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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion

Well, sounds cool.
Although I agree with amount of transforms in fight, its just a lot XD
Hmmm, now how to post...
My guy may get inpatient of having some action himself and do something out of forgetting himself to his small surrounding area or smth.
Man, gotta say that I really like your characters ideas, although I really feel like watching dragonball atm.
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a.. reboot, i hear?
a bit late to the party, maybe, but not even a year of inactivity can stop me from joining the party.

you know i gotta. maya-motherfreakin'-leyte. but updated! ...and completely different!!!
Name: Maia Eiris
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Human with Fae ancestry
Sexuality: "huh?"
Appearance: A tiny, petite figure, Maia stands at approximately 4'9, with a thin frame and delicate nature to her. Her skin is extremely pale, practically white, but she blushes easily, and can typically be seen with a pink flush across her freckled face. Her ears are a type of feathery, wing-like protrusions, pointing downward and with the same flush along with the tips. Her eyes are wide and a deep brown, and her hair is light ginger, curling around her shoulders with small bangs swept slightly to the side. She can typically be seen in extremely warm clothing, as her body struggles to produce body heat, most commonly of which is a massive red coat that dwarfs her completely. She bears a wooden staff slightly taller than herself that curls at the tip, and from that point a small, blossom-like orb hangs.
Personality: A skittish girl, Maia is meek and shy, having not many social interaction skills under her belt. She is scared of many things, like thunder and big dogs, but is also easily excitable by things she enjoys or by things of familiarity. Despite being a bit awkward, Maia is highly sympathetic, and for those she cares deeply for, she will fling herself into almost any scenario to aid them. Typically, she holds people at a distance, rarely opening up, but will accept close friendships from a small circle of people. She also really loves sweets.
- Arcane Druidry (overview): Because Maia's lifeblood is deeply intertwined with nature, she holds a deep reverence for all things living. On top of bearing a vast knowledge of all things flora and fauna, Maia has a deep connection to such things. This harmonious understanding allows her to call upon, and, to some extent, manipulate any living thing. The more sentient, or conscious, the being is, the harder it would be to call upon. For example, while she may summon a plant or animal to come to her with ease, she would not be able to manipulate a human being to do her bidding (not that she would do that anyway).
- Haze Lullaby: From her staff, Maia emits a light, sweet-smelling fragrance that induces drowsiness. The smaller the creature, the less potent the haze must be before they fall asleep.
- Healing Sorcery: Maia may call upon her own lifeblood to heal the injured- although it drains her of energy to do so. Minor scrapes it would hardly affect her, but to save someone severely hurt, it would leave her bedridden for weeks.
- Sylph Guardian (ultimate): (i know i should let you understand the full mechanics, but trust me. you'll see.)
Way of Application: Passed the recommendation test.
Relationships: N/A
Other: O, beware the almighty Duck and his enormous Thunder Quack.
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Hold on lemme get the plot down! I missed u too!
So basically we started with an assembly in the gym. Principal Arthur froze everyone to shut them up but a really big ego kid named Donald acted afool and got toasted in front of everyone, and now we're outside having some student vs student duels to start off the year. A lot of people have come in late, or you could say you were there the entire time, either works

Also there are a few things I recommend adding to your bio, I changed it a wee bit since the last version of this specific plot. Not much of it is important, mainly just extra character information


Previously Kidd.Janks
Name: Beatrix Alkali
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual but leans towards women,
Appearance: Beatrix quite tall standing at around 5'10 and 135 Pounds. She's known for her extremely flashy appearance as her hair is quite golden and full of color. She generally comes off as a punk due to her choice of clothing which couldn't be further from the truth due to how cocky and prideful she tends to be at times. (will send the image)

Abilities and Powers:

Allows Beatrix to create and manipulate fuel from her body at will, this jet fuel mostly taking form as a liquid, although it can be released as gas or even solid fuels at times. Jet allows her to create various types of fuels. such as Gasoline, Diesel fuel, and of course Jet fuel. this ability mostly allows her to fly and produce some moderately powerful chemical explosions from her body. This tends to be her most practical ability and the one she relies on the most. Naturally, she's resistant to any flame or byproduct created from this ability.

