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Ask to Join The Apocalypse Reboot

“If she hasn’t killed him already by the time she hands him over to me,” Kaleb said, pausing for dramatic effect. “...I’ll kill him myself. After he gives us the info we need, of course. Then I’ll kill him. Someone needs to pay for what happened to half of our group.”

Jason was attacked from behind by multiple hooded figures. He stabbed one in the chest with his axe, pulling it out and sweep-kicking a second one before doing the same to him. Umbreon used Confuse Ray on the third, causing him to stumble and fall. Jason grabbed him and knocked him out. He tied him to the tree and waited for the zombies to show up. He ran off as the zombies devoured the three men, one unconscious and the other two dead.
After a few hours of torturing him, he gave her a complete explanation as to who he was and that he wasn't the actual leader and even gave out the location of where the base was. She punched him in the face out of anger before she walked out with the girl's katana in hand before placing it back on her sheath pissed off with the guy already then dragged him out. "I'm done with this pest, he pissed me off enough, do whatever you want with him Kaleb, torture him, kill him, I don't care but I got what I wanted out of him so it wasn't completely useless," she said sternly before throwing him towards Kaleb. "Have fun Kaleb" she added before starting to make her way back to the base to tend to Cooper.

Shadow chuckled before looking to Kaleb, "Told you he won't last long with JC's punishment Kaleb, so you don't have to wait too long but do it quickly before I take over because I am already pissed off at this guy just by looking at him" he said coldly as he could see burn marks on him from Sparkx's Thunder as he smirked.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy sat just outside where the torture was taking place, he heard everything including the location of their base. He stood and walked to where he had left his bag, h picked it up put a few supplies in it and left the base. He began the long walk he used a map he had picked up and headed in the direction of the hooded men's base. He was going to kill them all. He told no-one as they would just try and stop him. He took one last look at the base and headed out.
Once she fixed up Cooper well she had noticed Bellamy wasn't around. She went to high ground on top of the building before spotting him in a further distance. "-Don't tell me he is going in rogue, wait he is but he doesn't know how the building is or how many are actually in there....he must be pissed...well I can't leave him alone like that-"she thought before seeing Blue,Gem,Delta, and Blade with her. She took out three of her Luxury balls before returning them as she went to follow him as Blue followed close behind. She was leaping from tree to tree before appearing just beside him arm around his shoulder. "You don't plan to go in alone do you?"she asked him before adding. "Only I know how the place is mapped out since I have been there before" she looked at him under her mask.-


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy turned to her "I was going in alone so that no-one else..wait hold on did you say you'd been there before." He stared at her, he was confused by her mentioning this, but instead of anger he was now feeling calmed he seemed to struggle being angry around her. He didn't mind she was like a seditive that made him feel better. "I'm assuming all this means you want to come along."
Kaleb smiled as he dragged the hooded man into the forest. He threw him up against a tree, knocking the wind out of him.

“I’m gonna make this painful,” he said. He sliced at his side, before slicing at the other. He then stabbed him in the right shoulder. He sliced every part of the body that wasn’t a major artery before finally sheathing his sword.

“This is for my friends,” he said before tying him to the tree. He left him there, bleeding and helpless, to be devoured by the zombies. When he returned to the base, he saw JC and Bellamy walking off. He quietly followed behind them, not wanting to make noise just in case they didn’t want anyone coming along.

