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The Chatlog Topic!


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
In which Stel bans a particularly foul-named n00b:

[13:46:25] cunt (Mibbit@8C1CD7DA.2DFBE0DB.9455B754.IP) joined the channel.
[13:46:29] cunt: Aye
[13:46:32] StellarWind sets mode +b *!*@8C1CD7DA.2DFBE0DB.9455B754.IP
[13:46:32] StellarWind kicked cunt from the channel. (Cunt Punt!)
Last edited:


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
This happened the other day, and I found it in the scrollback. As ever, unrelated chat removed:

[tt][17] <Karu> ...Am I going crazy? I always thought Stel's thing was Elsydeon not Eldyseon. o_o
[17] <baratron> it is
[17] <Karu> Oh, right. Thingie, on the staff memento for Pokécharms Day it's typo'd as Elysdeon
[17] <Karu> Where did I get Eldyseon fro- nvm x.x; Just keep reading, Karu...
[17] <Karu> Elys Déon sounds like Stel's own personal hair product to me, or like some weird biomecha polish/oil.
[17] * Karu keeps reading. Damn thoughts distracting.
[17] <DatSoul> 'Elys Deon. Because I'm worth it.'
[17] <DatSoul> Voted Top Hair Product by Armblade Wielders' Magazine (2013).
[17] * StellarWind THUDS
[17] <Karu> Give us a media quote to go with it, Stel xD[/tt]
<SirRed>: I was actually surprised by the Woop, personally
<dinova>: and I thought 1 was very obvi
<Corey>: I got 1 instantly
<Shocari>: ^
<SirRed>: I wasn't confused
<SirRed>: Just surprised
<BlackAmber>: <---SERIOUSLY needs to pay attention more/
<Teapot>: the Wooperness is obvious if you were around a while ago
<Corey>: Just because of Tumblr xD
<SirRed>: How long is "a while ago"?
<baratron>: all the pictures are amazing, really
<Shocari>: probably right before you joined chat, Red
SirRed has been here nearly 4 years :|
<BlackAmber>: So who has talked about Homosexual Woppers lately?
baratron ROTFL
<dinova>: *facepalm*
<Corey>: xD
<Teapot>: .........
<BlackAmber>: Thats the hint right?
<Teapot>: Welp.
<Teapot>: 'Nuff said.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
In which we discuss the Asari from Mass effect, their inherent fanservice... and it all goes crazy from there on.

·StellarWind· i mean. I'm not a big fan of most ME aliens but the Asari just... annoy me
·StellarWind· mostly because they're a huge fanservice race.
[100]«Yoshimitsu» i still can't wrap my head around the reproduction tbh
·StellarWind· ALL OF US.
[100]«Yoshimitsu» but i can overlook it because most of the asari you meet are badass
·StellarWind· and yeah. this whole...
[100]«KoL» I'd like to take this time to point out that Blizzard seemed to attempt the same with female Draenei
·StellarWind· Drae aren't all female though
[100]«Yoshimitsu» liara, her father and samara kind of make up for it
[100]«Yoshimitsu» benezia not so much but yeah
[100]«KoL» True, but you can tell what they were doing once you see the males
[100]«Yoshimitsu» anyway back to the DLC
·StellarWind· all Warcraft races suffer that sadly
[100]«Teapot» Samara is awesome, although I wish she'd put some real damn clothes on.
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· supermodel females
·StellarWind· with boobs the size of their heads
[100]«KoL» Dwarves and Tauren not so much
·StellarWind· fuck wow character design, that is all
·StellarWind· well, yeah.
[100]«KoL» ...but that'd be fucking weird if they did
·StellarWind· dwarf females are actuallly pretty awesome
·StellarWind· and i can't believe i'm saying this but so are the frickin' pandas.
[100]«KoL» Well they're exactly how you expect them to be
[100]«KoL» The female pandas are actually respectfully designed, I agree
[100]«KoL» They just look like what they are
·StellarWind· hm.
[100]«KoL» As opposed to being blatantly fanservice'd up like the Draenei females were
·StellarWind· the big problem i have with the designs is the fact that they all have the same body.
·StellarWind· i mean
·StellarWind· I picture Drae, in my head, as having the same amount of variance humans would have
·StellarWind· so not all the males would be GIANT FUCKING KLINGONS
·StellarWind· and not all the females would be supermodels
·StellarWind· but the character models.. yeah.
·StellarWind· sigh.
·StellarWind· I guess what i wonder about the Asari is basically
[100]«KoL» The "giant klingon" design makes them hilarious mages
[100]«KoL» Fat blue guy in a dress
[100]«KoL» Fucking awesome
·StellarWind· they're clearly not mammals, and being 'female only' so to speak makes the whole point of their 'female'ness moot
[100]«KoL» So they're basically genderless for all intents and purposes?
·StellarWind· So WHY THE CHRIST would a COMPLETLEY ALIEN RACE evolve to incorporate the body shape of a female human?
·StellarWind· other than fanservice bullshit?
[100]«KoL» ...SAKAMOTO!!
·StellarWind· ....
·StellarWind· pretty much.
[100]«Shocari» and then
[100]«Shocari» the actual sex is only optional
[100]«Shocari» Not cool
·StellarWind· They might as well be. Which brings us back to their reproduction. Basically it doesn't matter what exactly they fuck, they basically map their genes, find Asari analogues for their genes and splice it into their own
[100]«KoL» Wait, you can sleep with these things?
[100]«Shocari» Yeah
[100]«KoL» OK weird
·StellarWind· either way the resulting spawn is ALWAYS ASARI, ALWAYS 'FEMALE'...
·StellarWind· but still has traits of the father. or mother. the sex doesn't matter either.
[100]«KoL» Can they fuck each other?
[100]«Shocari» They can, but they consider it to be wrong
[100]«KoL» But they are physically able?
·StellarWind· which makes you wonder how the fuck the species -survived-
* baratron just got back to "Can they fuck each other?"
·StellarWind· basically
·StellarWind· the developers didn't really think this through. X
·StellarWind· P
[100]«Shocari» It's advanced lesbian sex?
[100]«KoL» Basically they're a species of sluts
·StellarWind· kind of like the Syreen
[100]«KoL» Is what you're trying to say
·StellarWind· but less awesome
[100]«Shocari» And they flip a coin to see who gets pregnant?
·StellarWind· Not really 'sluts' as much as they're trying to introduce more genetic variance into their species.
·StellarWind· ...
[100]«Shocari» "Awww, but -I- wanted to be the dad!"
·StellarWind· by copying completely fucking alien genes into asari analogues apparently.
·StellarWind· SOMEHOW
[100]«KoL» Still fucked up
·StellarWind· telepathic fucking magic
·StellarWind· it's just
·StellarWind· wrong
·StellarWind· pure unrefined wrong
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park style
·StellarWind· and that's why the species annoys me so much
·StellarWind· alongside the fanservice shit.
[100]«Shocari» "Allow me to literally mindfuck you."
·StellarWind· pretty much!
[100]«KoL» "We put Asari DNA into our dinosaurs to fill the gaps in their genetic code"
[100]«baratron» Ditto?
·StellarWind· ..
·StellarWind· yes.
[100]«KoL» "...now the T-Rex is blue and has tits"
·StellarWind· pretty much
·StellarWind· XDDDDDDDD
[100]«KoL» "It's kind-of hot in a really creepy way"
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 4 will likely end up being exactly that if Jurassic Park 3 is any indication
[100]«Shocari» JurMassEffect Park?
[100]«baratron» Eww
[100]«KoL» Yup
·StellarWind· putting the 'ass' back in jurassic
[100]«Shocari» "Shepard, you must have sex with the Asarisaurus in order to stop the Reapers"
[100]«Tailon» ...
[100]«KoL» That's actually a really good tagline
[100]«Tailon» T-Rex.
[100]«Rex» ...
·StellarWind· .... Shepard.
<KICKED> Rex has KICKED Tailon from #pokecharms 1:21am IST Reason: "STOPPIT"
<join> Tailon (Tailon@SystemNet-D5D9D67B.lightspeed.ir ... global.net) has JOINED #pokecharms 1:21am IST
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 4: Putting the "ass" in "Jurassic"
·StellarWind· "T-Rex." "Shepard." FOR FIVE BLOODY HOURS
·StellarWind· fricking Krogans, i swear.
[100]«KoL» You can bet Jur-ass-ic sucks!
[100]«Shocari» "So long, Grunt." "*weird head twitch*Shepard."
[100]«KoL» (If you don't get it, say it out loud)
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 5 will star John Romero and his army of cyber Raptors and cyber T-Rex, and the hero will have to travel back to the time of the dinosaurs with his time-travelling sword to slay... something
[100]«Teapot» The director's head on a spike.
[100]«KoL» Yes
[100]«KoL» That'll do
·StellarWind· .... xDDDD
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 6 will feature a female marine stranded on an island filled with dinosaurs. She magically somehow becomes completely incompetent, keeps losing her uniform and shits herself whenever Pteranodons show up
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· And then she's saved by Coolio
·StellarWind· because clearly
<StellarWind> </reference from hell. or Syfy channel. Same thing really.
[100]«KoL» Your Pterodactyls are no longer authorized
·StellarWind· xD
[100]«KoL» Any objections Ridley? WELL I GOT PLENTY!!
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 7 will take place in Antarctica in winter. Somehow dinosaurs are alive here and there are rivers of lava everywhere, somehow not melting the ice at all
[100]«KoL» Also, the dinosaurs are all white, just to make it fucking impossible to see them
·StellarWind· yessss XDD
[100]«KoL» Also also, to get off the island the adventurers will have to find this one, random iceberg in the middle of nowhere and kick it to summon a portal back home
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 8 will just be Phantasy Star Universe, because fuck creativity from this point onwards
[100]«baratron» i fear i may be an idiot because i can't find the stone quarry at Heljarchen Hall
·StellarWind· ... XDDDDDDD
·StellarWind· ETHAN WABER
·StellarWind· "... clever girl."
·StellarWind· "More clever than you, plastic-for-brains."
·StellarWind· oh yes
·StellarWind· and for the icing on the cake
[100]«KoL» Everyone is more clever than Ethan Waber
·StellarWind· the entire series?
·StellarWind· sponsored by 343i.
[100]«KoL» XD
[100]«KoL» Jurassic Park 9!
[100]«KoL» It turns out it was the DINOSAURS that made Jurassic Park!
[100]«KoL» And the humans? The dinosaurs made them too!!
·StellarWind· actually
·StellarWind· they made them SPECIFICALLY to adress the issue of one rogue dinosaur
<join> LunarShadow (Mibbit@SystemNet-83816E87.dul.clearwire-dns.net) has JOINED #pokecharms 1:30am IST
·StellarWind· so they'll be immune to his CGI
[100]«KoL» ...the rogue dinosaur is Ridley isn't it?
·StellarWind· ... nah, Omega Ridley
[100]«KoL» See, I'd actually watch that film
·StellarWind· would match the whatshisface better XD
·StellarWind· i forgot his name now
·StellarWind· Didact!
·StellarWind· that's the one
·StellarWind· gods,Halo 4 brainshocked me so hard i forgot the fucking -didact-.
·StellarWind· jegus
[100]«KoL» Well if you're going to have a ridiculous film you'd best have the most ridiculous Ridley
·StellarWind· yes XDDD
[100]«KoL» ...this needs to be logged

