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Rolen was a bit surprised, but he was too slow to react with anything more than instinctively returning the embrace. He probably would have been blushing, but his mind was working exceptionally slowly at the time. He walked back up the stairs with Amra, arriving in time to hear Azumi’s speech. Much like Maira, he was a bit scared and inspired at the same time. And like Maira, he had to steel himself. He glanced over at Amra and took a deep breath, looked back towards Azumi, and nodded.
Wes unwillingly let out a yawn from his position laying down on the couch. It was not because he was bored by Azumi’s speech, in fact, he thought it was rather terrific. But the truth was whenever he got scared he tried to act like everything was no big deal, and the idea of war truly terrified him. He was not scared of death or anything that might happen to him, rather he was scared of what his death would mean for the innocent people of the country. It didn’t take a genius to realize that with all the Rank A guilds defeated, the Stormbreakers were on of the strongest groups in the nation. If they were to go to war and be defeated, it would not only mean that the kingdom would be all the more vulnerable to enemy attacks, but also more susceptible to crime for within.

However, Wes knew that the guild didn’t need anyone else acting panicked, rather a distraction or nonchalant attitude could help ease their worries. Thus, he yawned, loudly enough to draw everyone’s attention to the rude action. “Nice speech chief.” He spoke through the yawn as he began to sit up. Wes then continued on in his normal casual voice, the only one who could tell he was scared would be the Joltik perched on him that could feel his rapid heartbeat. “What even is the mission anyways? Are we just taking out enemies or is there a bigger goal? The only thing I know is that some of us are going with you in the jungle and the others are going with Sarah or staying here. And that the reason we’re splitting up is so half of us can each work with half of another guild, which doesn’t really make sense to me because couldn’t we just send one full guild each way?”
Azumi smirked at Wes' attitude. She appreciated his calmness in such situation. "Well, we know that our enemies have plenty of information on us. That's why the other guilds were taken out. The idea is to mix us up and make the best of information they gathered as useless as possible." She walked over to Wes and crossed her arms. "Next time maybe talk without the yawn? It was uncalled for." She felt offended. She turned her attention to the everyone else again. "The mission is to stop any incoming enemies, which means this mission might take a couple of days, weeks or even more. I will arrange to send you all news with Anakin, so we can be communicated. Everyone, be careful of Organization X, we have run into them before and from what Sam told us, I wouldn't be surprised if they are using this to gather more philosophers stones." Azumi took a deep breath. "We have to get going, I hope to see you all back here once the war is over. I am very proud of you all. You're all dismissed."

Samantha stood up, without letting go of Maira's hand, she turned around and looked at her with a small smile. "I won't let anything happen to you." Her scythe floated next to her and Bob ran up her shoulder with a confident look.

"My team! Let's go!" Azumi called out as she walked out the back door and towards the woods, with Anakin and Nana following behind.
Maira hugged her friend tightly and then let go. She felt a lot better now. She put her hand to a small dagger strapped to her hip, which she had gotten since she joined Amra’s dagger class. Togetic looked at it skeptically, and then flew down to pat Bob on the back.

Rolen took a deep breath and stepped forward to follow Azumi. He was feeling very nervous, but knowing that Amra was there for him helped some. He wanted to check his spells he had prepared, but his head was still throbbing. He hoped the ache and the stress would go away soon, and that it wouldn’t be too late. He didn’t know what was ahead.
Tyler nodded, and watched Azumi go off. He exhaled, and watched the others as they were getting ready. He was nervous about any of them getting injured, especially Azumi. When he was a ghost, he was kind of her guardian. He still felt like that. Sorta.
It was complicated for even him, but he just really didn’t want to see her hurt.
Or dead. In his gut he knew that Azumi wouldn’t die.
He just worried about the others in the A guilds. And for the kings council, or whatever they called it.
He sighed, and continued to watch.
"Hey Rolen I will be right back I have to give something to Maria before we go." Following the healer Amra caught up with her. "Hey Maria I have something for you. I know it might not be the best gift, but I thought you might like it. I had a friend from my kingdom make it for me." Opening her bag Amra pulled out a green cloth. It was wrapped around a elven dagger. Opening the green cloth she revealed what it was. "Now I know you do not like daggers, but this one is a bit special it has a few things you might like. I had my brother enchant it for me. It can take a cutting from a plant without hurting the plant in anyway. That being said it will also help that plant to grow better and flourish as well. I thought this would be a good fit for you seeing as you only took the class to help defend patients if needed. This way you have something practical in the mean time."

