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the arrow game ^ < v

^ Excuse me, there is only one animal like Fi, and that is Fi. Please do not steal it. Come up with your own gimmick. In addition, at least my name means something. Gip? What's that? Fi means 'faithful' and goes well with my other gerbil's name of Semper. *burns pokemongod and their electrokinetic fox to death*

< Sorry, Monkey! I didn't mean to forget to release you. I just had to go home and sleep.

V The next person who copies me gets burned.
^"Their" Are there to of me?
< Is thinking of gimmick, possibly a fox spirit name Toka, while recovering from extensive burns.
V Will give me their opinion on gimmick, along with something to soothe the burns.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Inserts things that don't belong there
< Is bathing in a tub of Rawst Berry juice to recover
V Can you scrub my back? I can't reach
^ *rips shirt of burns slowly and painfully*

< *Fi growls* Fi says that no one should copy her, or else be burned. Comprende?

V Next one who tries to copy gets burned, and has to tend to my broken toe. Bring out the medical tape, splints, and peppermint foot lotion!
^ Okay, okay. *hands over stuff mentioned above*
< I can see! Hey! give me back my wallet!
V Oh well...it didn't even have any money in it. Just some coupons, and some trash I somehow stuffed in it.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ And you're telling me this because?
< Has fully recovered
V Are you a productive member of society? If yes, keep up the good work. If no, *grabs skirt collar* you're coming with me to become productive >:D

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
^ Fool! If I can dodge flaming poo being thrown by monkeys...
< *Ducks* I can dodge a flaming wrench thrown by you.
V If you got hit by the wrench I sincerly apologize. However, if you're Jirachan you completely deserved that.
^ Yes. I'm Psycho
< Is now Psycho Monkey
V Will feel like a nOOb for some reason which I'm not sure of
^I don't know how to reply to that. :-X
< I've made more explosive soap! ;D It's got C-4 inside it!.
V Here take it. It's completely harmless untill you light that little fuse. :)
^ Now Ill blow up da moon
< That there....... this here......... VAWALA! The worlds first explosive cat!
V Here, have a kitty!
^ Yeah beacuse I can't have fish *bites fish stick then barfs all over the place*
< Covering da moon in explosive soap and cats
V Will help me blow up da moon (and gets unlimited acess to my Wisconsin explosive cheese factory)
^ Lemme check......... nope, not Linkachu
< Has assembled an army of shiny Electivires
V Will kill da moon with me because IT JUST GREW ARMS AND HAS A GIANT AK-47!!!!!
^ OH OH OH! *gets out Bebe gun and shoots the moon right in the crater* Umm... can you cock this please?
< Teehee, I need a hand-held Airsoft gun.
V Will get me an Airsoft gun.
^ Here ya go *gives AirSoft bazooka*
< Is worried that 8,000 ThunderPunches at once barely hurt da moon
V Will throw mice at da moon cause it's made of cheese and they'll eat it!
^ I'm no scientist!
< Is searching through the phonebook for a reliable scientist
V Are you a reliable scientist? Or maybe just a scientist. Doesn't matter!