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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Is this still joinable? I have recently seemed to find interest in having characters have powers and be different species. So this roleplay might soothe that recent obsession.
Absolutely! Just use the bio sheet on the first page and the secret code and you’ll be accepted in no time.
Hint for secret code:
What sound does a duck make? And what sound does lightning produce


Previously Applebutter
Now for my two characters!

Name(First and last): Augusta “Gus” Smith
Age: 15
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Elf, with close (fully) human relatives
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Gus is a pale skinned young lady who stands at the height of 5”3, though slightly short she acts tall. She is a tomboy, seeing as she grew up around 4 brothers. She has blue eyes and dark green hair that has a bit of a blueish tint. Pointed ears stick out from the mess. Her hair is short, somewhat like a pixie cut expect did by an unprofessional because it very uneven. Her clothing is obviously from the mens part of the store and definitely sticks out. Gus wears a black button down shirt with a white tank underneath that. With visible gold suspenders and a blue/white varsity jacket. She has skinny dark blue jeans and regular sneakers usually the color black/white. She will sometimes wear sliver colored headphones around her neck.
Abilities and Powers:
Speaking/Raising The Dead (Zombies): Gus has an unnatural ability to summon/raise the dead which are usually called “zombies”. She can make them arise and control with her mind such as raising. Though this may seem a bit overpowered to Gus, it only allows her to speak to the dead in a friendly manner. They don’t usually attack.. unless asked too anyways. People happen to make fun of her or be intimidated by her because of the one that follows her. His name is Butler and he wears a torn suit and a top hat given to him by Gus.
Animal Mode: This ability refers to being able to change into a animal with animal traits, powers, skills and abilities. She usually transforms into a humanoid like fish in the water which is by far her favorite. Though with a down side, she cannot do it very long and the animal traits she had can sometimes have other animals all the time. Like a fish with birds and a dog snout and ears. (Yes this is a reference to Dragon Ball.)
Snowy Hands: From the fingertips to about the middle of forearm on each side is pale white. Whenever someone touches her hands, they momentarily freeze from the cold ice like aura that floats from her hands to the victim. However it is only on rare occasions that effects someone.
Personality: Gus is a tomboy, the reason is unknown but likely that she grew up around 4 other boys. She is very aloof and weird but has a naïve personality as well. She is seen as a kind person otherwise who can be rather stubborn and quite mean to her brother, specially Aiden. Gus is very loving and absolutely loves cats even if she can’t touch them because first hands and second she’s allergic.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Recommendation
Relationships: Bentley, Asher, Ryder, Aiden (Brothers; all currently alive), Mom (First name unknown; Alive), Mamacole (Step mom; alive), Dad (Alive), Papa (Step dad, alive)
Other: Thunderquack

Name(First and Last): Sapphire “Sappy” Mason
Age: 16
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Angel
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Sappy is a black young man standing at a whopping 6’6 with hazel eyes. He is quite tall but people don’t seem to mind his size seeing as there are many other people way taller than him. He has short, curly black hair with a yellow crown on top of his head for reasons he doesn’t classify. His clothing, Sappy says, is very causal in a 16 year old’s point of view. He wears a multi colored striped long sleeve with dark colored jeans and colorful shoes. He sometimes wears a green sweater over the shirt with a Pansexual (Pink, yellow, blue) flag pin on it. White wings stick from his back making clothing a bit hard to wear.
Abilities and Powers:
Flying: Sappy’s wings allow for serious flight, he can reach to just above the sky before needing air down below.
Pyrokinesis: Sappy is able to set things ablaze with this ability due to his Angel ancestry, which most of his powers play off. Though he is not as advanced as many Angels above him, he is still quite surprisingly good at this ability. Though this ability does require certain weather to make to much stronger such as sunlight.
Healing: Angels have the ability to heal themselves and others. This have given Sappy the ability to heal himself much more faster than the regular human. Other beings though, have proven a tough challenge from Sappy.
Personality: A pretty serious and mean type of person. He does a lot of pranks and always seem to blame it on someone else so he keeps his mysterious personality. He can be seen as a good kid sometimes but that is extremely rare. Sappy can be quite loving but only at times.
Way Of Application: Completion of test by a few questions.
Relationships: Pancake (Ally Johnson; Friend)
Other: Thunderquack
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