The dagger was smaller the long ones that Amra tends to favor, but that did not mean anything it is still as deadly as the ones she uses. It is made of stealth rock with gem glowing lines travelling up the blade. The handle is made of a dark green wood that seems to shine in the light. There is a design of a forest surrounding a beautiful blossom growing in the center.

Phoenix got up and waited for Sarah to make her way to the front where they would be heading. He had his things with him in his bag. Blaze was going to stay at the guild for awhile. Sass was by her friend's side.
Maira accepted the knife, taking it gingerly in her hands.

“Thank you, Amra, this is beautiful.... I’ll make sure to put it to good use. Good luck on your mission! Oh, and keep an eye on Rolen, he seemed a bit out of it this morning. Again, safe travels!”

She turned the blade back and forth in her hand, investigating it more before stowing it away where she could access it easily. She raised her hand to her hair and brushed it back before turning to rejoin Sam.
Azumi walked along, looking up at Wes every now and then and looking back at her team. After a while of traveling in the woods, a familiar bark could be heard. Nana announced Lycanroc's arrival joyfully.

The canine Pokemon appeared in front of the group, breathing heavily, looking worn out and like if it had been through a tough battle. The Pokemon slowly walked over to Azumi, sat down with a sad look in his eyes and whined sadly. He let an envelope drop from his mouth.

Azumi looked at the envelope, it had a simple stamp, so it was not an emergency. "I can't believe Leo made you come all the way over here just for a letter. Couldn't he wait until he returns?" She happily pet Lycanroc. "Go on to the guild house, Annette and Tyler are there, you need to rest."

Lycanroc, with his sad eyes, took off towards the guild house. Nana watched as he left, looking confused at the behavior.

"It's okay Nana, he must be really tired, Leo tends to push himself to the limit, that's probably why he sent Lycanroc home." Azumi reassured her Gardevoir. She looked at the envelope. "We can read this once we set up camp, we have priorities now."

They continued to walk all night and the following two days also. By the evening of the third day, they were in the snowy woods, close to the border of Kelan.

Azumi stopped at whistled at Wes to come down. She turned to the others. "We are setting camp here for the night. Tomorrow we need to reach the meeting point in good shape. We are one day ahead of schedule, so we should be fine and have plenty of time to get ready. Rolan and Amra, you two go get firewood, Wes you help me set up the tents, it's going to be cold tonight. Nana and Anakin, prepare everything to make dinner."
Rolen had recovered from his headache fairly quickly, having gotten over it by the dawn of the day after they traveled all night, but now he was wearied by the fatigue from all the walking they had done to reach the spot. He nodded and sighed, deciding it would be better to put off his rest in exchange for a rest next to a warm fire. He saw a patch of deciduous trees, probably firs, a little way to the east, a short ways down from where they were, and pointed them out to Amra.

“Do you think that’ll make good fuel?”

He was wearing his travel clothes at the time, along with a warm blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His ears were a bit chilly, but he would have been fine if it weren’t for the staff he carried. The metal was severely cold, and he had to carry it with his hand wrapped in a corner of the blanket to keep from freezing his fingers.
From the camp that Azumis squad was leading, a large Pokémon popped up. It was humanoid, and covered in snow. It made its way to the center of the camp, and shook its self out, revealing Jerry, Tyler’s Blaziken.
He sighed, and walked up to Azumi smiling, and handed her a short note written by Tyler.
Then it’s read: “Hey! Forgot to send Jerry with you, so he’s been tracking you for a while! It’s gonna be bloody cold up there, and he’s a fire type. May as well have a better way to make fire!

See you around,

Jerry handed the note to Azumi.
Azumi laughed at Tyler's note and petted Jerry. "Thank you for coming over Jerry. We could use your fire once the others come back with the wood. Meanwhile, why not help Nana and Anakin with the food? They do need to heat up the stew they are making."
Azumi returned to setting up the tent. She had finished her own and was now making the one for Amra. While moving things around she saw the envelope Lycanroc had given her. She grabbed it and went into her tent. Inside she opened it, she was excited to hear news from Leo. She sat down and began reading, it said:

Dear Azumi and Stormbreakers,

If you are reading this, it is because I was not able to return and will never have the opportunity to do so. I'm writing this before battle, so whatever did me in, must have been one hell of an enemy. Please be careful. Also, I want to thank you all for allowing me to feel so welcomed in your guild and for the first time, it was a place I could call home. To Rolan, I am sorry I won't be there to see how amazing of a mage you are to become. To Amra, You are a kind and free soul, please stay that way. To Sam, I understand the hug now, thank you. To Tyler, best ghost ever! I wish we could have hanged out in your human form. To Sarah, take care of Azumi. To everyone else, thank you for everything, those two months with the Stormbreakers were the best of my life.

