[100]«DoctorOak» DOOM HAS A PLOT?!
[100]«Teapot» ...
[100]«KoL» Yup, so does Hexen apparently
[100]«Teapot» yes
[100]«Teapot» Doom has intermission screens with actual writing on them.
[100]«KoL» (Still a better plot than Other M)
·StellarWind· Huh
·StellarWind· actually
[100]«Teapot» hey
·StellarWind· nothing in Doom happens on Mars Proper o_o
[100]«Teapot» Doom was a tale of one man murdering hundreds of hellspawn
[100]«KoL» It happens on Mars's moons
·StellarWind· its' Phobos, followed by Deimos, then Hell.
·StellarWind· yes.
[100]«DoctorOak» Doom wasn't a game about trying really, really hard not to use Godmode and failing after 30 minutes?
[100]«KoL» I get the feeling these games were made due to John Romero's need to demonstrate his manliness to the world
·StellarWind· Doom 2 is all on Earth
[100]«Teapot» pfft
[100]«Teapot» shows what I know, then, StellarWind
·StellarWind· well, it's literally CALLED Hell on Earth XD
[100]«KoL» Earth merged with Hell if the plot is to be believed
[100]«KoL» After a certain point it becomes that anyway
[100]«KoL» Hence "Hell on Earth"
·StellarWind· Either way
·StellarWind· it's fucking ridiculous
·StellarWind· the lot of it
[100]«Teapot» well yeah
·StellarWind· and then you get to kill John Romero's head
[100]«KoL» Like I said, just John Romero living his fantasies
[100]«Teapot» this was before anyone making a FPS had learned what a "plot" was
[100]«KoL» ...fantasies where he is killed as the final boss of the game
·StellarWind· ... XD
·StellarWind· well
[100]«KoL» Which would prevent him from making Daikatana in the future
[100]«KoL» Suddenly it all makes sense
·StellarWind· ... XDDDD
·StellarWind· unfortunately
·StellarWind· apparently all the shrapnel gave him brain damage
·StellarWind· and that
·StellarWind· is how Daikatana came to be
[100]«Teapot» well
[100]«Teapot» his head WAS impaled on a spike
[100]«KoL» He was probably making Daikatana while impaled on the spike and having rockets shot at him
[100]«KoL» No wonder the game turned up late (and shit)
[100]«Dwayna» ... wow
[100]«Dwayna» that explains so much
·StellarWind· ... XDDD
[100]«Teapot» I have to wonder, though
[100]«KoL» It's also more funny if you imagine that one Revenant on the final boss's platform as his girlfriend
[100]«Teapot» how did his head get there before Doomguy show---
[100]«Teapot» oh
[100]«Teapot» okay
[100]«KoL» ...who you will then kill brutally
[100]«KoL» Well technically Romero is Doomguy as well, after all this is his story and fantasy
[100]«Teapot» ...
[100]«KoL» Romeroception, naturally
[100]«Teapot» hold on
[100]«Teapot» … do you think Yoshio Sakamoto ever played Doom?
[100]«KoL» Probably, there's no women in it after all
[100]«Teapot» because I am seeing sources of inspiration here
[100]«Teapot» I mean
[100]«Teapot» it's every possibility that Adam is Sakamoto's selfinsert
[100]«Teapot» (not you, Adam)
[100]«KoL» Who then blows himself up, if only the real Sakamoto would do the same
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· you know
·StellarWind· it just occurs to me
·StellarWind· What happens if they do the fusion da-
·StellarWind· SAKAMERO.
[100]«KoL» Good lord
[100]«Dwayna» Ye gods.
[100]«Teapot» meanwhile
[100]«Teapot» the world ends
[100]«KoL» Sakamero would be the most misogynistic and tasteless creature to ever exist
·StellarWind· He would authorize making the world his bitch?
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[100]«Teapot» and, well
[100]«Teapot» we have the internet
[100]«KoL» He'll probably be the final boss in the new Rise of the Triad game
[100]«Teapot» that's saying a lot
·StellarWind· ... XD
[100]«KoL» He'd authorize sucking it down too
* Dwayna giggles
·StellarWind· to make matters even best
[100]«KoL» Then he goes and sacrifices himself to blow up the Icon of Sin, just to make sure the plot of the game makes no sense
·StellarWind· the main character would be Iris in a suit that manages to fall apart every five seconds who can summon Deathwing.
·StellarWind· FROM HER HAIR.
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· wait.
·StellarWind· that sounds like Bayonetta.
[100]«Teapot» ...
·StellarWind· but nine thousand times more annoying
[100]«Teapot» Welp.
[100]«KoL» Can't Deathwing be Ridley?
·StellarWind· ... we can't have her have panic attacks every time her hair screams in a jersey accent!
[100]«KoL» Deathwing with the Ridley voice would sell by the bucketload
·StellarWind· .. or we coud
·StellarWind· could*
[100]«Riley» -.- This weather is making my WiFi be really slow
·StellarWind· this IS a Sakamero game, the gameplay doesn't matter
[100]«KoL» Sakamero would approve of Iris having panic attacks when facing Deathley
·StellarWind· ... yes XD
·StellarWind· and then things explode
[100]«Teapot» Iris doesn't have enough intelligence to panic
[100]«Dwayna» Worst game ever. 10/10
[100]«KoL» Then Deathwing is killed offscreen by the devil worshipper priest from Hexen
·StellarWind· and then
·StellarWind· the entire game is consumed by a Dopefish.
[100]«KoL» Then you fight the devil worshipper priest as buildup to the final boss
[100]«KoL» ...and then yes, Dopefish eats the game
·StellarWind· meanwhile the world collectively wonders what the watch did it just fuck.
[100]«Dwayna» Sad thing is, I think we would all play that.
·StellarWind· ... yyyyyyyyyyyup.
[100]«KoL» The final boss is Gutsman's ass, which is somehow inside Dopefish
[100]«KoL» ...except Gutsman's ass is killed in a cutscene instead by Bimmy and his Dunsparce
·StellarWind· ... best. ending. ever.
[100]«Dwayna» ... YES
[100]«KoL» Depriving you of the final battle and everyone lives happily ever after
·StellarWind· Except for Bimmy, who still needs a few bage more.
·StellarWind· but that's a sequel hook.
[100]«KoL» Then you go back to Dopefish's stomach for no reason and then you have to fight DIALG for absolutely no reason before escaping
·StellarWind· ah yes, the secret time boss
·StellarWind· sort of like Phantoon in Other Derp
[100]«KoL» Bimmy will return in the sequel or something
[100]«Dwayna» Guys, I think you created the best worst game ever.
[100]«KoL» Naturally, because you killed the god of time, the self-destruct sequence (which is TIMED) will happen
·StellarWind· I think it's safe to say that that is what we do.
·StellarWind· XD
[100]«KoL» Except because the god of time is dead, the timer stays at 5:00 forever
[100]«KoL» So, there we go, Sakamero's creation, the best game ever
·StellarWind· ... somewhere, a grovyle and a dusknoir are weping.
·StellarWind· weeping*
* Dwayna slowclaps
[100]«KoL» Daikatana Other M ladies and gentlemen, the long-awaited sequel crossover
·StellarWind· XDDD
* StellarWind logs this like a wood-harvesting company to an amazonian rainforest