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The Beginning Of Destiny: The Hoenn Chapters

Tyler was shocked and counfused. "Hey, guys!" he said as Ivysaur, Amaya and Haunter dashed away into the distance "Ivysaur, Amaya, haunter, come abck! where are you guys going?!" asked Tyler as he turned to Killian "Killian, do you know where IVysaur and the others dashed off to?" he asked her.

Tyler turned back to where the pokemon once were and he bit his lip "I hope they don't get hurt or in trouble" he said as he looked over and around, not seeing them anywhere.
Kalseng found the coordinators room, which was occupied by three overly protective pokemon. "Hey... Would you guys mind if I stayed in ehre for a very vague reason? And Amaya, tell Tyler that I signed him up for the contest in advance. Bye now!" Kalseng ran off down the hallways, expecting a great diversion to come for that. Or Amaya to listen... either worked.
Killian's eyes narrowed, "They're up to something..."

"...And that was the time Amaya met her first Poochyena."

She sweatdropped and then noticed they were showing him pictures of her when she was little, "You guys are worst than parents!"

"I know! And here is when she learned to play soccer."

"And this is when she met me!"

Killian watched them, unable to do anything as they told him her entire life story...
"Be right back" Tyler said to Killian as he ran after the pokemon. He saw Amaya turn the corner. He also did the same and saw Ivysaur standing there "Ivy saur, saur Ivy, saur ivysaur" it said as Tyler bit his lip.

"Where did you run off to?" he asked "And why" chuckled Tyler. Ivysaur started to run down the hall. Tyler folowed and saw Amaya and Haunter there too.

"Whats going on, wheres Kelsang?" he asked the pokemon who ran away. Ivysaur bumped Amaya to tell Tyler what had happend about the contest hall.

[OOC: aww man guys, i g2g, see ya tmrw, do like 2 more posts, but wait for me tmrw, okay? see ya!]
Amaya smirked at Tyler, Hello loverboy, Kengeng wants me to tell you he signed you up for the contest... but you didn't hear that from me. She chuckled and headed back towards Killian and M&M, I knew I sensed them...
Tyler, Amaya, Ivysaur, and Pheus emptied into a room, wher kalseng sat on a large chair. "Hi!" Kalseng waved "You know, I wasn't gonna do anything wrong! I was only looking for my friend Amber!" Kalseng explained. "She was supposed to be here, she said she'd meet me when I came back to rustboro, and we could reminice about the events we shared in Lilycove City! Come on, What could I do? By the way, Haunter, way to enforce the kiss. I never knew you had such powerful psychic abilities!"
"Haunter! Haunt haunt haunter!" Using telepathy, Haunter communicated. "I-I didn't! He's a liar! I swear it! You two just kissed by yourselves! Wait, where's Kalseng?" Haunter looked around, but Kalseng had disappeared.

OOC: I'm gonna wait for Zepzune. See you tomorow! How bout 4 o'clock central time? See you then!


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
OOC: Seriously people, that's enough. I take it none of you have been paying attention to the latest stickied topics or read the rules? :p

There is nothing to this thread but dialog. Where's the descriptions? Where's the body? Hells, where's the story? I've said it once, and I'll say it again - this is NOT how we RP here. If you insist on only making these small posts just to see how many you can get in in a single day, this will be locked and a few of you banned.
OCC: Sorry, I'll try to be more descriptive.


Emily S. looked at Killian quizzically before pulling out a Pokeball, "I forgot to show you something. Go Chime!" Instead of the small Chingling that Killian had expected a Chimecho floated in her place. "Chime evolved! Also, I caught a Skitty!" A Skitty popped up and Emily giggled, "Her names Skittles."

Killian smiled at the pink, cat-like Pokemon, "Hi! Oh, I want you guys to meet my new Pokemon." She then pointed to Tsukiko, "Her name's Tsukiko."

The short, blonde girl smiled, "Awesome! You finally caught an Absol!"

Killian's blue eyes sparkled, "I know! Isn't she great! Also, right before we got here both Kuro and Amaya evolved! You can't see Amaya right now..." She frowned wondering where her first Pokemon had run off to.

"Hey! Let's go to the park while everyone's gone! Just tell Kuro to tell Amaya to tell-"

"I get it!" She looked at Kuro and nodded. The Spark Pokemon sat down and watched the door, showing he would tell the others. Her eyes softened and she patted him on the head, "Thanks." Then she put a hand on Tsukiko, "Come on Tsukiko, I'm going to need you in case we get attacked and those two don't want to use their Pokemon."

Both girls put one hand on their hip and shifted their weights, "Hey!" Emily's green eyes blazed, she moved a strand of her blond hair from her face, "Not all of us Coordinators have weak Pokemon!" She pointed to the two Pokemon by her side, "They may be cute! They may be small! But they can fight fight fight!" She waved her arms in a cheering fashion.

"First of all... What kind of cheer was that? Secondly, that didn't even rhyme. And third, I hate cheers and you know it!" She shook her head in disbelief, "Let's just go." They walked out of the city and reached a field, "Finally! something green!" She looked around and saw a crystal clear lake and a few pine trees scattered around. Then she felt someone put a microphone in her hand, her eyes widened, "Wha-"

"Sing for us Killian!" 'Emy' said smiling, "We've been waiting to get you away so you could sing! I know you want to!"

Killian shook her head, "No... I can't..." They frowned, "What if it happens again?"

Her friends shook their heads, "Just don't sing that song." Killian shook her head, her face getting hit by her black hair.

Emily laughed, "Sing a happy song then! Don't make such a big deal out of it!" Her long brown hair tumbled down her back as she let it out of her ponytail, "Besides, Your voice is too beautiful to lock up."

Killian looked at her friend in disbelief, "I can't just act like that didn't happen! That boy almost died because of my voice! I don't know why but if they hadn't taken him to the hospital he wouldn't be here anymore!"

Everyone grew quiet for a moment and then Tsukiko looked at her trainer, "Absol ab?" The dark Pokemon's eyes were filled with worry and confusion, she had never seen her trainer so upset.

Suddenly, tears began to trickle down Killian's face, "Two years ago, I was singing a song about war and death as a dare... They wanted to see if my voice could make the song sound prettier. A boy who had been listening suddenly fell down and held his side, when we looked there was a huge hole on that side. He began to scream." She remembered the scream, the blood, she looked down in shame, "The doctors asked him what had happened and he told them he didn't know... But I did. I had almost killed him with a song." The Absol took one step away from her trainer, "I can't sing... Not after that."

