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"Really well, human and elven weddings are not unheard of you know. It is actually common amung the elven people. My aunt who is the Queen of the island elves to the north, is married to a human. Trust me no one would care that you are with me at all." Amra smiled at him as she walked. She loved talking with him. He seemed to just put her at ease. It was like she was just a person not some princess. She coule be herself and not have to deal with being someone she wasn't.

(@The Pikachan, this is your time to shine. Sorry for the wait.)
Samantha giggled softly. Only Maira could get that reaction from her, she giggled the same way Bob did. "It looks... Pretty... Your dagger also."

Azumi's tears came down her cheeks again, but Wes made her feel comfortable enough to get her mind thinking straight again. "You're right..." She said softly. "Someone out there did this...and it's up to us to stop them."
Rolen was slightly surprised. He hadn’t expected her to say anything like that, and it flustered him slightly. However, he trudged on. His arms were beginning to grow a bit tired, and the bark was a bit irritating.

“Oh... okay, then.”


Maira giggled as well. “Hey, thanks! Now let’s go find some food. I wonder if there’s any food around here besides what we brought with us...”
“Yep, that’s right!” Wes smiled trying to lighten the mood, he had a problem when things were serious for too long. “Those idiots don’t even realize who they just pissed off, Azumi Towers and the Stormbreakers are about to kick there butts.” He gave her a reassuring thumbs up. “Besides, if you’re that upset about not getting a date with a member of the Grand Court, I can do you one better and give you one with a top 10 most wanted.” Wes chuckled at his own joke, then blushed when he realized he had inadvertently asked Azumi on a date.
Samantha sat down next to Razan. "Fruit salad..." It was Samantha's favorite dish since Maira was so good at it. "We have... Fruit."

Azumi thought about what Wes said. It made sense in her head. She hugged Wes again and stood up, wiping her tears away. "Right. No time to cry right now. There will be plenty of time for that later." She smiled and then looked confused. "Um... Who's a top ten most wanted that wants to date me?" She shook her head. "No, I didn't understand that part, can you explain?"
Wes looked down at his feet and fiddled with his hands feeling awkward. He wasn’t one to date much, his lifestyle of always moving around never allowed for it. Plus, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to date Azumi, he just wanted to lighten the mood. But now that it came down to it, his embarrassed feelings led him to believe that he might have some suppressed feelings for his guild leader. “Well...um...I just mean... I know you’re upset about Leo... I was just thinking I could take you out to cheer you up.” He muttered awkwardly, not making eye contact.
"If you want me I can explain everything to you when we get the fire going and are warmed up a bit. There are a few things that you might want to know about. Don't worry it is nothing bad." Amra knew she had to talk to him about some of things that human and elf couples had to go through. She would be glad when it was over. Bringing a book back from her kingdom about human and elf marriages was a good idea.
Azumi looked even more confused and she laughed softly. "Wes... We go out all the time, what Leo asked me was..." She stopped as her mind understood what Wes meant. "Oh..." She looked surprised and blushed. "Oh... I see..." She looked down embarrassed. "Well..." She was interrupted by Nana, who teleported next to Azumi and hugged her while crying. "There there Nana..." Azumi looked at Wes. "I'm sorry I need to help her, thank you Wes, I feel better now." She smiled and walked away, holding Nana's hand and talking to her.
Rolen nodded, and exhaled a cloud of chilly air. He wanted to put his arm around her shoulder, but his arms were full of wood and that prevented him. Soon they were within a good distance of the camp, at least two thirds of the way there.

“Okay... lets get warmed up... not too much farther, now.”

He was speaking almost as much to himself as to Amra. He paused for a moment to catch his breath, and then struggled on again.


Maira smiled and moved off to find some supplies. After about fifteen minutes, she was back with fruit salad, and Togetic was flying closer with what looked like a chunk of honeycomb.

“Eat up, guys!”


Previously The Pikachan
Rene walked along with Michi, both cold and tired.

"Okay... We use electricity to burn a tree and then we will be warm." Rene explained to Michi.

But Michi just nodded her head saying no.

Rene rolled her eyes, they had been wondering the last few days after her guild had been killed by two powerful enemies. They had also just made a Beartic mad by trying to steal it's food.
As they walked Rene noticed two individuals walking. They seemed to be carrying firewood. Rene couldn't see them well, but her mind told her it was the enemy.
A shot of anger went through her head as she remembered her teammates being killed.

