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Ask to Join The Apocalypse Reboot


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate looked to the guy who just spoke out and said “I agree! I’ll go get this girl who just came in with me and tell her.”

Aleah looked to Cooper and said “Alright if you think you can take it.” She then touched his cheek but took her hand back. “What the hell are you doing Aleah.” She thought to herself.

Nate walked into the room where Aleah and Cooper were and said “Hey girl were gonna go fight this hooded guy wanna come?”

Aleah looked and nodded “Yeah, Cooper also says he thinks he can come.”
Nate frowned and said “Are you sure man?”


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper looked to Nate and said “Yeah this time since I have help I’m probably gonna be able to get him.” He felt Aleah touch his cheek and thought to himself “What the...” He then walked out of the room to where everyone else was.

Nick heard what the guy said and said “Yeah I agree whoever you are.” Finally some action!” He thought to himself.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Noticing that she was trembling, Bellamy put his arm around JC, "your brother really cares for you doesn't he, he was questioning everyone about who they were and how they know you" he felt the heat radiating from JC due to her fever and the images from his nightmare of her being gone flashed in his mind, he tensed. Aeris decided to lay under JC's bed, she curled up and fell asleep. Bellamy turned to the guy watching JC, "yeah we need to take him out, oh and my name is Bellamy by the way what's yours". He didn't get up but instead stayed with JC, he didn't want his nightmare to become a reality.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate went into the room where everyone else was and said “Alright what’s the game plan for getting this guy?”

Aleah made sure her green hood was up blocking most of her face and followed Cooper into the room and said “So are we gonna get this guy or what?”
She nodded to Bellamy. "Yes...he does....he's like my hero to me...he was my support other then Blue and my mother when my father died or when I was forced to kill him....with my katana.....it just haunts me...every single day....having nightmares about bothers me....looked to the others who had introduced themself before she slowly got off the bed using Bellamy for support before slowly starting to walk on her own before grasping Shadow's arm placing her mask on to cover her face. "I'm JC and this is Shadow my older brother.....and this is Blue my bond partner and she is also loyal and about the guy who hurt me this bad Kaleb.....I actually don't know who he is but I possibly....know why.....he was trying to kill me like that...and stab me...if you will allow me to explain it to you...then I can help with setting a plan since I figured out his battle style...when I was fighting him..."she said keeping the oxygen mask on her face.

Shadow had felt JC's hand grasp his arm before gently placing his hand on her head. "I'm relieved that you are alright, but if you figured out his battle style then that will be useful when we encounter him. Also, as JC said I'm Shadow her older brother and this is Sparkx my loyal partner and she is a well trained one" he said grasping JC firmly to keep her steady. Blue had came over to her partner as she sat down next to Sparkx her gold eyes watching everyone as Sparkx was doing the same. "Umbre!" "Jolt!" the girls said both agreeing.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
“Wait you know his battle style!?!” Nick said with a surprised look on his face.
“Good!” Cooper said “That will give us a huge advantage. And yes I’m going too, I have beef with this guy too!” He said as he showed the bandage over his wound “He got me earlier.” Nick looked down to the ground when Cooper mentioned this.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate stood up “Then if you know his battle style, let’s get this guy!” He smiles he had never felt this energetic before.
Aleah under her green hood smiled. But when she saw Cooper’s blood stains on her jacket she quickly grabbed a paper towel by her and wiped the stain off.
She nodded to Nick before answering. "Yes, that's a special skill I have, just by sparring with an opponent just once...I can instantly figure out he or she's battle style simple like that and Blue here can do the same thing as I can...."she said looking down to Blue as she smiled at her.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
“That’s sick!” Nick told her.
Cooper looked to her and said “So when are we gonna find this guy?” He then looked to Aleah and then back to JC.
Nick then said “Yeah when will we find this guy? I’m ready get some revenge for what he did to Coop!”
Shadow looked to Cooper then Nick. "Well we have to be wise here because you never know he may be listening in this conversation as we know it but I will allow JC to better explain the plan once she is in a more better condition I mean you guys must be exhausted from all that fighting with the zombies so rest is needed so you don't exhaust yourselves"he said proving a point.

