy to even move.

The young man created a water tentacle that wrapped around Amra's ankle and threw her against a tree. He also sent three water vortex against Rolan's attack, he stopped two, but the third one hit Wrecker.
Wrecker stumbled back. "What the hell Ariel?! If you can't stop the attack, then don't!" Wrecker looked at his chest, he was injured.


Annette looked at Tyler confused. "I don't get it..." She then heard the knocking and ran downstairs, hopefully her friends had returned. But they didn't, instead she found a stranger and two Pokemon standing there when she opened the door.
"Who are you?"
"Hello. I'm Crimson."

Crimson said awkwardly. Luxray looked at her trainer and rubbed her head against the others stomach as a way of comfort. "I'm new to the place and I'm hoping to uh..." His cheeks reddened. It usually happens when he is nervous. "...To join the guild?" Luxray looks at the woman and barks, not in a angry way but just for the hell of it. "S-Sorry. She's a barker. This is Sparky...my Luxray. And this is Shadow, my Greninja." The two pokemon kneel.
The Ninja stars are now in her wind casing, spinning around, as Kato kept firing his water Shurikens.

"Windchime, Energy Ball!" Ashley yelled.

The Chimecho fired a green ball in the air, which was hit by one of Kato's Water Shurikens. An explosion occurred, covering the entire battlefield in smoke. At that moment Ashley's music for louder, picking up on an injured ally causing the wind to encase at least two people, one of them was Maira. Ashley then ordered Windchime to use Energy Ball on the orc repeatedly
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Phoenix the flames seemed to just form a protective barrier around the fire element. He had been working on this technique for awhile now. It was slowly becoming his favorite move to use. The flames seemed to travel up his arm and into the staff. The ends seemed to go into flame like it was always there. Using the staff as a pivot point on the ground, Phoenix launched himself into the air and raised the staff above his head and was ready to bring it down on mage. He knew he had to get a good hit in fast before he had a chance to change.

Sarah was not at all phased that the girl seemed to use the same tricks as she did. Blending into the shadows, Sarah followed the girl and grabbed her from behind. Twisting the arm behind the girls back, Sarah made sure to position just right that if she tried to break the hold she would break her arm as well. "Really think I would just let you get away from me like that?" Thinking quickly, she blended into the shadows with the ninja girl and appeared deap into the forest. They were surrounded by trees and they were the only ones there.

Amra was stunned by the force of hitting the tree. Though she had to get up. She had to fight. She could not let the others die like the other guilds did. Pushing up from her position on the tree, Amra leaped up on a branch and glided across the tree tops until she was above the mage. Jumping down she done a barrel roll and landed with her hand posed to send two large slashes down the back of the mage. She needed to take him out before she delt with Wrecker.

Fluff had been on the sidelines enjoying the snow until she saw Amra being thrown. Using bounce, she flipped upside down and landed on her ears. Then using them as a spring board, Fluff turned herself around to send an thunder punch right to the mage from the front as Amra slashed from the back.
Maira gasped as she saw her friend in trouble. She didn’t know what to do, but she knew she had to help. As she frantically tried to think, her hand fell on her dagger... and without hesitation she ran forward and stabbed at the orc’s eye with a precise strike. At the same time, Togetic saw what was happening and flew up into the air, and started to rythmicaly shake its hands.


Rolen growled again. Last time he had tried this attack and not done too much damage he had ended up making his target want to kill him. He watched as Amra launched another attack, and as she seemed to have picked the water element as her target, he would have to focus on Wrecker. He focused, and created a brilliant flash of light on the snow all around Wrecker.
Ashley stopped playing, causing the Ninja stars to fall to the ground, she stood up, with some stress still on the twelve spots that were hit earlier, Kato had lost the ninja, so he was waiting for orders.

"I'm going to try to get behind this orc, Kato, Fake the left side, and Windchime, retrieve the Scythe that landed around here somewhere, understand?" Ashley told her Pokemon.

