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Ask to Join The Apocalypse Reboot


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick sent out his Charizard and flew off. He landed in an abandoned warehouse.

Cooper had sat himself up still feeling high pain in his side. “We gotta get a good medic here. I don’t know if any regular medic could fix this injury.” He told Aleah.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis watched as Nick flew away on his Charizard, and Otis was a bit surprised. She glanced over to Cooper, wishing that she was able to help him more, but she wasn’t experienced enough. Otis sighed again, and she lays down, her breathing still fast.
Shadow nodded before sighing. "This isn't good....only my sister can patch up an injury like this since she is more of an experienced medic then me but I can at least try and fix up this type of injury quick to what she taught me"he said as Sparkx was beside him as she looked up at him. He nodded to Sparkx before making her way to Cooper. "Where are you hurting so I can work on it quickly?"he asked as Sparkx grabbed the bandages as Hetilia laid down behind Cooper to give some extra support since she was big enough to.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper accepted the offer and pointed to where the old bandage had been there was several cuts on the old bandage from the sword. He noticed that blood was starting to bleed out of it. He sighed and tried to relax.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Leaving JC to heal, Bellamy burst into the area where the others were and said "Who's fault was it that those zombies got in" he was angry, he knew someone was to blame but he wanted to know who. He glared at the group his Sledgehammer in hand. he was panting from the over exertion. He slammed his hammer into the wall "TELL ME!" he shouted. He would find out who was to blame for JC getting hurt and he would hurt him or her.
Shadow suddenly heard Bellamy become angry asking who got the zombies in here and it was probably because JC had gotten hurt badly by four zombies. He didn't wamt anymore bloodshed from injuries so he slowly grabbed his Scythe and gently held down his sledgehammer. "Bellamy I know your angry right now about JC getting hurt but trust me I am too. There is no reason for anymore bloodshed from injuries, even though I want to punch somebody about what happened I am remaining calm and clearheaded. I'm pretty sure this isn't what JC would not having wanted you doing so please put your weapon down and watch JC for me until she wakes again to help fix these injuries that I am currently doing"he said calmly placing his hand on the handle of his weapon slowly pushing it down.-


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis yelped when Bellamyused his sledgehammer on a wall. “I-I-I don’t know!” Otis put out her hands in front of her. But then, she let out another sigh of relief when Shadow came and calmed Bellamy down. With her heart still racing, she got up and walked out of the base. Otis looked around, and sat down.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy looked at Shadow for a second before he pushed him away and walked out of the base, outside he found the nearest, largest boulder and began to strike it over and over with his sledgehammer. He shouted and grunted as he did this. Ren and Aeris had followed him out and were watching from a distance. Bellamy let out a frustrated shout and with one final blow and a deafening crack he split the rock, but it wasn't enough he spotted a few stragglers from the group he had been attacked by earlier, he strolled over with a slightly psychotic look in his eyes. He swung his hammer pulverising the skull of one of the men. The others turned and screamed out as Bellamy went mental and he swung his hammer around brutalising them.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick was walking around when he heard voices. “Damn it!” He heard someone scream. He looked around the corner to see three hooded figures that looked just like the ones who attacked the base. When he started to walk away from the abandoned warehouse when he heard a crack, he looked down and realized he had stepped on a twig. “Damn it.” Nick whispered to himself. “Who’s there?” He heard one of them say. He turned and saw the three figures looking at him. “Who are you?” One Of them said.
“uhhhh I’m totally not one of the people who killed one of your soldiers earlier!” Nick responded. Then the three started slashing at them with their swords! He had gotten several scratches and scars on him. There were also several tears in his leather jacket. He had sent out his Charizard and started flying back to the base.
When he got there he saw Bellamy and Shadow talking over something. “Guess who’s back!!!” Nick said when he walked in.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis watched, eyes wide, as Bellamy brutally crushed someone, or something, she wasn’t too sure on what he was crushing, Otis couldn’t even tell what it was anymore. Otis took a deep breath, and walked towards Bellamy. This is a bad idea . . . Otis kept on thinking that as she approached Bellamy. “Are you okay?” She asked, worry filled her eyes. She took another deep breath.


