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Razan shook his head. “Nobody would get attacked if they didn’t come looking. He told me that he only came here for me. He didn’t want to interfere with others, that’s why he disappeared when Wes came....” He stopped suddenly, and then continued. “He wasn’t going to kill me. Just take me away. I still have my marking, but I can’t decide if that means I’m still one of them or not...” he held his arm and looked to the side. “I don’t think I can get rid of it, and I don’t want to ask Rolen for anything because he’s exhausted from Tyler...”
Tyler nodded. “Okay. Just need something to do. What can I take easy while not injuring myself...” He then got an idea. However it slowly faded away, the moment he thought of it. He sighed. A different idea came to his head. “Watch this, fire hand!” He exclaimed, and his hand was set on fire.
"Oh. That sounds.... dangerous. Please be more careful next time, or maybe have somebody help you and throw slightly less dangerous projectiles, like... old, stinky socks?"

Maira finished up healing Wes' wounds. She gave him two herbs that he could chew on later if the pain came back, and then slipped the remaining herbs into her left hand.

"All done, you can go now!"
“Haha, thanks. I’ll consider it.” On that note, Wes hopped back up on his feet, pleasantly surprised by the complete lack of pain. He stretched as he let out a yawn, “I’m all worn out, I think I’ll head to sleep. Goodnight guys.” Wes walked out to his favorite tree where Aerodactyl waited and laid down next to him, falling asleep within seconds.
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Annette sighed and put the documents in a drawer. "Well Razan, maybe you should listen more to the people who care about you instead of the voices that want to kill you." She got up and grabbed Fifi into her arms. She walked around turning of lights, making sure nobody was still inside and led Razan outside while she closed the doors. "The saddest part of the day..." She set Fifi down and they both stretched. "Well we have to go. Please consider your consequences." She smiled and at Razan. "I know me and Fifi would miss you if something bad happened to you." They both skipped away to Annette's room, where they went to bed.

Samantha finished meditating with Anakin. "Good session..." She said as she got up. Bob came down from Azumi's bed and up Samantha's shoulder. She walked out and went to Maira's room, where she curled up on Maira's bed.
Tyler yawned quite a bit, and then helped himself to his room. He opened the door quietly, and patted Octo-Bugs head, and laid in his bed. He fell asleep fast.

Razan looked down for a while. He stayed by the library for quite some time, thinking to himself, and then headed back to the guild and went to sleep.
Maira hung around for a little while. She got some food, and shared it with Togetic before heading to her room. When she got there she found Sam curled up on the bed. She smiled slightly and sat down next to her. It had taken some time for Maira to get used to Sam’s whole join-her-friend-in-their-room-for-the-night thing, but she was reconciled to the fact now and didn’t mind.
Azumi finished her drink and sighed. "Thank you both for the drink and talk. I missed this." She stood up. "I better get some sleep, there's lot to do tomorrow." She hugged Emma one last time and went to her room to rest.

------------- Meanwhile at the Border ---------------

Leo was on his knees, breathing heavily. There was blood going down his head and over his left eye, which didn't let him see well. But, there wasn't much to see. His comrades had all been defeated. He could see their bodies laying face down on the ground around him, even Victoria. They were somehow still alive, but just barely.

"Wondering why I left them alive?" The pale man that stood before Leo said. "I need them for a sacrifice. Unfortunately, I have no need for any light mage." The man smiled, showing his pointy white teeth under his perfectly groomed mustache.

Leo smirked and let out a small laugh. "Why? You afraid of the light?" He began to struggle to stand up.

"You should stay on your knees, make this easier on yourself." The man said, his smile disappeared and a serious look came over his wine color eyes.

"I can't. I have to fight until my last breath." Leo responded as he used his staff to maintain on his feet. The staff began to glow.

The man smiled again. "It's pointless to try and attack me, but I am curious. Go ahead, give me your best shot." The man stretched his arms to the side, his long black cape still covering them, except for his pale hands and long white nails.

