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The Chatlog Topic!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
And I'll laugh if I go through my log files tomorrow and find that the n00b has come back. XD

But that's really hilarious, how Zack just went "eff off" and it just POOFED. Like that.


Former Moderator
[15:07] But they're vert evil and persuasive
[15:07] Hey El
[15:08] Very evil, too
[15:08] Not vert
[15:08] hi Blachiken
[15:08] Green evil would be weird.
[15:08] jealous evil?
[15:08] XD
[15:08] good evil XD
[15:08] GO Evil!
[15:09] XD
[21:24:24] Raise your hand if you've seen Kal's nude pics
[21:24:27] * Virgil raises his hand
[21:24:32] ...
[21:24:34] what...?
[21:24:38] Just me?
[21:24:42] Am I the only one?
[21:24:50] i... dont think i want to know...?
[21:24:59] I know I don't.
[21:25:15] ...
[21:25:15] Moonlight, I'm with you on this one xD
[21:25:19] :p
[21:25:22] Virgil
[21:25:22] me three :3
[21:25:23] gladly with you
[21:25:24] lol
[21:25:25] little one
[21:25:29] You see that?
[21:25:29] one part of me is curious but another part is horrified
[21:25:31] * Sem points
[21:25:34] that right there?
[21:25:38] Oh, hey, LoN. I didn't notice you'd joined us. ^_^
[21:25:40] what is it? :O
[21:25:45] tbh
[21:25:46] * LoN is ninja
[21:25:47] wait, what?
[21:25:48] Do you see it?
[21:25:48] Zacky's worse
[21:25:52] I see it.
[21:25:59] Do you know what it is?
[21:26:01] LoN: lolz.
[21:26:03] No D:
[21:26:06] That
[21:26:09] that right there
[21:26:13] is a tiny little speck
[21:26:47] XD
[21:26:57] you will be exactly like that insignificant, pathetic little speck if you don't shoosh about the more intimate matters of your relationship with Kal
[21:26:58] K?
[21:27:01] K. :)
[21:27:27] Lul
[21:28:01] ...
[21:28:07] To Virgil's earlier statement:
[21:28:16] I agree with Pheo/LoN/Moonlight.
[21:28:18] >>;
[21:28:40] Because there are some things I do NOT want to see.
[21:28:47] teehee.
[21:28:50] I would say something now
[21:28:51] your own naked body..?
[21:28:56] but it'd get me kicked
[21:28:59] so I won't xD
[21:29:01] Yes, El.
[21:29:06] * Yoshimitsu will defend LoN
[21:29:07] say it :3
[21:29:13] I just do NOT want to see that more than necessary.
[21:29:30] El - I'd say it, but I forgot what I was gonna say
[21:29:33] * LoN is made of fail
[21:29:34] ...
[21:29:36] with a hint of British
[21:29:39] yes you are :x
[21:29:44] =p

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[14:09] !trivia 50
[14:09] Starting the trivia. Round of 50 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4196
[14:09] XD
[14:09] Noooo
[14:09] ihu Ruko. D:<
[14:09] !strivia
[14:09] Stopping the trivia. !trivia to restart.
[14:09] fine
[14:09] :D
[14:09] Dang, if my parents had called me dick...they would've been right cocks...
[14:09] I would do it if Jenny wasn't here
[14:09] *Dick
[14:09] ...
[14:09] D:
[14:09] Shiny is so cruel T_T
[14:09] sorry
[14:09] XD
[14:09] Jenny googles anyway D:<
[14:09] But you always get the answers
[14:09] ...
[14:09] yes
[14:10] * Ruko is kidding somewhat
[14:10] T_T
[14:10] I could always, y'know, silence Jenny. :3
[14:10] * Shiny hugs Jenny
[14:10] * Jenova feels unloved
telling people to be happy?
* Shiny stabs herself for saying random Chinese proverbs
Thank you.
What Sem says is true, though
The sun rises in the east D:
Sem, exactly my point
If it rises in the west
that means
We're spinning backwards @_@
it'll be odd if the sun rose from the west
Dear god D:
it's what Chinese people say when something odd has happened
like when an emo says "BE HAPPY"
they say "the sun has risen from the west!"
* Shiny lols
* Midnight dies
What if the sun has risen from the north?
Then we're fucked, Kim.
in panic
What if the sun has risen from McDonalds?
and then I run back home and watch from my window

* Midnight twitches
Is it shiny?
* Midnight twitches
video yourself again and scream "THANK YOU...... SAVE!"
wait, let's cheer you in a minute XD
Now Middy's interview shall go well |D
oh, right
Oh you bet your ass it is Sem XDDD
I cant...stop...twitching..

