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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nah it's ok. Salem is really lucky the virus was making Arrow much less controlled and accurate than usual.

Now don't get me wrong I have no issue with human's dodging pokemon or even if highly trained, temporarily holding their own. I was just saying that in Arrows case cause hes a very experienced pokemon (if it was a game he would be very high lv)

Psh, I've done a full playthrough of Pokemon Dark with just a Salem in my party at low level. He dominates pokemon pretty fast if you give him the right move sets.

Just don't leave him at the breeding center or you end up with a ton of eggs.
I figured. There is no real contest here, but no matter how high your level, or perhaps even because of it, you can be surprised by a lesser opponent. It also helps that Salem uses Arrow's own momentum against him because there would be no contest in strength I'm sure.
As it should be clear from the scene, The only reason Salem is managing to hold him down for these few seconds is because the Pokemon is put in a awkward position where he can't really utilize all his strength properly.

And I know that Sceptiles are crazy fast Pokemon, so I chose to make it that Salem anticipated the attack and acted first. He was already jumping before Arrow began his swing. If not for that he'd have had no hope in avoiding the attack.
Gotta say also that Salem is coming across far more martial trained than I had originally given him credit for. I take it he has been trained since very young in the Island style of martial arts. I had origonaly placed him around Apollo's level although now I see he would take Apollo apart.

I still place him below Lin, Mathew, and Erejast though.

Lin only cause her instincts and reflexes are literally honed to peak human levels from spending so many years in the wild running with wild pokemon.

Mathew and Erejast only because they are both natural born killers with incredible talent and years more experience than Salem under their belts.
If you don't mind editing your post Ny you can go ahead and do much more severe damage to Lin. It adds more drama hits Arrow harder and gives a reason to take her to camp and Aidiana
Salem, like most boys on the island have been practicing the arts from a young age. It's something to keep the boys busy so long as they're not old enough to help with the hunt yet. Later it's actually one of the main forms of entertainment because Pokemon are more used to utility purposes and companions rather than battles.

Salem is not an intellectual fighter. His uncle and mentor noticed this pretty early on and made sure to drill the boy so that his body at least knew how to react to threats. All Salem has to do consciously is try to complete the locks and maintain the restraints/holds. His chances of success drop dramatically past the opening moves :D
If you don't mind editing your post Ny you can go ahead and do much more severe damage to Lin. It adds more drama hits Arrow harder and gives a reason to take her to camp and Aidiana
Alright, if you say so... Want a second mouth in her throat? or perhaps have her hold her stomach closed? What are you thinking with more severe?
Hmm a good solid diagonal slash from her shoulder down should do. Or just rip open her back. Enough that she is not going to die instantly but without medical treatment she will not last long
Alright, i'll see what I can do.

Edit: Okay I've spiced up the drama a bit more. Lin's really wounded now. I highlighted the edits in blue so you don;t have to read the entire entry again.
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Okay I'm happy to be considered at least, Once I've read the last few pages of the roleplay I'll get back to you guys with a polished off character. Now I see that one of the first posts tepig made was no Op Pokémon so I need to ask does Tyrantrum come under that? I was thinking that due to the huge disadvantage of him being too large to be out of his Pokéball in small spaces and the fact he is easily spotted by wild Pokémon and potential threats. Just wanted a heads up before I go any further so I don't waste time :)
Now I see that one of the first posts tepig made was no Op Pokémon so I need to ask does Tyrantrum come under that?
You know, I was kinda hoping no one would point out the existence of that Pokemon for the duration of this RP because I can so imagine Astral simply dying to throw a wild version of that into the mix and have us reenact scenes from Jurassic Park... I mean, that's exactly the kind of drama and terror she's aiming for with this set up.
You know, I was kinda hoping no one would point out the existence of that Pokemon for the duration of this RP because I can so imagine Astral simply dying to throw a wild version of that into the mix and have us reenact scenes from Jurassic Park... I mean, that's exactly the kind of drama and terror she's aiming for with this set up.
I kinda wanna see the scene with the truck sliding down a muddy slope in the middle of a storm, except with a team rocket grunt and a Tyrantrum instead of a raptor. For comical relief purposes of course.
Jurassic park nah. More resident Evil maybe :\=|:
Well Jurassic Park is an awesome classic, befitting the theme of this RP. (so long as you ignore the existence of all sequels)
Resident Evil just not so much. Aside from the first game isn't actually that good, and lets not even begin on those movies :p

But things are getting a bit too dark, let's light up the mood a bit with this shall we? :D

Seriously though. Jurassic Park has one of the best music themes ever composed.
John Williams is a legend.

I didn't see what was the problem with a Tyrantum the first time around. The only real prejudice we have around here are owning legendary Pokemon. If your character works for Devon and a Tyrantum fossil was available it makes it perfectly reasonable for your character to have it, I don't see why you couldn't have brought it along. This is with the intent of a tournament, you'd want to bring your trump card along.

