Type. Ghost-types are immune to Normal and Fighting attacks, be they physical or special in nature, unless this immunity is disabled via attacks such as Foresight or Odor Sleuth.
To answer an unanswered question....
Meowth uses the coin on his head for Pay Day. It is revealed in an episode that meowth's head coin is removable.
To further elaborate on a question....
So Ditto transforms into his partner to have babies, right? Well, if Ditto was accurately transforming into its partner, than wouldn't that mean that it'd be both female or both male at the breeding center? ??? Maybe pokemon are hermaphroditic...
And to ask questions of my own...
1. Is Miltank a Female Tauros?
2. Why do Azumarril and wobuffet need incenses to reproduce? Does it work like Mood candles or something?
3. Gyarados is a Water/Flying type....what?!?
4. So all Pokemon are Reptilian because they lay eggs?
I have never taught my Gyarados a flying attack, it should really have been water/dragon, maybe since it levels up with really good stats, they had to make it flying just to weaken it?
1.Pikachu is a mouse, right? Although he resembles a Squirrel and rabbit getting together at the circus....
2.Why Pikachu? does PIkachu have a japanese meaning?
3. Has anyone noticed that the Red's pikachu in GS can use electric attacks on rock and ground pokemon? Was it an attempt to make him more ash-like?
Not many humans don't have eyes like Ralts don't.
greatest wonder of pokemon...uhhh Who is Ash's Dad?
And is food in the Pokemon world made from Pokemon?
A lot of our pokedex information describes a pokemon as a real animal (i.e. pikachu, electric mouse pokemon, pidgey, bird pokemon) Yet no one in the POkeworld has considered to wonder what a "bird" or a "mouse" is ;D
Although this has been remedied in the generation 3 pokemon (rather than referring to numel as a pokemon for example, he is referred to as a numb pokemon)
Why does only R/S/E character have a dad? You would think they would continue what they started in the third in D/P. But alas, your father doesn't exist.
Kadabra (along with Abra and Alakazam) are supposed to be foxes.
Where'd you get that from?
due to one of the pokedex entries, a boy with ESP turned into a kadabra
lol, on the subjewct of Kadabra, if Psychic Pokemon are so smart, why don't they attempt to take over the world (cept maybe for mewtwo he's tried that) I mean Alakazam's IQ is like 50,000 or something, yet he is but a lowly gladiator who beats crap out of other pokemon for fun.....I smell plotholes...
Why can't Evee evolutions be found in the wild?
I don't see any dolphins trying to start a global revolution on earth
In English please?