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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion

Two New Characters ready to go and need your approval. @Cryronn the Mudkip
Name(First and last): Parade 'Para' Colson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Lion
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Parade is a lanky young man with slightly tanned cream skin and dark brown messy hair. His eyes are dark blue with white highlights. A small tooth sticks from his mouth, the right side. A long cream colored tail sticks from his behind with dark golden colored floofy tip as well as cream ears that sticks from his messy hair. Parade's clothing consists of black trousers that expose his ankles from being slightly rolled up, a grey sweatshirt, and mavy blue vans.His pants are navy blue almost black with red and white sneakers.
Abilities and Powers:
  1. Bone manipulation: The Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones
  2. Energy sourcing: The Ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or converting solar energy into other forms. Sometimes based on proximity to source, sometimes stored for future use.
  3. Wallcrawling: The Ability to adhere to solid surfaces, including walls and ceilings
Personality: Parade has two personalities. A Quiet, soft spoken personality and a Joyful, outgoing personality. Both seem to combine into an emotional mess.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Completion of test.
Relationships: Tails (A chubby kitten that was his only friend at home)
Other: ThunderQuack

Here she is

Name(First and last): Asuna Ryugetsu
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Japanese descent on one side, Mix of Spaniard, Irish, Welsh, and Latina on the other).
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Asuna is on a short (5'2") well endowed Feminine frame, with long, flowing red hair, and golden eyes, she commonly wears a flower patterned yukata based on the time of year. Under this yukata, she wears something similar to a karate gi, but it has mesh on sleeves, the center of the chest, stomach and legs, which help release steam, the sleeves are loose for this purpose.
Abilities and Powers:

Steam Engine: Asuna can release steam out the pores of her skin, in sections or her whole body, if she uses it to speed herself, she can temporarily double her speed, and can use her steam to increase the power of her martial arts, it does have an overuse side effect of she burns herself if she overused this power. This power has an ultimate state called Burnout, where she releases a ton of steam initially as she then uses the steam to fight, firing off multiple strikes in rapid succession. At the end of this state, she will have third degree burns on her chest, arms, stomach and legs, and her legs will seem to about give out.

Martial Arts: As stated in her others section, she has a second degree black belt in Karate, and she can use her Steam Engine to increase the power of her martial arts hits.

Loom in the shadows: Asuna can hide in the shadow of things, this power cannot be used if she has second or third degree burns.

Personality: Asuna is shy, but once you break that shell, she'll be a bit playful, flirty, and approachable, but you have to approach her first. If uncomfortable, embarrassed or upset, steam will start seeping out of her.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Transfer, Late Recommendation.
Relationships: Janice Miller (Mom, Texan, Alive), Bashira Ryugetsu (Father, Japanese, Alive), Tetsuya Ryugetsu (Older Brother, could have known Spirit Toran, alive), Shiori Nochizuma (younger Step sister, 11, alive), Dean Rodriguez (Younger Step brother, 10, alive), Yang Kumaru (friend from middle school, alive), Andrew Kendra (crush)
Other: Thunder Quack. Her area Code is 247 (McKinney, Texas) and she has a second degree black belt in karate. Her parents are divorced, and she lives in Kyoto during the summer, returning for school.

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