Now, this is for you Azumi. I'm sorry. I begged you for a date since we were in the academy, I finally got your acceptance, and I failed to show up. It is unacceptable on my part and unfair for you. Please don't be mad at me. I have attached the necklace my father gave me, it is now yours. If you ever find my belongings, give my staff to Rolen.

Thank you for being part of my life, you and your guild were the brightest light this light mage ever saw and I am honored to have been part of it.

Azumi sat there looking at the letter. She didn't make any noise or made any movement, it was as if time had frozen, but it was Azumi who didn't know how to react, her feelings were stuck and confused. Part of her was trying to understand what was happening and part of her wished that it was all a dream

Annette knocked loudly on Tyler's door. "Hello~! Are you there?"
Tyler was forging a Chakram when Annette had knocked. His face was smothered with grease, and his hair was a mess. Tyler stopped, and tried to make himself presentable, and opened the door for Annette. “Uh, yeah, I’m in here all right. You good?” He asked.

Jerry nodded, and left Azumi alone. He went over to the makeshift kitchen and grabbed a small pot, and dragged it around, filling it with snow. After it was filled to the top, he set it on the ground, and used flamethrower on it, slowly boiling the water, so there was a good clean source of it.
Sarah made sure to take care in gathering things for the trip. She had made some extra cloaks with the help of Leo. Who she wished was there. He had became a good friend since he was helping the guild for so long. She hoped to see him again soon. If not then when whenever life decides to end for her, she will meet him at the other side.

With everything set she met her group out by the front doors of the guild they travelling in tandom with the mountainous group, veared off to a different direction. The route they took eventually became more treelined and jungle like. Stopping at the edge of the kingdom near their meeting point, Sarah set her pack down.

"Ok everyone listen up. We are going to be setting up camp here. Then tomorrow we will be meeting the other guild. We will be working with them to investigate what happened to the others. We are to be looking for survivors and or their bodies. Now lets get camp set then we can relax for a bit." Sarah started to unpack the things she brought. Starting with her tent, which was rather small and discreet. It blended well against the forest backdrop.


Amra was glad to be getting firewood. Though she could have done it herself, she was glad Rolen was the one who was sent with her. Over the past two months their friendship had grown to something great. She was glad to call him her friend.

Looking to where the mage pointed, she saw a great place to have a bit of privacy for a moment as well. Maybe she could talk to him about something that she has felt for awhile now. "That would be perfect. You look cold here I have something that might be helpful." Opening her bag, Amra pulled out a pair of fur lined pants, a very cosy looking hooded jacket, a beanie, and a pair of gloves that would form to his hands and not restrict movement at all.
“Oh... thanks, Amra. I’ll be fine for now, though, my clothes are already warmed up a bit and I’ll be fine until we get the fire going. I could really use them tomorrow, though.”

His face was a bit redder than usual, mostly from the cold, and from the walking in deep snow. He began leading the way towards the trees. He really wanted to get the campfire going, and to have time to rest and eat a solid meal, and the sooner they got the wood the better it would be.
Amra followed Rolen's lead after putting the clothes back into her bag. Looking down to what she had put on for the journey, she wore an elven travel armor. It was lightweight and will control the body temp to a confortable level. The sleek design helped with keeping her movement up.

"You know I am glad Azumi sent us out here for fire wood. I have been meaning to talk to you about something. For the past month we have really gotten to know each other. Being in the guild with you has really made it so much better. I do not know what I would have done without you there. You were like a consent reminder of what I am trying to do. Which is just be myself anf everything else will fall into place. Well I have given it a lot of thought, and I was wondering if you ever thought of us as more then friends?..."

