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Open Sinnoh journey


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Hmm? A Tangela? Well I don't have a grass type so I guess I'll catch it. Aqua use rock smash!" Jack ordered. "Wow nearly fainted. Well might as well catch it. Go Great Ball!" Jack shouted. One...two...three...caught! The Tangela went to the PC because Jack had 6 Pokemon on him.
Andrew went looking for more Pokémon to catch. He found Chimchar "Go Pikachu!" he said "Thunder!" Andrew ordered "Pokeball go!" One...Two...Three...Caught!


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Thanks," Jack said. "Go Drifblim!" It was anticlimactic, Drifblim just used Fly that Jack got from a detective after getting rid of Team Galactic members. The gym leader didn't stand a chance. "Your turn Andrew," Jack said.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Lucky, you have two starter Pokemon. Oh, I just remembered. I found a magmarizer and electrivizer before beating the gym. Wanna evolve our Magmar and Electabuzz?"Jack asked Andrew.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Got it. Here take the Magmarizer I already have my Electabuzz holding an Electirizer. When you're ready I'll begin the trade," Jack told Andrew.
On his way to the city, a stray Gastly attacked max. Max threw a great ball at it and caught it. the next gym was a breeze and Max easily won. Then... "You're too strong, you're a threat to team galactic! go r- what!? all our pokemon are defeated? Runnnnnn!!!" "Cowards." Max said under his breath. the next gym was also a breeze, as Max not only knew how to fight with water types, he also knew how to defeat them. His Gastly evolved into a haunter. Max also caught a Medicham, but traded it for an Kadabra, which evolved from the trade!
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Jack started the trade and both Pokemon evolved. "Now I just have to evolve my Salamence and then I'll have a full team of evolved Pokemon!" Jack said. "We better start getting more badges, let's go!" Jack told Andrew.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Trainers and Pokemon use combinations of moves and judges decide what combinations' results look the best." Jack told Andrew.
Max walked into the steel type gym, Byron had been waiting for awhile now. "So, you're that strong trainer i heard about, Aren't you? I heard about you from the other gym leaders. So don't think i'm just gonna use three pokemon! Go Skarmory!" "I'm not gonna hold back! Go Swampert!" Max also wonders if Andrew is fighting his least favorite gym type too.
"Ok." so Andrew went to battle the gym. He sent out Torterra because it was a water type gym. And he won just by using razor leaf. Andrew got the badge and then went to heal and put Magmortar away in the PC.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Jack used Tangrowth with Mega Drain and Vinewhip and beat the gym with ease. "Next up is a ghost type gym. This gym was easy. You want to fight another one?" Jack asked Andrew.
"Swampert use Scald quickly to faint it." critical hit! "lucky me." Max said. "go Steelix! use Earthquake!" Byron yelled. "oh no, that's too strong!"
*rumble* Swampert's health is critically low. "wait.... Swampert, hit 'em with your own Earthquake!" Max yelled. *rumble* *rumble* *rumble*
Steelix faints. Next, Byron sent out Magnezone and, forgetting that electric moves don't have an effect on Swampert, used Electro Ball. "Swampert use Bulldoze! Magnezone has a four times weakness to ground type moves," Max said
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Andrew went to train his Chimchar and catch Pokémon. His Chimchar evolved and he found a Psyduck. "Go Monferno!" Andrew said "Use flame wheel!". The Psyduck was weak "Pokeball go!" One...Two...Three...Caught it. "Nice." Andrew said.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Jack trained his Pokemon a bit more but they just learned new moves. He nearly reached Hearthome city when he saw Andrew training.
"Hey, Andrew, you never answered my question but considering you're training I assume you are going to take on more gyms?" Jack asked Andrew
As soon as Byron sent out Bastiodon, Max shouted, "Swampert dodge then use Bulldoze to bring us to Byron's final pokemon!" Swampert dodged Bastiodon's Ancient Power, and used Bastiodon's four times weakness to ground type moves to its advantage by using Bulldoze.
"Oh." Andrew said to Jack "Sorry I forgot but yes I will do more gyms. But I'm going to continue training for the next gym." Andrew replied. "Hey wait do you have a thunder stone?" Andrew asked Jack.
"No it's fine. I was just wondering." Andrew said "So are you ready to got fight the next gym?" Andrew asked. "And do you know what type the gym is? And do you know how many Pokémon the gym leader is using?" Andrew asked Jack. Then out of nowhere a Lickitung appeared "Pokeball go!" Andrew said. One...Two...Three...Caught!


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Yes. Ghost. 3. Duskull Haunter and Mismagius are the gym leader's Pokemon. I'll be using Inferno since he has crunch," Jack told Andrew.
"Ok well I'm going to go fight the gym." Andrew said. So Andrew went to go fight the gym. He used Psyduck who evolved and same with Monferno. He went to go heal and put Golduck in the PC. After that he went to got train and catch Pokémon. He found a Wooper and caught it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Jack fought the gym and his Shellgon evolved into a Salamence. He flew on his Salamence and went looking for Andrew. He found Andrew catching a Wooper and began flying downwards. "Hey, Andrew. How come you keep leaving me?" Jack asked Andrew.
"alright, you beat my Bastiodon. But i still have one pokemon left, now, Go Aggron!! use Solar Beam!" Byron shouted as he sent out his last pokemon"Wait, Aggron can learn Solar Beam!? But how?!" Max and Swampert awestruck. Both Max and Swampert weren't paying attention, allowing Aggron to use this to his advantage to charge up Solar Flare. "wait... Swampert! quick, use Hydro Cannon!!!" Both attacks collided, making the match turn to a beam battle.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"You have a lot of strong Pokemon but you keep putting them in your PC. Are you gonna permanently keep some of your Pokemon?" Jack asked Andrew.