Jason walked back out of the forest. He saw them walking off. “I guess that means I can start setting up the defenses,” he said. “Anybody else know how to make traps here? I may need a little help with this, not exactly my strong suit.”
She nodded before answering, "Yes I have been there before......as a child and the reason why my wrists and ankles are covered with bandages....but yes I am coming with you so don't try and convince me to stay"she said as she sensed someone following them as Blue sensed it as well probably from Kaleb. She looked to Bellamy, "Bellamy, may I see Ren and Aeris for the moment"she asked him turning to him as she was walking a bit ahead.-
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Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick had shot down all the zombies that were in the way of the path to the base. The remaining zombies started choking down the dead hooded figure. “Fewww.” Nick said as he got back to the base. He saw Cooper was fine and was just sitting down on a chair. “I see your better.” Nick told Cooper.
“Yeah.” Cooper said back.
“Great!” Nick said as he walked outside the base. He saw JC and Bellamy walking off with a map. “Must be heading to the location of those hooded guy’s base. Well there not going without me.” Nick thought to himself. He sent out his Charizard and started flying off after them to the hooded guys’ base. Before this he put on another black leather jacket because the one he had before had been shredded by the hooded guys’ swords he had also grabbed his pistol and combat knife.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy said "yeah sure" as Ren and Aeris who had been with him sped up to walk with JC. While that was going on Bellamy decided to think about his plans for when they got there. He was going to find whoever was in charge and kick his ass, until he told him why he sent people to kill JC. Then he would..he would..then he..Bellamy mentally stopped, he had no idea what to do really he thought he had this plan but he didn't. He decided to just see what happened.
She bent down to look at Ren and Aeris as she seemed to notice Ren's limping leg. She placed her bag down before pulling out her medkit and two potions. "Come here Ren," she said before gently grabbing him as she gently wrapped his limping leg with the bandage before using a med leaf to securely support it to help him walk better before gently using the potion to easily heal any minor injuries. "There you are Ren, that will help you walk better, my such an obedient Umbreon you are aren't you having the same color as Blue" she smiled gently petting his head before going over to Aeris. She gently patched the shiny Vaporeon's injuries before gently petting her as well. "A beautiful Espeon you are Aeris, just take it easy for a bit and heal ok," she said before standing up looking to Bellamy. "I noticed Ren's leg limping after those battles and it bothered me so I wanted to fix both Ren and Aeris up after the battle but anyway let's get going," she said before starting to walk ahead. Blue had smiled at Ren and Aeris before she followed her partner just next to her gently nudging her. She looked down to her before smiling but had thought about riding Meadow to get there faster as she pulled out her Luxury ball and let her out. "Sawsbuck!" "Meadow I need you to take us somewhere important, I can trust your speed to get us there faster" "Saws!" she said as JC got on her back before she extended her hand to Bellamy. "Hop on Bellamy, we'll get there faster on Meadow" Blue had hopped on Meadow before sitting in front of her partner before smiling again. "Bre! Umbreon!" she smiled moving her tail back and forth.
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Kaleb saw Nick flying there on Charizard and JC get on Meadow. “Funny,” he said. “It seems as if they’re trying to race me there. Well, I’m not gonna decline a good challenge.” He sent out his Salamence and hopped on its back. Salamence took off into the skies, catching up to Nick and a Charizard. “Race you to their base,” he said before Salamence zoomed forward.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick saw JC get on a Sawsbuck right after bandaging up Ren. He then saw her stick out her hand to Bellamy. After that he saw Kaleb fly up to him on a Salamence and ask him to race to the base.
Nick looked to Kaleb and said “Oh your on!” Nick then flew off quickly on his Shiny Charizard.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis watched the others go, “Should I go too?” Her Serperior slithered up to her trainer, and she gave Otis a glance that said, ‘Yes, you should . . .’ Otis nodded, and pet Serperior. “Ok, then let’s go!” Otis sprinted forward, and so did Serperior. They both rushed past a few zombies, and Serperior gave Otis a warning glance. “It’s okay, we just have to be faster then them.” Serperior nodded, and continued slithering behind Otis.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy hopped on behind JC, he held her waist for support and leant forward. He looked around him, despite the world being ravaged by the undead this area seemed peaceful. He felt relaxed on the back of Meadow with JC, so relaxed that he accidently said "I love you JC", before realising what he said and tensing up, letting go of her and being completely silent.
She looked to Bellamy hearing him say that suddenly. True this made her blush but she had to ask him to be sure. "Bellamy.....did you say you loved me?"she asked before telling Meadow to go as she leaped off quickly. She could see a race from Kaleb and Nick to see who would get there first but no one was faster then Meadow. She chuckled before Meadow leaped more swiftly passing the flying type Dragons. She grabbed Bellamy's wrist to prevent him from falling off before placing it back on her waist to hold on to as Meadow had gone way past the dragon types before she stopped by a cliff showing the view of the base. She suddenly felt tense at seeing this again as she felt herself tremble slightly looking at it before patting Meadow gently to go. She nodded before leaping off the cliff to a lower rock that was underneath it before she hit solid ground before going to a walk.

