Digimon World 2- Neocrimon
NeoCrimson is the unholy fusion of a ambitious human known as Crimson alongside the decayed data of the other chaos generals: Chaoswargreymon, ChaosPiedmon, Chaosmetalseadramon, and finally: Chaoslord. Fusing together with Crimson at the reigns, this monster gained access to power untold...for the cost of his mind. Crimson is in constant agony inside of this creature, attacking everyone in sight, including itself.
Through this fusion, the parts he gained were the strongest of each: ChaosLord's cannons, chest, and left arm, ChaosWargreymon's shield, legs and right arm, Chaospiedmon's Ribbions and stomach, and ChaosMetalSeadramon's tail. With this in mind, it can preform nearly every attack of the sum of it's parts!
It has numerous attacks it can preform. From the ChaosWargreymon side, he can create a massive crimson colored sphere over his head, lobbing it at his foes, utterly destroying them and everything around them in a earth shattering explosion. (Crimson Terra Force)
ChaosMetalSeadramon's side allows him access to a hidden cannon inside of his chest. When this hatch opens, he can fire a golden beam of energy, carving a divide into any landmass, obliterating all those in it's path. (Energy Stream)
ChaosPiedmon's side allows greater flexibility, conjuring up an abyssal black sphere in his hand. When fired, this sphere traps opponents, making them sitting ducks for his other, far more dangerous attacks. (Mask's Square).
ChaosLord brings his cannons to the table, and along with it his signature attack: Chaos Cannon. A series of repeating energy blasts that pepper land masses for miles, endlessly destroying large swaths of the continents and their populations with them. (Chaos Cannon)
Finally, NeoCrimson has his own move. His melee attacks are highly dangerous, stronger damage wise than Omnimon's Transcending Sword! However, he flings around in a rage, not caring who he hits, even itself, just to end the pain. (Blind Attack)