She'll calm down in a minute XD
* Shiny nods
* Midnight runs off to get her camera
she's going to take a video of it like she did with Drifloon
It really has. XD



Breathe, Middy breeeeeathe ^^ Congrats on your shiny Uxie!

The sun has risen from the west >:D

Edit: So THAT'S how you get the smiley with the devil horns!

Anyway, I meant for it to be a grin, like this :D so yeah XD

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Cody, I meant to do that. ;)

Anyways, I love that log about the sun rising from the west/north/McDonalds/whatever else it says. Just amuses me every time I look at it. XD

Proves how stupid Chinese sayings are at times.
[20:14] I'm summoning Stel.
[20:14] Dway
[20:14] no
[20:14] ...
[20:14] how?
[20:14] we'll all die
[20:14] ...
[20:14] Dwayna, call him...WITH MIND BULLETS.
[20:14] from random genocide
[20:14] Sho, never say that
[20:14] ...
[20:14] No.
[20:14] Stel's too nice to do that
[20:14] Or else I'll go owl and Dance Magic Dance summon him :V
[20:14] ...
[20:14] No.
[20:15] We need David Bowie to summon him :V
[20:15] *** DysTuvai has joined #pokecharms
Data experimenting with breeding, everyone else talking, here's the interesting connection to the hippest thing of 'My Pokemon Ranch'

[22:47] Too much of a level gap for Ditto to whore Doomduck.
[22:48] Sweet amobia blob and Duck action! That sounds wrong!
[22:48] :p
[22:48] * Database takes pictures.
[22:48] * Database posts on interwebs.
[22:48] * Database makes millions.

That's dirty money Data... and yet I love the prospect

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Virgil» Magpie rocks :U
[100]«Shocari» Magpie rocks the boat
·DysTuvai· nonono.
·DysTuvai· Magpie ELECTRIC.
[100]«Absol» XD
·DysTuvai· ...
[100]«Magpie» XD
·DysTuvai· technically Magpie bird, but that's beside the point
·DysTuvai· Seriously, Mags, just what the hell type ARE You XD
·DysTuvai· I mean
·DysTuvai· your uber favorite is Manectric
·DysTuvai· which suggests electric.
·DysTuvai· but also, Magpie, which suggests flying, or even possibly dark-flying if you trace it to the closest corvid to exist
·DysTuvai· and then there's the SILVER part of your name which vaguely suggest metal
[100]«Midnight» xD
·DysTuvai· and finally your real life name, which is ONE OF THE MOST DAMN EPIC NAMES I'VE EVER RAN INTO, suggests Grass.
·DysTuvai· MIND
[100]«Magpie» ^^
·DysTuvai· CANNOG
·DysTuvai· THINK
* Magpie is a type-conundrum
[100]«Virgil» She's got Kecleon's ability.
[100]«Shiny» XD
·DysTuvai· i'd classify myself as Grass/Dragon except that i like cold and hate heat. o_o
[100]«Absol» XDDD
[100]«Shiny» XDDD
[100]«Magpie» Same XD
* Absol just laughs at that
[100]«Shiny» Same, Stel
[100]«Absol» I third that statement Stel
[100]«Absol» ..
[100]«Absol» *fourth
[100]«Absol» XD
[100]«Shiny» XD
[100]«Magpie» XD
[100]«Midnight» o.O
[100]«Absol» Chatlog that? =V
* DysTuvai brings the chainsaw.
* Eike_is_a_n00b (Eike_is_a_@40426727.69563A5B.D47DF9CD.IP) has joined #pokecharms
* Eike_is_a_n00b (Eike_is_a_@40426727.69563A5B.D47DF9CD.IP) Quit (Quit: Game Over)

I think it's a message from the future.
zacky told me he doesnt speak english very well.
He is Brazillian
he is?
I learned something
I couldn't even tell from his pics
Member Pics
When did he post those o.O
* Shocari shrugs
a while back, I belive
not long after he joined
Jan. 14
Not zacky you idiot
* Midnight facepalms
* Shocari headdeasks moar
Of course zacky speaks English well x.x
I fuckin talk to him all the time!