Emy put her hand reassuringly on Killian's shoulder, "It's okay..." Then she embraced her upset friend, "I didn't know it still bothered you. You usually get over things so quickly..." She looked at her friend, "Just one verse. Okay? One, that's all we have to hear."

Killian wiped her tears furiously, angry to have seemed so weak, "Okay. I'll sing one verse, but if anything starts to happen I will stop." They nodded, "Good." Both Emilys knew that if Killian started a song, she normally couldn't stop, so she was telling them to help her. She put the microphone to her lips and closed her eyes;

My home is in motion, as darkness unfolds.
The air overloaded, the sky's dancing gold.
But you went away, you left me to stay
We'll see us in heaven, I'm counting the days

She couldn't stop, her lips moved without her permission, her voice flowing out,

At the end of time, at the end of us,
At the end of everything we had,
Only faith helps you, only grace can do
Only you can take the pain
Cause the end of peace is the end of life
And the end of any happiness
Only love helps you, only trust can do
Only you can take the pain of me

Emy and Emily began to dance, gently moving with the music. She too, began to move. Nothing was happening and she was relaxing. Everything was going to be okay. Nothing was going to happen. She brought the microphone back to her lips,

When thunder is calling I feel so alive
The very first morning, can you see the light?
But you closed the door, to what I adored
We'll see us in heaven, I'm counting no more

A crowd gathered around the three girls, a few people threw money. Roselia began collecting it and even seemed to encourage people to throw more.

At the end of time, at the end of us,
At the end of everything we had,
Only faith helps you, only grace can do
Only you can take the pain
Cause the end of peace is the end of life
and the end of any happiness
Only love helps you, only trust can do
Only you can take the pain of me

She stopped and smiled at the crowd, "Thanks! I actually wasn't expecting any money so thank you for your generosity!"

Meanwhile M&M watched this and smiled, they had helped their friend regain her courage... And got her a few bucks. They looked at each other and nodded. Finally the crowd died down...

OCC: Emy is what I'll be calling Emily S. in here that way it's less confusing. That was long X_X and I'm not sure if it was descriptive enough... X_X Crap... I gotta go... Well, see you!
Suddenly Kalseng cultched his right side, his face twisted in painful terror. His vision began to blur, and his mind began to swim, and he lost control of his body. He fell to the floor, his forest green hat fell off, revealing dark brown hair, and Kalseng coughed out blood. His eyes became bloodshot, and he lay on the floor, nearly motionless. Amaya, Pheus, Ivysaur, and Tyler stared at Kalseng, unsure of what to do. Kalseng scremaed in pain, he started to seize up. And then, all at once he stopped.
Pheus Dashed over, and felt for a pulse. "He's okay!" He said telepathicly. "He's still alive, but I'll check him over before we send him off!" Haunter rolled him over, and found that Kalseng was clutching his side where a large gash had formed. Blood had began trickling down his side, covering his white, long sleeve shirt in blood. He struggled desperately to tlak. He whispered to Pheus.
"That song... Harmony... My... Song... She... Yang... I... Yin..." Kalseng said detatchedly. "Get... Kliian... Need... Help..." Kalseng managed. "Tyler... Kiss... wasn't yours... Pokemon... Psychic... Mo- Ahhhhh!" Kalseng gasped as blood gushed out of his side. "Help!" Kalseng said, his voice raspy. He was running out of time... He needed help... Kalsnegs tan cargo pants were soaking up the blood very well, making his pants black where the blood touched.
Kalseng attempted to reach his free hand towards his bag, but he couldn't lift his arms. His Sea green eyes looked desperately about the room as he began to sweat heavily.
It couldn't end ilke this for him... He needed Tyler to save Kalseng... He would die if he didn't get medical attention.. Kalseng's strength faded from him... He needed help NOW.

OOC: Sorry.... I felt like I could type more, but I needed their input. I didn't mean to type really short posts. I just needed to respond.
[OOC: Sorry Linkachu, i just got so caught iup in the mood, i forgot, it will enevr ever happen again]

Tyler gasped and got down on his knees. The blood dripped on the ground and was touched by Tyler's knees. A frown formed and worry took place in his eyes. He Looked at Ivysaur and then looked back at Kalseng. He grabbed a couple leaves and covered up the gash. He took his sweater off and put it on, where the gash had formed. He applied pressure to the wound.

"Ivysaur, get oran berries" he said drsticly and heavily with worry in his voice. His throat began to dry up, seeing blood always made him do that. Tyler ignored the fact that he had been controled by psychic to kiss Killian. All he could think about was Kalseng. Ivysaur rushed back as fast as he could with the blue berries in his vines. Tyler quickly grasped them with his sweaty palms.

"Ivysaur? Saur!" it said as it ran off. Tyler ignored it and took off the sweater. He put the oran berries above the gash, and szuized them. Blue juice started to trickle through his fingers. It rushed into the gash immediatly and Tyler gasped as he saw black trickle in the wound. He once again applied pressure to the wound.

"Kalseng, say something, i need you to breathe slowly" he said drasticly as Ivysaur came running back with more leaves. Tyler dropped the leaves over the old leaves and started to look at Kalseng. He was looking pale and he need Killians help aswell. Tyler slowly grasped more Oran berries and squeezed them hard enough to make them crumple up like rasions. He looked back at Ivysaur and saw him with worry deep inside him. Tyler bit his lip hard and got up. "Ivysaur, i need you to hold these leaves here, and apply pressure to him, please!" he commanded as the pokemon took notice of this command heavily, and started to do it.

Tyler ran over to Killian, spotting her hair blowing in the wind with both girls beside her.

"Killian!" Tyler screaed outloud, getting her attention "I need your help, Kalseng is having medical problems, hurry!" he spoke immediatly, his cheeks rosy read and his eyes sparkling with fear. A dead silence fled throughout he city, after hearing Tyler's speech. Tyler ran back to Kalseng and saw Amaya and Pheus, as well as Ivysaur "Amaya, Pheus, i need you to put Kalseng to sleep" he said as he waited for Killian to come, for this was serious. And Kalseng, was in enough trouble as it being.
Kalseng mustered up all of his strength, and opened his mouth to speak. "Ty...ler..." he spoke, his wrods drawn out and raspy. "Mother... of... pokemon... kiss..." Kalseng opened his eyes and looked him in the eyes. "You.. can.. do... it..." Kalseng said. His head rolled back into position, and he continued his breathing. It was shallow and uneven, but he had air in his body. His pulse slowed down, and his movement dropped considerably. Kalseng needed help. He needed it fast, and he needed it now.