Leo smiled. "You asked for it." A white eagle made out of light emerged from the staff and flew into the sky. "Thank you."

The man looked confused. "You used your last bit of mana to send a message?" He chuckled. "I am no longer planning on staying in the shadows, all you did was speed up the process. My I ask, what did it say?"

Leo's smiled disappeared, a sad look came over his eyes. He dropped his staff and fell to his knees again. "I was just telling a friend, that I won't make it to our date..." He closed his eyes and tears came down from them.

The man's smile turned into a frown. "Pathetic." He said as he raised his hand and finished Leo off.

Lycanroc watched with pain as his master's life was taken. He was far off and well hidden in the forest. The light eagle landed next to him and turned into a letter. Lycanroc picked it up and ran away, towards Kelan's capital.

----------- The Next Day ----------

Azumi woke up suddenly, feeling alert, although there was no reason to. She got up and had Nana send a message to everyone.

"Good morning Stormbreakers! Meeting room!" Nana's childish voice was heard through everyone's mind.

Azumi put on a blue shirt and pants. She wasn't going to have training with Wes today, since there was a lot to do. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed signs of tears on her cheeks. She washed her face, Pu Tyler's necklace on and ran downstairs to the meeting room, where she took her seat and waited for the rest.
Tyler slowly opened his eyes. He grunted slightly. He pushed himself up, and sat in his bed, taking a little time to adjust to the morning.
After a while, he eventually got up, got dressed in his blacksmith clothes, and trudged down the hallway, and went into the meeting room.
He sighed, and sat down next to her. “Morning.” He said quickly.

Razan was awoke by Nana, but then fell asleep almost suddenly. For some reason he was very tired.
Wes slowly woke up as he had many times before. He had disarmed himself of everything except Windslasher, which he wore on the right side of his waist. While he viewed the rest of his gear as a necessary burden, his new sword just felt natural thanks to its light weight. “Keep good care of this for me.” He spoke to Aerodactyl as he placed his gear in the large satchel on the Pokémon. Wes groggily sulked into the meeting room where he plopped down on the couch. “Hey.” He muttered in a tired voice. He was not someone who could be taken seriously at the moment due to his unfortunate bed head.
Emma had fallen asleep in the meeting room, still in her chair. Drool dripped down her face as she slept in peace, bottle in hand. She almost looked like a baby with how small she was compared to the chair. Azumi probably would've seen her at this point. Brian and Pack were in the back of the room, waiting for the meeting.

Perry slept like a baby, and still was. When Azumi made the call, Porra was the only one up. She made her way around the building and eventually the meeting room. She jumped up onto the table and hopped about.
Rolen groaned and turned over in bed. His head was still aching slightly, although the rest had helped a lot... or what rest he got. Feverish dreams had disturbed him during the middle of the night, just like the times he had gotten sick in the past. That was over now, though, and he got up to go about his routine. He had fallen asleep with his clothes on, giving him one less step and making him earlier than usual in arriving at the meeting room. He was still bleary, and took no notice of the others already there as he sat down in his seat.


Maira woke up with a large yawn, began to roll over, and stopped as she realized Sam had spent the night again. She got up quietly and gently, not wanting to disturb Sam if she was sleeping still. She prepared herself for the day, while Togetic flew in lazy circles around the room.
Azumi shook Emma gently to try and wake her up. "Good morning Tyler, how are you feeling?" She said as she moved Emma.
She then noticed Wes and laughed a little at his hair. She noticed the arrival of the others also. "Good morning everyone, is everyone rested? We have a lot to do today."

Samantha felt the absence of Maira and got up, she brushed her hair with her hand and then went to her room. She changed into a different black dress and then went down to the meeting room. Once there, she took her sit next to Maira while she petted Bob, who rested on her lap.