She signaled Kaleb and Nick to land down where she was so she could discuss about the plan to get in since she knew the place inside and out.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick made it to the base before Kaleb and then flew down to the ground. He jumped off of Charizard and returned it. He then walked over to Jc and Bellamy and asked “Ok, what’s the game plan?”
“Damn, Salamence almost never loses,” Kaleb said as he landed seconds after Nick. “Anyway, do we have a gameplan? Other than run in, stab, stab, blow the place up, leave?”

He looked through his bag for anything useful. A couple throwing knives, some C4, his sword, a silenced pistol, and some healing items. “I got some stuff in here we could use.”


Previously Shadow_Pup
Before they had arrived Bellamy had began to answer JC's question, but as the others arrived he just said "I'll speak about it later" he turned to Nick and Kaleb, "I'm not sure what to do" he turned to JC and asked "so what's the plan". He then backed off a little still feeling kind of awkward.
She shook her head pushing to what he said aside before gently patting his shoulder to calm him down at least before speaking. "Well, since I know more about the place then you guys, I'll spit us up into teams and tell you the floor plan and where to go. Before even entering the base there will a security system you have to crack without being spotted just leave that part to me, once we enter the first enttrance, there will be three hallways, one going to the left, one going to the right, and one going straight ahead. Instantly from the left and right a lot of hooded men will appear once they have figured out intruders entered their base that's when Kaleb and Nick come in and your Pokemon since they will be using there's as well. Once you two have them occupied, Bellamy and I will continue forward to the room where the boss leader is held in but let me warn you he may summon more of his hooded men with Pokemon to have a chance to get away but leave the boss to me since I know his battle style." She said before pulling out transceivers and handed them to Kaleb, Nick, and Bellamy. "If something goes wrong, use the transceiver and call me or Bellamy right away alright I don't want you guys badly hurt in anyway as that's not what I want"she finished before getting on Meadow's back. "Alright, since you have gotten the plan I'll go first alone to crack the pass code on the door but once it's open, we have to quickly run inside"she said before patting Meadow to go before she nodded and leaped off.

She and Meadow quietly but quickly made their way to the door without being spotted as she cracked the code easily before the door opened. "She signaled her teammates to get going before leaping inside. Once she was in the alarm sounded as to her correction a lot of hooded men came from the left and right sides of the hallway as Meadow used Energy ball to stop them both in their paths.-


Previously Shadow_Pup
Following JC, once she entered he followed after her, he decided to not use his Pokémon yet returning them to their poke balls, he turned to JC and said "Right I guess you were right about the amount of men", he pulled out his sword preparing to follow the orders of JC, he stood waiting deciding to go on the defensive for now.
She looked to Bellamy and nodded. "Yes I have been here before she the place is very familiar to me, but watch out they just sent out their Pokemon" she warned him before getting off Meadow as she and Blue went into the defensive stance before Blue stood in front of JC with determined eyes. The hooded men had a bunch of Mightyena and Houndoom along with Golbat as she looked to Blue as she locked eyes with her seeing her nod. "Blue Hyper beam, Meadow Energy ball now!" she commanded as the girls obeyed. "Umbreon!" "Sawsbuck!" A strong hyper beam shot at the group of Mightyena, Houndoom, and Golbat along with being hit with energy balls from Meadow. She swiftly went forward and sliced down three of the hooded men before she distant herself back to Bellamy as she waited for Nate and Kaleb to appear and handle these guys so her and Bellamy can go ahead. She had this tense feeling that something bad was going to happen and she knew Blue and Meadow had sensed it too. She decided to not tell Bellamy about it to not worry him before she pulled him behind her as a protective instinct she had as she could see the hooded men's Pokemon stand up weakly.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy decided defensive wasn't his style, he charged forward and as he reached the group he slid into the Pokémon knocking them aside, he jumped up using his sword to stab through the body and slicing the head off another, he used his sword to deflect attacks and kill the men, but he didn't kill the Pokémon instead deciding to use the non lethal end of his sword to knock them out.
The hooded men seemed to notice that the female in the hooded appeared to be what the boss had wanted as they chuckled. "You there girl, your the one the boss wants!" one said. "Yes, let's get her!" another said before the hooded men to the right started to attack from behind her. She noticed quickly what they were trying to do as she grabbed her katana and blocked their attacks from behind. Meadow had acted quickly as she used Horn Leech to knock them in the air before hitting the ground hard. Blue had acted quickly as well before using Iron Tail on a few of them before going down. She was caught off guard suddenly before one of them had placed her against the wall as her Katana stopped him from stabbing her while her other hand held a Kanai knife as he was trying to knock her out with a syringe that had blue liquid in it to put her to sleep. She tried to kick him off with her leg but had somehow pinned her there. "You're stronger than last time, hm impressive" She was struggling to break free as Blue and Meadow were too occupied with the other hooded men to protect her. "You pest!" she said coldly.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick ran into the base and killed some of the hooded people.
He then defeated some more. He gestured for Kaleb to come on. He turned to face a sword that cut his eye. “Argh!” Nick yelled he reached for his knife but then got his arm sliced off “Damn it!” Nick said as he collapsed.
Kaleb ran in, but saw Nick under assault. “Crap!” he said as Nick’s arm was sliced off. He threw a knife into the forehead of the man who attacked Nick before sending out Pangoro, Aggron, and Torterra to defend them. “JC, Nick’s down. Eye injury, as well as loss of limb. Arm sliced off. We need backup.” He pulled out his pistol and fired, hitting a man who charged at them.