"I'll put him to sleep. maybe that can ease some pain." Haunter said telepathicaly. He used hypnosis on Kalseng, and then used a good dream version of Nightmare.

Kalseng lay silently on the floor, and his chest stopped moving. It was 2 seconds... 5 seconds... 10 seconds... and then, a noise split the air. Kalseng was snoring loudly. He was alive. Barely holding on, but he was alive.
Tyler slowly turned his head to haunter "Thank-you, he should be good for awhile, but Killian has to get here fast" Spoke Tyler. His lungs grasping for air. Ivysaur slowly walked over beside Tyler and looked down at Kalseng. Ivysaur made Tyler move out of the wait and applied pressure to Kalseng. "Thank-you Ivysaur, i need a break" He said as Ivysaur nodded. Ivysaur looked at the gash in his side. Ivysaur made a little smile on his face.

"Ivysaur, saur saur!" it said pointing to the gash with it's long shrubby vine. Tyler took a close look, and where the gash was, the oran berries juice was. And the gash was only bleeding a little now. A smirk crossed Tyler's face.

"He's going to be alright" he said still smirking, along with Ivysaur. Tyler got up on his feat and took in a deep breath. He sat down under the shade of a tree, he took in a big breath, then exhaled it all with ease. He looked around and sighed "Ivysaur, we need another pokemon" he said, as Ivysaur nodded. Tyler smirked "How about a happiny or chansey, they are good pokemon for our team, and i heard they live near here" explained tyler to ivysaur. Ivysaur nodded.

"Ivysaur, saur, saur saur saur" it said as it smiled at the gash, it was healing very quickly now, with all the pressure and oran berry juice. Ivysaur closed it's eyes and started to rest, still applying pressure with it's vines. It leayed down and smiled. "Ivysaur" it said before drifting into a deep sleep, when all of a sudden, a rustle of bushes astonished Tyler. A chansey popped out and ran over to the patient. Tyler got up with a smile.

"Of course chansey is here, she can sense distress and help" he smirked happily as the Chansey moved Ivysaur away from Kalseng. She then got an egg from her pouch and put it on the gash. She smiled and the egg started to glow. Tyler's eyes widend "She's using a healing power with the egg's herbal and natural medice" Tyler said smiling and amused. Ivysaur was now in a full sleep, and not noticing about what was going on. Tyler slowly walked upto Chansey.

"Chansey, you would be a real help, do you think you would like to join our team?" asked Tyler with a wide smirk across his face, hiding the fact that he was scared,for some reason, on the inside. Chansey smiled and nodded "Chansey, chanse chanse chanse" it said as it walked over to an open field, leaving the egg on the wound so it will apply pressure itself. It smiled and waved at Tyler. Tyler got the gesture and smiled.

"We'll Ivysaur, i guess she wants us to battle her to make it fair" he said as Ivysaur was asleep. Tyler smiled as he woke up, drowsily. He got on his feet and nodded happily and walked over to the field. Ivysaur smiled. "Okay Ivysaur, use Vine whip!" he said as a vine whiped out of Ivysaurs plant and kncoked Chansey down. Chansey immediatly got up and sucked in ehr belly, she let her belly fall into place again and a green ray shot out. "Ivysaur, dodge!" commanded Tyler as Ivysaur jumped out of the way with a small grunt.

"Ivysaur!" it said landing on the ground. It knew what to do next without command, and let another divistating whip attack unleash from his plant. The whip hit the chansey smack hard and did critical damage. Chansey fell to the ground panting, when all of the sudden, it fell down. Tyler smiled and plucked a pokeball form his pouch.

"GO pokeball!" he said as the pokeball flew in the air and lightly tapped the chanseys belly. It sucked the chansey in with a ray of red light and beeped twice. It then stopped and froze. Tyler smiled and jumped in the air with glee as he ran over to the pokeball. He put it away on his belt and smiled, walking over to Kalseng.

"Everything is going to be okay" he said, seeing the gash fading away. But for some reason, tyler deep inside knew, that something terriable was about to happen.
"Mew!" Kalseng shot up, and clutched his side. "tyler... It was Mew... Mew did it... I saw it from the balcony! I KNOW Mew did it!" Kalseng looked into Tyler's eyes, showing resolve, truth, and gratitude. "So. I guess that leave the dragonite behind in the dust?" Kalseng smiled. "Well, thanks for healing my wounds. I think I can stand now" Kalseng tried to stand, and found himself in too much pain. "Or not... Or not's fine... By the way... where do we go from here? I mean, your contest starts in five minutes. Or something like that." Kalseng turned to his Haunter. "Good job, pheus. Pheus, return!" Klaseng pulled out pheus's pokeball, and a beam of red ligt shot out, capturing Pheus.
"Mew. Mew's name is Amber," Kalseng continued. "I saw her once before, as a human. On the day I left, she showed me her true form. It was on that day, that I promised I would return to her, and see her again. If you let me watch the Contest, I can point her out to you. I hope you don't mind..." Kalseng clutched his side again. "Hooboy! That hurts!" Kalseng laid back down on the floor. "Can Ivysaur carry me? If he can take me back to my seat, I'll be fine. As long as no one notices the blood... Someone's changing me, and it isn't me. My side hurts." Kalseng stated.
Killian finally found the others and gasped, she took a step back, "No..." She looked at Kalseng's blood covered shirt and fell to the ground, "Not again..." Tears fell from her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Kalseng! I shouldn't have sang..." Once again the horrid memory flashed in her mind, "No!" She looked at Kalseng, her eyes suddenly hardening, "I can't continue my travels with you. What if you get hurt again? It would be better if I just left... For all of us." She turned around but Amaya stopped her.

The rare Pokemon grabbed her wrists, No. You have to stay. Running away will only make it worse. Besides, I like traveling with them... and it's really fun to tease you.

She looked worriedly at her Pokemon, "Then... I guess I will... But I can't sing. Ever. Not if it'll hurt them."

Amaya nodded, her eyes sparkling with sadness, Your voice really was beautiful...

Killian looked at Tyler, "So, what exactly happened? I want to know about what time the wound opened."
It opened shortly after you beegan to sing..." Kalseng took a moment to regain his breathing pattern. "Tyler, Ivysaur, and his new Chansey took good care of me in your absence." Kalseng took another moment to recover his breathing. and saw Killian's worry.

