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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Brendan smirked as his two friends completed the test, I expected nothing less of them. Brendan thought to himself. Brendan then stepped up, "May I go next?" Brendan asked in a confident voice.
The hardest part will probably be the stamina portion, it seems like it lasts quite awhile. Brendan thought to himself as he went over Ara and Orion's trials in his head, creating a strategy for each portion.
Py-ton looked at Brock, and said, "Go right ahead! Let me see what you're made of!"

A portal then opened which took Brendan inside of the course.
Brendan nodded and stepped into the portal, his first course was also intelligence, but all of the tiles were the same color. Brendan pulled out all six of his staffs and pressed the tiles with a staff, once Brendan found the tiles that did nothing, he threw each staff on a single tile and balanced them with his magic. Brendan then jumped from staff to staff until he reach the end which was a very impressive feat. It appears these staffs are connected to my magic power. Brendan thought to himself as he entered the next room.

The next trial was the speed trial, Brendan looked around, he didn't want to go in the mud because it would just slow him down. "Requip! Explosive armor!" Brendan yelled, the armor around him looked like the material a tank was made out of and it covered him head to two. Brendan stepped back, ran, and jumped, he drew his arms back and a huge explosion shot out of each hand, which sent Brendan flying. About a minute passed and Brendan was at the end, thankfully his momentum slowed down enough so he could just stop by himself. Brendan requiped back into his disguise and entered the next room.

After that, Brendan entered a room with a treadmill in it, it was the stamina test. Creating an explosion that size to get him across that fast used quite a bit of magic, but he was able to continue. Brendan requiped again, into a what appeared to be some sort of marathon runner get up, a sweat band covered his Ender Eye guild mark on his right shoulder. Brendan then hopped on the treadmill, things were easy until the very end. The treadmill really started to pick up speed and Brendan was barely able to keep up but his marathon runner custom had given him a boost to stamina and running speed. After another hour, the treadmill slowed down until it stopped and the final door opened.

The monster was hideous looking and it was able to fly. Brendan quickly requiped into his Lightning Emperor Armor which came with a spear that shot lightning. Brendan twirled the spear about his he dodged the bird monster's attacks, Brendan got above the bird and shot a giant bolt of lightning at it, the monster was slowed down, but not out. The beast ripped of Brendan's right sleeve which exposed his guild mark for not even a fraction of a second before Brendan requiped into the male version of Black Wing armor. The black wings on the armor extended and with one decisive sword slash Brendan cut the beast in half. Before leaving Brendan requiped back into his regular disguise.

Brendan exited the portal completely exhausted, but he had made quick work of the trial, the fabric on his right shoulder was stained a light red as the beast had dug into his skin. The guild mark appeared on his left shoulder a few seconds after he completed the trial.
Viper's eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of the guild mark on Brendan's shoulder.

Damn it damn it damn it! No no no this is not happening this is not happening! I'm seeing things, I'm going crazy. Yeah that's it...oh no who am I kidding this is terrible!
OOC: @Rhabby Does Brendan have guild marks on both shoudlers?

Py-ton looked at Brock, and said, "That was wonderful! I know you said your staffs were magical, but I had no idea they could let you requip!" Py-ton looked at Riley, and said, "You're the last one, it seems. Let me see how 'bad' you are!"

A magical portal appeared and Savannah was pushed right in.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah was shoved through the portal for her trial. For the intelligence test this time the tiles were black and white. Using Sand-Make: Baseball Savannah simply tossed it on the white tile. Soon enough several arrows shot at where she would have stood had she picked the white tile. Savannah grinned and then proceeded to travel the course on only the black tiles.

Next was the speed test, and to draw inspiration from Azir, used Sand-Make: Surf Board to literally surf across the mud, a big grin on her face all the while.

Next was the stamina test. Unconsciously removing her flops she ran the treadmill. Doing well for the first hour or so Savannah realized how much this test sucked. Eventually after another 45 minutes she couldn't take it and got off.

Finally it was the battle with the monster. Savannah used a series of sand rocket shots that the beast countered with some sand rocket shots of its own. The battle was quite the stalemate, but eventually...

"Sand-Make: Giant's Fist!"

Savannah created a giant fist of sand, using all the power she had, to easily overpower the beast's sand shield and bashed it to submission. Savannah fell on her back, having won the battle but exhausted herslf
Py-ton looked at everyone, and said, "This has got to be one of the greatest days in my life! I get to be reunited with my brother, and now we have four new members, who are close to being S-Class! Alright, you four, it's time for you to rest! You will all share a room upstairs." Py-ton said as he pointed upstairs, at a purple door.

