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Open Pokémon: Warlords and Kingdoms

"I think I will and thank you," Lola smiled and took the kimono. She walked into the bathroom and changed into it and walked back out, "how do I look? I'm sorry about having to borrow this".

Yanagi giggled when Ai burped and scared himself. The young prince was picked up by his mother and set in her lap, Yanagi trying to calm him down. Arashi stood looking around at the women confused on what to do, "so where you all slaves? Did your masters fall in love with you and let you go"?
"No, the queen bought me as an entertainer and decided to let me go and take down the trade. She offered me a home here and after a little turmoil I have accepted it," Yanagi looked over at him with a smile, copper eyes looking him over. She turned back to the other ladies and grinned at the twins and their pokemon.
Kira smiled then she hugged her a little close " You look adorable" she told her then she kissed her cheek "oh dear its ok...i let you have it" she winked then she smiled then she walked with her outside.
Yamina scaled approached the gate with a large crate. "Hey guys I'm back!" She waves to the guards and they let her inside. Her Pokémon walked beside her. She moved the crate over to Yamina's house and sets it down inside. She cracks it open revealing Gini. "Wow that actually worked!" Gini said surprised. "I told you they trust me!" Yamina said. They got prepared and needed a disguise. "I got it! A slave!" Yamina suggested. Gini paused for a moment. "What!?" She yelled. Yamina smiled and giggled.
"Thank you," Lola blushed letting Kira lead her to the palace. She fiddled with the kimono's sleeves and hoped she looked presentable enough to meet the queen.

Yanagi googled when Arashi looked at her like she a third eye. He was truly baffled that a noble would let their slave go and a good entertainer too, unheard of in the other slave kingdoms.
Kira giggled then she walked in the palace and she bowed "lady Ami...my girlfriend would like to meet you" she smiled then she looked at lola "Yes thats fine...." Ami said then she walked over to them and she smiled "hi there " she held out her hand.
"Hello you majesty," Lola smiled and shook her hand with a smile. She fidgeted for a bit until forcing herself to relax. She decided to joke abit, "I'm sorry if I'm taking your general away but she's just to cute not to keep".

Yanagi finished her tea and looked at Terra and Zillith how they were doing. Ai made grabby hands at Terra's little girl and Yanagi giggled at him, "it seems Ai thinks he's a little ladies man".
Ami drooped when she made the joke then she turned around and she sat down and she grabbed her sword then she threw it at the dummy beside her crown and she groaned " its ok...miss .... " she whimpered then she laid down in her chair and tears rained down her cheek "i'm sorry to say but this kingdom isn't the best...everyone hates a young queen and i can't think of anyway to make my kingdom better...i would take revenge on everyone for killing my dad but i don't want to die because i know i'm too weak and everyone just would care if i was taken out " she yelled.

Kira ran up to Ami and she helped her and she sighed "Ami...stop...You need to get ahold of yourself...i understand that you are having problems but plz...if they cared they would ..but those guys don't care...so we can just be allies with the grass kingdom and stop crying..." she sighed then she walked back to Lola "she has been treated for the worse...i mean if a queen asks for help...from her fellow kingdoms ...i mean i would accept but they didn't have to just throw away her question" she sighed then she smiled "maybe you could cheer her up"she suggested.
"They are probably sore about her father still. Where is her mother? Shouldn't she be here," Lola whispered to Kira before walking over to Ari. She pulled her into a hug, starting to whisper softly to her to calm her down. She slowly ran her fingers through her hair like a mother would do to child, trying to calm the queen down, "it's ok. You just need to trust yourself. The only person who can fix you is you. Your kingdom needs you".
They prepared the bombs for the attack as they moved in on the castle. The fog of the Ghost Kingdom closed in tightly. Golbat sat on one of the walls keeping watch. Banette sneaks through observing the army during training. It wasn't the full army but about 1/3 of it. They watched for a minute as Oricorio got in position
Ari hugged her tight and she whimpered "mommy...." she whimpered then she looked up "sorry i'm acting so much like a child...." she sat down and she drooped "miss...Lola right...can you and kira maybe help me with my kingdom...like with the laws and stuff..." she drooped then she smiled at her. then Kira walked over to them "her Mother...we don't know where she is...she left Ami when she was born and another reason Her father lost because he was trying to protect Ami from the fighting warlord"
Yamina put her finger over Gini's mouth. Yamina scaled the wall and peeked over with her hood keeping her anonymous. She held the bombs in her bag. She separates the bombs between Golbat, Banette, Oricorio. They sat on the wall and out on black cloaks to hide their identities and species. "Go..." Yamina whispered with a slight giggle. The Pokémon take off towards the training army as Yamina falls back into Gini's arms. They make it back to Yamina's house and calms down from the excitement. Explosions can be heard in the distance as the Pokémon enter the house and quickly close the doors behind them. They remove their cloaks and they all giggle like maniacs.
"It's okey. I don't mind helping. I know how markets work and agriculture, so I can help in that department," Lola smiled, still hugging the young queen. She rested her head on top of Ari's, humming to try and help calm the woman down. She still ran a hand through her hair, trying to avoid knots that might be in their.
"yay....can i give you that job...or maybe help in it and i'll pay your for you help" Ari smiled then she looked up at Kira "and kira can you help me with the army " Kira nodded then she smiled "yes i'll make sure they do well and get good training." Ari smiled then she looked at Lola..and she blushed "and maybe you could...um help me find someone ...too" she blushed slightly "it kind of sucks being lonely" she whispered
"It's going to be ok. And we will help you, right Kira? You don't need to pay me, just be happy okey," Lola looked back at Kira and smiled. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at the general, eyes blinking as she waited for an answer.