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
<KoL> Also I have a new idea for this year's fail contest
<KoL> Instead of terrible failfic contest, we'll have...
<KoL> ...inspired by the legendary EpicBoss...
<KoL> ...a fail RP contest!
<StellarWind> ,gsdfnjkglhsdfaljkghsdfkj YES XD
<baratron> ...oh no
<StellarWind> oh my gods that RP... THAT RP
<charmergold> LOL
<Dwayna> I'M IN
<KoL> They were fantastic aliens, which is why this contest will be done in his honour
<Dwayna> Which RP is this?
<KoL> I'll even plug his thread for him
<charmergold> It's pure genius
<KoL> I mean, he's RP'd in many communities
<StellarWind> Dway: sec, i'll find it XDDDD
<Dwayna> Okay XD
<KoL> Extra exposure will only further his illustrious career
<StellarWind> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3931
<KoL> So this contest will be for him
<StellarWind> this thing. just... just... this thing. This THING. XDDDDDDDD
<KoL> Hosted by Ridley and sponsoring EpicBoss
-*- Dwayna peers at
<KoL> The rules will simply be that one person makes a starting fail RP post, and then everyone else joins in and plays along
<KoL> The only rule being that it has to be complete garbage
<KoL> The winner is whoever sucks the most, and the losers are whoever is unfortunate enough to read the end result
<Dwayna> Wow
<Dwayna> just
<Dwayna> what is this I don't even
<charmergold> xD
<Dwayna> I will join your idea, dear
<Dwayna> and I promise to be the shittiest person
<Dwayna> or at least try XD
<KoL> Oh boy, fighting talk there
<charmergold> This'll be a riot.
<StellarWind> yeaaaah. this thing is just... wow.
<KoL> Dway's ready to win this year
<StellarWind> my inner biology isn't even raging at this
<StellarWind> it's just
<StellarWind> "you know what, fuck it. just roll with it." and roffles itself into a coma XD
<KoL> I do wonder where else he RP'd
<StellarWind> XDD
<StellarWind> basically
<StellarWind> if we actually roll a fail RP like that
<StellarWind> it's going to fall down all these STAIRS
<StellarWind> in spite of all warnings to the effect.
<Dwayna> You warned us about those stairs, bro.
<StellarWind> it will just... keep hapening.
<Dwayna> You tols us, dog.
<Dwayna> told*
<KoL> We should make it a PRP as well since those always end so well
<Dwayna> But you see, my plan was to be a pokemon trainer in the general roleplay board. now you;ve ruined it XD
<KoL> trainr plz
<StellarWind> ... oh gods, KoL
<StellarWind> that just
<StellarWind> looks like Secad's glorious fic
<Dwayna> Oh no, I have an even better idea
<KoL> Yeah I was referencing that XD
<StellarWind> I figured! xD
<StellarWind> gods, good old Cressilia Crusade
<StellarWind> never fails to crack me the fnord up
<KoL> Sounds like MLP meets Pokemon honestly
<Dwayna> What
<Dwayna> I obviously missed this
<StellarWind> Dway: it was a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away XD
<StellarWind> her first attempt at fanficcing ever
<StellarWind> it was...
<StellarWind> glorious, to say the least
-*- Dwayna raises eyebrows, amused
<StellarWind> basically the main character was a tremendous sue whose village got burned in a fire and everyone she cares about died and now she's out to find and catch cressilia becuase apparently it has the power to bring everyone back to life and... yeah
<StellarWind> Clearly
<StellarWind> Sailor Moonduck is Jesus
<StellarWind> and is also typo'd
<StellarWind> Basically
<Shocari> I think I vaguely remember that
<KoL> Cresselia has the Dragon Balls!?
<Dwayna> I have a better idea about what to do
<StellarWind> PRETTY MUCH!
<StellarWind> incidentally
<StellarWind> it also sucks them
<Dwayna> If we do this as a PRP
<Dwayna> I'm going to be a non-human trainer
<KoL> Well since you're all likely to be taking part, what would you prefer it to be?
<KoL> PRP or regular?
<StellarWind> Well
<StellarWind> You know what?
<KoL> I was thinking simply that the first poster gets dibs on the universe they want
<KoL> ...although this is fail RP so derailing it or using stupid crossovers is probably encouraged
<StellarWind> Oh yes
<KoL> Internet troll or dungeon troll?
<charmergold> I'm going to be a rare never discovered legendary creature who is part of every type in all of EVER and has NO WEAKNESSESESESS
<StellarWind> Internet Homestuck Troll In The Dungeon
<KoL> Works for me
<Dwayna> oh god no
<Dwayna> NOW shit just got serious
<StellarWind> XDDD
<StellarWind> you know
<StellarWind> ....
<Shocari> ~
-*- StellarWind THUDS
<KoL> I mean technically if the first poster made it a Pokemon RP and someone took part as an Arrancar it'd fail pretty hard
<StellarWind> ....
<StellarWind> ... except
<charmergold> YES
<KoL> ...which is encouraged so there you go
<StellarWind> they all have zanpakto for some reason
<KoL> Exactly XD
<StellarWind> they learned it from their Ninja Powers
<KoL> That's the beauty of trying to fail in RP
<StellarWind> that are there because they have a demon walrus sealed in them
<KoL> You can literally do anything you want XD
<Dwayna> PokeMonStuck
<Dwayna> Totally
<StellarWind> Because...
-*- StellarWind equips Max Von Sydow voice
<KoL> Keep in mind that if you go too far and accidentally become so bad it's awesome, you lose points
<StellarWind> WALRUSBORN
<Dwayna> god damn it
<Dwayna> I'll try to keep it within the context of being horrible
<StellarWind> Oh
<StellarWind> and
<StellarWind> dig this
<StellarWind> all this
<StellarWind> ALL OF THIS
<StellarWind> Is only possible
-*- StellarWind colorswaps
<KoL> Like, having Naruto as a Pokemon Trainer with a zanpakuto is pretty awful
-*- StellarWind cues the suspiciously 80s music for a 90s anime
<charmergold> My main character is going to be a school girl attending a pokemon trainer academy but she has MAGIC and pink hair. And all the boys fancy her. And she can talk and understand all the pokemon. And she can use a sword, arrows and staff.
<charmergold> And Celebi is her bestestest friend
<charmergold> Since ever.
<KoL> Having Kraid as a gym leader who kills him and his Pokemon by falling on top of him is awful but hilarious
<StellarWind> KoL: Ah, but is it STILL falling?
<KoL> You have the right idea Charmergold
<KoL> Yes, definitely still falling XD
<Shocari> this is literally going to be one of my posts at one point
<Dwayna> Part dragonite godtier Lord of Everything with pink blood and pokemon powers
<Shocari> "k:
<KoL> Kraid is heading to the planet's core as we speak
<Dwayna> DONE DEAL
<Shocari> *"k"
<charmergold> damn, I just got owned.
<StellarWind> oh yes and he flies a biomechanical gundam who's actually his mother!
<KoL> As long as you're failing in a way that makes me shake my head as opposed to laugh, you'll earn many points
<Shocari> awww
<Dwayna> But see the problem is
<Shocari> my fails are funny, not sad :(
<StellarWind> did i mention it's made of the bones of its enemy?
<Dwayna> You don't know much about Homestuck, dear
<StellarWind> enemies*
<KoL> Is it secretly a BOTTLE SHIP!?
<StellarWind> ... Yes.
<StellarWind> Of COURSE it is
<KoL> I don't have to, you just need to suck ass at your RP
<Dwayna> Okay
<KoL> If I don't like it you're winning
<StellarWind> Adam Malkovich authorized that
<Dwayna> Gotcha :p
<charmergold> andsheisaprincessoftheponies
<Dwayna> then understand everything I do will probably be the most cliche fail of the series
<charmergold> Am js
<StellarWind> Plot Twist: the main antagonists are a trio of Triple Fudgepackers, ALL NAMED AMY
<charmergold> xD
<Shocari> Every other post from me will be minimodding
<KoL> Musclebomber2021 is the main villain
<StellarWind> or is he the hero?
<StellarWind> actually
<KoL> He could be
<StellarWind> DOUBLE plot twist
<StellarWind> you know who the real villain is?
<Shocari> Goku?
<StellarWind> ... TheElectricBeast's accent.
<KoL> Slowbeef and Diabetus?
<KoL> XD
<Dwayna> XD
<Dwayna> this
<charmergold> Och aye
<Dwayna> needs to be logged
<KoL> But he can telepor'
<Dwayna> or some shit
<StellarWind> He needs to use the time machine for that!
<KoL> Our hero Musclebomber2021 must stop the evil triple fudgepackers and amies from bumming his monuments in America
<StellarWind> And for that
<StellarWind> He needs to go on an epic journey
<StellarWind> and acquire the powers of three great masters
<Dwayna> Whilst the entire world falls into apocolypse because someone played sburb
<StellarWind> Yoshio Sakamoto
<StellarWind> John Romero...
<StellarWind> ... and who the fuck was the third one?
<KoL> Uh...
<Shocari> You must obtain the Triforce, Luke
<KoL> ...that's a good question
<StellarWind> I KNOW there WAS a third one
<StellarWind> good grief, i've completely lost track of our own running gags
<StellarWind> this is how ridiculous 'charms is XD
<Dwayna> 'tius true
<KoL> See I only remember those two
<Dwayna> -u
<Shocari> I will be Reggie Fils-Aime
<Shocari> and my body shall be ready
<StellarWind> ... XD
<KoL> Was it the people who made Halo 4?
<KoL> Or Ethan Waber?
<StellarWind> Nah, it was someone else. 343i are a whole different category of what
<StellarWind> arrrrrgh
-*- StellarWind goes through chatlog topic
<Dwayna> You want me to do it? XD
<StellarWind> i DISTINCTLY remember we merged Sakamero with SOMETHING
<KoL> Romero
<KoL> Oh...
<KoL> ...I don't remember honestly
<KoL> Bimmy?
<KoL> I know he came up at some point
<StellarWind> Bimmy's the secret boss
<StellarWind> like whatsherface in persona
<StellarWind> Elizabeth
<KoL> Iris was the protagonist
<StellarWind> or was it Margaret
<KoL> Deathwing was one of the villains
<KoL> Dopefish and Gutsman's Ass appeared randomly
<StellarWind> because they always do
<StellarWind> seems like we haven't logged the Post Sakamero Madness
<StellarWind> ah well
<StellarWind> do we really need anything more than Sakamoto and Romero anyway
<StellarWind> ...
<StellarWind> of course now i'm picturing them forming some kind of a megazord
<KoL> Not really, but having a third one is crucial now
<StellarWind> RED SAKAMOTO Ranger
<Dwayna> We could always just add the biggest troll
<Dwayna> Andrew Hussie
<KoL> Who?
<StellarWind> XD
<Dwayna> The creator of Homestuck
<StellarWind> Hussie is too busy killing his won characters to bother
<KoL> Ethan Waber it is then
<StellarWind> ...
<StellarWind> ShinignGardevoir can be the pink ranger
<KoL> Was that her name?
<StellarWind> i'm pretty sure that was her name
<KoL> The one who thought Pokemon was hard and Nuzlocke was near-impossible?
<StellarWind> NO WAIT
<StellarWind> But yes
<StellarWind> Her
<StellarWind> Exactly XD

