None of the Legendary Pokemon are gods!
but perhaps Mew is the pokemon equivilant of the single celled amoeba that started life on earth?Perhaps all pokemons DNA can be linked with mew?hence all the things that are said?
None of the Legendary Pokemon are gods!
Woah David, No need to get all "religious spammerness" on me
It was a joke anyway.
Thats sort of what I was trying to get at Geomon, Its just hard to explain. I think Mew is the route of all pokemon and created (somehow) all the others ones, because it was the first one, in theory..Lol
While its never said any are gods,its sort of hinted of the idea of Arceus being a godly pokemon,mostly due to many religious referances,such as the thousand hands and his "creations" in pokemon mythology.Whether or not he did in fact do those things,who knows.But the game did sort of hint to him being like such in the pokemon world.
At the moment my biggest question of what i said is whether or not Arceus came first,or was the first being made/to decent from Mew.Both have story settings that seem to make them look like the original,if it can be said,Mew having a more scientific sense of it while Arceus having a more religious sense of it in the storyline.
....boy...i think i'm getting too deep into this
It explains all about how the world was created in Japanese mythology. And just so everyone knows mew and arceus are like Izanagi and Izanami from the story.
I have a question that has always bothered me
why are moves like thunderbolt, thundershock, and thunder all electric moves using electricity
shouldn't they be sound moves since that's all thunder is
instead shouldn't the be called Lightningbolt,Lightningshock, and Lightning?
1.Jap name mistranslation
I have a question that has always bothered me
why are moves like thunderbolt, thundershock, and thunder all electric moves using electricity
shouldn't they be sound moves since that's all thunder is
instead shouldn't the be called Lightningbolt,Lightningshock, and Lightning?
More mysterys:
1) If Uxie, Mespirit, and Aself lvl 50, how did they create the world?
2) Where did Deoxys come from?
3) Why does Flotesel brake-dance when it is sent out?
4) Where did Missingno. come from???
1) The only thing that Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf "created" is a massive headache. Kindly brush up on your PokéMon mythology before making redundant questions.
2) Space. Where no one can hear you scream.
3) Why can n00bs walk around without a brain? Some things no one can answer.
4) A glitch in the data of the Red and Blue versions. If I recall correctly, encounter rates were, rather than pre-set and preprogrammed for each route, altered the moment you've entered a certain route. The half-land-half-sea tiles in the Cinnabar Island region had no encounter rates set to them - and rather, followed the encounter rate in the last area you've been to. This glitch can be exploited to, for instance, catch wild Safari Zone PokéMon.
Missingno. was triggered by a reset of the encounter rate into nothing by the Old Man/Weedle event. The encounter rate was set to nothing, and therefore you run into... missing glitched coding. Missingno. Simple as that.
What the hell is Shuckle. Really.
And How scary would it be to be a PokeMon that just *ahem "made an egg" with a ditto?
i read somewhere that shuckle is based off those playdo toys that squeeze playdo through holes,to make spagetti like playdo and such.
Oh...thats random :-\
Also who's the retard who thought it be funny to make zubat the most annoying PokeMon ever and put him in every single cave known to man?!?
Oh...thats random :-\
Also who's the retard who thought it be funny to make zubat the most annoying PokeMon ever and put him in every single cave known to man?!?
well it does add some challenge to the game,since theres many pokemon who cant one shot golbats later in the game until they've gotten some levels.But yeah i do hate confuse ray.However if you hate it so much you always have the option of using one yourself![]()
True. It's like they're forcing you to catch them. Like you'll ever use them after the 4th gym.
Crobat and Tentacruel are actually both very useful Pokemon.
True. It's like they're forcing you to catch them. Like you'll ever use them after the 4th gym.
Also..Worlds most unknown pokemon..
Does anyone even remember that bulky bat that looks somewhat like a crobot, but different?
I cant even remember its name
That pokemon is a mystery O_o
Since it has never gotten any airtime in anything. To my knowledge.
It is Gligar XD
I dont know much about the 4th gen yet.
Though before that..I dont think many people would remember it XP They probably think both are new, since Gligar was rare for some reason to find...
Thanks StellarWind!
Though my Spinda mystery still stands XD
How can Ghost-type pokemon be hit by physical attackslike Blaze kick and thunder punch, but not Mega Punch?
didnt someone ask a similar question earlier in the thread?
didnt someone ask a similar question earlier in the thread?
as for that....well somthing had to make them that attack type right?I'm sure its not just a physical blow being dealt.