"It's okay... I have the other half of the song... In my pocket... the interlacing Harmony... GAH!" Kalseng cluthed his side. "Chansey, check my organs...I think they were damaged..." The chancey rushed over, and applied another egg. "We're gonna find that Mew. The mew that made that kiss occur." Kalseng sat up, and called out his pokemon. "Now, if youtwo will excuse me, I'm gonna change and wash my clothes." Kalseng stood up, with the help of his Haunter, and he wobled over to a corner, and Pheus began to undress Kalseng.

A few minutes later, Kalseng was clean and dressed. He sat on the ground, about 20 feet away from the pair of trainers, with his clean clothes on."You'd be suprised what a well-aimed surf can do to your laundry." Kalseng said to Killian and Tyler whom whad there backs turned. "Oh, and by the way." Kalseng added. "That song. I like it. It's the most beautiful song I've ever heard." Kalseng complemented Killian. "don't worry. Everything will be FINE." Kalseng comforted Killian, even though he was far away. Kalsseng stood, and staggered over to Tyler. "Your round starts in a minute. Please... Do... well... for......us......." Kalseng dropped onto the support of Killian, nearly drained from the effort to stand. Pheus and Idon were bracing him up, making sure he wouldn't fall. "Thanks. Just pull me into the stands, and sit me down. I think I'll be fine." kalseng nodded to the two of them. "Well Tyler, go on!" Kalseng urged. "I'll be fine in Killians capable hands." Kalseng smiled warmly at Tyler.
Killian smiled softly, "Thank you." She hugged him carefully, making sure not to hit the wound, "Here, lean on me, I'll help you get to the stands." She put her arm around his shoulder and helped him up, letting him lean on her. She began to walk, helping him move to the stands. He winced slightly and she slowed down. Maybe I can... Instead of finishing her thoughts she opened her mouth and sang, this time it was a lullaby and she had no worries, the most it could do was cause Kalseng to sleep,

Haiku na tousii karo
Tu saimii cloura
Gienta si to
Junai vait no tasa

Ho naiyou noto
Sai coso lioko
Terai su na flai coo

Hei tai uo
Hei tai uo
Sai toma laiko

Her voice faded away gently and she sat him down on a bench, "There we go."

Amaya walked up to her, See? Nothing happened that time.

Killian glared at her, "That's because it was a lullaby, smart aleck." The Lucario just shrugged, Killian rolled her eyes, "Is this how mom feels? I feel bad for her."
Tyler slowly looked down and sighed. He saw them walk away into the contestent hall and then turned around. He briskly took a step forward, and then stopped. He then shook it off and walked to teh backstage room of the contest hall. He went into the dressing room and changed into his tuxedo. He walked out and saw the dressing room filled with girls wearing dresses and boys wearing tuxedo's. He walked over beside a guy with a surskit and began to watch the T.V. The announcer was there, and the lights fell upon her bright face. A smile crossed her face, and ehr green eyes lit up.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to the first contest of the year, in Rustboro City!" she said as the croud screamed and clapped with joy and glee. Her eyes scanned the audience, and her beautiful eyes lit up once more "Our first contestent of this eavning, is Sindy with Beautifly!" she said as the crowd cheered with rejoice as a beautiful yound woman walked upon stage. Tyler, backstage, walked over to his Ivysaur and smiled.

"Well bud, you think we can win this one?" he asked and smiled as Ivysaur nodded heavily and jumped on the bench beside him, he looked at the T.V and Tyler smiled, seeing Killian and Kalseng in the audience. Tyler smirked and Ivysaur smiled.

"Ivysaur" he said as he sat down and started to pet Ivysaur. All of the sudden, a tap on his shoulder made him jump, he turned around and saw brilliant blue eyes, perfect tan skin, and very long, blonde silky hair. She smirked and Tyler's eyes widend. Ivysaur turned around and saw a Dewgong there. Ivysaur's eyes widend. The girl smiled at Tyler, and the Dewgong smiled at Ivysaur.

"Hey Tyler, long time no see" she said smugly as Tyler made his eyebrows narrow, Dewgong walked up to the Ivysaur and growled deeply and ushed Ivysaur slightly. Ivysaur growled also and slightly pushed Dewgong.

"Ivysaur" he said quietly as Ivysaur nodded and jumped off the bench, going beside Tyler. Tyler rolled his eyes and then jumped when his name was announced on the T.V. Tyler turned around and looked around again. "See ya later Anne" he said briskly as she smirked.

"Good Luck, loser" she said as Dewgong chuckled, as well as her, Tyler rolled his eyes and turned around,w alking onto the stage, Ivysaur in hsi pokeball. He walked onto the center of the sage, and the lights fell on him. He swallowed hard and lifted the pokeball in the air. It shone brightly on the red paint and it started to sparkle. So far so good. He threw it into the air and gulped.

"Ivysaur, Lets Go!" he yelled as Ivysaur appeared after a brilliant flash of light. And then, Ivysaur used stun spore and amde the whole stage sparkle. He landed onthe ground gracefully, and Tyler smiled. "Okay, Ivysaur, now, Razor leaf, then use your vines to cut them into small pieces!" he said as Ivysaur followed his commands. He used Razor leaf and then vine whip to cut them into smale pieces. "Okay, Ivysaur, use Stun spore on the leaves!" he said as Ivysaur nodded.

"Saur!!" it said loudly as it used the stun spore on the leafs, it made them colorful, and look glass-like. It rained down on the crowed and stage, and the Announcer smiled with great joy.

"Amazing! There is Tyler with Ivysaur!" she said as Tyler bowed and Ivysaur smiled. They walked backstage, and the crowed was given a break to go see the contestents in the backstage. Anne slowly walked upto Tyler and smirked widley.

"So, who were those people in the crowed, you know, that girl and that guy" she said smirking "Oh wait, let me guess, Your girlfriend and your boyfriend" she smiled as she walked away. Tyler rolled his eyes and Ivysaur growled deeply.
"Oh yah, that's it. Tyler and I are madly in love." Kalseng rolled his eyes "and the other girl is totally his wife." Kalseng looked angrily at her. "Now go away, please? We have more important things to do than talk about your secret love fantasies." Kalseng smirked. That is so much fun! Why did I ever stop doing things like that? Oh... wait... Kalseng thought as he ran his hands over the scar on the palm of his left hand. That's why.
Kalseng walked back to the stands after congratulating Tyler, and explained what had happened to Killian. "Tyler and I are dating, you two are getting married, and if I'm not mistaken, you will be shanked by a jealous girl. You missed a lot."
Anne took a quick smirk at Kalseng and then turned to Tyler "So, Tyler, you're competing hey?" she asked with a brisk smile on her face. she sat down beside him and Ivysaur growled at her "Oh, look, Bulbasaur evolved, how nice for you" she said as Dewgong smirked evily. Tyler slowly got up and turned around.

