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@Captain Pokémon, As mentioned in the rp rules this isn't video games, so counter can still work like that, it just depends on where the pokemon is. In this situation jolteon fired the zap cannon and then dug close to Bulk so it can hit it close up. So counter can land since it's taking the power of zap cannon and using it to hit a target close to it, not far.
@Captain Pokémon, As mentioned in the rp rules this isn't video games, so counter can still work like that, it just depends on where the pokemon is. In this situation jolteon fired the zap cannon and then dug close to Bulk so it can hit it close up. So counter can land since it's taking the power of zap cannon and using it to hit a target close to it, not far.
I know the rules mention that this isn’t the games, but, I think even when it isn’t the games, counter should still work only for physical attacks, as Counter’s whole thing is taking damage from PHYSICAL attacks, then using double the power. Mirror coat is the thing for special attacks.
@Captain Pokémon Not going to lie it makes sence of how you put it, but I still believe (based on some of the anime) if you are close enough to another pokemon while using counter, even if you use a ranged move, counter can still be used. Counter may be based on physical attacks, but thats only because of the range of counter is close range physical, it is expected that counter would not be in range of a pokemon using a ranged attack, but if the pokemon is close enough, counter can still work.
@Captain Pokémon Not going to lie it makes sence of how you put it, but I still believe (based on some of the anime) if you are close enough to another pokemon while using counter, even if you use a ranged move, counter can still be used. Counter may be based on physical attacks, but thats only because of the range of counter is close range physical, it is expected that counter would not be in range of a pokemon using a ranged attack, but if the pokemon is close enough, counter can still work.
I don’t like arguing, so, whatever floats your boat, but, you might also want to ask @Foxex if that’s A-okay, because, while it isn’t against the rules to do something like that, if the owner of the roleplay doesn’t like it, it’s technically against the rules in that Roleplay. So, just consider checking in with them.
I don’t like arguing, so, whatever floats your boat, but, you might also want to ask @Foxex if that’s A-okay, because, while it isn’t against the rules to do something like that, if the owner of the roleplay doesn’t like it, it’s technically against the rules in that Roleplay. So, just consider checking in with them.
@Foxex is the counter ok for the rp the way it is used?
I thought it was okay. Bulk tanked the hit of Zap Cannon and then got ready as Jolt was erupting from the ground and fired off a Stored Power, which fires into the air and back down again. Jolteon is close enough to get hit by Counter. Counter is usually used as a move to attack a Pokemon who is close enough to get hit.

Normally, I would use Counter as a way to use the Pokemon's momentum against them, whether they be using a special or physical move, just as long as they are close enough, they can take advantage of their attack or attack stance and smash them. Mirror Coat is something to bounce back Zap Cannon and Stored Power, but he didn't specify he was bouncing the attack back, just making quick work of Jolt by hitting him as Jolt was going to hit him with Stored Power.

Literally, many of these moves can be used in different ways. Thunderbolt can shock a body part and you can use it as Thunder Punch or Thunder Fang or even an electrified tail. Because Counter is open-minded in this way, anybody who gets close and tries to attack, no matter what attack it is, just as long as the Pokemon using Counter is close enough and hitting an opponent who is attacking them up close, then that's good.
Also, Tail Whip, if used by a Pokemon with a large ass tail, can be used as an attack since veteran Pokemon can't be swayed by cutesy moves like Growl or Tail Whip or Charm.
@BegalBitez @Captain Pokémon

So normally if a Zap cannon were to hit, the pokemon would be paralyzed 100% which is completely devastating and almost match ending, but since due to the Gurdurr's ability Bulk, he would be able to still move albeit slower and with greater difficulty. (Also mybad for not catching, Gurdurr will be fighting at a disadvantage being a stage 2, ur welcome to change him to a Conkeldurr and make the necessary edits to ur posts if you wish.)

I would have to agree with @Merciless Medic and @Captain Pokémon on the use of Counter for physical moves. In this case Counter would fail as there is no physical attack to Counter, Bulk would literally be using a form of Close Combat to instigate his attack since there is nothing to counter, if he wanted to reflect the Zap Cannon he would have to have used Mirror Coat, or used Light Screen/Protect/Detect to negate it OR he could of used Bide to take the Zap Cannon and hit the Jolteon back even harder. Remember not everything your Pokemon does in battle has to be a move they know. For example Bulk could have just tanked the Zap Cannon on purpose to trigger his ability and countered with a close up Superpower or Dynamic Punch, that makes it very difficult to avoid.

If anymore clarification is needed just ask.