Ai yawned and his eyes started fall. Yanagi shook her head and picked her son up, moving to put him in the crib. Dratini crawling into the crib after him. Arashi placed the empty glasses on the tray and asked if anyone wanted more. Yanagi placed her hand on his and made him place the tray back on the table, "you are not a slave here. You don't need act like one anymore".
"yes we will help her..she is my queen after all and i want a great leader" Kira said with a smile then she hugged both of the girls "and yes sure Ari we will help you find a girlfriend as well" she winked. Ari blushed then she smiled "thanks guys i couldn't ask for better friends"
"No problem, dear," Lola smiled and leaned back to give Kira a kiss on the cheek. She turned back to Ari and helped straighten out her kimono. Lola smiled at the queen and brushed hair out of her eyes, "it's going to be okey".

Kibo finished his little temper
tantrum. The dummies shredded and destroyed, the man threw his sword away.
Ari smiled then she got up and she hugged them " thanks...so what should we do first...i would say the markets...i think we should lower the prices so people can live easy" she smiled. Kira nodded "yeah thats a good idea..." she hugged Lola
Lola blushed as both the girls hugged her but hugged them back. She coughed and motioned for them to let go as her face heated up, "maybe we should do that now? You know instead of sitting around talking about doing it"?

Hoshi managed to convince a cook that she need sweets, of course that wasn't a problem with the red welt on her cheek but she still did it. The cook had asked what happened and Hoshi had replied with the answer that she had went against and challenged a high ranks rule. The cook scold the high rank's behavior and fed her another cookie before skipping off to do her job.
Both of the girls let go of lola and they smile "yeah lets go.." Kira said then they started to walk to the law room where they do everything " ok so what do we want to do and how do we do it..." Ari asked a little dumbfound.
"Shouldn't there be a peice of parchment? Something that already had the law written down on it," Lola asked sitting down on one of the cushions. She pulled her hair behind her shoulder and tilted her head to look at the other women.

Kibo made his way to the kitchens for water and when he noticed Hoshi apologized to his daughter. The girl accepted it and they hugged out their differences as the kitchen staff watched.
Ari gasped then she got the parchment and she nodded "yeah ....here we go.." she placed it on the table "ok so what do we do now" she asked her. Kira looked at the Parchment "we change the prices of the market stores "
Lola nodded in agreement and looked over Ari's shoulder to help her with finding the prices. She looked at Kira and smiled, bringing her hand up to giggle at the general, "you have a lipstick smudge on your cheek. I'm afraid it's not to intimating, makes you look like a stuffed child you! It's cute".
Lola continued to giggle as she looked at the paper again, getting back to work.
Ari smiled then she watched her "wow this looks amazing..man i'm learning so much " she smiled happily
Kira gasped then she got rid of it and she smiled "ekk why didn't you tell me"
"I thought it was cute," Lola giggled still looking at the paper, her eyes flickering up to meet Kira's for a short moment before pointing back down at the paper. Smoothing out her kimono she looked around the room to try and take in the decor. She nodded in agreement to Ari's statement, hugging the girl from behind, "see! You can be a good queen still. You just need practice with the job".
Ari nodded then she smiled "yeah i know...i will but... i'm still lonely...i can't do everything by myself" she whimpered. then she hugged her tight "could you guys maybe help me find someone" she blushed deeper
"We can certainly try! Hey it's okey, you'll find someone," Lola smiled, patting Ari on her back trying to act as motherly as possible to the young queen. She rubbed Ari's back in circles and smiled softly at the girl.