"What are you doing here anyways?" asked Tyler suspiciously, scanning her, her long hair nearly touching the ground. She got up and smiled looking Tyler directly in the eyes. Tyer backed away, and Ivysaur stood infront of him. Tyler picked up Ivysaur and set him down beside him. He looked angrily up at Anne, awaiting her response.

"Well, Daddy owns this contest hall" she said as Tyler's eyes widend. "I cmae here to wish you good luck on your little compotition, your growing up to fast for me Tyler" she said smugly as Tyler ignored her and walked away. She smirked again "You know, my brother is competing here too, you better watch out" she said smiling as she walked out of the dressing room onto the stage. Tyler spotted her taking a seat at the judges table. Tyler's eyes widend. "Oh no, she's a judge!" he said right before a voice came on a loud speaker.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats, the next round is about to begin" said a happy voice on the speaker, as it floated away with a loud CLING. Tyler slowly walked over to the T.V and saw Anne, with Nuse joy and the Pokefan club owner sitting in the judges seats. The annoucer Emcee came onto the stage again and smiled at everyone "Alright everyone! For the next round, we are going to have the round battles, to see who competes in the final round!" she said as the crowd thundered up and made cheers of joy. The Ecee walked to the back of the sage with the judges and pulled out a speech card "First up is......" she said as the lights darkend and the huge TV on the wall started to randomize names, and then is paused. Tyler Jay Keagen V.S Maxwell John Sleth. Tyler's eye's widend. He couldent believe that he was picked first. He withdrew Ivysaur and walked onto the stage.

Tyler slowly watched Maxwell enter form the right corridor and he smiled directly at him. Tyler gave a smirk back, and the Emcee turned to Tyler "Tyler will be using Chansey to battle" she said as she turned to Maxwell "And Maxwell will be using Tropius" she said as she smiled "Begin!" she said as the contestants threw their pokeballs straight up into the air. They unleashed the pokemon with a flash of brilliant light, and Chansey stood there. As well as a Tropius on the other side.

"Tropius, use razor leaf!" he commanded as the huge pokemon unleashed an array of sharp leaves. Tyler took quick notice of this.

"Chansey, lets go! Dodge!" he said as Chansey jumped out of the way. The razor leafs just missing her. She landed with a thud and yler smirked "Okay, Chansey, Egg Bomb!" he commanded as Chansey nodded and took an egg form her pouch, she threw it hard at Tropius.

"Tropius, dodge!" he commanded as He flew up into the sky, dodging the egg bomb. Below him, egg shels flew everywhere after a massive explosion. "Tropius, Body slam!" he commanded as he hovered over the pink pokemon. He dropped hard on Chansey, making her go flying. Tylers eyes widend.

"Chansey,are you alright?!" he asked as Chansey smirked and got up "Chansey!" it said happily as Tyler smirked "Okay, CHansey, full speed quick attack, then use Egg bomb!" he said as Chansey quickly sped over to Tropius hitting him, makign him go up into the air. She then bombarded him with an Egg bomb making him go higher. Tyler smiled "Alright, Chansey, lets go, Solar beam!" he said as Chansey sucked in power and unleashed it in full rage. It hit him right in the stumach, and the meater on the TV dropped down to 0% for Tropius. The crowd cheered and Maxwell Returned his tropius smiling.

"You're a great fighter, tyler" he said as he shook Tyler's hand. They both went backstage and wtached another Round. It was a jigglypuff versus an Poochyana. Tyler went around the stadium and went up into the bleachers.

"Hey guys" he said quietly to Killian and Kalseng "My next round dosent start until an hour or so, so i decided to come up here" he said as Chnasey was behind him smiling, eating some pokeblock.
REmind me Tyler, what's the difference between a Gym battle and a Contest?" Kalseng smirked. "I mean, I could do that." Kalseng turned back to stage, his eyes on the poochyena and jogglypuff. "Bite." Kasleng predicted. The Poochyena let loos with a heavy chomp. "Pound." Jigglypuff struckback. "Jump, sing." The Jigglypuff juimped in the air, the Poochyena followed after her, and the Jigglypuff sang, sending the Poochyena plummeting to the floor. The bars on the screen were about half when Kalseng started watching, and now Jigglypuff's was almost full and the opponents near empty. "So obvious." Kalseng said as he sat back and looked up at the ceiling. "Hey Tyler, can you suture a wound? I think my gash opened back up." Kalseng's side was leaking blood again. "There's a suturing kit in my bag. Just take it and start." Kalseng said.
[OOC: Lol, thank-you :) oh and also Kalseng, lets wait until Killian gets back, M'kay :)]


Tyler nodded and did as Kalseng requested. He then looked back on stage and saw Anne sitting in the judges chair. She smirked at the contestants battle and rolled her eyes. Tyler clenched his teeth, Anne was so full of herself. She compared apples to oranges. And in this case, she was the perfect little, shiny apple. And everybody else, was the plump, ugly orange. When tyler was young, she was the talk of the town. Oh look, Anne's so pretty, or look, Anne got her hair cut, oh look, Anne is a perfect role model. Tyler was bugged by that, she was 'perfect' and he was so mad.

"Holy crap" he said turning to Kalseng "Hey, do you like that girl Anne, that snobby, worthless, little son of a-"

"Tyler!" A voice echoed through Tyler before he could finish his sentence. He turned around fast and saw Anne standing there smiling happily "I just had to come up here and tell you before they announce it on the television. Your a finalist" she said smirking, then hugging him. Tyler stood there with his eys rolling. She let go of him and smiled, but then stopped ehr happiness when she saw Killian.

"Oh, who's this, oh, right, its the wicked witch of the west" she said smugly walking over to her "Oh wait, sorry, i didn't mean that, your not as good looking" she said smugly "Bye, bye" she said walking off the bleachers. Tyler sat beside Killian and Kalseng.

"I hate her guts" Tyler said as he watched her leave. He rolled his eys and sat back. He then recalled what she said "Wait a second, im a finalist?" he asked as he sat up straighter, Chansey smiling and hugging him. Tyler hugged her back and smiled "Awesome job chansey" he said smiling.

[OOC: sorry for the short post, i have to go to my Grandma's, i'll add more later]
"Um, Tyler? Tyler? My wound is half open." Kalseng said, motinoing to only prtially stitched side.