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Teapot» I HAE A KEBOARD
[100]«Teapot» ......
[100]«Teapot» I HAVE A KEYBOARD
[100]«Teapot» (and have apparently forgotten how to use it)
23:40 KoL has the five pieces of PINGodia in his hand
23:40 KoL That means I win
23:41 *** GiratinaFan joined #pokecharms
23:41 Jenova xDDD
23:41 GiratinaFan Hi.
23:41 KoL For those interested, the five cards in question are the scrotum sack, one card for each testicle, the foreskin and finally the shaft
23:41 KoL For a total of five cards
23:41 DatSoul 'I'm sorry, you just activated my PINGAS.'
23:41 StellarWind Hi. How are you holding up? BECAUSE -I- AM A -POTATO-
23:42 DatSoul 'I'm going to have to send you to the shadow realm.'
23:42 Jenova ... I feel like in some parts of the world, the foreskin card is completely optional
23:42 KoL Technicalities
23:42 SirRed You can special summon him
23:42 SirRed With the other four
23:43 KoL The "Circumcision" Spell Card lets you skip the foreskin
23:43 GiratinaFan I have no clue what you guys are talking about, nor do I want to.
23:43 StellarWind pignas
23:43 StellarWind ..
23:43 Jenova xDDDDD
23:43 StellarWind PINGAS
23:43 KoL Being a dog lets you skip both testicles and possibly the scrotum
23:43 SirRed xD
23:43 Shocari KoL
23:43 baratron Rex: i like the Sableye
23:43 Shocari Thank you for giving me abs
23:43 StellarWind Typolosion strikes again!

