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"Kill..." said the kid. "Come on, we need to get out of here." He grabbed her hand again and sank through the ground, reappearing outside the cells.
Eva looked around, seeing they were outside the cells. Since they were in the Earth Realm again, she guessed his grandfather would be here. At first she thought to hide, but then she remembered the many other lives in the facility. This was not a time to be selfish. "Hey, you're able to move without much help, right?" She asked him. She didn't want to leave him alone if he couldn't move.
"I think. But follow me, the guards will be coming." The kid ran to a vault door labeled gate A, he corroded the door and went into a new facility.
Eva nodded firmly and followed him through the now corroded gate. "I eat my words about today being boring; this day just keeps getting better and better!" Ayla exclaimed, for once glad that she and her host were forced to come to this facility. "People. Could. Die." Eva growled. "Hey, not my problem." Ayla said. Eva just ignored her. Arguing would do them no good, especially if she was to expect Ayla's help when needed.
Eva looked at the dead scientist. She wanted to pay her respects properly, but she was fairly sure there was no time for that. She settled with a mental "be safe" and continued to follow the kid.
She peered into the light containment room, wondering what was in it.
(It is not Jake) The light containment zone was a series of hallways with containment rooms within. At the end was the heavy containment zone. As it suggests, it is dangerous.
(Whoops, sorry. I was talking to a friend named Jake, and I guess I got my details mixed up. ^^; )
"Who are we looking for?" Eva asked, hoping that she could help find them.
The kid would open a door labeled 173. He stared at the statue standing there in the center of the room. "Keep your eyes on the statue, and tell me when you blink." The kid said.
"What are you two doing here?" A voice asked behind the two of them. The speaker was a boy about their age, pulling the brim of his camo cap over his bright blue eyes, "You're not with the authorities here, are you?" he continued, his voice shifting into a more menacing tone.
"Good..." he said with a sigh of relief. "Looks like my escape is going smoothly so far." he added under his breath. He quickly scanned the area for anything that seemed out of place. "Either of you find an exit to this facility by any chance?" He asked them.
"I know where it is, we just need to get past this statue, if it is not being looked at, it will move." The kid said, walking into the containment cell within the room. "Ok guys, everyone blink very quickly, just once, and whoever it looks at, walk into this cell."
Lloyd did so, mentally preparing for what the statue will do. "So are you guys trying to escape too? Or am I the only one?" he asked, glancing at the two of them.
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"We are trying to get out, but it is hard to do that." The kid replied, he blinked in unison with the other people, the statue teleported into the cell and the kid ran to the control panel and shut the door.
Eva breathed a sigh of relief when nobody got hurt. At least... nobody with them at current moment. Then she remembered that they were looking for someone. She was about to ask Lloyd if he was overseer of the facility, when she realized that the kid probably would have known if he was. Instead, she decided to ask about the statue. "What was that thing?" She asked. She then felt ashamed for speaking of the statue like it was an item. "I mean... who was that... uh... whatever they were." She asked, trying to make up for it.
"That, was SCP 173, it is classified as euclid, as in, we don't know diddly squat about it, and yes, it is a monster." The kid replied. "It always requires something to watch it so it can't move. and my grandpa? He is Keter class, as in he could possibly destroy society if he got to a largely populated area. Luckily wherever he walks he leaves a trail of corrosion. So we can follow him. But, things will probably get messy once we get to heavy containment."
Eva nodded and made a mental note to prepare for that. "I guess that means we're lucky this facility is nowhere near any populated area, then." She said, not wanting to even think about how many others could've been killed. Hopefully the entire facility was alerted and they've evacuated everyone. Assuming his grandfather was one to make his presence known.
The kid handed Eva and Lloyd a map of the facility. "Try and get to gate B, if you need help, just call for me, Ok?" The kid said. He began to slowly sink into the ground.
"my name is Dan by the way." Said the kid as he sank through the ground. A yell would emanate from inside a door right next to Eva, it was just a button to open it.