"They are not taking us...I WON'T LET THEM!" She cried out as electricity began to spark around her body.

Her eyes glowed white and the sky began to get dark and cloudy. She charged up her hands and shot two lightning bolts at the two strangers.
“Well alright then.” He whispered to himself and Joltik. Wes finished setting up the large tent for everyone to share, as well as his own individual one. He had opted for everyone to share a big one because it would allow more preservation of body heat, but he still packed his own so there would be room for Aerodactyl. “Looks like it’s just us tonight buddy.” He said to Joltik, assuming Aerodactyl was back as the guild with Lycanroc. Wes noted how empty the tent felt without his fossil friend, but curled up into the huge pelt blanket that was large enough to cover both him and Aerodactyl. Wes feel asleep with Joltik laying on his forehead.
Samantha smiled and began to eat. She would occasionally ask Togetic for honey. She had also grown found of the fairy Pokemon. "Thank... you." She told Maira. "This is... My favorite...but only when you make it."

Azumi finished with Nana. The food was ready and went to call Wes. She saw him sleeping alone in a tent. "Um... Wes? Are you sleeping? Dinner is ready." Azumi called out to him softly.
Amra was happy with how Rolen was taking everything. She had worried he might not feel the same way about her as she did him.

She was about to say something when she felt the air charge with power. Dropping the wood, Amra pulled out the sword. It glowed and seemed to change shape becoming a large round shield big enough to cover more then one person. The crown design seemed to grow and become more elaborate as well.

With her fast reflexes, Amra was able to get in front of Rolen before the lightening could hit. It seemed to be absorbed by the shield abd made the glow that much brighter. If you looked at Amra her features seemed to become more fierce and intense.

Lowering the shield after the attack, she still had it posed to raise it up incase the attacker decided to attack again. "What the hell. You can't just attack out of nowhere. Show yourself!"


Previously The Pikachan
The lightning bolts made a loud noise as they made impact with the shield.

"You didn't give my friends any warning!" Rene snapped back, the electricity building around her.

She moved her hands in a circular motion and crated and electro ball. She shot it at the two strangers.

"I will show no mercy! Just like you did when attacking us!" Rene yelled.

Michi prepared to attack if anyone approached them.
Rolen had had no time to react, although he had dropped one piece of wood rather painfully on his toe. He was surprised to see that Amra had a giant shield, and that something or someone had atttacked them. He saw the slight change to Amra’s face, and his surprise was increased. What was going on? He hadn’t seen her do anything like this in the past, or heard her talk about it.

“Amra, wh- how did...?”

Then the next set of attacks were launched. This time he was prepared, and had his hands free, so he was able to launch three Magic Missiles which impacted the electro ball in an attempt to stop the attack. He wasn’t sure what the person was shouting about, but he felt like something was wrong.


Maira smiled and sat down next to Sam. She got some salad for herself and began eating it, wondering if they should save some for Sarah. The answer was probably yes.
"What the hell are you talking about. We were just attacked by a Beartic. We never attacked another guild. We are here to investigate the murders and see if we can find any survivors." With the shield in front of her she slowly walked forward and blocked the electric attacks with the shield. She would not let this girl attack Rolen.
Ashley, a girl who stood 5'8", had silver hair and baby blue eyes, wearing a light blue blouse, a silver overcoat, and light blue breeches (or equivalent), was walking through this jungle with a Greninja and Chimecho when a loud ringing sound played through all three of their ears.

"What was that?" Ashley asked Kato.

"Nin." Kato responded.

The two ran all the way to the source of the sound, perched on a rock, was a person, couldn't tell if the person was Male or female, but on top of the rock, was what seemed to be the source, a strange bundle of broken parts.

"Hi there, My name is Ashley Silver, I am not here to harm your group!" Ashley yelled, "Kato, be ready, Windchime, keep close."

Ashley had her hand on her sword out of instinct from her four years of Bard training before ending up in this jungle.
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"You see, I am actually daughter of the Lord the next town over, and the youngest of six, my oldest brother is the next Lord Silver, and I am traveling the world, as a Bard." Ashley explained, a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice apparent, "I am also looking for a guild, I am strong with social skills, sword skills, and to some degree Bard Magic."