<DatSoul> gaiz new smogon leakz

* StellarWind THUDS XD
<baratron> i'd rotfl if i didn't feel so ill
<baratron> i like it better than Sylveon!
<DatSoul> Sadly, I have to agree. xD
<StellarWind> beefeon
<KoL> Dudeon
<KoL> All it needs is Geodude's face over the top
<StellarWind> over the top is the whole point i think
<KoL> Well Sylveon is definitely that and sadly enough it actually exists
<DatSoul> ... Dudeon
<DatSoul> Does it learn Surf
<KoL> That'd be far out, man


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
[16] <&Linkachu> but
[16] <&Linkachu> but
[16] <&Linkachu> she's not ready for that kind of commitment yet :'D
[16] <@Teapot> ...
[16] * @Teapot thwaps Linkachu

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
<StellarWind> http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/05/01/b ... u-s-study/
[100]«Porygon-Z» Title: Belief in biblical end-times stifling climate change action in U.S.: study | The Raw Story (at www.rawstory.com)
·StellarWind· ... What the Christ?
·StellarWind· (pun intended)
* Teapot golf claps
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· So yeah
·StellarWind· The US is full of fucking retards
·StellarWind· What else is new?
[100]«Teapot» well
[100]«Teapot» I heard that the sun rose in the east today
[100]«Teapot» which is roughly as new :p
·StellarWind· Because it wants to get as close to Japan as possible, probably
·StellarWind· this just in: our system's star is a goddamn weeaboo
·StellarWind· of course
·StellarWind· we tried to get the sun's response re: this
·StellarWind· and our amazing solar translator (one mr. Motonari Mori, I believe) said that its response to the question was
·StellarWind· "It's not because I like Japan or anything, b-baka!"
[100]«Teapot» I'd make a "it gets hot over animu girls" joke but you'd be mandated to forcibly euthanise me.
·StellarWind· thus putting the 'sun' in 'Tsundere'
[100]«Teapot» ...
[100]«Teapot» Pffft. XP


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
[tt][17:51:04] @StellarWind: "I'm a furry" "OH SHIT SON NO IT'S ADAM AND EVE NOT ADAM AND EEVEE[/tt]

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
From #uespforums, recovered by HL because my connection had a localized seizure before I managed to copypaste the lot of this...

[100]«baratron» [03] <baratron> Urgh, I have no idea what sort of enemy is in this cave.
[100]«baratron» [03] <baratron> Could be Draugr, Forsworn, bandits, vampires, all of the above...
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> ....
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> Forsworn Vampire Bandit Draugr?
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> .... that sounds like the best enemies ever.
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> Ancient Bretons preserved by ancient nord magic after they had their heart cut out and replaced with an artechoke, got infected by Molag Bal somewhere along the way and took to a life of crime.
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> because watching over tombs was just plain boring
[100]«baratron» [03] <Maradala> im skyrim-ing too!
[100]«baratron» [03] <Maradala> :O
[100]«baratron» [03] <Maradala> im also, quite intoxicated. but, thats ok! i'm good with it!
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> in the expansion they've been living udnerground for centuries, went all blind and feral and got some limbs replaced with dwemer steampunk
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> also they speak fluent dragon and no one knows why
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> ... Mary Sue enemies, ladies and gentlemen
[100]«baratron» [03] * Lord_Eydvar (David@xertion-8ugsvp.east.myfairpoint.net) has joined #Uespforums
[100]«baratron» [03] <Weasel> Hold up
[100]«baratron» [03] <Weasel> A new expansion?
[100]«baratron» [03] * Mars has quit (Connection closed)
[100]«baratron» [03] * Lord_Eydvar_ (David@xertion-8ugsvp.east.myfairpoint.net) has joined #Uespforums
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> Yup. Skyrim: Other M. The dragons all take a new leader, Ridley. You can have babies, and the game won't shut up about them. Incidentally the expansion is produced by John Romero and sees the return of the Daikatana as a weapon-
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> yeah
[100]«baratron» [03] <baratron> rotfl
[100]«baratron» [03] <StellarWind> I think I've been hanging out with KoL a bit too much XD
[100]«baratron» [03] <baratron> You were enough of an epic troll when you wanted to be before :D