Annette skipped into the meeting room. "Hello!~" She loved meetings, since it's when she got to see everyone together. She sat down next to Rolan and leaned close to him. "I found this book about making Pokemon figures with light or dark magic. I set it aside in case you're interested." She whispered to him and then sat back normally with a smile. She took out her note pad and got ready to take notes.
Maira smiled and said good morning to Sam. Much like Annette, Maira enjoyed meetings, and there was usually something interesting going on, from missions, to announcements about the war. She looked across the table to Rolen, who seemed a bit out of it. From what she saw he didn’t even react when Annette spoke to him. Her face gained a slight pout as she looked at him, and she leaned closer to Sam and spoke quietly to her.

“Rolen looks tired.”
Tyler nodded. “I’m doing ok.” He said reassuringly. “I just hope that we get to do something.”
While Tyler was waiting, he practiced his fire maneuvering, turning his hand off and on, and then staring at his burning hand for a while.

Razan thought it was an okay time to get up, and did so. He changed into another one of his robes, and headed downstairs with Castform. When he made him s way down, he knocked on Sarah and Amra’s door. “Meeting.” He simply said, and went into the meeting room. He chose a seat in the corner, and stayed silent.
Sarah walked into the meeting room with tea and a few pastries for the group. "Sorry for being a bit late. I wanted to do a little baking when I got Nana's message. Azumi here I think you need this." She slid a cup over to Azumi and took her usual spot at the table.

Amra was out in the stable with Flare. She wanted to make sure she was still ok after the long journey back to the guild. Walking back to the guild she picked up Fluff and Gene as she made her way down the stairs. She loved having them with her. Fluff was an old friend and could not wait to see her again. Making her way down the stairs she took her seat across from Rolen.

Phoenix had tried one of the new bath bombs he made. He was happy with the results until he looked into the mirror afterwards. His skin had changed from very pale to a light purple color. He was horrified that he had done it. Walking down to the meeting room he hung his head in embarrassment. Taking his seat, he hoped someone did not comment on the new skin tone. He would have to figure out how to change it back later.
Samantha looked at Rolan and then back at Maira. "We should... Help him after this... I can make a fruit cocktail... And lemonade." She had no idea how to help, but since she noticed people like to eat and it usually gets them in a better mood, she figured it might do some miracle.

Annette smiled as she looked around and then noticed Phoenix. She giggled and then began writing notes in her notepad.

Azumi stood up and cleared her throat loudly, to call everyone's attention. "Good morning everyone! I have a really important announcement to make, but before that, we have a new member, Mr. Perry, who isn't here yet, but you can see his lovely Pokemon on the table." She pointed at Porra. "Also, we got our beautiful Emma back and Amra has also returned. Now, there is a lot of information to cover. I recommend you all take some snacks and tea from Sarah." She gave everyone a few moments to get ready. Azumi looked around at everyone and stopped when she saw Phoenix. She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't think of anything.

Samantha floated some cookies over to Maira and Rolan. Annette served herself and Fifi some tea and cookies.

Azumi took a deep breath and began to speak. "Well, as all of you know we are at war. We received the news that all our rank A guilds have been wiped out. Either the members are unable to combat or have passed away. Because of this, us rank B guilds are being called in. In other words, we are being summoned to join the war. I know this is not what many of you signed up for, but we do not have a way to get out of it now. Now, we have been assigned two different missions and we will work with the guild Solar Flare. We will divide into two teams, so will they and we will work together." She stopped to take another deep breath and drink from her tea. "Now, I have put a lot of thought into the teams. Here is what I have decided:
Team Sarah is Phoenix, Samantha, Maira and Razan.
My team, will be Emma, Wes, Rolan and Amra.
Tyler, Annette and Mr. Perry are staying behind.
Team Sarah will go down to the southern jungle and my team will go to the northern snowy mountains. Each captain will give details about the mission to their teams. We leave for the borders this evening. Get plenty of rest and prepare yourselves. I will be available for whatever any of you need before we leave. Your lives are my top priority."
Rolen made no move at all until Azumi began to speak, and even then he only turned his head towards her. When she mentioned that Amra was back, he looked across to her and smiled, and the smile appeared again when she said they would be on the same team during the next mission. He was not feeling great, but at least his friend would be there, and he trusted her to have his back if something bad happened. He was slightly scared by the news of all rank A guilds being wiped out, but he shook his thoughts clear and stood up.