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Just as I'm reading that one looooong log with Jet vs Sem (and Snaps's witty comment at the end. XD), I came across this:

[21:11] * Skull slaps Heatran with a large salmon for being stupid. >>
[21:11] * BigO (BigO@SystemNet-E55FBD60.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:11] well than eatran,
[21:11] ...
[21:11] Shado
[21:11] prove it
[21:11] >>
[21:11] you missed


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
On request of LoN et al:

does anybody know the createreof the website
his name is Alex T. Winton
And he's more awesome than you.
oh wow XP
I know his full name. XD
* Absol agrees with Data
I know my full name.
Also, why do you ask?
=/ are you impressed?
of course, Rain
* Rain cries
I can't remember how to spell the street I live on =V
KoL, be nice
* Shiny lives on a street that's spelled similar to "Shado"
...Which reminds me, never again will I go to Manhattan during Christmas.
Sonic, why did you ask?
ask what
I see too many people that look like you guys during that time xD
who the webmaster was
[17:33] * @DysTuvai emits a howl as a wave of sudden greenery launches from his current standing point, and suddenly, massive planty tendrils burst out, imprisoning the marked target...
[17:33] cool
[17:33] ...
[17:33] * Absol dives to the ground zero bunker
[17:33] * Jenova watches intently at- ...
[17:34] * @DysTuvai whips his tail up, and the golden, jagget petals at its tip blossom open, revealing an already gathering orb of energy....
[17:34] * Mick_Chicken eats abucket of fried chicken, then realizes what I'm eating then changes to grilled chicken
[17:34] ...
[17:34] * DDragonFire starts humming a strange tune, almost appropriate for the situation
[17:34] Hasta La Vista, Ban Evader.
[17:34] * Magpie flies away
[17:34] * Absol waves bai
[17:35] * Mick_Chicken runs for his life
[17:35] YOU BETTER
[17:35] >>
[17:35] >
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] dammit Rach
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] Wait a minute.
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Tangrow (Sorry ;_;)
[21:19] * turbokid64_is_a_n00b (turbokid64@SystemNet-74BB6089.sssnet.com) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] ....
[21:19] hey
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] * Ruko was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] * Ruko (Ruko@Trout.Warrior) has joined #pokecharms
[21:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ruko
[21:19] Jirachan
[21:19] * turbokid64_is_a_n00b was kicked by Jirachan (Jirachan)
[21:19] I feel sorry for Ruko.
[21:19] Yes?
[21:19] * DoctorOak sets mode: +h Ruko

See what happens when you give some people power? XD
[18:55:36] "transferring at 443 Bytes/sec (816 hours remaining)"
[18:55:41] 10 years- LOL
[18:55:41] XD
[18:55:43] ....
[18:55:45] Holy
[18:55:47] Shitake
[18:55:48] MUSHROOMS
[18:55:51] xD
[18:55:53] indeed
[18:55:55] thats bad
[18:56:07] I've had my internet tell me it needed 800 days or something before
[18:56:12] for the first couple of seconds xD
[18:56:14] wait, no, it's now saying 1140 hours.
[18:56:18] xD
[18:56:21] ....
[18:56:24] VEGETA
[18:56:27] 1914...
[18:56:31] lol
[18:56:33] Soon, it'll be over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAND
[18:56:34] xD
[18:56:35] xD
[18:56:36] yes. XD
[18:56:37] indeed
[18:56:38] (inb4 Stel)
[18:56:42] Also
[18:56:43] 5307!
[18:56:43] 1914.
[18:56:50] Okay...
[18:56:52] 1337

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
That was one bad installer. XD