"Nin." Kato understood, and started throwing water Shurikens at the Orc.

Windchime flew over, picked up the Scythe and handed it back to its owner.

Ashley ran behind the orc and aimed for the legs with her sword, preparing a strike.
Ariel created a whirlpool around him, sending back the attacks that were approaching him. "Back off!" He cried out.

Wrecker cried in annoyance as he was blinded. "Dammit! I hate fighting these fools!"


The ninja girl didn't make any movement while Sarah moved her away. When they were alone, she turned into smoke. When the smoke cleared, Sarah was holding a big log. The ninja girl was standing a few feet away from Sarah.
"My name is Akali. Unlike you, I am an actual ninja. It is an honor to be facing the Red Rose." She drew her katana. "I'm ready."

The Orc used his hand to block Maira's attack, the dagger barley pierced his hand, his skin was too thick. He grabbed Maira by the hand and held her up as a shield. He cared little for the attack going to his leg, he knew his thick skin and strong muscles could take it and much more.


Annette looked confused. "Really? Did you send an application? Come in!" She opened the door. Fifi, her Skitty, meowed joyfully and began chasing her tail.
Right before she made her swing, the wind element inside her imbued itself, causing the sword to be in a small tornado, due to her humming the song she was playing before, and it connected to the back of his leaving a mark, to her surprise. At that moment Kato aimed Night Slash on the Orc, right on the other eye. Windchime found the owner of the Scythe and left it next to her, continuing her Energy Ball Barrage.
Maira screamed and lost her grip on the knife. Togetic glowered at the orc as he grabbed Maira, and then their eyes glowed white. A spectral form resembling a Bisharp surrounded her as she dived down and used Smart Strike as the effect of Metronome, the steely grey aura allowing the Togetic to strike the orc without hurting Sam or Maira.


Rolen focused again, trying something that he sincerely hoped would work. He concentrated light into a thin beam, much like using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight into a single point. What Rolen did was, in effect, the same: he redirected light from the sinking sun into a thin beam aimed at Wrecker.
The Orc used his shield to stop the night slash and jumped backwards, not letting go of Maira. He then head-butted the incoming smart strike, a Togetic didn't have enough physical power to hurt him.
"I would stop the attacks if I were you." He held Maira in front of him. "Or you might hurt this little lady." He looked at her and looked at the crater Samantha laid in. "Come on Wind Reaper, are you going to let these fools have all the fun?"

Samantha slowly rose to her feet, in a zombie like movement. Her eyes had no expression on them. There was a circle with a star drawn with blood over her forehead.

The Orc smiled. "That's more like it."

Samantha let out a loud high pitched scream. A powerful tornado appeared around her. The only thing that could be seen was the glow of the mark on Samantha's forehead and her eyes.

The Orc laughed and looked at his enemies. "You all should worry about her... And him."
Diablo yelled and a fire spin was created around him, stoping Phoenix's attack. When the fire vortex disappeared, the big Minotaur made of fire stood in it's place. The fire monsters roared.


Wrecker cried in pain as he felt his chest heat up, right were Azumi had sliced him back in the mines. He then used his hammer to cover himself. "Stupid... MAGE!"
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Amra slid back as she was pushed away from the mage. She would not let up. She really needed to get in there and hurt him somehow. That is when she had it. The sword.

Fluff knew something was going to go down as she was pushed back. With a flip she landed on her ears and bounced over the mage and landed on Amra's shoulder. It was a practiced move that both pokemon and elf worked on together. Fluff noded to Amra.

Fluff jumped into the air and sent out a charge beam right for the water mage. Even if it hit a water vortex it would send a shock through the water and into the person creating it. The charge beam looked to have crakling energy as it soared right at the mage.

Amra's daggers merged as she thought about the bow again. Notching one of the electric arrows, she aimed it right for the ground that the mage was standing on. If she kept the mage busy then the other two could easily take care of the Wrecker guy. Who seemed to need someone to take care of the attacks for him. Letting the arrow fly, Amra grabbed another arrow and let lose three more in quick succession.