Windchime suddenly appeared in Phoenix's face as Kato tapped her shoulder.
"Well right now our guild is split in two. We are on seprate missions. If you want to you can speak to our team leader. I am sure she could send a letter to our guild leader and let her know that you are looking for a guild to join. Though it sounds like we will be moving into the jungle tomorrow." Picking up the broken pieces of his device, Phoenix put them into his bag. He then jumped off the rock and stood waiting for her answer. Pulling his hair up out of his face and into a large fluffy ponytail the elf ears could be seen clearly.
"That sounds good to me, I'll set up camp around where I am standing and have Kato go on patrol." Ashley responded, "If your group needs anything, alert the Greninja, and he will get me, ok?"

Ashley set down her bag, which is enchanted to have a lot more space inside than outside, and pulled a cloth and stakes, a Lute, some wood and a Flint. She started a small fire with the wood and the flint as Windchime finished up her tent. She, along with Windchime, her Chimecho, crawled into the tent, Ashley took off her coat, and grabbed the covers, Windchime taking a curved spot above her head.
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A while later...well, we’re going back in time sorta, so why not?

Tyler was just about to answer, when he heard a knocking on his window. At first he was confused to why, but then remembered. He opened up his window to see Razans Flygon with a note in its mouth. Tyler smiled and took the letter from him, and the Flygon happily flew away.
Tyler sat down on his work bench, and opened up the letter.
It was a drawing by Jerry. One stick figure who looked female was crying, another hugging her. At that instant, he knew who those figures were. Azumi and Wes. Tyler looked closer at the female character and saw that she was holding a letter as well.
The letter could have been from anyone. She must care about them to cry for them, and he realized....it could have been Leo.
It all made sense. Lycanrock came holding a letter. And if it came alone and Azumi cried reading the letter it was holding-

That would mean Leo was dead.....

Tyler froze up, not moving for a while minute. “No....” he said quietly. Leo...was dead? It was almost to hard to believe.
Tyler didn’t cry though. It just felt anger mixed with sadness. “NO!” Tyler yelled, and slammed his fists on his work table, scattering various items. His hands caught on fire automatically, as if triggered by the rage burning up in him. Tyler clenched his fists, and stood there over the work table. The note had burned up when his hands caught on fire.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene just got angrier as she heard Amra's words. "Lies! You lied before! I'm not falling for that again!"

She made big circle movements with her hands and arms. Lightning began to form around her, following the circular pattern her hands were doing. She walked forward, she need to be closer to aim the next attack correctly, it was powerful but required more focus and time to prepare.

Michi followers closely, her job was to make sure nobody touched Rene until she finished her attack.

"You're going to pay for what you did to my guild! I will shock you out of your mind and make sure you suffer like they did before I destroy you!" Rene's voice elevated as the sound of the thunder in the skies did also.
“Oh... ok..” he mumbled as he slowly woke up. Wes stretched his arms in a yawn before going out and grabbing a bowl of food. “Thanks.” He said to all the Pokémon and Azumi before heading back into the tent where he ate and gave Joltik some berries. Wes had noted the unusual storm clouds outside but didn’t feel like investigating at the moment.
Needing the mobility, the sword glowed as it took on a different shape this one a broad sword that seemed to be a large verson of the sword. This would allow her to move freely while also having a large weapon to shield attacks with. Not being used to this type of weapon, she would be a bit clumsy and would need some training to help with her fighting with a large weapon.

Within the glow, Amra seemed to come more into focus. With both hands she held the grear sword out in front of her. "Listen you have the wrong people. Why would I attack someone and then be that close where they were killed. That is crazy. You need to calm down. I do not want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."
Azumi watched as Wes walked away, she hoping to have dinner with him. She looked at Anakin and Nana, who were eating quietly. Nana sobbing every now and then. Azumi decided to join Wes, they had a conversation that wasn't finished yet. As she walked over she noticed the clouds and heard some thunder. She looked up.
"Odd... Those weren't there before."

She stood outside Wes' tent. "Do you want some company?" She called out.

Samantha finished her food and looked around. "I feel like... We are being watched." She told Maira and Razan. "But... There's no disturbance... In the wind."
“Ummm sure.” Wes replied, still feeling awkward after the incident from earlier. He scooted over on the rather large blanket to allow Azumi space to settle down. After remaining silent for a moment, Wes quietly spoke up. “I’m sorry about the joke I made earlier, you’re the chief, it was inappropriate.” He muttered while looking at the stew. Wes then tried to change the topic in an attempt to alleviate some awkwardness, “We should let your Pokémon in one of the tents, even if they don’t feel as cold thanks to their fur they will still catch a cold if they are out there for too long.”