"And for the record, YES! She's perfect... her eyes, her hair, her body... everything. She's... perfect. Tyler, I think I'm in love." Kalseng recalled every detail about her. Her eys, blue and vivid, like the sea after a storm. Her hair was like a cascade of gold, framing her perfect face, which trailed down to outline her entire body. alseng though of her for a while as he sat.

"Ahem.... Anyway." Kalseng added, blushing. "Um, y-yeah. wound? Open. Fix it!" Kalseng commanded. "Seeing you and Killian... Damn. I miss Amber... And Amber the Mew, of course. Anyway, be gentle as you stitch it all up." Kalseng raised his arm, showing the wound, which had a small stream of blood trickling from it, down to his pants. It hadn't reached yet, but it was close.
Tyler shook out of his enjoyment, and rage, and turned back to Kalseng "Oh, im sorry, i was distracted" he said finishing up the job, then putting a wrap around Kalsengs body to keep the stitched from falling out or dieing down. He then took notice of what Kalseng had said about Anne. He paused with confusion and disgust "Okay, i understand why your in love, but with Anne" he said turning to her "She was my child hood friend, we were best friends, but then she became all snotty and left town. She then got all those badges, and everyone liked her, ignoring me" he said just noticing something.

"Chansey" said Chansey with an excited tone in her voice. Tyler turned around and saw her jumping in the air to try and get his attention "Chans! Chans, Chansey!" it said pointing down to the stage. The Emcee's brilliant eyes reflecting the light that fell upon her, Tyler's eyes widend and ran behind the curtains quickly. He withdrew Chansey and went backsatge, once more, bumping into Anne.

"Well well well, if it isn't Tyler the wimp again" she said smirking as Tyler ignored her and went to sit down, watching the T.V again, three judges sitting in the chairs, Nurse joy, pokemon fan club leader, and....nurse joy? tyler turned around.

"Anne, aren't you a judge?" he asked her, and she chuckled and then sat down beside him, smirking as the Emcee began to announce the next rounds, and what we will be doing. Anne looked at the T.V then at Tyler again.

"Yes, i am a judge, but i have to go now, im going to face the BlackThorn gym leader, Clare" she said walking out of the dressing room. Tyler made his face go completly red with anger.

"She bugs me!" he said as the T.V began to say his name.

"Next up, we have Tyler Keagen preforming~!" she sang as Tyler stepped onto the stage. Hoping Ivysaur remembered the combo that they had been practicing earlier. He stood on the stage, and once again, the spotlights fell on him. He looked into them, and then into the crowd.

"Ivysaur, Let's go, Petal dance!" he said unleashing the pokeball form his hand, into the air with might. The pokeball opened and unleashed a bright light, only to reveal an Ivysaur. Right when he came out, pink petals flew everywhere "Okay, sleep powder!" he said as Ivysaur commenced the sleep powder attack on the leaves, making them sparkle blue. "Ivysaur, usestun spore on the lights!" he said as Ivysaur nodded and commenced the attack, makeing the whole room sparkle, "Okay! Ivysaur, use Razor leaf!" he said as ivysaur shot green leaves out with the petals, the leaves sparkling with the petals, making the whole room full of joy and happiness "Alirght, finish it off with Double team!" he said as IVysaur commenced the attack and started to dance, there was eight of him, all dancing and making everyone smile and laugh. They all bowed, as well as Tyler.
Kalseng was watching Tyler, but caught a huge whiff of the sleep powder as a petal fell into his lap. He became drowsy, and tried to keep his eyes open. But when the Ivysaur all started dancing the hpnotic factor of the dance confused him, an he fell right to sleep. A few of Kalseng's stitches started to pop loose, but Kalseng was asleep by the time that happened. His pokeball fell to the floor, and Pheus popped out. He looked at Kasleng and sighed. He began to work a nightmare on Kalseng to wake him up..
Kalseng awoke with a fright, and hit Killian directly in the stomach, and she doubled over.
"Oops... Sorry..." Kalseng said as he watched Killian.
OCC: I'm back! Who was that Jon kid? Anyways onto the story!


Killian sighed, "It's okay." She finished stitching back his wound, "It reopened." She continued to think about Anne, I wonder why she acts like that... She watched said girl leave the building, Why do I care? She called me a witch! Her blood boiled at the thought. Then M&M sat down next to her, "Hey guys."

"We're girls." Emy said playfully, "Anyway, I was going to enter the contest but..."

"We were too late." Emily finished off pouting. She looked at Chime, "Chime really wanted to enter it too. Didn't you girl?"

"Chime! Chimecho!" The little Pokemon cried. Killian turned back to the stadium watching Tyler's preformance, "Chime?"

"Oh leave her alone, Chime. She probably still feels bad for hurting Kalseng." Emily sat down beside Killian, "Don't worry, he'll be fine." Killian turned away from the brunette and Emily's brown eyes flashed with worry, "Don't let it get to you."

Killian sighed, "I know. I just can't believe it happened... again." Her blue eyes gazed sadly at nothing, her mind drifting off, "I was actually starting think everything would be normal again..." Amaya walked over and gently placed a paw on her shoulder, "Oh, don't let me worry you. I'll eventually go back to normal." She flashed a weak smile, "I always do."

Her two friends looked at her in worry, wondering how much Killian kept inside. They had always thought she was never effected by anything... But now they had second thoughts. Maybe she was just pretending to be okay. Maybe she was really in a lot of pain, "Killian?" The black-haired girl turned around, "You know you can tell us anything... right?"

"Of course!" She smiled happily, but neither girls bought it. Killian laughed, "I'm okay now... really!" She flashed another smile.

"Okay..." Emy said, her green eyed filled with doubt, "Just tell us if anythings wrong. Got it?"

"Sure!" Killian hugged them and turned back to the contest. The two friends looked at each other, worry and doubt flashing in their eyes. Then Killian turned to Kalseng, "Are you okay now?" She asked, her voice filled with worry.
"I'm fine. I just can't do too much." KAsleng sat back up in his seat. "Contests, I never understood them. They always felt really empty to me. I mena, it was all about lfashiness." Kalseng turned to killian "What good is flashiness?" He turned back to look at the stage. He watched for a few seconds, nd then turned his head away. "I'm going outisde. I'll be back in a a while. I'm gonna find some kinda pokemon for myself." Kalseng slowly stood up, with Haunter holding him up. Kalseng walked outisde, and the sun shone birghtly down on him.

"So, know any half-decent pokemon?" Kalseng asked Pheus.