Sarah dropped the log from her hands. She should have expected that the girl would do something like that. Well if that is how she wants to play then let the games begin. "Who wants to be a ninja anyway. It is so much more fun to be an assassin. Not having to deal with all of the bullshit of being someone else's little toy. Besides the money is good. I asume you are Lust. Because you surely are not lucky. As your luck just ran out."

Out the shadows four hands appeared. One on each side of the ninja. Taking ahold of the girl, they each grabbed a limb and held her prone. Sarah slowly walked forward with a smile on your face. "You see whereas you have a master that trained you. I learned most of my skills on my own. Yeah I had some help with learning how to use my weapons, but I never really had to answer to anyone I did not respect." As she walked she spun her daggers around her fingers. Coming to a stop right before the girl, Sarah slowly cut the girls arm with her dagger.

Phoenix knew that it would be a harder time to hurt the guy now that he transformed. When the fire spin came at him, Phoenix pivoted with the staff, to land on a tree branch. Hw ould need the vantage point.

Pulling out a device that he had made awhile ago for this very guy, he took aim and sent a torrent of magically infused water that Azumi and Rolen helped him do. He made sure to take careful aim and send it to the eyes of the miniature.

The device had a bit of an odd shape seeing as it was shapped like a gun, but made with a pump to send the water to a target. He had to work hard to get it to work the way wanted it to.
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"This is going to be tough," Ashley explained, as her Greninja gave her the Lute, and she placed it on her back, and started humming a different song, causing a small ball of wind to form, "Now release to our allies!"

The ball of wind disappeared, and spreading a bit of power to each and every ally, human, elf or Pokemon.

"I have taken most of my remaining energy and split it between all of you, now go get them!!" Ashley yelled out to the Stormbreaker members, "Kato, Get ready for Aerial Ace followed up with Feint Attack, finish with Foul Play, help Phoenix!!"

Kato followed his person's command and Started off with Aerial Ace to distract him.

Ashley yelled out, "Now, Windchime, Use Healing Wish on the Togetic!!"

Windchime flew over to the Togetic, tapped them, and flew back to Ashley's feet, landing on the ground with a thud.
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Previously The Pikachan
Rene took a step back as she watched Rolan and Amra attack. She knew she had to help, but didn't know how. She figured she could use a big attack to finish one if them of.

Rene began moving her hands and arms in big circular movements, gathering electricity from the air.

"Mage! If you can keep him busy, I will deliver one big thunder on the man with the hammer, it might just work!" She spoke to Rolan. "Just give me 5 minutes to concentrate."
Maira continued to struggle and kick in the orc's grasp, but it was futile. Togetic didn't want her friend to get hurt, so it did not continue its attack.


Rolen knew that he couldn't keep this up for five minutes like the girl had asked him to, but there wasn't much left he could do. He had used his Magic Missiles, his shields were in tatters, and he didn't have anything else prepared. His beam of light faltered for a moment as he glanced around to check on the situations of the other combatants, and it continued to fade as the sun sank lower into the sky. He was running out of options. If only he had time to prepare anything, he could keep the man at bay longer, but time was running out. Once the sun set, he would be out of tricks.
Ariel watched as the lightning attacks were diverted away and sent flying somewhere in the woods. A Rhydon walk closer, shaking away the attacks as they bounced off him.
Ariel smiled. "You think I don't know my own weaknesses?" He sent icicle spears towards Amra and her Pokemon.

Wrecker hid behind his hammer. "Stupid mage! I'm killing you first." He charged at Rolan.


Annette smiled and guided the new member to the Tyler's room. She knocked loudly. "Tyler! Someone here says he is new!"

Fifi rubbed against Crimson's hand and then skipped joyfully after Annette.