“Only five bullets left,” he said. “Can’t be wasting them.” He put the gun away and stood up, pulling out his sword as he did so.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy saw JC and kicked the man attacking her in the side before stabbing him. He pointed out Nick and Kaleb and began to walk over fighting as he went, in the chaos he was knocked out and captured he dropped Aeris's poke ball, she burst from her ball confused where was Bellamy she ran over to JC.

Somewhere else in the base Bellamy opened his eyes he was tied to a chair and a hooded man was watching him. Bellamy tried to get up but was smacked back into the seat. The hooded man said nothing he just stared.

(There seemed a tiny confusion but just to make sure it is clear. Aeris is an Espeon.)
She saw Bellamy kick the guy down getting free as she saw Bellamy get captured as she was pissed as she killed the rest of the hooded men in anger. She saw Aeris run up to her gently lifting her up and placed her on her shoulder to hold before she ran up to Kaleb and Nick. "Damn...this isn't good... need Delta for this," she said pulling out Delta's Luxury ball before she appeared out. "Delta quick heal Nick's arm back in place" she commanded as she grabbed his sliced off arm and put it back in place before Delta started to heal. "Primarina!" Delta with her Fairy aura instantly healed Nick's sliced off arm until it was workable again. She had to leave Kaleb with Nick to rescue Bellamy as she stood up slowly in rage right now but remained calm. "Kaleb you have to stay here with Nick, I need to rescue Bellamy, just keep yourself guarded with Salamance but be aware of your surroundings, I'll call you on the transceiver to where I am located next," she said before returning Delta and got on Meadow's back. "Blue let's go!" she said. "Umbre!" Blue leaped on Meadow in front of her before Meadow leaped off. She knew exactly where Bellamy was as she made her way downstairs before coming to a door with a knob. "Meadow Energy ball full power!" "Sawsbuck!" she said before using Energy ball at full power bursting the door open.

Meadow had leaped in knocking the hooded man on the ground hard before JC had leaped off her back ending the man's life. "Bellamy!" she called before cutting him free as she pulled him behind her before pulling out her bow and arrow as hooded men appeared in front of her in many directions. "I'm getting sick and tired of you getting in my way! You messed with the wrong girl!" she said very furiously. "Oh ho well, if it isn't the girl the boss wants, well you just made our job much easier haha!" "Don't get cocky! Just with one arrow, you will all be dead!" she warned. She pulled up her bow inserting the arrow before she unleashed it as it hit the wall before piercing all of the hooded men in the head towards the wall. She grabbed Bellamy's hand but a bit tight like she was afraid to lose him before getting on Meadow's back as she leaped off. She made her way back upstairs before going up more stairs to a door that was label "The boss room". Meadow kicked it open as if reading her mind before she walked in with a serious expression on her face until just in front of them a hooded man in black. She got off Meadow's back placing Aeris down gently before making her way towards him as Blue followed closely next to her. "Well well, if it isn't JC, the one I have been looking for hehe" "Zip it! You pissed me off more than enough!" she said glaring at him as Blue did as well. "oh ho, you have gotten stronger than before, I guess I shouldn't underestimate you" he smirked before pulling out his sword. "This Ends now!" she said coldly taking out her katana before swiftly going towards him as their blade's collided. Meadow had looked behind her to look at Bellamy. "Saws! Sawsbuck!" she said tapping his transceiver to call Kaleb about the location.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick got up and felt his arm back in place. He heard the location of the boss room from kaleb’s communicator. He followed it passing by a case of bionics he grabbed a bionic arm just for safety. He pulled out a knife from his pocket and cut a bit of leather from his jacket he pulled out a string and tied it to the leather he then put the thing he made (eyepatch) over his still scarred eye. When he got to the boss room he jumped into action attempting to stab the boss. He missed and got repaid by loosing his arm again. He dropped the bionic arm on the floor hoping JC or Bellamy would notice it and attach it or him.
Kaleb placed a C4 on the ground when Nick ran off. He followed, running down the hall. He shut the metal door behind them after he, Nick, and their Pokémon got through, and he detonated the C4, blowing up the guards. He ran through, going to where JC said to go. He looked at Nick.

