It's been a long time since I've joined a new RP! I'd love to apply.
Name: June Myles
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Currently living: Dorm 64
Appearance: She stands at an average height of about 5'5 (~165cm), and has light, blonde hair that has been cropped into a shaggy pixie cut. Her skin is lightly tanned, and her eyes are a warm brown color. She wears dark leggings, as well as a loose-fitting gray tank-top and black running shoes. If it's cold, she throws on a blue hoodie (if there's no uniform).
Personality: She gets attached to people easily, and doesn't tend to use formalities when interacting with others. She's friendly and extroverted, but can be headstrong without tact, which might strike some as rude. She's also quite competitive when she finds a reason to be, a tendency that draws her to competitive sport.
Backstory: She is quite athletic, having run track in middle school, but she finds the most joy in martial arts, particularly judo.
Other: Um.