Samantha's tornado stopped. Samantha floated there, but her pale skin was a light red, she had six eyes now, each with a red glow and two black horn coming out the top of her head.

"You see that little lady?" The Orc said as he held Maira and made her look at Samantha. "That is her real form. She has slaughtered hundreds like that. You're friends are next..."

Samantha looked at the Orc. "Wrong..." There was a strong voice combined with Samantha's. "I have grown to like that human, it is you I dislike now. You wanted to see the wind reaper... That's what you will get."
Samantha flew at the orc, who held Maira up as a shield, but Samantha's scythe attacked from the side, slashing at the Orc's hand, causing him to drop Maira. Samantha crashed into the Orc and they both flew deep into the jungle, leaving a path of destruction after them.


Diablo had no way to protect himself, so he finally revealed his Pokemon. A Ninetails jumped in front of Phoenix's attack and used protect. Diablo roared and began burning the jungle around him.
Rolen internally cursed and readied his staff. He doubted he would be able to hold him off with the staff alone, but he couldn't figure out a good place to create another flash. He let go of the beam of light so he could focus entirely on the next steps.


Maira dropped to the ground, sobbing. She was scared out of her senses between the smelly orc who had used her as a human shield, and seeing her best friend turn into... Maira didn't know what, and the whole situation. Togetic took up a defensive position near her, looking grave.
A Greninja appeared from behind Diablo, using Aerial Ace to attempt to land on him. He had his Feint Attack ready.

"Don't worry, Windchime, I'll protect you." Ashley whispered to her knocked out Chimecho, sword drawn, placed her Chimecho in a nearby cave, and then ran off to check on Maira.

"You ok, you look like something scared the living daylights out of you?" Ashley asked, "Hi, I'm Ashley Silver, the girl who camped in the nearby tent."
Amra was not surprised that the guy brought out his pokemon. If he did not have one then she would be surprised. Fluff and Amra seemed to work very well together. They have been together for a long time now. Since Fluff was still in her egg. She was not phased by it though she knew she had to keep the guy busy.

Looking around she saw the elf girl prepare to attack. She also saw Rolen run out of things to distract with. Yelling over the noise of the bolts of lightning she said to Rolen. "Rolen use my dagger as a focus point the crystal will be able to generate light." With that she tosed to dagger, it landed right at Rolen's feet. She did not want to hurt him so she tossed it that way.

Buneary ran up to Wrecker and kicked up a cloud of snow up into the guys face. Then running back behind the guy she used Jump kick to hit the guy in the spine. If he did not dodge it, it would cause a lot of damage to his nerves and might paralyze the guy with the pain.

Amra took the time to draw one of her older daggers out. She liked the new weapon, but the old ones have served her well. Running in she slashed multiple attacks to the water mage. She did not let up one bit. If the guy sent out a vortex, she would just keep on coming.

Phoenix had to smile at the man. Did he really think he would not come prepared for this sort of thing. Blaze came crashing out of the trees and tackled the ninetails. He made sure to keep the pokemon busy while Phoenix delt with the fire. Jumping down, Phoenix absorbed as much fire as he could handle. While he was doing that he kept up with the water guns spray. He had found a spell in the book he bought from Annette to provide more water then the gun could hold. It took a lot for him to do this, but with him taking in the fire as well, he was able to keep himself from burning out while still keeping the spray consistent.
Annette looked at Crimson. "Oh he is our Blacksmith and in charge right now. He is one of the first members to join actually. He was a ghost just yesterday basically and now he controls fire and owns his body like if never happened. A miracle really, I have no idea how he did it."


Rocks were flung at the Bunneary and knocked away from Wrecker. He tackled down the electric mage and prepared to smash her with his hammer.

Arial watched as Amra ran head in at one of his vortex. "Idiot." He said as he froze the vortex Amra was in, along with her.


Diablo took the attacks from the Greninja, he barley noticed the damage done to him. He grew even angrier though and his size began to grow and he began to burn more around him.
He took the water attacks from Phoenix, it hurt him, but they made him angrier and bigger. It was like adding alcohol to a burning building.