I'd say bringing a Tyrantum in a situation like this would be a huge handicap, instead of it being overpowered. How in the heck would that thing navigate through the jungle without drawing attention to itself, or even move at all? I see a lot more disadvantages than advantages really, so, I would've been fine with the Tyrantum.

I still place him below Lin, Mathew, and Erejast though.

Lin only cause her instincts and reflexes are literally honed to peak human levels from spending so many years in the wild running with wild pokemon.
Also while I'm going off of technicalities, I'd like to state that even if Lin has all these super senses, she's still untrained and lacking in any real fighting technique. Plus, she would've lost in terms of muscle mass and size, given she's only 5'2 and proportionately heavy. She would've been overpowered by Salem, who is 5'10, physically fit (as sturdy as she is), and trained in combat. Lin wouldn't be able to challenge a man's raw strength head on, unless she's equipped with tools such as knives or spears. In that case, it's a whole different story because it wouldn't be fair ground.

That is to say, no woman is making the top 3 for deadliest humans.

EDIT: Change Top 3 Deadliest Humans to Top 3 Combat Skill.
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Ah! I remember using one of these in my Pokemon Pearl game. Bastiodon is an absolute tank, it can take hits extremely well, but not really dish them out as much.

'Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries.' -Pokedex Entry

I really wouldn't know to be honest. SUPERRNOVAA, what's the deal with Tyrantrum's? How obtainable would those be?
The only way you can get them is from fossils, so they probably would only be available to players that are part of research groups or have high excavating skills. Fossil Pokemon have to be resurrected, so the player in question would also probably have to have some ties to a big company or have a lab in their basement.

Also while I'm going off of technicalities, I'd like to state that even if Lin has all these super senses, she's still untrained and lacking in any real fighting technique. Plus, she would've lost in terms of muscle mass and size, given she's only 5'2 and proportionately heavy. She would've been overpowered by Salem, who is 5'10, physically fit (as sturdy as she is), and trained in combat. Lin wouldn't be able to challenge a man's raw strength head on, unless she's equipped with tools such as knives or spears. In that case, it's a whole different story because it wouldn't be fair ground.

That is to say, no woman is making the top 3 for deadliest humans.

She'd kick Floyd's behind, that's for sure.
I didn't see what was the problem with a Tyrantum the first time around. The only real prejudice we have around here are owning legendary Pokemon. If your character works for Devon and a Tyrantum fossil was available, I don't see why you couldn't have brought it along. This is with the intent of a tournament, you'd want to bring your trump card along.

I'd say bringing a Tyrantum in a situation like this now would be a huge handicap, instead of it being overpowered. How in the heck would that thing navigate through the jungle without drawing attention to itself, or even move at all? I see a lot more disadvantages than advantages really, so, I would've been fine with the Tyrantum.

Also while I'm going off of technicalities, I'd like to state that even if Lin has all these super senses, she's still untrained and lacking in any real fighting technique. Plus, she would've lost in terms of muscle mass and size, given she's only 5'2 and proportionately heavy. She would've been overpowered by Salem, who is 5'10, physically fit (as sturdy as she is), and trained in combat. Lin wouldn't be able to challenge a man's raw strength head on, unless she's equipped with tools such as knives or spears. In that case, it's a whole different story because it wouldn't be fair ground.

That is to say, no woman is making the top 3 for deadliest humans.
Pen I thank you for the consideration but I belive the reason the Tyrantrum was rejected is that there is to be some Jurassic park moment later on that involves one
That is to say, no woman is making the top 3 for deadliest humans.
I have to disagree with the way you phrase this. You don't have to be good in a straight up confrontation to be deadly. I imagine Lin to be one of the most ruthless people on the island and with enhanced reflexes and a knife she'll easily rake in the bodies. Likewise I don't imagine Cassie having too much of a issue with permanently putting someone down. Probably through some clever tactic or use of trap. Heck even Aidinia will make some casualties if she keeps exposing those perfect breasts of her the way she's doing. She's going to make Salem feint from blood loss at this rate.

That said, Salem's style is defensive and focuses on subduing. He's not properly equipped to kill, even if he would ever consider doing it. Although a Scyther sword helps quite a bit ;)
I have to disagree with the way you phrase this. You don't have to be good in a straight up confrontation to be deadly. I imagine Lin to be one of the most ruthless people on the island and with enhanced reflexes and a knife she'll easily rake in the bodies. Likewise I don't imagine Cassie having too much of a issue with permanently putting someone down. Probably through some clever tactic or use of trap. Heck even Aidinia will make some casualties if she keeps exposing those perfect breasts of her the way she's doing. She's going to make Salem feint from blood loss at this rate.

That said, Salem's style is defensive and focuses on subduing. He's not properly equipped to kill, even if he would ever consider doing it. Although a Scyther sword helps quite a bit ;)
Yeah, I did phrase it wrong. I meant to say... Combat skill? Top combat skill, but it didn't come to me at the time. Lin is still plenty deadly, but in her own way that isn't comparable to the others.
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