After Kibo and Hoshi made up they started walking back through the halls. When a concerned gaurd told him that the queen and the spy had disappeared Kibo started to freak out. He ordered that searches be made and that all the blimps were to be counted. Seeing that one had gone missing, he started to panic more, demanding that blimps start doing aerial searches. He marched into Yanagi's room, introduced his daughter to them all, then made sure that everyone was okey and that they knew what was going on.
Gini opened her eyes seeing nothing. It darkness in the house. The fog never lifted and makes it feel like its night every day. She sat up to see Yamina laying next to her asleep. The Pokémon sat on the floor still awake and energetic.
Ari nodded then she got up and she smiled at her "thank you lola " Ari smiled then she hugged her tight "so can we go now...i think my people are happier now" she smiled at them
The kingdom was now in panic mode, no one knowing where the queen had gone. Some nobles were even trying to use the panic to their advantage, spouting fake words about being the chosen heir to the throne. The people demanded to see the inheritance scroll but Kibo didn't let them see it or anyone other than his most trusted guards even touch it. He had to always keep it on the move through the castle, grabby hands always being two steps behind them.

Lola nodded and hugged the girl back. She fixed her kimono and hair and waited for Kira and the queen to tell them they were ready to leave.
Kira stood up and she finished her work for her part of the laws and she looked up "i'm ready" she smiled then she looked at them.
Ari got up and she smiled "i'm ready as well...i can't wait to see how this affects my people" she smiled happily.
Gini sat there for a moment and it hit her. "I'm supposed to be at the kingdom!" She got up and bolted. Yamina was shocked at her tell and followed her. They snuck through the gates and ran to the mountains. As long as they followed the mountains north they would find their way back
Kibo finally managed to get the scroll and himself in a secure room. The only people inside were Hoshi and himself, both of them armed incase people tried to steal the scroll. The father and daughter duo had fought people on their way to the room, barricading the door as fast as possible.

"I must remember that it's affects won't be immediately visible, so don't get discouraged if you see nothing happening," Lola made she looked good one last time before starting towards the door, hands folded infornt of her. She looked back over her shoulder at the two with a raised eyebrow, "well let's get going! We don't have all day you know".
Ari nodded then she followed her new friends then she smiled "oh i know " she smiled then she held her hands to her waist and she smiled. "i hope i meet someone nice and sweet" she whispered. Kira smiled then she hugged them both "you will my queen"
Gini confronted the door that was almost unseen. "Leave!" She screamed. The nobles scurried off in fear. She swung open tho door to see Kibo reading the scroll. She takes the scroll from his hand and rolls it up. "We won't be needing that anytime soon"

Vivian sat on her bed reading to her daughter. Lucia sat and listened with Azurill asleep on her lap. Klefki chased Sylveon around the room as Spritzee and Togekiss listened to the boom as well.
"Where were you! The kingdom is about to go to war and you disappear," Kibo yelled marching up to get in his queen's face. He usually wouldn't do this as he saw Gini as a sister of sorts but he was angry and relieved that she wasn't dead. Hoshi stood off to the side as she watched her father scream at the queen.

Yanagi helped Arashi clean up and said goodbye to the man as he walked out of the room. She turned back to look at Terra and smiled, "he's going to need a lot of work to get him to stop thinking that he's below us but I'm up to the challenge".
Gini looked into his eyes with anger. "I cut the Ghost army in half!" She yelled in his face. Yamina appeared behind her. "We had a blast! We blew them sky high!" She said in excitement. Gini turned and walked to her room and slammed the door behind her
"But you didn't think about your kingdom or friends," Kibo screeched after her. His anger then directed to Yamina and he glared at her eyes full of fury, "you. Could have even left a note! But no you made the kingdom think their queen was either dead or kidnapped. I had to fight off nobles to stop them from claiming the throne for their own. I haven't even told Yanagi because she would have freaked and she doesn't need that with her with child and all! That girl sees her as a mother and you allowed that mother to almost die"!

Hoshi snuck out of the room and headed in the direction of the Queen's room. She stood outside it and knocked on the door, "my lady may I come in"?
Before she closes the door she flips him off and slams the door closed. Gini got into a nice warm bath. She layed in there thinking about the war and your she could step down form her position
Hoshi knocked again before peaking her head in. Not seeing the queen, she stepped into the room, "your highness? I would like to apologize for my father's behavior! He doesn't mean what he says, he was just upset that you didn't tell him. He felt like you had left him behind and that he is being replaced. He really doesn't like that and infact that is why he is hardly home! He wants to make sure you are okey"!

Kibo sat down and pulled at his hair. A maid walked in with tea and he drank some of it. He forced himself to relax but it didn't take long for his temper to flare. Blinks bounced into the room and the water type cuddled up into its master's lap to help calm him.