Blood of Iron
Allows Beatrix to create a completely nontoxic metal that naturally takes a liquid state. this metal can be controlled by her at will and can become as hard as iron at max. this ability isn't nearly as destructive as her other power. However, it allows her to create tools or constructions in battle if needed. Liquid can generally be produced from any type of opening her body has, mouth, nose, Pores.


Beatrix has a laid-back and lazy personality. She appears to have great amounts of self-confidence and somewhat of an ego. Due to her being extremely confident in herself and her capabilities. Beatrix can be problematic at times because of this. As she's prone to talking shit and wanting to get into the heads of others around her. However, she's quite smart and tactical within combat. As she seems to be reasonable enough to drop this childish person in serious situations. Where she’s surprisingly good at working together with others when push comes to shove. While she can come off as rude or toxic at times. She tends to have a soft spot for people or things that she views as cute. Allowing her to become sweet and tender towards certain people. Although this is quite rare.

Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Completed test
Relationships: Cal (Ex-girlfriend) Ed Ched and Budo Sato (Childhood friends and rivals)
Other: Credit to Kasumira for art + Thunderquack


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@Kidd.Janks there we go, accepted!

I'm also adding in another classic boyo from the good old days, the half demon who just so happens to be done with everyone's shit on basically any given day!

Name: Nero Vasquez
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Half-Demon
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Nero is a dark skinned male of hispanic origin. His hair is a dirty, sandy brown, and he has deep, crimson irises. He is on the taller side, especially for his age, at 6'2" in height. He is often seen in various outfits, from hoodies, to sweaters, to sleeveless shirts. However, a common thread is that they tend to be pretty drab and desaturated in terms of colors, if they have any to begin with. His most common shoes are grey Nikes with a solid amount of wear on them. His half demon comes from his goat legs, which are brown furred. He uses padding to fit into shoes, and puts on longer pants to hide them... but get in his way and you'll receive a devastating kick, and he is a very active and fit martial artist with those really strong legs.
Abilities and Powers:
Mind's Eye
This ability is pretty straightforward- Mind Reading. If he focuses on a target, he can stare into their head, and access their brain. He can sift though over 600 memories in a single second, and can read as much as he likes as long as he has focus on the enemy. If a person has a strong enough mental will, they can push Nero out, but Nero himself has a strong enough mental will that usually he can find out what he wants before being forced out.
Active Foresight
Once he reads the mind of anyone, he has a sort of mental relay of their conscience for the next 10-20 minutes. This can be used to predict their movements, and anticipate their attacks. This is very difficult to work around for his opponents, as he can tell if an enemy is going to significantly change their strategy.
Active Copy
For about as long as his Foresight is active, he can also use Active Copy. With this, he can copy almost any power used by the person he has read the mind of. His body usually takes a decent amount of strain from doing this, but he has the resolve to not be too hampered by this constraint.
Personality: Nero is... dry. He doesn't enjoy the company of other people all that much. He is generally rude and sarcastic, and is very quick and blunt. He doesn't sugarcoat things, and is very quick to say his mind. He is sometimes frustrated by the stupidity of the people around him, and can come across as cold and heartless. He isn't a bad person though, and can show a degree of empathy. He also has a normally calm demeanor until someone fucks up, so he usually doesn't go out of his way to pick fights, unless he's pranking someone in spite.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Was recently transferred from another school in California that started two weeks earlier than Comet Trail.
Relationships: Has a brother currently in Norway, who is 25 years old. He is taken care of by his single father.
Other: "...what, you thought you were gonna get more? Go to hell, don't expect anything from me of all people... pricks..."
...don't worry, Nero is coming. He is coming. Soon. Don't rush him.

Nero: "...aight listen, if you're waiting on me of all people, your damn priorities are completely insane, and you need to do some introspection. Open like, a 401k or something, that will be a useful waste of time that might make ya live for a couple years longer... I'm sure being around a half demon isn't that great for a person's lifespan..."