Previously Shadow_Pup
He turned to Otis and said "I'm fine" he saw Nick return from where ever he had been, "I think I figured out who's fault it was", he ran back towards the base when he entered, he walked towards Nick "You! It's your fault the zombies got in isn't it, that was why you left" he was right up in Nick's face, he was about to hit him with his hammer when JC's face appeared in the back of his mind, he pushed Nick out of the way "your not worth the effort" he went to where JC was and sat in a chair and broke down in tears. He hated his temper but he couldn't help it.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick saw Bellamy walk off and he said back “Actually that’s only one of the two reasons I left!” He then looked to everyone and said “Guys, there’s a problem. When I was gone I saw more of those hooded guys!”
She had slowly woken up from conciousness as she saw Delta above her along with Blue and Blade just next to her looking down at her. She slowly took off her mask to see better before she sat up slowly feeling her bite wounds were gone. She stood up slowly with the help of Delta before she saw Bellamy had broken down. She made her way over to him before she bent down to look at him. "Bellamy...look at me? What happened? Are you ok?"she asked him gently placing her mask on her head just to the side as she placed her hand on his wrist as she seemed to realize she was wearing just a plain black dress but didn't worry about right now.

Shadow huffed before getting angry as he grabbed his Scythe then his mask before placing it on as he went out swiftly with Sparkx and Talon following him. "Today you guys die for hurting my sister and teammates!"he warned before swiftly going at them slicing them down instantly.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick looked over and followed Shadow. When he got there he sliced at several of them with his knife. “That’s for my friends.” He said as he stabbed one of them.

Cooper looked over as Shadow and Nick leaving. “Yay there leaving me here to die!” He said sarcastically.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis nodded slowly, and followed Bellamy back to the base. She froze for a heartbeat when Nick entered the base. Surprise flickered in her eyes when he said that he saw more hooded men. “There are more of them? How can this day go any worse!” Otis sat down, basically convinced that she will, sooner or later, die. She watched Nick walk away, and Otis took a deep breath.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate got up and went over to Bellamy. “Hey dude wanna go kill some hooded guys?” He asked. He couldn’t do it because he lost his shot gun.

Aleah looked down at Cooper and said “Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll be back soon to finish the operation.” She then stood up and went outside and looked down at the field where they fought the huge horde of zombies. She saw the blood everywhere and Nate’s broken shotgun, there were zombie corpses and limbs everywhere, she then looked to the distance with a sad frown on her hooded face.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy looked up at JC "I got so mad when you were hurt, I nearly killed Nick, I'm a danger to those around me and myself" he looked down at his feet. He began to cry, then he looked back up and he truly looked at JC, he untensed and thought to himself about why he liked her, he didn't mind if she was blind in one eye, or that she had had to kill her dad, he loved her, he finally truly realised that he loved JC. But why would she love him back, he was a monster, he let his rage take over and nearly killed a friend. He started to cry again.
Kaleb looked at Bellamy and walked over to him. “If I was in your place, I wouldn’t have hesitated to kill that guy,” he said. “He almost killed one of us.” He looked over at Otis as he said that. “Does he really qualify as a friend if he tried to choke her out for not being able to heal Cooper?”

He walked outside and saw another horde of zombies. They were not coming towards the base, leaving a big opening for him to attack. “Wanna help me out and get rid of that horde?” he said, looking at Bellamy.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper looked at Aleah and said “Your right.” He then looked up to the ceiling and said “But there’s only one problem what if they die?” Then without thinking he kissed Aleah’s cheek. “Wait, What The Hell was that?!” He thought to himself.

Nick was battling off the hooded guys when all of a sudden one of them jumped over him and stabbed him. “Damn it!” Nick yelled he then fell to the floor bleeding out.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate heard what Kaleb said and he said back “Look Nick wasn’t thinking straight I mean he already lost his parents at a young age, he was tortured by an evil team a year later, now there’s a zombie apocalypse with hooded figures trying to murder survivors which includes Cooper his best friend, he also has been injured himself multiple times in this apocalypse! And if your wondering why I’m standing up for him is because I was his first friend and I’m one of the people that know him the best!”

Aleah felt Cooper kiss her on the cheek and immediately froze for a moment “Oh my god did he just kiss me?!?!” She thought to herself. She then saw him walk back a couple steps and sit back down where Shadow had been doing the operation. She then walked back into the base.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis looked at Kaleb, and forced herself to stand up. “Can I help too? I still have some pokemon that can help . . .” She took out five pokeballs, and threw them in the air. They all burst open to reveal a Serperior, an Ampharos, a Flygon, a Unfezant, and a Zoroark. But there was no Scolipede, since she was still hurt from the rocks that crushed her. They all landed next to Otis, curiosity filled each and every one of their eyes.
Kaleb completely ignored Nate. “Alright,” he said to Otis before looking back at Bellamy. “You coming with us, too?” he asked.

Jason was swinging his axe about frantically before he saw a hooded figure standing in front of him. The figure charged at him. He swung the axe forwards, hitting the figure in the leg, before running off. He saw two guys attacking more of them. One of them fell to the floor, bleeding.