Maira had accepted the cookies from Sam. She listened anxiously to the announcements, and sighed once they were over. At least she would be with Sam.
Razan reeled back when he heard that he was with Sam. He didn’t like her that much, and she would have been the one to kill him that day. He sighed.

Tyler nodded. “Fair enough. Just do me one favor.” He said seriously. “Don’t die. I’m not gonna be there to repair your armor, so be conservative.”
He stood up and looked at all of them. “If some of you don’t come back, just know that it was an honor serving with you.”
Tyler walked out if the meeting room, and began to prepare breakfast.
“Ughhhhhh.” Wes groaned when Azumi announced they would be working with another guild. He just barley could cooperate with the storm breakers, how was he going to get along with a whole new group. Wes didn’t have much to do so he figured he’d train. He walked outside towards Aerodactyl and picked up his armor, looking down at the ragged leather pads he had worn for so long. What’s even the point? It’s not like it even protects me anymore Wes put all his armor back away, only equipping his gauntlet and other weapons. “Well time to train.” He chimed to Aerodactyl as he tied a blindfold around his eyes and they began the same practice as yesterday, only this time with much more success.
Azumi ended the meeting, she needed to get ready, but there was something she needed to do first. She went up to her room and took out a small wooden box. She then walked outside and saw Wes training.
"Really? Risking injuries before a big mission?" She called out to Wes. "Please tell me you didn't learn that from me." She walked towards Wes with a big smile, confident Aerodactyl wouldn't attack her. She set the box down and took off Wes' blindfold. "Plus I can't have you going into war like that." She pointed at his outfit. She opened the box. "Here, you will need this."
Inside the box there was a black metal plate, arm guards and black leather boots with black metal on the sole and tips. Azumi also pulled out something from under those items. It was a dark blue hood with the Stormbreakers logo.
"If you don't wear this, I will be very upset with you."

Samantha tugged Maira's sleeve. "We should... Eat breakfast and... Get ready... I need to find... Armor my size."

Annette walked over to Tyler in the kitchen, she had a worried look ever since the meeting had started. "Did you really mean what you said in there? That some might not come back?"
“Awe you spoil me.” Wes joked as he gratefully accepted the armor, pleasantly surprised by how light it was. He looked a bit reluctantly at the hood. “Well I’m kind of over the whole cloak thing, it just slows me down and gets caught on things. But, if it makes you happy, I have an idea.” Wes smiled mischievously as he took the hood and slashed it with Windslasher, creating a bandanna shape. He then tied it around his upper right bicep. The logo still showed, making the guild affiliation clear, but it was a bit distorted from being cut and tied. “How do I look?” Wes playfully asked as he flexed the arm with the bandanna.
Azumi looked upset as she saw the cloak being torn. "Well there goes various hours of sewing..." She sighed and smiled. "But I'm glad you're wearing the logo. It looks nice on you." She looked around as if thinking about something and then turned her attention back to Wes. "Just, remember who you're fighting for okay? We are the best this city has against an enemy, if we lose, they do also." Azumi took a deep breath and placed her hands on her hips. "Make sure you pack food, a blanket and wear warm clothes. It's cold in the mountains. I'm going to go get ready. No more training!" She gave him a serious look. "I mean it. I need you fresh." She smiled and walked away, petting Aerodactyl on the way.
Tyler looked up and nodded. “Course. There’s always a possibility. My father was in an A tank guild and he died next to....” he said, and decided not to continue his sentence. “Plus, if all the A rank guilds have been wiped out, they must be facing a strong opponent. Stronger than any other one we’ve ever faced. I can only hope and give them the best of luck, and the best of their armor and weapons.” Tyler said.
He stopped, and sighed. What was the point of making breakfast? He should be preparing all his guild members armor, not making food.
He pushed past Annette, and came into his own room, and pulled out everything that he had, and latex it out in groups. One for armor, one for weapons. If they needed anything, he was sure that they would come.

