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Open Pokémon: Warlords and Kingdoms

Gini dried off and changed into something comfy. She decides to play a chess game wih Ralts and once again she was in the lead. Gini didn't put much effort into the game due to everything that had been going on at the time. She sat back and tried to focus on the game.

Terra fell asleep with the twins in her arms. Violet and Silver curled up next to her and were asleep as well. Drake moved the twins into the crib and moved Violet and Silver too. He layed down next to her and placed his arm over her stomach.
Lola giggled at the enthusiasm the fire queen had. She gave Kira a quick smooch before walking outside to see Victor and
Ray waiting for her. She hugged the speal and Victor patted her on the back as they waited for Kira and Ari catch up.

Hoshi left the door way with a sigh and headed back to find her father. Kibo was still moping, drinking his tea slowly and cold.
His daughter entered the room and the shared a look, the blue haired girl accepting a glass of tea.
Ari smiled then she and kira ran out with Lola and they smirked at her "so where should we go to find our dear queen someone" Kira asked her love then she kissed her back "also thanks for that kiss " she winked. Snivy sat on Ari's shoulders and looked at the others with a large smile.
"She is a queen. If she simply made and announcement that she was ready to be in a relationship then I bet she would have nobles lining up in under and hour," Lola nodded blushing faintly from Kira. Victor shook his head and crossed his arms as he watched the two, chuckling to himself. Ray cried out happily in Lola's arms, snuggling closer to the woman. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to Ari, "that is one of your options, another is to simply pick someone you like and ask them to be in a relationship with you".
"Yeah i know but...if i do that men will rush to me and i don't want no men..i like girls" she sighed then she looked at her and she smiled "i like the second option it sounds better for me" she smiled then she hugged her. kira smiled then she pet Victor "alright then we will help you find someone as good as lola and me"
Gini opened her eyes. She then realized it was the alliance dinner tonight. The dinner is taking place at the Dark Kingdom. Kogeyama had invited the alliance a few days ago. She got up and ordered a maid to inform Yanagi,Vivian,and Kibo to prepare to leave at noon.
Kibo moved to his room and got ready for the dinner. He wore his armour that had been polished and a dark blue kimono. His sword was in its hilt and he tied his hair back into a tight bun. He then walked to the throne room, ready to leave.
Yanagi place Ai in Zillith's care, changing into a soft blue kimono with an ocean pattern on it. She dressed up in traditional geisha makeup and a maid helped her with fixing her hair into a large bun. Yanagi strode into the throne room, looking around with a smile before walking up to Kibo, who bowed at the waist in greeting.
Lola watched the two with a smile and started on the way to the village. They would have to walk quickly if they didn't want to get there by dark, the sun was already starting it's decent. She hummed and watched her surroundings, keeping a close eye on it. Ray was talking absent mindedly in her arms, Lola only hearing continuations of his species name, "hurry up you two! We don't have all day".
Ari frowned then she saw a young girl training by herself, and gulped but then she walked up to her and she smiled "hello miss what are you doing today" she asked with a smile then she sat down on a log as she watched her train. Kira smirked , "well i guess we should go home now that she has found someone"

(could you be her ...)
Name: Yuki
Role: Warlord in training
Kingdom: fire
Appearance: light blueish grey plated armour, white kimono, light grey short hair that reaches her chin, striking blue eyes
Link: Pyroar
Ability: increase attack,
Backstory: born in the ice kingdom her family moved to the fire kingdom when she turn three. She was taught to fight by her grandmother, another warlord, and strives to follow in her footsteps
Yuki stopped her training to fold her arms and look at the girl talking to her. She was disappointed with once again having her training interrupted and looked uniterested with the world as she completed her turn, "what can I dofor you? We warlords have a strict regiment we must complete so I would like to continue with mine".
Ari gasped when she popped off on her and she then noticed she didn't have her crown on...so she just got up and she smirked "You won't be a warlord when you start yelling at your queen" she drooped then she sighed "Its ok...and i know they do because i'm a warlord too but i have other stuff to take care off as well like running this kingdom..its so hard " she pouted then she smiled "but its worth it..i get to meet so many good people "
"The Queen! I'm sorry my lady for my rudeness," Yuki panicked after realizing who se was talking to. She bowed respectivly and sheathed her sword before standing straight once again. Her light grey hair fell infront of her face and she had to brush it out of the way before it tickled her nose and made her laugh, "I didn't know it was you, my lady. I have simply been interpreted to many times today while I've been training and was irritable".
Ari smiled then she brushed her blue hair out of her eyes and she giggled "no i understand ...its hard to know when i forget my crown." she giggled when she laughed "and its ok..." she blushed a little "i know i was watching you seem strong..maybe you could help my get better" she smiled.
Kogeyama set the table in the throne room for the party. The kingdom was dark and shady. It wasn't beautiful but it was very successful. He walked down the corridor to his daughter's room.
Meanwhile, Gini was waiting at the the Royal Blimp. She waited for Vivian, Kibo, and Yanagi to arrive.
"It would be my honour," Yuki accepted the offer dusting off her armour. She unsheathed her sword and turned to look at the dummy again. She got in stance then charged at it, showing off for her queen a little bit, "thank you. I pride myself on my strength".