Previously The Pikachan
Rene gritted her teeth as she raised her left arm, pointing with two fingers to the sky and with her right she pointed, two fingers as well, to her opponents. Lightning came down from the skies and on to Rene, traveling along her left arm and through her body. She was about to shoot the charges energy towards her enemies, when she noticed Amra's face.

She quickly changed the direction and shot the lightning to their left, impacting several trees, one catching on fire.

"Princess?!" She said in an outburst as she walked a few steps closer. "Princess Amra?!" She looked shocked as she squinted her eyes to see better. It WAS her princess that she was looking at.

Rene covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief. "I'm gratefully sorry! I didn't mean to harm you!" She knelt down and lowered her head. "Please forgive me!"
Amra was a bit startled at the change in behavior. Though maybe now she will be able to get what happened out of the elven girl. Lowering the great sword it changes back to being just a regular sword that she hooked onto her waist.

Taking a moment to catch her breathe, it seemed that using the sword took a lot out of her. She would really have to watch out for that. Offering her hand to the girl. "It is ok. I do not blame you for being defensive I would have reacted the same way. I maybe a princess in our kingdom, but when I am around my guild, I am just Amra. Now can you tell me what made you attack us so strongly?"

Sarah had taken the time to set up the tents for her and the others. She had also started a fire to keep warm though with Phoenix along, she really did not need to do it herself. She also wondered why Azumi sent Phoenix with her instead of the mountains. His element would have helped a lot.

Walking over to Sam and Maria, she asked. "You guys ready for tomorrow? It is going to be a long day we should enjoy this while we can."

At that moment Phoenix walked up to Sarah. "Sarah there is someone who was in the jungle, wanting to join out guild. I told her that I would let you know."

Sarah sighed and turned back to the other two. "I am sorry you guys are going to have excuse me. It seems there is someone I need to meet." With that she followed Phoenix to the girl tent.

Umbre decided to stay back at the guild with Annette. She had grown quite fond of the pink robed girl. That and she had been with a certain Espeon that seemed to hang around the forest outside of the guild.
Azumi sat down and looked outside when she thought she saw lightning. "Amra and Rolan should hurry." She turned her attention to Wes. "Don't worry, Nana always sleeps by my side and Anakin likes this weather, but he knows better then to freeze." She looked down at her bowl. "Regarding your joke... I didn't think it was, since you're a terrible lier, and it got me thinking. I have never been involved in having a relationship, dating or any of those romantic things. I always thought of it as a distraction, from my goals. I rejected Leo so many times, since back when we met in the academy. Now, that I finally accepted, because I owed him a favor, he is gone." She sighed and focused her gaze on the outside. "This path, that I chose to take, it doesn't guarantee that I will live long, quite the opposite actually, which means I should start enjoying my life all around, just like Leo used to do. I mean look what he accomplished and he enjoyed life to it's fullest. I want that. If I die, I don't want any regrets and..." She looked at Wes. "I know that saying no, to you, would be one of them. So, if it was a joke then disregard what I said, if it isn't... Well think about it. I just felt you should know." She took a deep breath and began to eat. "I feel so much better, my hunger returned."

Samantha watched as Sarah left and looked at Maira. "No matter what happens... Stay safe please... You're my top priority... I can't fight well if you're in... Danger."

Annette was shocked by Tyler's reaction. "Are you okay? Did the weapon come out wrong? Can I help with something? Want some juice?"


Previously The Pikachan
Rene took Amra's hand and stood up. "Thank you princess Amra. I was with my guild we were on look out for enemies and then two..." She stopped and hugged herself uncomfortably. "They took us all out... I only escaped because Michi here revived me with thunder shock."

Michi nodded. "Pika pi."

"There was this big man with a big hammer and this little boy who controlled water in a way I had never seen before." Rene looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, everything happened so fast... I was one of the first ones to be defeated."
Rolen was glad he had stayed behind Amra and hesitated to attack. It had all worked out okay. He looked at Amra with slight concern, she didn't seem to be doing the best, and he was worried. Something was going on, but he didn't know what. He had a feeling it had to do something with the sword that she had gotten, he didn't know where. Between the miraculous healing, and the sword which radiated power and was able to change into different weapons. He needed to talk to her about it later.
Ashley was sitting in her tent, playing her Lute, while Kato was patrolling the camp and Windchime was singing along. She also heard conversation from the nearby camp that Phoenix is affiliated with, as Kato dropped behind her. She saw Phoenix and another person walk into her tent.