Ara looked at Py-ton, and said, "Ah, it was nothing! Glad to be part of this guild!" Ara then looked at everyone, and said, "Lets get to our room fast, and if you don't listen...I'M GOING TO PULL YOUR HAIR EVEN TIGHTER THAN BEFORE! I'm tired, and I don't need you three bothering me all night!" Ara then went into the room.
(OOC: He does now, Ender Eye on right, Grim Brothers on left BIC)
"Thank you for your hospitality, and allowing us to join." Brendan said, bowing to the master. Brendan followed Ara into the room and took the mask off and took a deep breath, "Man that was difficult it made you use so much magic energy." Brendan said as he sat down on a bed, he was covered in sweat, the blood stain on his right shoulder looked even worse.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Evertually, every member of Ender Eye was able to make it through the test. The moment orion had stepped into the room, Orion flopped onto a bed. "God, I'm so tired." Orion croaked. "I used a lot of magic today, who knew Requip could be so hard." Orion complained as a new user of requip magic. "What did you guys think of the initiation?" Orion wanted to know what they had to deal with during the test. Orion gave a huge exasperated sigh as he needed a good rest to rejuvenate all his magical energy again despite him having tons left.


Previously Sarah316
"Other than the treadmill, I thought it was fun! I actually liked it!" Savannah said with a smile, enjoying the orientation. She knew she shouldn't say that, this being a dark guild and all, but it was the honest truth.

"You okay Brendan?" Savannah asked noticing his shoulder.
Ara sighed, and jumped on the bed they laid out for her. She looked at everyone, and said, "Yeah, it was exhausting! I'm just glad we all made it. Py-ton did say we are close to being S-Class, I think we can use that to our advantage. If we become S-Class, then he'll probably trust us more, and he'll most likely tell us his plans." Ara summoned the communication lacrima, and was able to send the message, Master Ed, we were successful in becoming official members of the guild. I'll keep you up to date as soon as something more happens. Ara then started to stretch, and said, "Alright, everybody, I'm going to go to sleep."
"It'll get better as you use it more, I felt the same way in the beginning." Brendan said to Orion. Brendan then looked over at Savannah, "I should be okay, I'll just have to bandage it up. It'll actually be good because it'll cover my Ender Eye guild mark." Brendan said with a smile, Brendan reached over to the draw with the white plus and grabbed some bandages and covered his wound.
"Same, I need the rest, creating that explosion of that size to launch me over the mud thing took most of my magic power." Brendan said as he laid back.
Azir smiled, "Did you see that? That sand girl used a surfboard during the speed test, she's totally rad!" Azir exclaimed as he drank from a coconut... Wait, where did he even get a coconut?
"Yeah, I feel you two will be great friends..."

Viper sat deep in thought as he made that comment. Even since he saw Bren...no Brock's guild mark Viper had been thinking over every possibility. However, he kept coming to the same conclusion.

Ender Eye, here. Now of all times. Why? Why must this happen to me? No, I'm sure there is another explanation. There has to be...


Previously Sarah316
"Sounds good, I'm gonna hit the hay." Savannah said as she flopped on her bed, ready to rest up her body. She needed to be at her best for this mission, so some sleep would go a long way to help with that.
Frea laughed "it's not everyday that four new potential members come waltzing in and pass the trials with flying colours" she said "though I have to say they kinda wasted there time on the speed test, I mean I just waited for the mines to go off and then I just changed my gravity to fall into the sky avoiding the explosions" Frea said before taking a sip of her drink

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Sabrina looked at the new potential S-Class members. "They seem cool!" Sabrina chirped holding her doll. Then she heard Frea say something about wasting their time and energy in the second trail. "Wouldn't that not show your speed though?" Sabrina question. It was a SPEED trial after all. "Anyways, do you think Orlando, Adriana, Riley, and Brock would replace us? They seem pretty strong!" Sabrina asked to anyone in general.
"I'm gonna say no to that one." Viper said, not offering a reason why as he kept that to himself at the moment.

If they are Ender Eye, then they'd be doing recon work at the moment based on the different appearances. No one in the guild seems to suspect a thing. This whole thing sucks, and I still might just be paranoid.
Frea went and patted Sabrina on the head "please... Those guys may be good but they arn't as good as us" she said with an evil smirk "I mean most the time I can't even let loose I just hope that the Ender eye guild members have some bite" she said before taking a big sip of her drink
Azir walked over and sat down on the table across from Frea, "Maybe we could become the Apocalyptic 8, then we would really be unbeatable." Azir said with a smirk, "I hear Ender Eye is actually pretty strong so they probably will have the bite you want, Frea." Azir said, sipping from his coconut.
"Well, here's hope we won't have to find out." Viper said as he went back to his thoughts.