She was about to say more, but out of the forest came a large bear like pokemon. It came at Amra before she had time to react. She had been so focused on Rolen that she did not really feel or see them coming at all. Dropping the firewood that she picked up as she talked, she tried to pull out her dagger, but it was too late. The Beartic had taken a swipe at the ranger. Her left arm was slashed along with her chest. The pain was unbearable. Falling to the ground she tried to get up to defend herself and Rolen, but her strength seemed to have left her as her blood flowed onto the bright snow.
Wes' voice snapped Azumi back into reality. She looked around scared, her mind was still believe it was a dream. But, as she looked around and reality sinked in, her emotions began to erupt like a volcano. She grabbed Wes by the shoulders, pulled him to her, she buried her face in his chest and began to cry. She was angry and sad at so many things, the only clear order her brain had, was to cry.

Annette smiled as Tyler opened the door. "Well it's my day off, can I hang out with you? Its been lonely and Leo's Lycanroc only sleeps. Me and Fifi don't have much to do."
Rolen had blushed at Amra’s words, but before he had time to arrange any thoughts or words of his own there was a blur of white and Amra was bleeding on the ground. He stared, half in shock at the Beartic looming over him. He had only seconds to react as the huge ice bear swung at him, and he brought up his staff to parry the attack. He was knocked back and away, but he was relatively unharmed with only a few bruises from being flung back. He struggled to his feet, and saw that the Beartic had turned its attention back to the elf. He felt despair creep down his spine, but he was feeling something else: a deep, seething anger. Without thinking he grabbed a stick and lobbed it at the Beartic, luckily hitting it and distracting it. It roared, and summoned a series of giant ice spikes in midair, an Icicle Crash attack. Rolen didn’t have time to move, but he was saved by the magical shieldings he had set up before they left. A haze of multicolored energy formed together in a spherical, spectral shield around him and took the attack, glowing with more solid color at the points of impact, but the shieldings were greatly damaged in the process and now the Beartic was charging again.
“Uh, sure! What are ya thinking of? We can go out to town or something cause there’s not much to do here...” He zoned out for a second, and then reality struck him.
He couldn’t go out, it was impossible. Or at least he thought it was. Tyler was still connected to the necklace. He couldn’t travel far, only a mile. And Annette...there was a possibility that if she wore it...she would die...
Tyler didn’t want to take that chance.
“Never mind, can’t go out to town...so...what are ya thinking of doing?”

Razan looked around at the surroundings, and nodded slightly. Minus the bugs, it would be okay. But he couldn’t help but notice how hot and humid it was here, so he got rid of the humid, and created a light breeze through the campground.
He made sure to only change the weather at the campground, so the wildlife wouldn’t be altered. That had happened before.
Amra was on the ground, looking up to the sky she felt helpless. She had just told Rolen how she had felt for awhile and now all it seemed to be crashing in flames. There was a blur as a large red and black fire type pokemon dropped an object down on Amra's chest. It was wrapped in a cloth, but she was able to make a handle of some kind. Pulling the cloth away she found a very beautiful sowrd.

It looked to be made out of a white gem. You could feel the power coming off of it. It was like it had a life of it's own. The handle had a carving of a very ornate crown with little rainbow gems all around it. The blade seemed to be very sharpe and looked to have some golden vines crawling down it.

Thinking she could use it to lift herself up with, Amra took hold of the handle. It seemed to glow as it accepted her as it's owner. The grew even brighter as she stood up from her prone position.

When the glow dimmed, Amra looked to be bathed in a golden light. Her wounds that had been almost fatal to her, were gone. Holding out her other hand a copy of the same sword appeared in it as well. The sword seemed to shrink a little, becoming the size of long daggers.

Feeling like she could run a marathon, Amra tested the movement of the daggers before turning her sights on the large bear pokemon. "Hey leave him alone. He is mine you can not have him." With that Amra charged at the Beartic with her daggers held at the ready. When she got close enough the bear pokemon took a swing. With blinding speed, Amra paryed the attack with her dagger.

The gem dagger started to glow bright again. It seemed to frighten the Beartic to no end. Even pokemon know the meaning of this weapon. Taking off after getting away from Amra's attacks, it ran back into the woods.

Rushing over to Rolen, she grabbed him in a hug. She was so glad that he was not hurt. She seemed to be shaking a bit as she held onto him.
Rolen shut his eyes tightly as he returned the hug. He was having trouble processing what had just happened. He didn’t know how Amra had suddenly recovered when he had seen her severe injuries a few moments before, and he didn’t know quite how she had driven off the angry Pokémon, but none of that mattered anymore. They were together, and safe. He felt himself beggining to cry, and squeezed his eyes even tighter. Relief and happiness flooded through him and replaced the fear and anger that had been there moments before as he had fought the Beartic.