"Hi, I'm Ashley," She greeted, with her Chimecho floating around her head, "This is Windchime."
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Wes turned his head to the side to look at Azumi, he was having a bit of trouble processing everything. He was no stranger to relationships, though he traveled around often, his combination of being medically gifted and also the edgy aspect of being a thief attracted a fair amount of women. Still, most of those relationships were superficial and never lasted more than a couple of weeks tops, he would just date because he was bored and then move to the next town, looking for those who needed aid. Wes had never felt what he had towards Azumi, he knew he cared for her, that much was clear. But because of his high respect of her abilities and viewing her as a teacher, he couldn’t figure out exactly what to say.

“Azumi... I” he stuttered, trying to be very careful about finding exactly the right words. He cleared his throat as he formulated a more confident idea of what he was going to say. “I think you’re going through a lot right now so I don’t know if you should be making decisions like this. I mean as much as I would like this to happen, there’s also a million reasons not to. You’re the chief of the guild I’m currently at, plus once I leave my bounty will be active again and a relationship would hurt your reputation. Just don’t go rushing into things right now, I promise I won’t let either of us die so there’s no need to hurry.” He smiled at the last part and moved a little closer to her, feeling more comfortable especially since it appeared at least some of his feelings were reciprocated.
Azumi looked away. "Wow... my student is thinking more clearly then I am." She laughed. "You are right." She rested her head on his shoulder. "You are completely right. Thank you. I would be a mess right now if it was not for you." She smiled. "It is funny how you think you still have a bounty... wait." She stood up suddenly. "The mountains grew quiet."

Anakin rushed inside, looking serious.
"Protect Nana, Wes get ready." Azumi said. She rushed out of the tent and saw a young man standing in the middle of the camp. "Who are you?"

The young man looked like a small boy, but gave out a feeling of someone who had much experience. He had a mushroom like haircut with black hair. His eyes were pitch black, with no sense of emotion coming from them. He wore a black tux and tie. He turned his head to face Azumi. No words had to be said, Azumi drew her long sword without thinking. The young man had a devilish smile spread across his face.
"You... are the... water user... Azumi?" He spoke in a soft tone.

Azumi did not reply. The young man smiled even wider. "Good... I came for you." The snow around him turned into a vortex and the snow slowly became water. Then, the water floated up in the air and stayed there, like some sort of water cloud. "I heard you... had good reflexes...I´m curious about that." The water cloud began shooting icicle spears at Azumi.

Azumi blocked most of them with her sword, except one that slashed her arm. She paid no attention to her injury, since the enemy began to attack again.


Wrecker appeared behind Rene. "There you are! I knew I missed one!" He cried out as he smashed his giant golden hammer on the ground and sent a shockwave towards the electric mage.


Samantha stood up. "Maira... behind me." She said as she looked into the jungle. The smell of burning plants and smoke began to spread.

Diablo approached, burning every plant that touched his body. "Stormbreakers... must... BURN!"
A sword appeared in the ground next to Wes, a giant sword. An Angeslash.
“Oh Wes! The coward has come out to play!” CrossBlade yelled, his Russian accent showing through. Angeslash returned to CrossBlades hand, and waited for Wes.

Tyler turned around to Annette, his hair hanging over his face, the flames from his hands spreading up to his forearms.
“Leo....Leo’s gone....” he muttered. “He’s...”
He tried to say more, but he was too angry.
He would kill whoever did this. He swore on his life.

Razan stood up and walked towards the meal they had prepared. He tried a small bit of it, and nodded, and then took more, and extra for Castform. He walked back over, gave the plate to Castform, who happily ate. Razan started to eat as well, still seeming out of it. Thinking. Choosing his options. He had one question on his mind, and the only one who was here that could answer that question was Samantha...
Wes had run outside to help Azumi when a sword struck the ground near him, almost taking his foot off. ”Hmph an Aegislash, that’s new” Wes playfully muttered to himself when he heard Crossblade’s voice and figured he had evolved his Doublade. “Looks like you’ve gotten at least a little bit stronger, maybe you’ll have.” He taunted while gesturing to the sword and shield Pokémon. Wes cracked his knuckles and moved his neck from one side to the other to do the same. Wes was a little worried about Azumi, but he figured she would be able to take care of herself. “Best two out of three, don’t run away scared this time.” Wes smiled as Joltik perched on top of his head, making a determined expression before they merged with the spirit and surged with electrical powers. We need to kill this guy fast and go help the others, they might be in trouble as well he spoke mentally to Joltik and the spirit. Using magnet rise, Joltik summoned all of the armor to Wes and he quickly equipped it, drawing only Windslasher to start with. “This is my new toy... let’s see how you like it.” He had a devilish smirk as he began to rapidly slash the rapier at the air in front of him, sending wind slashes rapidly towards Crossblade.
Amra was not happy with how her talk was interrupted. Especially by one of the guys she hated. If it is a fight the guy wanted, then that is what he will get. Pulling out her new sword, it glowed a golden light. After the light faded it transformed into a beautiful crystal bow. The crystal bow is very ornate in it's desgin.