It first says it'll take years to load and then it says "one minute remaining". That is just epic lulz.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[20:15] * Ruko is now known as They
[20:16] * +They is going to keep this, just for the confusion it can cause
[20:16] "but they said so D:"
[20:16] XD
[20:16] "..who?"
[20:16] Ruko wins
[20:16] xD
[20:16] * Shiny is now known as I
[20:16] darn
[20:16] it's registered
[20:16] D<
[20:16] * I is now known as You
[20:16] but this isn't
[20:16] :3
[20:16] * Toybox is now known as I
[20:16] * Chi is now known as We
[20:17] * I am registered
[20:17] * I is now known as Toybox
[20:17] * &We are insane
[20:17] * You are stupid
[20:17] * Absol is now known as All
[20:17] * All of us are insane
[20:17] * &We are reminded of bash.org quotes
[20:17] yeah
[20:17] ...So...confused D:
[20:17] * Middy|Ruby cries
[20:17] * You just lost the game. >:D
[20:17] * All of us hate n00bs
[20:17] ...
[20:17] DAMN XD
[20:17] Dani
[20:17] Basically x.x
[20:17] XD
[20:17] * &We cry
[20:17] * You is Shiny
[20:18] XD
[20:18] * Zacky is now known as Bob_Sagot
[20:18] * All of us just lost
[20:18] Saget
[20:18] * &We hate all of us
[20:18] * Bob_Sagot sucks at comedy and is not funny
[20:18] gknadflkng
[20:18] Still
[20:18] * All of us think this is amusing
[20:18] its the thought that counts
[20:18] * Bob_Sagot is now known as Zacky
[20:18] * &We wonder who the hell is all
[20:18] ...
[20:18] XD
[20:18] Shado
[20:18] * +They think we're nuts
[20:18] Absol.
[20:18] * All headdesks
[20:18] =3
[20:18] * &We think they are right
[20:18] wait....i....and....thewhatthewhosits?
[20:18] Ruko thinks Chi is nuts?
[20:18] * &We weren't paying attention
[20:18] ...
[20:19] when this is done
[20:19] ... Guuuuuys. Proper names please? XD
[20:19] * All of us are browsing the internet
[20:19] I wanna log this
[20:19] either me, or someone else. XD
[20:19] * All of us agree
[20:19] * They is now known as Ruko
[20:19] * You should D:<
[20:19] * &We are all insane and fucking PROUD OF IT
[20:19] * +Ruko apologizes for sparking that XD
[20:19] * All is now known as Absol
[20:19] * You is now known as Shiny
[20:19] but I agree with We
[20:19] It was fun
[20:19] * We is now known as Chi
[20:19] Wait
[20:19] same here, Ruko. XD
[20:19] :p
[20:19] Rach is on this bandwagon?
[20:19] same
[20:19] XDDD
[20:19] ...
[20:19] XD
[20:19] we are nuts
[20:19] Chi = We
[20:19] I'm awesome like that

Loved it today. :3

And my computer is b0rked, so yeah. XD
[16:34] If Wymsy wants folks to do it on their own lol, then s/h/it should change the system so it is possible to play the game fine by soloing.
[16:34] and merely add a few advantages for those with friends.
[16:34] shit indeed
[16:34] XDDDDDD
[16:35] XD
[16:35] * Absol laughs so hard XD
[16:35] xD
[16:35] That was epic XD
[16:35] it was
[16:35] ...
[16:35] Data, was that intentional?
[16:35] Indeed xD
[16:35] Yes.
[16:36] Very intentional.
[16:36] XD
[16:36] She/he/it shortened :p
[16:36] XD
[16:36] becomes shit
[16:36] :3
[16:36] yes, Shiny, well done.
[16:36] * %Database hands Shiny a Cap'n Obvious Gold Star!
[16:36] thankies~
[16:36] XD

discussing GPX and improvements that would be nice after Stel quit GPX =V

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
* KoL flies in on the Winged Dragon of Ra
·DysTuvai· Not with teh Mega Ultra Chicken again
[100]«Zega» How many shiny's do you have?
[100]«KaosDeity_is_a_n00b» Y does it say "_is_a_n00b" after my username
[100]«Zega» *shinies
·DysTuvai· ...
[100]«Zega» Because it's funny
[100]«KoL» Heh, and this time, I play the Mega Ultra KFC Equip Spell, boosting my power level to OVER 9000!!!
·DysTuvai· Hah!
[100]«Zega» :s
·DysTuvai· I expected that!
·DysTuvai· I activate Anti-GM Protesters!
·DysTuvai· in Rave Mode!
KaosDeity_is_a_n00b (KaosDeity_@SystemNet-6E869C08.ph.ph.cox.net) has QUIT 7:40pm "Quit: Game Over"
[100]«KoL» ...
Jenova (chatzilla@278232AC.1FB9C1B.29FB167A.IP) has JOINED #pokecharms 7:40pm
[100]«Zega» Hello Jenova. :)
·DysTuvai· ... Okay. That requires logging XD
[100]«KoL» ...I think you killed the wrong person
[100]«Jenova» ...What just happened? xD
·DysTuvai· And I was'nt even attacking their life points directly XD
[18:14:50] I'm still human thats why you can't eat me :p
[18:14:51] * Jenova nibbles on Zacky's ear again :3
[18:14:53] l.skndgladnf
[18:14:55] Why are you eating me D:
That was awesome, Zacky's random curse XD

