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Open Pokémon: Warlords and Kingdoms

"Just something quick. Rice, some fish and vegetables," Lola hummed leaning back into Kira's hold with a soft blush. She turned her head to give Kira a small kiss on the nose and giggled, "would you mind getting the pokemon up for dinner. Also wash up, it will be done soon".
Kira nodded then she hugged her tight then she nodded then she went outside and she called in Lola's pokemon then she went to take a bath then she watched her body and after that she came back and she smiled "ok i'm done"
Lola was setting the table with Victor's help. The bisharp was carrying plates and glasses for tea. Lola gave food to Minty and Ray then sat the rest of the food into the table. Victor got tea ready and placed it on table before taking a seat. Lola washed her hands and sat down after giving Kira a quick peck on the lips. She started getting food herself and Victor, "I'm not the best chef but I hope you like it".
Kira smiled then she kissed her back. "wow this looks nice..."she smiled then she sat down beside her and she started to eat "wow this taste amazing " she smiled then she kissed her cheek. "and yes you are your an great cook"
Lola just giggled at this, covering her mouth with a hand. Victor rolled his eyes at the two lovebirds and was distriberd from his eating from a soft knocking at the door. Lola stood up and went to the door letting out a gasp when she saw who was there. She urged the person in and a small child about the age of four waddled in, skinny and asking for something to eat. Lola gave to child her plate and asked where their parents were and why they were so skinny only to have the reply of dead and that the child was a beggar on the street. Lola looked at Kira with worried eyes and nodded at the child.

(You want to be the kid?)
Kira saw the child and she gasped then she ran over to her and she sat down beside the child and she smiled "whats your name dear" she asked. the little child looked down and she slowly ate her plate and she looked back up at Kira "i'm....Nina" she whispered then she smiled "thank you mama" she told Lola
Lola's heart fluttered happily when Nina called her mama. She smiled and nodded, making herself a plate and moving Kira's plate closer to the warlord so she could eat. Victor waved to the small child and bit into his food. Lola watched her eat and offered more, "you better be careful. Don't want to eat to much or you'll be to stuffed to eat dessert".
She nodded to the table in the kitchen where a bowl of sweet berries sat.
Nina smiled then she got up and she walked over to Lola and she put her arms up showing she wanted to be picked up "mama holddy" she cried then she smiled. "Aww now thats cute" Kira smiled then she started to eat her food again.

Ari sat in her kingdom at a table then she sighed "ok i need all the guards on duty to come... well i kind of just want to talk to Yuki" she told the captain that was in her throne room and he nodded then he went to go get her.
Yuki was surprised when she was relieved of her shift, the captain also told her to dress up. She changed into a pale blue kimono that had white blossoms on it after taking a quick bath. She was then led into the dinner room, where she was shocked to find Ari. She bowed and stood by the door as it closed, "you called my lady? Is there something you need"?

Lola pulled Nina into her lap and kissed the you child on the head. She stood up and grabbed a pecha Berry from the bowl. She handed it to the child and nuzzled the child's head with hers, "moma thinks you deserve this. Maybe mommy can start you a bath so we can get this dirt off of you".
Ari got up and she tackled her down to the ground and she smiled "Yuki!" she kissed her cheek " sorry i was missing my love " she smiled then she got up ands he helped her up and she dusted her off and she smiled "well this is my little dinner date with you if you accept" she smiled.

Nina nodded then she smiled "Yes mama I would like a bath ...i hate being dirty" she said then she took a bite of the berry "mama your the best...ummm mama what do i saw her" she pointed to Kira "Not Daddy " Kira said with a smile
"How about mum," Lola giggled at the to and asked Kira if she could go start warming up water for Nina's bath. She then put Nina down on one of the cusions and told them she would be right back. She grabbed a little bit of coming from Kira then her and minty started back into the town to a tailor. She walked in and bought a tiny pink kimono with that had soft light purple frills. She payed for it then came home, hiding it until Nina finished her bath, "finish up you berry them go take your bath. I got you a gift that you can have after it".
Nina nodded then she stopped "mama can you show me how...i never had a mom show me how before" she asked her then she smiled then she grabbed her hand and she smiled "is mama and mum together?" she asked.

(Yuki and Ari)?
"Yes we are and if anyone makes fun of you for you have to tell me or mum. Okey," Lola crouched down to her height and kissed the top of Nina's head. She then led her into the bathroom to help her with her bath. She pulled her hair into a bun and Victor showed Kira the kimono Lola had gotten the child.