He didn’t want to think. He just wanted to enjoy this moment and this feeling, but his brain was continually working in the background, trying to solve the puzzle of what had just happened. It had all happened so fast... but he remembered that a Talonflame had swept out of the sky as the Beartic began coming towards him again, and then...

He forced himself to stop thinking. He could ask her later. For now he just squeezed tighter. “Amra... I... I was scared. Are you okay?”
"Yeah I am ok. Just don't let go." Amra began to feel safe in the mage's arms. Bring someone who is not used to this feeling inside her, made her heart sing with happiness. She knew he would have questions, she hqd some as well.

When she blocked the attack, she felt different. It was like this force pushing her to move faster. It felt kind of magical in a way.

"I felt so helpless. I just told you how I felt and then it all came crashing down. I am glad you are safe. I do not know what I would do without you."
“I... I don’t know what I would do without you, either. I... you’ve helped me so much... you’ve made me believe in myself, and cheered me up when I was having a hard time.. I-“

He cut off, unable to keep talking. He just held on. He was still on overtime from adrenaline and processing thoughts and feelings, and he needed some time to cool down.
Azumi hugged Wes tightly. "Leo..." She managed say, she managed to control herself more, but was still crying. Nana began to cry also, as she connected with Azumi's mind. Anakin hugged the Gardevoir.
Azumi's crying turned into sobbing. "I'm sorry..." She said. She could only imagine how uncomfortable Wes was.

Annette smiled at Tyler. "Well, we could stay here and I can help you work, how about it?" She let herself in and looked around, she always like looking at armors and weapons, since she only had a dagger for herself.

Samantha looked at Maira. "Want... To eat?" She let her scythe down and enjoyed the cool breeze Razan created.
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Maira nodded. “Yeah, food sounds good. I like walking, but not for that long without a good meal. Although, I kinda wanna set up my tent pretty soon. So, what are we eating?” Togetic looked around curiously. Maira glanced up at her ally, and then back to Sam.
Tyler didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t have someone help him before, and he didn’t really know what she could help him with. “O-ok...” He stuttered, and came back into the workshop, closing the door. He picked up where he left off, creating the x in the middle of the Chakram so he could wield it in battle, or if he got into one.
Tyler reaches down to the bucket of metals, and found two hard and light weight rods, and put them both in the blazing forge.
Tyler walked over to the air press, and began to blow the air on the flames, making them hotter. He exhaled and looked over to Annette, who still seemed to be occupied with his creations.

Razan set his bag down in an empty spot, and laid down. He looked over to Flygon, and said, “No flying right now. If the enemy is close by they might see you and track us.”
Flygon nodded, and laid down as well next to Razan, tired by the journey.

Jerry looked at the two crying with confusion. What were they talking and crying about? He didn’t know. He just continued to make the meal.
“It’s alright. What happened to Leo?” He asked in a concerned voice while maintaining the hug. “Aerodactyl, go check on Lycanroc and take care of him.” Wes knew the injured and exhausted wolf couldn’t have made it far if his suspicions were right. Leo must’ve either died or had been extremely injured, so the Pokémon must’ve been near fainting. Aerodactyl nodded and roared as he took off, soaring through the sky with great speed while surveying the ground below for the injured pokemon.

Some time later. The fossil Pokémon stopped his flight when he finally reached the guild and noted the orange fur of Lycanroc laying outside. He landed near the Lycanroc, noting the wolf’s depressed, almost lifeless eyes. It looked weak and cold, Aerodactyl assumed it hadn’t eaten since he went the separate way from the group. Aerodactyl laid by the Pokémon, covering it with his wing to provide warmth and laying down meat that he had hunted during his flight. The higher level of empathy Pokémon possessed allowed Aerodactyl to immediately understand what happened to Leo, he had felt the same way when he once thought Wes had died. “Don’t worry, my friend Wes will take care of you.” He screeched, comforting the fellow rock type.
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Azumi managed to stop sobbing and handed the letter to Wes as she cleaned her face. "He... Isn't coming back." As she saw that, her voice broke and she was about to cry again, but she held it in.