[14:14] * %KoL is about as kid-friendly as the average greyhound
[14:14] XD
[14:14] win KoL XD
[14:14] For the record, Greyhounds HATE kids >_>
[14:14] * Absol figured as much
[14:15] * Disconnected
[14:15] * Attempting to rejoin channel #pokecharms
[14:15] * Rejoined channel #pokecharms
[14:15] * Topic is 'PokeCharms.com - Wii're Crazy and Proud! | The Nemesis Generation- Today: #009 Parrotain | Blaziken will be offline for a couple of weeks | Hannah montana: Logging into the forum.| SEM IS BRB'D... TILL NEXT SUNDAY... KTHX | MULLET WITH HEADLIGHTS | RIP Michael Jackson'
[14:15] * Set by DoctorOak on Thu Jun 25 18:41:14
[14:15] * Brendan (Brendan@D25BA76.ACE872C7.7A0370E0.IP) has joined #pokecharms
[14:15] >>
[14:15] =O
[14:15] :D
[14:15] I wouldn't mind talking to the parents, here.
[14:15] [14:14] * Absol figured as much
[14:15] * Absol (Renegade@SystemNet-81AEE2B7.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Skull))
[14:15] D:
[14:16] what did you do? >:(
[14:16] I eman
[14:16] that was in response to KoL's greyhound comment
[14:16] ...
[14:16] what did I do? O_O
[14:16] * Toru Pulls out pistol
[14:16] ...
[14:16] >>
[14:16] >
[16:00] [14:01] Dammit.
[16:00] [14:01] hey this is a kid friendly site
[16:00] [14:01] ...
[16:00] [14:01] uh
[16:00] [14:01] not really no
[16:00] [14:01] =V
[16:00] [14:01] No it's not.
[16:00] [14:01] It's 13+.
[16:00] [14:02] fuck
[16:00] [14:02] XD
[16:00] [14:02] Teen Friendly :D
[16:00] [14:02] XD
[16:00] [14:02] well im a kid my mom sighned me up
[16:00] [14:02] If you aren't 13, then it's your fault entirely that you're on the site.
[16:00] [14:02] i just died thanks Kal >:o
[16:00] [14:02] ...
[16:00] [14:02] >>
[16:00] [14:02] >
[16:00] [14:03]
[16:00] [14:03] I've had that said to me before, too, so don't worry.
[16:00] [14:03] A YOUNG n00b?
[16:00] [14:03] THREE EYE FREAK >=O
16:00] [14:03] Wow.
[16:00] [14:03] ...
[16:00] [14:03] indeed
[16:00] [14:03] Kyuuuu~
[16:00] [14:03] where did Data go? >>
[16:00] [14:03] Pyro
[16:00] [14:03] That is quite rare.
[16:00] [14:03] * pyrodrago is now known as water
[16:03] [14:03] * Tangrow inds a kitteh :3
[16:03] [14:03] wow Tan
[16:03] [14:03] =p
[16:03] [14:03] Your mother signed you up, so she allowed you to be exposed to age 13+ material.
[16:03] [14:03] * water is now known as waterspear
[16:03] [14:03] * FireSpirits is now known as Database
[16:03] [14:04] we has a straggler Data
[16:03] [14:04] ...
[16:03] [14:04] Okay...
[16:03] [14:04] This site retains no responsibility for its members actions.
[16:03] [14:04] lol
[16:03] [14:04] * %Database evolves.
[16:03] [14:04] * Database is now known as Database-Z
[16:03] [14:04] members'*
[16:03] [14:04] May I butt im. Kalseng?
[16:03] [14:04] *in >_<
[16:03] [14:04] XP
[16:03] [14:04] IF YOU N00B, YOU NO SURVIVE.
[16:03] [14:05] Lies :3
[16:03] [14:05] Arte survived kinda :D
[16:03] [14:05] but*
[16:03] [14:05] Oi, regs.
[16:03] [14:05] Shut up a minute.
[16:03] [14:05] Toru, sure.
[16:03] [14:05] I just did.
[16:03] [14:05] breathes fire
[16:03] [14:05] Anyway, waterspear, we're not strictly a child-friendly site.
[16:03] [14:05] /me, foo'
[16:03] [14:06] Most people here are abults, and the conversation is often as such.
[16:03] [14:06] Not me.
[16:03] [14:06] *adults
[16:03] [14:06] ...
[16:03] [14:06] -most- is the keyword there
[16:03] [14:06] I'm no Adult!
[16:03] [14:06] >>
[16:03] [14:06] ,,
[16:04] [14:06] Like Jen.
[16:04] [14:06] * Absol sighs
[16:04] [14:06] and myself
[16:04] [14:06] I also would like to note that you are still obliged to follow the rules, regardless of your age.
[16:04] [14:06] and Shiny
[16:04] [14:06] well try not to say words arent kid friendly
[16:04] [14:06] No...
[16:04] [14:06] ..
[16:04] [14:07] you know
[16:04] [14:07] It's our site, we do what we wish