Akali just watched as Sarah cut her arm. "I have control over the shadows also."
Sharp pointy spears emerged from the ground around Akali and towards Sarah. "You're magic is not as strong as mine"


Samantha was out of control. She floated in the air, powerful wind slashes being sent against the Orc. The monster roared as even his thick skin suffered cuts from the powerful winds. He hid behind his golden shield, using all his strength to maintain his ground against the strong winds.


Azumi was on her knees she watched what was on the other side of the mountains. There was smoke everywhere, signs of battles going on.

"You see that?" Vlad said as he stood behind her. "That's what you're fighting for. Humans... They are destroying this world. One day they will find a way to keep Pokemon in their pockets and make them fight for entertainment. They will ignore the earth and destroy it. They will have idiotic leaders, be absorbed by technology and become useless cows."

Azumi tried to move, but her body was too heavy for her.

"Still trying to fight? It's pointless. Just like this war, it's only purpose was for me to have more materials for my philosophers stones." Vlad stroke Azumi's hair gently with his long finger nails.

"Why are you telling me this?" Azumi asked.

"Because... You won't be able to tell anyone."
CrossBlade grinned as he punched Wes. “Don’t you remember what my element was? Remember when I pulled that little stunt last time?”
He successfully blocked the melee attack with Angeislash’s blade, but was hit in the arm with the wind. “Not bad.” He said smiling, and then changed Angeislash into shield form, and then charged at Wes.

Tyler had worked on the Chakram through his rage of losing Leo, at it was now done.
It was well crafted, and a nice silver color. He just had to try it out. The flames no longer went up to his arms, but still were at his hands. He stepped out of his workshop, and saw Annette talking to a stranger.....
Talking about him........
He threw the Chakram at the doorframe to get their attention. The circular blade lodged its way in with a large think. He stepped up to them, and took out the weapon he had forged. “I don’t have control over fire, I can just do this,” he said, raising up his hands. “You new?” He asked the stranger.
Razan backed up for the fight. He was shocked and confused, and when he saw Samantha changing.....something went off inside.....
His hate for the Organization...they did this to Sam and him. He had to stop it. He couldn’t let this happen. Samantha was out of control. He needed her back. They needed her back.
Razan sprinted towards Sam with all of his might, and then jumped up on her, holding her with all his might, knowing that she might try to throw him off. “Sam! I know your in there! This is not you, this is not the Sam we know! Your friends are worried for you, we all are! Maria is scared. Snap out of it already!” He yelled at her pleadingly:
Rolen had no idea what Amra was talking about at first, and he had no time to figure it out as Wrecker attacked the electric mage. He raised his staff and ran over to Wrecker, trying to hit the hammer wielding man hard enough to distract him from the girl. Sure, he knew he would instantly regret it, but he couldn't just stand by and let his ally get hurt. And then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Amra get frozen inside of a vortex. He was too late to change course to help, however, so he carried through with his strike even though he was scared for Amra.


Maira continued to cry. Her sobs did seem to be lessening slightly, however.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene was surprised as her attacks had done nothing, since they had been directed away from her target. She was tackled down to the floor and screamed as she was about to me smashed. Then she saw the mage attempting to help her, in a wild attempt she reached for Wrecker's hammer, which was made of gold.

Rene smiled and sent a jolt of electricity through the hammer.

Michi pushed the mage back to make sure he was not touching Wrecker while the electricity went through him.
Fluff was a bit surprised that Amra was frozen, as she had not really paying attention to that part of the battle field. A pokemon that was as well trained in fast movement as her friend, Fluff was able to jump up kick the rocks. Sending them right for the mage. On the last rock she used it as a pivot point to come down with a rock smash right on the frozen vortex.

Then Fluff bounced herself off the frozen shards to the dagger that Amra had thrown. Using seismic toss, Fluff spun around and released the dagger to send it right at the frozen feet of Amra.