Damn it this is all wrong. If it is Ender Eye then conflict between the guilds is inevitable. What should I do? What can I do? Do I voice my suspicion? Do I keep my mouth shut? Damn it this is too much!
Py-ton looked at the members of the Apocalyptic Four, and said, "You guys can't be replaced! If those newbies do become S-Class members, then they'll become their own group, but they won't be number one! You guys have been with me since the beginning, so I trust every single individual one of you, even if it is just a little bit." Py-ton then stared at Azir. "You guys should go ahead and rest, I'll see you all tomorrow morning!"

Py-ton then looked at Viper, and noticed he looked down. He walked up to him, and said, "Brother? What's wrong?"
Damn it, he even cares about his own guild mates, even if only out of loyalty. This whole thing stinks. I really don't believe they are bad people...but they are part of a dark guild and if Ender Eye is here...damn it I need to change the topic.

"Nothing, just...I have a question I'd like to ask you." Viper said to Py-Ton, deciding to voice one of his other thoughts to distract from the feeling of dread that Ender Eye members might be here in disguise.
Py-ton put his arm around Viper, and said, "Ask whatever you want brother! Since we're together now, I want you to trust me; Not as a leader/master, but as a brother. Now ask away!" Py-ton stared at Viper, showing him that he's paying attention.
Viper let out a sigh, before he faced his brother with a look right in the eye once he was sure the other guild members were out of ear shot.

"Did you form this guild to destroy Fairy Tail? To fulfill father's ambition?" Viper asked, he had to at some point and he figured now was a good time as any.
"Thanks master!" Azir exclaimed as he gave him a fist bump, "Well, I'm quite tired, I didn't get to sleep yesterday." Azir said to everyone before he ran up the stairs, past the Ender Eye member's room and into his room, which looked like a beach.
Brendan lied awake unable to fall asleep, his mind was racing.
Py-ton gave Viper a sigh, and said, "Yes. That was my original purpose." Py-ton stayed quiet for a little while, but then said, "But then I discovered something. To all these outcasts, I seem like a father figure myself, and I don't want to lose that. I kept thinking, and thought to myself..Why do I have to complete my father's wishes? I'm my own person!" He stared at Viper, and said, "Then I remembered about you. I didn't know what happened to you, until one of our members informed me that a mysterious man had joined Ender Eye on a mission, and I was filled with joy. I thought, I want my brother here with me, somewhere where he belongs; something, I've wished for, for such a long time."
Viper was stunned at the answer he heard. More importantly, he felt a little shame. Viper couldn't get over the image that he was his father. And yet his brother, the mage of a dark guild no less, was able to see himself as his own person and pursue something better than the monster path Cobra took. In spite of being labeled a dark mage, his brother was making a better life choice than he ever did and actually gave these outcasts a home.

"That...wasn't what I expected. Now I only feel guilt. No matter how hard I try, I can't escape this belief that I am dad's reincarnation. That my life has been made for me. One reason I made that choice not to use my father's magic...I feel if I do I become him and lose myself." Viper said to Py-Ton, glancing down as his bandaged arms.
Py-ton smiled at Viper, and said, "Ah, don't say such foolish things! You don't have to feel any guilt!" Py-ton stood up, and exclaimed, "And you want to know something else, brother? It doesn't matter if you use father's magic! Do you think he's here now, forcing you to use it for his devilish schemes? No! It's up to you, to how you use your magic."


Previously Sarah316
Savannah went out of her room and, from a distance, had seen Py-Ton and Viper talking. Savannah had hidden herself before she had made a whisper.

"Sand-Make: Enormous Ear"

Soon a large ear of sand, with a large hole to help funnel sound, was formed as Savannah tried to listen to the conversation. Viper mentioned something about whether Py-Ton would Fairy Tail or not. Savannah expected to hear Py-Ton gloat about some master plan to destroy Fairy Tail and rule the world or something. Instead...she heard someone trying to be better than that. Someone, who took in outcasts to make a little family. And saw someone offering actual comfort to Viper as he battled with his own inner demons. This guy...didn't seem like someone who'd be in charge of a dark guild.