[16:04] [14:07] it's allowed on this site,
[16:04] [14:07] >>
[16:04] [14:07] Actually, how old ARE you?
[16:04] [14:07] ..
[16:04] [14:07] he wont say
[16:04] [14:07] And yes, swearing is allowed, if you care to read the rules.
[16:04] [14:07] so don't try Data
[16:04] [14:07] ...
[16:04] [14:07] Yes, Wii're Crazy and Proud of It!
[16:04] [14:07] Internet Safety |D
[16:04] [14:07] indeed.
[16:04] [14:07] well dont say them when im on
[16:04] [14:07] waterspear, give me your age roughly. Below ten, 10-13, 13-16, 16+?
[16:04] [14:07] Like I said, waterspear ...
[16:04] [14:08] we're allowed to swear here.
[16:04] [14:08] and waterspear,
[16:04] [14:08] so we will swear if we want to.
[16:04] [14:08] Kid, lets put it this way: If you don't know your OVER 9000 from your PINGAS, you are pretty much screwed.
[16:04] [14:08] you're not giving your true age if you're list the age group you're in that Data listed
[16:04] [14:08] * waterspear is now known as twilight
[16:04] [14:08] ...
[16:04] [14:08] Oh, forget it.
[16:04] [14:08] they're actually quite Vauge
[16:04] [14:09] OI.
[16:04] [14:09] NUBLET
[16:04] [14:09] XD
[16:04] [14:09] Choose a nick and stick to it.
[16:04] [14:09] sweet niblets
[16:04] [14:09] This is your first and only warning.
[16:04] [14:09] * Absol headdesks
[16:04] [14:09] * Toru Facepalms
[16:04] [14:10] Hannah Montana |D
[16:04] [14:10] wut is going on with absoul
[16:04] [14:10] She's dying inside.
[16:04] [14:10] ...
[16:04] [14:10] >>
[16:04] [14:10] :3
[16:04] [14:10] >
[16:05] [14:12] Actually, not sure whether to ban the nublet just yet.
[16:05] [14:12] *gee
[16:05] [14:13] he's just confused =V
16:05] [14:13] Wait...The n00b went!
[16:05] [14:13] Yeah, not a bannable offense.
[16:05] [14:13] XP
[16:05] [14:13] * Database-Z sets mode: -b *!pyrodrago_@SystemNet-AB22CCD5.buffalo.res.rr.com
[16:05] LOL
[16:05] [14:13] indeed.
[16:05] [14:13] note to parents:
[16:05] [14:13] It'd be best to wait - technically, they've done no wrong...yet
[16:05] [14:13] Yaho Watashi wa Tattoze!
[16:05] [14:13] please browse around a forum before signing your child up to see if it's kid friendly =V
[16:05] [14:14] * %KoL is about as kid-friendly as the average greyhound
[16:05] [14:14] XD
[16:06] [14:14] win KoL XD
[16:06] [14:14] For the record, Greyhounds HATE kids >_>
[16:06] [14:14] * Absol figured as much
[16:06] [14:15] * Disconnected
[16:06] [14:15] * Attempting to rejoin channel #pokecharms
[16:06] [14:15] * Rejoined channel #pokecharms
[16:06] [14:15] * Topic is 'PokeCharms.com - Wii're Crazy and Proud! | The Nemesis Generation- Today: #009 Parrotain | Blaziken will be offline for a couple of weeks | Hannah montana: Logging into the forum.| SEM IS BRB'D... TILL NEXT SUNDAY... KTHX | MULLET WITH HEADLIGHTS | RIP Michael Jackson'
[16:06] [14:15] * Set by DoctorOak on Thu Jun 25 18:41:14
[16:06] [14:15] * Brendan (Brendan@D25BA76.ACE872C7.7A0370E0.IP) has joined #pokecharms
[16:06] [14:15] >>
[16:06] [14:15] =O
[16:06] [14:15] :D
[16:06] [14:15] I wouldn't mind talking to the parents, here.
[16:06] [14:15] [14:14] * Absol figured as much
[16:06] [14:15] * Absol (Renegade@SystemNet-81AEE2B7.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Skull))
[16:06] [14:15] D:
[16:06] [14:16] what did you do? >:(
[16:06] [14:16] I eman
[16:06] [14:16] that was in response to KoL's greyhound comment
[16:06] [14:16] ...
[16:06] [14:16] what did I do? O_O
[16:06] [14:16] * Toru Pulls out pistol
[16:06] [14:16] ...
[16:06] [14:16] >>
[16:06] [14:16] >
[16:06] [14:16] >
[16:07] [14:20] >
[16:08] [14:26] XD
[16:08] [14:26] mmm...
[16:08] [14:26] beef stew...
[16:08] [14:26]
Jirachan, I told you to get rid of the part that I posted right above you, the bit where I almost get chat murdered for ghosting one of my nicks. =V