“Stay with Bellamy, guard the door,” he said. He dashed in, seeing JC fighting with the boss. He pulled the pistol out and aimed at the man’s head. “Put the sword down or I’ll blast your brains out,” he said to the man whose back was turned to him.
He felt a pistol at his head before he smirked as a Houndoom suddenly jumped on Kaleb knocking him down as he started to drag him away from him. "I will not allow you to interfere!"he said glaring. "Flamethrower Houndoom!"he commanded as the Houndoom readied his flamethrower.

She saw him distracted as she managed to slice his sword but had backed up enough to avoid his vituals. "Kaleb leave him to me, he won't just give in just like that as only I know his battle style, just focus on the hooded men surrounding you!"she said before Meadow kicked off the Houndoom on Kaleb before pulling him up with her antlers once he grabbed it before standing next to him as she used Energy ball on two of them. She collided with his sword again before he pushed her back a bit leaping up onto higher ground. She followed him swiftly leaping up to a higher ground until their swords collided once more with a clang. Blue made her way to Aeris, the Espeon as she telepathically spoke to her. "-Aeris, you know Psychic correct?-"she asked her glowing brightly as she was communicating with her.-
Kaleb got up and kicked the Houndoom backwards into the wall. His Pangoro burst through the door and used Drain Punch on the Houndoom. Kaleb aimed the pistol for the man’s leg and fired without hesitation.

Kaleb’s Charizard used Inferno, encircling himself, Kaleb’s other Pokémon, Bellamy, Nick, and Nick’s Pokémon in a ring of flames, protecting them from the hooded men.

Kaleb pulled a knife from his pocket and threw it at the boss in case he attempted to dodge the bullet, throwing it at a precise angle so that if he dodged one projectile, the other would hit him.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis and Serperior burst into the first room of the secret base. She saw most of the hooded men dead, then Serperior lifted her head. “What do you hear?” Otis glanced at Serperior curiously, then her pokemon pointed ahead. Otis nodded, she understood now. They both ran to the entrance of the second room, and Otis heard all of the fighting going on. She pulled out five more pokeballs, and opened the door. Otis quickly threw all the pokeballs in the air, and they all opened. A Zoroark, a Flygon, an Unfezant, an Ampharos, and her Scolipede. (Otis got a chance to heal Scolipede) “Okay guys, Zoroark, use Night Daze, Ampharos, use Thunder, Unfezant, use Sky Attack, Scolipede, use RollOut, Flygon, use Draco Meter, and Serprerior, use Solar Beam!” All of her pokemon nodded, and used their respective moves on the hooded men.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy leapt over the inferno. He landed surrounded by a group of hooded he took.them out easy enough it was then that he saw some men trying to attack JC from behind. He ran forward getting in-between the men and JC, they attacked and he used his sword as a defense, he sliced at a few but due to the speed of the attacks he had to remain Defensive. He looked behind himself at JC for a second only to turn back and see that a knife had been thrown at JC, he moved to her placing his body around her as the knife hit, hitting into his back, causing him to slump slightly but stay conscious and ready.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick crawled over to the bionic arm he dropped and attached it to him where his left arm was cut off. He practiced moving it a bit. He then ran and jumped over the fire and grabbed the boss’s neck.
She felt Bellamy grasp her before she had seem to realize that Bellamy had protected her from a throwing knife which hit him in the back. "Bellamy!"she called out looking behind before she turned around quickly pulling the knife out. She tired her best to at least cover it to stop the bleeding. She held him close before using her katana to block an attack behind her from the boss's sword. She saw that a knife hit him in the shoulder and when she came to look it was Kaleb who threw it. She kicked him back hard with her foot before letting go of Bellamy. "Thank you Bellamy for protecting me at that moment"she said. The boss was now furious as he pulled out a small bottle with orange liquid foam inside as he smirked. She instantly knew what that was, it was a creature that would grab and absorb anything that it wants. "-This can't be good...if I get caught in that....I won't be able to escape...and neither will Blue since she is also what he wants....this will hurt Bellamy and the others but if he catches me off guard...that would possibly be the end of me...-"she thought before clenching the end of her sword. "I'm done playing games!"he said before swiftly suddenly going after Bellamy.