“Umbreon, Heal Pulse!” he said, pointing forward. His Umbreon obliged, using Heal Pulse on the downed Nick. Jason, meanwhile, threw his axe straight at the man who had attacked Nick.
She gently embraced Bellamy as she had a sensed that he was blaming himself. "Bellamy don't blame yourself for what happened, it was my decision to protect you from those four zombies. Its normal to lose your temper to someone so important to you trust me I would have lost it as well if someone hurt one of my friends but I remain calm and clearheaded so I don't make any bad mistakes that I would regret."she said before standing up as she pulled Bellamy to stand up as well. "Bellamy, you must pull yourself to together as I am alright but I can see you have a heart Bellamy to protect those close to you, and that's what a true friend is but what you can do is apologize to Nick for almost killing him by mistake with your anger"she added before letting him go as she went to change to her original outfit she had on before pulling up her hair in a ponytail like it usually was before grabbing her cape and bag before walking out back to Bellamy. "Bellamy come on, get yourself together, I can't do this without you or the others. You want revenge don't you then now is the time to do it"she said extending her hand out to him giving a smile.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper saw JC get up from her injury. He was still bleeding out and he assumed that she would see the pool of blood on the floor so he just sat there.

Nick noticed that he was healed “What the hell.” He said he then saw another hooded figure fighting Shadow so Nick threw his knife going straight into the figure’s head.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy took her hand and went with her. He guessed he just needed to work on his anger he looked outside and saw the hooded figures. He let go of JC's hand and charged at them. He raised his hammer but I was taken from his grasp and snapped in half by one of the hooded figures. He smiled at the man, "foolish man, you had a chance when I was using that thing now you don't stand a chance at all" he pulled out his claymore and sliced the man in half. He went and joined Shadow slicing off limbs and heads all over the place he turned to Shadow "for JC" he said as he stabbed a man in the face.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
“Wow that was awesome!” He told Bellamy as he killed the hooded figures. But then Nick fell to the ground bleeding out because another hooded figure hadn’t stabbed him. “He will not be the first to fall!” The hooded figure said.
“Not today!” Nick said on the ground as he stabbed the figure in the shin with his combat knife. Nick then passed out.
Delta had actually stood with Cooper to help with his injuries before she started to heal him up quickly. Knowing how her trainer treats the injuries she quickly wrapped him before smiling at him as she helped him up. "Primarina!"she said before she gestured him to get going. JC had saw how many were around and at a swift moment with her katana blade she took five of them down beheaded. Blue had followed with a Shadow ball to the other males face before using her hind legs to knock him down below where the zombies were as he was eaten alive.

Shadow looked to Bellamy and nodded. "For JC"he said before seeing his sister swipe five down in one swift movement as he smirked. "That's my sister for you"he said before using his Scythe to slice down the remaining.

She had only came down to the leader of the group her face hidden under her wolf mask. She was furious truly she was but remained calm. "You hypocrite! Why are you attacking my teammates along with their Pokemon! What's your reason!?"she asked him sternly using her Katana to keep the others back for the moment. "Hehe, you want to know, well its actually you we want since you possess something we want!?"he said smirking. "Then why did one of your guys try to kill me if you needed only me! We could have avoided this bloodshed if you would have had the guys to tell in straight in the face!"she added coldly. "Oh well, that did happen to you huh and you almost died well that was a stupid move of us I have to admit however, if you come with us kindly we will stop this attacking on your friends"he offered as she instantly felt disagreeable about this but if it was to keep her friends and her brother along with her mother safe then she will do just that.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper nodded back to Delta. He looked around the base and found a scope that he could attach to his pistol, he did so. He then heard noices outside he looked and saw his teammates fighting off the hooded figures he saw the leader talking to JC. He aimed his pistol at the guy from atop a huge rock by the base, he looked through the scope and fired at the leader a bullet then started heading toward the leader’s face.
Jason pulled his axe out of the man’s chest. “Nobody is going anywhere until we get some answers,” he spat back at the man.

Kaleb walked out, sword in hand. His Pangoro and Aggron followed. “If you’re the one who attacked us already, I got something to say to you,” he said. “In PRIVATE.” He walked off, gesturing for the man to follow him. He fully intended on strangling this man as soon as they were out of sight, but he concealed this emotion.
The leader felt the bullet come towards him before he swiftly used his sword to slice it in half before grabbing wrist pulling her closed as his sword blade was at her throat as she remained still not stupid. "You pests really think I am fooling around because clearly I an not! Take one more step and I'll have her head!"he warned as the blade appeared to be closer to her neck. She remained still before looking at her teammates. "Everyone drop down your weapons, please I don't want any unnessary bloodshed and girls stay put including you Blue"she said looking at them. "Please guys, don't act reckless!"she said sternly.