Razan prepared himself for the worst. He had gathered anything that he would need.
After thinking to himself awhile, he went into Tyler’s room, stunned by the variety of things he had. “Look, Tyler, I know that you want to keep the others safe right? Especially Azumi?”

Tyler looked up and grunted. “Yeah? I do...”

Razan nodded. “I just want to establish something before you head out. My Flygon is a fast flyer. And-“

“If you need help you’ll send me over?” Tyler said cutting him off.

Razan nodded again. “Precisely. We can write to each other, and he will Ben the messenger. You train up here, and if it when we need help, I will send him for you.”

Tyler nodded as well. “Just don’t die. And watch out for everyone, okay?”

“Sure.” Razan said as he left his room to go talk to Flygon.

Tyler sighed. Hopefully they wouldn’t need him, but in the back of his mind he thought that they might. Wait a second. Why did Razan say Azumi? He wasn’t going with her. Tyler shook his head. That Razan didn’t make sense sometimes.
Maira agreed with Sam, and headed for the dining room. One of the very few qualms she had with the guild was the fact that they sometimes seemed to survive on cookies, which Maira knew was not healthy. However, she herself very much enjoyed the delicious cookies, and she understood why that was one of their primary sources of food. After breakfast, she made her way to her room and prepared her things. They would be going to a jungle, which was some comfort to her. She was good in forested habitats, and she would work much better there than she had in the desert two months back. She gathered her things, Togetic occasionally assisting her. Eventually the Togetic got bored and went to look for the Umbreon.


Rolen made his way to his room. He wanted to rest more, but he had to get his things packed first. He got his bag packed with the components and items he thought he might need, making sure to pack a warm blanket since they would be going to a cold mountain. He placed his bag by the door, set his new staff next to it, and a set of Warcaster Armor. He had grown much better with using the armor over the past few months, but that didn’t mean he was comfortable enough with it to be able to relax with it on. He plunked onto the bed, trying not to think and to let himself sink back into sleep.
Azumi’s words caught Wes off guard. Remember who you’re fighting for. He grunted in annoyance at the fact that Azumi knew how to play him at this point. He didn’t like the fact that she was able to convince him to be more willing to fight for the kingdom after such a brief interaction. “Well I better get myself ready for tonight.” Wes muttered to himself and headed into town. Once there he bought a nice brown pelt jacket that would fit over his armor, he already had a fur blanket and a large enough tent to fit him and Aerodactyl, so the only thing he needed was food. He bought some jerky as well as his favorite snack, pistachios, then traveled back to the guild and settled down to nap until it was time to leave.
Annette watched as Tyler pushed by her. "That was mean..." She said as she was him leave. "He could've said excuse me." She picked up Fifi and went to the library, where she began working on the administration of the shop.

Samantha stood inside the storage room. She didn't see any armor her size. She decided to walk over to Tyler's shop. She knocked a couple of times softly.

Azumi to her room and began getting ready. She looked through her clothes, seeing what she should wear for the possible cold weather. Nana already had a winter hat on that covered most of her face.
Azumi picked up her helmet with the blue gemstone. Last time it almost took her arm, but she had been training with Wes, maybe she could take more. She placed along with her swords.
Tyler tilted his head to the direction of the door. “Yeah, come in, the doors already open.” He said to whoever was there.
He brought out some remote items, being the Chucker Magnets, thinking of Emma while removing them from storage. He smiled, and counted them. Fourteen.

Razan came back inside after talking to Flygon. If he remembered correctly, he would be teaming up with the healer, the dark element, and the wind element. He could work with wind, not so much with darkness. Plus, wind couldn’t really get through all the trees that easily, so it might be tough. He sighed, and began to make a soft current through the guild, cooling it down.
Samantha walked in and looked around the different items, it was her first time there. Her eyes wondered all over the place until she set them on Tyler. "I need armor. Something... light... So I can float... And have some protection..."