"Not really," Pheus replied telepathicly.

"Then let's just wait until the contest is over." Kalseng said. He sat down and looked up at the blue sky. Kalseng felt a happy warmth inside of him, and he coulnd't help but smile.
OOC: I hope it ant to late to join if it is just kick me out okay?

IC: Mason and his growlith were laying under a tree not to far from a contest hall. He wasnt the smartest kid on the block he did not know were he was, how to work a pokenav, or even read a map. He didnt have many human freinds only pokemon freinds well only two pokemon freinds his growlith and heracross. He does not even rember having freinds at his home town, he didnt get along with his mom, for some reson he never met his dad. The local proffecer would not even give him a starter pokemon, and the only thing Mason wanted was a freind. Him and growlith who was oftnly called growly layed there.

" Growly maybe we'll meet a freind or two today" Mason said while lying down
Growlth made a head gesture to accounugle him, while heracros finished sucking on the tree and flew around and layed down to finish the Trio.
Mason heard some commotion comeing from the hall
Kinu, go read the grammar topic and learn how to spell. -.-

Mkay, thanks and were you able to proces my slopply spelling though { I know its bad and it always has been, i try to get better but its not that easy as for the grammer i can do better but i was a bit lazy as i was here.} But yea, was is readable?
She watched him leave and thought about her options, One: Go outside and catch and train Pokemon, Two: Stay and watch the contest, or Three: Go outside, but keep up with the time and come back when it's Tyler's turn. She chose the last one. Standing up, she turned to Emy, "I'm taking your cell," She took Emy's cell and, surprisingly, Emy didn't argue, "Text me when it's Tyler's turn." She said towards Emily.

Where do you think you're going? Amaya questioned.

"Well, come on and see." She walked away knowing Amaya, Kuro, and Tsukiko were following. Suddenly she could hear angry cries:

"Get that thief!"

"Nasty Pokemon, give me back my lollipop!"

"It stole my Silk Scarf!"

Killian immediately ran toward the angry cries and saw it was an Eevee they were chasing, an idea popped into her mind, "Go Amaya!" The Eevee froze and looked at her curiously, she winked at the Eevee.

"Yay! A trainer!"

"Yes! Deal with this nasty thief!"

Killian turned to the crowd, "As you wish." Her eyes sparkled mischievously, but they didn't notice, "Amaya Force Palm!" Her Lucario attacked the Eevee before she had a chance to react. The crowd cheered when the Eevee weakly fell to the ground and Killian felt bad, "Go Pokeball!" She yelled, releasing the red and white orb. It caught the Eevee in no time, causing the crowd to cheer even more:

"Now I can finally live in peace!"

"Thanks stranger!"

"How can we ever repay you?"

She rolled her eyes, "Just let me keep the Eevee and we're a okay!" They smiled and left, she turned to Amaya, "Phew! Now let's see my new Pokemon!" She let out the Eevee and dance in joy, "Level thirty! WOOT!" She danced some more, to the dismay of her embarrassed Pokemon, "I'm going to call you Mizuki... Okay?" The little Eevee nodded, staring at her in surprise, "Bet your not used to people liking you... Well I love you!" She glomped the poor Eevee.

Amaya shrugged, You'll get used to her... She never shuts up...

Killian glared at Amaya, "Grr... I resent that!"
0Kalseng watched eintire event play out. He stared up at the beautiful azure sky, just watching the clouds float by. They lazilyifted through the sky, small, but not opaque. He kept watching the clouds drift through the sky, letting his mind wander. One of the clouds was getting bigger. It kept getting larger, and Kalseng wondered why. And then it hit him.(OOC: Bad pun, sorry!) A swablu landed right on top of Kalseng, angrily squealling at the sky. It then turned to Kalseng angrily. "Swablu! Swab swab swablu! Blu blu blu blu!" it shrieked. Kalseng stood up, bracing himself up against the building. Pheus dashed forward, eying the Swablu intently.

"No, Pheus." Kalseng said. "This is Idon's turn. Get in your ball!" Kalseng called. Kalseng returned Pheus to his pokeball, and let out Idon.

"Dew gong gong gong!" It cheered. Kalseng patted Idon on his head.

"Alright Idon," He said encouragingly. "We're gonna weaken this Swablu, so I can catch it! I've always watned to try my hand at raising a pokemon to be a dragon!" And with that, Idon turned and angrily faced the Swablu, ready to fight. "Don't worry! I'll sill help as much as I can!" Kalseng said, fired up.

"Dew dew gong!" Idon said in response.

"Aurora beam!" Kalseng called. Idon let out a magnificent ray of light, beautiful and poweruful. It struck the swablu's left wing, freezing it solid. The swablu struggled to break free of the Ice, but couldn't manage. "Again!" Kalseng commanded. Dewgong froze the other wing. The swablu struggled greatly to move, but became completely stuck. Kalseng looked sympathetically at the pokemon. "Pokeball, GO!" Kalseng called out. The ball hit the swablu, and absorbed her in a flash of light. Kalseng watched the ball as it rolled around, until it settled down, and the swablu inside became tame. "Yes!" Kalseng cheered. He walked over and picked up the pokeball. "I'm going to name you Cirrus." Kalseng said to the pokebal. "I'm gonna raise you up into a super-strong Altaria, and then I'll use you in contests!" Kalsengold his great plans to Altaria, as a red circle appeared on Kalseng's bandages, and grew larger by the second.
Ten minutes and many stares later Killian had finally let go of Mizuki. She took her to the tall grasses to train, looking around for strong Pokemon. Her blue eyes scanned the area carefully before landing on an unassuming Linoone, she looked at Mizuki, "You ready?" The Eevee nodded and ran in front of the Linoone, "Now Quick Attack!" She cried.

"Eevee!" The oddly colored Pokemon cried and became a blur of silver before smashing into the poor Rush Pokemon.

It was sent flying backwards and Killian nodded to the Eevee, "Okay, now use Bite!" The small fur ball ran up and latched her fangs onto the brown and white opponent, refusing to let go, "Iron Tail!" The Eevee jumped back and slammed her tail against her Linoone, defeating it. Killian ran to her new Pokemon, glowing with pride, "That was great! Keep it up!"

"Ee! Eevee vee vee!" The Eevee cried happily.

Killian pulled out a berry and handed it to her Eevee, who greedily gobbled it up, "You were hungry... Weren't you?" The Eevee looked up at her sadly, "Well you'll never have to go through that again because now I'm here!" The black-haired girl embraced her new teammate again and gave her another berry, "Here, you must have been starving." The Eevee ate it slowly this time, enjoying the taste.