Annette watched joyfully as Tyler worked. "Want me to help you clean? I'm good at cleaning. Or maybe watch something while you take a break? We can drink tea. Or or or I know! We can go check on Lycanroc and see if he wants to eat."

Samantha shrugged. "Anything... You want." She looked at Razan. "Want to... Join us?"
Razan nodded slightly, but didn’t move. He continued to sit there with Flygon in a trance, staring into space, thinking...

Tyler laughed out loud. “A break?! I don’t take breaks! I start something and I don’t stop till it’s done! But yeah, you can tidy up stuff if ya want.” Tyler said.
“Umm... Razan? Do you see something?”

She moved to a spot behind him and followed what she thought was the direction of his gaze. She glanced over at Sam, shrugged, and walked back over to her friend. She was about to say something when she spotted a vine. Now was the time to put the knife Amra have her to use. She ran over to the vine, carefully pulled out the blade, and sliced through the stem to collect part of it. She watched in amazement as the place where she had cut began to grow out again, slowly but surely. She could already see tiny leaves unfurling, and at that rate it would be back to new in about a day. She looked at the knife one more time, stowed it away, and walked back over to Sam.
"Do you think you can be with someone like me? Someone with royal response abilities?" Amra hoped that Rolen would be with her. Even if he could not handle the stress, she still wanted to be his first and formost.

Amra was of two minds about what had just happened, it felt like the sword seemed to awaken something in her. She does not know what it is, but she can feel the power in her now that was out of reach. She would probably never be able to be a mage like Rolen is, but magic has other forms as well. Maybe the sword brought it out of her.
“Not, food, silly! Medicine! You ought to know that by now!”

Maira spoke teasingly, a grin stretching across her face. She held up the vine, which was very dark green with maroon veining in the leaves.

“It’s called Wildfire vine, because of its leaves, and because it spreads like wildfire in a habitat like this. It’s a good way to calm people down who are intoxicated.”


Rolen didn’t respond for a moment or two. He just held Amra in his arms, swaying ever so slightly.

“I... I want to, Amra... but... well... I just don’t... I mean... I would love to. I just... need some time to process things............ can we talk more later? I think we need to bring the firewood back to camp...”

He had begun to shake ever so slightly. His words had not wanted to come. He was scared he had pushed her away with his last words, but it was all he could think of.
"I understand. It is a lot to take in. Come lets gather the wood. It would be better to have more incase whoever is keeping watch wants to keep the fire going." Amra smiled up at Rolen as she let of him. He was only a couple of inches taller then she was.

Walking back to where she dropped the firewood before she was hit, she remembered the sword. Looking down, it was attached to her waist. She did not remember putting it there, but with all of the emotions she felt, it could have just been instinct.
Rolen sighed as they finished their embrace. He stooped and began to gather wood for the fire. He found himself wishing he’d spent more time working on Tenser’s Floating Disc, a spell that made a magical floating platform that could have easily carried all the wood for them with no more effort than his maintaining the spell and keeping it moving in the correct direction. However, he didn’t feel up to even contemplating attempting that spell at the time, his thoughts were taken up elsewhere. He gathered a large arm full of wood, and then paused.

“Are you, ah, ready to go?”
Gathering what she had before, Amra picked up a few more just to be sure they had enough. "Yeah I am ready." Walking up to him, she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for not out right rejecting me." Being someone who is used to people just wanting to be with her because she is a princess, made being with Rolen so refreshing. "Ready when you are."
Rolen blushed and froze in place as she kissed him. He took a deep breath, gave a slight smile, and stepped off in the direction of the camp. This was made difficult by the combination of uphill slope, the deep snow, and the heavy pieces of wood he carried. He slowed his pace just enough to walk next to Amra.

“Hey... Amra... to be truthful, I have had feelings for you for a while... I... just didn’t think you felt the same way, and I didn’t know if it could ever work anyway, or...”
Wes quickly read the letter. While he was a bit saddened by the news, he became more fearful than anything. He might’ve hated the guy, but Leo was seriously powerful, and the fact that Lycanroc delivered the letter instead of one of the other grand court members meant all of them had met a similar fate. “Azumi... I.. I’m so sorry.” He stuttered before going to give her another hug to comfort her. He wasn’t angry that Leo had died, but he was furious that someone had upset Azumi so much by killing him. Pulling her tight, Wes spoke in a stern voice, “Don’t worry, we’ll find whoever did this and kill them.”