Azumi decided on going with silver. She wore a dark blue body suit, a silver chest plate, silver gaunlet on her left arm and silver boots. She also took a blue hair pin, in the shape of a snowflake that her father had given her, and used it to keep her hair back and mostly for good luck. Afterwards her backpack was ready with blankets and food. She carried her silver long sword on her right side, the helmet on the left and her twin moon swords on her back.
Anakin had a helmet on and metal arms protectors, while he carried the backpack. Nana had her pink winter hat and a Stormbreaker's cloak, Azumi had to make her one since she got jealous that everyone had one except her. Azumi put her cloak on as well and went down to the guild hall to wait for the rest.
Tyler nodded and smiled. “Course.” He said, and began to choose. He talked to himself while doing it. “Okay...let’s see...titanium’s a little heavier....more strong....blade protection.....aluminum....carbon or non carbon...”
After a while, he chose his choice. He held up some elegant gray armor, and began to explain what it was. “Okay, this right here is aluminum armor. It’s very lightweight compared to others, but it’s bit as durable as, well, lets say, steel. You might get a chip or two in it with a pretty good hit, but with your strength and your element, your gonna be pushin em away so fast they won’t be able to say their prayers.”
He handed the armor to Samantha to try on, and grabbed a Chucker Magnet and began fiddling with it, looking up at Sam occasionally.
Rolen woke up a good time later in the day. He groggily gathered his things together and exited his room. Faze eyed him as he went and then followed. Soon Rolen was down in the meeting room, since that was the place he expected they would all meet up with the rest of their teams.


Maira had gotten her things packed, and then went through them again to make sure she had everything she thought she would need. Togetic had come back to her after a while, and together they had packed some snacks to bring with them. Once they were ready, they rested for a while and then moved downstairs to the meeting room. She waved to Rolen, who managed to nod back, and took her place at the table.
Samantha put the armor on, she stumbled to the side a little, her balance wasn't the same with the small extra weight. "It... Feels good... I just need... To practice with it." She walked around, as if she was as if she was a toddler, trying to get used to it. "What about scythes? Do you have any?"
Tyler sadly shook his head. “Sorry, no Scythes. Its a complicated process, especially with my smaller forge. Kinda hard to make something that big...”
Tyler then exited his room, and went down to the others who were also gathering. Razan was there now, and nodded to Tyler when he arrived.
Tyler walked over to Azumi, and places his hand on her shoulder. He smiled. “Don’t go to hard on those barbarians. And don’t die. I don’t know what I would do if you died.”
Samantha looked down disappointed as Tyler left. Her scythe was old, she needed a new one. She made her way downstairs looking all over for Maira, until she saw her in the meeting room. "Azumi... Is in the guild hall... Waiting for us."

Azumi smiled and hugged Tyler. "Don't worry, I will do everything I can to return. I can't leave the guild on it's own yet." She then looked at his hands. "How's the fire going? That's going to help with your weapon creations."
Maira nodded.

“Okay, let’s go! I thought we would probably meet down here, but that makes sense. Hey, Rolen, did ya hear? In the front hallway!”

Maira skipped off towards the stairs, and looked back to see if Rolen had heard. The Wizard had barely reacted, except to slowly get up and step away from his chair. She was slightly concerned, but she figured she could check on him once he got upstairs. For the time being she raced Togetic up the stairs.
Amra was in the stable. Wanting to make sure Flare was taken care of. She would be glad to be back here. It seems she can not get away from travelling. Taking the time to write out a note she placed it in an envelope and sealed it with a royal seal she kept in her bag. Walking out of thw stable, she put two fingers to her lips and loudly whistled. A large Talenflame appeared. It had a royal blue scarf around it's neck. It landed on the post right beside the door. Holding out the letter, Amra handed it to the bird pokemon. "Here will you take this to my father. He should know what is going on. Please make sure my father is the only one who sees it. He will know what to do." The Talonflame noded and flew off. Walking back to the guild she entered the hall to find everyone but Sarah and Rolen. Taking off down the meeting room, Amra found the guy she was looking for. Putting her hand on his shoulder, she asked. "Hey Rolen are you ok? You seem a bit out of it."