"Of course I accept, my queen," Yuki smiled gently not entirely sure what she had to do. Her family didn't interact with nobles much so she wasn't that familiar with their traditions. She guided Ari back to the table and sat down, ready to do what nobles did at these things.
(What does Nina look like?)
Name: Nina
Age: 4
Gender: female
Apperence: Young four year old girl. About the height of a normal girl of her age.
and she has dirty blond hair.
"Awww thats so cute" Kira whispered then she smiled at her . Nina smiled then she climbed into the bath and she waited for her mama.

Ari smiled then she waited for her chef to come in and give them their food and when he did he sat down two plates of food. "so Yuki...what do you think of me" she asked with a smile then she blushed a little " I kind of like you alot" she blushed.
Lola sat down next to the tub and pulled out a rag to help show Nina how to clean the dirt off of her. She used the rag to wash the dirt off of the small child and smiled gently, "it's not to hot I hope. I don't want to you to get scalded".

"You are very beautiful, my lady. You have a nice personality or atleast what I've seen of it," Yuki hummed and nodded her head. She rest her hands in her lap and she used one hand to eat the meal, humming in joy at the beautiful taste in her mouth.
Kira smiled as she watched the two then she sat down on her couch and she laid their. Nina shook her head "no Mama its fine" she smiled then she looked at her with a smile "i'm glad i knocked on your door today" she smiled.

Ari smiled then she kissed her cheek "you like the food my love" she smiled then she blushed when she said that she had a nice Personality "aww thank you...i think your beautiful too Yuki" she smiled then she moved her other hand over to her and she held her hand and she used her other hand to eat her food.
Yuki blushed as she was complimented and bowed her head to try and hide it. She looked up at the queen again and lifted her hand to kiss it before going back to eating, "your chef is great. This food is the best I have ever had. I am thankful that you invited me into your home for the meal and for your opinion on me".

"I'm glad you did too but if you had knocked on our door anyday we would have taken you in. We are all done so let's get you out of this water and into your gift," she grabbed the kimono to show Nina and help her out of the tub so she could empty it and put Nina to bed. She called for Kira to make it and maybe grab another pillow for their daughter then nodded as she made a mental not to try and either build or buy a bed for Nina.
Ari smiled then she got up and she pushed her chair back and she sat in her lap and she smiled "Yuki i asked you to come here so i could ask if you and me wanted to be a couple..." she smiled then she kissed her lips softly.

Nina gasped then she put it on and she went with her to the room and she laid down beside her and she smiled "thank you mama" she said sleeply. kira came in the room and she had pillow in her hand and she smiled "ok she can have mine" she smiled then she laid down next to them and she winked "good night my loves"
"Good night, my little flames," Lola smiled laying an arm around Nina. She pulled the child close to her chest and leaned over to give Kira a small kiss on the lips. She whispered to the other woman, "I'm not going to lie. I've always wanted a child and it's like arceus is looking down at us with a smile. I love you so much Kira and I hope you love Nina like I do".

Yuki blushed bright red, she rested her hands in the queen's waist so that she didn't fall. She pressed into the kiss to deepen it but pulled back when there was a cough. The captain of the guard was there watching them with an amused grin, "am I intrupting something? I can leave, just wanted to make sure you two were doing okey".
Kira smiled then she nodded "yes i will love her as much as you do i promise " she smiled then she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Ari gasped then she got up and she walked to him and she shook her head "nope i was just showing her how to kiss " she drooped "dang..um sorry captain...plz don't tell anyone " she drooped "wait will this make the people hate me...or not because i have seen that some of our people are like me but i didn't know for sure " she smiled then she walked back to Yuki and she sat in her lap.
"You are the queen, I'm sure they will understand. Nobles might be upset because there is no heir but you can always fix that by using a inheritance scroll," the captain laughed loudly before bowing and strolling out of the room to leave the couple. Yuki was still bright red but she wrapped her arms around the queen and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, pulling her plate closer so that they could both continue eating.
"well we could aways Adopt a child " Ari said before he walked out the room then she giggled "I bet you weren't ever gonna think the queen would fall for a girl like you huh" she smirked then she kissed her lips then she took another bite out of her food then she looked at her " Nobles suck anyway " she whispered, she herself never liked the nobles.
"You are right, for a noble of your standing to look at me in the manner you look at me is usually unheard of," Yuki shook her head with a small laugh. She took a bite of her food and kissed the back of Ari's neck with a smile. She blinked for a moment then started eating again, "we could also have a surrogate. Ask one of your friends to have a baby for us. It's your choice though. We probably shouldn't be thinking like this so early in our relationship".
"hehe well i'm glad i meet you "Ari smiled then she giggled "and whats that suppost to mean your amazing " she smiled then she blushed when she kissed her neck then she hugged her tight " well i don't know if they would..." she smiled
"Like I said its up to you, my queen. You are amazing as well," Yuki squeezed her in a hug. She kissed the high lady's cheek and nuzzled her face into Ari's neck with a hum. She took another bite her food, once again humming in at the taste. She looked around the room and took in the sights and architecture.
"um wanna live here with me...i wouldn't mind if you did it would be cool to have someone to talk to when i'm working " Ari smiled then she giggled "wow your are a tight hug " she laughed then she nuzzeled her back.
(If you join is fine by me. It's not my rp of course but we have had others just post the form and start and there hasn't been a problem)
Yuki laughed and rested her head in Ari's shoulder and continued eating. She nodded and hummed in approval at the queen's idea. She kissed her lady's cheek, "I think that would be a lovely idea. Of course I'm a tight hugger, you saw the training we did today".
Ari giggled then she kissed her back " Yeah i would like it too if my love said with me..would you want me to help you move your stuff inside " she asked with a smile then she took another bite of her food. "so Yuki what do you wanna do now"
"I can move my stuff, my queen. What do you want to do. I have no other plans," Yuki admitted, moving her arms from around Ari to move the noble so she could stand. She stood and stretched, looking out the window towards the town. She thought about a few things then fixed her kimono, so that it looked almost new. She watched the queen and tilted her head.