[100]«Aritheanie» oh ahah. My friend has just summed up Oblivion as "basically fighting the doom cult of your choice. "
[100]«Aritheanie» I just pointed out to her that in a sense, the battle against Alduin in Skyrim was just another extension of Oblivion
·StellarWind· basically
·StellarWind· there's always a doom cult
[100]«Aritheanie» ... and I get ninja'd because I can actually type in that comment, she says "why didn't they just summon Alduin"
·StellarWind· Morrowind had the Sixth House
·StellarWind· Oblivion has the Mythic Derp
·StellarWind· Skyrim has.. uh.. well, dragons.
[100]«Aritheanie» Skyrim has-- the Thalmor. Whom Beth lets us do NOTHING about
·StellarWind· who sort of follow Alduin around.
[100]«Aritheanie» baaaah
·StellarWind· being... dragons...
·StellarWind· because he yells the loudest...
[100]«Aritheanie» mmhmm
[100]«Karu» And he can fly to the Shadow Relm.
·StellarWind· his real name is probably steve
[100]«Aritheanie» XDDD
·StellarWind· also.. pff. Shadow Relm
·StellarWind· so
·StellarWind· I know you meant 'Realm'
·StellarWind· but the idea of a Shadow Relm is hilarious
* Karu has being playing far too much FFVI.
·StellarWind· did i mention she has gun-brushes?
[100]«Karu» XD !
[100]«Karu» Oh god, she just crept into my mind on a motorbike.
·StellarWind· ....
·StellarWind· Oh gods
·StellarWind· she went 5Ds
* Karu loads B2 in hopes of vanquishing this image.
[100]«Karu» ...
<quit> Karu (chatzilla@SystemNet-B667EA30.know.cable.virginmedia.com) has QUIT 6:28pm IST "Connection reset by peer"

Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
<SirRed>: Why do gifs take longer to load than videos? :\
<SirRed>: Hey Karu
<cloveria>: hai red
+++ ChanServ has given op to baratron
<charmergold>: Why did I read gifs as girls?
<charmergold>: o//O
<SirRed>: Because awkwardly phrased sex joke?
<SirRed>: I don't know, there is one tehre
<SirRed>: *there
<SirRed>: But I didn't feel like bothering to properly make it
<SirRed>: Screw it, making it anyways
<SirRed>: Because they both take forever to finish, and by then you've given up and stopped caring
<SirRed>: BOOM!
<charmergold>: xDDD
<charmergold>: You just made my entire week complete
[00] <%Carmen> Oh
[00] <%Carmen> and something recently happened
[00] <%Carmen> and I hate that it happened
[00] <%Carmen> I actually think Bidoof is cute now
[00] <%Carmen> ;_;
[00] <%SirRed> ...
[00] <%Rex> ...
[00] <@baratron> ...
[00] <@StellarWind> . . .
[00] <@StellarWind> PFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[00] <%Rex> Who ARE you?
[00] <%SirRed> Get out!
[00] <@baratron> Carmen *must* be ill.
[00] <%SirRed> I mean >>
[00] <%Rex> And what have you done with Carmen?
[00] <%Carmen> I-I don't know what HAPPENED ;_____________;
[00] <%Carmen> (Bibarel is still horrible though)

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
My brain at 6 AM:

[100]«SirRed» Oh, a show about huge houses in the middle of nowhere on Animal Planet?
[100]«SirRed» Yeah, that makes sense
[100]«SirRed» "And Tim built his beautiful mountain top mansion here, ruining the habitats of COUNTLESS animals. But what a bitching house Tim has. Amirite?"
·StellarWind· Yes.
·StellarWind· Now watch as the show evolves into a horror series
·StellarWind· about giant man-eating spider-goats.
·StellarWind· incidentally spider goats sound fucking adorable
·StellarWind· or at least adorabloodthirsty idk
[100]«SirRed» Depends on what purpose you are using them for
·StellarWind· for purposes of being spider goats.
·StellarWind· climbing impossible inclines and nibbling them slightly.
[100]«SirRed» And being distantly related to Sho
·StellarWind· (not to be confused with the Lesser Yodeling Spider Goat, A known menace of frozen mountains.)
·StellarWind· (the mountains have been complaining about the headaches from the yodeling)
·StellarWind· (that's why they're a menace.)
·StellarWind· (incidentally it is said that the lesser Yodeling Spider Goat was developed by crossing the wild and rare Goatarantula with Taylor Swift)
·StellarWind· ... She probably wrote a song about that breakup too
·StellarWind· ... except the yodeling spider goat in question still sings better than she does.
<quit> JoetheArachnid (JoetheArac@E8EC0CD3.116CAD16.138F83D7.IP) has QUIT 6:18am IST "Ping timeout"
[100]«SirRed» All this talk of spiders scared off the Arachnid
·StellarWind· Well he can just Goato-
·StellarWind· Yeah.
Referring to the Pottermore RP:

[22] <~Shocari> I should edit my posts to be British in grammar
[22] <~Shocari> just because
[22] <Carmen> I'm trying (and likely failing)
[22] <~Shocari> I was actually adding in "u"s to my text the other day when I was typing something
[22] <Tailon> just don't forget the "u"s and check with our British members every once in a while
[22] <~Shocari> didn't even notice
[22] <Shiny> I'll just end up butchering all the spelling and grammar XD
[22] <Carmen> We also should add in things about queues
[22] <~Shocari> queues
[22] <~Shocari> queues EVERYWHERE
[22] <Carmen> jk
[22] <~Shocari> going to the loo? QUEUE
[22] <~Shocari> movies? QUEUE
[22] <~Shocari> grocery sto-QUEUE
[22] <~Shocari> nice day for a barbe-QUEUE
[22] <Shiny> ....
[22] <Shiny> that last one was so punny it's almost
[22] <Shiny> nevermind
[22] <~Shocari> Indiana Jones and the QUEUE OF DEMISE
[22] * Carmen logs
[22] <~Shocari> Star Wars: A Queue'd Hope
[22] * ~Shocari is done now