Lloyd listened to them silently, then gave a nod when Dan handed them the map. After he vanished, he tapped Eva's shoulder and nodded his head in the direction they're supposed to go. "Shall we?" he asked, a confident grin coming across his face.
"Dan... alright! Good luck, Dan!" Eva said before he was completely gone. Eva nodded at Lloyd, but then froze as she heard the yell. "Hey... did you hear that?" She asked. "Ooooo... a spooky noise. Spooooookyyyyy." Ayla said, just to try to annoy Eva.
Lloyd simply shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "What of it?" he asked as he scouted the junction ahead. "Looks like the coast is clear." He added. And with Dan acting as a diversion, or so I believe, Things'll stay that way too. Smirking, he followed the map toward gate B, making sure Eva was following. "Sweet, sweet freedom, here we come!" he laughed.
You reached a door labeled Heavy containment, the door would be corroded, leaving a huge hole in it. The walls were much more reinforced in this area.
Eva giggled a bit at Lloyd's cheery demeanor. Upon reaching the door, she was quick to notice corrosion, meaning one of two things. A. Dan's grandfather was here, or B. Dan corroded it for them. She was willing to bet her money on B, as he told them to come here. Eva poked her head in, checking to see if the coast was clear. Deciding it was safe, she stepped in, still looking about cautiously. She turned to Lloyd. "I think it's safe. Well... as safe as it can be. I don't see anything..." She stated, occasionally glancing around.
A slight crying can be heard behind a broken in door, blood was on the wall behind the door. A bad feeling seemingly emanated from the room.
A tall, pale man would be sitting in a pool of blood, his bloody clawed hands would be covering his face. (Think the witch from left 4 dead.) It just sat there cross legged.
"Excuse me... are you okay...?" Eva asked, cautiously taking a step forward. "Eva! Don't go near that thing you IDIOT!" Ayla screeched. But Eva paid her no mind, focused on the man in front of her. "Do you need any help...?" She said quietly.
Dan quickly rose out of the ground and blocked Eva from getting close to the pale person. "Don't go in there. Trust me, If you see this things face, it will chase after you and kill you, just trust me." Dan said before sinking back into the ground.
"I... okay." Eva said, kinda reluctant. But she was aware that Dan knew way more than any of them. And she did trust him. She took one last glance at the person and then turned and walked away, ignoring their cries. Ayla was relieved. "You idiot! Do you realize what mighta happened if your little playmate hadn't been there, you coulda died, and then I'd have to find a new host, AGAIN!" She yelled at Eva, definitely peeved off. Eva put a hand to her head. Ayla's yelling made her head hurt for obvious reasons. But she didn't argue or tell Ayla to shut up. Ayla was right. She wasn't thinking. This wasn't back home, nor was this any of the usual parts of the facility. This was a place with danger around every corner. She'd have to be more careful, and not allow her caring nature to get the best of her. The only other option was (probably) death.
The guards from earlier would rush down the hall, in full body armor this time, they didn't even bother to warn anyone of anything. One of them dropped a pair of goggles, they were used to see in infrared. As if something was invisible, you would feel like there was something else in the hall. another guard ran down the hall, he wasn't wearing the goggles, when he reached the end of the hall something invisible cut his throat.
Eva gasped a bit, backing away. Ayla groaned. "Oh, COME ON!" she yelled. "MOVE!" She ordered Eva. Eva quickly dragged Lloyd (I hope you don't mind, Gamefreak1996. If you do, please let me know.) down the hall, trying to get away from the invisible force.
the guards from before came back as they heard the other guard, they shot the invisible thing, warding it off for now. "What are you guys doing here!?" said the more kind guard who was worried about their safety. "Wow, I'm impressed you made it here. Unscathed too!" said the other guard, who actually was impressed. Dan rose out of the ground in front of the guards and totally freaked them out. "Heya, just so ya know SCP 008 is out, so could you all put on gas masks? I do not want to deal with zombies RN, and yes, I am related to SCP 106, deal with it." He went back into the pocket dimension, holding a pistol now, looking ready for a fight.