Sarah was taking her time. She had gathered a few things for the orphanage and was taking it too them before she was ready. She wanted to make sure they had what they would need. Doing what she normally did, she left it on the porch and knocked on the door. Quickly taking off, she made it back to the guild in time to hear Azumi give her speach.

Phoenix was sitting in the guild hall waiting on everyone to arrive. He was still light purple, because he did not have the time to find a way to fix it before he had to be ready.
Rolen turned around blearily to see Amra. He smiled slightly, half raised his arms, paused, winced, and put his right hand to his head.

“Hi... I’m okay, I just... Leo and I worked on two really large spells yesterday and I’m still recovering, I think... my head has been hurting since we got Tyler back in his body... that was tough... but... it’s good to see you again, I really missed you.”

He sighed and continued to run his head. He didn’t feel up to doing a mission, but he was needed, and he wanted to do his best to help. However, he was beginning to feel a bit of the self-doubt that he had been able to bury for the last two months.
Samantha joined Maira in the guild hall, with Bob on her shoulder. Annette was there also, she was taking notes, this was the biggest news for her newspaper.

Azumi waved at Wes as he arrived. She waited for everyone to be ready and then began to speak.
She stood up straight and made eye contact with everyone while she spoke.
"Today we have a very important mission. It is dangerous. We will face death in the face and try to survive. This isn't like our regular missions, we have other guilds who will be attacking us. They will be trying to kill you, hurt you and worst case scenario, torture you for information. This event, war, is not something we desire or wish for. It is something we all fear and hope to never have to participate in it. We will put our honor, our skills, our lives, on the line. We are risking everything we are... And for what? Why would we even consider such a risky act? For the orphans, the store owners, the farmer's, librarians, newly married couples, everyone who is not able to defend themselves. We represent Kelan, but not the king, the people of Kelan. Today we are to step up and face our enemies. We are to fight with all our strength and show them what we are capable of. To-day, we are marching into a storm. A storm that will be broken by us. Because that's what we do, that's who we are. To-day the hopes for peace from every person in this kingdom, is on our backs. The chances of having a beautiful life for Kelans, are on our hands. I look at all of you and I see the finest, mightiest and bravest beings I have ever set my eyes on. To-day, we represent the power of everysingle person who was born, died and lives in Kelan. To-day, walk proudly, with your head high because we are about to make history, we are about to become legends. We are the Stormbreakers and there is no storm that can stop us, no matter how strong!" She bowed to everyone. "Thank you all for giving me the honor to be your leader on such day, I promise to give everything I have for your safety and mine. I hope to get the same from you."

Annette's eyes got watery as she scribbled rapidly on her notepad. Samantha smiled softly and squeezed Maira's hand. Nana and Anakin joined Azumi and bowed along with her.
Maira was inspired by the speech, but she was also scared. Now that they were actually going she realized the risks they were taking. She squeezed Sam’s hand, hard, and shuffled a bit closer to her friend. She tried to steel herself, thinking of all the people they were doing this to protect, and the deep feeling of wanting to protect her friends. Togetic flew down and put a hand on her shoulder and nodded with a confident expression, making Maira feel a bit better. She had her friends by her side, and working together they could do nearly anything.
"Well since we are going to be on the same team, I can help you and make sure you are safe. I do not want to lose you Rolen. You are someone who I depend on to talk to. I do not think I would have stuck around this place without you here. Everything will work itself out eventually." Amra pulled Rolen into a hug. She wanted to reassure the mage that everything would be ok. "Now we better get going or we will be late for the meeting." Dropping the hug, but leaving her arm on his shoulder, Amra led Rolen upstairs to where everyone was. She made sure to look more casual before they entered.