Shadow clinched his Scythe before lowering it. "Guys seriously do as she says, if you carr for her this much then lower your blades"he added glaring at the hooded man.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper stared down at the ground and dropped his gun. He then looked back at the leader. He then pulled his knife out of his pocket and dropped it too.
“If I wasn’t seriously injured I would drop my weapons, now that I think about it I will.” Nick moaned as he dropped his pistol as knife. He then tried to stand but fell back into the pool of blood that had and was still coming out of him.
Kaleb threw his sword to the ground. Jason dropped his axe shortly after. “You’re gonna let go of her in the next ten seconds or we pick these back up,” Kaleb said.

Kaleb’s Aggron and Pangoro had made their way behind the man, along with Jason’s Umbreon. “Killing her will do no good,” Jason said. “If you do, everyone will pick the weapons back up and you’ll be right back where you started. Surrounded. So I suggest you let her go. NOW.”


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis was fighting some of the hooded men, when their leader threatened to kill JC. Otis dropped her weapons, not wanting JC to be hurt even more. “Just let JC go!” Otis called out, and all of her pokemon nodded in agreement.
He chuckled holding her there for the moment before he slowly lowered his blade from her blade but still had a hold of her wrist. "You listened well huh hehe did you honestly think I would let her go that easily!"he said gripping her wrist.

She huffed before grabbing his arm and flipping him over her as he hit the ground hard. She pinned him down tightly at she pulled out a Kanai knife and pointed it at his neck. "Don't you dare underestimate me just because you grabbing a hold of my wrist!"she said sternly before tying his hands behind his back. "Kaleb take him, I need him for questioning but don't hurt him unless I say so alright"she said to him before making his way towards Cooper holding him up. "Stay with me Cooper, I'll fix you up quickly once we get you back to the base"she said before pulling out Meadow's Luxury ball as a Sawsbuck appeared out. "Meadow carefully carry Cooper back to base so I can treat him so hold on tight Cooper"she said to her as she helped him on to her back. "Sawsbuck!"she nodded before leaping off back to base. "As for us, we need to question him and I know I way to make him talk!' she said sternly.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
(((OOC: The one that was injured was Nick but eh whatever I’ll just pretend you put Nick)))

Cooper picked his gun and knife back up he walked back into the base where he saw Nate and Aleah. “Thanks for the help guys.” He said to them. He then sat down by Aleah and told her what happened out there.
Kaleb and Jason both picked their weapons back up. Kaleb walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar. He dragged him back to the cave and threw him in the corner. “As soon as I get an all-clear from JC, you’ll be begging me to kill you,” he said coldly to the man before walking back out. “What do we do about the zombies?” he asked JC.
She looked to Kaleb, "Well, we need to find some way to keep them occupied like rare meat or something but where exactly are we going to get that?" she asked herself but had remembered about the masked man they had killed which gave her an idea. "Hm, how about we use the dead hooded men we killed and drag them away from us just enough to leave us alone for some time to recover and that includes me and my pokemon" she added. "If you can help me with that guys, we should be good to go so I can do some repairs here in this base and put up high security that will be zombie proof," she said before glaring at the hooded man as she was pissed at him. ~


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick nodded and said "Yeah I can do it.”

Nick was carrying the dead hooded figure into the forest with a horde of zombies not far behind.
Nick then said to himself "I should probably start fighting these zombies away." Nick pulled out his gun and started fighting.
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“And what about him?” Kaleb asked, pointed to the tied-up hooded man in the cave. “What do I do with him?” His sword was dripping with blood, and he was longing to lather it some more with the blood of another, and that other just so happened to be the man in the cave, bound and helpless on the stone-cold cavern floor.

Jason simply walked off, attempting to find more hooded men to kill. He saw one and threw his axe straight into his back.
She smirked a bit before looking to Kaleb, "I'll deal with him my way and when I get sick of him, then I'll give him to you and you can do it your way my friend but of course that would be you know" she said gently patting his shoulder before going into the cave as Blue, Blade, and Gem followed her in as she left Delta with the wounded mostly with Cooper. She saw the man tied down good before forcibly placing him on the chair. "Now, tell me who you are or I'll have to do option 2 which is torching you to say it!" she said coldly but sternly. "Hehe, you think you scaring me who make me talk hm you must be bluffing," he said. She huffed before calling Sparkx in the cave. "Sparkx, Thunder" she commanded. Sparkx obeyed before shocking him badly as he screamed loudly.

Shadow smirked under his mask before looking at Kaleb and the others. "My sister is brutal with her torches, he will crack eventually," he said. "He probably thought she was bluffing, well big mistake on his part but sooner or later he will be handed to you Kaleb and believe me Sparkx electric jolts are painful and can leave bad marks" he chuckled just thinking about sounding evil.~