Also that n00b was funny XD

[14:09] OI.
[14:09] NUBLET

My two favorite lines of the whole thing XD

[20:51] http://www.pokecharms.com/forums/index.php?topic=6424.msg109997;boardseen#new
[20:51] Hai James
[20:51] and Alex
[20:51] :o
[20:51] Hai insect
[20:51] FLY!
[20:52] XD

Edit 6/29/09:
[15:45] Rule 34: No Exceptions.
[15:45] ...see what I did there anyone?
[15:45] no?
[15:45] no
[15:46] >>
[15:46] * LoN was kicked by Database (no.)
[15:46] * LoN (LoN@SystemNet-6CBEA968.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) has joined #pokecharms
[15:46] xD
[15:46] you don't have to say everything with a kick :(
[15:46] * LoN was kicked by Database (yes I do.)
[15:46] * LoN (LoN@SystemNet-6CBEA968.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) has joined #pokecharms
[15:46] >>
[15:46] orly
[15:46] o.O
[15:46] * LoN was kicked by Database (you were asking for that one.)
[15:46] * LoN (LoN@SystemNet-6CBEA968.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) has joined #pokecharms
[15:46] XD
[15:46] * LoN was kicked by Database (also, yarly.)
[15:46] * LoN (LoN@SystemNet-6CBEA968.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) has joined #pokecharms
[15:46] how much do you owe the admins now?
[15:46] ;)
[15:47] Nothing, I only owe them money when I steal their lines.
[15:47] oh
[15:47] >>
[15:47] * ChanServ sets mode: -h Database


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
[19:31] is it bad that if petey didn't live so far away i would totally want to sleep with him? >.>
I have a weird sense of humor. (although Jen laughed as well)

[20:42] * Tangrow (sonicknigh@SystemNet-FF56448C.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Game Over)
[20:42] Hi ^^
[20:42] * Tanrzangrowth (chatzilla@SystemNet-FF56448C.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #pokecharms
[20:42] xD
[20:42] * Tanrzangrowth is now known as Tangrowth
[20:42] fail
[20:43] Ethan! :D
[20:43] ...
[20:43] ...
[20:43] ...
[20:43] wonderous.
[20:43] Oh gosh I typed the whole thing D:
[20:43] >>
[20:43] _<
[18:42] * ToomanyTanclones_ (chatzilla@SystemNet-FF56448C.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #pokecharms