JC nodded to Nick and Cooper. "My brother is right, I can't really think to much because of this fever I am having right now....and I can't retrain myself too much either...its not good for my health...and all of you should know this..."she added.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper and Nick nodded. But then Nick crouched down to the floor in pain. He looked over to his shoulder and saw a bite mark “Damn it!” He whispered to himself.
“Oh My God!” Cooper said with a surprised look. “Nick!”
She noticed Nick go down suddenly before seeing the bite mark from a zombie. She let go of Shadow's arm before making her way quickly back to her room as she grabbed Delta's Luxury ball where she rested in before quickly making her way back to Nick. "Delta quick help Nick!" she said as a Primarina popped out. "Primarina!" she said before she quickly healed Nick's zombie bite wound as a pink aura surrounded him. "There you are.....Nick...how do you feel? Delta here is a water-fairy type and only fairy types can heal a zombie bite wound......" she said before starting to fall back but felt Shadow her brother grasp her before she fell feeling his hand on her forehead. "Easy sis, don't overdo yourself but you walking fast like that did restrain you quite a bit," he said before lifting her up bridal style gently. "Bellamy, can you take her back to the room for me please, I can trust you to do that right, since I seem to notice you appear to always be close to her mostly," he said handing her to him.`


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy walked towards the place where JC and the others were talking, he began to respond "yeah sure I'll.." blood spurted from his mouth all over Shadow and JC he looked down there was a sword protruding from his chest, he fell but turned as he did so to see the man who attacked JC and Cooper, Aeris lept at the man and Ren and Wamp managed to release themselves from their pokeballs and charged at him also he kicked Ren across the room as he used shadow ball, causing the move to hit the ceiling. Aeris went to protect him and Wamp was trapped under bits of falling rock.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick said as he started to stand up “Yeah I’m good now. God I gotta get one of those types.” He then saw rocks start to fall down from the ceiling and the man who injured JC and Cooper come out of a room followed by Bellamy. “Oh Hell you have gut coming here after what you did!” He then pulled out his knife and jumped at the hooded guy. The guy just walked Nick away like a feather and kept walking till he reached Cooper. The man grabbed Cooper’s neck and started strangling him.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate saw the guy knock away Nick. Nate jumped off a wall and tried to throw a punch at him. The hooded figure dodged it and grabbed Nate arm he pulled his wrist back “Owwwww!” Nate yelled as he fell to the floor holding his wrist.

Aleah saw the figure take down Nate. She shot am arrow at him but the figure just shot another arrow breaking her arrow in half. “What the...?” She then saw an arrow going flying towards her chest she nearly dodged it, the arrow scarred her arm badly she then fell to the ground.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper saw his four friends get defeated one by one. “Crud!” He said. He grabbed his pistol off a table and shot several times at the man. The hooded figure swiftly dodged every single one and then stabbed Cooper right where he had stabbed him earlier. “Owwww!” He yelled right before he got knocked out Cooper could barely get several words out “You’ll die for this!” Cooper then got knocked out.
She saw the man that attacked her stab Bellamy in chest afterward as if he won't stop she quickly regained her before quickly going Bellamy as tears fell instantly. No! Bellamy! stay with me please...don't give up on me!" she begged before remembering that in her bag held the spell medicine Shadow had made her for her fevers before quickly grabbing her bag in her room as she took a spoonful of it before starting to feel slightly better. She quickly made her way back to Bellamy before pulling off his shirt again to treat his chest wound quickly as Delta used her fairy aura to help heal his injury as she quickly wrapped it. "You!" she said grabbing her katana that was nearby before stabbing him in the chest through the heart causing him to let go of Cooper before he fell as she pulled her katana out. "Who send you!? Tell me!" she asked sternly grabbing his collar. "hehe...you'll find out soon enough...JC...but he will make sure you are dead...when you encounter him on your own..." was all he said before going limb as she had noticed a familiar symbol on the man's hood on the inside. She saw that P with a lightning bolt crossing downward with it as this was from her past.