Amra was surprised to be freed as she was trapped. She know it had to be Fluff. Knowing what her powerfull ears could do. She was chilled to the bone, but she knew she had to keep on fighting. Seeing the gem dagger being thrown and embed itself into the ice that trapped Amra. Sheathing her old dagger, Amra grabbed the new one and merged the two together to form the broad sword. With one swing she could not get herself out of the last bit of ice. It took her three swings to get enough force to get out of the ice.

Turning her sights on the mage, she now had her target. She would not let this guy win. Even if she had to keep coming out of the ice over and over again. With a thought the sword became a long bow. Amra would notche one arrow after the next and target the mage. She did not waste the electric ones on the mage seeing as they will just be blocked again. Amra was focused and sent arrow after arrow. If the mage moved she moved.

"Yeah but I have a bit of the upper hand here. You see these daggers I am holding. Well I have laced them with a poison and the antidote was one of a kind. Good finding a cure for it." Sarah pulled out a bottle and threw it on the ground and a black hand crushed it. Sending the pieces flying. "You took one ours, I am going to take one of their. Besides it is not like I have much to live for anymore. I am the last one of my family after your little starter took my brother 15 years ago. You are lucky you are a bigger threat to everyone else." Sarah knew the antidote that she smashed was just colored water, she was banking on the woman's lack of poisons to see this through.

Blending into the shadows, she appeared a few feet away with her arms crossed staring down the ninja. She wanted to watch the life leave the girl's eyes. She had no love for Orgization X after what they had done to her family.

Phoenix could barely keep up. He knew he had to do something. Holstering the gun, he pulled out a device that he hoped worked. He was not able to test the last one. Taking carefull aim, He sent it stright for the mage. If it hit it would slow drain his powers until it was shut off. It was an idea that Leo had thought of and wanted for the grand court. He did not want to make it, but he is like a meowth and his curiosity got the better of him.

Going around he was taking in as much fire as he could and pulling out the water gun again, she started dousing the flames. He needed to protect the forest. Calling out the other pokemon in the forest, he said. "Every pokemon this is your home. Do not let thie man destroy it. Help anyway you can. Even if it is just an onslaught of rain dance. Everytime he changes it another take the reigns. Take back your forest. Do not let this man destroy your home!"

Slowly pokemon began to appear. They were all different types. Someone water, some fire, some were a combo of two types. Each one wanted to save their home. One of the water types used Rain Dance to cause it to start raining.
"What are you doing?!" Samantha scream as Razan grabbed her. "I care very little for you, so I suggest you stay away!" She used a powerful wind to knock Razan away.
The Orc had seen the opening and jumped in the air. When he was close to Samantha, he punched her straight in the face. The demon girl was shot down like a bullet and smashed into the floor. She quickly got up though, wiped the blood from her lips and smiled. "I am really looking forward to cutting you up." The wind slashes started again.


Akali didn't do anything, she just looked at Sarah. "Okay you win. Everything your brother told me about you is true. He said you were stronger and smarter then him. I see that now. I guess I will take the information I have on him to the grave."


Wrecker was to busy looking at Rolan to notice Rene touching his hammer. He screamed as a powerful jolt of electricity traveled through his body. He stumbled backwards and then growled. "I am going to enjoy killing both of you."

Ariel watched with annoyance as Amra started attacking again. "What a drag you are..." He created an ice shield to stop the incoming arrows. "I... Am not... Allow to kill... An important sacrifice... Otherwise I would've... finished you off already." Another rock throw was used to stop Fluff's attack.

Wrecker overheard Ariel and shook his head. "You shouldn't be saying things like that in front of these losers."


Diablo cared little about the rain now, the fire coming from his body was too hot, that the water evaporated. He continued to randomly attack the jungle.


Annette smiled. "His name is Cris man! Really cool name! And he has cute Pokemon too!" She told Tyler.
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