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Corey» I probably have less money than quite a few hobos :p
·StellarWind· and yet you seem to be capable of affording internets!
[100]«Corey» I don't pay for internet
[100]«Corey» It's called sponging off my mother
·StellarWind· ahh. XD
[100]«Corey» Of my own money I have 82p xD
[100]«Corey» I could probably get a cheap chocolate bar for that and thats about it :p
·StellarWind· You could always use that to attract birds... then catch them, stitch them to yourself and transform into a really shitty horror movie monster..
·StellarWind· but hey, at least you could fly!
·StellarWind· ... with all the coordinated grace and beauty of a flock of pigeons stitched to a human, but hey
[100]«Corey» xDD
<quit> Corey (Mibbit@SystemNet-6A836177.as13285.net) has QUIT 10:21pm IST "Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· Oh gods, he's actually gone to try it, didn't he.
<join> Corey (Mibbit@SystemNet-6A836177.as13285.net) has JOINED #pokecharms 10:21pm IST
[100]«Corey» Nope
[100]«Corey» My internet just derped
·StellarWind· i like my version better
[100]«Corey» Yeah xD
·StellarWind· Disclaimer: StellarWind Elsydeon does not actually condone cruelty to animals. Except n00bs.
·StellarWind· They don't really count.
<DatSoul> One of the craftable weapons in Warframe is a flamethrower
<DatSoul> But because it is placed in the primary weapon slot, it can be upgraded with the same mods as rifles.
<DatSoul> Such as Cryo Rounds.
<DatSoul> That´s right, you can craft a flamethrower that freezes enemies.
<DatSoul> Fuck science.
<StellarWind> . . .
<StellarWind> well really
<StellarWind> you could treat it as frost burns
<StellarWind> xD


Former Moderator
[21] <Yoshimitsu> i just remembered i pulled a lesbian last night
[21] <~NickFury> I don't think gay works that way
[21] <Yoshimitsu> you'd be surprised

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Teapot» the current Apple TV is very much a streaming device
·StellarWind· ... why are they streaming Geordi's visor in this ep
[100]«Teapot» so you'd never actually have to sync it to iTunes ever
·StellarWind· good a reason as any
·StellarWind· Although I should hope that in the 24th century Apple is just an unhappy memory

Rinoa Heartilly

Mother of Meltans
[03] <%Rex> The lighting of these scene makes Tidus's face look like plastic.
[03] <charmergold> Hes a barbie girl
[03] <Tailon> in a barbie world
[03] <charmergold> face like plastic
[03] <charmergold> He's so spazztic
[03] <%Rex> ... I hate you both. XD


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Fun with /forcenick.


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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Tailon» in case you feel like having an aneurysm from the stupid and didn't know: http://24.media.tumblr.com/481db152dd11 ... o1_500.png
[100]«baratron» It CAN'T be 4% of people.
[100]«baratron» It must be 4% of people they surveyed.
·StellarWind· xD
[100]«Crunchy» Aw come on, if some surveyor seriously asked you 'do you think shape shifting reptiles control the world' wouldn't you be tempted to open your eyes wide and go 'oh yes! of course'
·StellarWind· pfff
·StellarWind· that would take a special brand of trolls, wouldn't it
[100]«Crunchy» Apparently 4% of people
[100]«Tailon» I can confirm that there is definitely a fairly large group of people that firmly believe the lizard thing
[100]«Tailon» in America
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· IN AMERICA!
[100]«P_M» Americans are idiots anyway
[100]«P_M» So very few of us actually have intellegence
·StellarWind· well
·StellarWind· I'm a shapeshifter
·StellarWind· but i'm most certainly NOT a lizard.
·StellarWind· ... and i have fuckall interest in ruling the world XD
·StellarWind· too much headache
·StellarWind· too much dealing with idiots
·StellarWind· I mean. I get a massive headache just dealing with the dumbfucks here
·StellarWind· THE WHOLE WORLD?
·StellarWind· why would I want to do this to myself? xD
[100]«Crunchy» It's just not likely. If lizards did run the world, you'd think they'd do a better job.
[100]«Crunchy» Two hours every morning would be allocated towards basking in the sun, for a start.
[100]«Crunchy» Imagine how much better the world would be. Aside from all the skin cancer.
[100]«DoctorOak» the lizard shit is just a cover for the Templars
[100]«Dwayna» No
[100]«Dwayna» I already have one planet
·StellarWind· ...
[100]«Dwayna» I don't need another one
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· Dwayna, you're not a lizard.
[100]«Dwayna» Close enough
[100]«Crunchy» http://www.elfwood.com/art/r/o/robljung ... aladin.jpg lizard templars?
·StellarWind· that's kind of an insult to lizards AND magical bullshit archosaurids at the same time.
·StellarWind· they don't like to be compared to each other
·StellarWind· usually.
·StellarWind· ... i mean, dragons always get offended when people call them Lizards.
·StellarWind· I know because Eddie Murphy was and Mushu is clearly the best dragon ever.
·StellarWind· (He doesn't do the tongue thing.)
[100]«Dwayna» :p
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· you just did that on purpose, didn't you
[100]«P_M» XD
·StellarWind· Okay. Fine.
·StellarWind· Dwyana Lizardfire it is then.
[100]«Dwayna» wait
[100]«Dwayna» what
[100]«Dwayna» oh
[100]«Dwayna» shit XD
·StellarWind· You are now a Charmander for all eternity.
·StellarWind· The end.
[100]«Dwayna» Cue Star Wars scream
[100]«Dwayna» No, that coincedence was unintentional
·StellarWind· Well you're still a charmander and this is getting logged faster than an amazonian rainforest on a good day.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Summer is the silly season here at Pokecharms Towers, and a number of really rather odd newbies have passed through our doors recently...

Revolving door n00b of d00m:
[18] * puppeh has joined #pokecharms
[18] <puppeh> Hellooo~
[18] <Corey> Hi
[18] * puppeh has quit (Imploded: Page closed)
[18] <baratron> ...
[18] <baratron> N00bs.
[18] <Corey> Was better than the last revolving door noob we had
[18] <Corey> Who just said pormn and left
[18] <baratron> "pormn"? Is that supposed to be "porn" or "Pokemon"?
[18] <baratron> Wow.
[18] <Corey> Probably porn
[18] <Corey> Or Poromon

The N00b who Did Not Survive Encounter with Stellarwind:
[23] * IluvSammurott has joined #pokecharms
[23] <IluvSammurott> Hi :3
[23] * StellarWind waves a blade appendage.
[23] <IluvSammurott> Are you a girl ?
[23] <StellarWind> .... I'm a shapeshifting, biomechanical blade appendage'd entity from beyond the scope of your existence. Your definitions of biological sex and/or gender do not apply.
[23] * IluvSammurott has left #pokecharms
[23] <baratron> You love... Damn.
[23] <StellarWind> xD
[23] <baratron> I was going to say that it loved Samurott so much that it didn;t know how to spell it.
[23] <KoL> You know, having a username like "ILuvSamurott" is not going to get you laid
[23] <KoL> So why even ask that?
[23] <StellarWind> xD

This one is "crazy":
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> Hello Everyone
[22] <Shadow> hi
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> It's my first time on here so... yeah
[22] <Teapot> Hey Psychic_Jester_ :)
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> :)
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> If u guys are wondering about my nickname (i've been asked this many timez) I am not psychic but i'm in psychic training.
[22] <DoctorOak> ...
[22] <DoctorOak> I swear
[22] <DoctorOak> I feel like I'm fucking going mad
[22] <Teapot> um
[22] <Teapot> okay
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> ...030
[22] <Teapot> we weren't planning to ask
[22] <Adam> or maybe he's pulling our leg because he's a jester
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> no. i'm not joking. But i am pretty funny when i am not trying
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> ...
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> i hate how crazy people think i am
[22] <Teapot> you're not really helping yourself
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> ...
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> huh?
[22] <Teapot> rolling into a random chatroom and spouting these things is not a good way to get people to like you.
[22] <Adam> PJ, bro
[22] <Adam> Imagine walking into a room of 15 adults
[22] <Adam> doing their own thing
[22] <Adam> and then you're standing in the middle shouting this