You are too kind. Amaya said sarcastically.

"Here." Killian tossed her Lucario some Pokefood, "Happy?"

Yep! The Lucario ate them daintily and then looked at the shiny Eevee, So, what's it like being shiny?

"Ee vee vee eevee eve." The Eevee replied.

Amaya nodded, No difference at all... I thought so.

Killian giggled and rubbed Mizuki's stomach, "You did great."
Kalseng sat with his new pokemon's pokeball in hand, staring up at the sky. The sky was a beautiful azure color, and then sun shone down brightly on his face. Kalseng basked in the sun for a while as he watched the clouds float by. Then, one cloud puffed out and split. Kalseng saw two dragon pokemon in the air. One was a blue color with red wings, while the other was a birght orange. They were both attacking each other violently, tearing through the sky. They both launched gigantic energy beams at eachother, and an explosion ripped through the air. The shockwave sent Kalsengs hat and jacket flying off of his body. Kalseng desperately tried to hold his body down. The two dragons grabbed on two each other, and started hurdling to the ground.
Kalseng stared in awe. They collided into the ground on the outskirts of the town. But before long, they were zooming in through rustboro, tearing up the sidewalk as they fought. The orange dragon fired off an ice beam, which froze half of a nearby building. Kalsengg felt a huge gust of frigid air wrack his body. He couldn't hold his ground anymore, and was sent a ways by the air and shockwaves. He flew no more than a few meters, and landed on his back. Kalseng groaned and clutched his side. The two dragons rose high above the city, the blue following the orange. The orange stopped, and readied some form of breath attack, as it pulled his head back, cocked to strike. the blue came up to fast, and summoned up an amazing attack.
Meteors of sheer dragon-based power plummeted from the sky, raining down on the other dragon. The orange barely had time to release a powerful beam of energy before the meteors hit him straight on. The two dragons roared in pain, and flew high into the air.
Kalseng stared after the two as they rose beyond view. Kalseng looked around and saw Killian faced with her own problems, stood up, and began sprinting. before he could reach Killian, the orange and blue dragons plummeted to the ground, frozen over. They had either flown too far up in the atmoshpere, or the orange dragon had fired off an ice beam.
The impact had caused a violent earthquake, which had completely knocked Kalseng to the ground, and thrown him up in the air. He landed with a resounding thud, and felt his side sear with pain. He looked at Killian, stood up once again, and jogged over to her.
"Are you okay? Killian!" Kalseng cried as he approached.
Killian moaned and rolled over to face Kalseng, "I'll be fine, just hit a rock when I fell." She sat up and looked around, trying to find her Pokemon, they were staring in awe up at the dragons, "Hey guys, get over here!" They ran up to her and she checked them over, breathing a sigh of relief when she noticed they were okay, "Thank Kami." She picked up her ponytail holder and pulled her hair back, " hate it when that happens."

Amaya eyed her curiosly, You didn't think I would be hurt did you? I know Earthquakes are dangerous but this was one caused by a crash to the ground and, though it should've have harmed me, I jumped up before it could hit. The Lucario shifted her stance and looked at Killian with superiority.

Killian rolled her eyes, "Well, you are all weak to ground based attacks, I was just checking. Smart aleck." She hugged Tsukiko and Kuro and checked them for broken bones, carefully handling them, "You all seem fine." She was about to stand up when Amaya interrupted her.

Mitzuki is afraid. She needs to be comforted. Amaya told her carefully.

Killian stared at her Lucario for a minute before patting her new Eevee on the head, trying to soothe the terrified Eevee, "It's okay." The Eevee looked up at her worriedly, eying the remains of house, "Well, I'm just glad nobody got hurt." She turned to Kalseng, "Are your Pokemon okay?"
Is it to late for me to join if so just say

My charcters pokemon are actually dragonite and salemance but i wont claim the ones in the story

Zane entered Rustburo City just in time to see the two dragon pokemon fall to the ground he wondered what these dragons where doing here and why they were fighting he saw a boy and a girl hepling each other up the boy looked ingured.
"hey are you guys ok" he shouted to the two people as he walked up to them.
"Y-yeah..." Kalseng glanced at his dewgong. He pulled out Idon's pokeball, and claled him back into the pokeball. Once Idon was situated in his pokeball, Kalseng stood up, wobbling slightly. He staggered over to the two dragons, and noticed something interesting. They weren't fighting for no apparent reason... The blue dragon had its head cocked at an odd angle, as if ready to strike the orange dragon's stomach. Kalseng followed the dragon's sharp fangs to the other's belly, and realized that an egg was nestled tightly in the orange dragon's pouch. Kalseng knew that eggs needed warmth, and reached out to the egg, in an attempt to pry the egg away from the frosted body of its parent. As he pulled a tthe egg, he noticed the two pokemon... one was a Dragonite, the other a Salamence. Kalseng knew what needed to be done. He pried harder this time, yanking the egg from its previous resting spot.

The dragonite's muscular legs moved sharply, and the ice and frost atop them made a resounding crack. Kalseng's heart skipped a beat, and began to trip over himself as he made an attempt to run. The dragonite shifted his entire body, and his head swiftly snapped to Kalseng's direction. Kalseng felt a shiver shoot down his spine when the dragnoite looked at him. Kalseng ran furiously, barely able to stand straight at this point. The dragonite broke free, soaring up into the air and spreading its wings. the salamence down below gave its entire body a good hard shake, and managed to break itself free as well. It spun itself on its hind legs, and the frost fell to the ground and shattered. The salamence roared in anger, and Kalseng was still tripping over his own feet.

The dragonite slammed his entire body into the salamence, creating a large crater around the clashing dragons. The ground shuddered, grinding against itself. Kalseng was as pale as white as a sheet, and as scared as a small child in a horror movie. The slamance wriggled free of the dragonite's hold, and tore up the streets as it flew at Kalseng.

"Killian! Catch!" Kalseng shouted. He slung the egg at Killian, in attempt to save it. The egg was blue on the upper 3/4, and a pale white on the remainder. It spun as it flew through the air, shaking the frost from its shell. The slamence couldn't stop, and continued to speed toward sKalsneg. The dragonite was faster and shot out at the salamence. The salamence was overpowered, and caame to a grinding stop, mere inches from Kalseng. Kalseng ran away, but tripped over a jagged section of the torn-up street. He landed hard on his arm, and a shot of pain ran up his bone. He moaned his pain, and held his arm.