She gripped the end of her katana hard causing it to shake a bit before she put it down before making her way back to Bellamy as she sat down on the floor to where he fell as she looked down to him crying softly as her long hair slipped down off her back to the floor as both of her eyes seemed visible including her blind one which seemed more white now than before. "Bellamy...please tell me you're alright.....I need your help.....I can't do this alone...even if I wanted too...I just can't...please..." she begged before gently placing her hand on his cheek as her tears fell off her face. Blue had come over as well becoming too fond of Bellamy to let him go as she looked down at him as did Blade. "Umbre.....Umbreon!" she said. "Sol....Absol!" Blade said both giving sad expressions.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick got up and saw the guy limb on the floor. “What the.....what happened?” He then looked a5 everyone defeated on the floor. “Ok this is crazy!”
“Nick is that you? I think I’m starting to see the light.” Cooper moaned.
“Aw Crap no not Coop dude don’t die on me!” Nick said as he ran over to Cooper.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nate got up and said “Aww man this guy is strong!” He then looked over at the guy on the floor “Oh wait he’s dead now never mind guys!” He then saw Aleah and Cooper on the ground “Oh crud! Well there’s gonna be hours of people in the healing stage!”

Aleah got up but fell back down to the ground and her hood fell down. She couldn’t put it back up because her right arm had been insanely injured by the hooded man. “Damn!” She said under her breath.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Bellamy opened his eyes he was in a small room with JC and Shadow, they all had no Pokémon and no weapons, a surge of zombies appeared to have suddenly materialised and he saw both Shadow and JC go down, the sea of the sea then washed over him and..

He woke up trembling, he turned and saw JC with her hand to his cheek. He wrapped her in a massive hug and whispered "hey, don't cry, everything will be fine." As he was holding her his Pokémon walked up, he returned Wamp, who looked like he needed a rest, he didn't stop holding JC, Aeris and Ren made their way over to Blue and Blade, Ren had a slight limp.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis quickly ran to Aleah, holding the first aid kit. “I’m going to heal you, so don’t move until I am done,” She got out the bandages and wrapped Aleah’s arm. “Okay, you can move now.” Otis sighed, she had to help a few more people. Otis walked over to where Cooper and Nick were. “Oh no, I don’t know how to help him. . .” She sat down next to Cooper, “I just . . . don’t know . . .” Scolipede woke up again, and she joined her trainer, she was feeling a bit sad.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Aleah tried to get out of the way before Otis made it there but then decided to just let it be.

Nate stood up and then went to go sit down in a chair. When his wrist touched the chair however he lauchned back up in pain. “Owww.” He said.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
When Nick heard what Otis said he just paused. He then grabbed Otis’ neck and started strangling her. It seemed that Nick hearing her say she’s wouldn’t be able to fix Cooper just made Nick snap.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis gasped for air, Nick was strangling her. Otis desperately tried to pry Nick’s hands away from her, but she was losing strength. Otis tried to speak, she didn’t want to die this way. Scolipede looked at Nick, fury in her eyes. Scolipede let out a roar, and charged at Nick.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
He then threw Otis away before killing her. He then turned and saw Scolipede charging for him “Oh Hell!” He yelled before a slightly dodging the Scolipede. He then looked back at Otis just as the Scolipede crash into a wall.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis fell to the ground, breathing very fast. She stared at Nick, fear flooded her eyes. Scolipede crashed into the wall, and she picked herself up. Scolipede faced Nick, hatred flashed in her eyes. Scolipede kicked up some dust behind her, preparing for another charge.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick pulled out a pistol and shot the roof. Several rocks rained down onto the Scolipede burying it. He then sent out a Blastoise that appeared right behind Otis. It roared. “Alright move a inch and the Scolipede goes.” Nick said as he pointed a knife to the Scolipede.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis watched in horror as Scolipede was crushed by the broken rocks, but Scolipede’s head was poking out under the rocks. “SCOLIPEDE!!!” Otis cried out, but she froze when Nick threatened to kill Scolipede. She then started to cry a bit, Otis didn’t want Scolipede to die.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick started to make second thoughts but then a piece of metal hit him in the back knocking him across the room followed by a horde of zombies. Cooper got buried by the undead. Nick stabbed one but then got swarmed.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Aleah saw the zombie horde rage into the base. She shot an arrow at one but then got tackled. She knocked the zombies away with her bow and then stabbed one with an arrow.

