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[size=8pt]I take the gatorade back in time and introduce it to the neanderthals. Because of this new source of energy, they become more sophisticated and gradually grow into a new, supreme race that results in the current time period increasing tenfold so far as scientific advancement is concerned.
It turns out, the cure for cancer is me.
I die while they extract my stem cells. And every other cell. D;

I drop my brother.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
You're brother is an obnoxious brat who annoys me until I finally kill him. As his sister, you must avenge your family. You track me down and kill me.

I drop a sudoku puzzle book (Those things are fun)
I think 'Yay! I'm a ranger!' and go and find Entei. I try to catch it, but fail, doom the world and die. It wasn't as easy as I thought it was (blame the game).

I drop Pokecharms
The needle lands on a balloon, which pops. I get a heart attack from the sudden sound and die.

I drop Slipknot (after chatting with them for hours, getting their autographs and feeling amazed by being in their presence)
The bucket lands on top of my head, shielding my eyes so I can't see. I think I'm being attacked by some unknown enemy and run into the middle of traffic to kill it.

I drop a demon.
I befriend the demon, actually I become his best friend. We go everywhere together until one day we ran into a demon hunter, who killed the demon AND me, believing I was a demon too.

I drop a demon hunter.
he thinks everybody who wastes time on the internet is a demon and uses a big bomb to blow up the earth and all of its 'demon' inhabitants

I drop a meteor
I'm in a fight with my friend about what a certain word means, so I look it up in the encyclopedia. It shows up I'm right, but my friend is such a sore loser that he kills me.

I drop the certain word.
Nothing happens to me, but because I'm breaking the rules and not dying Chuck Norris comes out from behind a milk truck and roundhouse kicks me in the head into the horizon, where I fly into a meteor that blows up as soon as I come in contact with it.

I drop Chuck Norris.
Crazy cat claws my neck, causing massive bleeding which if you've seen Sweeney Todd, you know what happens next...I'm turned into a pie and cannibalized.

I drop a French Teacher
The Cookie is really a Darkrai. I get possested, and go on a rampage, killing everyone. Darkrai gets me to attack Arceus, but Arcreus kills me and Darkrai.

I drop
yourself? falls on me and i die from a dead body dropping on me

~I drop my body along with Aura's?!? i guess~
[size=8pt]I sidestep both bodies.
Unsure of how the hell I should finish this, I shoot myself with a conveniently placed pistol.

I drop my exam papers. And a lit match, hoping they catch fire on the way down >=O[/size]
I step on the match, and my teacher tells me to do the exam. It is the HSC. As I'm only in Year 7, I die from the pressure of the Exams.

I drop my sketch book.
I draw a very detailed gun on a page. Defying every law of reality, the gun shoots a bullet into my head.

I drop a cleverly drawn bullet
[size=8pt]I erase the bullet.
Shocked by the fact that I lived through my last suicide, I shoot myself again.
Redundancy is fun, children.

I drop chemistry.
No way I'm doing that crap again next year.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I snuggle the Scizor plushy for a reason I don't quite understand. Chainsawking sneaks up behind me and slits my throat so he can steal the Scizor plushy.

I drop half a dozen unused post-it notes
I get paper cuts from them, one of them happens to be infected with influenza and I cause a pandemic (and nobody knows whether it was avian influenza or not)

I drop a dead bird
I save it for thanksgiving because its a turkey, But i forgot to thaw it before deep frying it so it explodes in my face causing hot oil and turkey along with deep fryer shrapnel to pierce my body and singe my skin with third degree burns. Then I get brought to the hospital in an ambulance, but on the way up a hill my stretcher rolls out the doors of the ambulance and into a four way intersection and i get hit by a car going 83.4 mph trying to outrun the police because the driver just robbed a supermarket of their turkeys because they needed one for thanksgiving.

~i drop a crumpled stretcher and the robber drops a bag of thanksgiving food~

props to whoever read my paragraph/run on sentence... see if you can do better...

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I turn the stretcher into a flag and lay out the thanksgiving food for a feast and invite my army of evil space monkeys. Unfortunately there isn't enough food to go around and a riot breaks out. In my attempt to bring order to my angry monkeys the police arrive because a neighbor called about a domestic disturbance. The monkeys don't like this turn of events and attack the police officers. Due to all the chaos the cops have to resort to shoot first ask questions later. I try to bring this to a peaceful solution by reasoning with the police. They say I'm being baligerant and 5 of them unload their guns on me. The evil space monkeys kill all the cops to avenge me.

Beat that!

For loosing control of such a simple situation I drop my dignity
I capture the Bonsly and train it into a Sudowoodo (sp?) and take it on a quest to capture Palkia. On many chases across Sinnoh Team Galactic captures Palkia and quest for revenge because I wanted Palkia. More chases ensue until we finally meet on a final confrotation on the top of a volcano. I send out Sudowoodo against Palkia and after a long and drawn out epic battle I finally capture Palkia using a snag machine that convenietly happened to be with me at the time. While gloating over my victory Dialga comes and uses Roar of Time and destroys the volcano we're on and I use Sudowoodo as a snowboard over the river of boiling lava. After making our dramatic escape, Arceus comes to teach Dialga a lesson and both pokemon duke it out in the skies and I tell Sudowoodo to use Rock Throw and a well-aimed pebble is tossed into Arceus's eye and it roars in pain and destroys the entire universe it created.

*deep breath*

I drop a pebble

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(What's a Bonsly have to do with my dignity?)

I skip the pebble over the Lake of Rage. The pebble his what looks like a tall pointy grey blade of grass, but is actually the fin of a Gyarados. The Gyarados is pissed about getting hit with a pebble and uses Dragon Rage on me. I respond by using my Super Dragon Breath on it. Further angered, Gyarados uses Hyper Beam disintgrating me.

I drop []
The [] become the size of a door and I step inbetween them to take a look. The [] suddenly close together forming a cage then jump into Cyberspace. Myself and the [] demateraize.

I drop My Firen Sprite (little fire pokemon thingy)
Chibi: I die of raining bonslies? (sp?) :-\

Aura: I try to use Firen as a burner for a hot air balloon. He burns the fabric of the balloon and we fall into a tree jutting out of a cliff where I will spend the rest of my life hanging on a branch by my underwear

I drop my underwear
I didn't drop a bonsly. XD

My eyes burn from seeing your underwear and I writhe on the ground screaming until some asshole shoots me to get me to shutup because I'm disruppting his poker game and his poker face is getting faker since he only has a joker, a 2 of clubs, a 7 of spades, a green number 4 Uno card and a "get out of jail free" Monopoly card. (Cookies to those with references)

I drop a number 4 Uno card.
I kick the bunny into the horizon, which promplty explodes, signaling hundreds of nuclear warfare going off due to a bunny crashing through a window and landing on the shiny red button.....oops.

I drop a car.
I drive the car and play 'grand theft auto' in real life. Forgetting that when you drive off jetties into water, you die

I drop Call of Duty 5