Pulling out one of her arrows, she notched into the string of the bow. Taking aim, she made sure she had her sight set on the guy with a big hammer. "Hey Ugly! Heads up!"

With that she release the arrow and shot it at the guy. She aimed to cause a lot of damage with one hit. It did it it would take out one of his arms for use of welding the large hammer.

Sarah was not happy that she was interrupted. She was even more upset that it was by this guy who she grew a hatred for. In her head she spoke to the being. "You know what we have to do don't you?"

The being spoke back with it's smooth and sultry voice. "Yes. Would you like me to take over fully for this one? Or would you rather be in control."

"I will let you handle this one. I do not want to go out of control and do something I would regret later on." With that Sarah began to change. Her eyes became purely black. Black tenderals began to appear under her eyes. A large two handed axe began to form out of darkness. The light around her began to be blocked out by the growing darkness that seemed to radiate around the assassin.

Lifting up the axe she charged at the fire starter. With a wicked smile on her face, she let the axe come down. Wanting to cause a lot of damage she aimed for taking off the guys head.

Phoenix was with the bard when Sarah charged past. He knew what was happening and knew that Sarah just got very pissed to be in that state.

Looking toward the girl, he said. "You will probably have some questions. Just so you know she will not need much help with that guy. Though be careful she is not in her right of mind at the moment."
Azumi rolled out of the way of the incoming icicles and managed to grab her helmet. She quickly put it on. She looked around. Anakin was protecting Nana and she could see from the corner of very eye, Wes getting in a fight.

"To bad... I did not come to kill you..." The young man said.

Azumi rushed at him, his battle style was similar to Samantha's and if she could get in, he wouldn't be able to defend himself.
But the young man seemed to predict this and created a water vortex that picked Azumi up and threw her into the woods. Azumi's back slammed against a tree and she landed on one knee. She needed to find an opening, but for now, she had to keep him busy. She rushed again, this time the young boy replied with icicles again, which caused Azumi to jump back and use the tree as a shield.
"That tree won't... Help you." The young boy said as another vortex lifted Azumi up, except this time it kept her inside. The vortex carried Azumi up the mountain. She tries to freeze it, but his magic was too strong for her.
The vortex reached the top of the mountain and smashed Azumi on the floor. Azumi sat up coughing, she had swallowed some water. She quickly got up as she noticed someone else standing there. There was a tall man standing there. He had very pale skin, long black hair and a goatee. He had long nails, bloodshot eyes and pointy teeth. His entire body was covered by a black cape.
"Ms. Towers. I finally have the pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself." He bowed lightly. "My name is Vlad II Dracul. I am the leader of Organization X."
Azumi readied her weapon, she didn't know what else to do, she wasn't prepared for this.
Dracul smiled. "A friend of yours wanted you to have this..." He tossed a golden necklace, that landed in front of Azumi's feet.
The necklace had the head of a golden male Pyroar, that was partly stained with blood. Azumi recognized it as Leo's necklace. A blinding rage built inside of her. The gemstone in her helmet began to glow intensely as Azumi created an ice sword with her left hand and covered her long sword in a stream of water. Azumi clutched her fist and growled as the thought of Dracul killing Leo repeated in her mind.
"I'm going to kill you!" Azumi cried out as she blurred her way towards Dracul.
Dracul just smiled, ready for the impact.


Diablo noticed the incoming attack from Sarah.
But before Sarah could do any damage, a shadow dashed in from the side and stabbed a kunai in Sarah's torso.
"Sealed." A girl wearing a black ninja suit and mask said. She had long red hair in a pony tail. "Whichever demon you are... This isn't your fight."

Diablo walked past Sarah and shot a flamethrower at Ashley and Phoenix.


Wrecker smiled as the arrow was frozen in mid air. The young man arrived floating on a water vortex.
"I did... My part... Now I can have fun."