Nate tried punching a zombie but a group of about three tackled onto his injured wrist hauling him back.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Nick was thrown at the other end of the base, and a horde of zombies came rushing in. Otis got up quickly, and ran over to Scolipede. She pushed the rocks off of her, but then a zombie came and bite her shoulder. Otis cried out in pain and pulled out her pocket knife. She fiercely stabbed the zombie until it was dead. Scolipede’s eyes slightly opened, her gaze was blurry. Otis looked back at Scolipede, “It’s going to be okay . . .” She pulled out a pokeball and said, “Return!” Scolipede disappeared into her pokeball.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick stood up after stabbing the zombie that had tackled him. He went over grabbed Cooper and went into another room. He sat Cooper down and then left the room locking the door behind him. He then immediately got swarmed by zombies.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis started to stab zombies, hoping to escape the base, alive. The pain in her shoulder kept on bugging her. She found a spot to escape this zombie filled room. Otis held her head nigh, and charged for the exit.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick saw Otis try to escape the room. “Oh no you don’t! If me and everyone else is going down in this room your going down with us!” He went out his Pidgeot and it struck Otis back into the base. Nick then started defeating more zombies.
She saw how it got a bit chaotic in the base as she held Bellamy gently but was in a panic a bit. "Delta quick use Moonblast at full power at those zombies and heal everyone! Blue use Psychic and fix the wall to prevent other zombies from coming in!"she said before both girls obeyed her quickly. "Prima!" "Umbre!" Delta had used Moonblast to kill off all the zombies in the room and heal anyone that may have been hurt or bitten. Blue had used Psychic to secure the wall shut to prevent other Zombies from coming in. She had saw just four tremble on Bellamy and herself but had used her own self to protect Bellamy as she felt four bits from the zombies mouths before grabbing her sword and beheaded them all but was feeling pain from the bites as she coughed out blood from her mouth. "I'm...sorry..."was all she said before losing consciousness.

Shadow had noticed his sister had been bitten but she was able to kill all four that was on her before she passed out"Delta! Help JC quick!"he said to her. Delta obeyed quickly before making her way to JC and Bellamy as she put a protective fairy barrier around everyone to prevent any other zombies from attacking them. Shadow felt a bit of rage but remained calm helping Otis up before he let out Hetilia his shiny female Arcinine. "Hetillia keep them protected who ever is injuried" "Arci!"she said before standing guard. "Why weren't you guys thinking straight!"he said a bit furious. "Now because of that innocent with the roof more zombies came in and hurt us even more so you should thank JC for closing it in time and acting quickly who is now unconscious!"he added.-


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Cooper got up from the ground and said “What the hell? How’d I get in here?” He unlocked the door and walked out limping from the wound the hooded guy did to him. He then fell to the ground and said tiredly “Nick....”
Nick looked over and saw Cooper collapse to the floor he ran over and caught him before he hit the floor “Coop?” He said. He then took a glance to Otis and looked back to Cooper. “Stay with me buddy.” He said.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Aleah looked over and saw Cooper fall. “Cooper!” She said as she crouched down by him and Nick to check if he was ok. She then looked to Nick and said “What the hell were you thinking! You made the damn base roof collapse!” She put her hood up and continued to stare down at Cooper.

Nate got up holding his wrist because it felt extremely injured. “Language!” He said to Aleah. “I’m sure Nick wasn’t thinking straight, I mean his best friend was extremely injured with multiple sword injuries and he had also just been healed by a zombie bite.”


Previously OtisRolePlays
“Thanks,” Otis said as Shadow helped her up. She glanced at Nick, but quickly looked away. Fear still prickled down her spine, then her shoulder stopped hurting. She checked it, and saw that the bite marks were gone. Otis let out a sigh of relief, and sat down. The zombie battle had sapped all of her energy.


Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Nick got up and started walking off. When he walked by Otis he whispered to her “Don’t think I’m done with you yet!” He then walked off to the edge of a mountain that was above the cave base and just stared into the distance.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis didn’t dare look at Nick, as he whispered to her. Fear showered onto her like rain, and she froze for a heartbeat. She moved again, and looked behind her, and Otis saw Nick on the edge of the mountain.