She instantly saw what he was doing as she used her sword to block his attack before it could hit Bellamy. She was actually above Bellamy as she had to push him down from being hit. "Bellamy, you must distant yourself from me, he is after you and you are already hurt"she told him before standing up quickly colliding blades with him again. Blue had ran off to Bellamy as she looked down at him tapping his cheek with her paw. "Umbre?"she said as she used Heal pulse to heal his injury before pulling at his shirt to get up as she suddenly stood on his chest while he was down looking at him. "Umbre? Umbre!".-


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy moved Blue off of his chest and moved away and decided to fight the now increasing number of henchman, he raised his sword and fought them with all his strength and agility. He tried to keep a look out on JC as he fought but that became a challenge and he decided to just focus on the fight as he leap frogged over a hooded henchman and span round slicing his head clean off. He landed and impaled another one, before charging at the larger group.
She kept fighting the boss of the group getting very good hits on him avoiding close contact as much as possible. She had sliced him in the back from behind deeply wounding him. "Argh! Well you got me good JC, but I'm afraid you are wide open! Houndoom now!"he ordered. She quickly turned seeing the Houndoom leap at her holding the flask of Orange foam liquid before he smashed it in front of her before it expanded quickly attaching to her. She let out a scream before she was quickly surrounded by it. She made a quick attempt to release her four remaining party members before they would be sucked in with her. She tried to slice the foam liquid creature apart but went right through she was starting to get sucked in as the creature lowered itself to the ground.

Blue was helping Bellamy with the other men before she noticed her partner trapped in an orange creature. She knew what this was as she saw this as an Eevee. "Umbreeee!"she called out to her before swiftly running to her leaping in her arms.

"Blue no! You'll get sucked in with me!"she said holding her but heard her words telepathically. "-No, I won't leave you, your my partner and always will be! I don't want to be separated from you ever again back when I was an Eevee! If we live together we die together!-"she said holding onto her shoulder as she cried. "-Blue...how loyal you are...-"she thought. "Guys....I'm sorry...Bellamy..Kaleb..Shadow..."she said reaching her hand out slowly but quickly being sucked in.

The cries of Wolfa, Delta, Gem,Blade, and Meadow were heard as they quickly made an attempt to get to her.-


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy heard the commotion and lunged at the creature, it would not take her from him, he sent out Ren and Wamp who proceeded to ay into the creature, Ren using Shadow Ball and Wamp using Hammer Arm. He used his sword on the creature, but it sucked his sword in, he ended up desperately pounding against it with his fist, he was beginning to get angry at the guy, his anger made him hit harder he hit it and he hit it hoping something would work.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis watched eyes wide, as JC was being swallowed up by a creature. Zoroark finished a hooded man off, and leaped at another hooded person. Serperior grabbed another hooded man with her tail, and smashed him into the ground repeatedly, until he was dead. Unfezant picked up a hooded man with his talons, Unfezant flew in the air, left the base, and threw the man off a high cliff, and Unfezant returned to the base as soon as he heard a crash.

Flygon grabbed a hooded man, and dragged him underground, burying him. The hooded man soon suffocated in the dirt. Amoharos let out a Thunder Bolt at three hooded men, and one of them dropped dead. Scolipede went up to her trainer, and then raced over to the creature, trying to pry JC free, but she was too weak.
She saw how desperate Bellamy and the others were trying to pry her free but it was no use. She stopped Bellamy from punching it as she grabbed his hand holding it firmly. "Bellamy....stop....its no use...you can't pry me free...if you try...there is nothing you can do I'm sorry but you have to let it take me and Blue..."she said suddenly crying under her mask.-