Kibo and Yanagi walked out to the blimp, Kibo's eyes tired and looked years older than he lived. Yanagi smiled and pulled Gini into a hug as she strolled close to the queen she then bowed and got on the ship. Kibo marched up to Gini and sighed, "I would like to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I was worried about your well being. You usually tell me everything and when you didn't even leave a note I thought the worst".
Ari smiled then she unsheathed her sword and she moved out of the way before she hit the dummy then she smirked "wow your Strong " she giggled then she smiled "my turn " she winked then she dashed at the dummy as she slashed at the dummy and she smiled " well did i do well" she asked cheerful
(My phone died)
"Try and keep your left foot a little exposed to you body. It's too far out so someone could off balance you," Yuki hummed in thought as she walked a circle around the queen. She raised one of her elbows and pressed a hand into Ari's shoulder to straighten her back a little more, "try this stance".

Lola giggled turning on her heel and giving Kira a kiss on the lips as she past. She winked at the other woman, Victor picked her up and the two plus Ray ran toward home.
"hm...Alright i will" she placed her left foot a little exposed "there is..."she said then she stopped when she touched her then she let her help her then she blushed slightly "Yuki...thank you" she whimpered then she used the stance and she attacked the dummy "was that better" she asked then she walked close to her and she hugged her " hey do you like me...i really wanna know if my citizens like me"

Kira blushed then she kissed her back when Victor picked them up and went to their home " Lola...i love you" she whispered.
"Love you too," Lola smiled as they stopped at the house. She pulled Zira into a deep kiss before giggling and heading into the bedroom to take a nap. Victor shook his head at the two, him and Ray going to check on Minty and see what they could do with the garden. Lola brushed her hand through her hair and collapsed onto the bed.
Kira blushed then she kissed her back and she laid on the bed beside her and she kissed her cheek "i love you" she smiled then she cuddled up to her and she took a nap as well.

(um Ari and yuki)
Yuki nodded in approval, grinning at the change of stance. She sweeper her leg to test the stance but her sweep didn't do much, "great. With your leg like that your center of gravity will take a lot more to set off balance".

Yuki grinned and stretched before showing Ari another stance, a defensive stance. She moved swiftly, shifting between the attacking and defending stance.
Ari smiled then she did just what she had did then she switched into a defensive stance then she switched into a attacking stance as she slashed at the dummy and she grinned "woo I'm so glad i meet you" she hugged yuki tight then she lost her footing and she fell on her and she blushed "ehh..sorry my ...ekk i'm sorry" she blushed deeply
When Ari fell on her, she dropped her blade as to not accidentally stab her queen. She caught the high lady and her face warmed up as well, "you are a kind woman, I'm sure your kingdom loves you. It's okey, just need to watch that fancy footing so you know it doesn't happen with a real enemy".

Kibo finished his rant, bowed and then walked onto the blimp where he took his place beside Yanagi who was asking what the dark kingdom was like.
Ari stared at her and she moved her arms and she fell down on her body and she cuddled up to her "yeah but whats the likely ness of me going to fight..i'm the queen " she smiled then she drooped "um Yuki...Are you single" she blushed then she hugged her tight "sorry i'm lonely and men are nasty to me"
Let me take you back, before pokeballs were even a thought... Warlords fought over the region of Ransei, an island far in the middle of nowhere... Pokémon and Warlords linked with each other as their hearts became one. They battled for their kingdoms and land. They were seperated into different kingdoms. Each kingdom specialized in a type for Pokémon, but not all the citizens there have that same type. If you would like to join this roleplay please write a bio:

Role: Citizen or Warlord
Kingdom: flying,ghost,fire etc
Appearance: they mainly wear samauri like armor or kimonos
Link: up to 3 Pokémon 1 Pokémon must match kingdom's specialized type
Ability: Heal,increase attack, increase defense

Here is mine
Name: Kyra
Role: Warlord
Kingdom: Water
Appearance: a silver plated top with a Sky blue kimono under it. At the bottom the kimono splits revealing her legs. She wears brown tights with knee plates. She also has silver elbow plates with black fingerless gloves. She has dark pink hair tied in the back with a blue ribbon ,matching her outfit with, and is in a ponytail.
Link: Prinplup, Clefa, Spoink
Ability: Healing
Backstory: Kyra grew up on a small farm in the Kingdom of Water territory. On the farm they had Milktanks, Mareep, and Ponytail. One day their neighboring kingdom of Grass decided to attack. They stormed through with their weapons drawn and tore the farm apart. They stole crops and animals. Kyra and her father escaped. Her father kept the family pet, Herdier, and one Milktank. Kyra didn't have any Pokémon at the moment. They made their way to the gates of the Water kingdom. On their way they found an injured Spoink that they decided to take care of. They warned the guards and after the battle Kyra and her father got jobs and made money to buy a house inside the walls. When Kyra turned 13, she began to train to become a Warlord and fight for her kingdom. One day she was guarding the gates and a Clefa passed by who was only a newborn. Kyra took care of it for years. She finally finished her training at 15 and was awarded with a Pokémon. A Piplup was to fight with her in battles. Now we see Kyra at the age of 19.
One more thing... NO POKEBALLS...but swords are allowed!!!!