Then, a bit later,
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> Ok you pronounce Psychic as sigh-kick in case you don't know how to say it
[22] <DoctorOak> .
[22] <DoctorOak> .
[22] <DoctorOak> .
[22] <DoctorOak> I'm trying to hate you to death my my mind thoughts right now
[22] <DoctorOak> let me know if it works

This guy thinks Pokecharms might be a dating service:
[23] * PkmnTrainerGold has joined #pokecharms
[23] <baratron> Alex has gone to bed so we can post them, hehehe
[23] <PkmnTrainerGold> Post what?
[23] <PkmnTrainerGold> PORN? :DDD
[23] <PkmnTrainerGold> XD
[23] <PkmnTrainerGold> I'm just kidding
[23] <Teapot> Don't get excited.
[23] <Teapot> [23:56:13] @baratron: There were a couple of EPICS in the Not Always sites today.
[23] <PkmnTrainerGold> How do I sign up?
[23] <KoL> Hey Dway
[23] <Dwayna> Hello
[23] <Dwayna> Dear :3
[23] <P_M> Hey Lady Dwayna and Son
[23] <Dwayna> Hello Sir Brian
[23] <baratron> hi Dwayna
[23] <PkmnTrainerGold> I WANT A GIRLFRIEND ;-;
[23] <SirRed> Okay? >>
[23] <Dwayna> Heya HL
[23] * baratron has kicked PkmnTrainerGold from #pokecharms (We're not a dating service, kiddo. )

Any chance of some nice, normal newbies on the chat?
Last edited:


Former Moderator
[22] <Psychic_Jester_> Ok you pronounce Psychic as sigh-kick in case you don't know how to say it
[22] <DoctorOak> .
[22] <DoctorOak> .
[22] <DoctorOak> .
[22] <DoctorOak> I'm trying to hate you to death my my mind thoughts right now
[22] <DoctorOak> let me know if it works

That's the best thing I've read all day

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Carmen Lopez said:
[17] * Red (4f81922a@h-B1A526A5.home.otenet.gr) has joined #pokecharms
[17] <%SirRed> :|
[17] * Red (4f81922a@h-B1A526A5.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Imploded: Page closed)

That's my boy! :'D

And then this happened:

[18] KoL I think we can all agree that Tamers was the best Digimon series
[18] Carmen Yeah
[18] Carmen and one that the dub didn't kill
[18] KoL Anyone who thinks otherwise is banned
[18] P_M Actually I liked Adventure 01 better, but Tamers is a very close second
[18] P_M Shit
[18] =-= YOU (P_M) have been booted from #pokecharms by KoL (Get out)

I realized too late the fallacy I had committed.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Carmen» I've never heard that expression
[100]«Carmen» Act like a knob
[100]«Corey» I think Porygon Z needs to repair us all ;-;
[100]«DoctorOak» like a penis
[100]«DoctorOak» like a phallus
[100]«DoctorOak» like a cock
[100]«DoctorOak» like a weiner
·StellarWind· like a PINGAS
·StellarWind· touched for the very first tiiiiiiiiiime~
[100]«DoctorOak» LIKE A VIRGIN
·StellarWind· wait
[100]«DoctorOak» HOOOU
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· XDDDDDDD
[100]«Corey» :|

Madonna x2 Combo!


[100]«Corey» I like how my shopping receipt says Ice Cream, BJ, Biscuits, Biscuits, Biscuits, Biscuits, Biscuits
·StellarWind· . . .
·StellarWind· you can -shop- for those now?
[100]«Zeroru» Oh, and don't forget biscuits!
[100]«Teapot» well yes
·StellarWind· good grief, this planet
[100]«Teapot» five dorrah, and all that
·StellarWind· xDDD
[100]«Karu» XD
[100]«Corey» £3 actually ;D
[100]«Zeroru» It's the planet of awezumness
[100]«Karu» XD !
[100]«Corey» With my friends Ben and Jerry
[100]«Teapot» Corey, if you're only spending £3, I'd be wary of what you get in return.
[100]«Zeroru» Something tainted lol
[100]«Karu» If you're lucky xD
[100]«Corey» xD
[100]«Rain» you can shop for BJs?
·StellarWind· how did darkspawn get into it....
[100]«Rain» ....EW
[100]«Zeroru» Ok wow...
[100]«Rain» darkspawn bjs D:
[100]«Rain» icky poopoo
·StellarWind· ... no.
·StellarWind· XD
[100]«Corey» It's Ben and Jerry's ;-;
[100]«Zeroru» You DID NOT seriously say that lol
[100]«Karu» Ben & Jeryy's Darkspawn BJs?
[100]«Karu» *Jerry's
[100]«Corey» Maybe ;-;
[100]«Rain» So Ben and Jerry became Darkspawn and gave BJs?
[100]«Karu» No no no
·StellarWind· oh my gods this channel..
[100]«Karu» They're the pimps
[100]«Rain» OHHHH
[100]«Rain» they sell them
[100]«Rain» OH GOD OH GOD
[100]«Rain» I'm suing
[100]«Rain» ...sueing?
[100]«Zeroru» It is the channel of teh awezum
[100]«Rain» suing.
[100]«Corey» It doesn't help that the flavour was Karamel Sutra ;-;
·StellarWind· ..............
[100]«Karu» XD
[100]«Teapot» ladies and gentlemen, WE CROSSED THE------------------
[100]«Zeroru» Woooooooow
[100]«Teapot» ...
[100]«Karu» Thud without rhythm, Stel.
[100]«Teapot» You know what
[100]«Teapot» I'm done.
[100]«Teapot» That's it, chat's over. Go home, everyone.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
We're so mature over at #pokecharms...

[20] <Yoshimitsu> i wonder when we'll start getting 3D porn
[20] <StellarWind> El: It probably exists already
[20] <Corey> Probably
[20] <Yoshimitsu> do i have to wear stupid glasses to watch it? because i'm not doing that
[20] <Yoshimitsu> i don't want special porn glasses i mean seriously
[20] <StellarWind> ... pfffff
[20] <StellarWind> porn glasses: Rule-34-o-Vision
[20] * baratron ROTFL at "special porn glasses"
[20] <Yoshimitsu> thing is how awkward would it be
[20] <Yoshimitsu> you need to quickly minimize everything because family arrive but you forget the glasses and your mum walks in
[20] <Yoshimitsu> and you have the glasses on
[20] <Yoshimitsu> and you have to pokerface
[20] <Yoshimitsu> but she's just =|
[20] <StellarWind> "JUDGING YOU."
[20] <Yoshimitsu> and slowly backs out of the room again
[20] <Yoshimitsu> five minutes later you hear a shout of "GET A BOYFRIEND ALREADY"
[20] <Yoshimitsu> and just sit there in shame
[20] <StellarWind> ... XDDDDDDDDDD
[20] <Corey> xD
[20] <Yoshimitsu> ... i kind of went on a tangent with that one


