What is Machop supposed to be, anyway?
A wrestler with no nose, and a really bad hairdue? xDWhat is Machop supposed to be, anyway?
If that were true then Team rocket would have no reason to waste time on catching poke'mon for money, now would they?or it is magically capable of summoning gold out of thin air. >>
Under the logic of Azurill being a Normal type, shouldn't Natu be pure Psychic?
Seriously, I mean he is like a water mose thingy, isnt he? O-oWhy IS Azurill a Normal-type anyways? o.O
Why IS Azurill a Normal-type anyways? o.O
Aipom]I think Azurill said:
Didn't I answer why Azurill was a normal type about a page ago? :-X![]()
How can Meowth learn Thundeshock? It's not even an Electric-type...
Why do Zangoose and Seviper hate each other? (Something I've always been curious about. XD)
well i believe you can check the original diamond and the first Pokemon you see i believe would be the first ever made5) What's the first Pokemon?
I think I can stump you all! Here are my Seven wonders of Pokemon!
1. How come in the first episodes of Pokemon, you come across an episode where you see BABY pikachues..They said they where baby Pikachues..arent those suppose to be Pichu's? Lol.
2. How is it even Possible for Snorlax to use body slam, that goes against every law of science known to man.
3. How the hell does a pokemon even half the size of snorlax live through the body slam? That should be instant KO right there o.o.
4. Who Do Machops Develop underwear when they turn into Machoke, I dont remember going out and buying Pokemon underwear.
5. Why did they give us Pokeblocks, a completelty random idea, when they've had Pokefood since the beggining of Pokemon....?
6. Why dont legendaries have genders?
7. How the hell did Sabrina get a Female Mr.Mime in Gold/Silver/Crystal.
i have no idea, and i don't know why they changed the gender ratios of mr. mimes from 100% male to 50/50 in the advanced gen. *shrugs* according to stel, mr. mime's japanese name isn't gender specific, so that might have something to do with it.
Mr. Mime was always 50/50 as far as gender is concerned. And its Japanese name is Barriered (or something phonetically similar), so it never had a reason to be all male.
mr. mime was 100% male in the first and second gens, but as far as the never-having-a-reason, yeah, i agree. other than the english name.
well i believe you can check the original diamond and the first Pokemon you see i believe would be the first ever made