Name: Lilly
Role: Warlord
Kingdom: Grass
Appearance: Long brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes, long brown pants and an earthy green shirt, along with black leather fingerless gloves and a green cloak. While in battle, she wears silver armor and a green cloak, welding a sword as well.
Link: Torterra, Leafeon, Sawsbuck
Ability: Increase attack
Backstory: The grass kingdom being notoriously peaceful, one wouldn't expect to find a hell bent warlord coming from a kingdom meant to heal and help. In storms Lilly, a warlord feared by many. When Lilly was young, she was raised with by her parents along side her best friend and adopted brother Clint. One day, however, the grass kingdom was attacked by members of the fire and flying kingdoms, gunning to steal land from the ever innocent grass kingdom, who were at this point sitting ducks. During this raid, many young children were grabbed and never heard from again, Clint being one of them. After Clint's disappearance, Lilly knew the kingdom could no longer be idle. When she was finally old enough to be given a Pokemon, she was given a Turtwig by her father and immediately left to join the army with intentions of finding Clint and returning him home. She managed to work her way up in the ranks of the army by being cold and calculated, unable to turn away from a fight, acquiring both an Eevee and a Dearling, which eventually turned into a Leadeon and Sawsbuck respectively. While Lilly usually gives off loner vibes, she has a strong bond with her Pokemon that nothing will break and she will refuse to lose until she has found Clint.
"Yes I am! Why do you ask," Yuki blushed and sputtered fell onto the ground to protect the queen from scrapes. She caught heralded and let out a huff as the air in her body was knocked from her body. Her kettle fall kicked up dirt around her and she looked at Ari, "Even if you don't see combat it's good to learn incase of attack".
Ari smiled then she kissed her cheek slowly then she pulled off of her and she winked "because i like you silly" she sighed then she smiled "alright i will train more" she smiled then she drew her sword and she went back to slashing at the Dummy with a great stance and movement.

Hiro ran into the kingdom hall and he looked around "my lady where are you" he asked then he went up to her Throne and he sighed "i wonder where she went.." he sighed then he waited their for her.
Yuki sat there for a while, blushing red. She ran a hand through her hair as she tried to process everything. She grabbed her sword and twirled it around for a moment before charging at another dummy. She slashed and stabbed with practice, trying to hide her face as just a good work out, "Really, my lady"?
Ari nodded then she slashed at the dummy and she cut off its head clean off "yay i did it..." she jumped up and down then she stared at her "was that good My love" she said out of happyness "ekk i said it didn't " she blushed deeper
Yuki just nodded, her brain not entirely sure what to say. She relaxed her stance and bowed to queen in respect, "you did great. It was actually not that bad of a maneuver. Practice a little more and you'll master it".

She bowed then wandered over to a bench where she grabbed a glass of water and offered one to the queen. She collapsed onto the bench and grinned at the queen, "not a bad work out".
(Sorry I haven't been active I have a fever and I've been sick for the past few weeks. After thanksgiving I couldn't even stay awake and I recently went through surgery. I'm sorry for not being very active but don't let that stop you!)
(It's fine! Hope you feel better)
Kurodo and his generals spoke in his war room. The ice king wore a crown that looked like it was made of dark ice and he slammed his hands onto the table when he listened to the report, "why hasn't my son and wife been returned home? I want to hold my son in my arms and kiss my wife good night. I miss them so much".
He smirked inwardly as his top ranking warlords accepted his words. He wanted to tear the dragon, fairy, and all of their allies apart for taking his things away. He stilled needed his heir and the child Yanagi was carrying. Couldn't start his rule as high emperor of the kingdoms if he didn't have capable and blood bound kings to rule over.
(its fine...i do hope you get better)
Ari smiled then she jumped up and down out of happyness then she ran to Yuki and she sat beside her and she laid her head on her shoulder and she smiled " thank you" she smiled then she hugged tight
"Not a problem, my lady," Yuki bowed her head in respect and to hide her growing blush. She tried to use her hair to cover her face but it didn't her much. A guard called her name for a shift at being on city watch so she had to excuse herself from the queen grasp with a kiss to the top of her hand and a bow.
Ari drooped then she sighed "ok see you later Yuki" she waved then she walked back to her castle and she went inside and started to work on the stuff that needed to be done. "i hope i see her again" she said as she worked on the laws and stuff.
Lola slowly blinked her eyes open, she smiled and curled closer to Kira. She laid halfway on her and kissed Kira on the bottom of her jaw softly. She then looked over her shoulder and got up, heading into the kitchen to cook for her partner and Pokemon. She smiled as she saw the Victor and Ray had started vamping up the garden and we're now resting beside Minty under a tree.
Kira blushed then she woke up and she yawned then she got up and she walked over to Lola and she hugged her "good evening love" she laid her head on her shoulder then she kissed her cheek "what are you cooking " she asked.