This guy, I mean, good for him for helping Viper out and taking in those guys. But he is supposed to be evil right? This whole thing is confusing.
Viper couldn't help but smile, making him think back to Eliza's comments about his lineage not deciding who he was. They may have a point.

"Thanks...brother. I needed to hear that." Viper said before he got up.

"Well, getting kinda late. I'm gonna head to bed. Thanks for that talk. See you tomorrow." Viper said to Py-Ton as he began to walk...right in the direction Savannah had hidden herself.


Previously Sarah316
Crap crap CRAP! What do I do? I know, play it cool...

Savannah quickly dispelled her sand ear and walked out into the open, doing her best to look tired and sleepy (Which she partly was) like she had just gotten out of bed.

"Oh, hey...Viper right? Say do you know where a girl can get a drink around here?" Savannah, or rather Riley asked having let out a fake yawn to help sell she was tired; trying to sell that she heard nothing of the conversation between the brothers.
Viper raised an eyebrow, looking rather disinterested. In truth he was fuming, knowing she was likely spying on them. However, that anger turned to overwhelming relief.

If she overheard us talk, she'll know Py-Ton and the others here are not bad guys. Maybe she'll get them to leave the guild alone and go along their way without a fight. This might be the solution I've been looking for!

"Down the hall to the left, you'll run into the kitchen. Now I'm off to bed, see you tomorrow." Viper said in a deadpan expression before he went to his room to get some sleep.


Previously Sarah316
"Thank you. Goodnight!" Savannah or rather Riley said as she went to the kitchen, got her water, then went back to bed with the other Ender Eye members to get some sleep. Conflicting thoughts over the new information she received would have to be settled in the morning, for now she needed sleep.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion awoke from his bed. Stretching from the relaxation, Orion remembered where they were and why they are there. Seeing as he was the first one up, Orion walked right out of the room to get an early start on searching for intel. Orion looked around, only to see barely anyone is there. Deciding he should just wait for the others, he went to the kitchen to grab himself a drink and sat at a table, trying to eavesdrop on whatever he can.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah let out a yawn as she woke up and decided to go to the kitchen where she saw Orion.

"Hey Orlando, how are you doing?" Savannah asked, in spite of her words her mind was on the conversation she heard between Viper and Py-Ton last night.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion gave a nod to Riley, aka Savannah, as he was trying to keep in character. Orlando was supposedly to be the silent type after all. He motioned her to come closer as he was going to whisper to her rather than talking aloud. (sorry for mini godmod) As soon as Savannah sat next to him, Orion asked, "Have you seen anything noteworthy lately?" It was only the first morning they were there, but Orion wanted to get majority of the guild's info as soon as possible for them not to get caught. "I haven't seen anything lately." Orion, aka Orlando, whispered to Savannah.


Previously Sarah316
Savannah gave a nod, checking around to make sure no one was watching before she would whisper to Orion.

"Last night I caught a conversation between Viper and Py-Ton. Py-Ton talked about how he made the guild with the original intention of destroying Fairy Tail, but decided to not be like his dad as he became attached to his guild members. Like a family. And how he no longer sought that goal. Then he offered comfort to Viper when Viper expressed doubt about whether he was his own person or just a clone of their father Cobra." Savannah spoke, recalling the conversation to the best of her memory.
Brendan woke up and slowly crawled out of bed, his shoulder ached. Brendan changed the bandages and walked out of the room and downstairs. Brendan walked over to Orion and Savannah and sat down, "Hey guys." Brock aka Brendan said as he picked up a drink and sipped it. Brendan leaned in closer to hear Savannah's information. Brendan nodded his head as he leaned back
It's what he needed to hear, but probably from someone else, now Viper probably wants to stay here. Brendan thought to himself.
Ara had finally woken up, and got out of bed. She walked up to Orion and Savannah, and yawned. She was still trying to keep her act, so she acted all tough. She sat down next to them, and heard the whole thing that Savannah had to say. "Hmmm, I don't know. It could be true, but it could also be a trick. Why he would trick his brother, I don't know. I think that we should stay here a little longer, and gather up some more information." Ara noticed that everyone was staring at the group, and she stood up, and exclaimed, "What do you guys want!? Huh! You want a good butt-whooping!" Everyone then stopped staring and went back to their business.
Viper arrived, watching the four have a casual chat (As far as he knew) though he sensed ulterior motives.

Good, if Riley told them what she saw that might make things easier. Maybe this whole battle won't have to happen. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and these are just random strangers.

"You don't have to be so aggressive. Trust me, I usually am the cold dark type. Doesn't get you many friends." Viper advised as he went to the fridge to get some water.