Former Moderator
[21:53] * Tailon (cfd580fb@5DEDFDB3.1F4FD38.AD709CB5.IP) has joined #pokecharms
[21:53] <@baratron> I'm reading a chemistry blog called Things I Won't Work With, and the most recent post involves "during this period explosions frequently occur".
[21:53] <Tailon> what an oddly hectic morning

Perfect timing is perfect


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
[07:42] * Clubs has joined #pokecharms
[07:42] * Clubs slides into chat with a coffee and too many files
[07:42] <baratron> Hi El
[07:42] <StellarWind> i read that as 'too many flies'
[07:42] <Clubs> again?
[07:43] <StellarWind> YES, AGAIN.
[07:43] <Rex> El is The Lord of the Flies.
[07:43] <StellarWind> What can I say? I can't help but picture you wlaking itno the channel surrounded by a cloud of angry dipterans

[07:54] <baratron> Users in chat
[07:54] <StellarWind> mm?
[07:54] <baratron> "baratron, Clubs, DoctorOak, Rex, StellarWind, Tailon Yoshimitsu"
[07:54] <StellarWind> yeah
[07:55] <baratron> I didn't know that Tailon Yoshimitsu was a single person.
[07:55] <StellarWind> there was a Teapot Yoshimitsu once
[07:55] <StellarWind> El fusion dances with EVERYTHING
<StellarWind> "TL;DR version follows. The dish ran away with the spoon to start a trading company in the Carribean, made billions, then retired to raise half a dozen soup ladles. The company fell under the control of the legendary Deaf-Mute prophets who foresaw the rise of cheese prices in New Jersey and proceeded to make it happen for moar street cred.
<StellarWind> This sparked a global panic that lasted three seconds, before the people realised they can get their cheese elsewhere. The implications on the economical balance would have been profound, but then, SUDDENLY, SPACE ROBOTS.
<StellarWind> And that is how the world was saved from the cheesiest crisis ever.
<StellarWind> I could tell you all about my intricate involvement in this great crisis of a gaLACTIC scale, but then I'd have to cream you. You'd butter not ask about it, really. It's not like it has much impact on your dairy lives.
<StellarWind> Yeah. I milked that one for all it's worth. Any more would probably lead to intolerance. "
<StellarWind> ... then Potato replied with the obvious "Don't have a cow, man."
<StellarWind> "Well there was a pun that was udderly expected. It behooves me to reply with another perdictable one you've most likely already herd and would probably consider a load of bull. Although that may just be a MOOt point. (Oh dear, did I just create a Plot Holestein?) "
<DatSoul> What an interesting Saga, Stel.
<DatSoul> Writing all that is an impressive feta.
<StellarWind> It's gouda stuff.
<StellarWind> And the best part it, i told it in Brie-f
<DatSoul> You´re the man-chego.
<StellarWind> Well, ya know me. I cannot resist the Sirene call of terrible puns.
<DatSoul> If we keep going on like this it´ll become a Muenster of a post
<StellarWind> Yeah, maybe we shouldn't breach that particular Edam
<StellarWind> It has a whey of getting out of hand
<DatSoul> It´s always nice to have a Chanco to make puns.
<Yoshimitsu> i think you guys are getting a bit cheesey with the puns now
<StellarWind> Roquefort-solid logic there
<StellarWind> (In the immortal words of Tim Minchin, I cannot camambert it anymore!)

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
[100]«Carmen» Jeu Cloudbreath ^^
·StellarWind· ...
·StellarWind· CARMI
·StellarWind· IN FRENCH
[100]«Carmen» I did?
[100]«Carmen» xD
[100]«Teapot» ...
[100]«Carmen» *Hey
·StellarWind· And here I thought that was impossible
·StellarWind· because
·StellarWind· y'know
·StellarWind· they'd surrender before they lose
[100]«Teapot» PFFFT
[01:28] <~StellarWind> WHY IS THERE NO MEGA LAPRAS YET
[01:28] <~StellarWind> bastards
[01:29] <Shiny> if there is one sometime
[01:29] <Shiny> please don't ruin it Dx
[01:29] <Nightfrost> Lanturns QQ
[01:29] * Shiny pats Shado XD
[01:29] * Nightfrost curls up in the corner.
[01:29] <%SirRed> I want some crazy, four headed Lapras
[01:29] <%SirRed> With two shells and a chest spike
[01:30] * SirRed was kicked by baratron (No.)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
[18:41]Shinyalso yeah all my crushes, save for my random one on Art when I first came on 'Charms, were all people I knew in real life |D
[18:42]DemelzaI've never really had crushes to be honest
[18:42]Shiny(and then this one happened a few weeks ago ugh makeitstop)
[18:42]P_Mread that as Shiny has a crush on Magikarp XD
[18:42]StellarWind. . .
[18:42]RexWe actually have a noob named Magikarp now.
[18:43]P_MThere ya go
[18:43]RexSo that makes it even better.
[18:43]StellarWindoh my zarquius XD
[18:43]P_MIt was ment to be
[18:43]Shinyoh my gosh
[18:43]Shinyno arghhhhhh
[18:43]StellarWindWhen's the weeding?
[18:43]P_MIn the sping
[18:43]Shinylaser-fans ALL OF YOU
[18:43]StellarWind(i say weeding because this is such a crack ship it can only be a drug)
[18:43]MrRMAIf you're gonna have a n00b, that's the useless fish to call it
[18:43]P_MIt's too cold for weeds now
[18:43]ShinyI am so done with you guys D<
[18:44]MrRMAlove you too
[18:44]Demelzahugs Shiny :<
[18:44]Shinyclings to Dem-nee ;;
[18:44]StellarWind....And thus
[18:44]StellarWindShiny and Magikarp begat the Red Gyarados
[18:44]StellarWindSO SAYETH THE LEGEND
[18:45]StellarWindTHUS IT IS WRITTEN
[18:45]StellarWindTHUS SHALL BE 100% DONE WITH ALL OF YOU.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
·StellarWind· see
·StellarWind· the sad thing is
·StellarWind· that I just have this PERFECT mental image
[100]«Shiny» will Stel draw it
·StellarWind· My sparkle-fu is not powerful enough to draw Shoujo-style nonsense!
[100]«MrRMA» Wonder if RX would ever take up such a feat...
[100]«Shiny» can we not
[100]«Shiny» :<
·StellarWind· "Koiking-chan~"
·StellarWind· ooh mister darcy ooh
[100]«Shiny» ....
·StellarWind· I'md one
·StellarWind· XD
* Shiny barfs
·StellarWind· Holy shit, i've just literally managed to trigger allergic reaction with imaginary shojo panels!
·StellarWind· that's a new one, even for me!
[100]«P_M» XD
* StellarWind collects the EXP
[100]«Shiny» -and I'm usually the one obsessing over shoujo stuff-
·StellarWind· I KNOW
·StellarWind· that makes this a DOUBLE FEAT!
[100]«Shiny» ugh