Lola blinked her eyes open slowly, it was still dark out. She slowly unpeeled Kira's arms from herself and stood up to get tea. She watched the two with a light sigh and smile.
"yay ...um i kind of just want to be with you to be honest " she said walking up to her and she pressed a kiss on her lips then she smiled "how about you and me go find something to do in this wonderful kingdom " she winked then she kissed her cheek "i love you sweetie" she smiled.

Kira woke up and she looked at lola "lola...where you going?" she asked , a hint of worriedness in her voice
"Just getting some tea. I couldn't sleep," Lola smiled and took a sip of the leaf water. She kissed Kira on the lips and sat down quietly, "don't worry. I'm not going go anywhere. Just needed a drink".

"You are adorable," Yuki smiled gently and kissed Ari back. She placed her arms around the queen's waist. She pulled back and grinned, "what ever you want to do we can do it".
Kira smiled then she kissed her back "I thought you were leaving me." she drooped then she smiled "ok i'm just glad your not leaving us"

Ari laughed then she blushed "Um thanks Yuki" Ari said kissing her back softly. the queen sighed then she cuddled up to her " well how about we play a game " she smirked then she had a idea "truth or dare?"
"What ever my queen commands," Yuki joked and removed her arms from around the other woman's waist. She motioned for the lady to start the game, thinking about things she could use to tease Ari into blushing.

"I would never leave you two. We should probably get back to bed, Nina doesn't need to wake up and see her new moms gone," Lola stood up after finishing her tea and crawled back into bed beside her daughter. Tucking herself under the blankets, waiting for Kira to move back into the room.
Ari smiled then she took her hand and she walked with her to her room and she sat on the bed with her "Ok Yuki ...truth or dare" she smiled then she kissed her cheek. she was already thinking of things to make her blush.

Kira smiled then she walked back in and she laid down and she kissed nina then she kissed Lola "i would be so sad if you leave me and our new daugther " she frowned then she kissed her cheek
"Truth," Yuki grinned at the queen, puffing out her chest to show her confidence. She wore a smirk and waited for the questing to be asked of her. She folded her arms and leaned back, sitting crisscrossed. She let out a puff of air, "I can take anything you want to throw at me, my lady. Anything at all".

Lola assured her she wasn't leaving and made herself comfortable so she could fall back asleep. She let her eyes fall shut, breathing slowing until she fell asleep.
"ok I will try to make you blush" Ari grinned then she smiled "ok Who was your first love" she smiled then she moved closer to her "hehe i know it wasn't me but if it was that would be nice" she said then she hugged her tight
"My first love? Hmmmm, a young girl. We were about five and claimed to be in love. Nice try but you'll have to try a little harder," Yuki grinned but didn't blush. She hugged Ari back and relaxed on the bed. She blinked a few times the looked around the room, "okey your turn. Truth or dare"?

Lola pressed Nina closer to her, smiling in her sleep as her brain finally recognized that she was a mother. She had always wanted a child and now she had little Nina.
Ari smirked then she nodded "um Dare!" Ari smiled then she kissed her cheek then she nuzzeled her cheek "i can't belive me and you are together its amazing huh" she smiled happily then she kissed her love.
"I dare you to kiss me like you have never kissed anyone before," Yuki laughed and hummed, resting her arms around Ari's waist and pulled her closer. She looked at the queen with teasing eyes, still not blushing but trying to make her blush. She kissed the side of her neck and nuzzled her cheek, "yes. I am happy too. It is truly amazing and I'm still trying to process it".